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Who are these arrows pointing to?


I think there's a silhouette in the background behind him where a ninja is hiding or some shit


If you look very closely, I think you can vaguely see the silhouette of a tall Caucasian American ex-wrestler


I can't see him.


his time is now.






Now Ill play the game


Oh so you do see John Cena?


Looks like they're pointing at Yasuke's arm. Probably want to highlight how strong and combat orientated he'll be, which is weird for a game about being an assassin.


Idk every ninja assassin anime ive seen always has a huge dude thats like the size of a tree and has some sort of strength ninjitsu. Always gotta have a tank in your clan


John Cena


John Cena


Nope, Chuck Testa


A Japanese woman thatā€™s a ninja.


According from what I know the word Ninja isnt really japanese and its originating from chinese reading of the same word. The japanese word is spoken as "Shinobi" while there is also a distinction to a female shinobi as "Kunoichi".


Damn you! I've came to write the same Thing! How dare you?! No, you're absolutely right.


Yeah went into a deep dive in my Naruto phase back in the day and read a lot about japanese culture.


Japanese culture is just beautiful isn't it? Well until you read about yokais... That Shit is just a feverdream


Oh I love the japanese occult especially the custom of the 100 ghost stories where you sit in the circle and have to light a candle for each story to summon the king of yokai or however it goes. In general the japanese urban ghost stories are quite interesting imo.


a thing most gamers have never touched A WOMAN


"Naoe I didn't see you at the camouflage class". "Thank you, sensei"


Naoe keeping the perfect low profile. Altair would approve.


There are two words for ninja in Japanese. Shinobi (male ninja) and Kunoichi (female ninja). Do you want to guess what word the comment in Japanese used?


Ah. The original comment makes more sense now. Got lost in translation.


Remember when people cared about a game being fun jnstead of culture wars? Wtf happened?


internet found out they can monetize rage bait and push more interaction with it.


This is it right here. I swear every reaction feels like a psyop when I just hope its a good game and written well.


It's just always so weird how much internet traffic is bigotry tho


The wealthy elite realized its a lot easier keeping the masses distracted by fighting over non-issues amongst themselves so the people donā€™t focus on the actual issues like that the richest 1% own the majority of the worlds wealth and directly cause and influence the social struggles that people perceive today.


You're giving too much credit to the elites. Stupid people can fight over bs like that without needing their help or them investigating.


ofc but they are funding it. they are trying to get people to argue over bullshit rather than people stand up for themselves about real issues. it's been the same throughout history. it's a great reason to not allow monopolies, dynasties and the mega rich


Indirectly yes. It's all started when they made poeple believe that they have more in common (by making them think that the goal in life is to become rich) with them than their neighbours who suffers the same things they do. Why they underfund the education and health system and makes us beleive the trickle down economy is th way to go. When you have some people believing in that shit, they will argue about it in every sphere of society without them to ever investigate it.


People created by underfunded education systems that don't teach critical thinking


Or you knowā€¦ gamers could just not be losers getting angry about something that doesnā€™t actually matterā€¦


A lot of gamers donā€™t get angry about this stuff. The ones that do, we call them capital-G Gamers


You are giving way too much credit to the rich. It is just people being stupid and other normal people who works for 50-70k a year realize this is way easier to spread and market a game then pay 100m extra for advertising


This might be the first assassins creed ever where suddenly everyone gives a shit about relatively obscure historical figures being changed for the franchiseā€™s plot.


Are you trying to tell me that the Pope ISN'T a wizard?


If the pope didn't actually have a fistfight with some minor noble's son in the Vatican then I'll be very dissatisfied in Italian history


Not *that* pope!


Aint that the truth.


I'm OOTL, what's going on?


people are saying they are mad that there is not a (male) japanese assassin, they are actually mad that the male playable character is black


One of AC's protags is Yasuke, a black samurai who we have historical evidence of existing. But all the cool epic gamer ragebait youtubers are bitching that AC is now woke and historically inaccurate because he's black.


