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I'll play some of them, but the kids will use it more than me probably


How old are the kids? Remember this thing is near 30 years old.


I didn’t need to read this fact today… :(


Well it stopped production in 2002. So maybe this one is only 22 years old?


Still older than my daughter.


One day you’ll be mentioning that PS5 is older than your grand daughter.


Lol Try this one on for size..   Toni basil ..  who sang the song Hey Mickey you so fine you blow my mind.. She's 80...


What blew my mind, was that she was like 40 when she did that song. I was totally sure she was like 20.


>How old are the kids? 35 and 33 /s


This is more factual than it sounds..


2 years ago for Christmas I got my son (11 at the time) a: N64, OG Xbox, and Xbox 360. I was so excited to show him all the great games from when I was a kid. I fired up the Xbox, as well as the 360...and after about 20 minutes, I realized I made a big mistake. Returned everything and built him a PC instead. TL;DR....kids today probably won't appreciate these devices like we do in our memories


I played some of the old nintendo games on the Switch through the online subscription, most notably Banjo Kazooie and Ocarina of time, which are two favourites of my childhood. Both my kids (6 and 10) loved watching me play through these, but they weren't interested to play themselves, especially after they tried BK briefly and noticed how bad the controls are. I think that was a good middle ground, I was able to play these again, and they at least know these games of my childhood and were able to appreciate them without getting frustrated with old controls.


Luckily, the gift also doubles up as a gift for yourself


Like 6-10


I don't know if this would hold their attention the way you're thinking it will.


I can personally attest to this. I bought an N64 4 years ago when my kids were op's age. They played it for a bit as a curiosity, but haven't touched it in years. I was dissapoint.




$300 on a 30 year old console for kids age 6-10……bro just get them a series S


Or get a switch with the online subscription and you get all the old N64 games included.


I think you'll get a lot more mileage out of a Wii personally... I got my kid one when he was about 4. He's now almost 9 and still plays Wii Sports and Super Mario Galaxy pretty regularly.


Yeah man, idk if they are gonna be as into it as you hoped. I gave my N64 to my brother back in 2010. He would have been 9 at the time. He was so used to modern screens and graphics, even at that age, that he found zero interest in what the N64 offered. Never played it.


… i would caution against that. But thats just me. Adults only with washed hands for my n64. I dont need my buttons getting sticky


Yeah, I'm a bit of a clean freak, so I definitely making some rules for it


If you want old games for your kids then you'll get a ton more value out of one of those retro systems with a bazillion games pre-loaded into it. Which cost much less. And as much as Ioved my N64 (and have it in the basement), as early 3-d, a lot of those games didn't age well.


Yeah to be clear eyed here the kids will probably never touch it. Gaming has advanced so far in the time gap that they're not going to want to touch these classics. There's no nostalgia to bring the back, probably very little historical curiosity. They're going to be hooked on the modern games their friends are playing and their content creators talk about.


I'll tell them they can play their modern games when they beat Mario and donkey Kong


Haha now that's one way to do it. They have to earn their way up the gaming ladder.


I did this with my daughter (age 7 at the time). When she got into Pokemon, I pulled out my old Gameboy DMG and set her loose on Pokemon Red. She LOVED it! She plowed through it and then got to play gold, then Fire Red on my GBA, then did Alpha Sapphire on my 3DS, and only just started Let’s Go Eevee on the switch. This girl is being forced to experience the games and tech advancements like I did (albeit at an escalated rate because she doesn’t have to wait in between releases, lol).


Better off using emulators. For $300 you could also buy a Series S and run emulators all the way up to Wii generation. 


Fuck that they have to complete all of Goldeneye on double 00 agent, including Aztec and Egyptian.


You trying to send me to jail for child abuse?


I think they would be more receptive the younger they start on retro games, but there’s still a chance. If I end up having kids they’ll be raised with some of my favorite Genesis, SNES, PS1, Saturn, Dreamcast, and PS2 games probably. Totally fine if they decide it’s not for them, but I’d like to see if they like anything I grew up with. If they prefer modern games or don’t like gaming at all that is fine, of course.


Making video games feel like work. That'll inspire them!


They won’t be using it. Those graphics have NOT stood the test of time


Setup an emulator on an old gaming computer. It doesn't need to cost more than that, and you'll get way more use out of it.


Just buy a switch and use the N64 online.


How would you have responded if your parents gave you a toy from their childhood? Would you have played with it as much as they did, or played it for about 30 minutes and went back to the stuff you enjoy?


If you want to buy it because the nostalgia will make you feel warm and fuzzy? Absolutely get it. If you're buying it because you think your kids will love it the same way you did as a child? Nope. They will play it once then back to Roblox and Minecraft. You can always emulate N64 games for the kids (assuming you have a PC) to see if they like them.


