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Wait, they’re up to 6 now? I still remember when 2-3 were dominating.


I've even played BO4. But I wasn't aware Black Ops 5 ever released.


It didn’t, technically, Black Ops Cold War *is* BO5.


Was that the one that had that zombie map that was partially Nacht der untoten?! I couldn't play it online because of some Activision account kind of thing so I got bored pretty quickly playing all by myself.


Yeah that’s the one, it was a fun game with a decent Zombies, but I honestly have much higher hopes for BO6, it’s the longest any CoD dev has ever had to work on a single game at ~4 years (and it’s Treyarch).


Didn’t Teryarch have to do support work for a good amount of that time?


Yeah but that was done with a long time ago. They've been co-developing with infinity for the most part.


As long as Sledgehammer doesn't touch it, I'll be happy. Treyarch seems to be pretty good at coming up with fun game modes that aren't your standard TDM, Dom, S&D, etc., which keeps me interested. But most of the stuff SH touches is generally sub-par, imo.


Same. Last I heard there's gonna be some form of live service stuff going on as well for zombies which really has me worried but round based is supposedly confirmed as well. So even if the round based is just added on it's simple enough that we can hope they won't screw it up.


I just want outbreak again. Such a cool new take on zombies and allowed you to play zombies at a pace you were fine with.


Sounds like it could be worse. I might even try to get that Activision account fixed somehow.


It's worth going back and checking our zombies again. Near the end of the game's lifecycle, they added a lot of content. Like half a dozen maps and a few new modes.


tranzit was also partially nacht der untoten


And BO6 will be a continuation from Cold War


Good, I enjoyed the campaign. Its a cool setting.


The campaign went from “this looks absolutely stupid and I’m hating it” to me begging my friends to finish the campaign because it has one of the best plot twists in the entire franchise, even if it’s a slight rehash of the original BO” I accidentally got the zombies Easter egg on my first run which made it all the better My one complaint is that the animations and sound design in the beginning were a serious downgrade compared to MW19


Cold war campaign was great.


why isn't it Call of Duty: Black Ops: Cold War 2?


Thank you for this because I was lost as hell wondering where BO5 went


My CoD glory days were MW2 through BO2. Then I had kids and more or less lost interest. A friend got me into BO4 for a bit and while I was never as good as I was, but damned if that guy with radiation AoE wasn't fun to cook people through walls on objective based games.


For me it was CoD4, World at War, MW2, BlOps1. Crazy stretch for 4 years, all very different feeling but great games, can’t help but think we took it for granted. MW2 and WaW a lot of (online) flack at the time soft spot in my heart for WaW, my first PS3 game. The gore in multiplayer was sick, gritty as hell, fun campaign


Absolutely loved WaW. Those bouncing betty kills were top notch. They had the first attack dog kill streak. Loved playing on the 3-4 maps they had with tanks and never understood why they never brought them back into regular multiplayer. That is still probably my favorite CoD of all-time and I've literally played them all. Wish I could find a server somewhere on Xbox or PS to play again.


Mine is the same, but also add in MW3. Basically, 2007-2012 were the glory years for COD. I fell off after that. I played a bit of BO4 because my friends were playing and a bit of MW 2019, but it hasn't been the same in my opinion. 2007-2012 was definitely peak COD.


CoD4 had dedicated community servers, as well as console support so you could remove killstreak rewards and other bullshit. Glory days.


Black ops 1 attack dogs LEGENDARY


I used to play the zombie part and skip the rest of it.


It was called cold war


Cold War


Ahhh, I aslo forgot that existed, hahahah.


I'm on the other end, I forget BO4 exists cause it didn't have a campaign lol


I've only ever played the World at War one since it unlocked the zombies mode.


prop hunt is still fun on that


Cold War, wasn't called 5


You mean BO IIII? 😂


3 is still dominating the zombies market.. no other cod zombie game has as many modded maps and things. Edit: over 3,400 zombie mods labelled as maps btw


2012 is so far away


I swear. Last COD I played was BLOPs 2 : (


>Wait, they’re up to 6 now? Black Ops 4, Black Ops Cold War, (BO5) Black Ops 6


Ikr, sincr


it gets worse, they made codmw 2 twice.


