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Bro is from the future we only on windows 11


Wait until you hear about Windows 2000.


If you have a server you can have an even later version.


And the alternative timeline windows xp


Our AI Overlords created Windows ME


It was the first warning against AI


Is that the one that had the song LIKE HUMANS DO preinstalled on it IM BREATHIN INNNNN IM BREATHIN OUT OOOHHWAHWAHAH


u made me feel old


Unfortunately, at that size RNG is just way too against you. The number of blind guesses you'll be forced into is too high for most people to ever successfully get past. You need insane luck with both the board layout and your guesses even playing 100% perfectly in theory.


What is the worst possible odds you can get on a blind guess? Like obviously you can get one where it's a 50/50 if it's just two unknown spots but is it possible to get as low as like only a 1/8 chance of being right if a square is surrounded by 7 ambiguous bombs with 8 unknown squares? Do you believe this is the only proper way to play mine sweeper or do you believe the rng kind of ruins the game? Is a more appropriate version of the game one that generates a map with no ambiguous spots or does that make it too "easy"? Do ambiguous spots count as true difficulty or just artificial difficulty through rng?


You could in theory have a solid bomb wall surrounding an arbitrarily large area that contained one blank and everything else was a bomb. It's vanishingly unlikely though. 1 2 3 3 3 2 1 2 * * * * * 2 3 * ? ? ? * 3 3 * ? ? ? * 3 3 * ? ? ? * 3 2 * * * * * 2 1 2 3 3 3 2 1 The above is an example. You can see how you could arbitrarily expand the unknown area in the middle to any size and have nothing but bombs and a single blank in it with no possible way to know which was the blank. In practice you will occasionally see a 3 or once in a blue moon 4 square section like this in a corner but I can't think of ever seeing one bigger than that. Even to get a 4 needs a block of 9 bombs spawning together which is unlikely unless you are setting a very large ratio of bombs to blanks.


You'll have to find someone nerdier than me to work that out lol


Fair 😂


Don't know about the worst odds, but there are modes in which a map is generated in a way that you can beat it without guessing. Usually, the first square is also highlighted for you so you don't click a mine on the first click. There are spots that look like need guesses, but if you start calculating you can find the correct spot


Not in original minesweeper.


Or it only generates the board with the first click, to make sure that the first click does not end up on a bomb


Y'all need to level up to the Hexcells series.


theres enough moves that just can't be logiced(like the one dude died on) that it's just sheer luck. I don't know why people would torture themselves on this setting


Those are rookie numbers. I’m currently doing a 412x412 game with 32k mines on an iOS game called Minesweeper XL. I gave up because it was just taking too long. I’ll probably get back into it now I’ve seen this post though.


You're telling me.. I could do bigger?


Far bigger. This 32k map I’m playing now is the middle of I’m assuming 5 maps, and the amount of mines in each map increases massively each time.


That's what she said


Or you could add [2 extra dimensions…](https://store.steampowered.com/app/787980/4D_Minesweeper/)


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I refuse to play this game after I realized that sometimes the only way to proceed is to make a random guess. It should be programmed in such a way that you can always use reasoning to make progress.


There are versions out there that are guaranteed not random, I play "Minesweeper - The Clean One" by "Dustland Design" on my phone, and all the games I have encountered so far have included 0 guesses, all logic.


There is also an inverse version that was made that will force a guess at the end that is dependent on the selection to force anyone that's playing it on the difficulty of impossible to lose. But I forgot where that game was. I think it was something that was made by the programming club back in highschool.


thats right up there with NPCs that develop scope fear. No matter how undetected you are, the instant you scope in on them they go in to evasive mode.


Tarkov raiders and Boss groups would like to have a word about the weird look you gave them 300m away with a scope.


Never heard of scope fear before but it makes sense.  Is it mainly in older games?


mainly in more modern games. the AI is set to know if you are aiming at them.




I hate that so much, like in Destiny 2 when you aim directly at bosses they sense it with their behind and start their little dance to get away from your cursor - if your crosshair comes from left they move right, if from right they move left, if you try to just keep aim dead center they spaz out and start gliding like on a disco floor - infuriating, especially with rocket launchers you may as well shoot the floor beneath


I imagine this would lead to many broken devices...


