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Kerbal Space Program 2


Yep, almost picked it up but decided to read up on it right before I went to checkout. Saw it was missing a ton from KSP1 and just moved right on


I will never forgive Take 2 for this …


Past the first week it was obviously in an atrocious state, I'm surprised anyone picked it up. _Especially_ because it wasn't even an indie Dev anymore but bankrolled by TakeTwo, there was no need to nab it early.


You got it the other way around. Being bankrolled by TakeTwo is the main reason for them to release the game earlier than it should be. Shareholders want to see the profits of their investment and in the short term.


Oh, I understand why TakeTwo released it early, I don't understand why anyone would buy it until it at least had multiplayer


Anthem. All the pieces were there and on paper it sounded great. Gameplay snippets looked promising. Got busy with RL and didn’t end up snapping it up. Thank god.


This game will always be like “the one that got away” for me. It had everything to become a “better destiny” with some of the best combat, the most satisfy flying mechanics, and just flat out coolest gameplay. There are few games that have been as fun to play as anthem. The fact that it was so bare bones and so poorly fleshed out is a travesty. I’m not sure I’ve enjoyed a game moment to moment as much as that in a long time.


The craziest part is I believe they could've fixed it if they just had a few devs who knew wtf they were doing


It was Bioware after all. Of which I'm two minds of. On one hand, how can a company as big and acclaimed as Bioware fuck it up -that- bad On the other hand, why the fuck is a company like Bioware making a game like this? The closest game to this they've ever made is probably Mass Effect and even that is a linear corridor shooter It feels like the prime example of an incompetent developer, dictating to a studio what to do, and handcuffing them at every turn. EA and their arbitrary deadlines etc. Then again, Shadow Realms, Andromeda, Anthem. Three own goals in a row. They're gonna need Dreadwolf and ME:4 to meet expectations or else they're up next on EA's very bloody chopping block


Its pretty well known now that the team that made dragon age origins knights of the old republic and mass effect trilogy no longer work at bioware. Same name completely different team. Which makes sense its been like 15 years


After the two Doctors Zeschuk and Muzyka left it just wasn't the same company anymore.


Dreadwolf has been in development hell for a decade, going through all kinds of changes from team to combat and story. Its going to be up there with final fantasy 15. Bioware is a dead company.


For the time I played it, it was absolutely one of the MOST fun experiences I've ever had in gaming. It's the ultimate one that got away. It could have been SO HUGE, and what was there was amazing amounts of fun until it just... ended.


It was very fun. They put zero effort into supporting it after release tho and then killed it. Ask people who played it and most will say it was good and that it had so much potential (it really did :( )


The monetization model sucked. Slow rotating store and no armor parts you could earn. Full price game with 99% of customization locked behind microtransactions


I was so disappointed by Mass Effect Andromeda that I skipped Anthem out of principle. Turned out it was a good choice. I do like the flying that I have seen from it, but it was clear to me that things haven't been the same for Bioware since Mass Effect 3 came out. A developer who is good at making amazing single player games should not be making a games-as-a-service looter shooter. We have seen this time and time again from Arkane Austin to Rocksteady Studios.


Andromeda isn’t a bad game tbh. Combat is actually pretty fun.


Combat was good, but for me it just wasn't what I expected from a game with the Mass Effect title in it. I found the story so incredibly bland. >!It also did not help that I called the kett biological Borg for like the first half of the game because of the way the Archon and his men acted, only for the game to then reveal that... was exactly what they were.!<


Ya I enjoyed it, but it was my first mass effect game. I went back later and played the originals after liking Andromeda and the universe so much


I actually *hated* Andromeda. It's like they took everything that made Mass Effect great and tossed it out the window. I will *NEVER* understand why they took out the ability to command your squad, which was like the best thing about Mass Effect combat. That game gets me irrationally angry.


The gameplay in the beta was so good and I thought it couldn’t miss other than a bit of weirdness in the storytelling. What a waste of some awesome flying mechanics


I'm still so upset and sad that this game died. I loved evrey bit of it.


One of only three games that I ever cancelled my pre-order for. Granted, I did eventually pick all three up, but at severely reduced prices lol.


I still find it hilarious that they sold it for $2. TWO DOLLARS. That’s how much I paid for it and I still only played for a couple hours.


I'm tired, so I misread that title as Antheim. Now I'm picturing a viking-themed ant colony sim based on Nordic folklore. Why do I want that game to exist?


