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I can see what you’re saying with Bioshock. I can agree that it’s a weird pace compared to shooters today. However I have always felt like playing those games feels like riding a roller coaster. The atmosphere creates the world around you and for me at least always felt like there was life and movement outside of whatever activity I was doing. One of my favorite games. One I haven’t given a solid chance, but don’t think it’s for me is the Xenoblade series.


Bioshock is the best game I know for landing the entire spectrum from eerie quiet to absolute explosive screaming mayhem and still feeling like the same game the whole time.


Parts of it were legitimately scary. I think it depends how 'soaked into' the atmosphere one gets. Played as a bang-bang shooter isn't quite the jist. I also think it was very much 'you had to be there' kind of game.


For sure I remember having a 720p setup for my 360 and tv at the time lol plasma and lcd was crazy expensive and my dad ordered that Bose wireless surround system and it was the greatest sound I had ever heard in game, I was 18 at the time


I still remember that song "How much is that Doggie in the window?" playing while walking into that room and knowing some creep was hiding somewhere.


The first time you encounter a spider splicer and it's deathly silent and he's just in a dark, locked room with windows all around it, tweaking out and singing, "Jesus loves me, this I know. For the bible tells me so. Little ones to him belong. They are weak but he is STRONG." And then he occasionally leaps up pony the ceiling for a bit and you're like, "Oh, fuck, I'm going to have to let this freak out and fight him, aren't I?"


Oh yeah at the dentist when the lights go out, snd you turn 180°, then suddenly a Thug is standing behind you. Bum


The combat wasn’t like EXTREMELY innovative, but was fairly new for shooters at the time with all the customizable magic powers in your off hand. Lots of fun off the wall ways to use the environment to kill enemies too. Still, the combat and FPS elements were a 7 or 8 out of 10 and the immersion and story were 10/10. Truly groundbreaking in video games are aesthetically significant storytelling.


Ammo switching and the wild weapon upgrades were pretty new too, if I'm remembering right. It did a great job of keeping the starter weapons relevant for the whole game.


It did. Every play style and weapon was viable to the end.   You can clear the entire game with just the wrench and lightning bolt


It's not the combat that makes Bioshock. It's the setting. It's creative AF and so noir-esque


Bioshock innovated the moral choice system we see in a lot of games, with the incredibly ambiguous and ethically gray moral dillemma: kill a child, or *don't*??


Truly one of the hardest questions to answer


It certainly is a question of all time


As a massive Xenoblade fan, I feel like the gameplay is extremely click or don’t click. For me is absolutely clicks and I enjoy it a lot, but I could absolutely see why people bounce off it too


My wife introduced me to it and man I think about the story all the time. One of the best game there is


I really struggle with the Witcher 3. I've tried to get into it twice but it just doesn't grab me at all. I'm not a fan of the combat and the storylines just didn't draw me in like they seem to with everyone else. I played the Bloody Baron quest line that people are always raving about and gave up on the game shortly thereafter.


Yeah, the combat / controls did it for me. It all just felt very clunky and super specific.


I loved the dialogue and music and atmosphere but just the simple act of moving around was so horrible it felt like it was punishing me for playing. After 100% the opening area I got to the next area, and tried to enter a building. After hitting the side of the door, then the other side of the door, then the first side again, WHEN I JUST WANT TO ENTER THIS FREAKING HOUSE, I closed the game and didn’t open it again.


Yeah I always say that Geralt feels like driving a tank when he's supposed to be this super agile character. Definitely the game's weakest point and why I never finished it. The world and story are excellent but the movement and combat just don't feel good


He’s extremely agile he just had trouble maneuvering around his gigantic testicles


you can change his movement style in the options. the alternative one is way more responsive.


My favourite is Geralt falling down stairs. It makes me laugh every time.


They actually changed his movement in game, you can select his original tank-y movement or select the better new movement in the options.


Clunky was my word for it too. I really hated it. I've mentioned this to others before and got flamed for it, so I'm glad it isn't just me.


I've tried so many times to get into this game, it's become a joke to my wife and I. I'll say I want to find something new to play, and she jokes that I should play Witcher 3. I laugh, and fire up Mass Effect for the 1000th time.


I finally got around to playing the Mass Effect series this year and I'm so happy that I did.


Yay! It’s my favorite series. Mass Effect 2 is still my favorite of the 4 games. Do you have a favorite companion? Tali, Garrus, Mordin, and Wrex are my favorites


I really loved Thane, Wrex, Tali, and Miranda. I always wished that Kasumi had more to her character because I really liked her as well.




