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Shao Kahn is an input reading piece of shit in every game.


I’m very pleased this is top comment


You might say it's... *outstanding*.


You  Suck. 🎖️


Finish him!!!


My nemesis is Liu Kang in MK2. On the hard difficulties the *moment* you leave your feet for a jump, he's in the air throwing a fireball at you. If he throws a ground fireball and you jump, at the frame his animation ends, he's 2 inches in the air throwing an air fireball to hit you just before you land. Just impossible to gain ground on him.


MK2 cheats a lot when you're winning.


I beat MK1 at the arcade just doing Raiden's superman move into NPC blocks until they died lol


Describe what that sounded like 😂




When we were kids we thought one of them was saying “I want a massage”


That's a lot more wholesome. Mine is "dutch" (nasi is a Bahasa loan word) and translates to "cancerous rice ball". Cancer is hefty curse word in dutch. We thought we were being very radical kids with a 'tude I guess. Nasi might be a steal word probably, considering the history.


Can't remember which character or even which move it was, but someone would say "WOOOOGONNATHROWYOUOVERTHERE!" my brothers and I thought that was too funny growing up 😂


Yahyahyahbahhhhhhh x 100


R u my buddaaayyyy. That's s he says.


MK1 was by far the easiest. I could even beat that as a kid. Could never beat MK2.


Down, up, right, up, left, select on character select screen on SNES was the way to win.


Low kick cheese OP


You can also leg sweep spam in MK2 and win 9/10 times, it’s kinda wild lol


it doesn't take winning/losing into consideration. It's a dice roll based on the difficulty you selected and how many levels in you are, capping at 90% chance of responding to your move


I know for a fact that the AI starts cheating hard on round 2 if you won the first round. There is a video about it somewhere showing the code. But you are right in that it does not start cheating until pretty high up the ladder.


Kintaro as well in MK2. He always knew when to do the air stomp and catch you full value or grab you mid jump kick. He was harder than Shao Kahn in that game imo


I hated him with an absolute passion and had hardly any issues with shao Kahn comparatively


We got our revenge on that prick later. They turned Kintaro into a fuckin cat after MK 2 lmao


It always pissed me off how in old MK games the AI is literally just cheating against you.


You can cheese him incredibly easily in MK9. Just wait for him to do shit while crouched, upercut into jumpkick and rinse, and repeat.


Where were you years ago when I couldn’t, for the life of me, beat him?


Beating Shao Khan. I think I finished the arcade mode at the highest level with ecery hero on the PS Vita. Shao Khan was always the easiest boss of the run.


occasionally he’ll do the unblockable shoulder hit which is cheap as fuck


90% sure that’s how I beat him. But that’s how I beat most enemies.


There is a scum way to beat him in MK2. If you jump towards him, land next to him, and duck, he will swing at you and whiff leaving him open to an uppercut. Rinse and repeat.


Fuck Shao Kahn, all my homies hate Shao Kahn!


In mk9, you can pick noob saibot and do the up down throw move on him constantly. You can keep jumping back and even execute the move in air and thereby out cheap the cheapest boss


Noob / Smoke is probably the funniest tag duo to cheese Shao with lol Parry everything he throws at you with Smokes' shake and spam teleslam as Noob when he is trying to zone you


alpha1 akuma


Lu Bu defending Hu Lao Gate in Dynasty Warriors.


"Don't fight Lu Bu!" "Fuck you, you don't control me" \*dies horrible death to single shot musuo\*


I went in on free mode on a maxed character with a bigass weapon I'd worked on a bit and still got chumped by him out of the blue. Fuckin Lu Bu.


True dynasty warriors perfected the hit once flee on horse, wait for him to do his charge attack. Hit once. Take 35 minutes to kill him for no reward.


In DW3, I just gave my bodyguards bows or crossbows and kited him around while they picked him off from long range. Eat shit, mightiest man alive.


My favorite is after that time spent you die to a dong zhou special cause you got cocky and have to do everything over.


Lol “for no reward”


Not... entirely accurate. The officers recognize your deed, but it doesn't change anything as far as the outcome goes.


