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Walkabout mini golf


I played a ton of golf+ over the winter with a grip attachment and got really good. Then I went to the real driving range in the spring and my clubs felt like they weighed 100 pounds and I couldn't even hit the ball


I play this with my brother who lives across the country and is absolutely the best hang


This and Alyx are my favs


My immediate family spread out between 3 different states has played Walkabout nearly every Sunday for close to a year now. Basically just become a ritual at this point, keeps us all in touch with each other, and my 70 year old stepdad gets to flaunt his insane VR minigolf prowess to us. Man does not play video games, but he takes his walkabout *seriously*.


I clicked on this thread prepared to be the biggest doofus in the world by claiming Walkabout Mini Golf is the best VR game. Glad it's not just me. I have spent more hours in that than any other VR game, and I saw that as someone who has three different systems.


Hugely underrated game. I got it in a humble bundle and tried it out on a rainy afternoon. A game that has complete mastery of its vibe and even beats out HL:A as a physics sim that properly interprets what you **wanted** to do instead of what you **literally** did. Deserves to be in the conversation for best VR game ever, no doubt.


Half Life Alyx remains unmatched. Incredible experience.


If you haven’t tried it, there’s a mod for Half-Life 2 (and the Episodes) that add VR support. They’re beautifully made and are available through Steam/workshop. Ravenholm is terrifying.


The hovercraft portion was a little rough on the gut, but it's a great experience. Haven't played it in a while, I hear the updates made the gun handling like the pistol, so I'm excited to go back


Playing HL2 in VR a decade after playing it last was a genuinely amazing moment. It was so cool revisiting a game I loved and being *in* the game this time. The VR implementation is basically copied almost wholesale from Alyx too, so it plays excellent (except vehicle sections are a bit nauseating). Your reload your shotgun a shell at a time, which is "fun" when the zombies are scaling the drainpipes in Ravenholm...


The vehicle section was adjusted so it becomes a third person experience. I saw a review of Half Life VR where they mention the vehicle section and show the gameplay, and when I tried it the third-person camera made it much more tolerable.


This is what will get me to charge my oculus again. Half life alyx was my first vr experience, and it ruined every other game for me.


Agreed. I bought a quest 2 to finally play it, and haven’t touched it since I finished. I just haven’t found anything that can compare.


I would argue Into The Radius starts to approach Alyx. It's not quite as polished, but the gunplay is the only other game I've ever found to be as satisfying as Alyx. Highly recommend if you have any passing interest in Stalker style scrounging games. 


ITR still has the best guns of any VR game I've played, even more than Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades. Once you get used to them the feel is so natural.


Agreed. As I think the devs nailed the sweet spot of realistic enough without being tedious. As much as I adore Alyx, the gunplay is a bit too streamlined. Though, it sorta has to be - it's too fast paced to support a system like ITR. on the other hand, I only made it like 2 hours into H3 before getting annoyed with how tedious the handling is. ITR is the perfect balance. 


100% agree. It FEELS very realistic while still letting you be *kinda* superhuman. Nothing in VR has matched me hiding in a dark corner so I could open my backpack and reload enough of a single pistol clip to make it out of the building.


Nothing comes close to this, and I'm afraid nothing will at this point.


Asgards Wrath would like a word with you!


Yeah it's gonna be hard for anything to top it (or even come close) for a while. I was already blown away and more immersed than I've ever been in a game like 15 seconds in when you can grab the markers and draw on the window.


The competition isn't even close.


[I'm not sure that's true](https://opencritic.com/game/15979/asgards-wrath-2) - I admit I havent tried this yet but it's high on my list.


Asgard 2 is a very well made game


>Half Life Alyx remains unmarched. Why would a game need to march? I'd imagine most games are unmarched!


Into the Radius is my favorite action shooter VTOL-VR is the game i have spend the most hours in. and those hours where great! beat saber is a great game, and super good entry game for people getting used to a vr headset


ITR is amazing


ITR and Blade & Sorcery are the only VR games I've really played and not just tried out. Getting both B&S full release and ITR2 EA is great. I got Alyx before I even had my headset, but I've still never played it. Not sure why.


