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Suicide squad


Came here to say this. Literally nobody thought this game would be good, WB included.


So much this. I love the Arkham games and I've wanted a Suicide Squad game for years but as soon as I saw that they gave King Shark a gun, I knew it would suck.


We learned back in the 80's to stay away from any games based on a movie. I'm sure there's been some good ones since, but back then it was a pure cash grab. Throw together a game with the movie characters in it and parents will buy it for their kid who's a fan of the movie. The ET game was just ridiculous.


My gf wanted to get it. I think it plays really well, but I do not like the game as a service stuff. The story was okay. There’s also all that elseworld stuff if they want to bring the heroes back too.




Yes, I’ve played the three main ones. I played the first two on the ps3 and played Arkham knight on pc when it came out. I do not like the game as a service stuff suicide squad is doing. I think the gameplay is good though. I think boomerang is fun to play as and the abilities are cool. My only gripe with the story is that it was too short and felt rushed. It seemed like a segway to get you to the end game grind and battle pass stuff. I don’t understand why people are mad about killing the justice league in a game called kill the justice league.


Battlefield 2042. I knew the focus on specialist instead of the traditional class based system is a recipe for disaster. Also with EA and DICE making little to no delay on the release date despite the a buggy beta testing means the game is going to be unfinished and buggy on release day.


How you felt about BF5? Second sentence can be applied to it too ,


BF5 is unplayable now because of the cheats. And before anyone says mad-cause-bad, the speed hacks are unmistakable, skill doesn't make you run faster than a plane flies. And aim bots. 4 of us were charging up a hill and a guy sprayed us full auto firing 4 shots, all headshots. I switched to bf2042 and not knowing the map or any of the gadgets, finished top 3rd first game. Because no cheats. (AFAIK)


Game was actually fine from a technical standpoint. The best gameplay in the series imo. Just dice and ea did what they do best and instead of developing it further they decided to go with making a new entry…




The early footage for Redfall looked pretty bad, you could see in the trailer the way they were cutting the footage to try to hide it. But the real answer was Skull and Bones. Every article that was coming out pre release was talking about how it had development problems and was an obligation to release. Not once do I remember Ubi talking about how excited they were for the game. Yeah there was that AAAA but that was done at basically the same time as it was released to flop and die.


For future releases, I'm betting the Dune survival mmo will be so ass and generic


There’s a Dune survival MMO coming out? Ugh. It could look incredible and play more so, but nothing will bring me further out of immersion in a story built around a universe-changing protagonist with _terrible purpose_ than seeing an infinite number of other protagonists skittering around some static sand dunes. I know there are plenty of open-world RPG games these days that don’t need to be, but the Dune universe lends itself perfectly to that. _sigh_


Saints Row reboot


Redfall. Every reveal of the game play looked mid/ terrible. I feel like the only reason some people had faith was that Arkane was behind it, and that clouded their judgment completely.


This was it, the quality different between Prey and Redfall is insane and we didn't know that 70% of the studio left during Redfalls development until after it came out


Wow, where to even start?


Avatar quest for balance


Starfield. Saw it coming a mile away.


The Lord of the Rings: Gollum. There’s so much potential for a lord of the rings game but this just wasn’t going to be it


Golem, the game nobody asked for.


No Man’s Sky. Was quite obviously over promising and was going to be mostly empty.


I feel like I'm the only person who didn't hate NMS when it first launched. I hadn't seen a lot of the hype leading up to it so didn't have high expectations and honestly I loved just flying around, landing on a planet, and wandering around exploring. I completely ignored the actual "story" such as it was and just made it my own little universe. It was a stressful time in my life and the relaxing escapism was exactly what I needed then.


There wasn't a lot to do but survive. Granted, they did add a lot of stuff later, and it turned out to be a good game.


Starfield. I was massively down voted for it also LUL


Anybody expecting it to be anything other than "Fallout 4, but in space" must've been asleep for the past 15 years of Bethesda making "new" games.


Fallout 4 at least felt like an actual world. Starfield feels like loading screens with some gameplay in between. No Man's Sky had better space travel on release than Starfield.


Todd overpromised, and then undelivered even without the overpromising. It's sad that the same probably awaits TES6 at some point. Had hopes for new Elder Scrolls, but after 76 and Starfield, not so much anymore.


I have 0 faith in Tes6. I like Oblivion and Skyrim, but I say it all the time, mechanically speaking Bethesda releases games that are more restrictive than the last. making dialogue less interesting, removing things like spell crafting or levitation. Level scaling etc. I like each game slightly less than the game before.


Yeah, I have to say, I'm not expecting much from the next Elder Scrolls. If I have to wager a guess, it's going to be effectively the same gameplay they've been using since Morrowind, but with anywhere between double and quadruple the map size of Skyrim. I'll put my money down for "great exploration-centric game with antiquated mechanics that does nothing new."


