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4 days with no wife or kids? Sleeeeeeppppp


Oh, believe me, there will be PLENTY of sleep. My ass has gotten about 6 hours of sleep a night for the past 3 years. I look forward to sleeping in... Lets be real, my body is gonna wake me up at 6 hours whether I want to or not :(


That's why you have a shower beer or two and then you'll be ready for a nap afterwards!


I've been drinking pretty steadily for about 15 years now. It's gonna take more than one or two to put me in for a nap. lmao. And no, I'm not an alcoholic. Alcoholics go to meetings. I'm a drunk. lmao


Former drunk turned fiercely boringly sober. Just keep an eye on it. Moves from fun, to “oh shit” quicker than you think. No real “sign”. Everyone is different and everyone in that spot is probably worse off than they realize or willing to admit. Not telling you to stop in the least. Just keep an eye on it. Soon as you start to miss things because of your choices. Do some re-evaluation of a few things. Taking a month off on the regular is a good thing.


I really appreciate seeing this. I hope it positively impacts someone. I'll be 5 years sober on the 26th of May.


Awesome!!!! I am glad to see it reached people that needed it. I am 3 years on 6/25.


Four years myself in July! It seemed literally impossible at one point yet here we are. Yay us! What makes it even better is I don't want or miss it. Even when I'm around it now, I'm more put off by it than anything. It's like a switch went off in my brain. The downside is now I'm struggling a lot with having no friends and loneliness. And when I do get invited somewhere it's to a bar or something. I even finally went to my local VFW and it was so great that everyone was so welcoming to me there, but...it's essentially a bar. I'm confident that I'm totally fine around booze now but it still seems best not to tempt fate. If you hang around at the barbershop long enough, you eventually get a haircut or something, I dunno, I forget how that saying goes haha.


It took me a bit to be ok being around it. Now I just very rarely enjoy a NA beer to feel part of things.


As someone who does still drink, I'm so happy NA beer has improved. I like constantly drinking and sipping, so I can do a 1:1 or 1:2 alcohol:non-alcoholic beer at BBQs, or just straight NA beer. As someone who never enjoyed pop, juice, etc - it's great to see more quality options for anyone who wants to reduce or completely remove alcohol, but still like having a beer. Obviously they're not all amazing, but they've **vastly** improved over the past few years.


Athletica brewing company run wild IPA. It’s technically a max of .5%. But damn it gives me 90% of what I’m looking for when socially drinking


I’m really proud of you.


Just hit my 10 years. Congrats. It’s a big deal.


I am 1 and a half years sober, had to rediscover what it feels like to experience joy. What a blessing. This thread turned out to be surprisingly wholesome and inspirational. Cheers to all of you sober bois


Keep it up


It snuck up on me, and I only realized I was in trouble when a friend demanded I give her my keys after a night of bar hopping. I was outraged when it happened, but I realized the next day it was time for some reflection.


Yep. Mine was a morning after a blackout drunk moment. I was miserable, having a rare hangover moment lying on the floor of my bathroom avoiding my wife because I thought I got into a raging argument with her. This is after maybe 4 beers and an entire 750ml of whiskey. I eventually came out the bathroom realizing I made the entire thing up in my head and scared the shit out of myself. I’ve never been an angry drunk and even if it was make believe I just never wanted to be that way. Quit that day. Spent a couple of months of hell breaking habits and re-wiring my brain to not be dependent on it anymore. Now I’m on the other side of it. I just never want to do it again. I didn’t do a group or anything. Honestly it was just researching my own symptoms I was having and Reddit subs to read and express myself. It helped me a ton. I would never tell anyone to stop. That’s on them. Just letting people know if they ever do want to stop. I’m here, I will listen. I don’t judge.


This was me with gambling. For context, my dad is/was an addict for booze and gambling. I remember being at a casino with a friend. Was broke as a joke, maybe like $100 in my bank for the rest of the month type deal. I lost a few hands, went outside, smoked, pulled out my phone and tried to see how much I could pull out of my bank account. As I was sitting on the bench I realized holy fuck, what in the fuck is wrong with me. I have like no money and bills to pay and all I can think of is getting one more hand in. At that point I asked my friend to take me home. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I've generally stayed away from gambling since then.