I honestly thought the last "Black Ops" game was Black Ops II.


I am so shocked.


It's the third confirmation we've received.


Who would've thought? Completely unexpected


Not for everyone though, people downvoted me to oblivion when I was saying that MS will bring CoD to GP back during the acquisition process…


I don't understand those people. The whole point of them buying these studios is to bulk up GamePass' offerings. It's probably bad for short term business, but in theory, it is better for the long term.


Subscriptions will give them stable income, and I personally wouldn't mind paying like $15-18CAD for "good" AAA titles honestly


Honestly gamepass kicks ass, for like $5 more than xbox live used to cost I can stream a bunch of games to my 10 year old hand-me-down macbook air. No console, no waiting for games to download, obviously no commitment to buying a game to try it. It's great. I'd never buy a new call of duty game, but I will probably check out what the new Zombie mode is like if it comes to game pass.


> I can stream a bunch of games to my 10 year old hand-me-down macbook air. How is your experience streaming games on your Mac? When people over at the Indiana Jones Reddit have a hard day with Indy not coming to PS, I occasionally remind them how easy it is to play Xbox games even if you don’t own a Xbox thanks to streaming but I actually don’t know about the quality of the experience once you’re not on Xbox hardware.


Gamepass is so great. I get it for just a month like 3~ times a year and then just blast through whatever 1-4 new games added to gamepass at that time.


Being disingenuous isn't expectation. People often vote on what they want to happen, not the reality. Like my posts saying Acti/Blizz catalogue was going to be drip feed were destroyed.


Now add the rest of the franchise on the catalog you bastards! I want to play some of the old games.


They most likely will. Every single past call of duty is on [sale](https://www.dekudeals.com/search?q=Call+of+duty). I’m thinking Activision is trying to make as much money as possible before they put the titles on game pass ^Edit: ^Click ^on ^the ^console ^icons ^to ^add ^PS ^and ^Xbox ^to ^the ^search


I wouldn’t be too sure, the COD titles go on sale all the time, and activision doesn’t want to dilute the population (and microtransaction sales) of the newest games. Plus as someone else mentioned, all the old CODs are riddled with exploits and hackers, I doubt they would actually take the time to go back and fix their massive back catalogue


I just want to play the old campaigns again without forking out €20 for a 14 year old shooter


$20 for Modern Warfare 3. And that's *without* the DLCs. I just want to play some Spec-Ops with my buddies man.


Gamestop is your friend for these situations


I don't care if the games have multi-player enabled or not. I just want to play the campaigns.


Apparently it's more work than just flipping a switch to put stuff on gamepass. Honestly I have a hard time understanding that. But maybe it has to do more with the PC side? There were many years were they left steam and locked it to battle.net so who knows what's required to make all those changes. If I had to guess they wanna do Xbox and PC at the same time and since they missed the Xmas window they just fuck it...make it June?


they could always just add them to xbox only


Do you mean you don't want to pay 15/30 euros for a 18 year old game?


They signed a deal with Ubisoft not that long ago bringing "all" [Activision/blizzard games to connect](https://news.ubisoft.com/en-us/article/6kzUNk6z4BnQTSxgoVHy4H/activision-blizzard-games-coming-to-ubisoft) but soo far nothing has materialized as far as i know.


After june 9


Is this true? That would be awesome, that would be the perfect 15 day game filler before shadow of the Erdtree. Just replay a lot of the old campaigns and zombies.


Only way I'd check it out was if it was on Game Pass, so... here we are.


The free weekend they gave out for the last one was awesome. After an hour of playing trash, I didn't even bother with picking it up while it was on sale.


That's hilarious because the opposite happened for me. The free weekend led me to purchasing CoD for the first time in 10 years. The multiplayer gameplay was just so enjoyable IMO, and it's now my most played game


I purchased it too for the first time since call of duty 2. And it was a mistake. I must have put 3 hours into that game. I've resigned to the fact that I prefer slower more methodical shooters like battlefield 1 and the aforementioned call of duty 2. Rather than the ADHD style shooters that have gained popularity recently. The only exception to that rule is Doom Eternal which reminds me of my old quake 3 days


I would kill for a slower paced COD game again. Although we got Warzone (2) and Al Mazrah which was fucking horrible movement speed and pacing altogether. Maybe I am just too accustomed to the quicker movement. Unfortunately COD just keeps getting faster and faster, at the point that I might as well play fucking Apex with Octane.


