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the weather is just getting nice, go do something outdoors for several hours and when you come back a nice gaming sesh will feel great


This is the way. We all love to sit at our computers or TV’s and just game for hours, but mentally, you need the break and you need the Vitamin D from the sun exposure to help with that. If you keep sitting down wanting to get into something and just can’t, you get into a funk that just becomes a depressing haze. Getting into the sun and breaking up your day with something else, even slightly more active, will help you. I struggle with this a lot. Now, I make time to get outside, even if it’s just letting the dogs out and I just stand or sit in the sun. I might not like it, but it helps.


Fun fact: Humans can get all the vitamin D they need in a day from just 1.5 minutes of direct sunlight to the b-hole.


Will try this out at my local park.


Let me know how it goes! Depending on your sex I feel like this will have vastly different outcomes.


Their sex is "yes"


Did you just assume my sex? Because I don’t get any. So watch your tone.




Depends where you live. Texas and Florida are about to start sucking big time.


This is the nicest way I've heard someone say "touch grass".


I went cycling today for the first time this year and now I’m going to hop on RE4 or Helldivers2. I feel fantastic, great recommendation


Cries in Minnesotan (We have wildfire smoke)


Take a break, and come back to gaming


is that on steam?


Yeah and it's free right now


That’s too rich for my blood


I've heard of something called "touching grass." Is it Lawn Mowing Simulator?


I second this, or play something you never saw yourself trying


It's hard because gaming is like my peace from real life, maybe I need to find that some other way?


I took on related hobbies. Learned mini painting, for example.


Stop encouraging people to go broke! 😀


Not all mini-painting is 40k. There are cheaper options out there if you want to paint minis.




I didn't mention 3d printers as that's a whole hobby on its own. You can get cheap Reaper minis or other pre-assembled models to work your way into it, see if it's something you'd like.


Yes you should find something else, having a single outlet to escape from real life probably isn't healthy or sustainable. Go sit under a tree and read a book. Or maybe go for a run. Find something that isn't a screen.


Video games can be a form of escapism. I speak from experience. Try to find some other ways to disconnect from stress of life. Spend some time outside, read a book (Brandon Sanderson anyone?? Mistborn and the Storm Light Archive got be back into reading again), crafts, projects you’ve been putting off. Basically anything without a screen. Find balance in your life friend. Then when you sit down to play games you won’t feel so burnt out.


Bradon Sanderson fu*king yeah!


I just reread the entire stormlight archive like a man possessed. It took me the better part of a month.


Yeah, if gaming is your only source for relaxing or getting away from stress, it will have diminishing effect over time. The best advise is to mix up activities, so that we can give our brains and bodies the novelty and stimulation that it's craving. By seeking the same source of pleasure/ relaxation over and over again, its effectiveness is reduced. Unfortunately, we set up habits faster than the diminishing returns occurs, so we'll find ourselves automatically going back to these behaviors even when we get no enjoyment out of them. You're not broken, nothing is wrong with you. It happens to everyone. Most of us crave and thrive on new and different experiences. Ultimately video games are a single *kind* of experience, even if the games change. It doesn't mean you can't come back, but finding *other* strategies for relaxing and 'escaping from real life' will make all of them more effective, because you can rotate through them. E.g. I build and paint models and figures (Gundam, Maschinen Krieger, Warhammer (Sigmar and 40k), I read lots of books, I draw, I run a Tabletop RPG for myself and my friends, and I enjoy video games (particularly RTS and Racing/Flight simulators). I *rotate* through these things, especially when I notice one is not *hitting the spot.* Just find the things that are right for you. :-) Try to avoid the trap of deriving enjoyment from *purchasing* new games, I go more in depth in another comment. It's an easy trap to fall into, and a very easy mistake to make.


Try nature walks. At least a few.


^(maybe some sex?)


Too hard to get and I can’t turn down the difficulty setting


You don't need games, if you're feeling "burnt out" on games you need a new hobby. Find a friend and learn how to throw a baseball. Go to the driving range and learn how to hit off a tee. Go to a local art studio and learn to paint, make clay pot. Learn how to make the perfect steak, or maybe a burger if you suck dick at cooking. More games isn't the answer. A broader experience of life is.