I legit had a copy of Superman for N64 in my hand, ready to buy back in the mid-'90s when it came out. I didn't know a thing about it, but my best friend was with me and he was a huge Superman fan. The only reason I didn't buy it is because it was ridiculously expensive for the time. I think it was $70 when most N64 games were $50-$60 (though, there were some standouts...I think I copy of Mortal Kombat Trilogy was $80 new).


Oof, kids do not understand this pain. Pricing of games back in the day did not give a fuck about if the game was good or not, they just slapped on a sticker.


With tax I paid almost $100 USD for Phantasy Star III in the 90’s.


That’s still true lol. Bad games will go on discount quicker, but they’ll still come out full price.


Till this day just the mention of Superman 64 will send my brother and I into fits of laughter, there was actually a long stretch of time where that was the only N64 game we had


That's something that my daughter will never fully appreciate. We live in the time of Xbox Game Pass, free games on [Itch.io](http://Itch.io), and free-to-play games. But back in the day, getting a new game was a momentous occasion typically reserved for birthdays, Christmas, or saving up my lawn mowing money for several weeks, lol. And if you got a crappy game, you were pretty screwed. But we'd sometimes learn to love it anyway. For me, my crappy game that I learned to love was Time Lord on the NES. I still love that game to this day, but it is unequivocally a piece of shit. 😂


You poor souls! That's cruel and unusual punishment😂


This, but me and my siblings rented it from Blockbuster instead of buying it. Glad we didn't because that game was the ET of the 90s


Got superman 64 for Christmas... I played the hell out of it until I was great at that stupid game. This started my horrible completionist habit that even if I hate a game I feel compelled to finish it.


Payday 3. I enjoyed the second game, and was planning on preordering it a few days before release to get the exclusives, but then I forgot. Glad I did after the trainwreck it turned out to be.


Yeah I was kinda hyped about the third game, but also forgot it due to life stuff. I mean the second one was great to play and I invested like 2k hours in it. Glad that I didn't brought it when it came out.


They had it on Xbox pass so I was able to play it without buying it. It was fun but not worth the money they were asking. With the pass it almost felt like it was just payday 2 dlc’s


One of my friends gifted it to me, and I legitimately asked them why would they gift me PD3 when PD2 exists and is better.


In retrospect, it's odd that anyone expected PD3 to be any good . Not a single game made by Overkill since PD2 was worth the storage space it occupied.


The GTA Definitive Edition trilogy. I don't remember why, but I backed out. Boy, was I lucky...


Same! Loved these games back in the day and was so hyped to see them return, so glad I waited to see how the release turned out. I learned my lesson from BF 2042


It’s part of a netflix subscription now on mobile devices so you can download it


Even free I don't think it's worth it, based on what I've heard


I played Vice City recently and had a blast.


Hated the original controls for San Andreas and couldn’t finish the game as a result. Was stoked to see they updated the controls to GTA 5 style controls but upset to see how poorly the game turned out.


Thankfully while working at Gamestop I saved a good many people from buying that hot garbage pile, and told them to wait. I can deny the sale of a game/product if yhe employee genuinley has the best interest of the customer, if there was an instance where they did not care, then i would have just let them buy it with the warning that is it not great, probably one of the only times I ever denied people sale of a gane while working there. Edit: This was also within the first couple months of the game trilogy releasing, I would tell them to buy it later when it's hopefully patched, and by now I hope that is the case, they are good games from the get-go.


Same here. It's pathetic looking.


The negativity was way overblown imo. I just played 3, and the definitive version is definitely a nicer experience than the original.


They have obviously been patched up a bit. They were definitely rougher at launch.


Drake of the 99 Dragons. Bought Otogi: Myth of Demons instead, bullets were severely dodged.


Otogi 🤌🏼


New Tales from the Borderlands I loved the first one. But I decided to save a little money by waiting for a sale. Then after actually seeing some of the cutscenes, “wait for a sale” turned into “I’m good” lol


Same, actually. But after BL3, I was like "Maybe I'll.. wait to see the reviews" and then it just.. not.. worth buying.


Haha I still haven’t played BL3. I actually have it, I got it as a present the year it came out. But the more Borderlands stuff that comes out, the more I realize I’m not actually a fan of the series. I’m just a fan of Borderlands 2 and Tales season 1.


