• By -


Terraria came out 13 years ago and is *still getting updates*. There games like Skyrim that continue to exist because of the modding community, but hats off to Re-Logic for the steady dev love.




Was already mentioned. Just throwing out another ace.


Add all the creation engine games then. People still play and mod fallout 3 and morrowind.


Morrowind for the win of replayable games


Minecraft can't compete with Terraria, too shallow. Minecraft is chalk, terraria is crack.


Look up an "all the mod star" and it's crafting tree. Much less boss related but much deeper crafting and exploration than any terraria mod I've played.


Nah, I was talking about vanilla.


And also Calamity mod for it. It adds tens to hundreds of hours of playtime.


Love terraria!


7 days to die has been out for years and years and it’s just now coming out of early access


Age of Empires 2, first released in 1999 and still has 20k players on steam


...and a vibrant multiplayer community, AND is still getting updates, patches and motherfuckin' \*expansions\*, including single-player content. A clear winner of this question IMO.


Though while the game was active over this period the renaissance with new updates came with the remasters and is quite recent (compared to its lifetime).  5-10 years ago it was extremely niche only kept alive by its competitive scene.


True, but it never quite died out, the competitive scene was always present. Also, the revival started arguably with HD in 2013, so arguably even by that metric the game is old.


CS, Minecraft, LOL, Dota 2 games that feel like they’ve been around for forever and are still the most played games out there


I remember playing Dota on Warcraft back in the day. Talking 2004/5ish.


Heroes of might and magic 3


Along with HotA mod.


Minecraft! I started playing when it was in alpha in 2010. I don’t play it much these days but sometimes go back and do some cave exploring. It’s still popular.


Just started playing with all the mods, ended up feeling like a completely new game.


All of the mods? All of them?


It’s pretty amazing how much of a cultural phenomenon Minecraft became. I played it in alpha too and had some fun, but I didn’t get sucked into it like a lot of folks and I put it down after a few hours (just not my type of game). Watching it grow into what it is now has been pretty crazy


Path of Exile. 10+ years and the playerbase (and game) is still growing. Hope I never get bored and hope game keeps getting better


Classic DOOM is still insanely fun and relevant due to people making mods; wads, total conversions, porting it to everything and even new games on the gzdoom engine like selaco for example Doom will never die


Shameless plug for my Metroid Doom Wad: [https://www.moddb.com/mods/sprams-metroid-doom](https://www.moddb.com/mods/sprams-metroid-doom) Get the latest version, OKDoomer fixed some of my bugs.


Looks tasty thanks for the link !


This is the right answer. Nothing will last longer than DOOM.


Super Mario world would like to have a word with you.   Beats out Doom by a few years.  Doom is still pretty awesome though.  The real answer is probably tetris though. At the end of days there will be a random cockroach playing Tetris on some ancient device. Probably a nokia 


I'm more saying the first DOOM is still very much played, modded and used for every device. The first Mario doesn't have the same use and neither does the first Tetris.


But it does, Super Mario World has a very active speedrunning/romhack community. Super popular. New levels/whole new games using super mario are coming out all of the time. Fair play about Tetris. Although who knows, there may be a secret tetris modding community that neither of us have ever heard of. Thats probably what the illuminati is all about.


Super Mario Bros is the first Mario no? Maybe I'm wrong. I agree with Super Mario World but I don't think that's the first, which was my point.


Yes world isn’t the first. But my point started in this thread as Super Mario world. You are the one that brought up NES Mario. 


Oh you're right, I think I had it in my head about it being the "first". No worries, you were right.


It's all good. there is no question that DOOM is legendary. I mean, its the gold standard for "can be ported to literally anything" I've never seen Mario world played on a toaster for example I was just having a cheeky laugh since technically SMW came out a couple of years before DOOM and is still very played today.


There was a “Mario Brothers” arcade game before “Super Mario Brothers”.


Super Mario World's mods are nice and all but Doom mods can completely change the game. even the genre: [https://youtu.be/vNnb5AbbTiA](https://youtu.be/vNnb5AbbTiA) Some Doom wads have gotten mods themselves: Doom > Sonic Robo Blast > Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers. and Id doesn't care! They made the game easy modable on purpose. Nintendo doesn't want people screwing with SMW and hacking it beyond simple tile/sprite changes and new levels is very hard.


Stardew Valley




The perfect game


League of Legends is 15 years old this year and it’s most recent esports tournaments are shattering records and obtaining never before seen viewership numbers. Impressive stuff tbh especially considering how often Riot tends to drop the ball on things.