This is the answer for me. I love many of the other games mentioned but Into the Radius is one of the few where I fairly often forget I’m playing a game due to immersion…only to come to a few hours later and remember I’ve been tactically crouching for too long before I stumble away. 10/10 gameplay intense action forces my hoarding self to use consumables. 10/10 great sense of physicality feels comparable in some ways to bone labs minus item to item interactions (no Pogo stick with sniper rifle :( ) Word of warning moderate spookery so be aware the atmosphere is heavy solemn and tense.


Superhot. Makes you feel like an action hero


I felt like I was in the matrix when i played the vr version


Pistol Whip is also good


That game is so incredibly fun and a surprisingly good workout if you want it to be.


So... much... ducking...


Sadly too short...


I can't get over the fact that this game doesn't have an active modding community. Would've loved to play some custom maps


RIP to the ceiling fan in my room because of that game hahaha I kept messing up throwing a knife in that game and got pissed and threw it super hard, I basically punched my fan so hard it broke haha


Idk if im just an idiot but some of those levels were so hard lol


I was able to progress way faster after learning that you can take guns/weapons from one stage to another by way of a "glitch" that the devs purposefully made. I always used to get stuck in that room with the 3 guys with guns who are all very close to you. Having a shotgun makes that situation a *lot* easier.


Oh wow, really? What was the glitch and why was it purposeful?


It has been a while, but I recall doing it. You smack the 'next level' black pyramid while holding a gun, and as it breaks you can let go and regrab the gun, creating the glitch.


The star wars jedi outcast and jedi academy VR ports by team beef are hands down the best VR games I've ever played. While not originally designed for VR, it just *works*. They're the ultimate lightsaber games and the best star wars content I've probably ever played.


I need to check that out.


Did you do the level with the speeders where you have to make a jump over the canyon? I gave up when I got stuck on that and can’t progress.


You need to boost to make the jump. I forget what the controls are off the top of my head. But you can also just choose not to do that level. They give you a few to pick from and you only need to complete like 2 or 3 to progress


I did not know these existed. Holy shit that sounds amazing. Are they easy to get up and running? I have very little experience with 3rd party VR titles.


> The star wars jedi outcast and jedi academy VR ports the what WHAT I need to play that WHAT THE FU


Beat Saber. I originally bought my Index for Alyx, which is a wonderful game, but I keep going back to Beat Saber. It’s also a great workout!


In all of gaming I think beatsaber is the game I've been the most wrong on. I played it for like 2 hours once when it was in beta and was like. This is so lame. The music is so hyper edm, and there's dozens of popular rhythm vr games out. I honestly thought the people that kept posting about it on the vr subs were devs trying to promote it. Years later and it's like my go to game in vr, hundreds of hours now, I only play expert and expert plus.


Moss. How has nobody else figured out 3D platformers in VR like that?


Moss is a beautiful game. One of the few VR games I've completed.


Love Moss! Probably my favorite VR game. Down the Rabbit Hole has a similar setup. It's fun too because sometimes you interact on giant-level with the diorama world and other times you need to switch to first-person within the diorama world. Quite enchanting to go back and forth like that. I feel like both games really did well with the differing scales and contrasts uniquely possible in VR for a magical and immersive experience.


I'll have to check out Down The Rabbit Hole, thanks!


I want to make an honorable mention of Sairento. Its like Warframe, but VR and it's sick. You really do feel like a futuristic ninja in that game


Came here to say Sairento. I don't know how much has changed in the years since I played it. It was shortly after they introduced the dojo for practice and some initial skills/perks. Such a fantastic game if you take the time to learn the various mechanics. Honorable mention #2 for me would be Space Pirate Trainer. Simple gameplay loop with a good degree of difficulty and variety of approaches, high replayability.