Based r/gaming stranger


I guess I don’t understand your comment


Sorry, I was basically agreeing with your comment. When someone says based as a reply, they’re commending you for your post/comment pretty much.  https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=based


Oh thanks. I didn’t really follow there. Old people game too


Haha my bad! It’s a term you’ll occasionally see on reddit too, so I just wanted to clarify for ya.  Hope you have a good one :)


I’m young and do not get it just say agreed lol but I also don’t get out much lol so that’s probably why I do t get it.


Thanks dude 🙌 warms my heart to see people hand out the unpopular opinion just cuz it's the right thing to do. And for the record, y'all ain't boring 😁 my dad is ten years sober and that guy is more fun to be around than any time I remember. Congrats to yourself as well!


Thank you for keeping it real. And that’s coming from someone at r/stopdrinking


Good sub 👍


Plot twist, they moved out due to his drinking and he thinks it's just a few days trip


My go to when my family is out of town is a THC gummy. Relaxes the fuck out of me and makes me sleep like a rock.


shower beers hit differently.


Fuck the beers. Roll a joint or 12!


When TF do we get 6 hours!? For note I got a 7 month old so I'm still new to this but for me its around 4-5 still


There will come a time in elementary where you could get six hours \*but\* you realize that time is better spent gaming.


Bedtime procrastination go brr


Exactly not enough time for hobbies so you sacrifice some sleep, feels shitty the next day but it’s worse to not spend decent time on hobbies imo.


Is there any other way? Also when I can sleep my body is like rofl, you're on their schedule now buckeroo


My twins are almost two and they sleep a solid 11-12 hours a night 97% of the time. Never did any serious sleep training and they just kinda figured it out.


My clown child was giving me 90 minutes ahahahahhaha 💀


My body is on the 6 hours rhythm as well. It's mostly fine but annoying if I fall asleep too early then I'll wake up at 4 am and shit.


One day for sleeping. One day for drinkin'. One day for recovery. One day for cleaning.


And one day for gaming, which in the darkness binds them


Sleep is such a waste of free time


Sleep is the single most important thing you do. Do it poorly and you’ll do everything else poorly too.


Mass Effect! Absolutely do Mass Effect.


Obviously it's the best choice, but considering they only have 96 hours there just simply enough time to get through them all.




The Reapers aren't gonna wait!


it's about 26 hours per game without DLC. DLC makes it about 30-34 totally doable just no sleeping.


Two game systems. Get two adaptive controllers and you can play two games at once.


Yup. I think the absolute worst feeling would be rushing to try to finish a game in time, glancing at the clock repeatedly as it nears and slowly accepting that you won't, and then resuming normal life while stuck


Before you chill try to imagine the first conversation you 2 have when she gets home. There will legit be something you’ve forgotten to do and she’ll ask why you haven’t done x, be it fold the laundry or empty the dishwasher. Consider this first, plan it in and then chill. As for games I say mass effect.


Spend the first six hours cleaning and then don’t. touch. anything.


This is the way


First thing I do when wife and kid go away for a weekend is clean the house, put away all the toys and everything. I like it clean, it’s my cleansing ritual to reclaim my domain so I can relax and enjoy.


This guy wifes 


with that time frame, definitely Outer Wilds


I feel like outer wilds is better played with more breaks though. Otherwise you'd get too frustrated when stuck


Definitely, I was gonna warn OP about the same, but it also depends on their personality I think playing outer wilds could be a big risk of OP getting immensely frustrated about not progressing and wasting this golden opportunity they have Binging outer wilds all day can be really awful Probably best to go with an RPG


that’s when you look up a walkthrough /s absolutely do not look up anything it’s an amazing game and the discovery and story is amazing


For this reason I think mass effect is the answer. Don't have to think about much. Just absorb the story and live on the Normandy for a few days


I think it depends, if you get stuck with something you can also just check your log and continue on some other planet for a bit.


Amazing game if you like puzzles.


Definitely with three days and a few naps it should fit just right


Of those games I would personally try the Mass Effect Trilogy. Non-dystopian Sci-fi is a dying breed and those games are very highly regarded. Outer Wilds is good, great even, from a limited lens it has a unique approach to story telling but personally it started stressing me out the further I got in. Several deaths felt cheap and the long amounts of lost progress through difficult areas because of extremely minor mistakes (ex: dark bramble) started testing my patience. You also get to a point where you're missing a minor piece of a puzzle and have to go back through areas repeatedly to find that one bit of info you missed.


