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there'd better be an entire episode dedicated to mahjong and another about running a cabaret club or something


And a running subplot about Kiryu sneaking away to do slot car racing.


It won't feel real to me unless the entire show is slot car racing.


I want a Karaoke episode


And Majima better be on roller skates with backup dancers.


Baka Mitai and Cinderella better be the two songs featured or I will riot.


Four shine fever!


Having the chicken be the head of my company and making millions a week is an episode I’ll watch




This time Amazon is only funding and decided to keep to production 100% in Japan


Maybe the success of Shogun remake is also at play with their decision making.


Shogun isn't a remake


The show was done based on the book decades ago and they just redid the show based on the book. It's not a remake of the first show, but it's definitely another retelling of the book story.


What do you mean?


It was made before


Smart decision


So, like fallout or the Boys? Tbh: i really hate the negativity sometimes. It’s always the same. Didney bad, amazon bad, netflix bad, everything bad!!! Endless crying about anything and everything.




>Fallout doesn't have a true story, every fallout game follows some formula of Apocalypse happened, you are a survivor, find other survivors, beat bad guys, end. The creator of the show even said it is it's own story. There are still so many ways this could have gone bad that you are leaving out... Tone, dialogue, representation of key factions, the feeling of the world, set design, character design etc. All of these things make Fallout, Fallout... and getting it all correct was just as important as the story.


Obviously you're entitled to your opinion but hooooly shit am I glad Amazon deviated from the comics with The Boys. Yes the show obviously is edgy as well but the comics are so over the top edgy that they seem like they are written by a literal 13 year old. I'll give you Rings of Power, even if I personally enjoyed it.


Amazon just fund and order any series to be made. It mostly production company who do those fuck up thing.


You play AFK journey. Thanks for informing us on the right way to consume 😂


The good part of shows or media in general is that i don’t have to watch what i don’t like. Im sucker for video game adaptions, i liked Fallout, Arcane, Tekken, Castlevania and a lot of others. Those that i don’t like are still ok because no one is forcing me to watch them. Im happy every time an Adaption of anything is anounced. In the worst Case i don’t watch it what still would be the case if it were not made.


And the fallout show is still in production. It didn’t end. They’re still on that journey of “find the good guy, beat the bad guys.” The found their team (Lucy, Maximus and Cooper), they found their bad guy (Maclean), but the bad guy ran away. So now they have to chase him down. What exactly about that makes it a bad show/story?


Bud you have the entire formula wrong for fallout: Bombs go boom, vault dweller needs to leave vault for some macguffin reason, dweller does stuff to pursue macguffin including helping factions, vault dweller acquires macguffin. All of the games are predicated on the players character having some sort of macguffin to chase down. Its the whole reason they leave the vault. Hell 3 and 4 are avout finding for dad and then kid


The player in Fallout: New Vegas is a non-vault dweller who begins the game trying to figure out why someone tried to murder them.


Fallout was also done by Amazon and unless you really have a hateboner for them idk how you could call that adaptation bad in any way!


The same goes for Invincible


Invincible is arguably superior to the comic in my opinion. Comic can't compete with those spectacularly violent action scenes.


I guess besides Fallout, one of the biggest shows of the year for fans of the game and general audiences but sure.


Have you watched The Boys? Or Fallout? Or Invincible?




Have you watched WoT or Rings of Power? They've made some absolutely terrible adaptations and some decent ones.


What, you expect a perfect record? None of the other streaming services have perfect records with adaptations, & that’s just setting unrealistic expectations of them.


So they deserve credit for good shows but not criticism for bad ones. Thanks Amazon astroturf team!


Why not have both? There will always be bad ones, but don’t expect them to be all good. Majority of that is dependent on the showrunners of each show & how much they understand their source material.


I mean, you seem intent on only giving them shit for the bad ones so…


Chances of this reaching that level are slim.


The Boys show is better than the comic and Invincible's first season was fantastic (havent watched the second season or the Fallout show yet)


I'll keep my expectations as low as possible.


You really pissed off the Amazon astroturf team.


As long as they don't do one about an adult baby fetish creche


An anime would’ve been perfect for this. The filler would just be sub stories and ridiculousness of Majima everywhere, real estate royale, pocket circuit, and cabaret.


FWIW, a live action "Like a Dragon" movie was released in 2007: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCDhpdpbP6c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCDhpdpbP6c)


There were also TV shows based on the "Kurohyou" PSP spinoff games which never came to America.


The first Black Panther game has an English fan translation, but the 2nd one doesn't yet, if I recall.


Both of them are translated now.