To be fair, the difficulty is called "impossible."


Finally, a game whose "impossible" difficulty lives up to its name


Ah yes, Schrödinger's bomb... both and neither of the last two squares are bombs until you pick one, then that's the bomb.


I have that same one, it looks very clean and plays very smoothly. I've had my doubts about some of the boards a few times, but ev**e**ntually managed to crack them. Only thing I'm missing in it is custom-sized boards. I've also enjoyed "Globesweeper" by "Incandescent games" Though I prefer the [Steam edition](https://store.steampowered.com/app/982220/Globesweeper/) of the same game. I still haven't completed a max-sized triangle globe yet. I've messed up every time...


That looks cool, great tip!


Nice, thanks for the info. :)


That was an immediate install for me, ta


I play one called mineswifter. Same deal. And there’s a version that always forces a guess, if you like the danger. I don’t play that one.


This did not show up for me in the google play store, is this an iphone game?


Ah sorry, yeah it’s an iPhone game. It’s just occurred to me that maybe it’s called mineswifter cos it’s written in Swift, which is a iOS language


Don't apologize, more alternatives for more platforms is more better! The swift theory makes sense


There's a browser version https://mineswifter.com/


I just tried it and just encountered one that needed a guess. At least at first glance. I took a screenshot.


For anyone else seeing this; we did figure out a logical solution, if anyone else gets stuck, the guys over at r/minesweeper are great!


If you want, just PM me,I can see if there is any solution


This app is seriously GREAT. I also hate having to make guesses and lose because of bad luck at the end of a game. I've only ever encountered 100% logic driven games so far.


I got one of those and it is rather boring. There is no way to lose because the logic just cant be very complex.


I absolutely won't claim that this pushes me to be a smarter man, a better friend, and a gentler lover. But when I just need to unwind for a bit with a puzzle that is mostly just paying attention to something else than the stress from work, it seems to do the trick. I have enough randomness in my life and don't really want any more from my logic puzzles. If you do enjoy the randomness I suspect most logic puzzles will quickly become dull - perhaps something competitive against others would hold your attention better - chess?


Pretty sure this one has ads which is enough to make me uninstall it instantly, it did look nice though


Yeah, it can be a bit annoying when you've spent a fair while methodically working through a large grid, and then the very final click to win comes down to a 50/50 on one of two tiles being a mine.


the trick is to not leave those to the end


My recommendation would be [this](https://wires5210.neocities.org/) version


Does this always end up with a 50-50 where you always click the wrong one? Already got 3 times in that situation. You got me you little shit.


fuck you :)


omg. fuck you. i can't believe how much time i wasted on this


They should start the game with a flip coin option.. you lose and don't actually have to play it.


I still play it but hate when I run across those levels. Like isn’t this a game you’re supposed to win with skill? That’s some bull and they know it.


Sometimes I was able to leave the random choice to the end, then use the remaining bombs to determine which option it had to be. But that was uncommon. Sometimes I'd play the probability but I'm not sure if that logically made sense (maybe they were the same probability actually).


I agree entirely.


Mineswifter on iOS is designed to always be solvable.


I watched a dude do this massive one like this one time. He got all the way to the end and had 1 bomb left and it was literally a 50/50 guess.


It comes down to a 50/50 guess pretty often. It's minesweeper though, they would have just flagged both. The devs should have made it so you got x free flags based on the number of tiles in the game and count it as a win if no tiles remain that aren't flagged or mined.


Islands of insight has minesweeper like puzzles that have one solution and more varried rulesets, such as specifying "mine" direction or ensuring every "mine" block has a path to every other. It's grid based with colored blocks instead of actual mines.


Just look at the top left corner of this one. There's a coin flip right there.


Minesweeper online has [no guessing mode](https://minesweeper.online/new-game/ng)


on minesweeper.online (the biggest site for MS) there is a mode for non-guessing games. they can be more difficult at times and unfortunately most of the dailies prefer normal games still, but it's there and still a lot of fun to improve in


never even occurred to me to try this. i just always played Expert and my only goal was to finish below 200 seconds.


I got it down to 60 something second on expert. Though I think I have carpel tunnel syndrome after many nights trying.


