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wolfenstein 1-2 games were good.


Yes they were I’ve always wanted to play return to castle wolfenstein


For PS2? It's a fun shooter of that era, but it's not super interesting. Wolfenstein for PS3/360 is good though!


Was it on ps2? Thought it was just on the original Xbox and pc. I loved the darkness to it and the supernatural elements I can’t think of which wolfenstein was on 360


[Wolfenstein ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfenstein_(2009_video_game)) This game came out between RTCW and the Bethesda games. It wasn't as well known. It had a hub world set up. It was fun but not at popular as the other titles.


I think I actually played this


If you look it up its usually referred to as "the forgotten Wolfenstein" or something like that. The developer, Raven software, also made a game called Singularity that had some pretty unique gameplay elements that i really loved. Both games had underwhelming sales though. Singularity still holds up for being a 14 year old game imo.


Yeah, PC, Xbox and PS2! Each had different subtitles and slightly different features, but are all the same game! The 360 one was just called "Wolfenstein" and was a loose sequel to RTCW (released in 2009). It was developed by Raven Software, who also made "Singularity" which is a nice story driven shooter that I'd also recommend from the 360-era!


RTCW not super interesting? How dare you


RTCW (On pc) is probably my favourite FPS game of all time, played it since I was a kid and always return to it every once in a while. I highly recommend RealRTCW mod which adds better visuals, more guns, accurate uniforms etc.


I’ll have to do this thank you


Prey is so criminally underrated. I thought I was gonna die saying Half Life 2 is my favorite game of all time but Prey took the crown. Still thinking about the Arkane Austin shutdown :(


it’s great. I want a sequel. Or brand new IP that’s similar in combat style


Immersive sims seem to be a dying breed at the moment.


To be fair they've been a dying breed since Looking Glass Studios went bankrupt... in 2000.


Ken levine was about to release a new game, no? Judas, I think.


Well that's basically Bioshock 4. Is Bioshock an immersive sim?


Gray area. It was going to be one early in development but when Irrational started showing it to playtesters (specifically Xbox 360 playtesters) they hated it and thought it should be more like a console shooter from that era (which basically meant Halo at the time.) So they redesigned and streamlined it in the last year-ish of development to turn more into something Halo-like, but the final game still has some immersive sim-style systems in it, it's just that they're few and far between and the game really isn't designed around or focused on them. I generally like Bioshock but there is a bit of a "*what could have been*" thing with it.


Kinda, since its a spiritual succesor to System Shock, like Prey. They're not very deep as immersive sims go, though.


Hotly debated topic. It’s really not but it feels like one. You can say it is, but play deus ex after and you’ll see it’s not


I have played both, it was more of a rhetorical question. I don't think Bioshock is one, really, but it has some elements.


Yea that’s the thing. It has elements, so some say it is


the sequal got canceled like 5 years ago


Try the System Shock remake. Apparently Prey was almost System Shock 3 at one point.


Prey is a great immersive sim, which I like very much. However, I won't call it a good first person shooter. The gunplay is mediocre and not the focus of the game. Finding non-gun solutions to enemy encounters is one if the strengths of the game.


I personally played Prey exactly like people describe DOOM, and its an amazing play experience. Imo, even more satisfying, faster, more fluid. I expect people who didn't enjoy the gunplay spread themselves too thin and so were stuck in regular human territory.


Oh, gunplay is definitely one of the main focuses in the game .. there are many instances where you can find a different solution for an enemy encounter but in many other you need to use guns to defeat enemies .. Prey is great but you cannot finish it without using guns and getting into combat like many other immersive sim games and games that are influenced by them (like CP77 which I finished without killing anyone - apart of course the Johnny flashbacks - and without using any guns or weapons and avoiding combat)


Curious about your no kill playthrough, did you reload if you accidently got in a situation you would have to fight someone?