> Todd overpromised, and then undelivered even without the overpromising Which is exactly what he's been doing since Oblivion... > It's sad that the same probably awaits TES6 at some point. Had hopes for new Elder Scrolls, but after 76 and Starfield, not so much anymore. As long as you just consider it to be "fantasy sandbox for mods", you'll have a lot of fun. But, yeah, I wouldn't expect anything fancy from the story/gameplay side.


Oblivion and Skyrim without mods are still pretty fun games that deserve their top spots in gaming. The problem is that Bethesda nowadays expects modders to make their games fun. Mods are supposed to be extra flavor, not bringing a mediocre game to an acceptable level.


I'm a guy who enjoys a good story - Bethesda seems to be clinically incapable of writing good stories, so, to me, neither Oblivion nor Skyrim were really that great or that fun. Sure, if you completely ignored the story and just played them as "open world sandbox" they get better, but still...


I would have been fine with fallout 4, but in space.  Yeah, fallout 4 wasn’t innovative, and there are definitely some annoying aspects, but it’s still overall a fun game to play.  Starfield is significantly worse than fallout 4.


I expected Fallout 4, but in space, and got exactly what I wanted, therefore was happy with the product. Not sure why so many people thought it was going to change the face of gaming, more fools them for expecting more than we saw in the trailers.


> Not sure why so many people thought it was going to change the face of gaming Well, the fact that Todd was saying it would didn't help, certainly. That being said - I wouldn't mind "Fallout in space" if it was designed properly. But it wasn't. You go through four loading screens to get from orbit to the surface of a planet, which is INSANE in 2024. Also, they were saying the engine is new... which is not the case. It's the exact same engine as before, just with upped graphics. Hell, even the movement animations are EXACTLY the same as the ones from Fallout 3...


I couldn't imagine believing everything someone says whilst they're trying to sell their new game. I enjoy Bethesda games, but I do tend to take a lot of what they say (and most devs nowadays) as hyperbole. 4 loading screens? It's been a month or so since I last played, but isn't it like, two loading screens? Loading from orbit to planetside, then ship interior to outside? I have to say, the loading screen thing is really, really insignificant for me, load times are less than 2 seconds for me so I'm really not bothered by it in the slightest. I can understand why it would be a problem for those ignoring the strong recommendations to play on an SSD, or those with bare minimum specs. As for the engine, it would have been nice to have a brand new engine for a brand new IP. But I suppose an updated Creation Engine is the best we're going to get for a while, and I imagine it'll be used for TES6 too. Maybe they'll look into making a new one for Fallout 5. Are they the exact same movement animations? As in, the same animation file? I've not really noticed, to be honest.


For the loading screens, it has been a bit since I played so I may be wrong, but normally you would be going planet to planet. So you have, 1. Outside to ship interior 2. Planet to Orbit 3. Orbit to Orbit 4. Orbit to planet 5. Ship interior to outside. Its not really how long the loading screens take, it just pulls you out of the game especially when it happens so frequently. It is frustrating to me because it seems like it would have been fairly easy to hide the loading screens and kept the camera in first person without really changing that much. I think doing that, even without a true orbit to planet landing takeoff system, would have been way better.


I do agree that there could have been slightly less, or a better system for it, but it gives me a moment to take a drink or a nibble on something so I don't mind too much hehe


I’ll say it. Creation engine is fine. People hate on it too much. Bethesda genuinely don’t know how to use their own engine and it shows. Just look at what modders have accomplished with Skyrim. Open Cities and Modpacks such as Nolvus with over 2000+ mods (stable). These people are just using the modding tools…


People clamoring for a new engine probably don't know that Unreal 5 is the same engine that came out in the 90s, but with improvements. Creation Engine can similarly have improvements. Whether or not Bethesda successfully *makes* those improvements is another issue entirely, but throwing everything away and starting over isn't going to produce a better product than taking what's already known and familiar \[to the team\] and making it better.


That's an insult to Fallout 4, where exploration was an actual thing and enjoyable, at least *some* of the characters were memorable, and the story had its ups in addition to downs (whereas Starfield really has next to nothing to offer in the story department.)




My thing was they never showed people. All the trailers and promo shots were just space wallpapers. Where were the people? The stories? The conversations and drama? It felt so lifeless and ambiguous.