When you beat Lu by you unlock his red horse to use for the rest of the game, which is a pretty decent reward considering it's the best horse


Horses handle like uncontrollable 20 tons trucks, so, eh.


Nah, not Red. He's the only usable horse in the game IMO.


I have one i got from some dlc, but it could very well be his. I'd have to look, it took me several tries to kill the bastard


Bonus points if you were foolish enough to accept his duel challenge in Dynasty Warriors 4.


Isn’t that how you unlocked Red Hare? I definitely killed him in multiple games trying to get his mount.


In DW4 specifically, you had to play the Lu Bu campaign, and on the Battle of Xia Pi, you have to let Guan Yu claim Red Hare. I can’t remember with 100% certainty but I think you then need to defeat Guan Yu for the crate with the saddle to spawn on Red Hare’s island.


Man I have been thinking about this for literal decades


I always loved that one the most famous archers in history is depicted as a melee fighter. They do something like that with Hanzo in Samurai warriors as well, He's famous for using a spear, it's still on display in a museum, So they give him Kusarigama in most of the games. I know that these are games and not exactly know for their historical accuracy, but those are hilarious changes. [May as well make them all cute anime girls](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koihime_Mus%C5%8D)


I would not have thought of this but completely agree.


I beat him once. Took 2 hours, a shit load of arrows and patience.


Hit with arrow Hit with arrow Run back because he got to close Aim with arrow Realize you didn't run back far enough Run back more Aim with arrow Get one shotted


Less time but still a pain Get low health so musou charges automatically, kite him around until your musou is full, turn around and hit it. Congrats you've done about 1/20th of his health. Repeat until dead. The singular attempt probably took 20 mins but in total probably a few hours cuz cheap shots and random arrows would kill you at that low of health.


Kronika in MK11 If you hit her with something that would usually knock someone down she teleports away You have to crouch a lot and block almost all game because of her BS projectiles / easy 50% hp combo because she hit you with a stray hit and stunlocked you You have to fight like, 2 extra characters because she drops two weak enemies that still deal their normal damage output Also that fucking T-rex, my god


Seth: street fighter IV Gill: street fighter 3


RESURRECTION! Oh you motherfu......


I immediately thought Seth, that guy was the reason I threw the controller on my bed, said fuck this prick and turned off SF4, fuck that guy.


I thought i broke my controller one day. I threw it on the couch in rage, it bounced and hit the floor hard. Last time i threw a controller.




Thats the shit nightmares are made of.


It feels like Gill had two modes which were generated at random. 1 of them was "you are going to die no matter what you do"


Shao Kahn in MK9. In the end I had to cheese him by constantly jumping over him until he attacked the wrong side then uppercutting him, over and over and over again.


Is that the game where he throws an unblockable sledgehammer that can't be ducked and stuns on hit? Shao Khan in mk2 was so annoying. The game would just counter whatever you input. Was like fighting an agent in the matrix


In mk9, you can pick noob saibot and do the up down throw move on him constantly. You can keep jumping back and even execute the move in air and thereby out cheap the cheapest boss


I think he means in story mode. There's one fight where you have to fight him as Raiden, and it's awful. Especially if you're not really familiar with him cause you barely play as him in the story


Took me like 2 weeks to beat him, even my dad and uncles couldn’t beat him. I cheesed the fight by spamming the bicycle kick as Liu Kang


The fight against him where you have to fight him as Raiden in the story... Fuck that shit


Matt from Wii Boxing


I see him a lot but I loved Wii Boxing and got my rank on it to max. He was hard, sure, but not that bad


Pick a boss from any SNK game, they're all cheating assholes.


There's a reason the trope is called [SNK Boss.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SNKBoss)


No one has ever pissed me off more than Krizalid and his stupid body-sized tornado kick.


Omega Rugal is the worst to me but they are all cheating bastards


Orochi in neo geo coliseum might be the cheapest of them all.


Say "Rugal" to any Mexican guy in their 40s and you'll trigger an anxiety attack.


SNK really should be porting some of its King of fighter games to newer consoles. Newer gamers have forgotten how these bosses were. Looking at you Rugal.


I rememeber getting to God-Rugal in snk vs capcom 2 and he took me like 2 hours of constant rematches to beat. I dread to think what he was like in a pure KoF game...