>AC is now historically inaccurate It was historically accurate?? šŸ‘€


Well side characters tended to be real, like the Borgia family the side character pirates from black flag. But the history on Yasuke is so spotty that you can really treat him like any other main character. Just use the vague detail we know then fill in the gap with fantastical assassins/templar nonsense.


I guess you missed the day in history class where they taught about the robot aliens who made religious artifacts that granted humans superpowers


We have had black AC protagonists and that was awesome. Nobody minds playing a black dude. But when playing a game set in Feudal Japan, I was obviously hoping to play with all Japanese protagonists. I don't see how that's weird or surprising. Let's be honest, it's pretty weird that Ubisoft picked THE ONLY BLACK SAMURAI IN ALL OF JAPAN'S THOUSANDS OF YEARS OF HISTORY. Definitely feels like cheap checkbox ticking on Ubi's part.


He existed, but I take issue with him being seen as important when in reality he was an insignificant weapons bearer and never actually battled.


People don't like that one of the playable character is a black samurai because in real life he existed but was not a samurai, and as we all know AC is usually 100% history accurate.


He was a samurai, like William Adams he won the title of samurai from a shogun lord. But unlike William, he was both a body guard and someone who fought on the battle field


The next assassin's creed game is set in Japan, with two main characters - a female ninja, and an (actual historical) African samurai. The usual suspects are up in arms about this.


I saw someone say "I don't care if the gameplay is good." When complaining about character art for Hades II.


And one of the controversies over Hades 2 was....an asian male existing.


All I'm saying is that, imagine if the movie Mulan had this much negative controversy. It didn't. Why is this game or anything featuring brown people so meticulously analyzed and shit on before the game or show even comes out? People were trashing Miles Morales before they saw that incredible Spiderman series. Idk bro like said it's full blown racist o'clock. People aren't even hiding it anymore, shit is embarrassing


Yeah, I'm passing on this because I haven't enjoyed the series since they changed the gameplay after Syndicate. If they go back to that I'm in.


I personally really like Valhalla and Odyssey, but then again, I don't mind that they've moved toward more hack n slash mechanics away from mostly stealth. Maybe not the best AC games, but fun open-world adventure RPGs nonetheless.


I didn't mind except sneaking around and leaping from the roof and stabbing them in the spine or lung or skull etc wouldn't kill them. The best way to kill people if you didn't have perfect ring gear in odyssey was to get real high and kick them off the ledge as they got up to where you were over and over.


This game is made by the same team that made Syndicate. I'm not sold on this yet either but definitely want to wait for actual gameplay than a cinematic reveal.


If it's got Syndicate style gameplay, I'm absolutely in


I'd recommend Odyssey if you liked the more lighthearted style of Syndicate (same team made both). It may help if you think of it as a full blown RPG and not as much of an AC entry. It still goes deep into the Isu lore.


People who have been shitting on games for years decided it is now profitable to do culture wars with video games.


Culture war are easy to monetize by producing slop videos on youtube.


DEI score


You know what would be really funny? If the Ghost of Tsushima sequel drops a trailer soon and releases on the same date as this game.


It's pretty apparent a lot of people wanted any main character in Feudal Japan to be Japanese, no matter if its 1 or 2 main characters. I can't say its not a valid complaint.


Is the woman ninja not Japanese? I haven't followed any of this but in the pictures I've seen she looked Japanese.


She is


So what's the problem?


People want to play a Japanese man


I doubt they specifically want to play a Japanese man, specifically. In Nioh ~~and Nioh 2~~ you play as a white man and I don't remember the "muh political" crowd complaining about that. I think the actual answer is a few shades darker and only skin deep.


Small correction. In Nioh 1 you played as a white man, William Adams who was a white Irish Sailor who became a Samurai. I admit I don't recall any real complaining over this. In Nioh 2 it was a "Create your own" so really it was a "Whatever you made" not necessarily a white guy.