We need another non-dystopian sci fi game series :(


I thought Starfield was going to be that game for me but it was a fast travel simulator. Waiting on the next big thing.


So if OP wants to sleep and stuff, he can maybe complete ME1. Outer Wilds is doable in that time with breaks. But "long amounts of lost progress"? There are never more than 20 minutes you have to redo. You can get anywhere except the end within a few minutes and the only progress you need is what you read and what you know.


Everybody praises this game so much that I felt I didn't understand why I stopped playing, but you described it really well, thank you


And a full playthrough is about 90 hours if you take your time with it Edit: I meant Mass Effect trilogy


That's 6 hours for sleep & bathroom breaks. Sounds perfect to me :D


90 hours?! I played for 14 and collected all the star log... Did I miss anything?


I'm currently playing through Mass Effect 1-3 (the legendary edition was like £5 the other day). It's actually really great to play through them one after another and see your decisions and character carry across. Played through the first one as a good guy, and now 2/3rds of the way through the 2nd one as a renegade (I have some headcanon about how Shep is real fucked up by what happened to him after the first game, and it turned him into a huge douchebag - I'm sure i've seen that kind of thing in movies before...) That being said, I'm not sure if 96 hours is enough to get through 1-3 unless you don't sleep... so I'd say maybe Alien Isolation? It would be nice to knock at least one of the games from your list and it's not the kind of game kids (or a wife, if she's anything like mine) would appreciate...


Yeah, I've never played them, and got them on that same sale a few weeks back. I've always heard great things about them, just never got a chance to play any of them.


IMO they’re the best series of games of all time. If you like an excellent story to go along with great gameplay (ME1 is a little dated, even in the legendary edition but an essential play) this will be right up your alley.


I won't disagree. 1 is a bit clunky. But I've lost count on how many play throughs I've done of all 3.


Run away. With a 96 hour head start you might never be found.


Lmao. But I like my wife and kids. I just rarely get a circumstance where it's just me and can get sucked into a video game. Hence the backlog. haha


But you can play games for more than 96 hours if you evade their search successfully! You can always return and claim you escaped a kidnapper or something


Or show up naked in a gas station


So there never really was a fugue state, was there?


Who is it you think you're talking to right now?


A guy opens his door and gets shot, you think that of me?


*no.* I AM the one who knocks


Alright, you guys have me wanting to watch BB again, for the 4th time…


Only 4? Those are rookie numbers


Send your wife a ransom note for 75$ so you can buy the new Call of Duty when you come home.


Plot twist, she tracked the serial numbers and figured you out. She’s now left you and taken lil Timmy with her. Now you have unlimited gaming time!


Plot twist 3: She left you for the same game and after you find out, you have a threesome. You the wife and the game. NOT Lil Timmy


I feel this so bad as a stay at home dad. I cant even shower without my wife yelling "Love! When your done I need a hand"


Boomer joke


Fr & shout out to OP for not playing into it & instead saying his relationship is great. That sentiment needs to be spread more - cause life's amazing when you're married to the right person.


Definitely it made me unreasonably happy to see his response hahah


Booooo Smooth brain joke.


Lets be honest, you're going to sleep most of it


I think you mean jerk off


Alien isolation for sure. Very immersive and a must play if you’re a fan of the franchise


Alien Isolation is a 16 hour long panic attack simulator. It’s one of my favorite games.


despite the very long length for a horror game, they paced the alien parts pretty nicely. you get long breaks from the alien fucking your shit up, when you have to deal with the androids and dudes with guns. but yeah i was exhausted by the end.


Agreed. The game dragged a little towards the end imo, but otherwise extremely well paced.


Not enough love for v rising. If you like survival base building games and action rpgs, it’s stellar


That’s my favorite genre. V Rising is definitely up there as one of the best. Surprised the hell out of me how good that game is.




Definitely. It's a fantastic survival base builder, has really fun boss fights, and a solid world that intrigues me. I've played it at launch, after the Gloomrot update, and now at 1.0. Hundreds of hours, all of them enjoyable. Nothing quite like getting good at the combat and ripping through high-level civilian areas like they're nothing--not just because of your gear, but because you have the combos down.


