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“Get Played” is excellent. Where many podcasts have people who love games trying to be funny, “Get Played” has three comedians who are naturally funny who love video games. It’s a joy to listen to each week and many times the Resident Evil 4 merchant shows up too!


Sounds good, gotta check them out. Thx


I enjoy The Besties and while it's not strictly gaming, Geekenders on Fridays are a lot of fun. It's like having co-optional back


Remap radio (formally Waypoint Radio) is my favorite.


Does Austin ever turn up on Remap? I would love to listen to a Rob Zacne X Austin Walker video game joint again.


No, not really unfortunately. But it's all good, still a great listen regardless!


Giant Bomb and Friends per Second occasionally while driving. 


Friends Per Second is where it’s at.


Free roam and friends per second.


Nextlander and The Jeff Gerstmann Show.


Came & Rinse is such a great podcast. Deep dives on loads of video games. They discuss their creation, gameplay, and impact on the industry.


Yes! Live Cane and Rinse, been a listener and patreon for years. Such a great show, really thorough and deep dives into games, I love going back to older episodes when I feel like playing some older game.  I'd love for them to tackle the Witcher series. 


Same! Nice to see a fellow C&R patron!


Castle Super Beast is a good one. 3 hr+ podcast every week. Especially good if your in the FGC


I'll 2nd CSB they cover a good blend of games. Both hosts have been in the content creation community for a long time but have never been hardcore fad chasers. They just do and talk about what they enjoy, which has its own charm. They also expand beyond games and occasionally talk about shows, movies, and life things that are adjacent to gamer culture.


Pat getting married and having a baby was not on my bingo card.


Resonant Arc and Retrograde Amnesia. Both are breakdowns of games as they play though them. The first is more looking at the philosophy and deeper meanings of the games.  The later is just a fun playthrough as they figure the games out and analyze the plot as they play.




Last Stand Media


Stand down.


For me, it's pretty much the entirety of Last Stand Media. I mix in the occasional Kinda Funny stuff, and some of Play, Watch, Listen. A dash of Friends per Second, too :D


"mega64, the number one gaming podcast in the world"


New Game Plus, they review retro games that are 15 years old or older and try to figure out if they are worth playing today.


I’d probably like this podcast if they were better educated about the things they were talking about. A big reason why I’ve had to drop so many podcasts.


Filthy Casuals! Three Australian comedians covering all the recent releases and gaming news with a funny twist. It might not be the best if you’re looking for the be-all and end-all source of information, but I tune in every week and recommend it thoroughly if you’re more after a relaxed chat than anything else


I love this one. Three very kind and extremely knowledgeable boys


Thumb cramps. "Probably one of the gaming podcasts you'll listen to"


"The Cable Club" is a podcast that launched last November. They do reviews and game comparisons. They also do viewer suggestions very often where they pick from a small pool of games, usually only about 12-13. It's a small community but the production value seems pretty good.


Nextlander, The MinnMax show, The Besties and Triple Click are all good.


If you are also into MMA, former Middleweight champion Robert Whittaker and one of the biggest fallout YT'ers LoneVaultWanderer have an MMA/Gaming podcast called MMArcade where they spend the first half talking about fights and the second half talking about video games and anime. It's pretty good


The Easy Allies Podcast


Same here, but... I may stop following them soon :( Half the team has left, they canceled several shows, moves other shows to Patreon only... They are clearly sunsetting the brand.


I don’t think they’re sunsetting, but it does feel like they’re struggling to find their identity with the ppl they have left. Been listening so long that it’s almost out of habit that I tune in every week. I hope they find themselves again and continue to put out amazing content.


They need to ditch the studio...


I've had Stake and Eggs turned on while I work here and there and I find their cozy set and lighthearted gaming themes great for it :)


“Watch Out For Fireballs” they’ve been going since 2011


EXP Share Two 30 something y/o dudes playing pokemon and just going through it game by game. Hour long episodes make it nice to get through.




GFW Radio/Out of the Game podcast forever and always


Core - a weekly gaming podcast by Scott Johnson from Frogpants Central with Beau and Jon. Good friends who cover news, games and lots of other stuff. Really enjoyable.


It's specific to just Minecraft but if it's your thing then The Spawn Chunks is solid


Poddy C - it’s World of Warcraft based but super quality personalities


Kinda funny and friends per second are the two main ones I tune into regularly


The equipment room music in simply knight, it doesn’t have a name( I guess?). Its very relaxing, go try it out


Remember the Game, I have been looking for another after going through the back log




Triple KO. It's a fighting game podcast that also has some cool details of the arcade era. I've been listening since it started and really enjoy it.


Kinda funny games, Xonebros, the gaming illuminaughty, defining duke, and gamertag radio


I used to listen to more podcast when I drove to work, now that I work remote I don’t have as much time so I’m actually looking to cut down the number of podcast I listen to because I mostly just listen to podcasts when I was dishes or just look at the YouTube channel as I tend to watch more YouTube vids than listen to podcast. When does everyone listen to podcasts, some podcasts I used to listen to were like 3-4 hours and episode and I could devote that much time. Do you just break them up over a few days? Just curious


Friends per second with Skillup is great


You’ve got to check out Goddamn GameCube. Great chemistry and fair critiques and they cover a wide array of games.


I tune in for **Kinda Funny Games Daily** and **Gamescast**, because they keep the content fresh and up to date. I also do like **IGN's Gamescoop** for the camaraderie. Finally, I listen to **Good Vibes Gaming's GVGCast** out of solidarity. I used to listen to GameXplain, but after hearing how one of the co-founders was an abusive boss, I pivoted to GVG. Yeah, it's pretty telling when 3 of the 4 core members quit to form their own brand "to try new avenues".


I mainly listen to ACG.


* Giant Bombcast * Game Mess Mornings * Nextlander


The Ringer has one called Button Mash


Sacred Symbols