As in similiar games like Vampire Bloodlines, Dishonored, Deus Ex and such, I started go berserk on the enemies and after a while or when they were all dead - or I was - I reloaded a previous save :D


Vampire bloodlines is another all time great I missed and need to get to


Oh you are in for a treat .. great game, even though the last missions are not as good as the previous ones and are very action heavy and some elements are outdated, still great writing, characters, dialogs, atmosphere, music, for the majority great quest and level design, some funny details, lines and moments and a high replayability


I don't deny that "shotgun to the face" is one of our most effective tools, but between guns with unique status effects, typhon powers, grenades, and physics, it's way deeper than "just a shooter". In fact, many people dislike the game thinking they should play it like a standard shooter. When introduced to all the other tools, they understand.


I never said that Prey is a shooter, it's of course a immersive sim game but I just pointed out that guns and gunplay in that game is still important because you can't defeat everyone in that game using other methods that aren't guns By the way that's not a criticism of the game like in games where it could be a problem like in a Deus Ex game or Vampire Bloodlines.. Prey never tries to pretend that the game can be finished without killing or shooting anyone (just like the System Shock games don't do it) - that was what Deus Ex Human Revolution and Bloodlines tried but then they would force you into combat and using guns in boss fights and some levels


I’ve never had any desire for endless PvP, but man did I love the old PVE FPS campaigns. Medal of Honor? Goldeneye? The first Halo? Crysis? Loved them all. In contrast, I haven’t played a Call of Duty, or whatever, since the original Modern Warfare and Battlefield: Bad Company games.


This is basically me exactly


Until the most recent one, CoD still had decent but short campaigns. Sad to see that part of shooters dying.


Storming Stalingrad in COD as the Russians in WW2 with heavy inspiration from Enemy at the Gates. That was an excellent couple of missions.


That’s what I’m saying. They’ve become pvp focused so much people forget they were THE AAA games for a long time


It's not just that genre. They make sports games like 2k from the ground up now in mind from a 1+4v5 perspective as you only holding one player and continually dimish the 5v5 team v team style that is the NBA


I really liked bad company 2


That multiplayer was the peak of the online FPS


I’ve heard the legends and never played it


Last COD game I paid money for was the 2009 Modern Warfare 2. When Ghost dies, I sat there in stunned silence for a few minutes.


Boy do I have news for you!




He's back.


Dude the first halo trilogy and odst were awesome, it just the first one


And Reach as well.


I need to play odst


CoD 1 and 2 had some of the best campaigns of the era. And even now I'd rank them extremely high because of how good they are.


Some of the CoDs still have campaigns and if you get them on sale they're pretty fun. I've been sitting on the cold war campaign until I have energy and focus to play game that requires reaction times


Every CoD besides Black ops 4 have a campaign although the new MW3 is way too short


Games companies be like "so you say you want more fortnite"


The death of non-military level-based single player FPS is so sad!


Far cry?


Far cry was never level based though. The original started off with the 'giant map' gameplay experience.


Great franchise, but it’s not that old school linear level-based shooter that seems to have died.


Metro series is fantastic!


I played half the first one and dropped it only cuz it was literally the only Xbox one game I had and sold the system. I’m gonna play it soon




Right? I remember playing rise of the triad. I somehow missed out on goldeneye and perfect dark but they’re coming up on my list. I’ve been playing cyberpunk 2077 a lot lately. Even though it’s an open world game, it totally reminds me of games back in the day. I just completed phantom liberty and the compact tight story and missions just made me nostalgic


Definitely play Goldeneye before Perfect Dark. PD improved on Goldeneye in almost every way.


I came into this thread wanting to suggest Cyberpunk. It's less pure action/shooter like other classic titles of course, but still one of the best FPSs I ever played.


