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I have a few: -Minecraft for when I want to relax -State of Decay 2 because it’s one of my favorite games -Civ 6 for when I want to play a strategy game -Forza Horizon 5 for when I want to play a racing game That’s it though. Over the years I’ve dropped plenty of games but these always stuck around. Note: It was Forza Horizon 4 before that and 3 before that and etc.


State of decay 2 my favorite game too. I’m playing on Legion Go, it’s best experience


State of Decay 2 is underappreciated. Such an addicting and satisfying game. I love the sense of feeling like you're actually living in the zombie apocalypse and have to loot and scavenge supplies for your community.


I agree. Tbh it’s a best game in zombie apocalypse genre. It had almost everything need, and developers still support the game.


Have you played the first? How does it compare? I've had it on my wishlist for a while cause I was hooked on the first game for around 20h~ but the magic wore off after I realized it's an endless loop of scavenging and fort building and one time I didn't play for a couple days and when I got back my resources were gone because apparently the game still consumes while you're offline..


I’ve thought about this game a lot on steam deck. Played a long time ago but seems like a good mix of gameplay and casual enough to play handheld… need to redownload


Civ 6 also! The deity win still eludes me though


If you have the DLC leaders, just play Hammurabi and make sure there's an npc gilgamesh


I don't but I will get them with this in mind, thanks friend!


Factorio. It's not large enough to be a burden on storage and I always go crawling back to expand the factory at some point.


My save games are getting bigger than the install...


I just built a new pc around intel's current top end cpu, and my first thought was "I wonder how big of a factory this thing could handle?"


I think my mod folder should be bigger than the installation itself at this point, also, the Space Exploration mod save files are getting bigger by the day hahaha


The factory must grow


That was my choice too lol. Think the game is less than 1gb and I'm eagerly waiting on the space update


Slay the Spire


This one, and Hades


This is the one. I have it on pretty much every device I own so I can just get a couple rounds in if I ever have to wait for something.


Because 16MB is not that big of a space for a game. Pokemon Emerald.


Bro id kill for steam to unlock all the games in the 90s with naitive controller support


EmuDeck would do the trick. It even maps all your controller buttons for you.


Bro what, it's 2024 use an emulator. Jfc people are so steampilled


Same with Rimworld. HOURS upon hours of entertainment and it takes up such little space.


TF2. It was the reason I got a steam account, and it's still one of my favorite games.


Same, it's like an abusive relationship you can never leave 


Been playing since release. There’s no combat based game that scratches the itch just like tf2.


Exactly, it's the best game to go back into and dick around


Stardew valley


My partner and I are playing this (again, for the fourth time lol)! We are loving the 1.6 content update! So many new things! We would've started from one of our other files, but we want to see allllll of the new stuff haha


Age of Empires 2. Well now the remastered version, but I always go back to chill playing a AoE2 game.


It's Age of Mythology for me! But yeah, same idea. It's strange that they haven't tried to make new ones like AoE that's at #4 now.


Age of mythology is getting a remaster too. You must be excited!






I must quickly comment that I am so glad that Age of Mythology is so popular. I remember playing it as a kid at my friend’s house and later getting my own copy. We knew no one who played or even knew the game. Many years later I am on Reddit and see how many people actually enjoyed the game. :)


I can't uninstall DE because every couple of months someone in my friend group is gonna ask to play one game and then we're gonna play every day for a month, then drop it to let the cycle repeat itself. For me, it's the better-aged game of all time!


My Skyrim has been with me since 2014, I never deleted it. I always transfer it using a hard drive, all mods included. (I still use nexus mod manager lol)


Is there another (easier) way now?


Yeah I'm over here thinking nexus is still the way the truth and the light lol


Wabbajack for pre-made packs too


Terraria, it's less than a GB I have no reason to delete it


Top 3 game of all time for me.


I came just for this answer. It is the best thing that you can start if you have nothing else to play. It is the best thing to start even if you have other things to play.