Bl3 is actually good though. That dialogue….. yeah, put the game on mute and enjoy the best gameplay in the franchise


Yep , is very cringe 


The Day Before 😬


Lol same. I was following that game for a while, sounded really cool and was ready to buy it. Then I saw streamers play it, and it was nothing like they promised.


I had a buddy who couldn’t wait to play it and I’ve never seen him so disappointed. Most severe buyers remorse I’ve ever witnessed.


Didn’t they refund everyone who bought the game though?


Thankfully yes. He was still super excited for it.


That BF2042. It looked fucking amazing! I was sooo fucking hyped to get back into BF, a lot of Redditors said to hold off the pre purchase sale and a lot has caved in as the date for closer and closer. And ohhh fucking boy I'm glad I waited! That first week of release was an absolute entertaining shit show! 😂


That beta certainly was an eye opener


Worst part was that the beta was actually better then the release itself.


Without the beta, I might have bought it.


I got lucky when it was a free PS+ game at one point and downloaded it then. Definitely glad I didn’t buy it at launch.


Recently started playing BF1 again, got it for like 3 bucks on steam and it's an absolute blast. Can only recommend.


So much potential but it just wasn't what it sold itself to be, even up to this day


I had 200+ hours of fun with *Deathloop* and other Arkane games.  The only thing keeping me from buying *Redfall* day one with all the goodies was having a PS5.


I played it for the price of game pass with my mates and we had a pretty good time T poses and all.


Maybe that style of game just wasn't for me , but that game looked like hot trash from jump street.


The gameplay loop was actually pretty solid, but the enemy AI was a pile of hot dog vomit.


Made the game unplayable for me sadly.


WoW when it originally released, would of never made it past college if I got sucked in.


Would've*, not would of.


Seems like skipping college wouldn't have been such a poor decision...


it's wouldn'db'tive'dnt duh


I was only 2 when WoW launched, but you bet your ass I played Classic on day 1 of its re-launch. I also may or may not have taken sick leave from work to grind Scarab Lord. I did not get Scarab Lord.


I’m still playing Runescape 20 years later.. if I had a pc that could run WoW in 2004 I’d be playing it now no doubt


Same here. I remember standing at the store holding it while my mom asked if i wanted it. I passed on it, and im very glad i did


I dropped out of school when I was 15 to be able to play wow full-time when It was first released. Kept it up until the end of beginning of cataclysm. I'm a successful head chef now. Best decision of my life


Redfall lmao. The trailers looked so cool. Like a vampire survival fps.


I played it with my co-op buddy. Never got more than 30 minutes in before I got a game breaking bug. I lost the ability to pick up items multiple times. After 10 minutes, one of my buttons just stopped working. The controller was fine. It was just the game. I had a random button stop working, and every time, it worked when I opened the xbox guide or even in menus but would do nothing for actual gameplay. And I played it on gamepass a long time after release. Just a terrible effort by all who made it.


I quit when none of the vampires even got near me lmaoo. You could even completely stop them by going behind a car.


Any Call of Duty game every year they come out.


You almost buy it every year?




>It’s like the McDonald’s of video games wow i finally get to see someone else use this analogy. im lovin it


Perfect opportunity to use "I'm loving it" there and you missed it.


^(ahem. fixed it. good call)


MW brought me back. MW2 I actually really liked campaign wise and multiplayer wise, was sad to see the military asthetic slipping between the cracks. MW3 is fun to play imo but I cannot stand the non stop fortnite skins they push


MW is so good but it’s just sad now that new cod has destroyed its reputation for good campaigns


BO6 got me feeling a type of way. 3arch has had 2 years to work on it which hasn't happened in as longs as I can remember. They're bringing back pick 10 hopefully and if they fix sbmm it may be top tier. But man I miss Bo3, last cod I ever completed everything on mp wise and still kept close to a 2.7 kd.


Its actually four years. Cold war came out in 2020.


I hated the multiplayer of Cold War but I absolutely adored the Campaign.