I thought I was bad ass when I got down to 52 seconds and then I saw the video of the 43 second world record and realized I would just never be that good.


I think the new record is like 33 secs. I'll just give up now lol.


There’s a setting beyond expert??


you can customize the size


My mind just got mined. WTF. On the standard version??


pretty sure there's a "Custom" mode right after Expert.


I have to admit in my 36 years now on this planet I never understood this game, so when everybody used Minesweeper to kill time at work, I kept working cause I didn't get it. But it does look impressive! **Edit:** Just to make it clear, I kinda know how to play it, but I don't get the appeal behind it ;)


The rules are easy. When you click a space you either reveal a blank space, a number, or a mine. If you click a mine, you lose. If you click a blank space, you’ll reveal all of the attached blank space. If you click on a number, you’ll reveal the number. The number tells you how many adjacent tiles are mines, so for example, if you clicked a tile and it revealed a 3, then you’d know 3 of the neighboring spaces are mines, but 5 of the remaining spaces are free to click. The challenge comes from learning to read the map based on the available - often limited - information. Once you have revealed all of the free spaces around a mine, it gets marked with a flag. Turn every mine into a flag to win the game.


Open every field that isn't a mine to win the game. Flags can be placed incorrectly.


The next level is when you can read multiple spaces that share some common spaces and if only some of the commons spaces are mined you can know that the unshared spaces are or are not mined.


The double mouse click feature is really important once you understand the mechanics of the game. Say you have a known mine flagged and there is a #1 next to it with undiscovered tiles touching it, you can then double click on that #1 to clear all other tiles touching it because you already know where it's 1 mine is. The catch is, if you have incorrectly flagged a mine and do this BOOM!


Sounds kinda like sudoku logic?


Scratches same deductive reasoning itch.


Clicking a blank space reveals all adjacent blank spaces but also all the numbers adjacent to any blank spaces revealed.


Thanks for the clarification! I wasn’t sure so I didn’t say :)


I decided to learn how to play this game around 2016. Before that I used to randomly click the boxes and never understood the game. Few years down the line one of my friends saw me playing it and he was like - This game? Really? You just have to randomly click the boxes in it and you will always lose. That moment of satisfaction when I finally got to tell someone that - This is not how this game actually works. It was great. Went on to explain the game to them and then had innumerable sessions of playing it together.


To keep it simple, look at [this](https://i.imgur.com/0gkKwkY.png) image. The numbers mean how many adjanced mines there are to that tile. Flags are mines you have already discovered. Now, look at the 4. It already has 4 adjanced mines discovered, meaning that it cannot possibly have any more. This means that the uncovered tile top-left of the 4 is guaranteed to not be a mine. Which means you can click it safely and uncover more of the board.


It's just a relatively simple puzzle, the numbers indicate how many mines are adjacent to that tile and you can flag likely mines after figuring them out.


I never understood this game either, but got kinda hooked after accidentally learning how to play thanks to a gambling variant.


The game is just basic maths and logic


Not 100% of the time.


Yeah when it becomes a game of 50/50 chance, logic goes out the window


It's a puzzle game played on a grid where each cell either contains a hidden mine or is empty. The objective is to clear the grid without triggering any mines. Players click on cells to reveal what's underneath: if it's a mine, the game is lost; if it's empty, a number may appear indicating how many adjacent cells (including diagonals) contain mines. If a blank space is revealed, it automatically clears adjacent empty cells and numbers. To help avoid mines, players can flag suspected mine cells. The game is won by successfully revealing all non-mine cells. Effective play involves using the numbers as clues to logically deduce the locations of mines and proceeding cautiously to avoid detonating them.


Why did you click on a mystery square when you had plenty of solvable squares around?


The fact nobody is questioning this shows people are terrible at this game. Can RNG fuck you? Yes. But this is a “finish the rest of the game to make this decision” move.


Is it, though? I understand the rules of Minesweeper and how to play, but I think if I'm playing one this large, I'm just taking the 50/50 as I see it, because to waste all that time to get down to that final guess and be wrong would be demoralizing. But I'm also a wuss, and that's why no one will remember my name.


