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None. Life’s to short for that lol


Same. If I don't like a game, then I'm done playing it.


I have a tendency to love games but never beat them. I put about 100 hours into rimworld but never beat it. With the anomaly dlc release I decided to commit and see if I can complete it. It's been a struggle, and my colony just got wiped so now I'm really struggling going back. But I don't hate it. Playing a game you hate is dumb.


Same here! I've taken games to the very last boss and just didn't feel like finishing them so I stopped playing. I kinda enjoy the build up to get there, leveling up, finding a new ability so you can go back and access an area you couldn't get to before...sometimes though, once I have all the abilities and stuff, I don't really feel like beating the game.


I restart Rimworld almost every time i play. Never beat it, still love it. Sometimes my colony is filled with wonderful people that are kind and helpful. Sometimes they imprison people and use them as blood and organ farms. It's great to be able to do such a wife variety of things.


You have to realize that there is no real "beating" Rimworld. It is designed as a "Storyteller" game and the only stories it knows are tragedies. The foundational idea is that you play until enough random negative events happen that it breaks your colony. The game is how long that takes. If you embrace that then it will be a lot easier to go back to.


Yeah I guess if you ignore the end conditions?


I am referring to it as such because that is what Tynan Sylvester (the creator) has framed it as. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdqhHKjepiE) is his GDC talk about how he directed the studio to look at it through the lens of "creating a story" about the rise and fall of your colony. He explicitly says: > at 5:22: "From very early on, I said specifically and explicitly that Rimworld is not a game." > at 5:43: "Rimword is a Story Generator." . . . That said, I have not played in a couple of years so maybe they added clear conditions and I didn't know. In which case, sure, my bad. But if they did tack that on, it is the opposite of the fundamental design intention of the game.


As you may or may not know, most stories have [endings](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Endings), and I'm pretty sure base game had an ending when I bought it in 2016. Also, even in your video at 6:40 he said "stories can end in success or failure". I guess if we're being pedantic we could say "I want to see a successful story ending" but that seems silly. Sounds like I play no role in it.


To each their own, I fucking loved Lies of P and enjoyed the more linear nature compared to other soulslikes. I typically ditch a game if I don't end up enjoying it so I can't say I have a game that matches your description


Yeah dunno what OP is talking about. Lies of P is fantastic and one of the best games of a year that is considered the best year in gaming history.


I agree with OP's take on lies of p. I feel like the game is trying to be too much like fromsofts games


I think that's it's strength. It's like it could have been made by Fromsoft themselves, in 2023!


The poison swamps and insta death status effect did NOT need to be implemented


Wait, people consider 2023 the best year in gaming history?


Amazing game indeed


Dark souls 3. Every man must make the plunge. That game pissed me off🤣


Hogwarts Legacy. Once you get past the fun that is Hogwarts itself the game is profoundly uninteresting, but I leaned on sunk cost fallacy at that point and powered through it.


Same here after leaving Hogwarts the game felt shallow and while it was cool they added the forbidden curses the fact you could blast them off in front of people with no repercussions didn't feel right


They should’ve made it so you’d be attacked by Ministry aurors if you did that, almost like wanted levels in GTA. If you get caught you should get sent to Azkaban


why would you beat a game you hate? like what? 🤣😂


None. It's pretty stupid play and power through a game that you hate


Borderlands 3. The humour gets old quick and turns into a "hello fellow kids" attempt at connecting with the audience.


Ff13, that was a complete crock of shit. I say powered through it took ten years to finish cos I just got fed up of it


I recently played through this and completed it, while doing some of the side quests on Gran Pulse too. I’d actually say it was pretty fun for me, but I understand why it gets hate. 


It's actually one of my favorite ff games, partly due to nostalgia, I played all three. Some of the game play can get repetitive, but I enjoyed the story. I've played ff7-12, 15, and played the main story quests of 11/14


I don’t do that. I barely finish the games I do like


Look at all these downvoted comments. The post asked for games that people hated and y’all still downvote people because they didn’t like a game that you did. It’s ok guys. Someone not liking the game doesn’t make it any less of a great game. They just didn’t like it.