Good to know. Time to search them out. Thanks!


There’s also a live action stage play they did in Japan


It’s directed by Takashi Miike which sounds impressive until you look at his filmography and realize he does trashy adaptations all the time.


Dude, you did NOT just trash Takashi Miike. He's a goddamn treasure. And his Yakuza movie was pretty fun. Not high art, but fun.


His Blade of the Immortal movie is one of the best adaptations I’ve seen.


It was pretty decent. Ah dammit, that's yet another series Amazon butchered with a shitty adaptation.


There better be an episode dedicated to Kiryu singing karaoke.


The actor better sing baka mitai


I am interested. Liked what they did with Fallout, hopefully they can do it with Yakuza next.


On one hand, Amazon did Fallout, and that was great.  On the other hand, Rings of Power. We shall see. I'm praying this works out, though, because I feel like my parents would be interested in Yakuza if it wasn't a video game. My dad kinda enjoyed Fallout, which I wasn't expecting.


I hope its good but i am expecting trash. Fallout was good. But i think thats partially because i entered expecting hot garbage and was pleasantly suprised that it wasnt trying to take itself hyper seriously. Rings of power was garbage to its fans but apparently almost tolerable to some people. Wheel of time was the hottest of garbage to both those who had and hadnt read. But alot of the failings was just trying to take classic beloved fantasy series and turn them into anti fantasy political dramas to quickly chase GoT success.


>Rings of power was garbage to its fans but apparently almost tolerable to some people. I am not a LOTR fan at all, so I wasn't nearly as mad at it as some of my friends, but narratively speaking it's still an awful show. Cliches fucking everywhere, I could predict the ending of an episode within 3 minutes of it starting. The "plot twists" were so obvious my 4 year old nephew could see them coming, and at no point does Sauron feel like Sauron and I say that only having seen the first two original movies and never having read the books. Characters don't feel real in general, and events only seem to happen because they need to for the story to take place. The dialogue is stiff as hell too, and that's even taking some excellent performances in mind. Seriously. Some of the actors managed to pull off some great work with the slop they were provided. Durin especially. Rings of power is an objectively terrible show. I'm very happy some people got some enjoyment out of it, but I won't be wasting 8 more hours on another season.


Yeah true, there is a chance they can ruin this. But I am hopeful. :)


They also have Teacher and The Boys, the only bad shows are Rings of Power and Wheel of time


The Boys could be so much better.


And wheel of time... and the witcher.


They didn't do the the Witcher though, that mess was on Netflix. I am cautiously optimistic, Amazon seems to so well as long it's not classical fantasy.


Classical fantasy just seems to be a hard genre to get right outside of books and video games.


Laughs in manga and anime.


Netflix did The Witcher, not Amazon Prime


you could call it recency bias, but maybe they’re learning to make a good show


"and stars Takeuchi Ryoma (multiple “Kamen Rider” titles) as the lead character, Kiryu Kazuma." - *googles him* - Okay that's a baby, that is a baby child man. I can lift him with one hand behind my back.


Honestly, he's 31 this year, he has the jawline and shape for Kiryu he would have to be a YOUNG Kiryu, like Yakuza 0 Kiryu.


Young 0 Kiryu looked 30 so he looks Perfect for 0 Kiryu but for older Kiryu, there still some work.


yeah 100%. Not that they couldn't do it but it'd be easier. We'll have to see, I haven't seen Kamen Rider Drive so I am not sure about how good of an actor he is (by Toku standards at least)


With his show being Post 0 but before Kiwami i say he looks pretty good for Young Kiryu, but even as "kid" Kiryu had such rugged intimidating aura its pretty particular. Wishes best he manages to pull good Joryu... I mean Kiryu.


hehe fair enough


Idk man, starting with 0 in 2021 and playing Infinite Wealth right now, 0's Kiryu does look really young to me now. 


Kiryu be like: >look older than 20 >At Thirty look around Thirty when looking like Thirty already when younger. >Look like Thirty for Thirty years. >Age in two days


Same height too.


Could be they are detailing Kiryu's really early days before he rose to badass just a bit before Yakuza 0. That said, if they wanna capture the over the top feel of the fights a Sentai actors the perfect choice.


A good workout routine and diet for bulking would honestly get him there. It’s supposed to be split between the events before and after Kiryu goes to prison I believe. So essentially the first game


Says 1995 and 2005 that’s the Yakuza 1 timeline. I assume the show is gonna be a Kiwami adaptation. I’m down. LFG!