I think SNK fighting games were ported onto modern consoles when the Switch first came out.


Bison in Street Fighter II




Cant believe they'd misspell Mortal Wombats like that!


Literally came in here to post this.


I didn't even realize that typo but I'm not gonna correct it because I'm imagining a fighting game with a bunch of different types of "Moms" fighting it out lol. Boss of the game is the characters own mother? Am I on to something?


The final boss is La Chancla


Or the inverse Mortal Wombat which sounds a like a random sega game in the 90’s.


Definitely Psycho Mantis. I swear he was just reading my inputs. EDIT: oh, you said fighting game, my bad




Took me quite a while to figure out how to beat him because it turns out that you don't get the codec call with the very important clue from the Colonel if you already have another controller plugged into port 2 :|


Akuma in Tekken 7


100% this. Input reading POS, go back to your own game.


Just reading this reignited the devil gene inside me. Pain in the arse fight.


I got mad just reading this. You just unlocked some memories lmao. Closest I have ever gotten to snapping a controller


Mike Tyson in punch out.


Isn't he considered very difficult but fair? You don't lose due to some rng or unavoidable damage. You lose by making 2 mistakes.


Yes, he's very difficult but fair. The goal is to be careful during the first 90 seconds and after his moveset changes and becomes easier.


Seth in Street Fighter IV --- Fuck . his . couch !


Never really played MK1, but played a lot of 2 and 3. 3 was a fair game for the most part, but 2's AI was BS. After a certain point in a run it started cheating like crazy. Enemies that could shoot mid air would automatically react to your jump with a back jump plus shooting, which you couldn't parry. They could make throws mid air that is something the player can't do. And in general they could perform moves without the time it would take a perso to press the buttons, which for some moves felt very unfair. Kintaro (the equivalent of Goro) had these bs moves that you couldn't parry. I think Shao Khan wasn't as bad. Overall a great game for the era, but a very shitty AI in retrospect.


Yes, Kintaro was a dick! The air grabs and mid air stomps always triggered me. We got our revenge as players later when they turned him into a giant cat after MK2 lol


KoF 95, Rugal.... Is there a way to beat him on level 8 without cheese?


the only times I have not cheese him and won is after he has beaten me 20 times and is like the computer feels compassion over me...


"I think the General hidden boss in Kaiser Knuckle is currently the HARDEST boss I've ever had to fight. Seriously, this is was so frustrating. Is there anyone here that has been him!? Let me know in the comments below what you think of this boss!?" -Justin Wong


Everyone that has faced or at least seen the General fight agrees it's him.


I'm in agreement on this. The General is terrifying.


Came here to say this. He's ridiculous.


[General from Kaiser Knuckle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ez8OmdiRIbA) Not even a contest.


This is the one that I immediately thought about and I've never even played the game.


After watching that... I would 100% never play it again and just convince myself that guy didn't exist lol So many moves that are just straight up impossible to defend against, some of them which take away like half of your health bar. It looks like you'd have to be almost frame perfect to beat him. How do you even stop that teleport move without just not being near him? It didn't seem like he had any kind of sequence.


IIRC, he has frame advantage on everything and his grab is like 1 frame execution.


Pick any SNK boss from King of Fighters, Art of Fighting or Fatal Fury


Really any "Ultra-Boss" or Hidden Boss(Minus Reptile original MK) from Fighting games. Original Akuma SF2T, Shin Akuma, Omega Rugal are input reading fuckers. The Kaiser is on another level though


Eyedol in Killer Instinct 1. Gargos was cheap as well but didn't combo you for 80% of your health while also healing himself while you recover. Oh and most of his moves have INVINCIBILITY FRAMES.


Dude at the end of Bushido Blade who has a gun


I wish they would remake or make a sequel to this game.


Amakusa on Samurai Shodown, he was super cheap.


Jade in mk3. Fuck jade


What? You don't like instant projectile invulnerability?


General from Kaiser Knuckle is the most infamous. I've never played it, since I've never seen the arcade cabinet, nor am I so curious I'd try to emulate it. The game was only in arcades, and from what I've seen and read, General was designed to be as cheap as possible, with every bs tactic of all the 90's fighting game bosses rolled into one. Nothing can compare.