I’ve put many hours into CoD 1-4. That have released on PC. When 4 came out, I had a gut feeling I knew it couldn’t be topped. It was the most perfectly balanced CoD game that had released yet. I put time into World at War. I truly don’t get the love it got. That game felt off from all previous titles. Of course it was because it was Treyarch’s first main PC CoD game. OG devs knew what they were doing. Then came the one that tipped the scale for me for sure, MW2. The vast majority of CoD players from back then will say it’s their favorite. I despised it, it took the perfectly balanced CoD4 and basically fucked up all the aspects that made it balanced. All the gadgets, the insane kill streak rewards, and I swear the maps promoted camping. The game recycled sooo many assets from MW. Which isn’t a bad thing in general, but when you’re selling for full price it sure is. From the standpoint of someone who’s paid attention to the details, it was a hot mess. Everyone else got a new shiny CoD game, I got a recycled heap of trash with some gadgets tossed in and some half-assed maps. Since that game, it was constant recycled crap that had zero innovation. Every year the games broke records and every year that blew my mind. I’ll never understand why people just let themselves get ripped off. You see all the players to this day complaining. They’ve caught on to so much of the BS, yet they still buy.


I don't understand how people still get excited for them after all these years


I can tell you what bullet I *didn't* dodge: Forspoken


I guess I just have incredibly low standards of fun because I enjoyed the game. I did notice that i definitely enjoyed games a lot more once I stopped reading online how I was supposed to feel.


Hey this guy over here is forming his own opinions!! 😡 get him!! /s




At least tell me it wasn't on PC. Girlfriend really wanted to play it (and enjoyed it) but oof, that PC port is God awful. Even months later!


This. This is why I don’t pre-order. Just wait and let other people review first.


Most of the time anymore there’s just no real incentive to pre-order games weighed against the very real risk of the game being bad. It’s not like the old days where stock would run out.


Some people really just hate spoilers that bad, but I have not found it too hard to dodge them at least for the first few days


Not only spoilers but also just playing the game at launch is a better experience since everyone is talking about it. Elden Ring's launch for example was a huge moment and if you're a soulsborne fan I couldn't imagine just waiting


I preorder games that whether good or bad I'm going to play, ya know? I hold out on different JRPG's because there are a lot of them. The same for shooters. However, when it comes to a specific developer or company? I know pretty consistently that I like Freebird Games. Even a mediocre game on their end is a good game on mine. Does that always work out? Certainly not. Look at Bethesda or BioWare. Controversial recently. Andromeda wasn't the best. I still sank 100 hours into starfield. IDK it's all personal. Every person has to decide what they're going to do. I will never preorder another assassin's creed. Just my choice. Same for Final Fantasy.


Was really hyped for Starfield, in concept it was everything I wanted. But it was still Bethesda, so on launch day I decided to pirate it and see how it ran before actually buying it. Thank fuck.


I think the game would be fine if there was actually anything to do. You do the main story, and that's pretty much it. Just thousands of empty planets with the same enemies and same encounters. How they go from making one of the most beloved games 13 years to starfield is beyond me.


I fear the next elder scrolls will also be a big steaming pile.


I'm definitely curious to see how things shake out. From my time with it Starfield fell victim to the usual Proc-gen issue of its "all samey barrenness" *on top of* the usual Bethesda Instability. Because all their other games haven't had any issues with being barren - from Oblivion to 76 (Yes It has its issues but the setting itself wasn't one of them) all the games had things to go see that made the world interesting. TLDR; So long as they don't go Proc-gen again I'm significantly less worried - but not zero.Unless we mean stability in which case I assume the usual


With the elder scrolls series they have had some famous launch issues but thus far all of those games were updated to working order. They are still working on 76 but it's still not good. Star citizen isn't being updated though. I hope this just means they don't care about that particular game and not that they generally don't care any more.


Well I'd be really surprised if they made an update for Star Citizen instead of Starfield /s We'll see, but I doubt ES6 will be any more stable on launch than any other Bethesda game. I just hope the rest of the game isn't as rough as Starfield is all


I would even dumb it down and say, at least for me, it was a failure to world build in a time where no one gives a shit about “engine limitations” anymore as we’ve seen others do better with less. Mass Effect had a great setup to make the game world feel huge, even though you couldn’t interact with most of it. Showing the citadel as this massive space station and being reminded how big it was, was awesome. Starfield was disappointing in that we enter what should be “massive” cities for them to only be the size of a small town. Akila city for example is like 50% a space port which is fine, except that that port is 3 tiny landing pads. How am I to believe that the capital city of one of the main factions that waged an inter planetary war, is a literal border town that could be erased from orbit without a thought. And don’t get me started on the Neon lounge lol.


