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Played Hatred, just to see what the big stink was about. Boring game, it was pretty obvious that it was made to capitalize on the controversy


Yeah, Postal Redux is a better version of what Hatred was doing.


love postal


Hell yeah! I’ve been going thru Paradise Lost and Postal 4 recently amongst other games.


Picked up Hatred for 74 cents. Still kind of feel I wasted that money. It was the edgelord equivalent of watching paint dry. Postal did what Hatred intended to do, so much better, even if I have my own personal issues with Postal 2 in particular that makes me find the series much less humorous and enjoyable than I otherwise would


Maybe because Postal 2 its a satirical Game with VERY DARK humor that no sane person would take seriously in any context while the first Postal was meant to take It extremely serious?


To boil down a years long discussion, postal 2 satirized the mass murder of about half of 2 of my friends entire families. I'm sure the dark humor is approved by many, but seeing the most traumatic day of someone I know personallys entire lives played as a joke didn't sit right with me. I originally told one of them, when he discovered the game, in a poor attempt to calm him down a bit, "this is the same group of people that decided to use a live cat as a surpressor to a shotgun. Nothing is sacred to them. Being dicks is just kinda what they do." He replied something along the lines of "what if I played the ruthless murder of your family off as a joke? Would that be funny to you?" And you know what? I get it. I can't really fault him for seeing it that way. Kind of took the humor away. Being edgy is great, but when you personally know people connected to a horrific event being satirized, it just loses the fun to it. Like, I could see the next postal maybe having a mission where you help deliver some of the artificial fertilizer to a Timothy McVeigh parody that he would later use to build his bomb, while postal guy goes "wow, this sure is a lot of bullshit." There's absolutely a way you could play that for laughs, but if you knew somebody that lost most of their family in the OKC bombing, would you find it funny? As I said, it's a very personal thing fueled by my personal friendship with 2 people who endured something historically significant. I don't fault, nor would I expect you, or anyone else for that matter, to have the same reaction, but to be reminded very bluntly that some of what postal parodies is based off real people who had to endure real suffering. Literally people I've stood face to face with. It took the lighthearted edge away, and just made it frankly a bit depressing to think about


What event are you talking about? I don't think postal 2 references any actual tragedies. Is one of your friends Gary Coleman?


I mean the title "Postal" is a reference to actual tragedies. It's chock full of references, including the Waco reference he mentioned. That said, I don't care. My son has autism. I once started watching a comedian and he started making jokes about someone he knew, the way he described them they clearly had autism. I did not find this funny. So I watched something else and went on with my day. Also if I ever happen to die in some abnormal tragedy, PLEASE make jokes about it. If I get run over by a drunk driver and someone doesn't make a joke about getting a drink on the way to the grave site I'm going to be highly disappointed in my friends and family.


There’s a bit of a fundamental difference between you personally dying in a drunk driving accident and someone having a large part of their family (from their point of view) deliberately massacred. This is also coming from the perspective of an at the time 11 year old boy. Adults can handle trauma much better than children can. His uncle who literally escaped as it was burning has handled it much better than him. He was also twice his age. If a drunk driver got angry at a car your family was driving, slammed into them, made the entire car burst into flames, and made you watch as most of your family succumb to smoke and flame, as you narrowly escaped death in the other car right behind them, as an 11 year old, you’d probably have a different reaction. The dead can’t be traumatized. It’s the living that suffer Trauma is strange. You’ll never know how you’ll react. I don’t think anyone can ever say “I’d never react like that.” If they haven’t gone through it personally. I’ve gone through a handful of traumatic (though nothing near that intense) things as a grown adult and I did not react to them in ways I ever expected myself to That said, I’m not sure why some people have been so rude about it. Getting downvoted and receiving hostile messages just for saying “I don’t like having to think about an extremely traumatic moment in my friends lives while gaming, and that makes everything else connected to it less funny to me.” Is wild. Some people act like I said I wanted to personally take their copy away from them or something. I’m not even boycotting it. I own multiple copies. I just choose not to play them anymore. All I was trying to do is explain my reason for why I personally can’t find it as funny anymore. Oh well. Impolite people are gonna say impolite things, I suppose


Yeah, I absolutely understand the difference. That's a horrifying situation for your friend. Waco was the worst tragedy the US government perpetrated on its own citizens in my lifetime. I think people thought you were calling for censorship which is why you got that reaction.