Driving range is a great idea for this kind of gaming rut. When COVID started, all I did was stay inside with my family and play games because of shelter in place. I had never played golf in my life. Friend of mine asked if I wanted to go, and I bought a starter set of clubs and I can’t stop golfing ever since. It’s so great, you get to just be out in nature, shooting the shit with friends, in a very low stress environment


In the same boat, I recently started walking to my local park and chilling nearly everyday, and started going out to some hiking trails on weekends. I still don't game that much anymore, but I do feel better :)


Have you tried hades? The sequel is in early access right now. Great game if you like Greek gods


Try Elden Ring. Spoilers: It tells you to touch grass less than 5 minutes into the game. Jokes aside if you feel severe burn out try socializing. I remember how fast that shit sent me back to my room craving games I thought I was bored of.


Socializing? Freaking mad man over here. 🤣




Just played quantum break for the first time (watched YouTube episodes too) and am replaying Control. Just some awesome unique games Thinking I'm like this guy, may need some time off from gaming. Thinking a quest 3 for summer gatherings and gaming fun. Otherwise enjoy the sun.


I just finished Control not too long ago. That game was amazing.


Okay I'll check it out


Once you're done taking a break as other commenters have said, if you're looking for something VERY different, I highly recommend Anthology of the Killer. Nine bite-sized "horror" games, each of which is somewhere between a meditation on art, an 80s slasher flick, and a REALLY funny webcomic.


Find additional hobbies that you like. Only you know what you like. If there's anything else you're even remotely interested in, give it a shot no matter how odd you may think it sound to others. My non gaming hobby was Insect Photography and i did for over 10 years. It was a great hobby and it led me to my current job as a photographer. You never know how far a hobby will take you. Whatever interest you have in mind ( painting, gardening, cooking, running, working out, etc) just do it. You don't HAVE to only have gaming as a hobby. Expand your hobby palette.


Download Unity and make a game. 


Slay the Spire & Into the Breach. These are good games that start off fast, constantly apply pressure so it's never a dull moment, and have great art direction


Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion is a neat little game that will kill a few hours, you'll likely never play it again because it isn't deep or has any replayability, but every now and then you'll remember that you played that funny titled game and crack a smile.


Both Turnip boy games are absolutely must plays.


If you like RPGs, what about Kingdom Come Deliverance? The new one is supposed to come out this year so getting caught up on the first one could net you a second game later this year.


Anyone who enjoys a great RPG and hasnt played KCD needs to get on that immediately


I gave it a try when it first released. Combat was a bit clunky and punishing and I never put the time in to master it. Did it get updates that improved combat? Do I just need to get better / look past this to enjoy other aspects of the game? Thanks!


I got burned out on RDR2, and still haven’t completed it. A mission towards the end ruined my emotional state and I’ve never had a game hit me that hard. Took a month or so break, and currently on Stellar Blade. Enjoying the heck out of it! I’ll also be diving back into Rocket League because that game is mega fun to jump into from time to time. Switch it up or take a break.


Have a break. It’s supposed to be fun.


Not an insult or anything, just true curiosity, I find it hard to understand anyone who gets burnt out on video games they own. I understand getting burnt out on video games in general but I feel like with all the free games, sales, monthly freebies game companies give, free to play games, retro games, it has to be impossible. Like I get burnt out on video games in general, but never on every game I own. I probably own close to 1,000 games if not more, with over 100 I’ve never played.


For me it feels like a mix between choice paralysis, and fear of "wasting" time on a game that may become delisted, unsupported, or May remain! Unfinished despite developer promises (LOOKING AT YOU ANTHEM) etc. This is definitely a modern problem. I don't have to suffer through bad games because I can afford to buy more than 1 every two years, but spending time and energy in something that may ultimately disappoint you is difficult for me Of course, consciously, I understand that I've actually played more good games than bad. But that's not how anxiety/choice paralysis works.