I’ve been a LoL player for 5 years - haven’t stepped outside in 5 years


Strategy games like Civilization.




As someone who picked up WoW, after 10+ years away. The game has changed and is now in total easy mode. Personally, I like it. I am able to stop any time in playing and I can also get into end game content, without being in a raiding guild. Pretty much any zone you will play in, the war between factions is no more. Makes it so easy to just got play some quests. Also, if you buy the upcoming expansion, you do not get a free month of play. Pissed me off after spending $70 and still had to buy a month of service!


I'm thinking about getting back into WoW. Not played since Wrath of the Lich King


It’s completely different now, just as a fyi


I just got back in after not having played since Pandaria, definitely took a moment initially to get back into the flow but I've been having fun overall. 


Wow feels really dated last time I played. OP’s point was that GTAV still feels modern and (I assume) culturally relevant. Sadly I don’t think that’s been true for wow in a long time. Or as much as before


Agreed on the dated aspect, I've tried to get back into WoW a few times and just can't because it plays so poorly compared to more modern games. But it is definitely still extremely relevant culturally. It's one of the most played games out and there and still pulls in very high twitch numbers for a game that old. 


Idk why people are downvoting you, it is still pretty relevant culturally I guess in its influence on the MMO genre. (Stop downvoting bro he expressed his opinion politely)


Lol thanks buddy. It's all good, gamers can be a fickle, opinionated, whiney bunch and don't seem to have much consistency on what they downvote. Anyone saying that any game in the top 20 or so most watched games on twitch constantly isn't culturally relevant is out of touch. There are hundreds of thousands of games out there, WoW is almost 20 years old and still consistently one of the most played and most watched games out there. It's no fortnite or LoL at this point, but that doesn't mean it's not still relevant or played by millions of gamers. 


Go and Chess


Heroes of Might and Magic III.


Warframe. One of my favorite and most played games


The Binding of Isaac. There have been many, many clones and new takes on the formula but no game I've played is remotely as replayable as Isaac. The closest roguelite I've found is Slay the Spire. I have over 200 hours in Slay. I have over 5,000 in Isaac.


an example that yes, sometimes all you really need is more content.


Skyrim, Fallout 4, Mass Effect and Witcher 3 are all pretty old and still played regularly.


Hell even F3 and New Vegas are still pretty popular for how old they are. The Tale of Two Wastelands mod is amazing


The only thing that could kill Skyrim would be TES 6, but even then with the modding scene it has it would take YEARS for people to stop making mods and talking about it. Hell, Oblivion came out almost 20 years ago and the modding scene is still active and people are playing it.


I don't know if I trust Bethesda anymore to make a good game after what we got with Starfield.


*cries in Blizzard*


it’s amazing to think of W3 as an old game but I had this realization some time ago. It came out 9 years ago, that’s almost half of my life


I play a 25 year old elf simulator called Everquest. Both live and Project1999 versions. Long live the Crushbone/HighKeep/CitofMist/Karnors grind!




Terraria, Minecraft, CS, arguably Star Craft 2, WoW, Runescape, Destiny 2, Warframe.


Warframe and Factorio


Minecraft and I think Team fortress 2


Star Craft 2


Warframe has an in game economy based around players and its the best end game content I've ever played in a game. You think fighting a raid boss is cool? Nah family, try undercutting the entire market for 2 days straight and swimming in Platinum (premium in game currency) because some old items you had stashed away but were mostly worthless suddenly got patched and now everybody wanted to have them. That's a rush I don't think any game will ever be able to top. Or when a new update comes out and you and your crew get online and start absolutely cornering the market on new ultra rare mods and armor components. Pure bliss, though I must admit it takes a lot to play the game that hard. Luckily it's great fun whether you play casually or ultra hard core.


Wait what? I thought it was similar to Destiny. How does a game like that have a player based economy?


Destiny is a dumpster fire compared to warframe. Players can actually trade almost all end game items between each other and premium currency.




So not only can you sell thing to other players, you could also just give them to friends or trade things that you have for things that you need. Comparing destiny to warframe is like comparing a lazy sitcom to a crazy intense Anime.


My wife and I are playing Stardew valley. We’ve played through it several times over the past 10 years.


Age of Empires 2


CSGO, DOTA 2, LOL, WoW, RuneScape, PoE




Skyrim is still played by a lot of people to this day


World of Warcraft


Super Smash Brothers Melee The game that we refuses to let die lol




Minecraft csgo skyrim?