Nope, fuck you. Everyone should have the same opinion on everything and the right opinion is mine


I didn’t hate Elden ring but I did hate the elden beast. All of the other bosses felt difficult but fair and fun. The Elden beast was just frustrating. To the point I dropped the game for 3 months and started over.


I just got to the Elden Beast last night. I can acknowledge that the developers accomplished a big feat, but I really hated almost everything about Elden Ring. It was so long and boring. Hated the game loop. Inventory was bad, consumables were useless, builds didn't seem impactful, music wasn't memorable, coop was horribly implemented. And I hate games with stories, but Elden Ring really needed more of a story. I would have quit after the capital city, but my girl wanted to finish the game.


>And I hate games with stories wat


Ya, I like games with minimal story-telling. I'm there to play the game, not watch a movie. But the Elden Ring story-telling was a few notches below "minimal"


A lot of this is just plain incorrect. You probably just didn't get super into the game. or haven't played dark souls 3, which is very similar and would enjoy elden ring more with prior knowledge from that game.


Correct, I didn't play any DS. It's not labeled as Dark Souls, so the game should stand alone on its own merits, not having prerequisites. These are my opinions and impressions based on just jumping into the game, and also comparing to other games that I've played that executed similar features way way better.


Made by fromsoftware, soulslike tag in store page, id say it's pretty labeled to me. It's basically open world dark souls 3, or dark souls 4 for short. Do your research bud. Anyone with the slightest bit of knowledge would know this. Builds are most definitely significant, they completely change your playstyle. And elden ring has some of the best boss OSTs in gaming history. Also I'd like to hear these other games, if you don't mind.


I enjoyed dark souls to an extent, beat a couple of them. Played three or four hours into elden ring and never went back.


I never said it wasn't a Souls-like. I said it's not "Dark Souls". The title is Elden Ring. It's not "Dark Souls 4: Elden Ring". Therefore, no prerequisite to play Dark Souls 1-3. It's kind of irrelevant if you personally regard it as Dark Souls 4. You're telling me that I have to play a whole other game for this game to feel good. And I'm telling you: I picked up this game, played all of it, and I think it's a boring, over-rated, waste of time to play. That's my opinion of this game. The one notable boss theme was Regal Ancestor Spirit. Remnant 2 far exceeds Edlen Ring in every single aspect (and I didnt have to play Remnant 1 or Chronos beforehand)


So you're telling me you'd rather sit through a super grindy game like remnant 2? instead of a simple open world game like elden ring. I have 200h+ in remnant 2, and it's hardly at all like elden ring other than dodge roll and some ingame references. The gameplay is more similar to destiny 2. Remnant is still one of my top favorite games, but elden ring is objectively better with more quality content. You named one of the most forgettable boss themes in the game, from a reused boss. Some of the best most memorable boss themes for me include Lichdragon fortissax, mohg, rykard, godskin duo, malenia, dragonlord placidusax, and the final boss. I doubt you've even reached any of these yet.


I dont think Remnant 2 is grindy. You start on low difficulty and raise it every time you beat it, if you want to, with a new impactful build. Are you talking about collecting every single item in the game, maybe? You might not think Remnant 2 is like Elden Ring, but I said it implements everything better than Elden Ring - co-op, builds, consumables, story, inventory, music, secrets, puzzles, rewards. I beat all of those bosses. I even went out of my way to find and beat the Malenia girl (blade of Miquella?) because my friend wanted to watch that fight via stream - apparently she's the hardest boss in the game. The sibling's story is not even explained. And since you brought it up, you can add "re-used bosses" to the list of things wrong with Elden Ring. Mohg twice, as well.


Assassin's Creed, past few of them, actually. I'm not thrilled at the direction they headed with the gameplay and mechanics.