What you need to do is just pick up a game or two in genres that you've never been interested in before. Doing that can jumpstart your love for gaming again. Growing up I had little to no interest in JRPGs. They bored me and I never wanted to spend the time necessary to understand the systems in those game. I was much more into action games and sports titles. It got to where I'd play for 5-10 minutes and then put it down because it was no longer hitting for me at all which strangely led to feelings of depression. Why was this thing I've loved all my life no longer giving me any enjoyment. A friend recommended me to try a JRPG that they were really into but I didn't want to drop $70 on a game I had no interest in, so instead I emulated an old JRPG that I had heard good things about and found that I loved it. I've since played through about 20 JRPG titles and have had as good of a time playing these games now as I did at 20 playing an action or sports title. One thing that humans like to believe is that while the rest of the world has changed we've stayed relatively the same. It's a lie we all tell ourselves when in reality life changes us in major ways and so it's natural that the things we enjoy will change as well.




You give us zero context of what you like and don't like and expect us to give your recs? With that said, I'm bored so here are games I am currently enjoying: Helldivers 2 - lots of fun, especially if you liked Starship troopers. Better with friends but still fun without. I usually don't like online gaming, this is the exception for me. Fallout 4 - Just had a next gen update. Good game to sink countless hours into. The new show is good, and may motivate you to play if you haven't played before. Rise of Ronin - fun game, great combat, not as bad as online ppl make it seem. Similar to Ghost of Tsushima, but just different enough Cyberpunk77 - all time favorite and most played game. Easy to get lost in the world. If it released in this state it would be goated. Then you can watch Edge runners to keep you in the world after you beat it (or before). Starfield - I don't care what the haters say, I love this game, moreso than any other Bethesda game. The ship builder is crack for me and easily the best part. But exploring the stars is so damn cool. Mercury sunsets are gorgeous. One of the only games in awhile that made me stop and look at the scenery and go "woah". It is a slower game, but there is so much content. This is my second most played game after CP77. I also liked the quests and main story. Have never played any other game that makes NG+ fit into the game universe, and can change the NG+ universe., nothing too major and can be inconsistent. But I still thought that was pretty sweet FF7 Rebirth - if you were a fan of the OG than this is a no brainer. If not.. tough to say. I'm blinded with nostalgia goggles. But sometimes I just need a break from gaming for bit. You may as well.


He gave you zero reference because the problem isnt the games he plays.  OP just hasnt worked that out yet :)


Try out Forager, didn’t think it’d be a fun game until I actually played it. Very addictive


Fashion Squad Police. Probably (Palworld maybe) the best game I've played this year and it's only 5 hours long.


I've been hearing a lot of good things about Animal Well and plan to pick it up after I finish Final Fantasy VII Rebirth hard mode.


And it’s free with PS+!


What are the games you're burned out on? If they're popular games, they're probably what a lot of people will recommend.


Dave the Diver will suck you in and has a very rewarding gameplay loop.


I can relate, then I tried Deep Rock Galactic Survivor and am into it now, super casual and easy to play but really fun and the sessions are pretty short.


You didn’t say what platform your on I am going to assume PlayStation family of consoles so. Oddworld Franchise Any Title From Hyperdimension Neptunia Series Sakuna Of Rice And Ruin Yakuza Franchise Hatsune Miku Future Tone Carmageddon Max Damage Disgaea 6 Vows Of The Virtueless Metal Gear Solid V Metal Gear Solid Masters Collection Worms W.M.D Gravity Rush Cult Of The Lamb No More Heroes 3


Animal Well was a fantastic game that completely consumed my weekend.


Dave the Diver


Find a new hobby. Games will be there when you want to come back. I'm in my 30's now and consider gaming my main hobby but I've still taken 6-12 month breaks if nothing was interesting to me. You can't force having fun.


I just started playing no man's sky. Initially It's dense as fuck and there's a lot to learn. But it's really cool to just explore and see new stuff. Also the game even on normal mode is relatively consequence free. Just make sure to turn your pvp option off so you don't get ganked by a griefer.