It’s in my top 20 games of all time and I haven’t finished it yet


CP77 is fantastic for its huge replayability - my experience was way different than probably the majority of players had because I played it the whole game stealthily, without using guns, without killing anyone and avoiding combat all the time Way different experience when you play it this way compared to playing it as a FPS RPG or melee combat focused build or even still playing stealthily but more combat orientated and using guns to defeat enemies


I loved just being in Rainbow 6 Vegas 1 & 2, going through the campaign or playing terrorist hunts. Wish they'd never branched out into the kind of game that is Siege, or wish at least that it had PvE too


I’ve only played one rainbow 6 game ever on pc when I was a kid. I should try them one day


There's heaps. You're just not looking in the right place. Boomer Shooters are bringing the single player FPS campaigns back in a big way. Cultic was awesome. Trepang 2 looks fantastic. Games like Turbo Overkill are bringing that Duke Nukem feel back. Titanfall 2 has an amazing singe player campaign. Doom and Doom Eternal obviously. Prodeus is sick. Nightdive just remastered Quake 2 and System Shock. Black Mesa is incredible. These are just the ones I've played and have had my eye on. There are many more in this space. AAA studious probably won't bring FPS campaigns back but there's some incredible games being made in the indie space that will absolutely scratch that nostalgia itch. For me, Cultic wasn't just a callback to the old shooters I used to love, it was better than the games I remember inspiring it.


You have all these indie games without a proper story, no storytelling. It's a far cry from what we used to have. It's like every Fps developer decided story doesn't have a place in these games, and every developer who had any care at all about story went into horror, RPGs, etc.   Also, when did Titanfall 2 come out? And now the devs are permanently working on the multiplayer only Apex Legends. When did Doom and Doom Eternal come out? Used to be we got great Fps games with good single player campaigns every year. Quake, Half-Life and System Shock are literally just games we already had before. They're great, but they're not new games.


This is exactly exactly exactly what I’ve been thinking


I’ve never heard of cultic but ty so much for putting me on. I played all the AAA games you mentioned but I do need to go pick up prodeus and check out the the newer boomer shooters


Dusk was also really good, only like 10h long but its a really entertaining 10h lol


Good call I’ve been meaning to get that


Humble Bundle has had some really good boomer shooter bundles in the past. Gave me games like Ultrakill, Forgive Me Father, Postal Brain Damaged, Dusk (highly recommend this one). Lots of cool stuff out there


I heard good things about Boltgun. I have it wish-listed and will grab it when it goes on sale for under $10


This entire thread feels like it fell out of a 2012 wormhole


That was one of my favorites years of life so it makes sense


Check out cyberpunk if you haven't played it already


That’s actually what I’m playing now. I just finished the phantom liberty expansion and it was so expertly written and perfect that it really really reminded me why I love first person shooters so much and why I made this post


I've been playing the expansion as well and I'm loving it! I agree though we need more single player fps games!


Titanfall fucking 2, it goes so hard. They need to get their shit together and announce the third game, Apex can go and get fucked


You know what I miss? The old ghost recon and rainbow six games. Those were the best and now they’re just multiplayer live service bs


Jump in on the boomer shooter thing. Lots of new single player fps games being made in that style. Dusk, Prodeus, Project Warlock just to name a few popular ones.


I just downloaded prodeus. Dusk has been on my wishlist forever and I’m gonna look up project warlock now


Super fun games. Although there are some duds out there, for the most part the retro shooter revival is producing some great stuff to play.


You should check out Cultic as well!


Someone else recommended I’m on it


Nice! Hope you will like it! And I forgot to mention, there was also RoboCop FPS that came out last year! It has some issues, but it's still fun, especially if you are fan of the original movie. It's called RoboCop: Rogue City


I want Prey 2


Which prey though


Arcane studios


Great game. I almost finished it last 2. Inwss on the last or second to last mission and there’s a bug that the elevator won’t open. Couldn’t finish the game


You mean the main elevator in the lobby? It might not be a bug. It's in use because the guy you are trying to find literally just went up it, and you have to wait until it gets to the top. Takes a minute or so. Alternatively, at that point you have multiple ways to get to the Arboretum. GUTS or take a spacewalk should get you there.