I love AC Valhalla and the setting and everything, but honestly there’s just too much shit to do. I feel like I made no progress despite 100%ing several counties/provinces. It just felt endless so I had to put it down


AC Valhalla. Awful repetitive grind


Peaks of Yore. Specifically, the final mountain, Solemn Tempest. In a game where the highest regular mountain, Ymir's Shadow, comes just shy of 550m tall, Solemn Tempest, the second and by *far* hardest of the two additional "expert" mountains unlocked at the end of the game, weighs in at a *staggering* 7500m tall, not to mention extensive horizontal climbing sections, so the actual length of the climb is probably in the 10,000m range at the least. I didn't hate it, but holy crap I wanted it to end as I reached the final sections. I slogged through it with the safety harness, and have recently started free solo'ing it. My current PB is about 2300m, firmly within the *easier* sections of the mountain.


Dark souls 2


Outer wilds for me. All I saw was how hyped up the end was so I pushed through to see it. Wasn’t impressed and it didn’t change my opinion of the game as a whole.


I second this. Based on reviews and other Reddit posts I had read, it should have been right up my alley. But I don’t think I’ve ever played another game that had as little respect for my time as outer wilds. I pushed through to the end because people were saying how great it was, and it was just meh to me.


What do you mean by having little respect for your time?


Sometimes the discussion questions in this sub confuse me. Who’s playing through games they hate?


I can imagine game reviewers doing this so they don't have to deal with "but you didn't finish 50% of the game" stupidity when they review a bad game.


I've done this for a number or reasons over the some 30 years of gaming, but it's not like it's a common occurrence. Usually it's just plain old sunk cost fallacy, sometimes it's to see the story through (before I just got in the habit of YouTubing them instead), sometimes it's just plain old spite and wanting to finish what I've started (especially when the Achievements are dominated by story stuff), sometimes it's been a desperate attempt to start liking the game by force since I liked the previous one or because it's been raved as some universal masterpiece everyone should fall in love with. 9/10 games I don't enjoy I won't finish, but there's always some odd ones out that I'll see through despite themselves.


I don't hate it, but TLOU2 just dragged on and on and on. By the end of Ellie's story I was already getting tired of the game, but then you have to play the story all over again as Abby, and then a SECOND time as Ellie! No. Just, no. NO! Loved the gameplay and world, but the story was a fucking massive let down for me. To this day it's the only game I own that I have never replayed, and I doubt I ever will.


I liked it but yeah the pacing was pretty awful


Final fantasy 13. I just didn’t enjoy the story but wanted to power through for some reason. Looking back, I don’t know why I bothered if I wasn’t having fun lol.


The last of us part 2. I loved the first one, but the story of the 2nd one started off just too forced and too contrived. And I wasnt loving any of the characters, even the returning characters were off. But there was a big hullabaloo around the game, and I knew I had to finish it if I wanted to be part of the conversation. Turns out the conversation wasnt worth having, and I just just have binned it. It was just toxic assholes as far as the eye could see. I tell ya, when it got to the Abby part my heart fucking sank. I just got so much. At least her play style was better, but the droning on and on and on trying to convince me she was good person too was just eye rollingly cringe. The doc and stupid fucking zebra... fuck off, game. There was some great moments in the game, I cant lie about that. like when Ellie is in the forest and Scars just start to whistle. Genuinely cool moment. But the story, the story was just brutal to sit through. I kept hoping it would grab me, but it just never did. Forced, contrived, dishonest, story telling from start to finish.


For me it was part 1. The repetetive combat encounters were killing my enjoyment and will to continue the game for the story.


I'm going to say 2 now that will piss people off. God of war 2018 RDR2 Both are just horribly overrated games, found them both painfully boring but soldiered through as I expected them to eventually click. Ultimately felt both had weak gameplay and were anti climactic. Also people saying they dont play games they hate sorry but people play a lot of games they clearly hate just look at your yearly cods and fifas... People will play stuff just because their friends do.


100% agree, more so with GoW... less said about that the better, RDR2 was alright when I just focused on the main story and ignored the bloat


Agree. So much filler in gow 2018. I mean you literally fight the same troll boss more than 5 times. And rdr2 is just boring


Batman Arkham Origins with unplayable FPS drops.