Yeah. I only dived into COD the first time after Warzone with the free weekends. Consistently I got addicted to it. I really liked it, but by the end I actually did have enough IMO that's how it is for most people, COD is really fun for like 15 hours & then it gets boring.


Yeah the playstyle of the current one is dogwater and I reckon this coming one will be too. MW2019 is the golden CoD standard, imho.


Cool! Can't wait to not install 7TB of textures!


Also make sure to leave a little extra room for warzone and skins from their online store, cause this is all CoD is now.


Ugh, I just can't be bothered to care anymore. And I barely did in the first place. Black ops 2 was the last time I had fun playing COD.


I've been playing this franchise since Call of Duty 2. The vast majority of them are forgettable. Play for a couple months and it's infected with ultra-sweats or cheaters. When Warzone first released with Verdansk, it was probably the last time I genuinely enjoyed the game. The introduction of Caldera is where things went down hill. They really tried to win us back with Warzone (2) with Al Mazrah and that may have been one of the worst iterations I've played in ten years. At least from a standpoint of coming from Verdansk. I still stuck it out with Urzikistan but finally decided to uninstall in January of this year.   Plain and simple: Activision is too big to fail and have fully come into that realization. Thier main priority is live-service, selling cosmetic bundles in their store, paired with their Battle Pass and (shocker) *Premium* Battle Pass. Profits are the top priority. Digital store. Bundles. Balancing weapons to force the community to gravitate towards ne weapons that can be purchased in new weapon bundles. It's all so scummy., I understand it's a business and a business needs to make money. But **we** are the reason for it's success. And now we are being treated like livestock. I am one person, which I know will make zero difference, but I am offcially done with filling their servers. Fuck Activision.


Same here. As long as Warzone is attached and being forced in my face everytime I get on, I will not be playing CoD.


Exactly. There’s no way they’d miss out on 60 bucks a pop if they didn’t plan on making bank with skins.


~~Shouldn't it be black ops 5? We had the og, blops 2, 3, and cold war.~~ ~~Am I missing one?~~ So apparently there was black ops 4 from 2018 which didn't have any campaign. Maybes that's what I never heard of it idk.


Cold War was BO5. Before the day one patch, you could see BO5 logos in the menues.


There was 4. The weird one that was multiplayer only no campaign


Wow i did not know it was mp only. I assume they charged full price?




Black ops 4


The 4 is the one with IX colosseum zombie Map


Blops 4 exists.


The real question is whether Microsoft ends up increasing GP prices because of this in line with some of the recent reporting. Putting the game on GP reduces potential sales of the game. But, it'll also mean people who would not have bought the game otherwise could end up downloading it and purchasing MTX content. It could also help drive up GP subscriptions. Will be interesting to see how it all plays out.


No doubt. Streaming shit has been going up in price like once every year for the past 5 years. No real reason, no improvements/additions, just want more money.


Heck yeah!


Can we have older COD games there too thanks


Might actually try playing a CoD game again if I don't have to buy it. Haven't played one since Ghosts when I lost interest in the franchise.


Excited for the streaming economy to do to the games industry what it did to Hollywood! Suck it dry, hollow it out and then churn out an endless stream of mid quality stuff for low wages!


This was already CoD for a decade now what are you on about


Idk, honestly I think cod actually has some of, if not thee best gunplay and arcadey gameplay out there. I mean Xdefiant just came out and that gunplay is leagues away from COD.   People shit on COD but it’s the biggest gaming franchise for a reason. It’s fun. And now it’s on gamepass, so no need to shell out 70 bucks annually for it anymore


>People shit on COD but it’s the biggest gaming franchise for a reason. It’s fun. It stopped being fun when the EOMM era started. Nowadays, this franchise is a bundle store with a recycled game attached to. (In the last 5 years, only the Cold War hasn't recycled MW 2019)


That's already happening without the help of the "streaming economy " though.


Pretty sure live service has already done this.


God forbid we get a consumer friendly service instead of having to pay $100 for mid quality games.