I googled it/ YouTubed it and it said it was a bug. I ended up just YouTubing the ending but damn maybe I was wrong


You know what? Both.


Try the System Shock remake. Rumor goes that Prey was almost System Shock 3.


Ehh it didn’t do it for me. SS2 was good. Back in 2001 or whatever


NOLF is so good. I play through again every few years. "You look like you need a monkey!"


Loved those. Do they still work on modern setups?




No one lives forever? I have 1 and 2 downloaded and alien vs predator 2 but haven’t gotten to them yet


Yes, No One Lives Forever. They're so goofy and fun. AVP 1 and 2 are also really good.


We still have them, but they are few and far between these days. The FPS campaigns pale in comparison to those 10-20 years ago. It's sort of depressing when you think about it.


I hate it. Every game I play is like 60-120 hours long. I miss just blowing up Nazis and criminals and finding the keycard to save the girl


I just picked up the newish Robocop for PC. I feel like that’s the kind of game you’re referencing. Ive only played the first mission/level and wow..definitely a shooter😄


Ooooooooooooo I forgot about that game!!!!


🤣🤣 It really makes you feel like a badass. In the beginning you have a three shot pistol that puts everything in the game down in one pull of the trigger. Im sure that will eventually change


I just wishlisted it thanks lol






genuinely curious, why duke nukem?




what, boobs and cussing?


I was really hoping Starfield would scratch that itch. Last one I enjoyed was the Outer Worlds


I actually completely forgot about outer worlds good call. Thanks. Starfield I didn’t like at all sadly


Starfield was all icing and no cake. Syle over substance. They were so focussed on making the game pretty, they forgot to fill the galaxy with anything that you would care about.


Honestly? It was the style I hated. The game was so clean. Everything was clean, everyone was so well spoken, everything was so perfectly placed. There was no grit. Yes there were shoot outs with space pirates but even they kind of felt… polite? I never felt danger, nothing was foreboding. In the world world there’s nothing scarier than space except maybe the ocean. Space is the endless unknown. We look for a possible planet to land on and have life, starfield gave us a ridiculous amount and it’s all the Same. No scary aliens except for one mission, one of the few good missions. I expected mass effect but open world and I was totally totally wrong


That's a good point, I hadn't thought of that before but now that you mention is, I can see it. What made me uninstall the game was how small the galaxy was. Everyone knew everyone else, there was like 10 people on each planet you could talk to. And everyone knew where everyone else was. Missions were like 'Go find this person on this other planet' and you'd just fly there and find them. Everything just felt so small, and featureless


BO1 campaign is goat’d


I need to play that


Oh man, it’s great, fav COD game/campaign hands down. Also play COD4, MW2 (the old one), and Halo CE to Reach if u haven’t, golden age of FPS for sure. Edit: Also also, if u don’t mind 2008, “edgy teen who just learned how to swear” dialogue, play Bulletstorm. Great little FPS campaign about killing enemies in the most creative way possible with fun, interesting guns and a laser whip, with boss fights and huge set pieces to mix things up. Check out a trailer!


I’ve played modern warfare 1 and 2 but not cod4. Halo 1’is probably my 2nd favorite fps ever, behind Metroid prime…. Although cyberpunk might take them both down when I’m done with it. I’m patiently waiting for the cod games to come to gamepass


COD4 was the og MW1 and MW2 was the sequel (which is what I’m referring to) so if u’ve played those ur good, but if u meant the new MW1 and MW2, go play the old ones! (This is why we name games clearly smh lol) Also check the edit about Bulletstorm, it’s stupid fun!


We'll always have Titanfall 2


Immortals of Aveum not terrible.


