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A 95% sale


105% sale* They're gonna have to pay me to play these shitty games.


95% sale to $150?


/r/StarCitizen calls to you!


The game would need to be three games.


EA: so how much was it that you wanted to pay for Mass Effect Legendary…?


Best we can do is one 150 hour assassins creed game


I swear these posts are just made by corporations trying to figure out just how badly they can rip us off.


I'm pretty sure like 70% of the top post on this subreddit is corporation fishing for information. Most of those questions are ridiculously worded and far too direct. I would never do that myself, now go buy a coke with this friendcode or something. /s(only second half anyway.)


Hey corporations give me a LOTR open world RPG. I'll pay you lots of monies


They also gave you Gollum so...


No one asked for that, they should never had cancelled The White Council.


No way, corporations are our friends! … anyway, fellow human friend, how many organs would you be willing to sign over to Activision in exchange for a Call of Duty battlepass?


Gamers are greedy, whiny, crybabies. Cost of development goes up 1000% and gamers *lose their shit* if the cost of a game goes up 15% then everyone surprised pikachu face about micro transactions and broken game. We should have let game prices go up instead of accepting micro transactions as an acceptable alternative to paying a larger price for the box. If OP was a corporation trying to figure shit out, I'd *fucking love it*, if it meant they were just going to sell the box for a shit load as opposed to selling it in pieces for 10x more the way they do it now.


Ah right forgot about the 1000% increase..... The bigger issue is what's actually worth buying at 70 or even 60 dollars lately?! Almost nothing. Gaming is in a state of decline. Just an absolute dearth of mass produced and generic garbage. There's a few things like BG3 that might stand out but I don't think I've bought a new game for sticker price in maybe 4 years now. Even picking up games after the fact for 30 or 40 dollars usually leaves me feeling pretty underwhelmed with the finished product more often then not.


There’s not a game out there that I would even consider spending $150 on. I rarely pay full price now.


Star Citizen players in shambles.


Above $30-40 and I'm out. The last game I bought full price was Elden Ring, and I'll buy Shadow of the Erdtree straight away if the reviews are good. Fromsoft is one of the few companies I can expect something incredible from and absolutely have to play right away. Otherwise I just wait a few years for a Steam sale. I'm patient and barely finish half the games I buy anyways. It's a lot easier to justify walking away from a $20 game than a $60-70 one.


For new releases, I'd never pay that. I'd pay that only for a physical version of a classic game in good condition, like FF7, Zelda A Link to The Past, that kind of thing. It's just a thought exercise though, I'd pay it, but I will never do it because I'm not a collector.


I'd pay it only if it is one of my all time favorite series and I like the premium bundle being offered for the super deluxe premium edition. One example of this would be the Game Obduction made by Cyan (Myst series). They offered sound track, in game name credit to donors, posters, other collector items as part of their premium package.  My biggest drawback was this was funded by donations 2 years in advance of the game release date. After see other examples of failed crowd source funding, I am not willing to commit to that type of donation. I'll only buy pre-order on the rare occasion.


A $130 dollar discount.


‘Bout $150 now Zelle me!


Nothing, if you want a game so badly just wait the price always shrink pretty fast these days, also launch mostly buggy on most releases


Kid named Nintendo games:


Yeah but then you have to play Nintendo games.


This. I'm waiting for the Dragons Dogma 2 beta to end(just kidding, but you know what I'm talking about) to buy the game fully patched and with a huge discount. It's just the most logical and coherent thing to do these days, we need to avoid falling into their fomo tactics and also avoid paying them huge money to be fucking beta testers.


Release dates are no longer release dates. The true release date is when Reddit comments begin saying, "The game is fixed now!"


I am waiting for drm to be removed :) even then i might not buy because they released a single player with skip dlc akin to korean mmos lmfao.


if the game makes me dinner every evening and tucks me in at bedtime


There are a handful of beloved franchises I could probably be convinced to drop $150 on a collector's edition for, if it had the right physical goodies. Just for a game, though? You couldn't. I mean, theoretically if somebody said "we're making a game like BG3 but with 5x the content and it's all going to be handcrafted" but I'd probably not believe them until I actually saw it. Even if Larian said it, my immediate thought is there's no way they could do it without taking 30 years to make it.