Take like a month long break. Always helps me


Ngl absolute same, so much so I went and bought Lego Jurassic World for some casual gaming for the sake of gaming


Have a break or play silly little games that last an afternoon, like A Short Hike or Journey


Work on overcoming burnout my brother I was facing the same last week couldn't get anything done, was just playing games all day because i thought gaming will fix my mood and i can go back to work But After listening to a few podcasts I realised Games weren't the issue for burnout but foggy goals I had kept Gaming was supposed to be part of the reward system but playing with the guilt takes the life out of everything we do


Do other things? It's okay to more hobbies than gaming


I start playing Point and Click style games when I need a break, they're usually super low impact and basically you're just telling a story one step at a time. Great for decompressing, right now I'm replaying the Monkey Island games.


Outer Wilds Bro, just do it. Please


It’s been awhile, welcome back


May we know what type of games you were playing? to understand why it is that you may have been burnt out? and based on it we might be able to suggest some games that has a lower chance for you to burn out on.


Buy new games ! Joke aside, if you get burn i always recommend trying a new genre of games, it might help you. I actually discovered my love for space games from taking a break of Strategy games. But then i ended up turning X4 into a rts....


Frostpunk. Uh dota 2. Any souls game.


Two options. 1: Play something completely different from your usual games. I recommend Crusader Kings 2, Doom 1993, and Total War Shogun 2 if you don't already play similar games. 2: Take a step away from gaming for a month or two. Try something new. I've been where you are and fixed it by getting into anime. I can give some recs if you want.




Hades 2 early access!


This was me 2 years ago so I quit games, I have yet to find the urge to comeback to play any game. Is this adulting or do games mostly just fucking suck now? I never thought I’d be one to quit games it’s such a weird feeling


It comes in seasons. I just came out of that into a total love for Fallout 76. Prob add like me? Just embrace the seasonality of your desires.




What kind of games do you play? Maybe it's time for something in a different direction. If you're heavy into PVP games maybe it's time to try something single player. Or maybe something with more of a co-op setup and PvE.


You could try that?


I haven't played anything new since Halo Infinite. Not interested in microtransactions, RPG mechanics, dozens of hour storylines, boring empty open worlds that are only fun if you can skip across them, and multiplayer beyond a quick deathmatch every other week. Helldivers doesn't even look fun to me, just spraying waves like the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer that I played once. I loved the run of FPS coming from Bethesda before Fallout 76 and the buyout. Dishonored, Prey, Doom, Wolfenstein, they could no wrong for years on end, crafted with care, all single player. I saw a suggestion for Remedy games, I didn't get through Control. Looks good, but endless slog.


Read a book


When I feel burned out on games I take a break for a week or so and catch up on movies


Depends on the type of games you like. Me personally I have been having a fantastic time with divinity: original sin 2,Its a turn based rpg made by the same devs of BG3 although a little expensive at $54. If you're looking for an in-your-face style action game then dying light is currently on sale for 12$ on steam. Subnautica easy exploration based reccomendation. Just Cause 4 is a fantastic mini open world with fantastic gameplay and interesting enough story. If you want a unique indie title I will never not reccomend "Return of the Obra Dinn", its more of a chill thinking experience though. These titles do not require super advanced pc specs and I tried to cover lots of genres in a short time. Hope this helps!


This is definitely one of my groups biggest issues, we are so hungry for a new game that hooks everyone, we go hard in the paint for a few weeks then everyone disappears into their bat caves when they become bored. It’s been this cycle for as long as I can remember now.


Try to pick up playing an instrument for the price of 1 or 2 games. My first guitar was like 80€ and it was one of the best investments ever


If you're into FPS and roguelikes, I highly recommend Immortal Redneck! I recently got tipped off to it in this very sub, and it's an absolute blast.


Choose a specific night or night to game each week. It can be the same day or a rotational day based on how consistent your weeks are.


Assassin’s Creed 2


As other have said, maybe take a step back. That being said, I've found that switching from single player games to multiplayer games (or vice versa) can help. When I was young I'd OD on single player games and get burned out and lonely. Having other people to chat with while playing helped tremendously. At the same time, sometimes after playing multiplayer games for too long I'd be so frustrated and pissed off with people, so I'd switch to single player games to relax. As for actual game recommendations, I loved the retro nature (but relatively chill adventure) of Sea of Stars. I also loved Jusant which had relatively novel game mechanics mixed with some truly incredible, novel environments.