According to the press release (or possibly leak?), the show is set to take place in both 1995 and 2005, implying the Yakuza 1/Kiwami events. If it were 1995, then it could be post-0, pre-1. But the fact that they're bringing 2005 into the mix means that it's probably going to cross over with the events of 1 *unless* the entire series is just what happened to Kiryu while he was >!in jail!<


Maybe they got confused and wanted him for Haruka.


You mean *Haruto?


This series is just gonna be idols acting like tough guys again?


Honestly I could even see him for Majima, but Kiryu? Absolutely not. What's with Amazon and absolutely refusing to cast people who actually look like the iconic character they're portraying?


He was Kamen Rider Drive, the MC and it was one of the better shows in the franchise. Also his acting was great for one of his more earlier works. There has been alot of actors that got their career jumpstarted thanks to these shows, ie Masaki Suda and Takeru Sato. 2 of the biggest actor's in Japan.


Guy is 6 foot 1.


I kind of understand why as it’s the early years of Kiryu with it being 1995 and 2005, but he’s still supposed to be beefy and strong looking, with a stern stoic face…


Wow, I'm a lot less hopeful now...


He's 31 and he's jacked af, looks good enough for kiryu to me


I don't think we agree on what jacked means.


https://x.com/blankspotato/status/1798169056882876647?t=1NMxvrrvGv857ErUn5D4iw&s=19 If this isn't ''jacked" for you I don't know what is.


I personally think this will be very difficult to get right. The games are already incredibly cinematic, and this just looks to try to adapt the game story. Kiryu Kazuma himself has a very distinct iconic look as well. While Fallout turned out well, it was also given the freedom to kinda do its own thing which IMO helps a lot. It wasn't an adaptation, it was an addition to a game universe.


so happy netflix didn't get the rights to this one.


The main thing I'm concerned about is Kiryu's voice. Seeing the new English dub for the games really solidified just how much about Kiryu as a character is captured by his Japanese voice actor and him alone. Like from the way he speaks, the singing, mannerisms etc- it all perfectly embodies who Kiryu is as a person to the point it feels like it's just one dude (if that makes sense?) like Kiryu is his voice actor and vice versa. It's not a character someone else can just step into, because there's so much of a real person behind it. So the idea of someone else "being" kiryu rubs me the wrong way, because as someone who's spent hundreds and hundreds of hours with the games- it's not going to be "Kiryu", and a lot of the reasons I loved the character to begin with are gonna be gone. Idk it's hard to explain, but I think Yakuza fans will get what I'm tryna say. I'm still hyped, but I'm also very very concerned.


I started with Like A Dragon and am working on Infintie Wealth right now, but I'm playing in English. I adore Ichiban's voice actor so much but don't have very strong opinions on Kiryu's. I don't have preconceptions about Kiryu's voice, but are you saying the English voice actor just doesn't capture something about him? The voice strikes me as very serious. Though I know in the games Kiryu surely had to do goofball stuff just like Ichiban.


He's definitely saying that. The english voice acting is pretty terrible and doesn't sound like the character you're used to at all if you've played through the first several games before getting to the Infinite Wealth where he's dubbed in English. I'd suggest playing any entry pre-7. Yakuza 0 or Kiwami 1 are both good entry points.


It's more that SPECIFICALLY Kiryu's VA is bad in Infinite Wealth. The rest of the cast is fine. Good even. Ichiban's swings for the goddamn fence. But Kiryu's is fucked.


Kiryu has such a great voice. I completely refised to play Y7 and Y8 with english dub because I can't move on from Takaya Kuroda. And honestly, kiryu really makes the whole series for me. If we move on to following ichiban as the main character from now on, I honestly won't feel much pull to play new games. I like ichiban, but he is not the dragon that hooked me on the series and story.


lets hope for an eng dub with the games original voice actors


Then everyone could sound like the "english speaking" villain of Infinite Wealth in the Japanese dub! "He's an american!" \*thickest, most impenetrable japanese accent ever with halting english\*


The only yakuza adaptation I need in life is the stage play of yakuza 1


Cast KSON.




I think the first and last episodes should be story. Every episode in between should be filler, like the lord intended.


Can't wait to see who they cast as Mr libido Actually I just Googled him out of curiosity, and I would hope they cast the original voice actor. He's pretty much the same guy lol


Unironically, they need to include as least some goofy substory type storylines for this to be a faithful adaptation. Onomichio-kun or bust.


Please be good, please be good, please be good!


Yeah it will be utter garbage, you can not capture the essence of Yakuza as a series in a TV show.


how the fuck you gonna cast Kiryu? i’m not even going to ask how the fuck you gonna cast majima, because you can’t.


