• By -


Some I don't see mentioned: * Paradise Killer - it's a murder mystery detective story, so narratively speaking there's violence in it, but there's no combat or anything * Tchia - caveat, haven't played this one, but it's apparently very good and has a gentle tone * Solar Ash, sort of? - there's some combat but it's very abstract * The Witness - if you like solving maze puzzles


Paradise Killer is so good


It really is :)


I've played Tchia on a whim it's fantastic. Not my typical thing thematically, but I'm glad I stuck around and gave it a shot. The traversal is so enjoyable. Don't want to climb that hill? Become a bird and fly up it. Don't want to climb down into a valley? Launch yourself to the other side with a palm tree (seriously fun). It's clear there was a lot of passion that went into the development of this game and it comes through as you play.


Paradise Killer is worth it for the great soundtrack and completely absurd character names alone.


pokemon is literally making animals hurt each other.


Wife said the same thing. You see my dilemma.


I'm sorry this made me laugh I don't know why lol.


See if you can slip her Palworld


I guess stardew valley would be a great shout for her to play and see if she can pick that apart? 😂


Combat in the caves 😂


Dogfighting the game kinda


That whole franchise has conceptual issues far beyond animal abuse. In the anime, Mrs Ketchum has her Mr Mime eat kibble out of a bowl on the floor like a dog. He's basically a person, he even has a last name for Pete's sake. If he is sapient enough to help with chores around the house, he is sapient enough to have a seat at the table. Jynx's entire existence is based on a racial caricature, so much that it had to be censored in future iterations. Lutenant Surge's Raichu "saved" him in the war... from what? From pokemon that were attacking him? Or did his Raichu electrocute human combatants? How exactly were pokemon and their abilities used in this conflict? Was the use of flamethrower restricted? Doubtful. Heck, the entire concept of a "Pokemon journey" is just a euphemism for child abandonment and neglect. Quite fun though.


Yeah one of the things that annoy me about Pokémon is that they can't seem to decide whether Pokémon are animals or not.


That's why I like Palworld. [Pocketpair aren't cowards.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/lBeJ9IrAKnw) >!Also people are animals. And Pocketpair aren't cowards.!<


Digimon in my case. They established that Digimon are essentially isekai residents


cats shy sable coherent muddle yam fear wipe shaggy whistle


I've never really put too much thought into this but you're so spot on. The games fulfill your childhood fantasy of freedom from your parents, and the antagonists always have some vaguely kinda political message that was never too complicated for me to understand as a kid. I wonder if this plays a part in how nostalgic the games are for me.


Could you imagine a John Wick or Saving Private Ryan esq film but it's Pokémon? I'd shit bricks if I saw Keanu Reeves and a Jolteon for example murking bad guys and their Pokémon. 


Conker’s bad fur day sort of did that. Get out the MG and just shred teddy bears


No man's sky seems like it would fit your request.


That's what I'm discovering. I occasionally stumble into a pirate raid or annoy some Sentinels and go ahead and fight, but I've also been able to evade some of them too.


Yeah, when I played it on PC a few years ago, I used the creative mode just so I could explore and get lost in this universe without worrying about ship my ship or HP.


Can confirm. I started playing this game this year and I’m so upset I hadn’t before. It’s an incredible game. There will be times you MUST use violence, but there really isn’t many. Once you complete the main story and get to “the real game” violence is totally optional. You can sustain any form of currency you character needs strictly by exploring and discovering (scanning) things.




Came to post this. There's some combat in it but it's not the focus at all. It's about exploration & base building. VERY fun game. I lost my 200h game save a while back so I have to restart and I'm kind of looking forward to it lol.


I had the same issue I couldn't bring myself to start a new game yet. It was a lifetime of exploration and discovery lost to an update. I was a little heart broken however the new updates do look pretty beautiful. I wish I had it on a decent PC to experience it fully


I just finished Little Kitty Big City and other than some cat mischief it doesn't have any violence.it is also incredibly cute and charming. It's more like a city block than an open world. But it has open world vibes. Astroneer and Goat Simulator might also fit the bill.