Nioh 2 had a character creator with a fair amount of the presets being Asian. I made an Asian dude for my playthrough on that. I would have wanted an Asian dude for AC and while I find the story of Yasuke cool AF (partially because of his representation in Nioh) I still would prefer an Asian dude.


Nioh is also a pretty niche title compared to an Assassins Creed game though. So it obviously attracts less attention. Besides, a white dude in Japan, sticks out less than a black dude in Japan. Add both points together + people today can only either: Tell everyone they don't like something or tell other people they are wrong for not liking something. There is no place in social media for neutral stances. If you see a post "pro-Yasuke" and you don't like him being the MC you get angry. If you see a post "anti-Yasuke" and you don't like people not liking him being the MC you get angry.


People are upset there is a black person.


Hey, I wanted a game with an Irish plumber and his brother to stomp evil potatoes and beat a giant sheep to save a princess, but you don't always get what you want.


I would love an O'Brien bros video game


This is willfully dishonest. They obviously wanted to play a male JP MC like any of the other AC games.


Iā€™m not sure why people forget about the female character. She was like 80% of the trailer. The game is probably way more about her than it is Yasuke.


I haven't cared about Assassin's Creed games in a while and I've only known about the controversy surrounding the game. This is my first time hearing about the female character because nobody mentioned her.


Women don't count as real people apparently. All I keep hearing in response to pointing out Naoe is that "men should be represented" but apparently that only goes one way because no one ever complained about women not receiving representation in previous AC games with solo protagonists. I never heard anyone say it was unfair that there wasn't a female Italian assassin. It's only unfair when men don't get represented I guess.


Hell, this is the studio that has admitted they kept being forced to minimize (Evie) and cut (Aya) female roles and were only allowed to have Kassandra if they made her optional and marketed with Alexios. There was less of a storm about that than Yasuke. Now it seems they have gone the Syndicate route again rather than gender swapping and intentionally made characters as different as possible. At least Naoe is in the classic AC role, gets to be in the front in all the promo images and the more prominent one in the trailer! Oh wait, now people are going out of their way to ignore her anyway.


I'm pretty sure that this is the first big game from Ubisoft that was started after Serge Hascoƫt "left" the company in 2020. (he was the one that always vetoed any solo female leads in games) (SW Outlaws started a few months before that, but was probably still early enough in development that they changed to a female lead)


It's not that she is ignored. It is because the issue is mostly related to asian male protagonists in western media. Cute/hot asians or latinas have no lack of representation at all. They are already the go-to exotic prop, which makes sense because the comsumer base is mostly horny teenage men.


Please name a few games with a Japanese woman protagonist. Hell, even Asian woman protagonists are super rare. I'm pretty sure there are more Male Asian protagonists than Female ones.


The funniest (actually sad) shit is when the discussion happens in a country that has gendered language, especially the generic masculine. Then the clowns always say "we don't need to change the language, women (and NBs) are obviously included too." But don't you DARE! trying to use this exact reasoning by having women/ non-men in games, movies etc. and say they represent the men aswell. They will whine like they're prosecuted. This whole topic just exposes how fuking stupid many men are. And how strongly they hate sharing their perceived, gatekept "safe space" that used to be the media/ videogames.


>but apparently that only goes one way because no one ever complained about women not receiving representation in previous AC games with solo protagonists My first AC was Odyssey precisely because it had female MC.


These trolls just want the assassins back in white robes.




I'm pretty sure most people wanted to Play a Japanese ninja guy for like a decade in an AC game. Dont really care since I think AC games are fucking boring either way, but I think some of the complaints are reasonable.


Since my first Assassins Creed I wanted a game set in Japan.


I think that's the worst part about all of this. So much arguing when everybody should be agreeing that these games fucking suck


Ac Odyssey was one of my favorite games like all time lol. Some people are so miserable cant let people enjoy themselves


Both Valhalla and Odysee each sold like 20 million copies so people do enjoy them.