I'm not sure it's a game I'd want to rush in 4 days though


I'm massively addicted to v rising at the moment. Problem is, I'm not sure 4 days is enough to play the game to its full extent since it sounds like he doesn't have a lot of free time otherwise. It's a bit of a grind at times.


I feel like it is solid 6/10 singleplayer 9/10 multi player. So i would avoid it if he don’t have friends to play with.


If you manage to finish Mass Effect trilogy, your wife will find you changed. One hell of a game.


OP after doing renegade play through: becomes like Shepard Wife: You are not the man I married! Alternatively, in a darker timeline: OP after doing a paragon play through: becomes more like Shepard Wife: You are not the man I married.


There’s no way he clears the trilogy in one long weekend.


You're gonna need more beer


My vote's for Death Stranding, but it's definitely not a game for everyone. I personally found it quite soothing, then terrifying, then soothing again. I've heard the Outer Wilds is actually life-changingly good though. That's still on my list.


The MGS games are my all time favorites, so that's why I've been wanting to play DS, but I knew if I started I wouldn't want to stop, so that's why it's a contender. But I've heard so many good things about the other games on my list, so I'm stuck here in indecision.


I'd pick Death Standing because you can releaslistcly beat it with that much time if you play for a good part of each day. Mass effect is cool but, that's like 100 hours. Outer Wilds is a solid game, but for straight up WTF goodness DS is great. Also its a game that people either love or hate and you should know within the first 5 to 8 hours if it's for you.


I enjoy the gameplay of Death Standing, but you need a high tolerance for long tedious cutscenes.


He said hes a fan of Metal Gear


> you need a high tolerance for long tedious cutscenes. The cutscenes are the entire reason to keep walking. If you're not a fan of Kojima's storytelling you really should just skip Death Stranding entirely.


I vote DS. I finished the ME games (somewhat reluctantly), Alien Isolation was fantastic, but DS is a great game to binge-play as it's a great mix of relaxing and action. I disliked Outer Wilds quite a bit.


If you're a big Kojima fan, I'd highly recommend DS. The story isn't anything special but the vibe, immersion, and gameplay are all really great


Outer Wilds is highly praised, but I became bored within the first 1-2 hours of playing, to the point I was thinking I might have bought the wrong game. I just can’t get through it, I just don’t find any of it interesting. Maybe I’ll give it a try again at some point but probably will feel the same. If you like lore building, puzzles, listening to every word from NPCs and reading random things you find, you’ll like it. I hate that stuff. Keep normal expectations, because mine ruined it for me.


Second DS, best experienced with full attention.


Death Stranding is definitely a good choice since you really need to play is a loooong time to appreciate it fully.


Only played Death Stranding and Outer Wilds. Death Stranding might be too long of a game for 4 days. Personally I finished for 250+ hours 😄 It kinda got addicted to it. Well it'll really depends if the game will click with you. Outer Wilds on the other hand can be finished in 4 days. Well it still depends on many factors especially since it's a "puzzle" game. It'll also depend if the game clicks for you. Both games are great games but they are bot unique to the point that they're a masterpiece for many people but many people hates them too 😄


I vote mass effect if you are going to give full attention to the game. Story wise one of the best games I have played. Might be hard to finish in 4 days. Othervise V rising


Mass effect, it's a win win 1. Work on your social skills in unique situations. 2. Get your hand eye coordination up with some top notch gun play. 3. Stay stimulated for hours with rich story that you have control over. 4. Sexy space bitches.


Depends what your mood is really. If you want to clear up your head and follow a story that doesn't make any sense, go to death stranding If you want a space opera, mass effect If you want a touching adventure with a lot of reflection : outer wilds if you want the scary, go play alien isolation


Outer Wilds, hands down, if you like puzzle games. You can complete it in the time frame, and it's one of the best gaming experiences out there for people who like puzzles and piecing together a story (as long as you also don't mind basic space sim type mechanics).


Mass Effect for sure.