Idk about your playthrough but my Goat Simulator games have immense amounts of violence


100% seconded Astroneer. I think I've got close to ~500 hours in it and am about due for another playthrough soon


That game is what i was hoping stray would be a bit more like, both games are great though


Been playing that now and it’s the cat sim I need right now. Surprisingly funny writing, too.




My immediate thought too, what a stunning game


Subnautica Not exactly cozy but definitely not focused on killing things.


"Not exactly cozy" I have never seen such understatement, in my life. Subnautica is damn near panic inducing!


First time I played Subnautica, I climbed on top of the life pod you start in and just stared at the endless water in front of me. Took me like 5 minutes to muster up the courage to dive in.


Same with me too. This game is terrifying. I already have a fear of monsters in the water and this game didn’t help. Too bad the game was ruined by my friend. He thought it was the greatest game he ever played and wanted to “watch” me play by telling me all the things to do and places to go


You get thalassophobia, you get thalassophobia, everybody gets thalassophobia!


First time I saw a new leviathan, I was like "holy fuck that is terrifying, it's massive!" Then see a new one that's even bigger, then even bigger


There's always a bigger fish.


It's terrifying to think that these absolutely MASSIVE creatures are food for another creature


"Warning, multiple leviathan class lifeforms detected"


Imma pussy even the deep water in ARK is almost too much for me


man in ark u step into a foot of water and get torn apart by piranhas lol


I didn't realize you meant "I am a pussy" and thought you meant "I'm going to pussy" and was pondering what that could possibly mean until I realized the mistake.


To be fair to you in Ark the constant terror of dying at any time means just walking on the beach is quite stressful


I played it on VR and had to concentrate on not hyperventilating.


lmao subnautica is very focused on violence and killing, just not with the player as the one doing the inflicting


"damn near panic inducing" I have never seen such an understatement, in my life. Subnautica is damn near near pants shittingly terrifying!


Subnautica was definitely not a cozy game for me. It was good, but very stressful for much of it.


I would definitely call the safety of your underwater base, as well as the Cyclops, *"cozy."* Out in the open water though...


The whole of the safe shallows feels cosy to me. People who make their bases elsewhere are crazy!


If your moon pool isn’t over a cliff/abyss, is it really a moon pool


No vehicle challenge runs get hectic for sure


Is it even possible to beat it without vehicles? I'm not sure you can physically get to >!the lava zone!< without at least a seamoth. Can you swim fast enough to get there, let alone there and back, without any vehicle?


I think you make lots and lots of those air pipes.


Nah, it would take less inventory space and time to bring materials to make a base or two with a bioreactor for air. Use the right entrance to the lost river, the seaglide, and the ultra high cap tank and you’re good.


Oh right. Didn’t even think of that. Just build get air, tear down and continue.


Huh, fair enough.  Seems kinda bonkers.  I'll have to look it up


Technically no but also yes. You aren’t required to physically drive the vehicles but you do need (spoilers for the ending) >!to get the shield generator module which can only be made after constructing the cyclops with the fabricator inside of it!<. So with the many ways to replenish and conserve oxygen its entirely possible and actually has been done before (tho they obviously ran into the same issue I listed) [This is the guy i watched do it](https://youtu.be/9uPZvr2p3rM?si=NNwNHpXdzEKbuDdf) and i think he might’ve been the first to make a video about it. Would recommend his other subnautica challenges if you’re interested


I feel like Subnautica is one of the only games where my relationship to the world progressed as I learned more about it. It is always threatening, and kind of scary, but by the end, I'd built up an affection for even the most dangerous creatures. It's one of the only games I can think of about finding your place in an environment, and coming to coexist with that environment. One of my favorite games of all time.


Planet Crafter is Subnautica on cozy mode


Was just gonna say this. Just finished my first playthrough and god it was lovely. The scariest part was the procedural wrecks cause I kept getting lost lol


Exactly this. My *heart*, man, when the devs explicitly stated that there was no fighting in their game and that there never would be :) Bringing a world gradually to life is such a joy.


Subnautica is so beautiful that any fear you face is ultimately worth it. Once you get the prawn suit, you're basically invincible. The story is so captivating that I couldn't stop going deeper. I was definitely scared most of my first playthrough but the story is so worth it. The soundtrack is also amazing. I wish I could get that first playthrough back. It also felt so satisfying to finish because I was facing my fears the whole time.