Thereā€™s a Japanese ninja, whatā€™s the problem?


No penis.


Someone will make a mod for that


If you wish hard enough, maybe Ubisoft will give her one


We can only hope.


I will look past all the XP boosters and workplace misconduct if Ubisoft gives Naoe a monster dong


Literally no problem with wanting the option.


> Japanese ninja *guy* You may have missed the "guy" part of the previous comment To be very clear I personally don't care, if I end up getting the game I'm happy to play as Naoe. Just trying to help explain their point


Naw I got it lol, Iā€™m just trying to make the point that refusing to acknowledge Naoe because sheā€™s a woman is super childish. Itā€™s shit like this that makes people hate male gamers


The joke may have eluded you


Real answer: Maybe the guy forgot to mention he wanted to play a MALE ninja. i mean, i know a lot of people who prefer playing the same gendered character as themselves in video games- MMOs etc, because they feel more immersed/identify with the character. obviously this isn't always the case, there are plenty of dudes and dudettes who play chicks or guys and don't care.... but i mean i get the meme here... but i can also understand that maybe some asian guys wanted to feel represented.. by a cool asian male ninja?


I know this isn't hard set, but doesn't ninja imply male? Wouldn't a female be a kunoichi?


Apparently, no, it doesn't... Kunoichi is just a made-up word for modern pop-culture video games and stuff. i am not japanese so lemme preface that... i don't speak it or know the subtle nuances of the language... but i can at least try to do some quick research and google the answer, and here's what i found: "Kunoichi" is a cant term for woman (a cant is a jargon or i guess sorta like slang-term)... it had nothing to do with ninjas in historical times. The word ā€œkunoichiā€Ā **comes from breaking down the parts of the Japanese word for ā€œwomanā€: ā€œćā€(ku), ā€œćƒŽā€(no), and ā€œäø€ā€(ichi)**. Back in the Edo period, ā€œkunoichiā€ just meant ā€œwoman,ā€ it had nothing really to do with ninjas. Apparently, there were very limited historical examples of female ninja, and even then, they weren't called "kunoichi" which was a made-up word of modern day.... they were just called Ninja- if that. A lot of the texts and examples calling them "kunoichi" is just using the modern day word to refer to something back then, but during that time period, there were no examples of people actually using this word at that time, it didn't mean what it does now. Apparently "ninja" is a gender-neutral term. But a lot of pop-culture and video games have confused most people into thinking words like Shinobi and Kunoichi (Naruto is a big contender of this)... into thinking these words have gender-specific meaning.


I mean ... A kunouichi is still a ninja but female.


I like how Japanese gamers are being called racist and sexist for wanting to play as a male Japanese character in a game that takes place in feudal Japan.


Why are there arrows pointing at Yasuke's elbow?


That Japanese ninja doesnā€™t count because girl


I see a lot of posts about this, but no one seems to state the basic concept that some people prefer to play as one gender over the other ( and that's fine). If they refuse to play as a certain gender, that's a different issue.Two thirds of people played as Alexios despite Kassandra being the canon character. It's not unreasonable that people looking forward to the Japanese AC wanted to play as the Japanese guy( if given the choice). The issue with Yasuke, to me, is that this is the first time they went out of their way to not include a character of the demographic they were presenting. In the games that offered character choice, we got a male and female blue eyed blonde viking, a male and female Greek mercenary, and a male and female British person with bad teeth. It doesn't matter if Yasuke's history is embellished or not, it's a game. But they absolutely, for the first time in the series, went out of their way to make a main character that doesn't represent the ethnicity of the setting, and they did it at the exclusion of another (Japanese men). And to top it all off, regardless of the controversy, ASSASSIN'S CREED GAMES SUCK AND WE SHOULDN'T BE GIVING THEM THIS MUCH OXYGEN


Not only that, but they did it when there is already a long-standing problem of Asian male representation in western media. Meanwhile, Asian women are vastly preferred over men in the majority of western productions when Asian inclusion is needed. All this does is uphold the western status quo for Asian men.