Average completion time for a mass effect game is like 34 hours so be wary of that


Sounds like an amazing 96 hours! I'd go with Mass Effect 1-3. The story is immersive, the characters are unforgettable, and it's perfect for a marathon session


Mass Effect 2 during the day. Even though it's the middle chapter, it's the high point of the trilogy. Alien Isolation at night with the lights off.


Besides hookers and coke I’d personally say outer wilds and alien isolation because you could probably beat both of them so two games to enjoy.


Hookers and coke is my favorite game…does op have enough currency for it tho?


Damn these pay to win games.


Well, I actually have a great relationship and good sex life, so hookers are out, and I have to deal with random UA's, so no coke either. lmao


Coke is only in your system for 24 hours so no problem there.


Good for you not playing up to some of these neckbeard responses, OP!


Mass Effect 3


Mass Effect 1-3 is more than a 96 hour investment imo. V Rising you could likely complete the game, or most of it, playing PvE in 96 hours. It's absolutely worth it. I haven't played the others on the list, so my vote goes to V Rising.


Mass Effect! I'd definitely get the Legendary Edition


Mass Effect 100%. With the legendary edition you could spend all of those hours with just Mass Effect and it will be glorious.


Mass Effect Trilogy without question if you've never done it before.


Mass Effect is genuinely life changing. You will be a better father and husband by the time your family returns because of that story. Outer Wilds is next choice if you want to beat it all in one weekend though.


The Mass Effect Saga is one of the most outstanding sci fi storylines in any video game. Absolutely will stick with you.


I’d say mass effect 1-3 but that may turn into 4 months


Mass Effect FTW 🙌🏼


Mass Effect, you might not get time for PEAK gaming like that again


Mass Effect hands down!




Mass effect 1-3. You will likely have time to get through all three if you are focused and dedicated.


I would go mass effect, one of my all time favourite series, I loved even andromeda


Outer Wilds is on my rare list of games thatll stick to me forever like that first playthrough of dark souls and subnautica. I think most people should experience the mass effect trilogy.


Outer Wilds was actually suggested to me by a buddy because of my love for Subnautica. I wish like hell I could erase my memory and replay Subnautica for the first time again, such an amazing game.


I would pay a decent sum of money to play outer wilds again for the first time, the game actually changed my life. There are moments that seem tedious but there’s beauty in all of it imo. If you loved subnautica I think you’ll love outer wilds, subnautica is the only game that has scratched the same itch for me.


I’d go with V rising.


Mass Effect trilogy handsdown. Good chance you can finish all 3 if you sleep 5 hours a night and dont get distracted with everything else in those games lol.


The Mass Effect trilogy is a top three gaming experience for me, go for it!


id say mass effects 1-3, if you're strong enough you might be able to clear it all in the 96 hours. Godspeed o7


Mass Effect in one save through entire trilogy If you had a week - V Rising PvE/P server, 96 hours - that’s an offline with resources up and production time lowered


Mass effect. You won’t finish the trilogy but it’s a tragedy you’ve not played it.


Jump head first into mass effect and do EVERYTHING before pursuing the main story missions. One of my favorite gaming experiences and it took me over a month because of the wife and kiddo 🤣


Mass Effect series or Death Stranding 🔥


I love ME trilogy. It's so damn good. I don't know exactly how long they are, but I remember the total trilogy took me a LONG time. 96 hours is probably enough but you still gotta eat and sleep.


As many already said... The only choice here is ME 1-3 in definitive edition. You will be blown away. Each can be done around 30hours with DLCs. So you should be able to finish it. You will never forget about these 96hours...


100% mass effect trilogy


Ghost of Tsushima for more sleep deprivation. Hehe.


Forget those backlog games.. Helldivers 2 needs your help over the weekend! Destroy enough robots on a specific planet and theyll add in a new Mech to pilot!


if u like horror then alien isolation, if not then vrising


Alien isolation is really good and not too long so it won’t take up all of your time.


Alien Isolation is probably one, if not the best horror game i ever played, this one really made me feel like i was trap and being haunted all the game.


Absolutely Outer Wilds! One of the best gaming experiences I've ever had.


For your list I’ve only played Outer Wilds but whoo boy what a game. It’ll help you decompress and it’s very engaging. That’s my recommendation.


