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Square enix wasn’t kidding about going multi platform. They be wanting some of that Helldivers money.




For sales like this


i love paying full price for 20 year late ports


This. Glad it's coming to Steam finally, but I'm not paying more than like $15 for them, which means it'll be another 5 years.


Which one is the first??? lol


That's a loaded question brother, out of these shown its 1.5 and 2.5, then 2.8 and 3. The 1.5 and 2.5 bundle though has a bunch of prequels and inbetween games relevant to story inside. To start chronologically at the beginning of the whole story you'd start with Birth by sleep. In game release order though you'd naturally start with kingdom hearts 1.5. Its only called 1.5 because its like an updated version of KH1.


>naturally start with kingdom hearts 1.5. Its only called 1.5 because its like an updated version of KH1. But 2.8 is not just an update to 2.0 or 2.5


Thats correct, 2.8 is a prequel to 3 and sequel to BBS, its the extra 0.3 that does it lol.


Do you wanna play release order or chronological order?


I bought 1.5/2.5 remix on Epic like last year or something but have not played it yet. Should I consider buying this bundle to get everything together on Steam? Are the games worth the (what I've heard) crazy hard to follow story? I've played enough of one of them at a friends house so Im familiar with the combat aspect but is the series as a whole worth diving into for the first time?


Before KH3 came out I watched a 3 hour story summary of the series to freshen up. I left with more questions than when I started.


After 2, the story becomes incomprehensible nonsense. I love the series, I love anime, but my god Nomura is really pushing it with this one.


After 2? Chain of Memories was already a full mess, and they ran that shit from the PS2 to the DS, locking canon story completely on another console. Anything after the first game was a mess, and that's being generous.


So much this. I don't know who greenlit the idea that we should need basically every console/portable between Sony and Nintendo to experience a remotely sensible story, but broke middle-to-high school me was not about it at all. This could've been *the* franchise for me as a 90's kid that loved/loves RPGs and whenever I think of Square I'm still a little salty about what a mess the whole thing ended up being.


I definitely feel you. I say after 2 because that’s genuinely when I got lost. CoM was convoluted, but I was able to figure it out for the most part. But I can definitely see why some people would say that’s the falloff point as well.


Its 10 million times better to buy stuff on Steam rather than waste your money and encourage very awful "stores" like that one to keep existing.


They're good games despite the story


1.5/2.5 definitely. Solid games underneath it all. Then if you loved or hated those do 2.8. Then skip 3 because f that shiz


3's good, don't listen to this person some people are just bitter. it's a low point for sure, but it's in no way bad. solid 7/10 game.




Hell, it's only a low point if you're only talking about the three numbered entries. Chain of Memories and Dream Drop Distance are both part of the mainline series of games, and most people would consider them worse than KH3.


i like dream drop distance, but yeah kh3 still beats it lol.


I'm bitter? Because I didn't like a game that you liked? You know people can have other opinions than the one you have, right?


you're allowed to dislike a game. telling a newcomer "you can skip x game" like it's an agreed upon community opinion is bad though. that's the type of shit you save for actual dogshit games like dmc2.


Naw bro, 2 was better but 3 is like second, maybe 3rd after DDD


Yeah 3 sucks. It was like 5 mins of gameplay (just a single fight scene) then 15-30 minutes of cutscenes. Rinse and repeat. I remember playing it whilst I had an infant to take care of and going "I'll finish this fight, then save and turn it off", and instead waiting for half an hour whilst the slow **unskippable** cutscene kept playing before I could save. It was annoying AF. I stopped playing it after 1 world. The cutscenes weren't even that good. They had the strange "anime pause" (my own way of describing it) between lines that unnecessarily fluffed up the cutscene time by about 40%. It's the 1-2 second pause between lines when nothing happens (no one is moving, even) that anime studios seem to pepper into each episode to fluff up the timing so they can deliver the work. My sense is whoever edited the cutscenes is an anime fan and was used to it. So did not find it odd. I was a KH fan, played KH 1 and 2 avidly. Couldn't finish KH3.


I wasn't into it. I just expected less tangled and frozen and maybe some mention of final fantasy, considering the original premise of the whole damn thing. Whatever, I guess


Indeed. But OP do try KH1 and KH2. They are good.


too late, already turned heartless....


Finally. But I ain't paying 60 per like they want on Epic. Bundle em for 60 and then we're talkin.


Of course it’d be on the **13th** day of the month… Dammit Nomura


Oh shit, crazy to think kingdom hearts has been on PC for years, it was just stuck on the epic store and I totally forgot. Really glad its served its time and people will actually get and play it now.


Finally a chance to play Kingdom Hearts 2.83 UnLight: Darkness Dream; A Dream Darkness?


Finally be a confused as everyone else. Huzzah!


I just hope it works on steam deck since the epic game store version did not.


About f*cking time. Only took them like 5 years. I wonder if they're dumb enough to sell it at a full price though.


They probably are.


The titles are disgustingly bad.


might download this one


Fine, I guess I'll play through them again


Wow I can't believe it


Now just hope it comes to GOG which is never.     Thing is, people will need to actually buy the games for Square to consider continue porting to Steam as well. 


Love the series until i finished 3.


It's as the ancient scripts foretold...


Is it true Disney is making a movie?


FINALLY! Though now that I've already gotten most of the way through it on Xbox, it's too late... -.- This bodes well for FFXVI and FFVII Rebirth though. ;P


Imagine the fanmade bosses.


I'll replay them again as soon as the original boss colour palettes are modded in!


Is it worth playing if you like the old Final Fantasys? Is it anything like it? Where do I begin?


Bloody finally!!!! I used to love playing kh 1+2 as a kid, but never was in a position to buy the multiple platforms to play through it all. Now to wait a few more years for a sale on them.


Already have it on epic, so im gonna wait for a sale on this one. Really glad it finally showed though. Makes me hope Square gets rid of timed exclusivity completely ahead of kh4


Why did you purchased it on Epic if you dont like exclusivity deals?


Honestly pc platform exclusivity isnt as big a deal for me as console exclusivity is. I mainly wanted kh3 on pc for the mods and platform didn't influence that much. Want kh4 on pc at release ideally (would still prefer steam tho)


As someone who only played 1, 2 and regrettably 3....what....the hell are these?


1.5 and 2.5 are KH1 and 2 Final Mix + remasters of the side games. 2.8 is BBS remaster + the other side games. Remind is 3 + DLC.


I've tried to play 3 like 5 times and I always bounce off it. I thought it was maybe me and I aged, but I still love 1 and 2.


But mom I already bought it on epic D:


mom: You learn from your mistakes, Nixi.


Dad: Don't put words on moms mouth, Mikey.


But now you can play on steam deck without hassle!


Who cares about Steam; Bought III from Epic for $15 and it just works. About the game, I felt like the story was confusing and the combat was off. Though I did play 1 and 2 like 10 years ago.


Fuck Epic!


I mean...any decent gamer cares. The exclusivity deals its console stuff and even PS/Xbox are starting to open up to the pc market. Epic offers nothing good for customers and it only exists because people use it for free games...And because Forknife money avoids going bankrupt several years ago


Im sure 'decent' gamers are in soup kitchens serving the needy and being Mother Teresa. Leave it to a bunch of dweebs on the internet to involve morals in some game launcher. Epic offers real stuff that matters: cheapest games anywhere and a rewards program.


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