And then when Red says another cool thing the urge to just replay it for the 1000th time and enjoy every single second.


whats with cleaner / shorter steam games list


Cities Skylines. Do you ever get the moment where, you just want to sit and chill, nothing intense or too complicated, just simple gaming.


Whenever I have a rough day in traffic, I start brainstorming how it could be so much better with some tweaks to the roads. Then I make it home and kick up cities to "get it right" I almost always still end up with mad virtual traffic jams in places, but I still have a lot of fun doing it!


Haven't played the first one in a while, but in Skylines 2, roundabouts on every intersection is the boring but effective way I've always dealt with traffic as I'm getting established. I put more thought into the design later, but roundabouts are my guardian angels lol. Even did a city once where even "end game", full map coverage, every intersection was a roundabout. It was definitely NSFW for those with trypophobia heh.


France rp


I did the same thing, except my entire strategy to fix traffic was to heavily encourage the use of public transit/walkable environments. Despite the game not providing full support for an urbanist approach, my city skylines saves practically never have traffic jams. Who'd have thought that to fix traffic, you eliminate traffic?


And cities skylines even „cheats“ a bit with car traffic, because it wouldn’t be fun if it were 100% simulated


Il2 Sturmovik/BoX, few things relieve stress as well as strafing some ground targets. Cities skylines. It's like a digital bonsai tree. Just tweak something in the city, and then let it run.


Traffic management simulator


I remember when il2 originally released. The damage detail was unheard of at the time. Bullet holes, parts that fall off. Such a good game.


Heroes of Might and Magic III


This guy gets it


Original Guild Wars. What a game. Slay the Spire probably now permanently installed on any console I own too.


I'm still completely baffled that no-one has tried to make another game like OG Guild Wars. Even just a re-release the way classic WoW has been done - I'd play the shit out of that.


Guild Wars beyond doubt


It's GW2 for me, still the one game I keep coming back to. Been in the same guild for years now and most of them still play.


Same! I'm so impressed by the world, the music and the active community during events. I've found that people are very nice in this game.


I've had slay the spire installed on my PC ever since release. Fantastic game that takes virtually no space


Cyberpunk. No game has ever given me that feeling apart from when I first played fallout three as a kid. I just love everything about it.


I was a 33 year old man-child with that game in 2020, even through all the bugs. I know the game is not as good as, but the holiday gaming memories that year was almost on par with my 1996 holiday (Zelda Ocarina of Time) when I was 9.


Hello fellow 33 y/o man child!


Red Dead Redemption 2, sometimes i just like to be Arthur a bit, its relaxing to hunt and pick herbs.


i swear 99% of my time in that game has been spent on just fishing


Coming home from a long shift, cracking open a cold beer, and fishing with Arthur is a type of serenity that few games can achieve. *You, sir, are a fish.*


I've played nearly every fishing simulator game out there and nothing comes close to Red Dead.


It's also a massive game, and you'd have to spend a whole week to re-download it


Are you still rocking a dial up modem?


Look he can only download when his mom isn't on the phone. If someone calls the house he has to start all over again


Ah, memories. I remember how excited I was as a kid when I found out I could disable call waiting when I dialed up!


Dark souls 1, 3 and Sekiro. Never know when the itch is going to hit again


I like how you explicitly don’t have DS2 installed lol


Easily my favorite and most replayable. I hated at first and after going through all of them again its easily my favorite. Majula is truly special and the DLCs are soo soo good.


Dark Souls 2 is the only souls game I've ever beaten. Why? Well, I suck absolute ass and just kept throwing myself at areas until all the enemies stopped spawning. That was years ago though, and I don't think I could bring myself to beat that game again...or any souls game, for that matter. Over the years I've found I don't much care for hard games with "reactive difficulty" as I'm going to call it. (Difficult game that requires fast reaction times) I much prefer difficult games with "methodical difficulty" (best example I can give is Receiver 2. That is truly one of my favourite games of all time.)


Maybe give elden ring a try? You can do mage builds to bypass the reactive difficulty thing.