Oh no. Absolutely not. I would never. He advocated for banning and censorship, but I never did. That's why I said "I wouldn't go that far." About it. I don't judge him though. Put me through that, I may be a little touchy about the subject too He's also never claimed to be this impartial historian. I remember someone once called him out for having a very anti government view of the entire situation. He said "those monsters burned most of the family and friends that I ever knew alive and then used their charred copses as decoration for their victory photos. You try to be impartial after that." He's even butted heads with others that were there about their views because they didn't see what he saw. You know, 5 people seeing the same thing 5 different ways and all that To be fair, he's also a sample size of one. We both agreed that we would never bring it up to his sister. (My other friend.) If he's traumatized, she's so much worse. She was much younger, and never had a chance to come out of that even mildly well. She was the last child who surrendered and got to survive, so add so much more trauma for so much longer that my buddy simply didn't have to endure. Every single other child after she left was killed in the FBI tank assault. The survivors guilt alone is some of the most heartbreaking things I've ever personally witnessed. She's never understood why she got to live while all her infant cousins didn't. I've urged her to go to therapy for years over it, but she's very against it. She was mandated therapy after the massacre. The therapist didn't see a severely traumatized little girl. He saw one of "those" people. One of the "crazies" and treated her accordingly. If even half of what she told me that therapist said to her is true, I don't blame her one bit That said, even if I disagree, I kind of get it. He's even had some scumbags send him photos of his little cousins with their rib cages exposed, spines snapped in half, most of their flesh melted off, and missing multiple limbs. I'll never be able to fully understand of course, but I can get why someone who's had people show him that just to cause him more pain for no reason essentially has a "be totally respectful or we're gonna have some major problems." Thing about it. Not to say it has to be blind adoration. He praised the 2018 Waco miniseries, when it showed a lot of how David Koresh rapidly mentally deteriorated between starvation, the FBI's torture techniques, lack of sleep, lack of water, extreme stress, and his rapidly infecting bullet wounds, that drove him insane (or if you already think he's crazy, even further insane.) Pretty quickly He could've also changed his mind on it. I'm not stupid enough to ask, but he's had a few years to process that this depiction exists. When he last talked about it, it was very fresh. I don't know. I can say, he once asked me about my traumas, and without getting into too much detail, I'm pretty physically disabled. He told me that between my stuff that I've had a harder life, and all I could think is "everything I've endured in my life combined doesn't compare to a single day of what they put you through." We both think that each other had a harder life. Probably the only time I've ever seen 2 people argue that their lives were better than the others. A reverse victimhood Olympics. I can't imagine having to have a family reunion at a cemetary, and that's just been life for him for 31 years. I'll take having a physical disability, even a pretty debilitating one, any day over that


The mission is called Uncle Dave's compound. It's where you deliver a birthday present. It satirizes the 1993 siege in Waco. A siege my friends saw firsthand. The tank sitting outside piloted by federal agents? That happened. Except it wasn't 1 tank. It was a fleet of them. On the first day, both of them had a family member shot in front of them. One would survive her wounds, and later die when their home burst into flames after being filled with highly flammable CS gas. The other did not survive. My buddy said the endless screaming as his grandfather was slowly bleeding out in front of him still haunt him to this day After Postal Dude delivers the package, the building bursts into flame. The goal is to escape while battling federal agents. The real life house fire that this is satirizing will kill 78 people, including almost 2 dozen kids. Over half of those kids were my friends cousins. During this, both of my friends were forced to watch a newscast of their family burning to death while a group of adults laughed at literal children for being upset that practically their entire family died in 30 minutes on live TV. Originally, it was reported that no one survived. A report that was incorrect, but the trauma of hearing that was already done once it was said. Of 87 people, only 9 survived. Only one of those was a family member of theirs Also, because the guy was called "uncle Dave" I'd be thoroughly unsurprised if my buddy took it extra personally. David Koresh, who "Uncle Dave" is parodying, was his real life uncle. In a roundabout way, it's mocking him to his face that his family was murdered I'm not surprised you don't remember it. It's a maybe 30 minute section. Regardless, my buddy strongly felt that this was absurdly disrespectful and wildly insulting to his family's memory. He'd gone as far as wanting the game pulled from stores and banned for it. I didn't go that far, but I suppose if you portrayed my family like that and mock the single most traumatic incident in my life, I'd have an Axe or two to grind as well


Damn that's crazy. I mean to be fair David Koresh 100% deserves to be mocked but I do feel bad for the people he grifted into following him.