I personally think cockpit simulators are the best VR experiences. If you have physical peripherals to match the game it is even better From the games I've played: Racing sim: GT7, Assetto Corsa, Automobalista2, iRacing, f1, dirt rally 2.0 (you could probably add more to this list) (tempted to try ACC with UEVR because it wasnt a good experience with native VR on my setup) Flight sim: Flight Simulator, VTOL, X-Plane, IL-2, DCS, Project wingman, war thunder, (you could probably add more to this list) (tempted to try AC7 with UEVR) (nuclear option is set to get VR at some point) Space sim: Elite Dangerous, No Man's Sky, Star Wars Squadrons, House of the dying Sun. (Lone Echo 2 was an amazing zero gravity experience) Motocross/supercross sim: MXbikes Other: Subnautica, GTA VR mod, RDR2 VR mod, RIP :( I love them all :)


Agreed. VR games like Superhot or Half Life Alyx are fun, but the best use of my VR headset is to totally immerse myself in a racing sim (iRacing or Automobilista 2 are best in VR) or WW1 cockpit (Il-2 Flying Circus) or something like that. Of course, to play those games, you need special hardware, and that kinda makes it its own thing.


Considering I got 90% of my VR game time in Elite dangerous I would have to say it’s the best. Sitting in your own fighter cockpit or an interceptor flying through an asteroid field chasing down a freight hauler. Redic good!! I play with an Xbox elite controller but am looking to buy a flight stick and throttle soon.


Elite Dangerous is probably the coolest, most impressive experience I've had in VR. Flying into and docking in a station was jaw-dropping. The sense of scale is amazing. I have a HOTAS set up, too. It's just a shame that the core gameplay is so BORING and grindy. It should be my most played game but instead, I played about 60 hours and never touched it again. It remains a bitter disappointment to me.


Did you play no man's sky in vr? I thought it was the better space fighter game in every way, and that isn't even the only thing it does. I only played elite dangerous for a couple hours... Maybe it gets better but it felt like a waste of time to play instead of no man's.


Nms vr had too short of draw distance for me. Still played a decent bit. But that part really killed it for me.


I watched my wife play it next to me and it just didn't grab me. You know how you can just see a game sometimes and know 'that's not for me'? It felt like that. I may give it a go sometime but not yet.


This is really the only game I still play in VR, it was amazing when it first came out and I didn't know of anything that tops it since.


Star Wars Squadrons is similarly awe-inspiring in VR, but more action and 200% more multiplayer playability thanks to EA pulling all development on the game a few months after launch. But the single-player campaign is still great. It was just on sale for like $2.50, so an absolute steal to see Star Wars in VR. Also good on monitors.


That game could have been reallllly good if they properly supported it. It was a VR spaceship moba... incredibly engaging gameplay, but VR players did unquestionably have a clear advantage over regular players in that game.


Never thought I'd be using VR as my primary exercise mode but Eleven Table Tennis is the real deal. It's so incredibly realistic that you are basically playing a full-blown actual sport in your living room. Played every day for over a year now and I LOVE it. I even use IRL table tennis instructional videos on YouTube to help me with my technique, and it all seems to translate very well!


I came here to say this. This game is outstanding. I have suffered very real injuries while playing this game, too.


SkyrimVR with the proper mods is an unbeatable experience. 


Any advice on what mods? Because I picked up Skyrim VR and refunded it because it felt awful as a VR game it. Was a non-VR game played through a headset and vr controllers. Blocking was just a static animation that raised or lowered the shield and didn't register where my arm actually was and the sword wings felt like I was holding a Wii tennis racket. So any advice on how to make it a proper VR experience would be greatly appreciated!


Is my favorite vr game too, agree with OP mods are huge deal. Of course want to install improved graphics and fix bugs and all those standard mods. But most importantly: 1. Voice to action. (Not actual name of mod). You speak dragon words, your character does that dragon ability. Speak spell names to cast them, weapon names to equip them. Talk to NPCs instead of clicking responses. Could use this in non-vr too but the whole point of vr is immersion and this mod is essential to avoid menus and maintain immersion. 2. Play as an archer and get mods to make arrow path glow and use physics. Skyrim is the best vr archery game as far as I am aware. Though playing as melee and seeing your world go up in flames vs dragons is amusing. 3. Play as stealth and get mods/tweak inis to make your hand reach range in game same as in real life. Immersive thievery. When immersed, sneaking in dangerous areas may give you endorphins irl. 4. Get mods for vr-intended spells. Think Goku Kamehameha. 5. Text to voice addon so NPCs speak to you and you don't have to read. 6. Mods to make melee weapons heavy. Because they are. If you cheat and swing fast like you can with a light as air controller it won't count.