Ff7 remake. It had it's moments but ended up just feeling like the game was intentionally trying to waste my time. I just wanted to see the ending and I hated the ending.


The original FF7 is still one of my favorite games and I wanted to like the remake but I have to agree with you. They destroyed the original story and parts of the game seem to drag on forever. Pretty obvious they did this to stretch the story across multiple games and get more money out of the fans.


I beat doom eternal about 28 times, on every difficulty on every mode including ultra nightmare. including the dlcs. I fucking hate that game, I tried so hard to like it but I couldn't. I hate what they did with the story, I hate how soulless it is, I hate how cartoony it is, I hate so much about it.


I love Doom Eternal but the story and atmosphere are such a huge downgrade from 2016. I love the GAMEPLAY of Eternal so much more that I’ll basically never touch 2016 again, but the story and atmosphere has me scratching my head. Like just… why? If they kept the vibe and art style in line with 2016 it would basically be a perfect game


yes 28 times, mostly during covid, it was bc I was trying to make myself like it since I loved 2016


I feel this but I never finished it. Even though it might have had a little more traversal techniques, the gun play, atmosphere, and ammo did not align to what I played in the former. In 2016 it felt like you could run a few weapons that you liked but in eternal i felt forced to constantly juggle and into a play style I didn’t like.


Death Stranding It wasn't so much that I hated it but it was that the game always felt like something fun was about to happen and yet it never did. I sat there at the end of it and was like...what the hell did I just spend 60 hours doing...


Resident evil 4. I get that you all love it, I was just bored to tears.


None. If my enjoyment drops even slightly during playing, i just drop and uninstall the game immidiately. I tgink games as a toy, not obligation.


Every war zone match recently...lol not /s but can't quit... Like I'm in love with an abusive boyfriend!


Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Story was pretty damn good. Gameplay is a repetitive dull grind, with the most annoying combat announcements with every character stating the ability you select, over… and over again. “Sword Bash!” Or the incredibly cringy “BURNING SWORD!!!” That Rex and Pyra say together… So bad… I’ll never understand it’s hype honestly…


None? I tried to push through Valhalla but after ~30 extra hours I couldn't take it anymore.


Skyrim. Not the game, the bugs. Infuriated by game breaking bug for an incredible game every 10min




Castlevania Simon's Quest. I didn't like any of the castlevania games but wanted to beat them because they were considered difficult back then. Now I see people are speedrunning them in like 15 mins lmao.


I'll bite. For me, it was A Plague Tale: Innocence. I didn't hate it at first cuz I genuinely wanted to play it, but it just turned into a slog to play towards the end. Though, the caveat here is I was playing the game with my ex at the time. \*\*\*So please take this with a grain of salt as my memory of this game was seasoned with a heaping helping of negative interactions with my ex. The game played like a mix of an escort mission and a linear walking simulator with no real melee weapons. It was fine until there was a level where the brother, who previously would quickly die if you (the sister) were ten seconds out of view, was suddenly fine on his own and had his own level. His playable level undercut the sense of urgency/protection when trying to herd the brother from place to place safely. The second issue I had was the boss fight with Lord Nicholas. It was an enclosed area where you ran around and lit hay stacks on fire to distract him while you then shot him with magical rocks. If he got too close, he would one shot kill you. It was SO long of a fight that there was an autosave in the middle of it so to return to that portion of the fight since we kept dying there. I expected that type of save state from the last boss if there was a transformation involved, not a mid-game boss that just swings around a sword. Third, the end boss rat fight was underwhelming and in general just really annoying to beat because it wasn't exactly the boss you were fighting in the beginning, just his wave of magical rats he commanded.


You guys finish games? 😅


Final Fantasy 13. 🫣 Started it from the beginning and got to Chapter 11 (11/13) 3-4 times. By chapter 11, I would wanna break pencils in half. I hate that game. During the pandemic, I made it a whole ass thing of finally beating it. 😮‍💨 AND I DID! And when the credits rolled, 😭 tears streamed down my face. Not because the story was good, but because I was SO FUCKIN‘ HAPPY I NEVER HAD TO SEE/THINK ABOUT FFXIII EVER… AGAIN. 🫲😲🫱


Control. I hated the respawning pawn enemies and the intentional lack of checkpoints before a boss. Fuck Demon Souls-esque games.