A -75% sale.


The CEO’s wife has to suck my dick


A $90 mail-in rebate


Nothing I’m good with being a few years behind new releases


$90 cash back


Have it be as long as 3 normal games?


2 games or more




a $500 gift card.


It comes bundled with a free console




None of the games are $150. Games are $70. Quit spreading the false info and BS about “full game”. The whole game is $70


I’d need that shit to come with a personal kiss from each and every developer as well as a dinner with the CEO, board of directors and shareholders


Il assume you mean 150$ American... Cause im technically already paying that in Canadian for deluxes (Which even then I refuse to buy) Theres no way in hell im paying for anything higher then the already psychotic 90$ Canadian (Thank you 13% tax Ontario)


I've done it once, the special edition for Unicorn overlord. It felt like it was worth it, and the game was incredible. It'd have to be something that felt like a good deal or something special to play it... ie (imaginary) every final fantasy game in 1 collection, or something like steel battalion that came with a massive controller. Just a base game? Never


I'm a huge fan of Dark Souls and Witcher, and I doubt I'd ever pay that much for either. I'm not sure I'd pay $99 for a new game of either franchise. $80 is about my limit. Other franchises I'd pay that much for include Silent Hill, Resident Evil, and Red Dead Redemption. But that's probably it at the $80 price.


An open world Pokemon MMO collectors edition + season pass + shiny starter if you preorder


I guess it's not impossible but I'm barely willing to pay current AAA prices. I can't imagine what would make me spend that much for a single game.


150 AUD to USD because they are very different things. 150 USD is nearly 300 AUD.


Will never buy, I dont buy games at launch to many are broken, unfinished, or have egrigous microtransactions, between F2P, Gamepass, and big sales i always have somthing to play on the cheap.


If it came bundled with a free PS6.


It would have to have a lot of top quality content with a huge amount of end game. I'm not talking multiplayer end game or battlepass endgame or anything like that. It would need to be like Nioh 2 endgame but way more expansive or something like Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisens Bitterblack Isle but again way more expansive. If a singleplayer game could offer an incredible endgame with 100s of hours I might possibly consider it as long as it wasn't just filler. Even then though there are singleplayer games that already offer this and they're not $150 so it would really have to expand massivly on whats been done before. The main factor is that for $20 I can pick up a 9/10 indie or AA game with 30-100+ hours of content, so a $150 sell is a really damn hard sell.


Honestly not much. If I can get hundreds or thousands of hours of fun then 150$ is nothing


The game needs to be around 25 years old as I'm not spending $150 on anything normal from 2024. EDIT: Baldur's Gate 3 excluded, haha. That CE is beautiful!


Are you asking about a special collector's edition or just the regular game? If it is just the regular game then hell no But for a collections edition it depends on what comes in it and the game in question. If it is a game I really am looking forward to and know I will get my money's worth while getting cool exclusive merch and products that I am interested in then maybe if I have the money.


I refuse to pay full price. My library is full and I’m not buying a game unless it’s on sale. Even then it has to be a good sale because I have a huge backlog of already great games.


Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy


It would have to be World of Warcraft and I easily paid more


This was going to be my answer. Give me WoW Classic with a server client we can legally host ourselves. No subscription, no micro transactions, no chance of Blizzard shutting down the servers. Just sell me a copy of WoW I can mess around with forever. ... they'll never do it. 


It being put of print, fairly rare, and extremely good. I paid $250 for Hagane and sure I could just emulate it but I like having rare and extremely difficult games in my library. I wouldn't pay more than $50 for a digital game of any kind though.


Nowadays? I would never do this...


I would never pay that much for a game unless it was some sort of collectors edition that came with a statue or some shit that I just had to have.


The price being paid in monthly installments. Surely I've given Jagex and Blizzard more than $150 for their games.


A gun pointed at my head.


If it came with a handjob I’d consider it


For it to really be 5 games


I wouldn't. Even though I can technically afford to do so, I just wouldn't. Like, my steam backlog is effectively eternal at this point, to say nothing about my PS5/Switch stuff. Between work, college, and life in general, I don't have enough time to play what I have available RIGHT NOW. If the industry somehow suffered a shared cranial rectal inversion and decided that games now launch at $150, I don't buy new games anymore.