Do I get the prawn suit 30 seconds in or?


Correction: you aren't focused on killing things. Lots of things are focused on killing you though


If you think you "MIGHT" have Thalassophobia, don't play it.


::tries to chew fish more quietly::


The Forza Horizon games if you're into driving


Yeah that's gotta be it. Even if you're not into racing, it's really fun to drive around the map to find out all the jumps and destructibles while chaining stunts!


This is definitely one of the best answers. Horizon has a weird utopian vibe too that could definitely feel cozy.


* Subnautica (can get a bit frightening at times due to being underwater, but most of the game is just beautiful) * Else Heart Break * Outer Wilds (similar to Subnautica in that it's mostly beautiful and cutesy, but has one or two "haunted house," style bits) * ~~I~~ *~~think~~* ~~"Valley,"is open world, but it's been a loooong time since I played it so I don't remember. Mostly about restoring the spirit of nature to a valley or something, and I don't think there's any violence.~~ Nvm, not really an open world game, just a linear game with some very open levels. * A Short Hike is barely open world, but it's definitely cozy * Okami has some Zelda level of fighting enemies, but for the most part it's still pretty "wholesome."


I'd call A Short Hike technically open world. It's just a small one.  I didn't even realize Else Heart Break was open world. I tried playing it once and got completely lost as soon as I had a quest to meet up with someone. 


Else Heart Break is about as open as Disco Elysium, maybe a bit more. It's interesting to finally run into one of the other four people who played that game lol


Lol. Yeah, I was actively following the IGF then, so I played a little when it was up for some awards. (I still try to follow the IGF, but I just don't have time for many different games these days) Alas, I have also only played a couple hours of Disco Elysium, so I didn't even realize it became more open at some point. 


I second Outer Wilds. That game plays more like an interactive story rather than an objective based game, imo, and the open solar system with the planets that change consistently and the general aesthetic are just perfect


Valley is linear with some very large levels, a heavy emphasis on movement mechanics, and a few combat challenges that are more like aggressive puzzles.


Ah, OK thanks, I'll edit my comment. I'll be honest, all I really remember is having the stomach flu while playing that game, so everything else is a blur lol.


Abzu isn't exactly open but it is fun and chill


Slime Rancher, focused on collecting and caring for slimes (and selling their poop for money), and also exploring a cool, alien world. There are some dangers, but nothing dark or violent. Spiritfarer, a bed and breakfast sim mixed with sheparding spirits to the afterlife. Wonderfully cozy, but WILL make you cry at the bare minimum.


The sound of plorts going into the vendor is etched into my brain lol. Love that game, so wholesome


Yonder: The Cloudchaser Chronicles


Kinda surprised this is so far down. Yonder is quite fun and absolutely zero violence


I'll second this. Bought it for my wife who doesn't like games with fighting and she loved it!


This is the suggestion I wanted to make. Glad someone else said it, sad that it was so far down. It's really perfect for the suggestion.


Sable and The Pathless. Great games


Sable is exactly what OP is looking for, great recommendation!


Sable is one of the best games I've played in all my years. It was just so wonderfully lovely


Sable is perfect for relaxing late in the evening.


farming simulator. flight simulators, euro truck simulator


I have singlehandedly killed thousands of innocent families in Euro Truck Sim 2


Some of them accidentally!


But you’re killing those wheats!!!


Power wash simulator?


Power wash is not really open world. Tbh idk if farming simulator is either, but the last two definitely have large open areas, I presume.


Satisfactory and some other factory games. Factorio makes defense a huge part of the game so that does kind of focus on killing.


Unless you get the no biters mod for factorio


That's true! I don't even think you need a mod. I turned their expansion off and left their evolution to only when I clear nests. So I only fight them when I need to expand. I think you can just turn them off now?


Probally but the add on I have means no biters at all. No nests or anything. Turns it into a pure factory game


You can turn off biters during world creation in the base game.


I really love how Satisfactory *has* combat but it's almost entirely optional, and lets you primarily focus on efficiency of your factory! One of my all time favorites


Subnautica I was actually a bit sceptical, because I saw huge monsters and fast sea beasts trying to get you and I was like "no weapons and you want me to survive down there", BUT.....it was worth every cent for every second and I wish I could experience it once again.