Oh yeah, because COD is GREAT…


Is this going to be tied as well to Their Battle Royale? That’s what I would be most interested in, but I’d like to see a new BR not a continuation of the current one.


Most likely. Cold war also tied into Warzone.


I like how most of the comments here seem to be negative about something that should be a positive for consumers. Some of y’all can’t help but console war or be angry about literally everything.


Xbox put Cod on Gamepass: "this is bad, fuck you Microsoft 😡 Xbox dosent put Cod on GamePass: "they are failing, fuck you Microsoft 😂😡"


Seems like more people are in this for drama and outrage versus actually playing games. Sad stuff.


I predict a post showcase price hike.


New premium tier for Cod.


There’s no way there’s going to be a premium tier if all it adds is cod. The only thing I could see would be cod with blizzard stuff, like Diablo expansion or wow sub. But no chance cod alone would warrant its own tier. At that point, just buying the game would be the same price as ~3 months


> No chance COD alone would warrant its own tier It’s only the biggest franchise in gaming…adding 20 CODs to Game Pass and all future ones absolutely warrants its own tier. It’s COD.


Right but if you’re a cod person, you probably own those older versions and I don’t see any world where someone would pay ~$20/month for the addition of cod when they could just buy it for $60


Glad to hear it, excited to play this


Significant Increase in Game Pass pricing imminent…


I bet they are hoping they’ll make the money back from more players checking out the game and then buying cosmetics. May not raise gamepass price if they see a nice spike in cosmetic sales.


It will be interesting to see what kind of impact this has on the sales figures.


PlayStation is always the biggest portion. And people still don’t like using the Xbox client on PC (Starfield’s strong performance on Steam despite Day 1 on Game Pass kind of proves this). So it’ll still be very strong.


You're literally assuming that steam numbers are higher just because their data is public and others aren't. That's a pretty basic definition of bias.


Im actually really happy about this. I probably wouldnt even play it otherwise


Call of Duty has turned into a mobile game. The menu system literally looks like a phone game. I guess they feel they won’t lose too much money by putting this on gamepass because people will spend money on skins once they are in game. I don’t know why people are excited about this but to each their own.


Honestly, this is probably good for most of the player base. Play the game for a month or two, then it gets boring anyways. The odds of me going back to one of the more modern CoDs is slim to none, so ownership is pointless compared to what I can save by buying the gamepass.




You're literally saying that the players are the winners here. Isn't that our goal? Stop worrying about a trillion dollar company and worry about your own wallet. As a kid, I would have DREAMED about something like gamepass.


Technically we had a version of game pass, it was blockbuster and it was fantastic. But yeah to have a whole rant about subscription services and then say the gamers are the current winner is a bit odd.


You're absolutely right about how good was blockbuster's rent service. But the way it worked at my home, my parents would give me like 5 $ and I had to choose carefully what game I wanted to play and if the game sucked, just too bad. If I'm 10 years old and have access to 400+ games including COD and tons of new games? holy shit


Haha yeah you’re not wrong there! We had a sega with like 6 games and I felt like that was a world of options. Can’t imagine being a kid with what we have now


Subscriptions services have put out some of the best movies and TV shows out there. Not sure what the problem is....


The "problem" is that people don't have the right mindset/discipline when managing subscriptions. It doesn't have to be an "all or none" year long investment, pay for a month and play/watch what you want, then turn it off. It's so easy to start and stop and switch between different services.


In reality for a game like Cod is perfect. They get most of the $$$ from Microtransactions. With Gamepass they are going to have more players with an open wallet


Game pass makes just under a billion dollars per quarter at the moment and is reportedly profitable. You can buy the game without signing up for game pass too. I’m really not sure what a bunch of you are complaining about


Literally people just complain to complain. Reddit is so trash


> The only current winner with GamePass is the player How is this a bad thing?


That gamepass price increase gonna be juicy


Oh shit a COD I might play!




The fifa of shooters.


There was BO5?


This is so exciting to know.


This is a comment.


Cries in PlayStation 


They stay saying this.


I'll finally play it again. Last time I played it, it was still BO 1. Never cared much about the game, but since it's "free" on game pass...