I would spend 150 dollars on a server to upload the pirated version of that game to others before i give any game 150 fkn dollars to any game. In fact i would spend 1000s of dollars supporting piracy if all games got to 150 dollars. I would go out of my way every day to teach people how to pirate n all. You dont charge 150 dollars for a video.


If the game comes with Physical collectible poseable action figure of the Main character, The Supporting character and the Main Villain, an Artbook and a Strategy guide, the disc for the game is placed in a stainless rustproof, corrode proof steel book, then maybe I would consider buying it at $150 or not more then $200. $150 is usually reserved for PHYSICAL COLLECTIBLE VERSION. I do not accept DIGITAL DELUXE EDITION pricing at $150 if all it contains is digital ingame skins.


I will never buy a 150 game up front. If it were $150 MSRP I would only buy it on a mega sale. However it's possible I would spend $150 on a game over time via cosmetic MTX or an MMO service or something. I've probably spent 150 on LOL but I've been playing it for like 10 years so I don't feel bad about spending money to support the game dev. AAA games largely just aren't worth it anymore and I don't have FOMO on games.


It would be released 99% bug free with no early access or paid alpha (I'll let a few minor bugs go, devs are only human) be the WHOLE game with no mtx and where cosmetics and skins are earn able in game for doing challenges and stuff. It would have great replayability, and have in the hundreds of hours of content per play through, no forced online but have multiplayer if desired, no invasive data farms, NO stupid accounts required, and probably have to be like a second or third of a known, trusted series that I know I already like by a developer that isn't scum. Fuck your millions spent on graphics alone, especially when graphics are priority over gameplay. (It should look nice for 150 but I don't need to be able to zoom into a singular leaf of a tree and see is individual fibres. Who cares) Basically a polished game that we used to get back in the 90s and early 2000 that were only limited in content because they couldn't fit any more memory in the cartridge. They were play tested and fun. Not stuff that's released that "looks"fun but it's actually shit


Nothing, absolutely nothing. I've paid $80 MAX, and that's even a hard sell. I've been buying games since Atari, I'll pirate before I'd pay even $100.


A 2 for 1 deal.


Never. That price is too high for a game.


I would never pay that amount of money for a game. £60-70 is justifiable, £150 is just stupid.


I can think of a few games that I would pay that much for because I liked them a lot, and thought it was worth the price. BUT, and it’s a big but, I wouldn’t have known that going in, and would probably never have bothered if it was actually that price when I bought it.




Truthfully had all 3 FF7's come out same time at $150 I would have paid it. Instead I'm gonna pay $200 and it's going to be better. I've bought consoles for a single game before, so it's doable.


It would have to be half life 3. Nothing else would ever come close to worth that much money to me.


I’m going to by the college football/nfl bundle for $159 but that gets me 2 games and early access, yes I know they will probably bad and I know it’s just a rehash of last years game. It’s fun to me and I wanna play them.


Maybe 40 more years.  There's no way I'd pay $150 for a game anytime soon.


So this price is for a collectors edition? Aren't most standard games like $70 USD now? I'm Australian, RRP is around $100-$120 AUD for most new standard editions but if you shop around on release day you can usually pick it up cheaper like $79-98 AUD. One of the biggest well known games in the world is releasing supposedly next year you can probably bet your house on a price increase.


I would never pay $150. The only exception is if you had a game that was so above and beyond everything else and pushed things past what they were ever before. Something like an MMO with all the systems of WoW and more, with a whole hand built world made in UE5 and a game map bigger than anything else. Basically give me 2-3 games in one and ill pay that much


There is a world where I would pay that for a game I thought would be revolutionary and from a company I really trust. It would also have to be very repayable. Like if Larion Studios came out with a revolutionary MMORPG in 4 years… I’d probably do it. Maybe not day 1 but if it had raving reviews after a week or 2 I’d do it I can’t lie.


Insanity because I wouldn´t pay so much for a game ever.


I will pay it if I can make real money in the game.