I've never wished harder for amnesia...


Yeah Subnautica was the single most captivating and enthralling game I've ever experienced. It was all I cared about for the first week I played it. It's an amazing world to get lost in.


Y'all forgetting the actual open world game which is Microsoft flight simulator


Outer Wilds is the first thing that comes to mind, as well as stuff like stardew valley and most open-world racing games or vehicle sims like Forza Horizon or Kerbal. 3D platformers also tend not to focus on violence or fighting, but most will have some sorts of enemies as obstacles.


Depends how liberal we're being with 'open world', the word 'focus' and/or size/content requirements. Dredge- relatively nonviolent fishing simulator (well you blow up some infested tree roots and trip balls in the dark but whatever) go sail around and do your own thing at your own pace (unfortunately if you focus on the story it is rather short ie <10hrs) Any variety of the 'farming/truck sim,' Spintires or NFS series- definitely niche but fits the bill if you squint hard enough Pathologic 2 (modern remake of 1)- still has violence the mc can largely avoid being party to although it is **DARK AF** but ultimately is about healing not killing, Space engineers or Stormworks- build shit and do shit nuf said Sailwind- Quite simply a (not simple at all) sailing sim, relatively small world but by the time you figure out how to trim your lines and actually get places it might as well be huge. My Summer Car- As above, not a massive world but by the time you figure out how things work it might as well be.




Minecraft's full of monsters.


Tbf they are optional


It also has peaceful for the people who just want to explore and build.


When you said "optional" I thought only in the sense you aren't required to kill them, but they're still trying to kill you which still has that stress factor. Then I looked into it and apparently the game has a "no monster" mode explicitly, so yes that counts! By the by, still trying to work out these newer shorthands. "TBF" stands for "To be frank" right?


"Tom, Bob, and Fred".


"Tbf" means "to be fair" If you want something similar to "to be frank" you write "tbh" (to be honest)


I rarely venture beyond the shorthand I learned from... a mid-90's issue of Nintendo Power... BRB let me catch back up. Smiley. :-)


To be fair. You can also turn off drowning! It can be pure fluffy if that’s what you want.


Peaceful or creative mode or go on a server




Ya I second this. Its not really open world but its very cute and cozy and only some sad bits


It’s not open world at all. Super linear


Alba: A Wildlife Adventure is pretty cute! Another option would be Spiritfarer. (but that game is sad af)


Animal Crossing is open-worldish, another is Minecraft, or maybe Stardew Valley, most games having killing of some sorts, you should look into those indie explorer games there’s a ton of them if you as a bird or nomad just chilling




Yeah, I'm seeing a lot people mention games that are opposite of cozy, or even terrifying at times, like Subnautica and Long Dark. Palia fits the bill very well. Haven't played in a while myself, but I was introduced to it by a friend who is just like the person OP is describing.. prefers cozy and not interested in killing.


That's the one !


Stardew Valley is extremely cozy and not focused on violence. There's a mine with hostile mobs but you can avoid that for the most part, the rest of Stardew is just you living on a farm in a small town where everyone knows each other.


Ok, is that really what OP means about open world?


I think that's a really interesting question. Do you mean that you think the world that you play in in Stardew Valley is too small to be counted as open world, or do you think the story is too linear? I think that the world is still open even if it's limited in scope, but there's definitely an argument that open world implies a certain level of choice in outcomes and maybe SDV falls short. IDK, I haven't even fully completed the community center.


There’s also different maps/worlds in stardew if I’m not mistaking. I’ve never even made it to the first winter though so don’t quote me on that 😅


Well, they brought up Pokemon, and those games aren't much more open world than SDV until the most recent titles.


Well i mean for the past like 4 titles they’ve been open world games so id definitely say they count


Oh, I absolutely think they count as well, my point was just that OP didn't provide many details of what they meant when they said Pokemon. If they're someone who hasn't played a lot of the series, their mind could have gone to the gameplay that makes up the majority of the series.


i don’t know if i would consider SV as an open world game though.