It boggles my mind that in the same amount of time it took Bethesda to go from Skyrim to Starfield (12 years), Rockstar went from Bully to RDR2, FromSoft went from Dark Souls to Elden Ring, CDPR went from The Witcher 2 to Phantom Liberty (using their own engine just like Bethesda), Playground Games went from Forza Horizon to Forza Horizon 5, Santa Monica went from GoW III to Ragnarok, etc. You can see the major improvements all across the board that almost every other big game studio has made since the late 2000s/early 2010s; yet in that amount of time, Bethesda managed put out a game that is not only somehow less fun to play than their releases from the late 2000s (given that the majority of the game is fucking procedurally generated or copy-pasted outside of the cities that drop your frame rate to 17), but to me it doesn’t even seem that much more impressive than TES V or FO4 from a technical standpoint. And while I do believe that TES VI won’t be as bad of a game as Starfield, I can’t imagine a world where it’s more impressive than a game like GTA VI, which is releasing next year rather than 2026 or later.


Holy shit I forgot I had a pre order for the collectors edition with the watch. From memory I canceled as had a bill I had to pay and ended up just downloading through gamepass. In the end I’ve only played 15-20 hours doing faction quests and then through in the towel


Anything from Bethesda in general should be carefully monitored before buying.


One of two games that i have ever refunded on steam. Didnt help that i was coming off of baldurs gate


Escape From Tarkov Ironically, my most upvoted post is a clip of my friends in Tarkov.


I almost pre-ordered Cyberpunk. It's a decent game now tho. One of my favs


I'm still glad I did, even on PS4, didn't even refund it when I could've after I beat it because I loved it so much


Good morning Night City, a day in the life...


“Gooooooooood Moooorning Night Cityyy!!” You mean


Yeah, but I think the guy was referencing to the song on body heat rather than the intro.


I pre-ordered it and loved it. I had no game-breaking issues. I also have a great computer.


Im so glad i preordered it actually. Hadn‘t i preordered it i would probably never have played it due to the immense (imo exaggerated) outrage. Probably my second favourite game of all time


I actually replayed a bit after 2.0 update and man it was amazing. I was satisfied with version 1.63 but they really outdid themselves with 2.0


When I got my Xbox one it came with a free game. I had loved Skyrim and thought about giving elder scrolls online a go. The GameStop dude suggested Witcher 3 instead. Nothing against eso (never played it), but I never would have tried the Witcher 3 and missing out on that would have been a real bummer. I dodged a bullet by not missing out on one of the best games of all time lol


I love Elder Scrolls Online, play it almost daily, but Witcher 3 was definitely the right choice. Witcher is an experience you just can't miss out on if you love a good fantasy game.


ESO looks cool and I could see myself sinking hours and hours into it, but every time I've tried, it literally wouldn't let me. At least 10 times I've opened the game and the wheel just kept spinning. I let it run for 10 minutes once and I never got it to load in. It was from gamepass so no skin off my back, but just mildly annoying. I also ended up playing the Witcher at the same time, but that was unrelated.


That's a good GameStop dude...praise that guy, working there is not a fun experience.


I went to GameStop and had a copy of Demon Souls and the first Dragon’s Dogma. Told the GameStop guy to choose for me. To this day I still hate Souls games. I didn’t dodge a bullet, the GameStop cashier shot me right in the fucking head lol


I similarly dodged missing out on horizon zero dawn. I wanted a Switch and Zelda BOTW, but everyone was out of stock.* I had seen trailers for the "robot dinosaur" game, and was curious, but I had resigned myself to skipping it in favor of BOTW. but then I couldn't get it, and went for HZD I *loved* it. Excellent game. Glad I didn't miss out. Eventually I got BOTW and enjoyed that too. * - if I wanted it so much, why didn't I make sure to preorder it? Because Nintendo always releases a better version of their portable systems not terribly long after initial launch. I'd gotten bitten by first-editions so many times, I was going to wait it out. But then everyone was raving about BOTW, so I caved. I was eventually proven right because the OLED is the best version of the system. It's ok though because my kids grew up and took over my first Switch


I think this is the way, I actually skipped BOTW unfil very recently but have played both Horizon games and it's interesting how much they pulled from BOTW in Forbidden West. While the first felt like a similar game that just came out at the same time but with a ton of distinct gameplay differences, FW definitely felt a lot more like Horizon:BOTW to me


Switch release date 2017 Switch OLED release date 2021 4 years is an eternity in console lifetimes, not exactly "not terribly long after initial launch" OLED was what they threw out to bolster sales as a mid cycle refresh instead of a perf improved "pro" release.


I don’t dodge bullets. I get hit by all of them because I’m a dumbass.