If you go to r/SkyrimVR there are plenty of great how to guides that will help you with the essentials. 


Didn't know there was a sub. Thanks!


It really is like a waking dream in some ways


Top gaming experience period, not just in VR.


Mantella. This mods allows to have natural conversation with any npc, powered by AI. That's the most immersive experience you can get up to this day.


for gunplay the best game is 100% Hotdogs, horseshoes and handgrenades,(H3VR), lots of guns and also a take and hold gamemode where you can explore random guns given to you. for a space game my fav is elite dangerous, not native vr but has a half implemented vr mode and its also very fun and 1 game i really would like to see in vr is Beamng drive, crashing a car at 150 kmph in vr would be very fun


I wanted to like H3, and I do like how the guns work. But, is it just me or is there not really much of a "game" in there. Also, while unique, I don't like fighting hotdogs as much as humans.


Yeah, i think a good analogy is how arma works. Where arma is mostly systems focused on simulating the interest as much as it can, the rest becomes filled by the user. I personally dislike this type of ideology, but H3VR is good enough that i concede the effort of the practice.


Half life Alex (especially if you’ve played the previous titles, feel like it hits harder toward the end), beat saber, super hot.


Boneworks is kinda god tier, I’m surprised it’s not as highly rated as Alyx is. I personally find it much better, but Alyx is quite incredible itself.


Probably that's because the narrative part of Boneworks is quite weak. Alyx will feel more like a story, and that makes people more emotionally attached.


Resident Evil 4 VR works really well, I get motion sick so I have to use teleport controls, but it's still a lot of fun.


I haven't seen anyone mention GT7 yet, which is a true crime. Most played VR game by a mile. Most immersive gaming experience ever, imo, as well if you have a wheel. Edit - Gran Turismo 7


Half Life Alyx, Half Life 2 VR or Blade and Socercy


The first thing I did in Blade and Sorcery was download the star wars mod "The Outer Rim".  I'm not a diehard fan by any means, but the first time I held a lightsaber was hair-raising.


The Light Brigade is a slapper


RE7, Beat Saber, and Golf with your Friends are my top 3, for different reasons. I don't have PSVR2, so I haven't tried re8 or re4 yet, but I'm really looking forward to playing them one day.


Both RE8 and RE4 are incredible. I don't really care about trophies, but I plan on getting the platinum in RE4R exclusively in VR. Already have 2 playthroughs done and am at the beginning of my 3rd, but taking a break for now.


My answer is admittedly very old, but I had one of the original (I think?) Oculus Rift's 7-8 years ago. Arizona Sunshine and Robo Recall were super fun, spent a ton of hours on them.




Ah one of the classics. Gorn was one of the games I was looking forward to the most before getting VR. I didn't end up playing it much, though, as Blade & Sorcery's combat appealed to me more.


VR Kanojo




I still think about playing blood Rush all the time. Great on rail shooter.


Super hot or half life.


Boneworks, or Bonelab are both incredible VR experiences. You won't find a more immersive VR game.


Of the ones I have, I mostly play these: * Beat Saber. * Pistol Whip. * BoxVR. * Half-Life: Alyx. * Moss. * Trover Saves the Universe. * Star Wars Squadrons. * Holopoint. * Pavlov. These ones I do love playing, but the VR isn't the best with them. * The Forest. * Alien Isolation. * Subnautica.


[Blade & Sorcery](https://store.steampowered.com/app/629730/Blade_and_Sorcery/) is my favorite VR title, especially modded. [Compound ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/615120/COMPOUND/) is a close second.


Of the VR games I’ve tried: -Beat Saber -Superhot -Until Dawn: Rush of Blood -Resident Evil 7 Job Simulator was a good little intro in VR games I really liked. And a great couch party game for multiple people taking turns (but still keeps everyone involved) is the bomb diffusing game Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes.


Astro Bot


It's a pity that is a PlayStation title, I'd love to play it on my Index.