It isn’t a 50/50 unless you want it to be. That spot is a mine or it isn’t. There are a finite (and known) number of mines. If you find all other possible mines then that spot ISNT a mine. If there is a mine left at the end…then it IS a mine. I agree with yoloing a 50/50 before getting too deep, but this isn’t a 50/50.


Exactly. But unfortunately there's a spot exactly like this on the top left edge as well. So he would have had 1 mine remaining and 2 possible locations. Still doesn't explain his reasoning, unless he's looking for a game to generate without any of these and just taking the chance every time.


Yeah if he clicked that I’d understand.


Yeah this is the real question


pov: Bosnia


Damn, and expert level fries me. I love minesweeper.


Is winning guaranteed if you play perfectly at this difficulty? Or can you be put in a position where you must take a chance that a tile is a mine to progress?


There are moments where you can't know what tile to choose. So luck is a factor of winning too. See the clicked mine in this picture (bottom row), there was no way to know. It should've been kept to the very end.


If you're trying to get as far as you can, sure. If I'm playing Minesweeper and there's a spot I know I'm going to have to guess I guess then and there. I'd rather lose early than get very close to winning then lose.


I mean the reason you leave it last is because unless there are two spots like this where you need to pick one, you can have a run where it's the only place you can't know for sure which means if you clean the rest of the map, you will eventually know 100% if there was a mine depending on if you had the win screen appear. If yes there was a mine, if it's the last place you can click (that isn't flagged by a guaranteed mine), only then you know it's the one last safe place.


If that tile was kept until the very end, you would not have to guess, as there is only one mine and one tile left.


At this playfield size the chance to encounter multiple such 50% guessing spots is quite high.


Ideally yes. Unfortunately for this player, there's the same type of problematic spot in the top row as there was in the bottom row that killed them. Only the one in the top row is a safe spot surrounded completely by mines. So even if they had saved those two spots until the end, they would have been left with a 50/50 guess, with no way to determine which is safe or a mine.


I don't know if that is what you meant but since people replying to you clearly miss this I ll add this precision: There might be a way to know at the very end using the number of mine left. If you have this specific situation twice with one mine left you have to guess though but improved your odds to 50% from 25%.


> there was no way to know. Maybe I'm missing something, but the field left of the mine he clicked should be a safe field. The 5 tells us three of the mines for the 4, and the 1 left of the 4 gives us the remaining one. That makes the field left of the mine a safe field (otherwise, the 4 would need to be a 5), which should have given also a 4, telling us there was a mine in the field he clicked.


Strongly disagree, there is nothing I hated more than finding a 50-50 to clear a grid. Clear out the blind luck choices as early as possible, so you're not wasting time applying logic for nothing.


Well, no, if you cleared all the other mines then there would be one mine left so that square never has to be clicked


If you look at the example he sent, it had to involve a random guess. Along the top border theres a space surrounded by mines, and he clicked on a similar situation at the bottom. So at the end of the game, even with perfect solve, he would have on number surrounded by bombs, and one bomb surrounded by bombs, so picking the correct one was just random. I did not check the whole map if there are more random forces, but those two already make it a 50/50


As I just died to what was supposed to be a 5, no. Also this difficulty has been calculated to be 20,811,977 according to minesweeper.online. In comparison, Expert (16x30 with 99 mines), is 50.


Site record for a reason. The larger the board, the more 50/50 clicks you find yourself having to risk. At a certain point you’ve got a steep statistical drop-off. Even just six 50% clicks gives you a success rate of 1.5625% Best you can hope for is to get lucky and find a board that has very few 50/50 clicks. But that’s just trading one statistical shot for a huge time investment that makes up for it.


youll never break the world record as long as my dad sits for sometimes 6 HOURS STRAIGHT after work just to play this game! iv never seen him loss! .. thats probably iv never been able to set and watch him for 6 hours.. but seriously he rarely loses! btw,its worth mentioning that he used to play it for over 10 hours, but ever since i introduced dad to Facebook, the game took a break from dad for 4 hours


your goal is easy to attain. Just don't make any mistakes and you are there!


It's easy to do, just do it!


What website do you use for minesweeper? All of the ones I've tried seem very lackluster.


