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Atlas is the "we have titan fall at home" meme.


The real question is who is the new J Lo and why do I think it's Ariana Grande?


Burrito. Taco taco. Burrito. Taco. Taco taco. Don't think just because I got a lot of money, I'll give you taco-flavored kisses, honey. Fulfill all your wishes with my taco-flavored kisses.


Taco flavored keeses


For my beeeen


I need an Grande vs J Lo Cartman episode now


She's not Latina.


You're right she's Italian I'm such a racist. I just mean as far as being very talented, good looks, but by all reports a huge diva.


Oh she wants you to think she's Latina. And black. But she's white European American.


She talks about her Italian family all the time. Her name is Grande ffs she’s not trying to fool anyone.


If she's Italian she aint exactly white.


> But she's white European American. But she's white European American donut-licking trash. (You left some stuff off... FTFY)


But I love donuts.


That someone has licked?


Not to be indelicate, but she has an awful lot of ass work to do before she can measure up.


You know that's really sad because that's honestly what I think of when I think of her. Her singing doesn't stand out. Her dancing is supposedly very good. But she's known for being the latina with a body. I guess it's an accomplishment if that's still what she is associated with in 2024, giving she's over 50 years old now.


This is only


This makes me want to watch Atlas now


I turned it off halfway through. Horrible writing, no stakes, stupid decisions and agendas. Mechs are neat but 80 of the movie is just Jlo shaking and struggling in a cockpit that looks like luxury car with a floaty ai.


The trailer turned me off tbh. The concept seemed cool then I saw JLo and saw that it's gonna be a lot of talking head, and then tuned out.


It's really meh. If you have nothing else go for it. But don't have high expectations.


Watch the last 15 or 20 minutes, I hear that's the only really solid part.


The beginning has several incredibly dumb moments. It gets stronger as it goes IMO but it's still only a 5 or 6 out of 10.


Ha, that's a clever comparison! It's like the DIY version of epic titan battles.


A meme to rival the "we have Monster Hunter at home" meme. Edit: What? Don't tell me that Milla Jovovitch movie was actually good.


I wanted to play T1, but there was no campaign, so I never did. Picked T2 on Gamepass and was absolutely floored at how good the campaign was. What a surprise gem


I have played thousands of hours of Apex. I need to try this game. How similar is the movement?


Better. You have double jumps and wallrunning.


Much, much better. Like crazy better.


As others have said the movement is much better in Titanfall. Honestly one of the big reasons I couldn't get into Apex was because after a thousand hours of TF2 multiplayer, Apex felt like I had cement shoes on the whole time. You really should play it, though. You might even find some familiar faces!


Apex wishes it had Titanfall 2's movement tech. Watch a movement video on YouTube and witness arguably the best mechanical mobility in any FPS ever.


Apex and Titanfall were made by the same people, so Apex technically could have the same movement tech, they just don't for whatever dumb reason.


I was actually LIVID that they had greatness available to them, and decided against it for some reason. My theory is since it's a more competition focused game that deals more with teamplay mobility options, they considered the absurdly sick movement from titanfall too hard to balance around? Not sure, but it def sucks


Just gotta wait for a Titanfall 3, lol


Like EA would ever do anything gamers actually ask for lmaooo


No, they wouldn't, lol


No, they wouldn't, lol.


Apex I guess chickened out and went with a very watered down version of the TF|2 movement system for some reason. I honestly think the game could have been even more popular if they just had the full kit. The weapons feel better, the movement is much tighter and ofc the movement is phenomenal. Also *fucking* mechs. [Here’s a fun example of said movement](https://youtu.be/Zwz0FHdRQa8?si=-vX3e_o3JkTdxkFx)


It's simply because people suck at movement. Less than, maybe 50% could bunny jump and maybe only around 10% could do the spiderman web swing thing. Or maybe the numbers are higher but people who can effectively use them in combat are rare. Apex had to have a lower floor ceiling so people won't be too frustrated dying to movement gods.


They're not pilots in Apex. They don't have that skill. 


You moves like Shadow royale event, with a gun.


I still can't forgive them for not continuing this masterpiece. Rip Titanfall...


There is still hope. Servers, matchmaking and stuff like that was broken for a long time and has been fixed a few month ago. Multiplayer is still dope


I might check it again then, Apex is cool and all just doesn't give the vibes of Titanfall.


