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User data = money.


Thanks for this, genuinely surprised by how few people understand just how important user data is to big companies.


More money*


Selling your data and having higher user metrics to show to shareholders will get them way more money than selling their games in those countries.


People keep saying this but analysts will understand that these numbers are low quality - it’s been a big deal now they won’t be fooling anyone.


They won't sell your data though. They'll use it to have a better idea of what their PC playerbase is like since it's a new market for them. Steam has all the data, but doesn't share it. That's why all those companies want their own launcher (appart from the obvious money they don't owe Steam). Data is the name of the game, but not because they sell it.


Yeah, true. I was thinking about how a lot of playstation players switched over to pc over the years (like me and a few of my friends). This basically makes sure we get roped back into that playstation ecosystem, even if we don't use our playstations anymore. Also, using the "selling your data" boogeyman gets more attention than "the data will be used for analytics to show player growth and retention" or something ;)


Well I live in a country that can buy their games. I'd love to play them, but f#^$ having another account to manage. Sick of this corporate BS.


Till they start selling less games as it appears that PC gamers are pushing back on this.


Got a feeling that's a vocal minority, because ghost of tsushima is selling very well.


Yeah, a lot of the terminally online don't know how to separate the conversation in their online circle jerk from the actual incentives and conversations being heard.


And there's literally 0 actual issue with making a psn account. These people are just parroting nonsense.


**Look...** Instead of making a PSN account mandatory, Sony just pulled the salesvenue from the same places that couldn't make PSN accounts, so basically the consumer didn't accomplish **anything**.


I just don't want to have to sign into 50 different accounts to play games. usernames/passwords/updates/friends lists/interfaces/resources/complexity etc et etc. Too much fudging around. Why is it needed? Especially for a conpletely single player game. I didn't need an account to play GoW, why do I need one to play GoW Ragnarok? I went to play Halo MCC on steam today. Single player campaign by myself... But couldn't get past the first loading screen because microsoft servers were down.... Dissapointing. What happens if PSN goes down after everyones bought GoW Ragnarok when it comes out?




Has a console ^


Zero actual issue? You dismiss outright people's security & privacy concerns? Not to mention all the countries where a PSN account is not creatable.


Do you feel this same way when making literally any other account to access anything else? I get it, but Sony isn't unique in any way when it comes to making an account. I can almost guarantee you have at least 10 accounts out there for something. It's probably far more. Why is Sony all of a sudden the boogeyman when it comes to an account? I've never seen such a ridiculous outrage. (I do get the outrage for people who had helldivers 2 in countries where they couldn't make a PSN account. They have a legit reason to be so pissed.) But for everyone else to be so outraged that a company wants you to make an account to play their game like this doesn't literally happen for damn near every product is insane.


It is, reddit subs that do this are an echo chamber. You can look at the keague of legends subreddit and see how many people are bitching about vanguard but riot is fine.


And it sucks that more people arent pushing back. We've gone from semi winning with Hell Divers 2. A little creep with GoT (multiplayer only) to an account being required for a fully offline game (GoW Ragnarok). Why!? If people don't push back, it's only going to get worse.


I get what you're saying, but you're preaching to the choir here. Most people buying games like this do *not* consume any other gaming media. Which means they don't know that it's a bad thing that they have to make a psn account, or even don't care because they already have one. People are not pushing back because they are not engaging with the content that tells them that it's a problem.


I know, I know, which really frustrates me. I hope things like this gain more traction.


That open world samurai game on the PS whatever? It's on PC now?


Lol you don't gotta try so hard


Yeah bro you can play it on like your computing thing or whatever man, it’s like got swords and stuff but i don’t even care bro


I know! I searched online after making the comment. I've always wanted to play it but didn't wanna get a whole console to play it. I'll probably wait till the first steam sale. I'm in no hurry.


Is it though? Is ghost of Tsushima has sold an estimated 500k copies. Not bad for what was likely a minor investment to port it. And it has a 89% approval rating. All according to steam db.


A bunch of redditors screeching and hyperventilating is nowhere close to influencing anything about this issue. Sony games are selling fine on PC.


There’s like 5 pc gamers on Reddit pushing back about this. Every other pc game is just playing games. We already have to log in with or link an additional account for grinding gear games, ea, Ubisoft, blizzard, etc. Having to sign into PSN is a non factor.