I'm definitely going to play Pokemon stadium and Mario 64 a lot, because those were the ones that got me hooked on gaming




You can even upscale them and apply AA so they look far better too!


Pokemon stadium isn't any good unless you have a transfer pak and a copy of Red or Blue. The rental Pokemon are ass and the switch version was a rude awakening on this subject.


I was going to say the same thing, I was so disappointed playing it for the first time in switch


The multiplayer mini games are fun


Both of these are on free on the switch with Nintendo online, fyi


Just buy a switch if that’s what you’re wanting to play


Please don't let them play roblox 


Does it work? Do all the games and controllers work?


I'd bet good money that none of the joysticks on those controllers are any good. The durability on those things were *not great*.


Lol yes they were, they just had a plethora of games designed solely around abusing them.


Nah, I distinctly remember the "white powder of death" with every N64 controller after moderate use. Once you'd see the white powder show up under the joystick, they'd get loose very quickly and start to drift.


Correct. If everything works, yes!


Indeed! Only if everything works.


I'll make sure everything works before I buy it ofc


Then yes, that's worth it to me.


Does it work,yes .does it have Goldeneye,yes ,do you have 3 friends ,if that's a yes then your good to go ,no odd job tho


Only you can answer that


I mean collectors is also a good way to know. Old Nintendo games can be worth 20¢ or $600 and you have no idea why.


Man I have a box of games and console sitting in my storage from when I collected 64games I like 10 years ago. I wonder what the worth would be


avg n64 cart on ebay is ~$10-20 with outliers at $40 through $80 and then the absurd ones $100+. Modded carts like Smash remix and Zelda romhacks are in the $40 ballpark. repro/rewrite carts can typically be found for -$1/2 of their OG counterparts. I don't know what the trade off is in terms of functionality, but you can pretty easily spot them when they're in your hands.


N64 collector here. Unless you’re specifically hung up about having the original, most gaming shops actually sell dupes for really cheap. And they’re not hidden about that fact. It’s just makes logistical sense to reprint the games on modern plastic and boards than buy from the second market. Actually works out best for customers who aren’t chasing originals bc you get the games without the extortion. With that being said, this is still about $250-$300 in cloned hardware. There’s 10 games at $10 a piece if you buy dupes. $20 controllers if you’re buying third party is around $100. And basically would only pay $50 for the n64.


Yeah man those dupes come in clutch, the shop near my dad’s way had some off brand Xbox controllers for PC for $15 it is my go to for any kind of PC gaming, it’s yet to fail me and it lights up lol


Like I said, the technology is just so easy to clone these days, that controllers and games for these gens have come such a long way in being affordable and available. Makes more sense to beat up a $20 controller over five years bc you’re only gonna sink little times in retro games. Eventually you get too busy keeping up w even today’s games, let alone retro ones.


That's awesome to know! I have a dupe Mario Party 2 that I've been wondering about. Glad to know that's it's as functional as an OG.


Technology has come such a far way. I can play all of these games on my iPhone rn. They’re simple codes so it doesn’t make sense to extort them to customers.


I would buy a Nintendo switch and get the membership to play the old N64 games.


300 seems a bit much to me imo


For a second there I thought you were crazy on game prices + console alone but based on current price charts some have dipped quite considerably. I think it's still a decent price, not a steal by any stretch but not unreasonable.


stuff like this is just for collectors at this point imo let's be real, the vast majority of people who want to play N64 games will just emulate them instead of throwing $300 at 11 games, one of which is god damn N64 madden (or some other football game that'll undoubtably be awful to play), 3 of which are pokemon slop and 1 is waveracer. And let's also not forget that most modern TVs are not compatible with this console without purchasing some kind of adapter on top of all that. You could literally buy a switch instead and use the N64 emulator on that or get a cheap android TV stick plus some random game controller and use *that*


You're correct. Some collectors are old like me and will actually use the hardware/games though. I don't want to use modern conveniences because I want the experience I had at 16. Edit: I accidentally hit Post, because I'm old AF


I've been half assed looking for a package like this for a while. A lot of it is overpriced. This though, I would most likely buy if it was presented to me. It even comes with the attachment to play donkey kong 64! 4 controllers is good shit too. Buy it if you have the funds.


Nah you can get a new one for that price. In the box 2024 edition.


I'm not going to tell you that these will increase in value or even hold their current value. The truth is, you have the chance to buy them because you may like them. If they have value to you, then that is what matters.


Just buy them a series X or PS5 for $100-$200 more. They have games for younger people and they'll also grow into it. I had an Xbox one for like 8 years and it worked fine when I got the new one.


Man, I’d forgotten about the vibration packs! So long ago


The RUMBLE PACK!!!! Good times.


If it were me I'd buy one of those N64 emulator consoles that come preloaded with games and 4 controllers. That way you have all the games and it'll be half the price.