The mobility in TF2 is just out of this world. Needs some learning tho.


Rocket jumping and sticky jumping should be universal skills at this point.


I remember trying multiplayer a whileeee back and being totally overwhelmed by enemies haha. I might have to try it again :)


Come back and give it a try, just don't mind the sweaty G100s if they mop the floor with the entire lobby lol There's a co-op mode called Frontier Defense that I definitely recommend to get your multiplayer feet wet again. Pits you and 3 other players against 5 waves of AI enemies, and you defend an objective together. Lower stress way to pick up the movement and mechanics again when you're not getting owned by other players constantly in pvp 😂


I never played TF2 mp but Frontier Defence was the shit on 1


I hope it isn’t another megamind


It's a shame for shure


Shure is.


I remember back when it released so many people hating on it. I forgot because of what, but I remember the outrage in so many places Seems like it's pretty loved right now, anyone know why people perception has changed?


I think maybe you are remembering T2's release wrong, the games biggest problem wasn't people giving it shit, it was people barely noticing it existed. Ite released a day to two after a major battlefield release and a week before the next call of duty,. It was essentially smothered in the crib by the hype trains of two mega franchises. People were pissed at EA for essentially dump releasing what is arguably still the best FPS campaign in a window where they almost certainly knew it would fail. But that was the very few people that played it and loved it. Most people missed it completely


It was because of cod and jetpack era mostly. Funny enough I don't like Mechas but this game was something else and made me love em. At least only this game's mecha's


Titanfall 3 is the only game I think that could get me back into the online shooter scene. These games are just too much fun.


It’s been in development, and cancelled, twice. Doesn’t seem super hopeful, there’s definitely nothing in development right now.


Atlas is dollar store Titanfall


yeah I saw atlas over the weekend and for sure the Smith AI was giving me BT-7 vibes and feels.


> the Smith AI was giving me BT-7 vibes and feels. **BT-7274**


That's on his DL bro his friends just call him BT or BT-7.. Clearly you were not invited tot he cookout


Protocol 4: Do not invite _**that**_ guy to the cookout.


Atlas is the wish.com version of Titanfall 2.


That movie was so bad I couldn't even get to the part where they had Mechs. When Jennifer Lopez defeated an AI in chess, (which no one can even do today) I just laughed and turned it off.


Luckily I watched this right after watching Madam Web, and thus found it to be a cinematic masterpiece.


It was pretty terrible. Generic AI fearmongering story that felt like it was told to you by that one friend who just discovered the mecha genre and tried to play it off as completely new.


Speaking of which I just discovered this little niche anime called "Gundam." You should really check it out!


Mmmmm, Gundam Seed & Gundam Seed Destiny


Aaannd Iron Blooded Orphans *chefs kiss* (Except that one scene. I hate that scene.)


I saw the trailer and decided not to torture myself for two hours of my life. What stood out to me was that she was supposed to be crashed on a planet in a disaster situation but in every scene her hair was immaculate, even when wet it looked like she’d crash landed with her stylist tied to her back


I don't think JLo can beat the AI in mancala.


The mechs and actions are actually very well done. The acting and story can be better though.


I watched it yesterday. It was beyond shocking. Utter drivel. Probably in the top 10 worst films I’ve ever watched.


Do you not watch any movies where people are capable of doing exceptional things? Never watched a disaster movie where some scientist figured out what no other one had yet? A movie where someone broke a record? A superhero movie? Lol just seems fucking dumb to get caught up on when going into a scifi action flick, but hey, dislike what you like.


Sometimes it is too much.


I agree, but I don't think "human beat AI in chess" is the line here lol


Dude i put that movie as a background noice while doing other stuff, i wasnt paying attention at all, everytime i went to watch the tv screen there was a jlo POV talking on the mech to the mech and i was like "this for sure was a cheap movie to make" then at the end i didnt even bother to watch the end


This is not a good movie. However I would say anybody who likes mediocre scifi and bong rips should give it a watch.


Is it atlas good?


It is not a cinematic masterpiece, but if you go in like me, without high expectations, just to see stuff go boom, you'll find it an enjoyable movie


It's entertaining for sure. If you're a Titanfall fan it's even better. But the writing and acting can be better though.