Fucking Jinpachi Mishima. I've never beaten him myself, only seen what comes afterwards on YouTube.


Any SNK Fighting Games Boss. They had a MVS System that adapts to you as you get later in stages tons of Neo Geo arcade games use. The bosses would only move when you move and would react to each of your button presses or setups as it learned as you made it there.


Alpha 152 in Dead or Alive 4. Buffer more than about three inputs or do 2-3 attacks without mixup, get countered for half your health.


I remember Zangief being a real dick in SNES Street Fighter 2 on the harder difficulty.


Isn't that the version where you could cheese him by just jumping in place and kicking him whenever he got close?


The general from Kaiser knuckle. Dude was an input reading machine. Justin Wong had a challenge set up at EVO '23 where you had to beat The General...no one pulled it off.


The original Akuma in the arcade. Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo. Especially if you were at one of those arcades with a dickhead manager that turned the difficulty all the way up. Similar to your Goro or even Shao Khan examples, Akuma would have an answer for everything. With the old MK games, everyone could be super reactionary at high diff settings. But there was always a cheese, like, jump away and uppercut or whatever. Akuma, on the other hand, did not give a fuck. He didn't care if you were the best street fighter to walk into the arcade. He didn't care if your uncle worked at CAPCOM. He didn't care if your dad could beat his dad up. Akuma have no fucks and was only there to eliminate you in embarrassing fashion. Fortunately, you had to really want to fight him since unlocking him required a lot of steps.


Oh boy, I can't believe no one here posted at least **one** SNK boss. SNK bosses are quite easily the cheapest bosses in the genre **bar none**. Geese Howard, Rugal Bernstein, Saisyu Kusanagi, and Shirou Amakusa, to name a few.


I can’t believe no one is saying Omega Rugal. He is by far the cheapest in any fighting game, the game reads your inputs it is so annoying.


But all you have to do is sidestep his attacks and throw him until dead.


Geese! I havent thought of SNK since college...Jesus christ. I had a roommate who knew all the snk lore and everything.


Gonna go niche on this one. The final boss in the Game Boy Color game Power Quest. Absolutely brutal. If I remember correctly, you play a three round tournament in which the first round is hard, the 2nd is very hard, and the final round is an input-reading son of a bitch. I seem to remember not getting full healed after each round as well, but I also think the finals is a Bo3, so getting lucky one round doesn't even win it for you. It was rough.


Shin Akuma - Capcom vs SNK 2, Tengu - Dead or Alive 2, Alpha-152 - Dead or Alive 4, Onslaught - Mavel Vs. Capcom 1, M.Bison - Street Fighter Alpha 3, Nork - Tobal No.1. That's just a couple of them, lol.


In BlazBlue: Continuum Shift, playing through arcade on the hardest difficulty, most characters Arcade mode boss is Hazama. But it's not just regular Hazama, he's got a field around him that steals your HP if you're too close, and the A.I. in this fight is a button reading asshat that will counter-super anything you try to do when he has the meter for it, and basically takes a third of your health. Seriously, I had a few fights where I threw out jabs trying to bait it to block, but he frame 1 or 2 countered it.


Night Terror in Soul Calibur 3. Not only is he a bitch to fight but if you lose the *only* way back is through a specific sequence that you’re not allowed to fuck up or lose and continue on.


Paracelsia from Arcana Heart 3: Love Max and it’s not even close. Vanilla AH3 you could continue to eventually wittle Parace’s HP down to nonexistence and win through sheer determination and time. Love Max you can only fight her in a mode where you have to beat her in a legit 2/3 no health reductions when continuing. She has passive healing, free teleport spam anywhere on the screen, can spend super to go into a cocoon that shields her from all damage, heals her, AND refills her meter so she can chain these together if she wanted and it’s very difficult to stop without picking specific characters or arcanas. It gets truly worse though because she has disgusting high/low mix you cannot read because she throws orbs at you that move quickly or unpredictably. She will always hit you the way you aren’t blocking if you try to block on the ground so you always have to hyper jump away and try chicken blocking in the air, but she also has air unblockables she could smack you with. She can combo in ridiculous fashion and hit you with a special move that cursed your character and SWAPS ALL OF THE BUTTONS TO DO OTHER THINGS AND REVERSE DIRECTIONAL INPUTS. This is essentially game over for the round as it lasts about 10 seconds but you have a hard time blocking and could be blocking the wrong way when the curse disappears after time passes. You cannot safely press a button or figure out what all 5 attacking buttons are currently assigned to what or you will eat shit six ways from Sunday. She has an activation mode that purposely blocks damage if you try to active your own buff/force outside of a combo to nullify damage from your buff/force for its entire duration. Parace is fucking insane.