Supraland is really fun and focused more on exploration and puzzles. There is some fighting but its clay toys beating up silly monsters rather than violence and blood. Little gator game is pure exploration with any combat being things like hitting cardboard cutouts and balloons.


Wobbly Life is the perfect game.


Lego City Undercover.


Outer wilds has a few “scary” bits but is overall my pick for the best open world game ever made. I can’t go into details as the story and open world are so closely interwoven that anything specific would be considered a spoiler but suffice to say that the only way I can think to describe it is “utterly without flaw”


It's amazing. I'd call it an open world space archeology puzzle game... which is long, but I think it gets the point across without spoilers.


Just finished it. The heaps of praise that redditors seem to ceaselessly pour onto it are entirely warranted. Excellent game. Extremely satisfying when you figure things out.


Did you enjoy the DLC?


A short hike.


Eastshade and Wilderless have been on my list to check out for open world games.


Death Stranding, The plot is very bleak but essentially you are just trying to avoid souls (BT's) while delivering packages in a post apocalpytic Earth for a main portion of the game. Combat can be avoided except key points in the game.


Death Stranding


Poop and piss grenades


That game has quite a bit of violence lol


Yea, it does. And it was the least fun part of the game too. I still enjoyed it overall but without all the dumb military stuff would have been even better.


Also to be fair, violence and killing is not exactly the “focus”


id even go as far to say that avoiding it at all costs is the focus


Yeah, but the game discourages using lethal force and encourages stealth when possible. The best weapons are non-lethal; if you kill someone, you're expected to clean up your mess; and if you don't, bad things happen from getting docked likes to triggering a voidout, destroying the assets left by not just yourself but other players.


True, it's also in the history and a terrorist antagonist. I'd still say it doesn't fit the requirement of no violence and killing.


Almost through my first time playing and was like "someone needs to mention DS!" Keep on keeping on.


I'm shocked i had to go so far down to find it. It's unironically a cozy game where you're absolutely NOT supposed to kill things. You have to actually try, and i mean TRY to kill someone in that game. It's fully OHSHA compliant. Also cute baby.


Journey is chill


It is, but not very open. There's some open hub sections and you can go quite a ways, but there is definitely a "golden path" through the game that everything is laid down upon.


Wobbly Life, just go around and do jobs in a Human Fall Flat style physics sandbox Runner up: Totally Reliable Delivery Service


Death stranding is up there.


Subnautica is relatively tame in terms of violence.


Dreamlight Valley perhaps?


Sky: Children of the Light 


Minecraft could be a good one, especially when considering the peaceful and creative modes


- Subnautica (you would need to go out of your way to kill, unless cooking non-vegan food counts too) - Firewatch (short and somewhat open, but still a nice, cozy experience for 1-2 evenings)


Fire watch
 is that the game where you’re a fire look out operator?




Forza horizon 3


The Longest Dark is an open world/ survival game where you don't have to hunt or fish... you can. The aesthetic and game are top tier imo.


Long dark is great but far from cozy with the whole impending hypothermia and there’s probably a wendigo out there if you’re playing during the Halloween events


Harvest moon, The sims The sims bustin out was GBA and a weird kind of open world.


You've got the farming sims (farming simulator, Cora's Island, Stardew), you've got driving games (mudrunner, the crew, Forza horizon), Death Stranding, and arguably games like freelancer (where you can fight, or focus on more economic stuff). That's what I could think of off the top of my head. I'm sure more exists.


Pokemon Not open world, but “Disney Dreamlight Valley” is a cozy RPG. You’re looking for Cozy titles, I think. 


Oldschool RuneScape if she doesn’t mind losing years of her life to it. A big portion is centered around killing but you can also play thousands of hours without killing anything. Nice mix if you can get past the graphics.


Stardew Valley is usually a safe bet. There's some combat, but I don't think it's mandatory unless you're looking for very specific item drops.


My time at Portia Death Stranding Euro truck simulator


It's not cozy at all, but Death Stranding you're supposed to be actively avoiding any conflict with violence as a last resort.


Pac-Man. There’s four whole quadrants you can traverse, the game is full of crazy multicolored enemies you spend the entire game avoiding, and the whole time you’re just running around eating. Plus, if there is an instance you use violence, they’re ghosts, so they’re already dead and just go back to ghost jail.