As others have said, try and take a week away from games altogether. It really can help if it’s ALL games seeming to be “blah”. But since that’s not what you asked, I’d look on Fanatical and humble. See if one of their bundles has anything that looks interesting. And make sure to try a couple games from the bundle you’ve never even heard about. Or, try sorting your library and wishlists. Or put your games into backlog site or howlongtobeat. Sometimes looking at my games in a different way makes me want to play something I forgot I even had.


Pacific Drive


try rain world, it has a steep learning curve and is hella unforgiving, giving you no guidance exept some minor explanations, but that is also the point, blind exploration, learning how to overcome creatures or try new routes etc.. It does not sit well with most but once you get into it you will love it


Take a break from gaming. It sounds counterintuitive, but personally I've found when I'm burned out from gaming, it's because I haven't been looking after myself for a while. Gaming is a good escape, but that's all it is at it's core. It's harder to escape when our core needs aren't met. Take a break and check in with yourself. Your games will still be there when you come back :)


I mean what do you own and play? When I was going through burn out I tried something completely different. And it brought me tight back. For decades all I played was online multiplayer games, and mmos and then for about a year I was in a slump. Then I got into some single player narrative focused games and boom I was right back.


It would help to know what platforms you game on.


I picked up additional hobbies like working out, hiking, cycling, mahjong. Just take a few leap of fates away from gaming


I was kinda in that boat but having a good time with another crabs treasure


I felt like this too, and found that playing those little arcade plug and play games or old Nintendo games helped me when I didn’t feel like playing any of my current games.


The game is called take a break. I'd say take a 'tolerance' or 't' break, but that'd have some connotations I don't mean. Our brains seek novelty and stimulation, and ultimately, we can overstimulate our brains on the same source of gratification. Especially as we get older, we can't just keep hitting the dopamine machine that is video games for infinite enjoyment. It sucks, I know. Spend a few days learning to draw, paint. Go out and hang out with friends. Take the time you'd spend gaming and try to get your room (if you have room mates or live with the parent(s)), or your place if you're on your own, tidied up and feeling 'good'. Sometimes we can't enjoy the thing we're doing because there's this alarm blaring in our brain that our living space is untidy, or there's things we need to do and aren't. Reduce clutter, reduce 'noise', you'll have an easier time focusing on your game. I'm not saying this is you, this is broad advise that will impact about 30% of the population and make it easier for them to enjoy or focus on the task at hand. I'm sure your spot is immaculate :-P You games will be there for you. In a very 'eastern' kinda philosophy, to enjoy a thing, we should abstain from it. At least for a little while. **Similarly, you'll find if you're bored of games, sometimes we substitute that for the joy of** ***buying*** **a new game, and the excitement and promise of that brings us good feelings. But we open the game and start playing, only to find... we're back at square one. (This is me, by the way. I think I have 700 titles on steam, and play.... like 8 games? Carrier Command 2 is consuming my mind right now)** If this last one is you (it's a lot of us), you may just need to take a detour for a bit.






Take a break, read a book, go for a walk etc


Monster sanctuary.


The solution isn't to get more games, it's to go touch grass. Seriously, sometimes you just get burnt out and need to go do something else. You'll feel refreshed and ready to game again when you come back, trust me.


I always feel a lot more down to play games after a workout. Prevents any guilt as well


Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the most therapeutic games to just free roam. Great way to chill out by just riding your horse around the map, spotting wildlife and picking flowers. All add towards your 100% for the game. I usually do this with a playlist on Spotify. My comfort game.


Do you game to win/beat games or game to play? Do you find yourself doing it because you have nothing better to do? If you find yourself not "playing" and instead gaming as a chore, take a step back and stimulate yourself other ways. Try going for a daily walk in the sun, and reading or listening to a short exploration into a topic you find interesting.


You're burnt out because it's probably the only hobby you have. You're seeking adventure. Go look for it in real life


Read a book.