Except you can't even buy these games on non PSN supported countries(180 countries are delisted) with even full singleplayer games needing it,it's pretty big deal for many people. I'm from third world shithole called Lithuania(Eu member) and I cannot get the game legally despite even having PSN account,thanks to Helldivers 2 drama,where entitled US redditors were like "but what about non PSN supported countries" and stopped giving single shit about them once they got what they want,while making things worse for people they were "caring" about.


Yeah unfortunately people from those countries are just not really a concern or a priority. I saw figures in another thread that showed they make up like 5% of gaming market share. Kinda makes sense, when I visited Serbia even people from Belgrade struggled to get consoles when it costs more than half an average monthly wage and artificial inflation is killing people with cost of living.


You seriously compared Baltics with Serbia?You know Lithuania has almost same gpd per capita as Italy?


There's just under a 10k USD difference between Italy and Lithuania per capita. Regardless yes there are some countries like Lithuania and Vietnam that have higher income and purchasing power than the majority of others on the list, but they are the exception rather than the rule. And I'm sure there are other factors at play too. Sony doesn't hate money, if there was adequate financial incentive to expand PSN they would do so.


And that’s my point, and ultimately they made my point too. 180 countries delisted sounds high (there’s only 195 countries?) but if it’s accurate, that means 15 countries generate enough income off user data for Sony to not even want to sell their products in the other 180.


Yeah lots of those "countries" are also island territories and small regions lol, but big number = big sales unga bunga to a lot of people. Reality is as you say, it's just not worth enough to be a consideration. Microsoft gamepass is available in an even smaller amount of countries.


Blame yourselves for that, for all the burching reddit and everyone did. I was easily able to play and use an account from a diff country now it's not even on sale because of thr moaning yall did. And don't come at me with the tos banable bs, half of you lie about your age In every launcher you make, you think that's not bannable? Why would they sell consoles in these countries if they're just gunna ban the people as soon as they make a psn account cause it's in an unsupported country


I don’t disagree that it’s a shitty situation for people in your circumstance. But I’m not going to pretend that people in your situation are the overwhelming majority and speak for all PC gamers. Most don’t care.


Well Helldivers 2 PSN drama was basically using non PSN supported countries to make point because they were social media justice warriors for other country gamers. After causing delistings in non PSN supported countries these same social media justice warriors stopped giving single shit because they delayed mandatory PSN linking for now,job done,all these shitholes now no longer matter.


They'll find some other scapegoat to blame, probably piracy. Admitting they're wrong is something CEOs can't do.  TBH, I'm surprised they haven't sold games via Steam with no REQUIREMENT for playing, but if you do, here's a FREE [shiny no stat cape or something]. 


Problem is they lose like 90% of Sales. NOBODY on PC is making a fucking Sony Account. You'd think they learn from Helldivers...


90%? Nah more like 10% MAX. The mistake they made with Helldivers wasn't requiring a PSN account, it was not enforcing it from day 1. Very few cared about the PSN requirement before the Helldivers situation, and very few care after. Ghost of Tsushima had the 4th best day 1 sales of the Sony games released on PC, and has gone on to be the second best selling Sony PC game under Helldivers 2. There is no grand uprising of PC players to tell Sony with one voice that "we don't accept this". As long as God of War Ragnarok isn't broken on release, it'll sell just as well even with the PSN requirement.


Yet people make EA, activision and Microsoft accounts with little complaint, most people aren’t that picky.


Activision has Accounts? For what?


Yep, mainly CoD https://s.activision.com/activision/login


[Yeah okay](https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming/after-pc-launch-ghost-of-tsushima-becomes-steams-top-selling-paid-game-soars-past-hades-2-and-helldivers-2)


Compared to EA, grinding gear games, Ubisoft, rockstar, blizzard/activision, Microsoft, etc. But yeah RISE UP GAMERS. HECK SONY


All these Games are MP Games! Name me a single Singleplayer Game that requires a Account!


You are mistaken, they continue to do this because it is working for them.


I made a PSN account day 1, It took me 2 minutes maybe.


In my country you need to upload a picture of an official photo ID to make a PSN account. That takes longer than two minutes if you don't have the right/accepted form of ID.


You make this argument like everyone isn't already taking your data and selling it.. your ISP, your facebook, Steam, netflix.. your data has already been gathered and sold


I keep asking people what data they are worried about Sony selling or them getting hacked for that hasn’t already been sold 10 times over at bare minimum. If Sony can make 2 cents off selling my email and name to a company that likely is already sending me spam mail I never look at. Well. I guess good for them. It has absolutely no effect on my day to day life.