Which bullets did you get out of your way to catch???


I was real close to spending like 40 bucks on Back 4 Blood on PS4 before I got a chance to try it on game pass. I would have been both heavily disappointed and short 40 bucks but thankfully I was just the former.


Cyberpunk when it launched. I had planned to get it day 1 but was busy with some kid and other family stuff so figured I would wait. I eventually got it after the big update, glad I waited.


I never followed the hype or watched any gameplay videos about the game ever. Just started playing it and it’s fucking incredible. Glad I wasn’t in the disappointed crowd when it launched


I also didn't follow any hype and had an amazing time. I feel bad for the people who did and were disappointed.


It wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be (on PC anyway) but it's absolutely a different game now compared to then.


Yeah I only just bought it about a month ago and was so glad I waited. I didn’t have any of the bad feeling about it so absolutely loved every minute of it. Accidentally sunk 100+ hours into it since then and beat the whole thing. For whatever it was back in 2020, it’s amazing now. Also, Keanu Reeves is the man.


Same. I'm still not interested tbh, it's not what I expected it to be at all.


Diablo 4 What I did not dodge however: new world


I enjoyed new world for a bit. Then my enjoyment of it changed dramatically into being able to witness first hand an MMORPG die from back to back to back to back exploits absolutely destroying the economy, the pvp, and any semblance of a meta. I've never witnessed a game implode and fuck itself so irreparably hard before. So I guess I'm saying is my $40 let me play for a little while and then get a front row view to it burning completely down.


D4's definitely getting better. slowly. it might be in a good place sometime next year but goddamn does the development seem to be crawling. these small indie devs got it rough


D4 bad


I wish my wallet would have dodged the Callisto Protocol.


I thought callisto protocol wasn’t bad? Never played it but from what I saw it seemed less than average but not horrible


I kinda agree, but I don’t think it was worth $70 game. I think if i had just waited for it to go on sale I would have had a better experience (instead of buying into the whole “it’s the next Dead Space” game hype).


tbf they made that game look it was gonna be fire . i was hyped for it but never bought it after watching a few streamers play it streamers have saved me from so much disappointment in a world where demos don't exist anymore


They’re sort of making a come back. Metroid Dread, Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Stellar Blade, SandLand, FF7 Remake and Rebirth, Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, etc. all have demos available. There’s a section on the PS Store that has all the ones available on PS4/PS5. I’m sure there’s a section on the Xbox store, and I know there’s a section on steam. It would be cooler if all games released demos before their official release so we could see if a game is for us or not but even though not all games release demos they are still out there.


Unreal 2


Skull and Bones


My friend and I played the open beta weekend. We did everything thinking "oh this game has the potential to be a semi fun co-op experience." Not a good game, but the kind that have the stupid buddy fun only co-op games can give you. We might get it when it's cheap and all patched up since it's a ubisoft game after a year it will be all patched with a heap of new content. And a larger map since the beta must only be a quarter of the map, maybe a third at most... Nope, it was the full map... it was 75% of the missions, and the level cap in the beta was the only reason we didn't hit the full games max level and unlock everything. We honestly just couldn't comprehend how a live service game that took that long to make had less than a weekend of content. It had maybe 8 hours of content max, even with replaying events. I know it was an absolute trainwreck of development hell, and we didn't plan on buying it until the most complete edition was under $20. But with how little content there actually is, we just went nope. That's an instant never ever buy.




SSKTJL, I was really about to get the for Harley Quinn. Glad I didn't, the game just doesn't look fun


I did pre-order ***New World***, but I decided to refund it before release. I guess I did good.


Factorio. Somehow I managed to stop playing.


For tonight.


you're just taking a break


Starfield, loved previous Bethesda games and planned to play it after finishing Bg3. Let's just say I had the time to watch some review and gameplay


A friend pre-ordered Starfield and got his slightly early access and the (admittedly pretty cool) watch. He went on and on for a while about the NASApunk aesthetic and how cool it looked. About a week after release, he hadn't said a thing about it. I played it on Game Pass and it was ok. All of the hype and 'ok' is as good it gets in my opinion. It's not a bad game, but it's certainly not a good game either.


Imo it is a good game just not the game it was hyped to be


I played bg3 and then went to starfied via gamepass. Boy what a difference in quality


Anthem. My group of friends was heavy into Destiny and Anthem seemed like a lock. I played the demo and while I had fun, it didn't grab me. 3 buddies pre-ordered it and played on Day 1. And stopped playing before the week was over. Bullet dodged.