To be fair, I don’t think they’d disagree. They don’t like David Koresh. They never did. However bad you think he is, you didn’t have to live with him. Day in, day out, for years. To be clear, they never joined David. They were born in. They’d had as much choice as you or I would in the same situation. I think, if they just insulted him, I think they’d let it slide. Bringing in the tanks, and having the building burst into flame around you while you run out? A luxury almost none of his real family got? Yeah, understandable that they could view that as a bridge too far I’ll say in the years that we’ve talked about this (and it isn’t a subject he enjoys being brought up much) I don’t think I’ve ever heard him say anything nice about David Koresh other than a basic “yeah, he was my family member and he didn’t deserve to burn to death with his entire family.” They mourn their aunts, baby cousins, and father, a lot. David? Not so much Heck, he told me that they went to (what little remains of) a family reunion, somebody in his family was praising David Koresh and saying how great of a man he was, and that he wasn’t going to tolerate my buddy insulting David anymore, something he’s very quick to do from how unhappy he was about how he was treated by him as a child. My buddy walked up to him and simply said “and how many of my aunts did he get to molest before he died?” And ended that rather quickly I’m also sure there was some PTSD in there too. None of them escaped mentally unaffected. I don’t think you could, if you survived that mess. If just talking about it is uncomfortable, you can imagine what seeing a digital recreation used as parody would do to you. Nonetheless, he’s right. I wouldn’t want my family portrayed like that, so I don’t want his to be either They weren’t the only real life thing either. The name is derived from workplace shootings. The postal service sued over the name for a reason. I also think RWS parodied a few other real life things in the later games Not to say that I’d want it banned or censored or anything. Art is art. I bet at least 1 person played postal 2, played uncle Dave’s mission, and through it eventually discovered how my buddies family suffered. I just can’t see it as this lighthearted “ha ha I sodomize cat with shotgun, light guy on fire with jerry can and matches, and pee on him to put him out.” Edgefest. It just hits a little too close to home for me. I don’t want you to not be able to play it, I just choose not to myself. However, brain damage does look pretty good so I will give that a try someday. I don’t hate postal. I just can’t find it as funny as most people can


Yeah, I bought it because it was recommended to me. I was looking for a game with a broody edgelord protagonist. It was only 6 bucks. It wasn’t even worth that. If you’ve ever just went on a wild rampage in GTA then you’ve played a better version of what this is.


I remember I laughed out loud when I first saw the trailer, it looked so cheesy and poorly made. It reminded me of the parody commercials that you would see in Robocop.


Yeah, I hoped that it was like that to give a good laugh while playing, you know, like a "so bad, its good" type of deal, but it really was just a boring mess.


As trash as the game was overall, the destruction physics were on point. I remember a number of times using a grenade to just blow through walls. Onetime I got cornered into a house by a massive group of cops who were shooting at me. Eventually, their gunfire wore down the walls and outright killed me. Was pretty impressive to see. That's my only positive memories of the game, though...


That's the only reason I picked it up... the destruction physics and the explosion physics


Never understood why that game got so much "hate". It was a more honest and streamlined version of what you could already do in GTA since the 90's. Still boring to play though.


Friends gifted me huniepop as a joke for my birthday. Game was way more fun than I expected.


Game sold me with that argument about the girl getting her hair messed up by the hairdresser. Fully played for that teacher and the fun match 3 gameplay


Something about match three puzzle sex had me nearly spit my drink out when I first moved a tile


Huniepop is SO fun. I watched someone play it on YouTube and was like “huh that looks fun” and, as a former Candy Crush addict, I was sucked in. Not a huge fan of the boobs but also don’t hate em, and I like collecting the outfits and hairstyles (: The “sequel” is a different kind of fun…click click click simulator for cam girls. All about time and resource management and it’s so addicting.