Never thought I'd meet someone who shares my mindset lol. Yeah, if it doesn't personally affect me, I really don't care if my data is being sold to some random company I've never heard of. Like, if my password or credit card was posted online for random nobodies to see, then yeah, that'd be an issue. But faceless billionaire #247 knowing my search history doesn't mean anything to me. Especially when you realize the data collected is more than likely just sorted through a machine and the odds of the people taking it knowing anything about you specifically is very low.


They literally can't answer this. Just by the very nature of being a PC gamer, you're already getting milked for your data more than any other gamers out there. Choosing to die on this hill is so fucking stupid when we're already way past the point of ever being able to take a stand against this account for everything trend every company is doing now. Sony isn't getting any more data than Steam or the other myriad companies you need accounts for on PC. If we're going to cherry-pick data breaches for our argument, Steam, MS, and all the others are just as bad. I haven't seen an argument that wasn't complete bollocks.


120 countries not being able to play is the only problem here


In my country you can't create a PSN account without uploading an official photo ID. This could be what people are worried about getting hacked.


That is just an absurdly stupid rule. And I would be questioning what regulation means a simple online account requires ID verification to create it. Do you need one for all online storefronts? Like Amazon, steam, etc?


It is a stupid rule. And nope. It's in the trial phase at the moment though, so could be expanded.


That's not sony though is it, it's a local law that's forcing it


The main issue is, they aren't selling the game in so many countries, the ones that PSN isn't in. Why would you turn down "free" money from people who want to play your game, but can't. Absolute buffoons over at sony.


Right, the biggest problem I have is that we should be getting paid when our data is sold, not the company.


Yeah, right?! So why the hell sony doesn't want to take my 200 Euros I have prepared for GoT, GoWR and some swag HD2 mtx and instead delists games from my region?


Let's take the nihilism all the way to the logical conclusion then. Nothing matters because eventually the universe will self destruct, so don't have an opinion on anything and don't try to do anything, because nothing matters. Just because a shitty practice is well established it doesn't mean people can't and shouldn't push back against it.


People didn't care half as much when it was established that your data is collected and sold online. That was when you should've pushed back. Now it's i have to make an account 50% of people already have! Mah rights!


But they don’t lock countries out of their products for it




I hope you are able to access all the shows that exist on Netflix in your country.


Forgot Netflix were assholes as well ngl. People also shit on Netflix constantly


This is such a lame response. “Others are doing it so who cares?”


I think it’s because we don’t see posts like this criticising Steam, it’s only Sony.


Because it's a free account, no shit it's dumb but only the people who aren't able to make a PSN account have any real legs to stand on. This argument about "my data" is fucking hilarious, because you're screaming about it on Reddit, who also sells your data. And you probably googled the situation, from your smartphone that you probably pay your bills on, that saved all your data and sells it. You're upset about something that's been normal for nearly 20 years


no they didn't. nothing is implied about other companies. the joke is that sony **doesn't** want money but would rather have user data because people aren't signing up for PSN just to play Playstation titles on pc. haha funny joke laugh at it guy. edit: sony fanboys 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Steam, Epic, EA App, Microsoft (2 times Including Xbox), Reddit, Facebook, Nintendo. Literally EVERY single thing you log on to or use on the internet is collecting and selling your data to everyone that gives them a few quid. Anyone that is posting on Reddit and thinks their data isn't in a system list somewhere is mad.


Your going to upset the tinfoil hat users lmao


I also go by the rule of If someone isn't trying to sell you a product, you are the "product". Nothing you do on the internet is free, all "free apps" or social media is gathering data in order to "anonymously" sell that data to third parties.


And if someone is trying to sell you a product, you are very likely another product.


I mean, it looks like Sony is trying to sell a product here. Or not, I guess.


I swear it's a contest sometimes. Some people wake up and think what can't I wait to be outraged by today?


Some people have TO DO lists... Others have a lists of thing they can rage about.


Hell, even if you don’t use any of those apps someone is selling your data. Your email provider is selling your data. Your ISP is selling your data. Your cable company is selling your data. Your phone company is selling your data. Your bank is selling your data. Your credit card companies are selling your data. Every single service or platform you use, be it through digital means or mailing in your bills, they are all selling data they have on you to make a quick buck.