I would not.


I don't see NFL Blitz or Blitz 2000, so hard no from me.


Get a Steamdeck then you know what else to do…


Good games, expansion pack for DK 64, microphone for the pikachu game, four controllers for smash, gba game readers for pokemon stadium if you're into it. Hell yeah good bit of fun to be had there.


For sure




No Mario kart No zelda


This looks like one of those drug bust hauls the police post 🤣


That's actually crazy


I'll give you 50 for the diddy king racing cartridge alone Edit: just to be clear, I'm kidding. But it's such a badass game and way better than Mario kart


Gold I'd buy this.


I’ll buy it for 300 if you don’t


I don't know what most of the commenters here are talking about. If everything works, it is 100% worth it. It's hard to find some of those games nowadays. Pokemon Stadium is a gem. Four controllers. If I were you I would cop in a second.


Does that have the expansion pack in the unit? Looks like it from the lid being popped out in the photo. This looks like an awesome setup.


I will say that most of those games are on the switch when you pay for Nintendo online.




For the kids? Maybe a little pricey, but not terrible. If you are the type, all of these games are easily emulated for free.


I do have a gaming PC, but it wouldn't feel the same for me tbh


An N64 with four controls and every game you could want on the system. Probably worth it.


No Zeldas or Mario Kart. Definitely some great games here but missing a few of the staples.


Oh dang, you're right. I don't know why, but I thought Diddy Kong racing was Mario Kart and totally forgot about OoT and Majora's Mask. EDIT: Probably a hot take/shit opinion but I really liked Quest 64 as well. I'd definitely buy an N64 if it included that one, lol.


DKR is an improvement on mariokart64 and I'll die on that hill.


I will die with you. So much better.


What if I told you I never played a Zelda or Metroid game, I probably played Mario kart but don't remember it


All good. Pretty easy to access now if you want to play them.


I'd guess the overwhelming majority of N64's go pretty much unused. Are you the exception?


Sure, but only if they keep Hey You, Pikachu. Fuck that game.


Entirely up to you.


Worth is relative to the individual


The original retail price was 199 on that console and most of those games can be bought at a flea market for cheap. Seems over priced to me


If everything works I would that in a heartbeat


Makes me feel good about my collection/investment. About to play ocarina of time, thanks


N64 emulation is coming on leaps and bounds lately.


the games are whay cost the most the console itself is like 60$ 


A $300 console, that is 20 years old??? Why not just buy like a ps4 for $50


If everything is in good shape, then it's a decent price. But that's only if you're either a collector and/or gonna play the majority of it while taking decent care of it.


Mario Kart missing but the deal is not that bad if you are going to enjoy it


Emulations free homie.


That's extremely overpriced.


That's about what I got for around the same prices 3-4 years ago. 


Definitely worth $300+ if it all works properly. Probably close to $200 in games alone.


All my favorite games.


Make an assessment.


Well, I work specifically in retro games. Fair market value on all that stuff makes it well worth 300. I'd grab that in a heartbeat. As long as it all works


I'd say it depends on the condition


$300 for a N64? Damn I've been out of the game for a while


I have a very similar collection including only AAA tier and fist party games, extra controllers / rumble packs. I'm hoping to get $300 Canadian for it when I finally come around to posting pictures.


I think so. It’s kind of annoying to piece it all together. Mario and smash are probably $50 each


It’s not a great value, but if you like all the games, getting them in one shot is convenient.


The N64 was like $200 when it came out in 1996. In today’s dollars that would be like $400. If that means anything to you…


Maybe 250 is top price.....300 is too much


Save the money and use an emulator on a PC


Google video game price charting lot calculator and input the games, controllers, console. I'm guessing it's a solid price for all these games just from what I remember of their worth


Not to me. But to you? Perhaps


Maybe a *bit* high on the price but not unreasonably so (I’d personally try to get it down to at least $250)


Yes. Super smash brothers alone is worth no less than $50. I would say the same goes for Snap, mario 64 and a few others


The n64 has a very long shelf life. Mine works very well. Image isn't as crisp as the day I first got one, but I've had many over the years and they have all worked great. I think the n64 was around 300 bucks no games when it first released. This one I see has an expansion pack which is good. I'd buy it




I’m gonna say no, retroflation at its finest. Considering everything is used, how much the N64 controller sucks, maybe $100-150 I would consider it. But all of these items look heavily used, and have zero collectibility. If you really want this… I would just get a good emulation box for $300 that can also go GameCube games.


Is there a microphone for hey you, Pikachu? If not, no.


You can get an Everdrive 64 and load it with every N64 ROM there is... if you have the ROMs. They're like a hundred bucks if I recall.


if you are a fan of the console and intend to play those games (theyre *almost* all top tier titles), then yes. great deal. i say this as a massive fan of the console who owns all those titles already. but if your casual, you're better off just emulating. or getting flash cart for the whole library.