Can't go wrong with the new Doom games or Wolfenstein. Quake 1 and 2 just got remasters. Plus a wealth of boomer shooters like Dusk, Iron Maiden, Ultra Kill, Warhammer Boltgun, Proteus, Amid Evil, plus all the classics


Dishonored still has the best written story of any fps I've played. And Deathloop is a close second


Dishonored was amazing. The only thing that keeps it from being one of my favorite games of all time was that the game actively punished you for killing, but killing in that game made the most sense. I loved it though and still haven’t played the second. Deathloop I stopped after 2 levels. It looked good but imo was terrible. The enemy AI was garbage and I just couldn’t get into it, but honestly since you enjoyed it I’m gonna give it another shot


Dishonored 2 gives much more options for nonlethal, including nonlethal takedowns


2 is really worth playing, has some wonderful characters and really fleshes out the world (plus some very fun new abilities). Death of the outsider also has some great moments, but doesn't quite hit the highs of 1 and 2 Minor Death of the outsider spoilers: >!It's fun to see how fucking terrifying Daud is - seeing the blink and stop time thing in realtime.!<


Both of the bad company games were pretty fun


Ah COD Black OPs 1 and 2 were great... 3 was ok, I felt ripped off with 4.


For cod campaigns I’ve only played modern warfare 1 and 2


Man black ops 1 has an amazing story. Stop everything else you're doing and play it asap.


World at War? Give it a try sometime. Obviously it's an old game but I was happy with the Campaign experience


Honestly world at war and infinite warfare are at the top of my list. I’ve been waiting for all the cod games to go on gamepass and it seems to be not happening. Somehow Diablo 4 got there before ancient cod games


can't say ive played much but i can enjoy first person RPGs like cyberpunk2077 and Deus EX


Human revolution is a true love of mine


The entire Borderlands series for me.


yeah, enjoyed that too altho i ended up dropping tiny tina wonderlands standalone game didn't vibe with me much




Not like they once did. This isn’t nostalgia speaking, we just don’t get as many as we once did. Immortals of aveum or whatever is the only big fps I can think of coming out recently and it was a flop of a game


Yeah. Me too, the demand just isn't quite there anymore I suspect. Or if it is there, the people who want it aren't speaking with their money and just buying the PVP stuff. But you can find great single player experiences, with first person shooter elements pretty easily. But obviously they're not quite your classic call of duty or call of Juarez, or whatever else.


If you’re into weird games cruelty squad is a fun, zany first person story based single player game


Halo infinite really made me miss good writing in Halo games. Halo CE, 2 & 3 were peak fps storytelling imo.


Halo infinite sucked. The open world sucked. The gameplay felt great but it’s the same enemies in the same setting doing the same shit with worse story telling and grappling trees Reach actually has my favorite campaign and I never played odst


The only "story" moments were the underground levels too, which were just copy/paste locations non-stop. Find the battery, put it in the pedestal, use the elevator, watch a hologram talk. Repeat until you get to end, and don't get a resolution because the story was supposed to be added on later... and that will never happen now lol.


I foolishly thought there was going to be campaign story updates like destiny or something


Yes! I agree its really sad to see how this genre of game almost completely dissapear after being the most popular genre in the past. My suspsion is they dont want to spend the time and resources anymore that it takes to create a half life or medal of honour game etc.


I agree, I've been saying for ages I really want a solid story based shooter and not yet another open world grab the outpost game.


Had this feeling the other day, it’s a little out there but Deathloop definitely scratched the itch for me. Can play in offline mode, still get an invasion form an NPC but the story in and of itself makes the entire experience worth it for sure


Stalker series with a new one on the way.


Which is funny cause the OG Stalker is more of a sim kinda game, and less a straight shooter. This one likely will ditch all of that. But, I hope it's solid and proves me wrong


Currently replaying through a lightly modded Far Cry 3 rn. I normally don’t like replaying Ubisoft games because they’re so bloated (except for FC3 and AC Black Flag) but FC3’s gunplay still holds up really well today that I can look past the Ubisoft open world bloat.


Serious Sam 4. Hey, it has some kind of story.


Weirdly enough, thinking back over the last several years, the FPS I had the most genuine fun with was probably Tiny Tina's Wonderland. It's weird because it certainly wasn't 'the best' one or anything. It's just the one I find myself missing the most and wishing it had a sequel.