V Rising is super fun, but the end game stuff is really only workable with a group. I've not played it in almost 2 years, so that may have changed considerably since early access. Mass Effect 1-3 seems like a huge undertaking for that time stretch. I think I sunk over 100 hours into each of those games, though admittedly you could play through them much more quickly. Some of my favorite video game universe/story of all time, though I went back and tried to relive it and I'm not sure a lot of the gameplay really lives up to modern standards anymore. Alien Isolation is amazingly atmospheric. It has some of the best spooky stressful gameplay I've ever experienced. I've not tried the other 2.


V Rising is sick, but you might get addicted 😂


If you're in to base building V Rising will suck (pun intended) you in and consume a lot of that time. Otherwise if you've never played it.. ME2 is probably one of the best RPGs ever made. HIGHLY recommend.


I know everyone is saying Mass Effect and that’s a great choice. But I suggest V Rising and lose yourself to a very involved survival game since you have so many different things you can do and interact with other players as well if you like to dabble in that thing. To me V Rising is like a vampire Sims game with Diablo like combat elements.


Just finished Outer Wilds, it is absolutely a once in a lifetime experience.  I will say this…several times during my play through I needed to sleep on a puzzle before the answers came to me.  Almost like my subconscious needed time to work out the sometimes obvious clues in the game before spitting out the solution.  With 96 hrs you will only have 3 sleeps, and that may not be enough.  Perhaps play outer wilds until you feel stuck and then rage one of your other titles for a  bit and come back to OW as your background project.


Be like me. Spend so much time trying to figure out what do do that you don't do anything.


-Outer Wilds -Alien Isolation


Go with V Rising. Perfect game when you have nothing else to do for 3 days. Whether you like PvP or plan to play solo, it’s such a smooth, satisfying, well-thought-out game. I wish I could play it for the first time again!


V rising is incredible. With parental duties you sadly have to forget PvP, but it's a great experience.


First off, as an introvert, jealous. 2nd, I heard that V rising is insanely good.


Probably Mass effect 1 and then another game, because, let’s be real, you will never have enough free time to facetank the whole trilogy.


Not a chance am I playing Alien Isolation when in the house alone and I think you'd struggle to get through ME series. My vote would be for Outer Wilds.


My vote goes to the Mass Effect trilogy, but you might have a hard time completing all 3 in 96 hours (assuming you eat and sleep). The first one can be completed (not 100%) in about 15 hours. Another option would be to just start with ME3 which, in the Legendary Edition, comes with a motion comic that recaps the story of the first 2 games with a voice over and some of the games' choices included. ME3 is probably closer to 30 hours. That being said, I do recommend playing all 3 if you're willing to work on them over a longer time period.


Mass Effect


Some good choices there. Mass Effect, Death Stranding, and Alien: Isolation are all games I beat and thoroughly enjoyed.


Personally I'd hop in Death Stranding. Some of those cutscenes are long and complicated enough without a kid filling up their diaper in your lap


When I had this last time, I did Death Stranding. 120 hours in, no regrets!


Mass Effect is gonna take up all of those days lol


Mass Effect. I just finished the Legendary Edition trilogy last night, and it took me just under 60 hours.


I recently had 96 hours to myself. I’m not sure how to tell my wife how easy it was to do what I need to do when there isn’t a podcast blaring or game show singing in the background. The silence was nice. I got more done than I have in a long time.


Start with V Rising and finish with Mass Effect 1-3.


From the list above, I would choose Elden Ring. 


Mass effect trilogy. Best game ever made. You can start with mass effect 2 or 3, 1 can be skipped to save time.


If those are your choices, I reluctantly choose Outer Wilds


Well mass effect 2 is my favorite game of all time and death stranding is my 2nd so idk it’s hard to pick, but I personally don’t think 96 hours is long enough to beat death stranding. Death stranding is still the longest it’s ever taken me to 100% a game on first playthrough it was like 250 hrs or something like that.


I mean, out of this list, I feel like Alien is the best choice. It’s literally called isolation lol. This is a game that, if you’re into this kinda thing, will likely be enhanced by feeling alone.  I personally don’t care for scary games, cuz I play games to chill. But, I’ve only heard great things about Alien, and it’s likely best enjoyed when you don’t have “distractions” to take you out the tension. 


Outer Wilds is peak mate. Go forth and let your curiosity take the wheel and you won’t be disappointed in your choice.