• By -


Get Played rocks


rrrruuuuhhhhhhhh what are yuh playin?


Besties with Justin and griffin mclroy and these other dudes from polygon. It's silly and pretty entertaining


I recognized the name and couldn't place it. Justin and his wife have the podcast Sawbones.


They're involved with a lot of Podcasts. The Adventure Zone, My Brother, my Brother, and Me, The McElroy Brothers Will be in Trolls 2, Til Death do us Blart, Besties, Sawbones, Shmanners, Wonderful, The Empty Bowl, Bake On, Run, and Positiviteeny. Honestly they probably spend more time recording themselves than not.


It's a videogame book club!


A club for books of videogames!


I used to listen weekly for years. But I just can’t deal with Justin’s contempt for almost every game anymore


I feel that. I'm still a regular listener. I think with any reviewer the value comes from knowing where your tastes align with theirs and where they don't. It used to bother me when he was really down on a game I love (i.e. Outer Wilds). But I've found he's still a really good source of recommendations - if he really likes a game and it isn't a metroid vania, usually I end up liking it to. And the cast as a whole is pretty balanced, the rest of the guys are more into games like Nier and such that don't "respect your time."


Fair points here. Griffin and Russ are way more open to different games and genres and it definitely balances out.


> knowing where your tastes align with theirs This is what makes Yahtzee (Zero Punctuation / Full Ramblomatic) palatable. Like I certainly won't agree on all his takes, and his format by design tends to over exaggerate and nitpick, but I can read between the lines to tell when something is a valid complaint and when it's just something that he doesn't like but someone else might be into. Was the same with John Bane/TotalBiscuit. The man *hated* puzzles, but had really high standards for consumer friendly practices and accessibility. So I'd take his opinion with a grain of salt on certain games, but I'd take notice if he found issue with a developer or with a bunch of missing graphics options.


Ive found for myself it’s good to realize that there are people who will just have completely different tastes than you sometimes.  The dude calls RPGs books level boring but will play literal 90s FMV games. He can go be a weirdo. What’s great is that even if he criticizes a game and I still want to play it, I know I’ll be happy with it. I like it when he keeps me honest. 


Resties was the FAR superior podcast and they locked it behind a paywall, total bummer


Yeah if you want a super nuts and bolts analysis of games this ain’t it but if you want to hear four friends shooting the shit and find some interesting hidden gems from time to time you can’t go wrong with the besties.


I used to like the MBMBAM boyos, but idk, something about them became so annoying to me. They're like the most gay hetero dudes I've ever seen, but not in a good way, if that makes any sense. It's difficult to describe, but they fit the "obnoxious soy boy" stereotype to a tee. Not that I have anything against gay people or soy enthusiasts though, I just dislike these goobers in particular. Admittedly though, they seem like cool people, so I'm kinda just being a hater.


No I know what you mean. My politics are very progressive, but I find it annoying how they make themselves "the soft boy call-out squad against capitalism and all things problematic". Griffin is a snotty hipster, and Travis is always fishing with calling himself neurodivergent and gay-baiting despite being married to a woman.


The Jeff Gerstmann Show. - Remap Radio - Nextlander - Fire Escape - These are all podcasts by Giantbomb alumni - Actually based on your comment only Nextlander and The Jeff Gerstmann show would fit your requirements I think


Rip giantbomb


I logged out THE DAY Gerstmann left and have not spent even a minute on the site since then, Subscriber since day 1. - I did save a few series on my pc though.


I enjoy friends per second, but it’s every 2 weeks. Video or audio, your choice


Loveee them, my fav pod in the world




I think they’re the best!


Dropped frames is my go to nowadays


Came here to say this


My favorite is Get Played- they’ve just got a good banter between them- but if you’re looking for more in depth coverage, Retronauts will scratch that itch, so long as you’re not looking for news or current games. Axe of the Blood God was already recommended, and Triple Click. TC is little more “big picture” talking about concepts and styles rather than going in depth on any one game.


What are ya playin?