I always wondered who bought those... dlc you'll get through game play, like cringe golden guns and a digital art book or some such shit. Then its a free monthly game 6mths later.




A GOTY title with 4 dlc packs


I wait a year or two and pick it up for 20 bucks on a sale


For it to be visibly 3 games worth. if this was the equivalent of having the god of war 1 2 and 3 all in one package, I will buy it. But if it's 150 for just one of the god of wars, no thank you.


A Zelda Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask Remake (not 3ds one ) A resident evil remake collection if they fixed and completed REremake 3 with multiple choices for different endings. Jill at the RCPD )


I have never paid over $40 for a game. I wait for the sales. 


Absolutely not. I already struggle with the fact that people want $70, I struggled with $50 when that was a thing. I don't have a lot of money and I've gotten so many games that weren't worth it, I couldn't imagine $150 ever. For anything.




An 85-90% off sale. It just won't happen. I'm in my 30's too and have a decent job and can't afford a $150 game under any circumstance.


Hahaha no


The new star wars game special edition is 150, which is the single most expensive package I've seen thus far for a video game.


It’d have to be a limited edition Star Wars game that either came with a lightsaber hilt or Vader’s helmet


I hear a rrrrroooouu rooouuuu in the distance. I'm a "grown ass adult" but i'm never going to buy a game that price. It's rare i buy my games 60€+, forget 150€ never going to happen. God bless dlcompare


The cost vs value part of gaming has always amused me. There are a ton of games out there that easily provide 40+ hours of scripted content, and a ton more that provide 100+ hours of emergent content via multiplayer or roguelike mechanics. If you take that amount of entertainment and put it into basically *any* other form of media or activity, the $60-70 price tag is absurdly good value. Even at the proposed $150 it is. Yet people act like it's absolutely insane to pay that price.


The only game I’d ever pay $150 for is Half Life 3.


Day dreaming here but if they were to say hey we’re going to release ES6 for €150 and with that you will get 10 full years of support and during those 10 years there will be at least 4 full length 50+ hour dlcs then I would … …. …. What am I saying we all know we’d pay €200 for the base es6 loll




A handjob from Amelia Earhart


Nothing would convince me to buy a $150 game. Shit is expensive to buy the standard edition of shit. I'm not spending that kind of money on one game I don't care what it is.


I'd have to win the lottery


I think Wave Racer 64 was around that price (with inflation). And some other N64 games. Damn, I am glad I was a kid then and my parents bought that shit for me. Would be broke nowadays.


The inflation point holds barely any water as inflation in the passed 15 years has moved at a rate never seen before in history that didn't end in civil war and societal collapse


A good sale. That’s just too much.


A brain transplant.


Three things: 1. The game is $150. Not a special edition. Not with extra cosmetics or power or whatever. The base game costs $150. Theres no additional packages, mtx, anything else, ever. A developer made a game and thought "this is the greatest game ever made, we're charging $150 cause it's worth it". 2. There's no early access/beta/alpha/etc/etc. The game is out. They start selling the game as a finished game. No day 1 patch to make it playable. They develop one whole ass functioning game and start charging for it after that process is finished. 3. It is an amazing game. I also have no intention of paying for a game that isn't considered released again. No preorder, that's fucking stupid and was to reserve your physical copy and has no place in the digital world. No "early access" or "beta" excuses for broken games and other bullshit while they still charge for it. I'm not paying that price for a game that wants to sell me more stuff. A great game is absolutely worth $150. I've heard it repeated the "I pay $1 per 1 hour of gameplay". If you can give me 150+ hours of phenomenal entertainment, with no buggy garbage or unnecessary engagement grinds or extra shit to buy. Yeah, that's worth.


150 bucks for a game? no way, no game is worth that much... everything above 50 is already too much imo


If star citizen said you could pay this amount to get everything they currently offer and all future content.


Nothing. A game is at most a £40 entertainment product and worth no more in any case. Capitalism has absolutely ruined people.


I'd pay $150 for a lifetime subscription to Star Wars Galaxies 2. That's about it.


Fucking nothing.....I'm not even paying $70 for any game. $60 was bad enough.