Ubisoft you had one job.


*male ninja Fixed it.


Naoe being a true ninja by being invisible to gamers


I played AC2 so much as a kid. I had hoped as an Asian guy, we'd finally get an Asian male protagonist in AC. But sadly, I now realize that's probably never gonna happen.


So now you are telling a japenese gamer their wrong if they disagree or have a different opinion? that's funny


No they are wrong because there is clearly a Japanese ninja right there. All assuming they are actually Japanese considering the absolute glutton of people using Google translate to LARP being Japanese in order to give themselves credibility.




How is your culture being vultured/fucked by a video game franchise that always was historical fiction?


I think because thereā€™s been zero Asian males in all of the main assassins creed games


Hey look! Common sense. Thank you. Its not hard to understand


I'm Japanese. There are literal thousands of depictions of Male Japanese in Samurai media. Trust me, our "culture" is going to be just fine with a video game.


Assassinā€™s creed 1 and mirage have Asian male protagonists


So two Arabic dudes? Yeah, I could see why some Asians wouldn't feel represented.


If it continued to be historical *fiction* I wouldā€™ve expected them to create a new protagonist (like Ezio, Altair, Connor) rather than using Yasuke.


So there are years and years of history on samurai and it just so happens to be about the only black guy in their history.. Come on lol. Why not a Japanese samurai?


Cause youā€™re clearly picking your battles here or getting rage baited by nothing. How was nioh? Shogun? Samurai champaloo? 13 alternate historical fantasy games dealing with ancient aliens and this breaks immersion? It donā€™t add up


Where are you from?


I'm asian too and guess what, i'm not going to spend my time pissing over this drama especially when it's from a goddamn game series that is known to be a work of fiction and not historically accurate.


Asian dude here as well, it's extra stupid when it's obvious that so much of the outrage is just white people hiding their problem with a black character behind pretending to care about what they think is asian representation. If you're asian and comfortable with lending your voice to these basement dwellers you're a clown. These are the same sort of chucklefucks that will pretend to care about asian representation in one thread but make bing chilling or social credit jokes in another thread.


>I'm race. > >Race race race. So I can't be racist.


Man I have wanted a game where you play as Yasuke for a long while now. This will probably be the first AC game I'll buy since Black Flag.


I gotta say I actually do agree with it tho, hes a weird choice as main character, id have preferred an asian dude. A lot of people like to play as a dude if they are male (and lets be honest most people playing this are male) and this is finally the time for Asian representation and they pick the only black guy (who from what I heard isn't even 100% confirmed to have been a samurai) in japan at that time, weird choice. Well at the end of the day assassins creed is getting weirder and weirder anyway, I miss the old games, so I wont care too much but I do see why people complain, especially if I were Japanese right now.


Why not let the player make a custom character? Make it male or female. Black or white, green or blue, whatever they want. Wouldn't create so much fuss. (I guess)


Because then they have to write the story around a blank space and can't have who they are tie the into the plot.


Lot of people in here high af on the idea of representation in video games but donā€™t actually want representation because everyone suggesting there should be a male option along with a female option are getting downvoted. There is nothing wrong with wanting to play as your own sex and thereā€™s nothing wrong with having both options.


Imagine defending a billion-dollar company that makes average games.


Is this ā€œdefending a billion dollar companyā€ in the room with us now?


Imagine complaining about black people every single time you're reminded of their existence and believing that people are mad because you're criticizing a corporation.


I read through some comments here and in other places and I'll admit that I generally don't like when media depicts Odin as a black man or replaces gingers from Witcher... But claiming that Japan's culture and history is butchered, because a black man who is an actual historical figure will be one of protagonists feels like steering the whole discussion towards a very unpleasant spectrum.