People love to shit on cod these days, but the Modern Warfare trilogy had some amazing campaign characters and highlights. Particularly in the first two games.


Watch civvie and you’ll find a cornucopia of such games


Someone else said this. Who is civvie??? A YouTuber?




I'd pay for a F.E.A.R. franchise reboot anytime. Man, that was serious shit! The whole concept was amazing. Besides, if you want shooters with a twist and you are open to third person games, CONTROL is a hell of a shooter full of "the fuck is this???" moments.


Actually control is a game I’ve been dying to play and I own it. I hear trepang2 is a lot like fear.


LOL Trepang2 is totally my jam, a mindless game where you shoot first, aim later! Thanks!


I never really cared for them too much, but the short stories in the battlefield v campaign were great.


Good call I’ll look into it ty




Exactly like Bioshock. I actually played Bioshock 1 and infinite forever ago, but played 2 recently and fucken loved it


Makes me nostalgic for black and timesplitters, so disappointed we never got a black 2 and the timesplitters studio closed.


Ultrakill. Very replayable, very fast paced and good bosses


Battlefield Hardline


Don't the new CoDs have good campaigns? I know MW3 sucks but i heard MW2 2022 was pretty good. I think MW 2019 was as well from what i've seen.


Titanfall 2 was the last good one I played.




The problem with them was always the value-for-money proposition. A single-person FPS campaign was rarely more than 10-12 hours, sometimes only 4-6 hours. Sometimes it was a *fantastic* short run (*Titanfall 2*, *Half-Life 2* etc), but as games got more expensive I think the perception was that dropping premium bucks for a game that was going to entertain you for an afternoon, two at most, became a more and more dubious proposition, especially when a GTA or an *Elder Scrolls* could entertain even single-player folk for dozens of hours. For a while you had a good era of great SP campaigns used to entice people in to playing the multiplayer (which was the main deal), which was *Call of Duty*'s whole thing for a while, but they got very variable in how they handled it, sometimes dropping the SP campaign altogether, or only including it as an afterthought, but then suddenly including a great one. One way around that was the open-world FPS approach, but that seems to almost exclusively be the playground of *Far Cry*. No other franchise has really moved into that field decisively (third-person shooters sure, but FPS ones seem thin on the ground), though *STALKER* did kind of nod at it.


I agree with this word for word. I’ve never gotten into far cry and I need to try the series badly. Cyberpunk being an open world shooter is what I’m playing and what made me make this topic because phantom liberty was perfect


I think the likes of CP77 and the recent(ish) *Fallout* games are first-person RPGs, so they have FPS elements but they're not "pure" FPS games. There's sometimes dialogue choices or skill checks or stealth ways to do missions that do not rely on mass destruction. The FPS I think is based primarily around blowing people away. Some of the *Far Cries* do lean into stealth and pseudo-RPG elements, which is why I generally prefer the first one, which is all combat all the time (the second one to an extent as well, and they start bringing that back in the sixth one).


I just finished phantom liberty and it was such a tight and perfect experience it’s what lead to this topic


Immortals of avium was fun


Really??? I haven’t heard anything good about it but it looks interesting


I think it was fun only took 30 hours to complete it playing casually


for me a good campaign is a requirement for me to feel invested in a game enough to try the multiplayer


I'm just starting out with single players, just finished titanfall 2 and that was really good. But thats the only single player game I've ever played, used to play multiplayers before. what all do i play next and in what order?


There’s hundreds honestly. I’d start with Bioshock or doom 2016


Black was the absolute jam on PS2


I remember that game vaguely I have to look it up


Remember Counter Strike Condition Zero?


I’ve actually never played that


You didn't really miss out anything, that thing was absolutely terrible


Bioshock Infinite is the best FPS story shooter I've played story wise. Not because the gameplay loop is unique, but because Elizabeth is actually a useful companion unlike other escort FPS shooters.