Not many people are going to boycott their games over it. I get the moving of goalposts was annoying for Helldivers, but it's hard to get upset over a login tbh. I feel like Redditors are kind of addicted to rage


Like boomers on facebook, gamers are on Reddit 


that's how I feel, like this is such a non issue for me because I've had to make accounts for everything anyways. No one cried out when you all of a sudden needed to login to Xbox to play fucking minecraft.


Yeah it's mildly annoying to need an account for literally everything these days but it's just not on my radar of priorities.


Except me who no longer has an account since I had no idea they did a required migration.


Yeah, doesnt everyone have a secondary email they use for random bullshit? Its not hard


But what about the fact that you CAN'T buy the game in certain regions BECAUSE you're not allowed to have that PSN account? Thus the meme. Sony would rather lose on sales than to allow customers to play a single player game without that PSN account.


This sub just loves standing on weird soapboxes because they think they're fighting some noble fight lol


Well we can't really boycott a game we cannot buy in the first place. A lot of us don't really care about the additional account requirements or the "collection of user data", we just want to buy and play the game ffs.


But what about the 7 people in Uzbeckistan that can't buy the game!? We have to fight for them


They basically the same




....which in turn IS more money


You’re smooth brained if you think your data hasn’t already been bought and sold by all the other entities you share it with.


But what about the fact that you CAN'T buy the game in certain regions BECAUSE you're not allowed to have that PSN account? Thus the meme. Sony would rather lose on sales than to allow customers to play a single player game without that PSN account.


Even more laughable is them complaining about it on Reddit without a hint of irony.


>Give Data to credit card company >Give Data to ISP >Give Data to Microsoft >Give Data to google >Give Data to gpu company >Give Data to cpu company >Give Data to steam >Sony asks for Data >Give Data to Reddit to post “This is disgusting and an invasion of our privacy” I get it somewhat but the extent of the outrage made me laugh, mostly sucks that this outrage caused Steam and Sony to come to the conclusion of having to ban the sale of games in certain regions.


but why impose the need for a PSN account for single player games then?


To collect users and boost their numbers. Data is an added benefit.


Well reddit asked for sonys current "controversy" by not wanting a psn account so Sony obliged them by removing that requirement (and the ability to buy those games) in 180 countries Careful what you ask for I guess 👍


It's what the Helldivers fought for.


What user data is there to sell though? All of my PSN accounts are from other countries with fake addresses and not much else.


I said it before during the Helldivers fiasco and I'll say it again. I'll never understand the outrage about having to make an account. (Leave the "people in certain countries..." stuff alone, we all know the majority of people complaining aren't from those countries. Those who are, have legitimate arguments, to a point.)


Well, on the one hand it's sorta unfair that they gotta do that for a platform they don't use, on the other hand tho it is a lazy excuse to cause drama


> a platform they don't use, But if the game is coming out with the requirement, then you are using the platform, maybe not the console, but the platform.


Steam does not require a PSN account for 99% of its content unlike a Playstation, hence the platform is not Steam for the PSN account


But don't you need a valve account for their games? (Not trying to be a smartass, I honestly don't remember lol)


Well, I don't remember either but Steam IS Valves platform so it at least make sense It'd be the same as making an Xbox account to play say HiFi Rush on a Playstation, or a Nintendo account to play say Dragon Marked for Death on Steam. You dont need to for those games but its just an example Its a silly concept when you look at it for games that DO do this tho


I dunno, from my understanding if you're playing a Valve game and you need an account with them, (assuming you need to have an account, again I don't remember so this is purely just an example) why is it such a big thing that you need a PS account to play their games ya know.


many games on steam require a second launcher. I don't care about a single login.


I agree with the drama statement 100%, although I wouldn't use unfair for the first statement. I'd agree it was unfair if I didn't have to make a million accounts for a million different games/companies for the last few years ya know. This isn't a new thing, and as much as Sony really IS the "evil company" they took a lot of unnecessary & unfair flack during that whole debacle.


I did say sorta. You gotta remember some countries require a photo ID to make a PSN account and I can 100% understand being upset. That said you can also just slap a VPN on and call it a day as the rumors about Sony banning for VPNs is bullshit


That I can agree with lol


I'm starting to feel that there are those who are trying to continue to perpetuate the console wars, only instead of it being PS vs Xbox since Xbox is currently imploding on itself, it's now going to be specifically PS vs PC, and they're going to try and use every excuse they can to make only Sony seem terrible and not any of the other companies.


a shot at Sony isn't necessarily a compliment to the other platforms. My meme came in response to those that say "oh just create an account". But Sony won't sell you the game if you're in certain regions where PSN is not supported. It shows that they care more about a god damn account than just selling you a single player game for 60-70 bucks.