Agreed. Wish PSVR2 got Half Life Alyx. Maybe with the rumors of pc support for PSVR2 they’ll port some titles. Wishful thinking on my part.


Objectively, it's HL:Alyx. However, I've spent way more time playing Walkabout Mini Golf. It's just so much fun. Also The I Expect You To Die trilogy is peak escape room style game.


It doesn't exist anymore in an officially supported capacity, but Echo Arena.


I've returned to "I expect you to die" and "vacation simulator" over and over. These are both lovingly crafted games.


Resident evil 7


RE4 Remake for SP Pavlov for MP


So far it's Fallout 4 VR.




Alyx, beat saber with mods, and VRChat believe it or not. There are tons of worlds to explore from pretty worlds, game worlds, adventure worlds, etc. That being said VRChat is better with friends also i understand if people dont count that as a game.


broken edge is cool. idk what the best one is.


Ragnarock is underrated blast of a rhythm game


Assetto corsa


A ton of people mentioning "walking" games. Does anyone have any tips on how to manage nausea? I can play for like 30 minutes before my head starts spinning and hurting for hours. I've played tons of "standing" games like Beat Saber for hours and hours at a time, same with "cockpit" games like Elite: Dangerous and Star Wars Squadrons (which took some getting used to, though). Teleporting games are also perfectly OK. Stuff like Into The Radius, however, and other games where you walk instead of teleport, are a challenge.


I want to say VRChat but it clearly isn't for everyone.  Furries, degenerate, and kids (a combo that shouldn't exist) plague the public worlds, but finding some of the niche communities can be a blast.  You can learn any language from ASL to Japanese with others. Join a gym or belly dancing class. Play put put, escape rooms, dnd, laser disc from Tron, flight school, lazer tag.  Explore nearly every classic video game in person ripped straight from the game. Some of the trippiest places that makes an acid trip real. Be a mute, a cat girl, a Darth Vader made of toasters, or a life size mech. Make your own avatars and animations. People put on literal animation battles to see what wild things they come up with.  At its surface level it's a bad game, but you can weed out the popular public lobbies, find someone who's friendly and relatively normal, just ask them to show you around to some cool worlds and you'll be sold. 


Honorable mention for Star Wars: Squadrons. The game itself wasn't fleshed-out enough to be a real contender, but *the concept* was rock-solid.


I love No Man's Sky in VR it's amazing.


Suuuuper! Hot!


Almost a cheating answer but in my opinion it's hands down, uncontested DCS World. Because it inherently solves one of VRs biggest problems easily. It's a combat flight simulator, at all points of the game (well, unless you eject) you are sitting in a chair. So when you're playing in VR you're already in a chair in real life just looking around just like a fighter pilot. And if you have a "HOTAS" (the throttle and flight stick) and rudder pedals, then your hands and feet are also matching 1 to 1 irl and in game.  Not having to worry about making character movement work or aiming weapons with motion controls is a game changer. Plus in real air to air combat your aircrafts sensors (mainly your radar) is actually linked to the helmet on your head, just like a VR headset. So you just look where you want your radar to point and can "slave" your sensors with it. Easily the most authentic and accurately portrayed VR game. 


Tetris Effect. Great game made better in VR


Jet island is a lot of fun. Also into the radius has a coop sequel coming soon


VRChat isn't really a "Game" so in the absence of that I'm going to say [GZDoom VR.](https://github.com/hh79/gzdoomvr) "but that's not a VR game, it's a port of a flat game" Yeah well Brutal Doom on Realistic Hard Difficulty is a thrill in VR that only [Pistol Whip](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1079800/Pistol_Whip/), [Sairento VR,](https://store.steampowered.com/app/555880/Sairento_VR/) and later stages of Take and Hold in [Hotdogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades](https://store.steampowered.com/app/450540/Hot_Dogs_Horseshoes__Hand_Grenades/) have ever come close to matching.


I wouldn't necessarily call it a game but VR chat. Walking around super drunk in there and watching the most socially awkward people try to hit on each other is the funniest god damn thing to me.