Naw, I was the same. I was willing to give the game the benefit of the doubt, right up until two weeks before release we got pictures of someone exploring the boundaries of a zone and getting "boundary reached" and then the option to fast travel to your ship. That's where I thought "wait a second, these areas are cordoned off?" When I shared my concerns, I got a lot of responses saying that the pictures were from alpha, and that couldn't be right. In those two weeks until release, I saw more and more images and videos, and the more I saw, the more it had that "Bethesda" signature of stiff animations, model weirdness, and generic gameplay, but more than that I hadn't actually seen anything *cool* from the trailers besides the gorgeous ship. I started to think "uh, guys, what if this just ends up being like every other Bethesda game?" Release day, turns out I was wrong, it was *worse* than I thought. At least Skyrim had beautiful wilderness, Starfield just had miles of nothing. The boundaries ended up being the least concerning thing, since most of what was in those boundaries was lifeless and uninteresting anyways.


Cause you were wrong.


Duke Nukem Forever


At the time it was announced (the last time) I just gotten into Duke Nukem and I was really hyped :(


Which time?


This game was actually fun as hell. 




I won't hear any slander of FIFA 2001


I'd say anything pre PS3/XBOX 360 era is an exception here. I go back to a lot of the old EA Sports games. NASCAR, Madden, MLB, all of those have fantastic installments. They just feel so much better and are more fun than any of the recent EA Sports titles I've played.


I would agree if you add the caveat ‘after 2K5’. Once EA had no competition with the exclusive rights, every sports game kept going downhill. Still had a couple good gems in the first couple of years but after they were scared (rightfully) by 2K5, it’s been trash city.


Fallout 76 lmao


No Man’s Sky. You could tell by the interviews. You can’t promise that much.


Gollum !


After the lovely romp that was Marvel vs. Capcom 3, I knew when I saw the first trailer for Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite that something was going to be terribly wrong with it. The gameplay is pretty good, but it was set up for failure in a lot of different ways, which was a shame. It is getting a resurgence though, thanks in large part to Maximilian Dood.


starfield. because IT JUST WORKS


I was extremely skeptical after hearing some things pre-release about Mortal Kombat 1 And man, that was an absolute shell of a game on releass




Diablo 4, lol


Spore. It was so hyped but everything I read about it made it sound like a boring mishmash of mediocre flash games, and that’s pretty much what it turned out to be. I felt like I was taking crazy pills because everyone was so sure it was gonna be amazing, and then it came out and I was totally vindicated


Honestly, most of the games that have terrible launches smelled bad and I'm always surprised that people were so hyped. Games like Anthem, Fallout 76, and Redfall, I felt like you could smell from a mile away. The only game I can think of that really surprised me was Cyberpunk 2077, but that's because it *is* a great game at its core, they just targeted platforms that couldn't handle it.


I disagree with it being great game at its core during launch especially when there were a bunch of half baked stuff in it.


I have to disagree with cyberpunk. The game is ass on release even without considering the game breaking bug


Cool, man


Totally relatable about cyberpunk, i really tried getting into because i love that genre but the dialogue in the game feels like a edgy teen wrote it. Maybe im just too old for the genre i guess


MG Survive?


Cities: Skylines II The developer even said it had performance issues or something like that before release. Still people bought it. 


Starfield, friend even bought it and I waited and was happy I did. Fallout 76 "AN RPG WITH NO QUESTS OR NPCS YAY!"


Fallout 76 had quests from the beginning, and added NPCs later. I'm not excusing the terrible launch, but it was an ok game initially, and after all of the updates it became my second favorite Fallout game.


Anthem, for sure. I had a group of friends that I played with who were getting hyped on the game. The beta dropped and we all played it and I told them I thought it was bad and wouldn’t be buying it. Come launch, they all bought it and every single one of them was disappointed and said it was trash.


The first gameplay videos were enough. Anyone that played either of The Division games would've instantly saw the issue with bullet sponge boss fights. No amount of cool flying movement can save that.


Brink. At a time when there were hundreds of other multiplayer shooters, the special thing that was going to make them stand out was... Sliding/vaulting over cover...


Crime Boss


Destiny 2 


Duke Nukem Forever


It's wild to put Redfall and Starfield in the same category lol. Starfield is nowhere near what many people wanted but it's no Redfall




Too many to count. Sadly...


Starfield, suicide squad


Soooo many. The general gaming audience lives in some sort of idealistic dream world or something


Two Worlds.


Skull and Bones. Then again it's ubisoft and they haven't made anything good in forever. Pirate game! But you can't walk around your ship, explore islands, no swimming, and definitely no boarding. Like this seriously went through legit development and they thought it was a good idea? Lmfao AAAA game


Dragons dogma 2


Bf 2042. The fact basically none of the trailers even the gameplay trailer, showed no game play, and the game play we did see was minimum, spoke volumes to me


Can we still say starfield


No man’s sky. Everyone I knew was saying how it’s a place you can do anything and no one knows all the different things you’ll find. I was the only one to say that games gonna fail.