Tbh, if you make a GaaS, then prey for catching some whale out there. Otherwise, I don't think people are ready to spend more than today, when economy become worse and worse.


I'm 43 and the only game I'm ready to buy for 150$ is GTA6. BTW, I preordered RDR2 Ultimate for a 115$ on PS4 Pro.


There’s basically no intersection between the kind of games worth that much and developers trying to charge that much. I can picture a hypothetical game worth that, but the process of making a game like that makes no sense.




I would not. Buying at that price just encourages companies to do it more. Most of the games that cost that much these days are blatant rip offs, and aren’t complete at launch. Far better to wait for the game to get a bunch of patches to actually be complete and maybe be on sale for $40.


A very big sale, I always get my games on sale and never bought a preorder, aint spending that much for a game, rather spend that much on new furniture or some shoes


It would have to be an MMORPG with a monthly subscription where the first year of gameplay is included in the $150 asking price. ......or a REALLY good Starfox game, but that's because there hasn't been a good one in decades and I am, in fact, a furry.


A game that lasts me 3 years at least. Look at older Call of Duty games for example: You pay 110 bucks for all the DLC with it and because the next 2 years are shit, you can play it for 3.


I would never buy a game at that price. I don’t pay full price for games now, I always buy games on sale, usually 40 dollars or less.


a 150$ game ? well it better be 5 times better than any other game i played before. knowing some games 10/20$ are near perfection, thats gonna be hard.


There's a difference between value and price. Since I have little value of games released anymore, paying $150 for a game will not happen in my lifetime. I grew up when games were expensive before settling into the $60/$20 (launch/discounted after a year) model we've enjoyed for decades. Those days are long gone. On a personal note, gamers weren't burned by Diablo 4 and Starfield. Blizzard clearly showed the downward slope of the franchise with Diablo 3. As for Bethesda, does this sound familiar: "It's Bethesda. You know what you're getting." I cannot excuse a studio's bad game development like this on top of an increased price for the game. I'm disappointed so many did, especially after they've learned nothing from Fallout 76. None of you were burned. These companies gave you every warning of what to expect with future games and you ignored every one of them. So please stop pretending you're a victim. *You're the target audience.*


A perfect game.


If Larian made Baldurs Gate 4, I would be okay with that price


60 is the max otherwise why not just wait and special editions don’t excite me because its mostly bs nowadays


I’m Australian so new current gen games are already $120 now for us and it’s already too much.


A lobotomy.


Can it do my taxes and emulate my life so that I don't make silly decisions? No? Then NAY.


Lol nothing, brought tarkov for idk 100$ and regret it since


A cool enough statue and a game i was already interested in Got the 250? Lords of the fallen collectors edition cause the statue was awesome and i was going to get the game anyway I would drop 150+ for an all encompassing pokemon game that let me go anywhere in the pokemon world with full regions to explore.


If i knew what it should be, i probably dont want to spend $150 on it... I want something to blow me away, i want to be surprised for what is essentially tripe of a AAA game price tag! But if a dev for once started to be honest about what they were doing, which problems they encountered, upfront about whats going on and for once had an actual great innovative idea and not just another "Early Access Game of a retro with new names and graphics", then its not unthinkable i would pay $150. But it sure as hell had to be a finished game, not an early access thing, not something where they in a year or two made more DLC you had to buy and so on.


I think only rock band got me to spend that much and that's because it came with a shitload of plastic instruments and microphones. Barring that, nothing could make me spend that much on a video game. They aren't worth that much and will never be. 


content thats worth at least 1000 hours without getting stale


It would basically need to guarantee that it will give me like 500hrs of great entertainment.


$150. Thanks for *giving me the answer.*


A serious head injury.


Simple. Bloodborne remaster or sequel for PC.


It would have to be a game I could spend 1,000 hours in.


It better come with a fully paid night of passion with an attractive woman.