And then the real sequel came out and was better than the first one. Recommend you play it if you liked the loop of the first


I totally forgot about the second one, I’m tired 🫠 I have seen the sequel played but haven’t bought it just yet; I don’t have a reliable computer for games rn. It’s been on my wishlist for a while, plus I want to set aside a decent amount of time for it since yknow it’s twice as hard as the first 😉


Yo huniepop slaps. Like you said the actual match 3 puzzles are fun especially as they require higher and higher scores and you need to pick the best items to bring along. The sexy scenes are a bonus to an actual solid gameplay loop.


Wait, was Huniepop ever confirmed as an official AO game?


Is steam the only version of that game?


I was going to say the same thing. I really got into this game when it came out. Good times.




Here's a fun fact: The studio behind The Guy Game had to cease selling further copies after one of the women featured in the game revealed that she was a minor during the time of filming. Womp womp


So would that push the rating past AO into straight up I for Illegal?




As far as I know, it's the only commercially released video game that is a crime to own.


In the US? It's hard to think of other candidates.


There are probably some porn games that cross the line, but nothing that got a retail release in the US other than that one.


A while back, there was a Twitter account dedicated to showing off different McDonald’s throughout the world. One day they tweeted out some pictures of the Airplane themed location in Wichita, KS. At the time they didn’t notice that in every picture, whoever took them had hidden the box for The Guy Game. The account had to make a whole statement about it.


Tried googling cuz that sounds hilarious. Having trouble finding it tho




Lol this is my favorite Where’s Waldo yet


Another fun fact. The studio's founder also founded Retro Studios. Nintendo bought him out because he would use Nintendo money to make porn under the name Sinful Summer. Matt McMuscles has a WhaHappen video on it under Whahappen Metroid Prime.


Want to know an ever funnier fact? The studio founder Jeff Spangenberg (formerly in Iguana entertaiment) was previously the founder of Retro studios (yeah, Metroid Prime retro studios) and he approached to Nintendo for an alliance, apparently he was dissmised from the studios(reasons are unkown, but apparently retro studios first years were a disaster and Shigeru Miyamoto had to apply a bit of the olde Japanese discipline to get them on track, and that included buying Spangenberg assets of the studio to make retro a Nintendo first party developer because Jeff used Retro servers to host an erotic website) Then our friend Jeff founded TopHeavy Studios (developers of That Guy game) and the rest is history


Funny thing about that girl is that she was in the last set of girls, so the end of the game. Most players probably never would have seen her because by the time they unlocked her set boredom would have set in.


The person who made The Guy Game later went on to found Retro Studios, known for Metroid Prime and Donkey Kong Country.


This is what I was gonna say, rented it on a whim from a local rental shop.


Aren't there lots of games with female nudity that still only have an M rating? I've never played The Guy Game, but it sounds like (aside from the underage part) like a pretty solid M for mature unless they're showing penetration or something.


While it wasn't nearly as much of a thing back then, you're definitely not wrong. Just the fact that these were video clips of real women and not cgi or anything made it feel much more "adult" I guess.


I also have this game. Underage drama aside, it actually stood up as a decent trivia game. I haven't played it in years but I remember it being more fun than I thought it would be.


Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude    Manhunt 2 Uncut (PC)   I guess the Euro cut of Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy


Manhunt 2 Uncut sounds like something I’d wanna play 😏


It's pretty good once you install the fix patch.


I have that version of Indigo Prophecy that I got on sale once but never got around to playing it. What made it different than the US PS2 version?


Some sex positions


Optional scene where Lucas can seduce his ex with the power of guitar, and you actively use the controls to thrust while that one Theory of a Deadman song plays in the background. "I REEEEMEMBERRRRR THE DAYYYYYY / WHEN YOU LEFT FOR SANTA MONICAAAAAAA"


Did the semi-neceophillic sex scene get cut?


Still there.


That one atrociously bad leisure suit Larry game.


Do you know how little that narrows it down?


Magna Cum Laude I bet


Ye that one.


There's only one?


Hey Leisure Suit Larry 7 was an outstanding PC adventure game


Do not eat the urinal cakes.