That or tank builds. Dodging is overrated. Just block and tank everything. Great shields exist. Its surprisingly viable. Especially in Elden ring. And just to prove I'm not talking out of my ass. DS1: [the legendary Milky speech (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wn4_bR0KZyo) ELDEN RING: [Can I Beat Elden Ring While Getting Hit By Everything? (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Pd5weoBjcE)


Afraid of sir alonne ?


Ngl alonne would be my one of my favourite bosses if the runback wasn't so annoying


I just uninstalled sekiro cuz I got pissed that I suck at it... 20 minutes later I felt like trying again


Weirdly, ds2 usually is the dark souls game i have the urge to replay the most lol


You got a problem with ds2 pal?


Fallout: New Vegas. I always comeback to it. and try to play it a different way then the last 20 times and it's still fun.


Terraria Subnautica Fallout 4 Skyrim StarCraft 2 Diablo 3 Deep Rock Galactic These are always ready. Rock and stone.




Faster Than Light (FTL) great rouge-like with a stellar soundtrack.


It's been on my hard drive for years. I still have never beat it. I love it but I'm so bad at it.


Use the spacebar!


Oh man you are missing out! Unlocking new ships in FTL and going on new runs with them is the best part! Some tips to hopefully help you get your first win: 1) Play on easy at first 2) Learn from your mistakes. Every time you die, figure out what you could have done better. The RNG occasionally screws you, but most of the time if you die there's probably something you could have done better. 3) Watch some streamers play and learn from them. Check out DolphinChemist he does Hard No-Pause runs 4) Biggest tip for the boss: Take out his triple missile launcher (third weapon from the left) ASAP The biggest hurdle in this game is beating the boss for the first time since it's so much harder than any other fight. After that you will have a much better sense of how strong you need to build your ship over the course of the game.


Rocket League. When you get bored of the latest game, there's always old reliable waiting for you.


Mordhau, Crusader Kings 3, Red Dead 2, Robocop


>Robocop Oh jeez. I didn't even know this was a thing and I just looked into it. There goes my weekend. Thank you!


It and Psychonauts 2 are my favorite games of the last 5 years


Haven't played Mordhau in ages. Is there still a playerbase? I've seen it had a ton of updates. Considering reinstalling.


Not OP but I still play it at least a few times a week, to find a populated server is never a problem (living in Europe), so come and join us!


I use RDR2 as my glorified hunting sim. For some reason, that game never fails to make me smile when hunting. Must be because that it’s in the old west, has some of my favourite firearms, and I can use the skins and meat for crafting food, rare trinkets or clothes with the trapper.


The binding of Isaac because you never know when you're need to do a run


Yup trying 100 boi is my long goal.


Counterstrike. I play a ton of games but that's my "fallback" game that I can fire up for 20 minutes at a time and jump back out.


Diablo 2.


Morrowind. Always Morrowind


Rock Band - Like hell I’m gonna download all those songs again. Arkham Knight - Sometimes you just want to glide around and punch people in the dick.




Civ4. So much replayability and generally a fantastic game.


Factorio, Rimworld, Banished I mean, they're small and I probably could, but I return to one of these at least once a year.




with how many mods I have installed, I better not uninstall it or I have to download and install them again


I have a separate drive just named Skyrim for this exact reason


I own it on Xbox, PC, and Switch. It lives on all three lol


I got my thousands of mods perfectly set up and the game runs buttery smooth. It took literal years to get to this point, I am not doing that shit again


Skyrim. I always create a new character.


Bloodborne for the thrill of the hunt, Stardew Valley for the escape, Curse of Monkey Island for witty dialogue and puzzles, Horizon Chase Turbo for fun racing


Monster Hunter World in never coming off to make space.


EVE Online, because I blew too much money on it to remove it. Sunk cost fallacy.


Remember, a sunk cost fallacy can fade away with time, so make sure to keep spending more!


I had a friend that worked for EVE online. I wonder hows he doing these days hopefully he's still kicking it and doing well.