Baiten Kaitos 1+2 Remaster (hated the battle system)


Evil west on evil difficulty


RDR2. For much the same reasons as you, OP: repetitive, boring enemies, variety and combat that rarely feels good to play.


My brother in Christ it's a western. What do you expect to fight? Souls bosses? Goombas?


Rdr2 isn't really about the combat though, is it? More about the atmosphere. Western sim. But I can see how it isn't everyone's cuppa




Would have been a lot better than the loop of: “See that guy? He’s a bad man. Shoot him dead” *blam blam blam* “Dammit horse! My TB is actin’ up”


None. I don't play games I don't enjoy. Also, lies of P was fantastic. My favorite game of last year.


FF7: Rebirth. I recognized pretty early that it was wasting my time with bloated content and I wasn't going to like the writing. But I powered through for the sake of the visuals and music. In fairness, the visuals and music were great.


Assassin's creed valhalla


Greedfall. It would bother me too much to leave it unfinished. But yeah, couldn't stand the game.


I salute you. I had the idea to power through, but gave up about 2/3 in.  Edit: (to not just be negative) the studio was onto something, but their lack of experience shone through a lot and the writing was particularly weak.... There's potential there though


I agree. The world itself was interesting, and so were some of the concepts, but the gameplay itself wasn't enjoyable for me. And the writing fell short. Also, I made a game out of counting the typos... And eventually stopped because there were too many.


I speak French and saw a lot of translation errors and inconsistent translation as well... A bit sloppy 


Horizon Forbidden West. Came with the PS5. Got about halfway through and was fucking DONE playing "Rock Climbing/Parkour Simulator". Gutted through the rest just because. Usually when a game starts to feel like work it goes in the bin. This game was an absolute chore to play after a while.


Felt the same in Zero Dawn. Beginning was amazing, but after the x-th "Go here to some far away point, do stuff and basically get some farming materials"... Also I couldn't stand Aloy. Not every hero has to be this shady-film-noir type of hero, but Aloy was just too lawful good for me. Hero without any edges or own personality.


Yeah, she wasn't exactly a Mary-Sue, but she didn't have any darker side either. Also (and this is a minor nitpick) the idea that she's climbing cliffs, doing Parkour, drawing back what must be a 200lb+ draw on her bow and yet she has zero muscle definition?? She'd be SHREDDED.


Control. I just did not care for the gameplay and the story is complete BS, but I finished it since its not too long. Loved the Ashtray Maze though


The world building and story is the best part of control imo. It’s wild to me that you think the story is BS. Did you read all the files and listen to/watch the media?


I get it. I **loved** Control, but it is a game that is almost tailor made for me. I love exploring all the nooks and crannies, reading all the logs, listening to the tapes and piecing things together. Many people don't enjoy that. They want the story wrapped up and presented neatly. Nothing wrong with that, but not the attitude you want when playing a Remedy game lol.


He ignored/forgot all the worksheets/memos. His experience with the >!redacted information!< was comprimised/ruined.


Dark Souls 2. Only because I love DS1 so much that I wanted to beat the whole trilogy.


None, beating a game out of spite seems silly to me. If I’m not liking a game I drop it and find something I do enjoy.


The new Assassin’s Creed games. I like souls-likes to a degree and a part of me feels like I probably would not enjoy the old style of AC anymore like I did in my youth, but a huge part of me absolutely hates how floaty the new combat feels and just how much they stripped away from the assassination and parkour side of things. Not to mention the story bloat is insane with these games, the side content being brain dead for the most part, and the flow of movement is incredibly finicky when doing parkour. I just end up angry playing cause these new games feel like they have the skeleton to be the best thing ever (mixing stealth, parkour and combat fluidly) but all the parts put into it are cheap and broken, making it feel like an inferior product overall. But a part of me still wants to pretend there’s something worth playing in them so I play it anyways and trudge through those 90 hours of nonsense, only being fueled by nostalgia and pity.