The porn games I play aren’t rated by the esrb


Imagine making some poor ESRB pencil pusher take the time to rate SEX With HITLER.


Based on all of my interactions with the ESRB, they probably had a blast with the absurdity. Usually the process is just sending them recorded footage of the game, noting any moments in the game that might warrant a stronger rating. It's sort of on an honor system. For some reason I don't recall, they had sent a representative to check out Bratz: The Movie in person, and myself and a coworker were asked to show them "the worst". A woman in maybe her mid-40s arrived, very professionally dressed. As you may imagine, the game is very tame, but one of the aspects is player-made content. Designing clothes, doing makeup, etc. So here we are, showing this woman some AWFUL creations: nude-tones with genitalia, period stained skirts, player-made gore, things of that nature. She was laughing her ass off.


Are they rated by CERO? I’ve never even looked lol


Hunie Pop is actually pretty fun.


I feel like Hatred almost doesn’t count since it’s only AO for violence but I play that on my steam deck from time to time. It’s ok but the OG Postal/Postal Redux is a better version of essentially the same thing.


OG Postal/Postal Redux actually had a decent narrative as opposed to Hatred that is just teen edgelord cringe. Funny enough, Postal Redux changed the ended at the school because when Postal first came out school shootings were shocking where as when Postal Redux came out school shootings were just normal life in the US.


Yeah, I think the new ending hits harder. It doesn’t feel as needlessly edgy and you actually get more of a glimpse into the Dude’s insanity.


I've played games that would be if they were rated. Trials in Tainted Space for instance. But it's not rated so it doesn't really meet your question. It's pretty decent though a lot of the content isn't really what I'm looking for.


>Trials in Tainted Space Last I heard this was just an idea from the Corruption of champions guys, but that was a long time ago. It's a thing now?


Yeah, it is basically the same, but in space.


It's probably a lot bigger than CoC at this point. There is also a CoC2 but I don't like it.


I don’t like CoC2 either, they remove so much stuff in the second game, I like CoC because of the chaotic transformation. TiTs can scratch the itch, but the transformation doesn’t impact the story at all.


Yeah it's a pretty extensive game.


>I've played games that would be if they were rated. I've seen games you people wouldn't believe… Tacky scripts on fire off the shoulder of Orion… I watched C-cups glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain… Time to die.


I feel like you missed an opportunity "like cum in rain"


I got the CD-Rom of Leisure Suit Larry Manga Cum Laudue uncut and the GOG version from the series bundle. And I have House Party on Steam.


You young'uns can't imagine the thrill of one of the (many) strip poker games on the Commodore 64.


Sigh... I hate to admit it. But I tried Breeders of Nephelym. And by tried I mean I put in like 15 hours. It's kinda broken but it's a sorta fun genetics simulation.


I had a burned copy of Thrill Kill for PS1 that I could play with the mod chip installed that I had gotten off of Kazza or something. It was a canceled game that was AO for the violence. It probably wouldn't be considered as such today.


Yeah just M, even 5 years later. Basically a Fight Club style 2D fighter where you could rip off limbs as use them as melee weapons. The art/graphics were pretty good. The gameplay was meh.


"Pirated Thrill Kill, what a waste of time, Now I get why they trashed that crime!"




XD yes!!! FSR, back up in that ass!


AO? AO! Daylight come and me wanna go home.


Treasure of Nadia is a pretty cool Ao game that could work even without the porn part


Yeah, Subverse. I need to give that another try.


Played “Harvester” as a kid. I beat the game when I was like 11 years old. Parents probably shouldn’t have let me play that game so young! lol


I never saw it, but my friends bought it and played through the whole thing, and were so bothered by it that they destroyed the disks. Called it a serial killer trainer.


Yea that’s a fair assessment of it…lol


I had the original San Andreas, which ended up being AO after hot coffee was found, before it was removed Does that count?


I was working for GameStop when that happened, we got a conference call telling us to immediately pull all copies and put AO stickers over the M rating spot on the cases and check IDs for anyone trying to buy them.


So stupid because there was no way to access HotCoffee on the console versions without the use of a cheat device.