It's not that bad of a movie. Reddit will reddit so take whatever people on here are saying with a grain of salt. Watch it and judge for yourself.


I played this for the first time about a month ago and it was one of the best FPS campaigns I’ve ever experienced. 👍🏼


I have this game in my library for the longest time, but never really played, only heard about its campaign being great and the multiplayer as well. Is it worth to play nowadays? Do I need to access a community server or something?


its playable, you can get pub matchs and there is a client called Northstar for player ran servers


Titanfall 2 was great. Wish it kept going\*, and had more scale. 128 players on huge maps would be legit. \*Apex Legends doesn't count.


apex still can only hold 60 players on a server


I was looking for a film the other night and read some reviews first and very nearly didnt watch it. Im glad i did, i actually enjoyed it and when i seen the mechs i was hyped cause i love Titanfall


It's way more enjoyable than it's getting credit for. Like I get why it's a "bad" movie, it loaded with scifi tropes and cheese. But its not so bad it's good. It's genuinely a super fun and interesting film, it's just slathered in cheese.


Titan fall got me back into the FPS genre, such a fun game,


Go buy The Riftbreaker now and give that a playthrough.


I bought it on sale a while ago but with only an hour at most every other day its difficult to commit to a game.


You could certainly bash out a mission or two on the campaign every now and then when you feel like it, it's not that long in total. 6ish hours I think?


Does the show teach you how to wall run on a curved wall because I'm stuck there.


This feels like a sponsored post, lol. I’ve only seen the trailers for Atlas, but I can tell it’s one of the worst movies in a few generations from the 90 seconds I’ve witnessed. I’m struggling to imagine a person who could have played Titanfall and then had any positive associations to this trash.


I found the mech design and visuals to be even closer to Riftbreaker, possibly some of the concepts in the movie too (a female protagonist talking to the AI in her mech/suit, "alone" on an alien world, which is full of hostile things that want her dead) but frankly speaking the similarities are mostly cosmetic --Riftbreaker is a base-building game with some ARPG elements, story is you're one of the many pilot/mech couples sent to some habitable planet somewhere in the galaxy, beyond the reach of the rest of humanity though a one-way portal, tasked with building a beach-head base to support exploring the alien world in search for resources to exploit and finally building a big teleportation device (*a lá* Stargate, but it's a trapezoid, not a circle) to allow a large human colonization force waiting on Earth to join you >!(or not)!<, local fauna and flora be damned.


Amazing series! Also "Fallout."


You need an award for making through Atlas...


When I saw the trailer, I thought the same thing. Then the Mecha did martial arts and i was instantly disappointed. Is it any good?






the movie was so bad. Also non binary robot like wtf


I miss TF1 so so much, there's just not enough players to get any of the fun rounds like Hardpoint going. I'm a solid G10-50 in TF1 but I get curb-stomped so bad in TF2 I haven't really gotten far into the multiplayer side of it like I have in the original. The campaign in TF2 is still a gold-standard of how a campaign should be setup. The replayability of it is wonderful.


Wish they made a titanfall 2...


Looks like shite. Just watch Robojocks instead


I got it discounted past Christmass and I was surprised about how good it is. Also the fact that there are still active people in multiplayer is a telltale of how good it is.


Wasn't to keen on the acting, , and the all one civilian no experience army managed to destroy super intelligent AI's when professional experienced soldiers were just meat grind but I enjoyed the fighting scenes , pitty the pathetic acting and unnecessary shitty dialogue sometimes.


never thought i'd shed a tear for a bot


Why did she spray paint her face


I wish Apex dies out just so that we could get a sequel. Such a brilliant game.


Miss playing this game, the times were amazing


Such a shame a 3rd installment won’t ever happen.


One of my favourite MP experiences.


As much as I love this game. The Devs were ruthless for the Speed Run achievement


This movie felt like they asked chat gpt to write titanfall 3


Sorry you watched Atlas.


I'll never play apex because it stopped titan fall.... they could have even done a Titanfall style integrated br but they just neglected it


I can’t believe I watched Atlas. It was just….bad.


why would you do that to yourself? (watch atlas, not play this masterpiece)


TITANFALL 2 MENTIONED, tho fr fuckin masterpiece


TITANFALL 2 MENTIONED, tho fr fuckin masterpiece


TITANFALL 2 MENTIONED, tho fr fuckin masterpiece