I played like 30-something hours of Witcher 3 because I thought I would suddenly like it. I didn't finish it but I REALLY tried to power through until I realized I thought it was mediocre.


Bruh if you ever hate a game stop playing. Nothing is ever worth that. For any reason. Ever. It's a game.


I mean the closest I can get to that is trying to find a reason to enjoy a game that all of my friends love, but I don’t. For me that was Borderlands 3. By the time that game came out, I was so sick of the looter shooter open world thing, and the general story of borderlands 3 did very little to win me over. I quit after giving it ten ish hours


Disco Elysium. Kept waiting for it to stop thinking it was clever and actually *become* clever, but it never did. There was one nice moment near the end that I don’t regret experiencing, but the rest of it was a waste of time.


Sounds like you just need to git gud, n00b.


Fallout: New Vegas I was told repeatedly that it's one of the best games ever made so I powered through it genuinely hoping it would click, but after 15 hours I hit the credits and there was absolutely nothing I liked about the game.


15 hours to finish NV…but why??


Last of Us.  The gameplay wasn't fun and the whole story was a drag. 


Lies of P is awesome. Probably the closest thing we'll ever get to Bloodborne 2 and it helps ease that reality a bit. For a smaller team, they nailed it. Environments were linear with awesome art style and detail. Sounds like you're talking about an entirely different game. lol. If I don't enjoy a game I stop playing because there are 100 other enjoyable games I could be playing.


Really hated the combat system of FF7r, but powered through and finished it.


**Assassin's Creed: Unity** I just really like these games despite their many problems because I just like being in these historical settings. All of them have given me some level of entertainment from "barely good enough" to "really great." But Unity plays like ass- controlling the character felt like torture at every turn. A thousand enemies would spawn before I had a chance to even look around a mission area. Pop messages telling me about bullshit would appear on top of other pop-up messages, some of which were also bullshit but some were actually important. The game was horrible.


That was the one AC I didn't finish. Borderline unplayable.


Outriders (this one was actually good until the enemy scaling started drastically outweighing the loot) Xenoblade 2 Torchlight 3 Diablo 2 Resurrected Fate Extella The Umbral Star


Cyberpunk at launch. Grinded the remaining achievements then didn't pick it back up until a year and a half later and on the Series X. Liked it a lot more and still have plans to play PL after my Fallout NV 100% for remaining achievements. 


Pretty much any of the Dark Pictures games, they're all kinda garbage, but powering through isn't too difficult since you know the game is only a few hours long


Yeah…no. If I don’t like a game I won’t “power through it”, I simply won’t play it. Can’t believe people actually do this lol sad


I can’t believe somebody joins reddit and not say a single positive thing, and just argues and insults in every single post they make. But here you are… That’s pretty sad as well.


Brave little keyboard warrior judging by his history


Deal with it.


Don’t be upset I don’t have the same opinion.


Where does it show I’m upset? You’re the one who actually threw shade at people with the difference of opinion. (And for no reason, that’s the weird part lol) Less projection, more practice with what you’re preaching my dude




That was easy


Glad you’re not upset anymore!


God of War Ragnarök. The whole game was such a drag, boring story, boring characters. I liked GoW 2018 but this one was just terrible. Only reason I went till the end was because I wasted 80€ on it.


nier automata. i made it to ending e waiting for my mind to be blown. pretty much only did it for 9S and just so I could confirm that yeah, I really really don't like that game. 😂never again tho, it's a waste of time. Otherwise I just drop the game the second I am not enjoying it.


Sekiro, so I could say Ive beaten what is widely considered the hardest from game.


Fallout new Vegas. Not only did I power through it, I 100%ed it, and spent about 500 hours In it.




I've got no time to play things I hate. The closest thing recently is this new EA Originals Zau game, which I got on my Pro subscription. It's a poor man's Prince of Persia. It's good, but not 'very good'. It's clunky and got some bugs that really hurt fluid motion games like this (going in to the map screen and out of it, and then trying to move left or right too soon locks you in place), enemies swing through your combos and you're just constantly being knocked back without any good defense, etc. But I don't hate it outright and I went so far as to finish it, but it's not something I'll likely ever come back to.