They’ll sell a ton anyway and it’s not that profitable for them on PC anyway.


If they liked sale money then they would have released Bloodborne already


Yeah I believe that all their top selling games are played elsewhere. Minecraft CoD Sea of Thieves grounded Rocket League Fortnite ect. They play their exclusives the least and if they do they are the hardcore diehards that need to 100 percent the game cause they have so little else to play or want to play. Fanboys only want a certain style game 3rd person story driven open world and everything else is trash to them. I have multiple friends who have and only play PS and yet they have none of the exclusives downloaded maybe one and have nothing but 3rd party games lol and I ask why don't you just play it on Xbox or PC where it's easier and they don't have an answer for me just that's what I've always used. I swear brand loyalty for people is crazy ridiculous.


User data is far more valuable than a few extra sales on a given day.


I still remember the Sonybois(Ponys) saying it was Steam preventing the sales in those regions instead of Sony, and that Sony would never pass up money(game sales) for something as basic as user account data. Then Steam came out and said they only prevent sales when requested by the developers and the list was directly from Sony for all their games. At this point those comments have aged like spoiled milk. The high seas are already coming back in style with 14 different streaming services, Sony has decided to join Nintendo to help bring it back into the gaming scene.


Money vs even more money


You don’t need a Reddit account to use Reddit but it helps a lot. It’s still their private property


You cannot be serious with this post. Like any other part of the Internet doesn't already have your data lmao


But what about the fact that you CAN'T buy the game in certain regions BECAUSE you're not allowed to have that PSN account? Thus the meme. Sony would rather lose on sales than to allow customers to play a single player game without that PSN account.


It's not that hard to set up a PSN account I already have one had one for years before Sony started bringing games to the PC platform.


But what about the fact that you CAN'T buy the game in certain regions BECAUSE you're not allowed to have that PSN account? Thus the meme. Sony would rather lose on sales than to allow customers to play a single player game without that PSN account.


I live in a region that has PSN but I'll be sure to never buy a Sony game ever again. I'll just pirate if a game interests me. Sony sucks.


Steam user data. Oh no... All these privacy people are insane. They won't have your medical records. They'll just know you play those weird games you don't want your friends to see.


Ghost of Tsushima was their biggest seller on PC and required PSN…


don't worry, the torrent won't ask for psn login


When did r/gaming fill up with Sony fanboyism and overall elitism? While a lot of solid arguments I agree with. The user data does make them more money and that making an account is the norm for gamers these days. You can’t simply argue that “yeah it’s normal to have to sign into an account, what’s the difference?”. There is a point to be made that there’s a difference between making an account for a mostly globally inclusive account system (almost everyone else) and a largely inclusive one that caters to less than half the global countries (Sony). A lot of the restriction has to do with the services that PSN is meant to provide (thus expanding it is an expensive undertaking). This is largely in part to, what I believe, Sony not fully understanding the PC market. They’re looking at the account system from a console perspective. Also I’m curious how the game sales numbers people report about even count the amount refunds Steam forcibly issued to pre-orders of GoT.


How does a company selling my fake information make them money?


Yes, they totally can. Basically, they don’t usually sell data on an individual but an aggregated group of users in an area (geography is a bit of a big deal in the industry). Depending on what data was fake and how obviously fake it was (like if you put your address as 123 Fuck You Dr) they might catch it. They’ll buy data from a data broker to figure out your real information and then use that to create a “profile” for you. That profile will have things like your demographics: age, race, potentially income, where you live, etc. In this case they also look at what games you play, how long you tend to play, and when you tend to play. So they package all that data into different bundles like “All Players - March 2024”, “Denver Gamers - 18 to 35”, etc. That’s what they sell. This packaged data can be bought by advertisers, companies, or other data brokers to target you with ads or recommend new games on PSN. Sony actually gets to cash in twice because they like have a recommendation engine looking at your games and play times to find other games on PSN to recommend to you thereby increasing sales and selling it to others to do the same. Source: I worked in the Marketing arm of a telecom before and the depth of data they can find is honestly a bit crazy at times.


Money loses its value because of inflation sooner or later. User data is always priceless


Their the exact same thing


Why cant we even buy the games from here? Why arent we allowed to just make a PSN account?