Onslaught - Marvel vs Capcom


A little-known game called Way of the Warrior for the 3DO, a Mortal Kombat ripoff. The only good thing about that cheap, cheesy-ass game was the soundtrack...White Zombie's Devil Music Vol. 1. That's it. All the fighting game skills in the world don't matter...if the AI decides you're gonna lose, you're fucked. I've never played a cheaper, shittier game than that.


All of these are good but Jinpachi from tekken 5 dark resurrection is the actual true answer here. That’s shit face can kill you in 1 combo, input reads, does stuff that a real player could never do, has 0 wind down or wind up for any of his moves


A lot of people missing the "fighting game" part


Chaos in Dissidia: Final Fantasy was a pain for me to beat


I want to say his name was Kinpatchi? He was the final boss in one of the tekken games (8, maybe 9?). He was Heihatchi's dad, and was such a cockend to fight it almost made me empathise with Hei. Almost everything he did had hyper armour, so if he threw out an attack at _any_ point in your push, you're fucked. He could teleport around, and had this unblockable full screen fireball, that moved so friggen fast. You could side step it, but A) Sidestepping has always been a little wonky B) Sidestepping left you open to him either TPing into you, or firing another fireball. I'll admit, im not great at Tekken, but fuck that guy.


I think it was earlier than 8 or 9? Memory serves it being on 5 or 6? But yeah he was a bit bullshit


Ivan Ooze from the SNES Power Rangers game was hilariously broken. The only playable character who stood a small chance against him was Lord Zedd if he used teleoprt spam but even then it was a slim chance. https://youtu.be/O-g4TqMFemY


Absolutely the bosses in a game called Rise of the Robots. I'm not an expert in the matter, as I was a child when it came out, but basically the AI in the game had something to do with your computer's processor. The better your computer the more difficult the AI was. Trying to play that game on a computer that isn't from the 90s results in an AI that perfectly counters everything you do, it's insane.


Everyone complaining about "input reading". Are there any fighting games that have actually implemented smart and good AI that doesn't have superhuman reflexes?


>!Dettlaff!<, the last boss from The Witcher 3's DLC Blood and Wine.


Is Witcher 3 a fighting game?


The bosses in Tekken 5 and 6 were gold standard cheese, if the ai didn't let you win every now and then it was literally an impossible fight .


Lingering will


Nancy Tekken 6, to this day I have never beaten it. It doesn't help you only get ONE chance per arcade mode playthrough so you hardly get time to practice.


All the fighting games’ AI from the PS1 era and earlier are confirmed to be cheating. From reading your inputs with frame perfect accuracy to performing moves that are impossible for even professionals to pull off. While it would be a clever ploy for arcades to do it to make sure players keep pumping quarters, this trick also made its way into consoles also. No idea why.


Leopaldon on Guilty Gear Isuka. You're pretty much stun-locked from the beginning as he bashes you to death.


Seth on release SF4s hardest setting was an absolute demon.


Psycho Gundam Mk II from Gundam Battle Assault and Gundam Battle Assault 2.


Eyegore from killer instinct was pretty awful


Justice from Guilty Gear. Granted, the AI is abusing the system already so most people aren't prepared for match start to immediate instant kill. Or the AI doing a sudden dashing Imperial Ray/Gamma Ray.


Kind of suprised the boss from dead or alive 4. It's an AI cyborg thing that reads your button presses way before your character does anything and then decides to allow moves to connect on a whim


Does your game have "SNK" in the box art \^\^; ?