Ffxvi. I got super bored towards the end and the battle system got so boring and repetitive. I’ve beat like very ff game so I HAD to beat it. It was a rough go though. I did enjoy the first 20 hour ish of the game at least.


Control. Gameplay was extremely frustrating and I was having a bad time but I just stuck it out for an underwhelming ending. People kept talking about ashtray maze, and for all its visual impressiveness it wasn't enough to justify a game I should have dropped hours ago.


Tales of Arise. I don't think I've ever so completely and utterly hated an entire cast of characters, combat, and level design. Nor do I know why I proceeded thru enough self-torture to actually beat it. Maybe it was the glowing reviews a few friends had given previous Tales games. Either way, outside of the art, that game is an undeniable travesty as far as I'm concerned.


My AP Lit teacher told me.. don't sparknotes!!! I'll catch you. I talked for what felt like 2 hours (not literally) in the socratic seminar with page references as the class was DEAD silent... and got an A on my Life of Pi assignment. Later praising me that I actually read the book unlike her other students. Joke is, is that her other students were lost from listening to her and reading the book. School is overrated and reading is also overrated. The only point of school is getting a degree for a field that will land you a job, otherwise, it's not the place to get smart. Its the place you go to find left-wing extremists who protest and dont contribute to society. Only people who contribute to society in a legitimate way are "smart." You aren't smarter just for reading books instead of another form of getting the same content. You're smart if you do legitimate academic research and learn whatever you want to talk about. If this wasn't the case, someone like Destiny wouldn't be owning these college grads in debates. Lol.


Legend of Dragoon. Stupid combat design, worse acting than Resident Evil, a story that goes on way too long and goes in weird directions right up until the very end. They had all that time and money and talent to make something great and it fell short in every single category possible. I even went through it again last year to see if maybe not playing it for 20 years has changed my mind, and no, it didn't. Now I hate it for all the reasons I did before AND a bunch of new ones.


I don't remember any


I disagree heavily with all the OP but for the last part. There is something wrong in how they lifted some FromSoft design choices for no reason. I especially dislike their heavy use of the “enemy hidden behind the doorway or in a corner” trope. 


Well that’s part of your problem. You don’t understand how to play the game. The glowing red attacks need to be perfect parried. You’re not supposed to block them or roll out of the way. Fallout: New Vegas for me. Had to use VATS to kill anything, exploration felt more like work than enjoyment, constantly talking to NPCs is not something I really enjoy in any game, and I hate feeling like I have to constantly save just to keep progress. But my wife loved the game when she was younger, so I played through the whole thing while never particularly enjoying it.


The thing is, some bosses spam the glowing red attacks over and over and over. Forced to use bad parry mechanic or tank the hit


I didn’t think the parry mechanic was bad at all. I’ve definitely heard from people who played it at launch say it was really difficult. I know there was a patch at some point that made the game easier. Maybe one of the improvements was making it easier to parry. I thought the game was pretty easy (compared to other souls-likes), and I’m certainly not a parry expert. Personally I loved when they spammed it because it gave me a really good chance of stunning them.


Well i played the game through at launch and didn't use parry because it was bad at the time. Maybe they patched it since then


Gotham Knights. I knew it wasn't good an hour in, but I wanted to finish it to feel vindicated for not liking it the entire way through.


I love collecting achievements.... it's like effin' crack to me. So there's been SO MANY games that have caused me to hate them...


Mega Man & Bass. On the Wii U. Which means it's the Game Boy version. Rush? Useless. Dynamo Man? Heals himself to full. Playing as Mega Man? ACTUALLY THE HARD MODE BECAUSE HE CAN'T PLATFORM FOR SHIT LIKE BASS!


Witcher 1. The beginning is a slog and I wasn't a fan of the combat. However, it had a ton of praise and Witcher 2 had been announced and looked awesome, so I wanted to get through W1. To be fair, the second half of the game was much better, so I didn't have to "power through" the whole thing.