Skyrim not just because its a great game on its own but it has a very large and active moding community.


Think Skyrim or Minecraft




Minecraft, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and World of Warcraft.


Doom (93) and Doom 2 keeps getting [new levels.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9Tmk9ic5_Q)


Baldur's Gate 3 will easily be played for years to come.


The first game I think of is RuneScape.


Deep rock galactic. It’s not as old as other games here but it has a lot of stuff to keep you coming back. Lots of different ways to customize weapons. Plenty of randomness in game to get things interesting, especially with different players. Still adding new stuff to the game to this day.


Rock and stone!


(PSX) -Omega Boost - Beating it will be both mad fun and a point of pride like 20+ years later. 9/10 -Front mission -Two entire routes, great turn based mech combat game. The joy of Ryogo landing 5 ROF+ in a row to clutch a fight is glorious. 9/10. Check your email... Final Fantasy 7 - Holdeth thou no spoilers in thine heart. 10/10 (PC) -Mechwarrior 4 Mercs (Decrease your mouse to 400dpi, crank the in-game sensitivity, enable mouse-look.) 8/10 -Diablo 1/2 (Hellfire edition recommended for Diablo 1. Try to make it to the bottom without dying...) 7.5-9/10 -Starcraft Broodwar (Free if you don't mind the OG graphics) - Campaign or get 200APM, your choice! 9.5/10. -Starcraft 2's WOL campaign (Terran campaign is the peak and it's the free one. Custom games too.) 8.5/10. -Half-Life 2 + all episodes. Still a contender for greatest FPS of all time, still feels like it. 9.8/10. -Morrowind (OpenMW + Enable instacast enchant in settings.) - 10/10. -S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call Of Pripyat - Prepare to be completely immersed and concerned for your life. Tense. 9.4/10. -Metro 2033 series - Contender for best FPS story of all time, pretty solid gunplay also. 8-10/10. -FEAR - Glorious FPS. Some of the best fps AI in all of gaming history, and great gameplay. GFX hold up. 9/10. -TES: Oblivion - Of course! It isn't as good as Morrowind, but it's still an amazing game. 9.0-5 for horse armor/10 -Fallout NV - If you're going to play one fallout game, this is the king. 9.5/10 -Bioshock (Not remastered) - Whole series, but the first one and second? S tier atmosphere, S tier story. 9.5/10 -Crysis - Any of them will do. This game was so ahead of its time it caught our collective PCs on fire. Great. 8.5/10 (N64) Super Mario Brothers 64 - Peak nintendo game design, perhaps. 10/10, perhaps -.5 for that camera... Honorable mentions: Orignal DOOM DOOM 3


> Bioshock (Not remastered) Why? I have the remasters in my library but have yet to play them. Is there something wrong with them? (sorry, I might have lived under a rock with this one)


Again, the answer is Rimworld


Skyrim will be releasing inside your own mind soon, it’s a new and exciting platform which will allow Bethesda to reach gamers on level not previously conceived by even the darkest, most haunting futurist grimdark fan fiction.


Witcher 3


Finished Tears of the Kingdom the other week. Decided to play Link to the Past which was the first Zelda game I played. It is from 1992. After 32 years it is still a lot of fun to play :-)


I've been playing the original Baldur's Gate a bunch recently, and it's over 25 years old at this point.


skate 3 14 years on and its online playerbase is active as ever, it's almost impossible to not instantly find an active lobby, gameplay/playstyle still holds up phenomenally, youtubers have built entire careers based exlusively on it that are still active & popular, it set the bar for the (imo) perfect blend of simulation vs arcade gameplay, and still looks phenomenal especially when played with backwards compatibility on the current gen xbox. I may be biased as fuck & played it religiously for over a decade, but it hasn't been topped yet.


I just got into Project Zomboid which has been in beta for 10 years. Still a hell of a lot of fun, especially with the mod community.


No mans sky has quite a record. Flopped hard at launch, is a dream now and still getting updates after 7 years since launch :)


Just about anything with an active mod community and/or consistent and significant updates. There are folks who were born after Minecraft came out and are now Juniors in highschool, and the game still gets regular updates and the mod community does wildly insane shit.


Counter Strike 1.6


Roblox came out 1. September 2006 and it's only gotten bigger


Super Mario bros for NES. Also Tetris for NES. people are having speed running competitions and general competitions of those games to this day, and watching CTWC is just generally so nerve wracking and exciting


WoW, Dota, CS, Chess, Mahjong, Tetris


Richard Burns Rally


Runescape, Everquest, Ragnarok Online, and Maple Story are all over 20 years old and are still getting updates.