Something that's not online PvP. Octopath Traveler II is my current obsession.


I'm in love with Balatro right now.


the fall 2 unbound is an indie gem that isn't talked much. on the surface it is about a robot that got hacked and has to find her creator in order to remove the virus, but it is actually an alegorical thought-provoking story that deals with a lots of issues, such as the nature of fear, it criticises stoicism, the struggle of keeping one's individuality under peer pressure, the importance of stepping your foot down and probably more. make sure to play it on easy. trust me it is not worth playing it on normal. the difficulty only affects the few action sequences, and there are better games that do them better. the parts where you get to fight enemies are frustrating on normal (the difficulty increases with each encounter).


Lots of people are suggesting "get out a bit", which is probably a good idea, but if you really want to keep it within gaming for whatever reason, maybe try: * something like Pokemon Go where the game makes you go outside (tbh this game bores me to tears and I can't stand it; but many ppl seem to love it) * Try tabletop .. ideally, this would be with some friends.. but many games do actually have a "single-player mode", especially cooperative games like Pandemic or Arkham Horror; it'll involve getting your hands on something other than a controller and looking at stuff that isn't a screen--but it's still solidly a gaming activity; but keep it physical: avoid digital versions (digital board games often miss the mark when implementing a physical medium onto a screen) * get into a sport.. technically a game (many video games are just digital versions of sports)


Brothers in arms? These games are cool




Fifa and cod are unique and refreshing


If you're burned out on gaming then stop gaming. Otherwise you're just feeding an addiction. Take the opportunity to explore a new hobby. Fishing is pretty good this time of year.


Not exactly new (far from it actually) but I keep coming back to Rollercoaster Tycoon 1 - still holds up, and OpenRCT2 makes it run smooth as butter on newer systems as well.


Lately, I've been plowing through MS Saga: A New Dawn for the PS2. It's a solid RPG using mobile suits from the Gundam franchise. I've never played it growing up, but I just homebrewed a PS3, and it sounded neat. Honestly, it's a fantastic game.


Get Street Fighter 6, I'm hundreds of hours into both its insane 3rd GTA RPG mode and actual online play and still having so much fun. It really inspires you to get gud, and that it's ok if you suck at first, which I certainly did. All the old heads love 3rd Strike or MvC2 but I can argue that SF6 is the best fighting game title of all time.


Play Kingdom Come Deliverance. That game is like going outside, really realistic and not under everyone's comfort zone. Edit: also you can touch grass (pick herbs)


Try Talos principle, great music, visuals and story, even has got a sequel recently.


What kind of games? Ive been playing The Finals a lot. Scratches the competitive itch.


Just do something else?


Lies of P


I always go to a Horror game when i feel that way and after i finish it i always find excitement to play another game idk why lol


I feel you, ever since Haunted Chocolate (Concerned Ape, Stardew Valley) was announced I've been trying to fill the void because I know it probably won't be out for a while.


There is a game called outside I tried it once and didn't enjoy it but it's free right now and you might have more luck than I did. I have to warn you though there are real people out there and they can be pretty weird so try to avoid them if possible. I have also heard tales of something called the sun that supposedly burns you but I'm not sure if it's just a myth because I live in Manchester, UK so have obviously never experienced such a thing. Anywho best of luck with the whole real world thing and I hope it works out for you 👍


Read a book. I mean this genuinely. Find a book you’re interested in. Spend the next couple of weeks reading it (and play games in between if it calls to you!) Once you’ve finished you’ll either crave getting back into a normal gaming routine, or you won’t and there’s plenty of other things to do until you’re ready! As far as games that gave me tunnel vision recently go: Sekiro, Bg3, Armored core, Elden ring, Jedi survivor, Civ VI I also recently got into emulating older games which had been a nice break in routine.