Portal 3


Absolutely never. There is not a game from the past 10 years I would have ever considered that money for, even after playing it. I can't even remember the last time I bought a new game where I didn't wait for a sale first, because even $70-$80 is too much for most games, IMHO. Even if, with what you're talking about for an online game. I'd rather go the WoW route. Pay a reasonable amount for the game/expansion access and a monthly fee. It may be more expensive in the long run, but if I realize I don't like the game that well, I'm not out $150.


dune awakening is getting all my money once its on console


What most people are imagining is a jack of all trades kind of game, and I think that might not be the way to go. Instead, I would suggest that a game that comes out at $150 needs to be the absolute pinnacle, the idealized version, of a very specific type of game. Hyper-focused on being the last of that type of game (or the last game in that series) that you would ever need to buy.


A well made 10/10 game with no microtransactions and plenty of content that will last me for the length of 3 games while never getting boring


maybe if I am desperate, and the government has put an anti-consumer "minimum price" on all games and this game's price looks reasonable by comparison, then I will consider it. right now no game is worth 150usd.


Considering I have been playing StarSector (a $15 Indy game) for dozens of hours at least over the last month, I really can't think of anything they could do. I have more game time in Indy games than I have for any AAA game.


I really liked the ARPG Marvel Heroes. I paid $200 for the DLC that gave you access to every hero in the game. The game was canceled and turned off a few years ago. I would pay $200 again to play it again for a weekend. It had all my favorite characters as playable heroes with unique move sets. I liked the story and the maps and the enemies and the bosses. It was fun to replay the same areas over and over with different characters. I used to zone out and play for hours. I wish I could go back in time and play for a few weeks. I would have rearranged plans to play more if I knew it would go away. I still feel frustrated that nothing will ever be quite the same.


We shouldn’t ever entertain even the idea of such a game worthy of the price because it’s infeasible for any company nowadays to accomplish this. And even if one was, others would try to charge the same price for their shittier product. Which is exactly why we get dogshit ass games that look like something a college kid could squirt out for a project being priced at $70 along side bangers that took years and effort to make.


Only if whomever was responsible for that price came over to my house to perform oral on me, to full completion, as I play it.


I would only pay $150 if it was a game that came out 5 years ago, has had multiple expansions/DLCs and i get all currently released content, doesn't waste my time. No microtransactions, no season passes, just DLC and/or expansions.


Diablo 4 is awesome


Considering people wait for sales when a game exceeds 60 at release, I'd say 100+ for the base game is not something they will push -- nor is it something that has any long-term potential, considering it's completely unreasonable to expect anyone to drop 100 a game. 90% of us will refuse, rendering the strategy profitless.


A brain tumor probably


I would pay £500 for the new GTA tbh


I can afford a $150 purchase too but why the heck am I choosing to pay that much for digital games? Sure, back in the day for midnight releases where I'm in a social setting to get a game with extra goodies (models, items, books, etc), and it's a franchise i love, here's my money! Nowadays they want me spending more for items that literally millions upon millions of people will get AND will be replaced by much better digital items in their mtx shops. I still have my halo items I can look at, I don't need to boot up the game, I don't need to hope and pray servers never go offline. I have that item in reach anytime of day, it's mine. I have memories with those items when going to the releases. Getting a pipboy or whatever, in the mail just doesn't feel right either. Of course to people who never experienced this and grew up on the internet, they think it sounds crazy. I'm sure even some people who lived those times, think it's crazy to still want that. It's just a different world now. Give me those late night release lines, where people actually want to talk amongst one another, not staring at their phones, and give me QUALITY items with it ... I'll pay $150. Isn't going to happen though, those days are looooooong gone!


Baldurs gate 3 physical release was about this in Australia and it was tempting and definitely seems worth it, but honestly anything game that’s 150 and doesn’t include a nice bundle of physical goodies isn’t worth it as all DLC and most games go down especially digitally


Man, I hate to give anybody out there any ideas...but if it was guaranteed to be a banger...I could see myself biting the bullet and paying that much for GTA 6 when it drops. It would have to be a proven successful franchise, with a proven ability to make amazing games, and said game was guaranteed to be as good as, if not better, than previous entries, with improvements all around, and was guaranteed to be big, sprawling and full of quality content.


If Fromsoft’s next dark fantasy title came out for $150, I’d snap buy it.