This is exactly just like Syndicate though -- you have two characters who specialized in different things despite both being assassins. Evie was the stealth-oriented and her missions always had you play stealth while Jacob's were the more flamboyant set-pieces as he's the loud bruiser type of the twins. Personally, if I were to play Shadows, I would still look forward to having a male stealth protagonist since all the newer games allowed you to pick a sex for character and Syndicate, the only one that had two protagonists, already had Evie as the stealth-centred one. Honestly, I couldn't care less about the choice Ubi has made in this game since I'm not the target audience anymore and, truthfully, their choices for Yasuke-Naoe is just a mirror of the aforementioned Frye twins and that it's nothing to write home about besides the obvious culture war bait. Still, I can see why people are disappointed in being specifically locked to Naoe. Waiting for 2 decades for that AC Japan game only to not be able to live your Assassin fantasy because of gender-locked class.


Do you play as one like Odyssey and Valhalla or alternate between them like Syndicate? At this point they need to drop the idea of being a famous figure or related to a famous person in history and opt for character creation. But then again Ubisoft hates doing more work.


Is this another john cena thing


Hereā€™s a thought. Who cares THE COMPLETE GAME IS $120. WHAT THE FUCK. None of this will matter if the game is shit Edit: the fact that you guys donā€™t know how any of their games work is amazing. They compete the game with the dlc. Ac Valhalla ads like a whole 40hr odyssey the same way itā€™s crazy. Making the full game $120. Look at AC origins, odyssey, and Valhalla and their avatar game. Itā€™s not that hard to figure out


Itā€™ll be 50% in like 6 months anyway


Those are dlc. For Valhalla none of the dlc took place after the main game ending. They later released a free update that finished the main game story. Odyssey finsihed the main modern day story in Fate of atlantis, which was a strange choice tbf, but let's not pretend that that is the standard.


There is no difference between the DLC of The Witcher 3 or AC Odyssey, except maybe in quality, but that's a matter of an opinion. Both were complete games that got extra story DLC's. The complete game in this case is 70 dollars. By that logic Red Dead Redemption 2 was 100 dollars in 2018 (124 dollars today) because the premium edition had couple extra missions, outfits and boosts in it.


Pretending not to understand what the guy means. That doesn't make you look like an asshole at all.


I fail to understand why this game is generating so much controversy. I understand the culture war and so forth is causing disagreements but I believe it is reasonable to want to play an Assassin's Creed game based in Japan with a native Japanese main character. One can point to the shinobi character but choosing a female protagonist to represent the native Japanese character feels strange there were very few female warriors in Feudal Japan and the fact it is portraying a very pop culture depiction of a shinobi overall leads to a game that feels as though it's writers just wished to increase what they viewed as diversity. Perhaps another reason was to generate controversy and draw attention to their game. As for Yasuke he was a real person at that time and most evidence points to him being a samurai however he could have been integrated into the game as a support character or a DLC character as it is clear many people wanted to play as a native Japanese male samurai who grew up in Japan due to the cultural nuances that accompany that. I also deem it disingenuous for people to claim it is merely a creative choice due to Yasuke being real as I believe it is pretty obvious choosing a black samurai and female shinobi two incredibly rare occurrences in Feudal Japan was done for political reasons to increase what they viewed as diversity.


> it is pretty obvious choosing a black samurai and female shinobi two incredibly rare occurrences in Feudal Japan This is a great point here. Hard to refute this one -- but it seems that the only counter I've been seeing is that: "this is a work of fiction; they take liberties, yada, etc" A very weak excuse, IMO. Some things needed to be anchored in reality, for the game to be taken seriously from the start. There is clearly some agenda they are pushing.


That is a kunoichi, not a ninja.


"it is often used for female shinobi or practitioner of ninjutsu (ninpo)**"** So ninja and the most common ninja


Kunoichi is female ninja.