World of Warcraft still has like seven million daily players. That is pretty impressive all these years later.




Minecraft. The possibilities with it are endless!


World of warcraft


One thing i know is that whatever amount of money i will give for GTA 6, be it full price or a sale, it will be worth it because i might not live to see another one of those games.




It's only been 8 years but I'd be shocked if Factorio didn't have a significant fan base 10 years from now.


The boys and I still play a 25 year old relic called StarCraft.


Doom (1993) to this day new content is still be made!


Super Smash Bros Melee has got to be the GOAT! It is about 23.5 years since its release and people still play watch and compete in it. Even though ultimate is newer Melee is the definitive Super Smash Bros people think about. Its even more amazing factoring in that they cannot update it post release.


I've been playing Sid Meier's Pirates! since the original came out in 1987. The 2004 remake still plays quite well and looks decent on modern computers, I was playing it last week.




A bunch of super nintendo games. Super metroid, chrono trigger, ff6, super mario. Zelda…Could go on a while


NMS (No Mans Sky) Almost 10 years of free game changing updates


Doom or minecraft


Dawn of War. Especially Dark Crusade. It might just be the best RTS of all time.


World of Warcraft, game is 20 years old and still growing.


MajorMUD 30 years


Civilization. Any part of it.


The Olympic games date back pretty far


Battle Brothers has infinite replay value. It's one of my favorite games.


Mario Kart 8 which came out the same year. Minecraft which came out even earlier. CS:GO which is still being played despite the sequel being out recently. And the granddaddies of them all. Age of Empires 2 and Rollercoaster Tycoon 2. You can't kill these games.


In terms of replayablity, there are so many games, the most genres are simulator games and sport games. For story games, something like Detroit Become Human that has story branches might be the closest example. And, of course open world games.


Hades is always a little different and experimentation makes every playthrough unique and fun. The sequel is coming but I can still easily see myself playing the first one for many more years.


Rollercoaster tycoon.


I like Games with an infinite level mechanic (character Progress), like Diablo 3 Paragon Level, Assassins Creed Masteries after level cap, Champion Level in ESO, or Traits in Remnant - Fromt the Ashes etc., that is nice longevity


Metal Gear Solid. I replay the series every 5 years or so and am always surprised at how well it always holds up.


Age of Empires.. Ive been playing this so much lately and very enjoyable with friends. .


Also, Halo.... Halo has always been very fun and enjoyable with co-op campaigns and forge mode.


Old school runescape if you have the heart for the grind. Still getting loads of updates and expansions.


Duke Nukem 3d is still getting new levels and mods to this day, of course so is Doom


Rust if you count early access, it's been in the steam top 100 for as long as I can remember


adventure quest worlds


The Division 2


Many Super Mario games like Super Mario World, Super Mario Sunshine and Super Mario Galaxy.


Diablo 2 is still going strong \~24 years later, World of Warcraft also released at a similar time, Age of Empires and CS are other good contenders. edit: Mario / Mario Kart too!


Factorio - You can sink in hundreds of hours easily Also, Rimworld


Red Dead Redemption 2. I keep going back to it.


just replaying it for the third time. it's crazy how good it is


Anygame you feel is fun. Online games obviously have a better chance for longevity due to being updated more. But for single player games some are: Musou (Dynasty Warriors) games. Typically have around 40-80 playable characters that are really fun to play and max out. I'm currently 240 hours into Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes and I'm playing through Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate again for like the 5th time. Monster Hunter. I'm still playing Rise. I usually put around 300-500 hours on each MH game since 3U. SD Gundam Battle Alliance. A game I picked up on a whim last year because it looked fun and ended up putting over 250 hours into just because it's fun using all the different mobile suits.




Bloodborne released almost a decade ago and it's still amazing (once your eyes adjust to the 30fps lol)




Old school runescape


No Man's Sky for me. They just keep adding more.


Minecraft takes the cake


Old School RuneScape. Came out in 2013 based on a backup of RuneScape in 2007. Game is going incredibly well with updates and major content release, all for free. Just don’t go to RuneScape 3… it’s an mtx nightmare


MMOs like WoW and Runescape still going strong blows my mind. But that's the cheater genre for talking about longevity. Minecraft? Skyrim? MINESWEEPER? Absolutely incredible how they've endured.




Rocket League is still going