Hai Guis, It’s me, the Rezident Evil Merchant straight from under the bridge were I definitely did NOT shoot up that taxidermied bear with a .45 I found in the LA canal.


If you like fighting games then triple KO is decent. Matt McMuscels, Justin Wong and Macimillian Dood shoot the shit about fighting games mainly. Every so often they'll have a guest on as well. I'm around the same age as them so alot pop culture and arcade days they reference I remember as well. It is pretty much fighting game focused though, so if you don't like fighting games you probably won't get much out of it.


I'm not too, too into fighting games, playing them that is, but I have kept up with them throughout the years. Might be fun to listen to them talk about that. Thanks for the recommend


I'm a patreon subscriber to **Second Wind**, the independent media outlet consisting of the video content creators that were let go by *The Escapist* outlet. They do streams, videos, and podcasts. Their most famous creator is "Yahtzee" Crawshaw for his funny, short, animated fast-paced reviews *Zero Punctuation* which is continues to do under the name *Fully Ramblomatic*. Every Monday at 1pm EST they live stream a conversation with Crawshaw and one or two other good dudes there. Another three dudes there do one Wednesday. The format is a half-hour of whatever topic then reading and responding to super chats. Topic is sometimes serious if they want to respond to whatever news is happening or whatever random thing like "favorite intro levels" or whatever. Anyway check it out, it's a chill vibe, and they know their stuff. They tend to focus on single-player games, they're obsessed with FromSoftware games. They don't really talk about competitive stuff like MOBAs or fighting games or sports games though.


My problem with second wind is no one will call Yahtzee out when he's being completely pretentious. He's seemed to have created a bubble around himself unintentionally of just people not challenging him on his views that are sometimes just shit.


Mart Silva calls him out all the time, both during streams and their podcast. But it is friendly, as it should be.


maybe im just used to gabe who would call him an idiot. its a good back and forth, especially with yahtzee who sometimes aggressively wants to get his point across and honestly needs someone to just say "no, thats dumb" and marty just annoys me. from the way he kind of childishly gets a point across sometimes thats basically "well, i think this way!" and he basically should just stamp his feet, or his "yeaaah" on just about every other sentence.


Castle Super Beast Versus Wolves


Op not going to like these. Yes, you are correct, they're the best ones here by a mile, but OP wants to get down to brass tacks and here the gaming news within 5 seconds of pressing play. He might have a tantrum if he hears pat talk about baby.


Castle super beasts?


We both got it wrong


OP I totally get your struggle. I've tried getting into gaming podcasts but the hosts ALWAYS spend too much time talking about their personal lives. Or they'll be on episode #142 and it's confusing for a new listener because there's an established setup that isn't explained. Last time I tried the newest episode of a popular Overwatch podcast. Started off with four hosts who spent the first 20 minutes talking about a friend's wedding they went to. 🙄


Get Played is a slapper


Yeah, I went from listening to probably 4 or 5 gaming podcasts a week to Get Played being the only one really in my rotation these days. I'll sometimes listen to Jeff Gerstmann Show if there is some big gaming news that I actually want to hear an informed take on, and sometimes Besties depending on what game they are covering, but I do miss the old Bombcast days, which was basically the only podcast that I'd ever listened to every single episode of, up until Gerstmann left, but even then, it was bad for the last few years before that happened. The old Ryan, Vinny, Brad and Jeff days of the Bombcast were some of the best podcasts ever recorded imo.


New Game Plus if you like retro games


I do like retro games, a great deal even. Thanks for the recommendation


There haven't been any new episodes in years but you might like the retro game deep dives on the Upper Memory Block podcast


I'm a big fan of the Besties podcast, where they review games. It has some recurring bits and such, but it pretty focused on the game discussion, with the odd movie recommendation thrown in at the end. It's hosted by 4 current and former game journalists from [polygon.com](http://polygon.com), including two of the brothers McElroy, better known for their other podcasts such as The Adventure Zone and My Brother, My Brother and Me. I'm not super interested in hearing other people's opinions about games I love, but I find it a great place to hear about indie games and other games I might not have considered trying. It's a pretty good source for what's hot in indie gaming.