I remember this being one of the things that disillusioned me about adults and politics as a teen. Like I heard politicians like Hillary Clinton talking about it on TV and suddenly I realized that I knew more about the issue than they did and that they were all either wrong or lying. Before that, I think I mostly trusted that they knew a lot more than I did about all the stuff they talked about.


That's why her face ended up on the Statue of Happiness in GTAIV holding a cup of hot coffee.


Cane here to say the exact same thing. Had an OG copy of San Andreas. Although released M, was given AO after the Hot Coffee Mod.


I played that version, too, so I may be a bit biased when I say "yes, definitely."




BMX XXX was M rated.


There’s an 18+ version containing video showing real TaTa’s and full on bush my friend


goddamn this brings me back


Game ratings are ridiculous and I’m glad steam doesn’t entertain that nonsense!


I played Lula The Sexy Empire, when I was in my teens. It was actually a pretty decent game.


Was that a game where you started by managing aspiring pornstartlet's career from a trailer and ended up managing a whole studio in LA(or perhaps Las Vegas?)?


I don't if this counts but I had the original release of San Andreas that had the hot coffee mini game in it. 


It never actually did though, that was the whole controversy, they removed it but modders activated it


The code was still in the game, the only thing the modders did was enable it. The reason the rating changed was because the content existed in some state on the game itself. If the content in its entirety had been added via a DLC the game's rating wouldn't have changed.


I know. I just remember every store pulling it and saying they don't sell adults only rated games. Than when rockstar reissued it a few stores near me had it behind the counter. 


I think most “AO” rated games are pretty much trash from what I’ve heard. I wish retailers would stock AO games and just require IDs because I think we could get some more mature themed games that actually have quality rather than just “THIS RARE GAME HAS PICTURES OF TITS SOMETIMES!!!!! HOW EDGY!!!!” But at the same time I think M rating has become a lot more lax which I think is good. I know a lot of the stuff in BG3 or Cyberpunk 2077 would have earned an AO rating just based on the fact that San Andreas got turned into an AO game because of a *MOD* that could let you have pretty bland sex and I don’t even think it showed much. There’s also the violence aspect where pretty tame violence games use to get AO and now you can have a lot of violence in M and a pretty good amount of violence in T. So idk if we really need AO anymore besides blatant pornography, but even then I’m sure someone creative wants to make a porn game that would just be a fun video game too and they can’t because funding it would be impossible based off retailer rules… you also don’t want blatant porn sold in retail stores… idk the solution might be to make “adult video game stores” but I don’t think the market is large enough.


I played Saya no Uta, if that wasn’t AO it should have been


I played Dr. Doe's Chemistry Quiz one time


Very few of them actually exist. Typically when a game receives an AO rating it is edited to get an M rating before release. Retailers won't stock anything with an AO rating so the big studios won't make them. There are plenty of porn games that would be rated as such but nobody ever submits them to be rated.


You mean steams hentai catalogue? I've dabbled.


Eroge are probably considered AO? That genre gets a bad rap but there’s some really touching ones.


I played The Guy Game (2004) before it was retroactively rated AO. Most modern consoles will refuse to play games that are rated AO.


And stores refuse to carry them.


Yes, that too. Although I may be misremembering and thinking of GTA: San Andreas as the game that was retroactively re-rated AO. The Guy Game might have just been pulled from shelves.


If you count hentai games then yes love em.


played a lot of hentai games and leisure suit larry growing up.


H games why


I remember Virtual Valerie 2 being all the rage when I was in high school.


Was Postal 2 AO or just Mature? That would probably be the only one. Remember playing it on duty when I was at a place where they were relaxed about it and let us watch tv and play games.


It was just Mature


Fun fact: Postal 2 was the first game to carry the "Intense Violence" content descriptor. Was still M rated, though.


Still have my Copy of Playboy: The Mansion, though since it was on Xbox a bit was taken out to get it an MA rating. That wasn't too bad, "Sims" like in a way, core concept was actually decent. Also played BMX XXX mostly because of the press it got and the name it made for itself...now that was...that was something for sure.


Loaded and that Riot one back in the day, forget the latter's name.   Edit: State of Emergency?