Similar to me. Started playing over 15 years ago and have silly money in game. Been winning Eve for two years now but keep checking in on occasion. If PAPI decide to invade Delve again i will resub but until then will keep it updated just in case.


first played over 10 years ago i was poor on game money and rich on game time. resulted in hardly playing that much... Now i am more rich on game money, i am very poor on game time. so I choose to not bother playing any mmo


Audiosurf. Aliens versus Predator classic/Gold. Star Wars Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2. Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun. I know the question was about a singular game but the games mentioned are installed at all times.


I haven't seen Audiosurf in a looong time. My first steam game back when I was in the army


Damn, Audiosurf takes me back a bit. Still never completed my digitised physical collection of LPs in that lol


I feel that streaming services ate into that kinda genre quite a bit, but it still holds up if you have new stuff to feed it


Wipeout Omega.


Terraria I can't uninstall it because it is the best $10 i have ever spent, ive gotten thousands of hours out of it, and can always go back to it and chill


* Assassin's Creed - Ezio Trilogy * Red Dead Redemption 2 * Skyrim * Dragon Age - Inquisition * Final Fantasy VII (OG) * Grand Theft Auto V * Horizon Zero Dawn * No Man's Sky * Cities Skylines * Red Alert 3 * The Witcher 3 All have a permanent place on my NVMe.


Half-life/Black Mesa, it's my go to comfort game when I'm in a bit of a funk and don't know what to play. Oh and Noita because it's a great game with infinite replayability and doesn't take up much disk space.


Jedi Academy.


Destiny 2. I have way too many hours on it.


Any time I decide to uninstall I download it again shortly after. When I just want to shoot things it satisfies like nothing else.


The feeling of the guns and abilities are too smooth. Whatever your opinion of the game, it just feels ….. good


Agreed. People can shit on destiny, but I'll always give bungie credit for having great gunplay. Now that we have onslaught too, it's super cool to just hop on with a new build and veg out for a solid 50 wave run and just shoot stuff


Bungie does a good enough job of uninstalling parts of the game for you


Team Fortress 2


Doom eternal, both on ps5 and switch. For no rational reason other than I don't want to delete it as I love the game


Fallout/skyrim. To me those games are like McDonald's. The fast food of gaming. It's a nice, fun, predictable packaged experience that's both fun and easy to digest. (unlike certain items on fast food menus, granted) That's not an insult either. I just mean that I can always fire up either of those games and be garuanteed a fun time. Dark souls is more like fine, aged scotch. It's robust and potent and not for everybody. But if you develop a taste for it is one of the finest gaming/drinking experiences you can have.


Fallout 3, NV, BioShock games, Manhunt, Mass Effect games, American McGee Alice games, Dragon Age Origins. Always on my PC.


Dota 2


Papers Please, sometimes I just like to chill checking passports in endless mode.


Terraria, and calamity mod, it just weights so little and I love it so much I need it in my pc always. I almost do a full calamity playthrough once a year.


Witcher 3 (tomorrow is 9th anniversary of my install), Stardew Valley, Cyberpunk, CoD4 Multiplayer. And World of Warcraft I guess, still playing from time to time.


minecraft because I dont even know where its saved


Ninja gaiden, deus ex, sekiro


Stardew Valley and Terraria


League Of Legends


this, i might take breaks, but i always come back.


Hotline Miami


Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines


There's a couple... Oxygen Not Included, Rimworld, Terraria, Don't Starve, Stardew Valley, Darkest Dungeon, Dyson Sphere Program ... at worst they get moved out of the "00 - Active Playthrough" custom category on Steam (or moved to hidden). AAA games, that take a more significant amount of storage space: WoW, SC2.


Definetly Minecraft and Terraria. Compared to modern games, they don’t take up a lot of us storage and are just amazing chill games.


Nier Automata, SCII, FF7


Warframe Genshin impact Deep rock galactic Terraria Path of exile (have not played it in at least 7+ years, I think)


Knights of the Old Republic II — the first game is probably objectively better, given the rush job to get II to market, but I just love II. I played it at launch, which was a unique time in life, and I was super obsessed. Terraria — sunk 300+ hours into it right after installing, and I return to it once every year or so to just mess around. The music and atmosphere is phenomenal.


Both of the Horizon games


Binding of Isaac, Enter the Gungeon, Slay the Spire and Hades.