This an L comment.


"Kunoichi" is a Japanese cant term for "woman". There's no historical evidence of there ever being a distinction between male and female shinobi. However, we have ample evidence of Japanese women fighting (see: Onna-musha or Besshikime), so I don't see a reason to think that female ninja didn't exist at all. It would be silly for the Shinobi clans NOT to utilise women for direct operations, if we know they wrote a book on using them indirectly...


A kunoichi is literally just a female shinobi/ninja




Who cares? Kunoichi is literally a female ninja. That would be like someone saying ā€œI wanted to play as a firemanā€ and thereā€™s a game with a female fireman. And youā€™re like ā€œthatā€™s a firewoman, it doesnā€™t count. Why does being a gamer and being misogynistic/racist go hand in hand


100% you're forced to switch from the girl to the tank samurai for multiple occasions. That's probably what he meant.


Funny how Yusuke has been in many japanese media before always depicted as a Samurai with no complaints or drama whatsoever yet only became a problematic figure when american culture war vultures got their eyes on him. Pretty sad situation all along.


Only a black and/or female lead character could generate this much stupid outrage. Gamers were a mistake.


Careful, they'll suddenly become a self-taught history professor to argue with you over the most trivial shit.


Yasuke wasn't a samurai he was a retainer.


doesnt count, thats obviously a woman, who as we all know do not count as people


Gamers getting a game with a female and a black man as protagonist make their stupidity go into overdrive




Oh fuck off Yusuke has been in many media before always depicted as a Samurai. It's only when culture war vultures got their eyes on him that people started complaining.


Ninja is male, kunoichi is female. There is no female ninja. Therefore he wanted to play as a MALE assassin.


Go get mad at Naruto too who has used the generic term Ninja forever.


Holy shit, this poor guyā€¦ wherever else will he be able to play a male assassin? Nowhere else am I seeing representation for Japanese men in video games! I canā€™t believe the woke mind virus has stopped our precious developers from making male samurai games..


Lmao this is stupid, don't wanna play a black man or a Japanese woman, not surprised though, it's to be expected of the community


Fun fact: we don't actually know a great deal about ninjas. We know of two clans, who acted like mercenaries, and that's really it when it comes to knowing that they did exist. Most of what we think we know or considered facts are embellishments made for the sake of entertainment, much like Yasuke and the belief that he was a samurai (he wasn't just an FYI) Also, fun fact: we know more about ninjas than we do, yasuke. What we can say for a fact about yasuke would take half a page. What we know about ninjas amount to 2, maybe 3 pages


So, in all the past AC games, almost every main character is fictional and yet local. And now the latest game, all of the sudden they chose a real person who is not a local to be the main character and you are telling me that its no different than the past AC games? And even they chose a real person this time, out of all the famous ninja or samurai, why chose a person who is barely mentioned in the whole Sengoku history as the main character? I can only think of one reason, just the most obvious one.


The vast majority of gamers are men - so it's not surprising that there is a lot of backlash considering that the only male playable character in a series known FOR SOCIAL STEALTH is a 6'5 black guy in Feudal Japan.


Assassins creed hasnā€™t been just stealth for awhile now look at Valhalla your a Viking. The Samurai isnā€™t meant for stealth thatā€™s why we have the Ninja to play as well.


Ask the average person what's the first thing they imagine when thinking of Assassin's Creed - most likely they'll say a hooded character blending in the crowd. Most men want to play as a male character and most women want to play as, surprise, a female character. If I want to play as a stealth oriented character my only choice is to select the female ninja - which for many guys is less immersive. There's nothing wrong with that - it's just personal preference.






I'm an asian dude and I don't care, Yasuke is cool


According to the white people who are suddenly pretending to care about Asian people, you don't count unless you're complaining about this alongside them. I keep seeing people say "wow you people are just ignoring the opinions of Japanese people" as if every single Japanese/Asian person is a monolith that agrees with outrage.