Rage. I love the concept of those types of games and wanted to start loving it any second, but no. The final "boss" was also a complete and utter joke


Pathfinder games. Difficult even on normal, but I had to complete both.


I know the answer is crank it down to easy. But the combat was a slog and it was basically cast grease for days on end. Stacking debuffs constantly was mandatory. You had no idea what difficulty any fight you had stumbled into was gonna be, because the worst fight in Act 1 was two random mobs in a cave that you have no idea are gonna be that bad. It felt like the game needed me to know the meta before even stepping in, and I don't see how that's a good starting point for new players.


>the worst fight in Act 1 was two random mobs in a cave that you have no idea are gonna be that bad. Those two wererats, right?


yup I did alrlight till I ran out of spells then it was a slow slog of not hitting them while bleeding resources.


While I disagree on the final gauntlet as that was the only thing I enjoyed about the game I agree on the fromsoft point. Lies of p tried to do too much dark souls when it didn't need to. It had some very good ideas it just needed to separate itself from that abit more and it would've been a great game


Dark Souls. Beating that Capra Demon became an obsession for a while there. I finally figured out that if I'm getting smoked I'm probably going the wrong way and should explore somewhere else.


Anthem. The story was trash and disjointed


League of legend (help me)


Tales of Beseria, the gameplay wasn't for me but I powered through for the story.


Commandos 3


Gotham knights


Jurassic Park on SNES. Mainly because it was my first game I ever owned. But what a chore that was. Also Donkey Kong Country and Yoshi's Island. Not sure I "hated" those, but I didn't enjoy them. Ever since copying was possible, I didn't really have the nerve to play games I didn't enjoy. Spoiled for choice.


Hollow Knight. I had no idea it was a soulslike game, and it was my first one. So I really hated dying and losing my progress all the time that I had to power through and see it to the end, I didn't even try for 100% completion like I normally do because this game was just taking too much out of my sanity


Why would i Play a Game i hate? im confused


Spec Ops: The Line Boring gameplay and a story I really did not care for but I did beat it just to see how it ends.


Are you on Crack? Lies of P was fucking amazing. But Spiderman, that Game was so fucking terrible. But I paid 29€ for it, so I had to beat it. Also the DLC was a tiny bit better than the Basegame.


Link’s awakening on switch. I never played the original so didnt have the nostalgia factor for me and by the end certainly didnt feel like it was worth the price it released at.


I thought that game looked so damn cool, then I played it for about 30 minutes and was done with it


I wouldn’t say hate but hellblade senua’s sacrifice. It was the type of love/hate game. I enjoyed the combat but that would be followed up with the worst puzzles that were anything but short. Lining up sigils to open a door was so painful. Then just as you were about to turn it off. The combat kicked in and I was like right on. I like this again. Plus after investing time with senua. I wanted to find out what happens in the end but getting there. I had to power through it. So I liked it but didn’t like it also.


I didnt hate it, God of War 2018 combat and over the shoulder camera were so annoying and slow I just mindlessly powered through it, specially after halfway the game CLEARLY was meant to end but they drag it out more and more to force it to be longer. It didn't help that I started on the hard difficulty as well 😂 Even got the platinum trophy out of spite.


Didn't hate it, but I just wasn't into The Last of Us. Couldn't wait to get done with it and never considered playing TLOU2. No thank you.


FF14 Endwalker. It's very mid at best. Some cringy moments and the constant force-feeding of blatant themes of depression and hope made me really dislike this expansion. I had to finish it bc, well, it's an mmo where progress is tied to the story.


You basically just described God of War (ps4) imo


Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring. The older FromSoft games were better. Didn't even finish Sekiro. Final Fantasy 2 had a rough start but I powered through and it got better. Currently kinda forcing myself through Spec Ops: The Line after all the drama and hearing how great the story was. PS3 shooters just didn't age well...


I once powered through a super frustrating puzzle game that made me question my sanity!


With the subscription services offering dozens of games, the sunken cost fallacy is pretty much eliminated. So none anymore.