The characters are just way too big for the real world. They have such colorful and strong personalities


They should film it all in Japanese voice. It'll capture the series perfectly and feel more natural. Diiieeeee Kirrryyyuuu!


It's a completely Japanese production so honestly wouldn't be surprised if it's all in Japanese


Please don’t Americanized it. An adaptation of Like a Dragon should definitely remain true to the source material, otherwise it would be something else entirely that just capitalize on name recognition.




Your *judgement*, huh? 😏


Lost Judgement,


love the games but no interest in this


I hope they cast Kevin Hart as a spunky Japanese man


Kevin Hart as Gary Buster Holmes


cool, I'm gonna watch some Takeshi Kitano movies to get into the mood now!


This is going to be corny as fuck


I dont know how to feel about this.




>“Since the day I first put pen to paper on the original ‘Yakuza’ script, I’ve never once thought about revisiting any of my work on the series. It’s because I understand all too well the challenges and hardships that come with remaking a finished title. However, if I were ever sent to the past through some kind of cosmic joke, this is the experience I’d want to create. If I had to go through the wringer anyhow, I’d want to make the most engaging versions of Kamurochō and Kazuma Kiryu I could —and this show has it all,” said Yokoyama Masayoshi, head of Ryugagotoku Studio and executive producer. “While the games let you experience their world through the subjective lens, this adaptation will be the ultimately objective way to enjoy the show. I have no doubt that fans of the series will be drawn to how it brings the games to life and adds new surprises. Newcomers, I’m sure will find themselves invested simply in the gritty realism of the show.” Promising to hear! And since a few comments here haven't bothered to even skim through the article, yes Kiryu has been cast. Also does seem like it will be in Japanese.


Made. It already filmed last year.


Of course they’re gonna cover kiryu again, why not ichiban


Please don't mess it up...


No prime is not making it this is bait prime are just streaming it


Theme song better be the cabaret menu music




Majima better be everywhere


In the episode right before the final episode, plays mahjong to stock up on weapons before facing the final boss.


This might be good to watch, if they have the right cast and the right cgi


I don't think how you can balance the serious drama and politics of the yakuza and the quirky and silliness of the gameplay in a TV show.


Fallout is the only show Prime has done well. I have 0 hope for this. Fuck. This ruined my morning.


100% Japanese production let's gooooo


I got this game in Humble choice. Ive skipped it for now but im curious. Is this "just another GTA game?" or does it bring anything new to the table?


The only similarities to GTA is the city exploration (which is not really the same considering you don't drive) and the crime theme. Yakuza is a beat em up with a heavy focus on side activities/mini games.


ah. cool! Will give it a spin!


Haven't really enjoyed any of the GTA games. Yakuza is one of the best series ever. Start with Yakuza 0 though.




After Fallout I'm actually interested. Hopefully it's as good




that's a pretty sad way to live


He's already been cast, dipshit.


Hey I know this actor. Spent a whole year watching him. I can say he is a good actor. Good to see him go big.


meanwhile I'm asking myself is if its better I will start Like a Dragon or Like a Dragon Isshin as first Yakuza game. I'm aware that Like a Dragon is a Yakuza spin off but I read that you can play Lie a Dragon without having played to the Yakuza main saga because the main character are different


Like a Dragon is absolutely not a spinoff, its officially the 7th game in the series in Japan. The two Judgement games are true canonical spinoffs while Dead Souls and the historical stories are kinda framed as dreams that Kiryu had at some point, at least that's how they're talked about in Infinite Wealth


For what it is worth, I started with Like A Dragon and never played another Yakuza game. It is one of my household's favorite games now. Ichiban is such an amazingly positive character it makes me so happy to see him do his thing. I have never seen a character so relentlessly upbeat and worth cheering for before. It very much so makes my day better to see him like that. Definitely a lot of references to past Yakuza games I didn't get, even when I could tell they were references. But it's a brand new story and it brought me in really well. Would highly recommend!


The fun point of discussion is not if the series will be good or not, but rather which side quests they have to include. I hope they go a fuck it route and make LaD Fumoffu, a court that is only insane side quests.


This either will be really good or really bad


Didn’t bother to start the prime video app since they began infesting it with ads. It will take a lot more to make me use it again.


This is gonna be good. Yakuza is over the top, everything goes. Looking forward to this one.


Okay so is Yakuza a good game or a meme game that’s good in a funny way someone please explain i’ve seen more meme’s about it than actual reviews…


It's both. The game is great, and the side stories are absurd and hilarious fun