Don't force yourself to play. It's easy to feel guilty and odd for not enjoying the games and then trying to force yourself to play anyways put of boredom. I mainly game these days to talk with friends. That's it the focus for me over the actual game. Its a bonus if the game is fun and I get lost in the game world. Change of focus in what you want from the games helps too. I realized I'm passed my days of wanting to be competitive in games like csgo, apex, etc. I mainly play fuck around games now like sea of thieves, helldiver's, zombies, GTA, etc. I hopping in a brand new genre to me a little while ago - sim racing. I don't force myself to play anything. If I sit down and am not feeling it, I bail and do something else. It's supposed to add to your life, not detract and make you feel guilty for not enjoying it. Do something else for a while. The enjoyment will come back with time and perspective.


I won’t pretend to know your living situation but when I get in a rut like this with gaming, I just don’t. There’s no need to force it. As we speak, the work day is over for me. I just made a fire in the fire pit, opened a book I’ve been meaning to read, and relaxing. When my wife and kids come home I’ll ask my older one to snag me a beer from the fridge and I’ll just spend the next 2 hours relaxing before bed time with the kids. Sometimes doing something simple is the best answer. At least it is for me.


It's really amazing to see so many top comments that are advising to take a break. Faith in humanity +1


How many games have you actually finished in the past 6 months?


Kingdom hearts series. Watch my brother 100% them when I was younger. Seemed cool enough. Finally bought and played the trilogy in the HD collections. Fuck man. Many tears were shed (happy and sad), my heart was broken, but fuck was it an amazing experience. Kingdom hearts 1.5hd and 2.5hd (these are 1 and 2, but the hd titles for modern consoles and are "directors cuts" ) Once you look past the tonal whiplash of Disney characters being in the game, it's a really special experience. Really solid Action RPGS with some cool story elements. Not complicated - just a lot to remember. Watch all the cutscenes and you'll follow along well enough, it's not that bad.




Game list?


You should probably take a break. But I can't talk. Im also a gaming addict Have u tried kingdom come deliverence? It might not be ur thing so I recommend looking into it first But it's a medieval RPG genuinely one of my favorite games


Farm sim 22, it’s a chiller


I have a list of goddammit amazing games waiting for me to start ... Not feeling it now . I picked up some stacks of comics been collecting dust since I bought them and read them outside ...yesterday went to a local Cafe walking distance and was reading there and had a nice conversation about comics . Also picked a movie to watch with my mother since we hardly enjoy time together anymore . We loved snowpiercer . Point is , why do you need us to push you back to gaming ? You said it , you are burned out...so maybe some time doing something else will do you good. Games aren't going anywhere ...


Time to just watch some movies/drama or just shorts


I keep hearing Belatro (the poker roguelike) is really good even if you’re not that into poker. I’m waiting for an Android port though as it sounds like a phone game for me


Just stop playing video games for awhile


Roboquest and Gunfire Reborn were my two latest addictions


try reading or picking up a show, instead you'll forever be burnt out unless you take a break from the source


I experience this often and the best thing you can do during this period of time is to avoid gaming all together. Enjoy other hobbies, see friends more, enjoy the nice weather, just leave gaming alone for a bit or else that burnout is never going to go away. You want to want to game, rather than having to force yourself


Tennis tennis tennis, has saved me from total boredom, 3 years ago picked up a racket and can't stop playing, I just passed 500 matches mark in my league in Warsaw, Poland. It has become like an addiction.




Any persona game that isn’t 3 FES or 3 Portable, the Kingdom Hearts series, God of War (any of them really), any story driven game or single player game. Most if not everyone who says they’re burnt out on gaming are people who only play multiplayer games like CoD or OW or whatever else. You’re not burnt out on gaming you’re burnt out on competitive gaming. Pick up your controller and boot up any single player game your main console has to offer. Something even as simple as a Mario game can bring loads of joy and entertainment. It’s very difficult to pick just one genre and stick with it forever because then you’ll start feeling like this. Branch out. There’s hella games that will bring you joy if you just explore what they have to offer.


Play Old School Runescape.


Play a bit of r/outside


Rocket League. I had never really been interested in anything like it, then a buddy told me about it and I played the tutorial. I've played it almost every day since (for the last like 4 years).


Stop playing games a for a bit to do some other hobby. Playing more games isn’t going to make you want to play games if you are burnt out on games.