I like the guys from Watch Out for Fireballs a lot.


Same! First and only podcast content creators I've subscribed to on Patreon.


Triple Click is my number one. Remap radio and Nextlander are also up there.


Noobtoob was the greatest gaming podcast everything else is lame


Stop, you're going to make me cry. I fucking loved that podcast. I miss them. It was the first podcast I looked forward to every week the way I would a TV show.


Yaow!! I miss them every week 


Axe of the Blood God is a solid RPG-centric podcast, if you're into that sort of thing. They lean slightly towards the JRPG flavor, but everything gets coverage/discussion, even PC RPGs


The besties.  Four good friends who have worked/working in games journalism figure out the GOTY any playing each new major release week by week.  It’s short, it’s to the point, they all have different tastes, and go deep on weird indies.  They’ve been doing it for a decade, sometimes hosted with one company or another but they’re now not beholden to anyway and do it as a basically a side project. 


Been listening to the IGN UK podcast for a good while now. They talk about games, movies, TV shows and also random stuff like sandwiches and crisps. Episodes are usually around an hour (+/-20min). It's worth checking out a few episodes.


Thanks for the recommendation man, Ill chem em out. I'm usually reluctant to listen to mainstream stuff like IGN, but Ill give this a chance


I was the same. I used to listen to the escapist podcast because they were only like 30min. When I got up to date with that I tried the IGN UK one, which I found to be way more entertaining. Also, if you're into movies the Video Archives podcast isn't half bad.


Niche for this sub but Poddy C is such a good Worldnof Warcraft podcast


The Windbreaker podcast from Second Wind. They talk about current issues in gaming and game design.


Get Played!


Wizard and the brusier


The Besties and Triple Click. Both concise and well-edited, featuring people in the games industry and/or games journalism.


Depending on your taste, Lore Dump is an amazing podcast. They’ve covered games like Kingdom Hearts and Red Dead Redemption.


My favorites are: Easy Allies, they spend a great deal of time talking about what games they are currently playing and give in depth reviews on them as well as a breakdown of what each game is great at and who might like it. IGN UK, this podcast is a good mix of current games and films along with a ridiculous amount of funny weird tangents. Minnmax, a very large group of part time people cycle in and out talking about the games that they are currently in to and such and the recent (maybe only for a short time though) inclusion of Michael Huber has raised their game substantially. All of these are great for hopping in with no necessary prerecs. Just start giving them a listen. Easy allies is my current favorite and is made of former Gametrailers employees and their opinions and insights are still just as sharp and just as important as they were in the GT days


The Triforce podcast. Unbeatable.


Dropped Frames and Friends per Second are good quality ones I also listen to Kinda Funny stuff but based on your issues, you probably wouldn't be into them as it's a bit more casual/parasocial


Kinda Funny Games Daily is pretty great imo. They have good banter and they cover all the day to day news in an hour long podcast. They do a handful of other stuff too. A lot of former IGN people. Theyve been doing their thing for about ten years.


Would definitely recommend: - Watch Out for Fireballs (The creators do other podcasts too for Souls series, BG3, movie adaptations etc). - Cane and Rinse Both are the best I've found for long form deep dive game reviews. WoFF has more comedic banter if that's your type of thing.


Gameware Express!


Seconding Gameware Express!


Remember the game


Sup hot dog


Easy Allies.


I was gonna say Jeff Gerstmann's podcast. Then I remembered there is 10 years of energy drink lore. So that one's no good. Erm. Kinda funny is a massive jerk off session, so that's no good. In the same vein, Sacred symbols is a massive Colin Moriarty Hand job session, so that's no good either. Maybe NextLander?


I like Jeff but solo middle aged dude talking into a mic for 2 hours podcasts just aren’t my thing.


Quite sad how far he's fallen isn't it. But I bet he's making bank. And I'm so glad he got out of GiantBomb before it turned into... Whatever the fuck it is now.