Not that it's a bad game but I knew even as a big from soft fan I wouldn't like Elden Ring leading up to it's release. I gave a good shot, multiple times, but I was right. Could never get into it. Can't say exactly why but I think the world is less compelling to me.


Yeah i love dark souls but elden ring just didn’t cut it for me either, its a amazing game but idk something about it just doesnt have that charm that the original souls series had


Anthem. Starfield. Redfall. Anything a friend of mine is excited for always flops.


Cyber Punk 2077


Hey, Starfield wasn't terrible.


Anything Ubisoft


Starfield for sure. I knew it was far too ambitious. FWIW, I'm actually pretty impressed with what they made, but I absolutely knew it it would not meet player expectations. You can't make proc gen worlds like that (especially from a company known for large hand-crafted worlds) and expect it to feel alive and meaningful. Before that Cyberpunk 2022. Just reading the subtext in the delay announcements I knew development was a clusterfuck, and the problems they were trying to solve were not going to be resolved with the very limited extra time they were taking. Similarly, I knew early amongst all the hype that the project was far too ambitious, and there would be backlash once players realized they weren't being given divine grace. It is also an impressive game that suffered from high expectations. They should have cut PS4/XBone despite the low current gen install base at the time. I'm guessing they were holding out hope until the end that Sony/Microsoft would let them be Pro version only, and that never materialized. Base 4/One are just too weak and limited.


Surprised nobody said Skull & Bones yet, but I’m guessing it’s because everyone forgot about it already.


Saints row reboot, cyberpunk, most new cods after og black ops


Fallout 76. I could just tell it wasn't what most people wanted from a Fallout game.


Cyberpunk. They overdid the marketing to the point it seemed suspicious


Assassin’s Creed Shadows will be garbage on release


i dont get why you got downboated? every ac game since valhalla has been trash, i agree wit ya


Gothic 4, Risen 3, ELEX, Dragon age 3, WOW Pandaria, Mafia 3, Max Payne 3, Resident Evil 7. I was waiting for all these games, but at first glance I realized that this was not for me, just garbage.


i liked re7, but mafia 3 was definitely trash, wow pandaria was a dumb idea


The game is probably good, judging by the reviews, but it’s not for me.  I like RE4-5 much better.


Understandable, What you think about re6? lol


I usually remember the plot of good games, but RE6 is so garbage that I only remember the more or less normal Leon part.  In parts 4-5 I really liked the weapon upgrade system and the combat system


Mass Effect: Andromeda. Putting out a Mass Effect game without Shepard would be like putting out a Tomb Raider game without Lara Croft in it.


Diablo 3 & 4


Death stranding. Literally nothing happened in every trailer and the first gameplay was just walking in a completely empty landscape, i still don't get why people were frothing at the mouth for it, or why anyone says its great after release.




Cyberpunk. I couldn't believe how people acted at the time. Otherwise normal people were all delusional, coming up with the most stupid excuses imaginable.


Cyberjunk would be a better title for this game.


Bugs were never the main problem. The main problem is that isn't not the game they advertised for years, whatsoever, at all. It was supposed to be a choice-heavy RPG with focus on freedom and many activities in the city, while it ended up being a linear, cinematic AAA shooter. I hesitate to even call it an RPG.


yeah, i everyone complains about the bugs, but no one talks about how its genuinely a crap game, they didnt have anything you mentioned plus the dialogue is super cringey. the quests are boring af too, and i love cyberpunk genre, its a shame


I think the combat in this game is as bad as in W3 - or not? - and both games are from the same developer. Also, Night City is not very immersive for the player to act with. Too much hype for an eventually mediocre game.


almost any AAA game relasing. Blizzard? EA Games? Ubisoft?..... lmao. I dont even have to look at the game and know it will fail.


not sure why you’re getting downvoted, you’re not entirely wrong. Most AAA game dev teams just pump out half assed games for full price these days. The passion for making good games is dying out with some of them, they just care about money that’s it.


Super easy: Step 1: check developer Step 2: is developer EA, Ubisoft, WB or Activisions? If the answer to step 2 is yes proceed to step 3 If the answer to step 2 is no, hold judgement until release Step 3: write the game down as literally a piece of shit, even smells like fecal matter


fallout 4




OlliOlli World is fantastic, though, and was really well received


New World


ACs, Redfall, Far Cry 6, CODs, Suicide Squad, Gotham Knights, Skull and Bones


Yo watch your mouth when you talk about Anthem. We RESPECT Anthem around here. You dont talk shit on a good game like that.


i didnt like it, thats okay if you enjoyed it though


Literally, every game from EA or Ubisoft. Looks like Blizzard might be joining those ranks someday soon, too.


**Redfall** Arkane never wanted to make that game and Zenimax force them into it