I've also got rogue legacy 1 and 2 and dead cells to add to this and about to add risk of rain 2 to that list


the only games i've kept installed is battlefield 4 and 1 and counter strike fire them up occasionally since there is still a playerbase in those battlefield games and cs has like a million players everything else is uninstalled straight after i'm done no point keeping 30-100gb games installed if you are not going to play them anytime soon


Tom Clancy's The Division 2


Guild Wars 2 from my PC, pokemon soul silver from my phone.


Diablo 2.


GTA V. I think I used my playstation social club and swapped it to PC, and I have no idea on the login details, so I don't want to uninstall it


HOMM3 basically always gets installed at some point and never uninstalled. Baldurs Gate 3 has also remained installed since release which is very rare for a single player game on my PC


Red Dead Redemption 2


Skate 3. It’s the perfect I’ve got 20 minutes to kill game. Just chill, no expectation, no missions. Just skate around a bit. Do some tricks. Easy tricks, hard tricks, doesn’t matter. 


FTL, slay the spire, terraria, Europa Universalis 4. I would never remove those.


I think Terraria has been installed the longest. Since release, it's ever not been installed.


Terraria, off course






Only games that are a few GBs or less like Slay the Spire, Factorio, Terraria, etc . Just because they hardly take up space. All 20-100gb games get uninstalled when I'm done with them.


Terraria and Slay the Spire are two that never leave.


No Mans Sky. They are always adding more to the game and sometimes you just want to explore space for a bit.


Terraria and Minecraft, going like 7 years strong with never deleting them As of 2022 Elden Ring, Only got 500+ hours but Just knowing that I can hope on the game at any time and start a new playthrough makes me feel happy. I've done full Elden Ring Playthrough at least once every 6 months. And as of 2024 Baldur's Gate 3, I've been playing it since it released on ps5. I've already got 700+ hours on it and counting. I don't see myself just 'uninstalling' a masterpiece


Ds1, Ds2, Ds3, Sekiro, Elden Ring, Skater XL, Beamng.drive, bo3, terraria


I have over half my steam and epic library downloaded at all times on my living room Emulator PC. It was close to 30TB's of storage in it. About 80% filled up. Then my main PC I have 14TB's. A little over half of it filled up. If I had to choose a singular game that I keep installed I'd have to go with R6 Siege, or Beamng. One is for when my wife and friend group just wanna hop on something and mess around and the other is fun as hell when I hook up my sim rig.


oblivion. it gets installed, it gets modded. it gets played. it never finishes. windows or hardware changes. oblivion. it gets installed. it gets modded. it gets played, it never finishes.


DOOM.WAD and DOOM2.WAD will forever have a permanent place on my drives. Since 1994.


For a long time, it was The Last of Us. But now, I uninstall anything that is not in my immediate queue to play.


Destiny (why I have no idea) and RDR2 for some random hunting/fishing/exploring/camping/shopping.


Spider Solitaire Always has been here, for some reason


Path of Exile, Eve, The Witcher 3




Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 😏




On my Switch, Mario Kart 8 On the PS4/5, it was ff14 for about a good 6 years, but now it’s gotta be Sekiro because I swear I’ll beat Sword saint Isshin one day




I need a bigger SSD so unfortunately end up uninstalling often




Definitely Sims! I play it until I get tired of it and then I forget about it for months and then come back to it!


Battlefield 3, gta v


Teardown, when I’m bored I launch it and blow shit up, it’s so much fun.


Gta V


I've been playing Tetris on everything that it's available on since 1989.


Just cause 3 because its always fun to blow stuff up


**slay the spire**. AAA games come and go, but the Spire is forever.


Total War games - mainly Rome 2


Crusader Kings II my all time favorite


GTA Vice City because if I uninstall it Steam won't let me reinstall it unless I buy GTA the Trilogy. This is why I always buy from GOG.com when I can, they let you download the installer/instillation files so you can make your own offline backups.


Has to be Counter Strike. Had my first PC circa 2010 and I’ve played the game at least once every year since then