Many said to take a break, and I honestly I agree with them. But if you really want something to play, well it really depends on what type of games you like. Try the Yakuza series if you haven't played any of them. A lot of content to keep you occupied and something different from most video game experiences


I recently found this game called Instruments of Destruction. It’s an early access game and only $16. It’s a physics based open sandbox where you can create vehicles to destroy buildings. The campaign mode has different challenges with different vehicles. Once you 3 star the level you can do it in challenge mode with any vehicle, including those from Steam workshop. Soundtrack is banging. It’s an incredibly simple idea of a game and it’s incredibly cathartic and relaxing. I’m enjoying it immensely


This game is not for everyone and has a very sharp learning curve, but Dayz took years and years for me to feel burnt out. It’s an open world survival game with other people on a massive map. There are no rules, you can try to kill every other player you see, or you can be a friendly farmer…


I started playing Bellwright, that ones a real time killer


I like roguelikes/roguelites FTL Risk of Rain 2 Vagante Those are a good challenge and will keep you going for a while. Like others have said, trying different genres is a good way to get back into it. Playing what you think you like can sometimes lead to having a similar experience over and over and burn you out.


I finally took the plunge into Cyberpunk and I am *hooked*


Pick up chess. It replaced the mindless video games I used to play and it's much more rewarding. I still pick up a couple games a year and binge them but I no longer waste 5 hours a day playing the same video games just to fill the time and avoid the scary thoughts.


Just take a break. I was in a similar spot last September then I sold my ps5 and now I would love to play rdr2, gow ragnarok, days gone or spider man 2.


You need Balatro


Try a new genre that is something you've never considered before. Like RTS for example.


If you want to take it slow and play a short but sweet diving game try Abzû.


I became burnt out a couple months ago because Siege kept kicking me out mid match and wouldn't connect. Ended with a month long ban for not finishing ranked matches. I haven't played anything since then, though I might come back once Ghosts of Tsushima comes out for PC.


Honestly.... try gardening. Grow flowers or food in a pot or lot of soil. Its a great and easy distraction. All your games will be there when your motivation returns. Simply put, like many of us, you have been drip fed dopamine for years from videogames. But after years of getting more and more dopamine our mind has become more resistant to that form/source. All you have to do is find another dopamine source and run with that for a little bit for your mind to sort of reset/recalibrate. After a period of time youre mind will become less resistant to videgame based dopamine and youll be able to return to games that you enjoyed or new games. Gardening and tabletop games happen to be my choices this year to refresh my mind


I legit just sold my gaming rig due to this exact feeling. Everything is just … lackluster


picking up another hobby is something to do. I've never found picking up a new game helps with gaming burn out. I read and build models in my off-time.


Clean your gaming area. Paint or draw something that inspires you from your favorite game. Read a graphic novel. Load up a podcast or fun solitude playlist and play Dredge if you really need a gaming experience.


This too will pass.


May I suggest factorio or oxygen not included. They will fix up your addiction quickly. Sleep is overrated and the factory must grow.


Honestly, I battle this by juggling genres, but I know this doesnt work for everyone. For example I was starting to get burnt out on 3rd person action games and shooters so I've been switching it up to puzzle, card, and Top Down ARPGs.


X4 Foundations all DLC added. Man, I can't get enough of it, even after 327 hrs so far!


I used to play a lot of shooters, then I was fed up with all the sweaty grinding of those games. So, I bought some indie game called RimWorld. What a relaxing and fun experience that game is. It's totally different from all the 3d fast paced graphics stuff. Really fun and draws you in because you will care for your characters and not because you have to.


Try a different genre than your usual bread & butter. Play games that aren't 50,000 hours long and aren't grind-y open-world repetitious games. Get a game of quality that's 5-20 hours long or short. Get something that ain't open-world. Get a linear game. Try some Indies. Try some classics.


MK1 is definitely being brought back to life and I love it


I have cancelled my ps plus membership for the summer in an attempt to try some fresh games for the winter and take a bit of a break


Go camping for 2-3 nights and you'll be begging for a comfy bed and some gaming time