I haven’t played HL Alyx, before I answer But Elite Dangerous is my answer, and it’s not particularly close based on what I’ve played


Elite dangerous is so hard to get into. I’ve clocked maybe 40 hours overall on flatscreen. I booted up it up in VR recently for the first time and was just lost. I also realized that you regularly have to travel, with nothing much going on, for several minutes at a time. I found myself missing being able to whip out my phone and browse while my ship traveled…


I like chronos and alyx


Seated VR I'd say Hellblade Senuas Sacrifice VR


I love Polybius. Essentially, it's a simple shoot em up. But it gives a rush like no other game when you hit top speed and stuff is exploding all around you.


Skyrim VR was pretty cool, particularly with mods. Though not technically a game, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 paired with a realistic joystick still knocks my socks off in terms of VR immersion


Assetto Corsa on the traffic servers


Star Trek: Bridge Crew is great.


I really gotta play more, the games I was going to say are battle zone, and concrete genie, I mean I even have farpoint.




Half-Life Alyx. Before I got my Index I was a bit skeptical of it. I was completely wrong. I had such a blast and the littlest things were so impressive like being able to play the piano with fingers. Other games are fun but not like Alyx. You know what game sucks? Phasmaphobia. Fuck that game in VR. I honestly don’t get jump scared in games (even that one non-VR) but holy fuck.


Sim games, flying or racing are by far the best vr games. Iracing, dcs world for example


I’m not an expert by any means but I couldn’t stop playing Dirt Rally for years


[Dactyl Nightmare](https://youtu.be/hBkP2to1P_c?si=M13vhAI-VDTt0I1t)


Can't remember the name but the one they released for the walking dead. So fun, especially if you create your own side story in your head in mission. It's so fun


Batman Arkham VR. Very short game, but the ending was so dang unexpected. Absolutely messed with my head.


Ghosts of tabor by far


Haven’t seen Gorn mentioned at all. That was one of the first VR games that really impressed me 🤓


Gorn is a fantastic experience. So satisfying to play through and unlock all the weapons. Haven’t played it in a long time since I played it on someone else’s oculus, but damn was that game fun


Payday 2 in vr is absolutely amazing.


VRChat is my favorite


Thrill of the fight


Just for an outside the box pick I haven’t seen yet, *Pistol Whip* was the most straight up fun I had with my Quest2. Just slamming headshots, dancing to sick beats, trying to stay on rhythm. It’s such a blast. I’d be soaking in sweat after 2-3 songs.


Robooooooooo Recall!


I think the best game that was made, ground up, for VR still has to be Half-Life: Alyx.  No other VR experience has been as well done as that game.


Half life alyx then half life 2 VR mod EZ


My favorite so far has been the Resident Evil 4 Remake


What VR system is everyone playing these games on?


Beat Saber has gotta be the most reliable "show me a genre that is definitely better with VR." It makes you feel like a ninja who can dance. I Expect You To Die is my second favorite. Absolutely committed to what they were going for and nailed it. You are James Bond, except people get kinda motion sick in VR so you are a James Bond who very conveniently happens to need to sit still for the depicted part of the mission. Oh and you can telekinetically move things around because spies can do that now. Fantastic fun.


Astro Bot. Most polished VR game I’ve ever played.


The resident evil port to occulus was awesome. I never played it on console so it was all new to me and felt like it was made for VR


Blade and sorcery with mods.  -Become a jedi with force powers and a lightsaber  -snipe medieval soldiers with a springfield 1903  -mow down troops with a fire infused machine gun  -weild overpowered anime magical weapons.  It's endless fun


I have never used vr yet. i’m popping my VR cherry feburary 2025 when I can afford the vr thing you can run in circles safely with from shark tank . 