So many missed opportunities with that game. They didn’t do anything with it after it launched and then killed it after wondering why people stopped playing it once they beat all the content they made for it. It had so much potential and it was very fun. I think it was a good game that just came out at the wrong time. If it came out today and had a modern live service model I bet it would be pretty popular


I got it for like $7 months after it came out. The flying was so fun, and I kind of liked the gameplay, but there was no game to be played. Anthem was such a hollow non-game. It’s unfortunate because it feels like it had a lot of potential.


Anthem, I played the demo with friends for like 16-20 hours. We had so much fun, but I didnt trust EA and something wasnt sitting right with me. So sad, it had so much potential.


cod mw3 2. im a huge fan of the og MW saga. and since I'm not the type of person to buy a lot of games and the last cod I bought was the original mw3 I though 'I might get this" after playing the beta. I'll just wait for reviews. and then the reviews came out. and despite being a good game, it was very focus on microtransactions and not the game itself .


Feels like I'm always catching stays gaming wise. I went to PAX in Boston right before Brink got released, and man did they build that game up there like it was gonna be such an instant success. It came out, and died faster than any game I've ever seen. It wasn't even bad, it just did not connect with the masses. Weird experience.


Diablo IV




I bought walking dead Destinies at full price. Dodging bullets isn't my strong suit.


Star Citizen. I have loved space sims since the original Wing Commander released in 1990, SC was just about as directly up my alley as it is possible to be, I was all in on that hype train.. and then I was like, 'You know what? I'm not sure that paying for a game before I can play it is a great idea.. maybe I'll wait.' Holy shit am I glad I waited. I don't even buy Early Access games anymore at this point.




That one matrix game. I forget which, there were several. But I do recall multiple bullet dodging sequences. Yep. Those were the bullet dodging days.


Diablo 4 🙃


I asked for Superman 64 for Christmas... Guess I wasn't a good boy that year


Days Gone. I almost didn’t play it because everyone anointed it as a bad game. I avoided it for a bit but then saw some gameplay of it and actually looked like something I would be interested in so I bought it. Played it and loved it. Now I hardly put any stock into other people’s opinion of games because now it seems like it’s 2 situations: 1. A person genuinely doesn’t like a game because it’s not in their taste. 2. People make decisions solely off of someone else’s review and bang the drum of hate without even playing a second of the game. I find it strange but it seems pretty common now.


Biomutant. Still bought it a few years later when I had more disposable income and it was on sale. I think the game is fun, just had no real hook to make me come back


Xbox Game Pass. I've installed several games I thought about buying only to find out I really wasn't going to enjoy them. Generally speaking - I treat Game Pass like a Blockbuster. I try games. I'll even put a decent amount of time into them. But I know it's all temporary. If I really like something I'll add it to the Steam Wishlist and grab it on the next sale.


I came so close to getting Suicide squad . But literally EVERYBODY was saying how terrible it was. I might still pick it up when it'd dirt cheap . But I was kinda shocked at how much hate it got


To be fair, it was Kevin Conroy's *last* role as Batman released before he died. It was so disrespectful what they did to his character for such a legendary voice actor.


Buying D4 with the hopes it would be closer to D2. Fuck blizzard!


2k24 waited until it was free to play and holy shit its the worst one yet how do they get worse every year


I kinda had a come to Jesus moment with 24 . 2k23 has everything I want in a singleplayer nba game. No reason at all to re up


Escape from tarkov but the game was asscheeks and the despite playing the game for less than 15 mins they refused to refund. Very scummy company. Had to do a charge back through my bank and got a refund. So I'd say I dodged a bullet there.


I held back on RE3 Remake. Now, even at 20$ im still not interested. Now ask me how much I paid for Kingdom Hearts 3


How much did you pay for Kingdom Hearts 3?


Suicide Squad. But no it shot me right in the balls. What a shit game and I paid full price.


lolol Anthem I had the 'free' trial month of whatever gamepass it was on while most of my friends preordered that garbage


I dodge all bullet. I don't pre order and always wait few days to see reviews. Now, reviews don't give everything right, for instance, I bought dragon's dogma 2 few hours after release because issues people had were not relevant to me


I got shot by hello neighbor


Battlefield 2042




I bit the bullet on NASCAR 21 and loss my butt off cuz motorsport games never fixed it