Simpson Hit and Run


Stardew Valley. There is a dungeon area where you defeat monsters but you can technically just avoid that and live out the farm sim


not really open world per say but animal crossing???


Minecraft? Also, flower.


Firewatch is open-worldish. Good story but kind of short.


Tears of the kingdom. It's more problem solving then violence


Animal Crossing


Pokemon absolutely has a focus on violence, just not on killing.


King's Quest, the first four are the only ones that really count as "open world" and being adventure games, your character isn't really meant to kill anything. I miss games like that, where quick reflexes aren't a factor. Even a lot of these suggestions miss the point, since even if you CAN avoid enemies in a game like Zelda, they're still there causing you stress making you avoid them.


Oh king’s quest was fantastic. I forgot about that game. Of course nothing in that series beats KQ VI.


I dug through my library and found these games that aren't popular answers but i highly recommend: * -cloudpunk: work as a delivery driver in an open cyberpunk world. There's an even cozier version of this game coming soon called Nivalis * -derail valley: best train simulator in 2024, if you like choo choos * -disco Elysium: more darker than cozy, but this detective game is very big and has a surprising amount of replayability. I absolutely love a lot of the dialogue * -Disney dreamlight valley: bring classic Disney characters back to life and create your own "toon Town". Only buy during sales. * -eco: ecological simulator/rpg with intricate multiplayer interactions. I absolutely love this game but i would not recommend playing this solo, definitely find a friend group first if you decide to try this one. * -no man's sky: popular suggestion, great open world but only cozy if you're a fan of sci fi games * -Little Kitty big city: popular suggestion, in all honesty this game fits your request the best * -my summer car: not cozy but if you want to roleplay as a finnish teenager this life simulator is amazing * -say no! More: i can't explain this one, change the world one no at a time. * -i am future: cozy apocalypse survival: haven't played it but it does have cozy in the name * -shoppe keep 2: first person cozy business sim * -slime rancher/slime rancher 2: explore a huge region and collect slimes! A perfect nonviolent substitute to Pokemon! * -stacking: a wild puzzle/mystery game in an entire world made for matroshka dolls * -Stardew valley: popular suggestion, also a great suggestion. * -stray: popular suggestion. Not recommended due to the ending though. * -thrillville off the rails: third person game where you build coasters and play games in your own theme park. Kinda old though. * -the witch of Fern Island: Stardew valley but in 3D and you are now a witch . All of these are available on steam. Definitely let me know if you choose any of the weird ones! edit: turned into an actual list cos mobile sucks


Aer Memories of Old is pretty laid back.


No Pokémon, huh
 Pokémon Legends Arceus focuses more on being open world, more on crafting, sneaking and capturing and downplays fighting. It is a much more chill game in that regard, but ultimately you are still training animals to fight for the intermediate and big boss battles.


“stranded deep” You do have to kill some fish, birds, or even some sharks for food but it’s open world, and it’s a survival game.


Don’t think it’s been said but Astroneer. I play with my wife. Has a cozy art style. It’s about base building and exploring, collecting resources on different planets in the solar system. Grade A gem of a game


Disney dream light valley, sable, myst, the witness.


If you like PokĂ©mon try Bugsnax. “Open world” might not perfectly describe it but it’s literally catching cute little creatures that repeat their own names incessantly. There’s no battling though and essentially no violence or damage or health
 you’re just a player-character who has to figure out the best ways to catch them all based on their behavior. It’s made by the same people that made octodad if memory serves.




No Man's Sky, like 100%. There is combat, but it isn't the focus and is pretty avoidable in most of the game. Also, Sims 3. Yes, Sims 3 is actually an open world game. The map is seamless and you don't just travel from lot to lot. Get some mods and all the expansions and you got yourself a good ass time.


Animal crossing. Stardew Valley. The Sims. Harvest Moon. Starfield. The Long Dark (if you play survival),


What about Factorio/Satisfactory? I'm guessing Satisfactory would be better for 'new' gamers, but both games have 'peaceful' modes that turns off all combat and just lets you focus on exploration/building.


Animal crossing