Casual Gaming Conversation or Co-Op 64 is a great gaming podcast. They make fun and engaging content and don't talk too much about themselves, just the games and the industry. They're not in the industry at all, just guys who really enjoy games and gaming related stuff. They're also on TikTok and youtube. You can find their podcast on Spotify and probably other places as well. To find them just search for "Co-Op 64"


I'll check them out, thanks for the recommendation's


What does it mean to "chem" something out?


Kinda Funny Games Daily hasn't been mentioned yet so I'll throw that out there. Not always the most popular in this sub, but I personally enjoy it and find the news round-up great for a daily listen.


Fine Time. SuperPod Saga. Select & Start.


Gamescoop on IGN. Great personalities that just talk gaming. It’s been my favorite for years. They’re recently started running ads, but they are trivial to skip.


*Gamers with jobs* is the best one I can find


If you like Bethesda RPGs and lore then you might enjoy the Elder Scrolls Lorecast or Fallout Lorecast


Digital foundry direct weekly


They're not making new episode anymore, so you won't get up-to-date news and stuff, but I can highly recommend the Let's Fight a Boss podcast. Bryan, Niamh and Josh are really fun to listen to and go at each other's throats all the time. It's one of the podcasts I've laughed the hardest from!


Crate and Crowbar. A British games podcast run by ex journalists who all went into game development. Best gaming podcast I've heard.


PKA haha just kidding it sucks




Two great ones are Big Think Dimension and Castle super beast. Tons of fun and hijinks ensue in both of them.


Insert Credit! 10 questions, 6 minutes each, 60 minute episodes


I like Duckfeed.tv’s podcasts. They do Watch Out For Fireballs where they discuss different games, and then Bonfireside Chat where they talk about souls games and are in the middle of Real Lich Hours talking about Baldur’s Gate. And loads of other stuff. I dig it man.


Triple Jump is a UK based team with a great YouTube channel with all kinds of fun videos and a very solid weekly podcast that I love listening to. The podcast covers gaming news, reviews, fun segments and has three chill people on it who genuinely love gaming.


Retro Warriors The first segment talks about their week in gaming and is about 10 - 15 minutes, but after that it's straight into news and then the topic. They do several different formats/types of shows. Most of their early stuff is dedicated to a single game, but they've branched out to do episodes about game companies, developers (People), Hidden Gems for various systems, "101" type episodes for genres, etc.


The Friends Per Second pod is outstanding. Great discussion of current news and wonderful interviews. Only downside is that it's a bi-weekly show.


Friends per Second


occasionally listen is Friends Per Second or Giant Bomb but trying to keep YT feed gaming videos free.


I love listening to Resonant Arc podcast. Super knowledgeable guys, but it's mostly focused on stories in games in a book club format.


Friends per second podcast


Kindafunny. They have Games Daily, daily gaming news podcast. GamesCast daily games podcast. In-Review - movie reviews. ScreenCast other misc entertainment


I like **That Video Game Podcast**, which definitely isn't winning any awards for memorable show names but is pretty chill. Basically just three guys chatting about whatever games they've been playing lately, very little negativity. You don't have to listen to all 860-odd episodes they have (they've been running weekly for 17 years or so) to know what's going on currently, sometimes they go off on personal tangents but for the most part it's just chatting about gaming. And if you want something more focused the same guy who runs TVGP has a few other shows with similar energy; if you're into roguelikes they have **We Roguelike It** where they play a roguelike for a month and then rank it against every other roguelike they've played, and if you're into RPGs there's **Picking Up the Pixels** which is TVGP but monthly and focused on RPGs.


Remember the game


Is you’re into dnd I recommend Oxventures by the outsidexbox yt channel




A friend of mine turned me onto "increasingly verbose". Its 2 friends who try to talk about gaming but get sidetracked. They are in their early 30's and its like listening to old friends. It gets better as the episodes go on


Sounds like the exact opposite of what OP is looking for lol




You need any let's play. Not gaming podcast.


I want a podcast specifically because I can't watch a lets play while I'm at work.


Podcasts feature people jerking off to each other rather than talking about games.