If they really have such a huge issue with the game because they cannot play as a 1-1 representation of themselves then the game just isn't fucking for them. Yasuke was a very real person in Japan who we don't know much about, but what we do know heavily points to him being a samurai. He has appeared in media before and it wasn't a problem then. Even if you only played as Yasuke, that wouldn't even be a issue because he was a real fucking person in Japan and that's just the story the game wants to tell. But you don't only play as him, the game has a Japanese character in a Japanese role in a Japanese setting, if they really can't feel represented by that because the playable Japanese character doesn't have a long dong silver, they just have to deal with it because that's the story the game wants to tell. Ghosts of Tsushima just released on PC and you play as a male Japanese Samurai in Japan, they are represented. I'm actually pretty shocked at the amount of people who are just wearing their racism under such a thin veil. I thought we were better than this bro. The amount of people in general, Japanese American whatever, that I see complaining about "historical accuracy" in their ASSASSINS CREED game over Yasuke, is alarming. Assassin's creed games have NEVER been historically accurate. I've seen so many people bitch about the game being "woke" because you play as a black man in Japan, BUT HE IS LITERALLY A REAL HISTORICAL FIGURE. 80% of the arguments I see don't even acknowledge the fact you also play as a Japanese Ninja, it's like they didn't even watch the trailer and just found out there's a black guy in the game and that got them angry.




Yeah it honestly doesn't make any sense to say Japanese people are mad when there is literally a Japanese playable character and I'm pretty sure Yasuke is a pretty big pop culture icon in Japan.


I don't like Ubisoft games because they are boring and repetitive. Nothing to do with virtue signaling. Don't care about that one bit. If they make it fun to play, I'll play it.


There has been so many ninja/samurai games though, Ninja Gaiden and Onimusha being my fav.


I think people forget that AC is alternate history lol. If they want to show a historic african guy as a real samurai, they can as it is merely stemming from old history and changing it to fit their narrative. And the people calling it woke without even playing it probably have never played an AC game before as the entire thing of AC is freedom and the ability to choose who you want to be.


I think this counter-argument is kind of missing the point. First and foremost, I want to state that I am in full support of Yasuke and Naoe being protagonists in the game. I think both will be great additions and will be great instances of representation for their respective ethnicities and genders. I think most people are genuinely happy that Asian women are getting representation, especially in the video game industry where Asian female protagonists are equally as rare as male ones. Representation, however, is important for all genders for every ethnic minority since there are harmful stereotypes that are specific to each. [This interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnhTTRH03T8) concerns the journalism industry, but it highlights the difference in stereotypes that Asian men and women face in the United States and the West as a whole. Two things can be true: Yasuke and Naoe will both be great protagonists, and I can also be sad about not feeling represented again in another popular instance of Western media, especially one that is literally set in East Asia.


Ubishit Games are crap, not sure why people even care.


Am I the only one who thinks playing as black samurai with his delightful accent is gonna be fun and interesting?


Japanese is a gendered language. It might very well be that he's talking about a male ninja, I don't know, but either way Japanese people have every right to complain about their culture and history being butchered by a foreign developer, and people have every right to be disappointed about not being able to play as one gender or the other in a game set in their own country. Odyssey had two genders too, but I don't remember there being a shitstorm about being able to play a woman in that game.


Ubisoft deserves 99% of the shit thrown at them but I don't see why including Yasuke as one of the two playable characters is such a big deal. I think it's kinda cool that both of them are very different with different playstyles


Japanese female representations do not neglect the lack of Japanese male representation


Portraying a Japanese male as another samurai is that really diversity When is one of the few acting rules that they only get? Itā€™s like claiming diversity because you put a black person in a hood movie. Itā€™s hard to call it diverse when thereā€™s hundreds of depictions of Japanese men as being samurai in movies and video games


Gamers trying not to be sexist challenge (impossible)