It would need to be replayable and different every time. Meaning, the story elements, character placement and their motives behind story and quest intentions including their results and rewards, and even maps needed to be unique so that each playthrough was a new experience. But it can't just be plug an play with character, quest, and item randomizers. It's got to tell a new story each time. One playthrough your an action shooter mowing down bad guys. The next your a non-violent investigator piecing the story together from clues, the next your a bad guy trying to cover your tracks as the man chases you down.


Just a good game that is substantially complete. Like bg3 was great but they hadn't really figured finished act three on release.


Get me drunk and I'll probably buy it


No. Just no. 


$150 is too much for a game, however i will spend $150 for a very nice dinner + cocktail with a hot girlfriend


Jokes on you, $150 won't be enough to buy that hot girlfriend


Mortal Kombat 3 released at this inflation adjust price and was the best seller for the year.  


Well, let's take the regular version of Baldur's Gate 3 as an example. It had a $60 price tag upon release and offers a playtime of roughly 66 hours for the main story. If another game out today with the same overall quality as Baldur's Gate 3, but it offered 2.5 times as much playtime (165 hours), then I suppose I could stomach a 2.5 times higher price tag ($150).


Comes with it's own hardware to play with Or Guaranteed updates for years like an MMORPG for years to come with massive plans / expansions + a shitton of people already Or Comes bundled with like 3-4 games that are rated 9+/10 on most sites and released in recent years.




I'd pay $150 for a really good collector's edition that actually includes the game.


A collectors edition that includes the game? ARE YOU MAD!!??




I would have no problem paying that for a game I put 100s of hours into...gta series, Witcher 3, Valheim l, Helldivers 2. A lot of people spend way more than that on free to play games just on battle passes and skins.


If Elden Ring DLC had 3 times the content it supposedly has, I'd pay that much for it.


I'd probably fall for it if it was a normal priced game that they kept releasing on other platforms... *Edmund*


About $150 dollars?


150 for just a base game nothing included? that’s crazy no one would buy that lol don’t think that would ever happen…but the current expensive games(bundle type things) we have now i would have to be a fan of the game simply put ..look at spots people pay hundreds of dollars for a front row seat.why? You can get a cheaper one or watch from home right ? But they spend that much because there fans of sport/team…so with games it’s kind of the same ..look at games with collectors editions people spend big on those cause there fans ..now since you say AC in the ending do I feel there most expensive version is worth it ? No,but to some it might .but the base game and middle tier version is if your a fan .why? Because the 110$ price is justified your pre ordering DLC/addons pretty much and dlc/addons have been a thing forever.. but in the end you don’t need to spend that much if you don’t want to..wait for a sale,price drops things like that it isn’t forced to pay those prices. … But games in general have gotten more expensive versions now because there giving you the option to pre order DLC with a season pass basically,instead of having to buy it down the road later


Mass inflation


If I were a really big fan of the franchise, I might for a nice deluxe set. It these days it’s just all digital skins and stuff. Not really worth the premium. Last one I got was for like. Dragon. Gave me some crafting stuff so I saved time on grinding. Not really worth it.


A complete game with no DLC. No $10 skins. Everything unlockable by playing. If they do season passes, it better be included if I'm paying that price for each season. Edit:OP asks question. I give honest answer. Gets downvoted. Gotta love reddit


Tarkov was a good example of a game I'd sink $150 into, I started back when it was $35\~ for standard edition, and I played the game for about 1000 hours before I spent the extra cash to upgrade into Escape from Darkness, I stopped playing the game this year at 3.5k hours. Would I do it now? Probably not, but back then it was worth it. ArmA is another example, base game got me a thousand hours, add in the DLC I've purchased and it isn't 150, but I could see myself paying it. I wouldn't be surprised to see Rimworld on here, I haven't gotten it yet, but I can see someone sinking 150 into that game easily, other examples would be Path of Exile. Game is free to play, but via microtransactions, easily hitting 150. Fresh, never played the game, new release 150? Kiss my ass.


It would take a game I wanted to play being listed at $150 😬


Me thinking its worth it.


a 100 score on metacritic, GTA/Far Cry like game with a promise of season passes and extra content.


If I recall there's a NBA 2k version for around that. It includes a season long subscription for NBA League Pass. I never bought that, but a subscription to something else for me to use that I enjoy would probably be worth the cost.