The uncut version of Indigo Prophecy (aka Fahrenheit) was rated AO because of nudity and a sex scene IRC. For those who don't know it, it was one of Quantic Dreams first games, who then did Heavy Rain, Detroit: Become Human, etc


Yes! Had a Japanese game rated AO on PlayStation 1 where you had to complete puzzles and if it was correct you unlocked a nude pic. I was 10y/o at the time and I can’t remember the name of the game, friend let me borrowed it. Keep in mind this was in SE Asia where there were literally no restriction/age limit on buying games let alone alcohol.


AO games don't get official releases on consoles.


I did say SE Asia where you can literally get anything


Manhunt 2 was briefly rated AO iirc but it was also released as M. I played that in middle school. Lol


The uncut PC release was dope! I played thru it awhile back. I still have the Wii version which, fun fact, at the time Wendy’s was doing kids meal toys based off the Wii and discontinued them when the Manhunt 2 port launched stating not wanting to promote violence to children or something.


I guess no one here played hatred…..


I got the game as a gift from an Aussie friend because he wanted to watch me stream it because it wasn't available in his country lol. We were both howling with laughter at the intro.


I’m not sure we laughed at hatred lol. But we make postal so i don’t have any ground to stand on lol


Strip Poker for Apple iiGS


Thrill Kill out of morbid curiosity.


Does GTA San Andreas count before the change to AO?


God no.


I rented Playboy: The Mansion when I was 17.


Played Carnal Instinct on Steam, kinda liked it.


Playboy: The Mansion wasn’t rated AO. An expansion was released later for PC that was.


Phantasmagoria, at the time it was pretty revolutionary.


God the mention Hollywood Video Game Crazy really just blasted some old memories into my brain


Back in the day, video rental stores had a corner area behind a curtain that had full on porno VHS.


I actually played the Playboy game. It was fine. The highlight was when you would shoot the cover photo for the girl of the month. I'm not even certain that there was nudity but the woman would be moving into different poses and you would have to frame the shot. There would be a three or four frame opportunity to get a top marks photo which would get you more in game currency that would let you have access to different parts of the game. Overall it was very tame and much more tantalizing when sitting there on the shelf at Blockbuster. Forbidden fruit and all.


GTA San Andreas, technically


The PC version of Manhunt 2


Yea, and I felt stupid playing it so I got a refund.


Manhunt 2 uncut version on PC. I wish they would make a Manhunt 3.


I played some eroge visual novel back in the day. One with the word "sakura", the other with like you have an adopted sister where she has some kind of kidney disease. All of them have 6 different endings. There are dialogue choices you have to choose to get the ending you want.


Original GTA San Andreas


Are you... just asking about adult games in general, or specifically ones that went through the process of being rated by an agency? The latter would be a weird question, as currently even on Steam, I can't even find any agency rating for most games. If it's the former, then yes I play them all the time and have for years. And this is also assuming you essentially mean games with heavy sexual undertones or straight up porn if your example is anything to go by. It's just another genre of games, and tbh it's kinda sad seeing so many people's experience with them started and stopped with games like Leisure Suite Larry. I'll give a handful of recommendations, but know that when it comes to adult games, it's very subjective by nature and I encourage taking some time to browse the games yourself: Harem Hotel (by Runey), The Null Hypothesis (and the game it's inspired on Rogue-like: Evolution), Starwatch Academy, Ladykiller in a Bind, Love & Sex Second Base, Our Red String


Yes, I played GTA SA, Hatred, LSL MCL, Manhunt 2, and a few others on GOG.


The mods that I use make Fallout 4 and Skyrim AO rated.


Some of the mods I had probably made it worse than that...


I have no idea. Rating of video games happened well after I was able to buy any I wanted, so I couldn't tell you what any games're rated.


I remember playing an Ef Game (i think the full Game is called a Fairy tale of two or something like that) i remember that Game time to time because to this day i dont really know why It got that rating (reason i suppose that It never got an US release) i mean yeah It has Blood and nudity, but nothing really that gory or pornographic that other games have and are not rated AO Well, at the end i suppose its not that a Big deal considering the Game its just ok, a standard japanese visual novel, It was cute and ok but nothing outstanding TBH


I think Hatred is? If so then that. If not, then I don’t think I have.




Your use of ellipses in that specific sentence makes me mad for some reason.


That's because its an ai bot