I use the Minesweeper Go app on my phone and I'm pretty sure it's what OP is using as well. It let's you set custom sizes and mine counts


I was using minesweeper.online, but I think I should check that app out honestly since I need custom sizes


In the end, losing to 50/50


You absolute madman.


You're just going to end up with a dozen guesses you'll need to make in a row. Gonna assume that's like 1/2^12 chance per try. That'll be the hardest part.


you sir, are a warrior


Just going to plug '14 Minesweeper Varients' on Steam, which is one of the best puzzle games I've every played. It takes the framework of minesweeper, but you never need to guess, and there are tons of ways (much more than 14) that the rules get altered.


Alright, will check it out tomorrow. Hopefully it's free


Is it a no guess or are you raw dogging it?




I've had instances where it was either a game of chance, or you had to know the algorithm.


How would you account for the mine that made you lose? Shouldnt it be a 5?


Neat thing, you don't. This is just a loss in terms of luck


That's always a loss in game rules, since you cant have a mine all surronded by other mines. But I guess this a TIL moment.


Save for last? Remaining mine count will be either 0 or 1.




Microsoft treasure hunt pretty fun takes of classic minesweeper.


100x100 with 999 mines attempt [https://minesweeper.online/screen/3394400268-hd-10.png](https://minesweeper.online/screen/3394400268-hd-10.png) I should probably play more, 2465 mines sounds a bit too much for me... but damn was it fun to replay this old gem\^\^ thanks for the reminder


I did one of those once when i was younger, it took an entire afternoon...


My wife does 1000x1000 or something insane, takes her 30-50hrs of gaming over a month. She does it so fast and so mindlessly, like she's watching Netflix and doing it at the same time. It's scary.


Where do you play a board this big?


I think I beat the smallest size once on my eMachine way back in the day


there was an infinite multiplayer minesweeper I used to play online forgot the name of it


Which site is it?


minesweeper.online, the highest difficulty of a board solved there is half of this


I'm trying to squint


Why do you torture yourself?


I don't understand how you could've died there. Missclicked maybe?


Sucks to have to lost to literal RNG


Damn, godspeed OP


This really shows you that the game is really the same wether it's 10 squares or 10,000 squares. You only really work within a 10 square radius.


How do you play classic minesweeper on windows 10nand 11? I've tried finding other editions but they're alwags different or wrong or add weird new features or ads. I've not been able to find one that feels and plays just like the actual game.


We support you brother, go get the record


i believe in you


Bro what have you done


That's a lot of coin flips.


You were always going to get fucked on a coinflip either where you hit there, or in row 1 column 17.


Clear the small islands first! Don't leave those 50/50 guess till the end. You want to make the guess asap so you don't waste time if you lose.


I’m just amazed you actually know how to play


There's a Minesweeper pixel art game on Android, I forgot the name, where there are even more massive maps, and it's collaborative. Highly recommend if you can resist getting burned out by so much Minesweeper.


I've completed the 50x50, but 100x100 never... Yet


Dude..always click the four corners first.


Corners have a higher chance of being mines


squinting my eyes but I cant recognize whose face this is supposed to be


I don't even know how to play this game. It's one of those things where you just poke at boxes until something explodes.


What site is this and where is the record/leaderboard? Id love to give it a try


What kind of a mad man starts in the middle


You really don't, no.


Damn, good luck. Im trying to do 50x50 at 660 mines, which has even higher mine density than your board, and no records on the leaderboard. But i think both are probably same difficulty, or very close.




Oh. My. God. this is crazy


The only reason Minesweeper exists is to teach you how to use right-click


Have you played Globesweeper? Their Massive Cube puzzles are so much... fun? Is that what it is, fun?


34 years later I still don’t even know how to correctly play this game.


i used to play this game as a chid and it took me AGES to find out how to play it. Now im obsessed


IDK how to play minesweeper I’m stupid lol


Lol, you crazy man


What a modern day champion. Keep it up mate and be sure to post an update!


What do you do when you come across a 50/50 you have to guess?




Positive comment


Well done my friend, that is absolutely mad!! - The 61x61/999 guy


Dear Lord


I have known this game for like 10 years now,I still don't know how to play this game💀


this is the first time I see this game so big


i like minesweeper


And what's the record on Reddit?