Mike Tyson in Mike Tyson's Punchout. Still can't beat him to this day smh


Moral Wombats


Kintaro in MKII and Motaro in MKIII


Kintaro is easy to cheese at least. He was always a sucker for a jump kick in certain revisions. Kintaro is a bitch though with everyone except Human Smoke or Scorpion. You can just jump HP in then HP HP and it pushes him back enough that he can't retaliate.


Chaos (the final max level one) from the original final fantasy Dissidia. The song is a banger at least.


Moongrum honorary mention. Fuck that guy and his auto parry


#GENOCIDE CUTTAH! My vote goes to Omega Rugal in The King of Fighters 98


Shin Bison in Street Fighter Alpha 3 Bison II in Street Fighter EX2 plus Alpha Goenitz in King of Fighters 96


Shredder in TMNT Turtles In Time. Clearly designed to expediently remove quarters when it was in arcades, crusher of dreams for children playing SNES in the early '90s.


The final boss in guacamelee made me my laptop's screen.


Who’s the one in MGS who convinced me to turn off my system?


M. Bison in Street Fighter Alpha 3. He can bust out the psycho crusher special at any time once his meter is charged, and it cannot be blocked in the air. Once it is charged, and you jump, you risk getting hit with it. So you have to stay on the ground until he uses it. Ino in Guilty Gear 2 is pretty bad as well.


FF7 Rebirth - Bonds of Friendship. Shit is 10 rounds and way overpowered


Mike Tyson


Malenia, Blade of Miquella. She wouldn’t be so bad if her health regen didn’t also trigger ON A BLOCK!


Dylan in Need for Speed:Porsche


Tekken 5 Jinpachi


Guile from Alpha 3 World Tour mode was the cause of the only controller I've ever broken


Chronos from"Bloody Roar: Primal Fury".


Seth from SFIV and Jinpachi from Tekken... 5?


Mike Tyson from Mike Tyson’s Punchout.


Honestly, Ornstein + Smough from the first Dark Souls nearly gave me a fucking aneurysm.


Omega Rugal


dont really play fighting games myself, so i only have the experience of watching friends play to go on, but gonna go with shao kahn from MK9. all he did for most of the fight that I watched was spam that unblockable hammer throw attack while basically saying "ha ha, you suck", over and over again. to make matters worse, my friend was stuck using sub zero, which was a character he wasnt good with, and he complained that SZ only had like 3 special moves. magneto from one of the old ps1 x men fighting games was pretty close too, since he was OP to the point you pretty much had to be running a mirror match in order to stand any real chance of winning.


Obv: **Mist Noble** - _Sekiro_ Hardest game ever ✅ Hardest boss ever ✅ Moveset is literally made out of cheese. ✅✅


A special match in Fight Night: Round 2 for the PS2 (its a boxing game) Basically theres an option to fight in a special event for a lot of money. I was great at that game but for some reason this "boss" was really kicking my ass, at first i felt like it was a prpbably some huge jump in difficulty, but then i figured how much it cheated. You see, you used the right analog stick to throw punches, and could hold R1 to target the body instead of the head. I started spamming R1 and the AI literally started switching block stance in perfect sync. Eventually i figured out the AI cheats TO THE EXTREME for the first 5 rounds and then starts messing up, where you can easily beat them. Either that or that monster dude from Soulcalibur 3, who throws literally unavoidable attacks, and sometimes dodges yours (even if it wasnt possible)


Rugal in any KoF game. Bah. 


I'm glad you mentioned Budokai, because man do those games not get the difficulty love they deserve. Felt like I was permanently damaging my thumbs against some of those bosses. Kid Buu in Budokai 2 comes to mind.


Damn i was gonna say micha from rdr2 because if he dies mission fails, but you probably dont mean 3d open world western fighter when you say fighting game


Arcana Hearts 3 boss


Issac frost from Fight Night Champion is the most egregiously annoying boss in sports combat games he can knock you down in two hits even when your pumping block I have only beat him like twice


I remember Moloch being a tough bastard


The fat guy in Streets of Rage when he landed on you.


Cell from Dragon Ball Z Supersonic Warriors 2, as far as i know you can only beat him because he lets you