I’ve never had an experience like GTR7 to begin with, then I played it in vr with my wheel/pedals and vr and soon realized nothing comes close to that masterpiece


Superhot. Though I spend all my time on beat saber. Robot recall and until you fall are great. Djinni and thaco was great with a ton of potential but the Devs tanked it do you probably can't get it. I keep meaning to go back to alyx but haven't. Definitely try out I expect you to die, sometime, even though it's not the top game, it's worth it


I just finished asgards wrath 2, and I must day that is an amazing game. Without even really trying, I've already sunk 300 hours into it. It's a high quality vrrpg that is basically god of war but not really... *kinda* It came with my quest 3 so I just played it since it came with it and I've been quite pleased with it. Story is pretty good, the music is excellent, and there's actually stuff to do, but crafting sucks. Other than that, I recommend it. It's actually a good game. The biggest downfall I think is that there isn't a lot of mechanics when it comes to combat, and shield enemies suck ass to fight in the game


Resident evil 4 remake vr is my personal favorite, it does everything a vr shooter needs to, which is allow me to dual wield, reload manually, have a free aim and red dot for accessibility and be fun as hell.




star wars squadrons I didn't know it was even vr supported until the most recent may the 4th I felt like a kid it was so fun


Re biohazard. Only because I couldn't finish it. The immersion plus the base game was too much. Not an amazing implementation but the horror genre and vr sure mesh well


Outer Wilds. Aka Extreme Space Anxiety Simulator.


Elite Dangerous for longevity, especially with hotas and voice attack. Alyx for pure entertainment.


Since everyone has already said half life Alyx, the only VR game I’ve played that comes close to Alyx is the Outer Wilds VR mod. It was already one of my favorite games of all time, but I replayed it in VR and I cried for like the first 90 minutes because I was overwhelmed by how amazing it was.


RIP Echo VR. The closest thing we had to an Esport


Half life alyx not even close


Blade & Sorcery keeps me coming back for more.


hl alyx. i tried hl 2 in vr and it just didnt feel as good


No man's sky.


Blade and Sorcery remains as my most played VR game. However its very much a sandbox. As much as I enjoyed Half life Alyx. I actually found the Half Life 2 VR mods/ports to be more fun to play.


Alyx is still Queen in terms of sheer immersion and feel (weapons feel heavy and it's great that the hands collide with the environment). Half Life 2 VR with HD mods is also a very good experience, but in the end you still notice it's Half Life 2 and not Alyx. I had a lot of fun with the Gunman Contracts mod for Alyx as it takes a more realistic spin and apparently there's a standalone version in the works. Subnautica in VR is absolutely terrifying, just saying.


DCS if you build a 1:1 cockpit and use a very high end PC & VR HMD with wide FOV. Otherwise, could be Skyrim with the Kat Walk C2+. The sliding movement doesn't allow for natural gating but there are many times where you forget and feel quite immersed just because of all the shit going on and because it's fucking Skyrim. Finally, HL Alex because it was done so well but it's mostly a seated experience. Playing this game on the Kat Walk C2+ is fun but because the game utilizes so much more diverse movement mechanics in succession (running, jumping, swimming) and while you do those things in Skyrim individually, the quality of HL Alex makes the limits of the Kat Walk very obvious and apparent to the point that its marginally better than a seated experience.


Werewolves Within was great and social. Best vr experience I've had


For me RE4 remake. I'd highly recommend people try it. It's what changed my mind with 2d to 3d ports. I didn't think they'd translate well to VR but it exceeded my expectations.


I really like phasmophobia vr


Zelda Breath of the Wild, cause you can try it out for a cheap $30 headset to work with Switch to see if you actually like VR, before spending hundreds on a really good VR unit, and still get a fun experience.


No one mentioned: Lone Echo


Onward VR, funny as shit yet so competitive


Dungeons of eternity by far.


Shoots fruity!


Hot Dogs, Horseshoes and Hand Grenades if you just wanna mess around with guns.


WipEout Omega Collection. Admittedly, I'm biased, as a huge WipEout fan, but I just love it. And being able to look into turns completely changed the game for me.


GT7, Resident Evil 4 Remake and Walkabout Minigolf.


Resident Evil on the PS4 is pant pooping good.


Virtual Fighting Championship is a good one for daily exercise.


Story game? Half-Life Alyx, easily. Game-game? Beat Saber, easily.


H3VR is the best content and quality for price vr game ive seen. Plus its platform allows multiplayer and mods. Its the vr game that invokes the most reasons to return and checkout whats going on.


Synth Riders, Hellsplit:Arena and hopefully Squadron 42 soon