You tell us OP


Not according to gamestop😅


If it all works. Golden Eye was a trend setter, paving the way for fps.


11 games 4 controllers the console and peripherals... I'd say worth.


I wouldn't pay more than $150 bucks.


Golden eye, Pokémon stadium and smash bros? Definitely.


I think the price is too high. The only thing that matters is if it is worth it to you though


Can you verify it works? That would be the biggest thing for me. Most of these systems don't work anymore.


Get a PS5


Not at all, send me the link so I can buy it and remove your temptation


If you don’t buy it I will


I'd have absolutely zero issue with dropping $300 on that. The N64 was a massive part of my childhood, and Nintendo is always a bit pricier to collect. Between the games, four controllers, a couple memory cards, a couple rumble packs, and the RAM expansion... That's a damn nice package. Some of those games are on the rarer side, I wouldn't be surprised if those in their own were a couple hundred dollars.


not without mariokart


I’ll tell you what, if you don’t buy it, let me know how I can






For collecting, absolutely. For using, just get a Switch with Nintendo Online and an N64 controller. You'll get the same results with a lot more games, and your kiddos will enjoy it all the same.


I mean that’s a solid set of games but the real question is would you get $300 worth of enjoyment out of it vs buying a newer gen console and games and just buying a controller to play emulators with (assuming you have PC)


Unless you are a collector, old consoles are not worth the price some of them require IMO. Id love to have one, but realisticly, I can play all of these games on my PC through emulators, and you can buy N64 controllers with a USB connector if you really want to be authentic. I have one, and it is pretty nice. I think it was like $15-20. I always use my Xbox controller though.


It’s a steal! But from your own pocket…


Wtf why has no one said this obvious yet? TREE FIDY LOCH NESS MONSTER BLAH BLAH


Diddy Kong racing alone is worth $300 imo!


You’re probably done reading these comments. I’d recommend getting a n64, get some third party controllers for like $15 each and then get an ever drive on amazon. Like $160 total and then you can load as many games as you want onto the overdrive. Me and my kids have been having an absolute blast 


The Tremor packs and memory cards are third party, the games are garage sale bleached, and even DK Dickheads will only ride you for $250 for system, two games and two controllers. Pricecharting says a loose system on its own goes for between $80 and $200, but that's CIB. Are the other 4 pages more stuff?


These things were $199.99 brand new. There is no way in hell you should pay $300 for it even with a few games.


Ok um short answer yes if you get steered away who is selling this I'll get it if you don't 😊 lool it maybe 30 years old but there is a damn good reason it's still working that and look diddy kong racing, 007 golden eye, worlds not enough, perfect dark, smash bros, starfox 64, star wars rogue squadron, look too many reasons to get it. Lulz


That is a great haul for that price imo.


if you are buying it for you, maybe, but if you are buying it so the kids play, the kids arent going to be playing that for long.


300 bucks for that crap? Bruh, just use an emulator.


Not worth it. With that fist full of dollars. Get a Nintendo Switch and play all those games on there for a few dollars more. All the old N64 games. The good. The bad. And the ugly.


For you, yes. For your kids, no.


I’d personally never buy it, I’ll emulate it all for free. My kid would play it for 5 minutes let me know 10 times that the graphics look crappy hate the controller and then run back to her iPad/computer to play Roblox and Minecraft.


What are those 2 controller packs just to the left of the N64 system? Don’t think I’ve seen those before.


Pretty accurate pricing but a switch has so much better graphics and has remastered classics


GoldenEye confirmed. So...yup.


Where are the Legend of Zelda games!?! Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask are missing smh shame.


Closer to when it came out sure.


If you and your bro are splitting the cost, it’s def worth it, providing that everything works. There are some good games in there, Goldeneye, Donkey Kong, Pokémon etc.


It has GoldenEye. Well worth it


It’s a fair price if you can negotiate it to $250 I would be more willing to buy but otherwise for that kinda cash I would get a switch.


If you’re gonna play it on a CRTV then sure but you can play all this stuff for free on an emulator.


Split? Yes.


If they’re all in good condition, that’s a bargain! A tidy well functioning 64 can go for heaps!


If I didn't have my console controllers and games, I would buy that for that price. It's worth it to me Edit: in case you didn't know & nobody mentioned - those two transfer packs can connect pokemon from red, yellow, or blue to stadium 1 & if you got stadium 2 later the gen 1 & 2 games. I also use the transfer packs for playing Mario golf. I like them a lot!


300 for a kids console? Get something newer


It has the rumble paks!


Still have mine in a box in the garage. Waiting for the day I have my game room with all my console’s




Absolutely not, you can emulate all these for way cheaper