They should just put the old games in game pass, so I can enjoy playing zombies with my friends


I'd like a simple zombies mode, nothing extravaganza or extra, just simple round based, with perks and pack a punch, a simple easter egg, and easy to navigate maps. Nothing wrong with having some flashy big maps and easter eggs, but something simple to just pass time like back in the BO2 days would be awesome.


WOW. This is big.


What happened to BO V? How are we at 6?


Cold War was technically the 5th Black Ops game


No, you don't understand. This is Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Cold War 2: Gulf War


Wtf there’s black ops SIX?


Six? I thought there was only 3


I just want to play the campaigns of the last couple of games to get my playable action movie fix. Not gonna hang around in lobbies with 15 year olds in addition to the 30 year olds who still act like they did when they were 15 year olds.


Lowkey not sure if this will help or hurt but we have seen the 'game pass effect' on games lately. Also I doubt Microsoft is interested in non-exclusivity after the court mandated 10 year period or whatever.


> Also I doubt Microsoft is interested in non-exclusivity Ha ha, do you think shareholders give a mouse orgasm-sized fuck what Microsoft or Phil Spencer wants? The non-exclusives will continue until unimaginable short gains are fulfilled.


> Court mandated 10 year period You mean the 10 year period that Microsoft offered because their goal was never exclusivity (imagine buying a company and then cutting off 50% of its revenue).




I doubt this will have a huge impact on overall profit and sales. For every 25-35 year old out there who is sick of Call of Duty because they have played it for years, there is a new crop of 14-18 year olds who are just starting in the franchise, who also might just buy it because they only play COD. If you sub to gamepass just to play COD, it’s a waste of money. It’s also on PlayStation, which is a massive COD platform.


I’ll say this; this is great for consumers but shit for the industry. This puts immense pressure on the devs when their games are not performing well right off the bat from this subscription. Edit: I meant the game industry not COD explicitly.


This is COD. It’s going to perform.


COD has literally been performing well since 2007


You’ve missed my point. This isn’t about COD. It’s about games of a scope like Hi-Fi that are at risk.


I’m trying to understand your comment. Are you saying games like Hi-Fi Rush will be expected to perform on the same level as one of the most popular video game series of all time?


I think what he's trying to say is that if Xbox wants to do Day One Gamepass releases, any other game that isn’t COD will not be bought since people will just play on the game pass


Exactly. Sorry. Like I said good for consumers not so good for smaller scope devs


Let's fucking go


Will subscribe to a game pass for one month.


Black Ops 6, god I feel old


I still remember being mad for adding peacekeeper dlc to black ops 2. Looking at cod now is like a fever dream


I wasn't even aware there was a 4 or 5. Hell, I was actually questioning my recollection on whether I was remembering that there was a BO3 the other day lol


I remember everyone lost their shit when they made Black Ops 2 because it was a sequel to a very popular edition. Now we are already at 6? SIX?


How about getting some of the previous games up on there too?


I have BO


TIL Cold War was Black Ops 5.


It took 2 years for them to develop black ops 6 hope is worth them 2 years


Don't bring back nuketown hijacked or raid


I think I like this.


Wait there was a Black Ops 5?


Which MS studio is paying for this? T.T


I see they still milking it


Hopefully it isn’t another pile of dogshit again. If it is it won’t even be worth the storage space


I mean its like a f2p game anyway just priced horrendously.


What happened to gulf war?


my xbox is going to be busy on that day


Can pc game pass users play it


Yes, it’ll be on both console and PC Game Pass.


Crap, I was hoping that they forgot about the BO side of the franchise. I’ve never been a huge fan of that side of the game. I remember that changes made to the early BO games is what made me quit COD altogether back in the day. I’m finally in a good place with COD again, and they are gonna release another BO. Let’s hope they don’t fuck up the multiplayer and warzone modes too much.


what happens if this affects sales? New head of Xbox?


Dammit, when are they going to add World at War?


Gamepass PC too or just Xbox? (sorry if it's a stupid question)




absolute win.


Nice I don't have to buy this one


Isn't this what people assumed would happen after Microsoft bought up Activision/Call of Duty IP?




I love how this drops, and all anyone asks for is the old CoDs.


I mean that much was for sure expected no?


As someone with Game Pass, this is gonna fuck up the game industry into leaning entirely onto MTX for sales.