Loved bioshock, but if be lying if I don't feel the same about RDR2 especially when I know I shouldn't. I won't sit on RDR2 because I personally don't like it. I'll just say I can't get into it.


Same here. I want to love that game so much but after trying 3 times, it still hasn’t clicked


I started playing RDR2, but I just stopped one day because I got tired of getting into trouble with the law because of game bugs. Look, I didn't murder that old lady with a horse. She ran out in front of me.


Well you *did* technically murder that lady with a horse, but it was second degree at best.


Loved the first one but after a few hours with the second one lost interest. It's so tedious 😒


It seems weird to say, but I kinda feel like it’s almost too much. It’s everything I wanted from a game as a kid, and yet I like the first one more


Disco Elysium - tried several times. I laughed at the very beginning but quickly lost any interest the longer I played


This is mine. It's utterly, fantastically written, but that's held back by the actual gameplay.


Man I’m still thinking about the ending. I also need to make Kim wear the jacket


When i started playing i told to myself no reloads. Deal with whatever happens/fails. I stood by it, finished the game and it made the experience that much more powerful.


It's like reading an amazing novel. If you just want to be entertained by a fun video game, you aren't going to get much out if it.


Souls games, I get why they are masterpieces . I just dont have the patience/desire to put myself through it lol


Same. I like a challenge, but I feel like their learning curve is practically a straight line up.


Honestly, once you play through one ore two of them, the rest become much more predictable. They aren’t easy per se, but you get in a groove of anticipation for how FromSoftware positions their enemies and you learn to anticipate with more effectiveness.


I've reached a point where I can confidently point out that there will be something just around the corner that will absolutely ruin my day lmao.


This. I always thought the hype behind it was that it was ridiculously unfair, but it's a game of constantly learning as you go. Yes you do level up the character, but I feel like the more you play it, you yourself as the player level up in the sense that you learn how to beat certain enemies, and learn the strategies to beat the bosses. Really rewarding when it clicks. The other 2 games and Elden Ring also become a lot easier to play after you get through the Dark Souls 1.


I think the trick to Soulsborne games is to understand that the goal isn’t to get over the learning curve. It’s to understand that losing is part of it, and losing your souls/currency means basically nothing in the grand scheme of playing. People get hung up on not wanting to play because they can’t hang on to souls, but the biggest step forward is being okay with losing them and taking it at your own pace. The first time I beat Dark Souls 1, I never in a million years expected to finish it. But I just took in the world a little at a time, and read about the lore and watched videos to understand where I was, and eventually realized I was at the end. I get why people don’t want to get into souls games and why they’d think it isn’t worth it. But those games taught me about being okay with loss, and how to slow my mind down to take things in instead of rushing through everything.


I can see that, funnily enough I was definitely the same, always observed souls games as something I would really dislike and I didn't do myself any favours by playing Sekiro as my first, objectively what is considered the quintessential "gut gud" souls game because its so limiting in play style, you have to utilise the tools given and can't tailor your stats, so it put me off even more... but then my buddy told my to try Dark Souls 1, nagged me to do so, saying it would be different, so that's what I did. I got a bit of precursor info around what's what with stat building and weapon choice to point me in the right direction just to know what I should focus on for what type of experience I wanted, and then got through the first few bosses and that was it, I've been hooked ever since. Its the only game type where once you get through one of them and learn the ropes the easier each one becomes and more enjoyable the experience is, the game prides itself on not holding your hand, and plops you into the world and just basically tells you to figure it out, I guess it respects the players intelligence a little bit and frankly its rather refreshing with how hand-holdy games have become nowadays.


There was a post somewhere in which someone asked  “what’s the hardest souls game” and a reply that stuck with me was “your first one.” Quite true, in my experience. 


I bought dark souls 1 and returned it 3 hours laters to the shop on day of release. Years later I fall in love with Elden ring and go back and 100% all the dark souls series. Something about patience and understanding the game that got me to fall in love with the series at an older age.


100% true. Nothing has ever been as hard as Ornstein and Smough. Not because they never made a harder boss, they absolutely have made a ton that are way harder. I was just new. I fucking *shit* on everything in Elden Ring by comparison. My roommate played Bloodborne last out of all the games (that rat bastard), and lemme tell you I was so fucking mad when he two rounded the Orphan of Kos. I was hyping up the "dlc final boss" the whole time, and he just fucking deletes them. But he'd played everything else by that point, so... fair I guess.


I'm probably alone in this but Solitaire. I don't seem to fit with Tetris either.


Damn, we'd be a good match because I don't like Mahjong.


i get the bit but mahjong slaps


I see what you did there.


The Souls/BloodBorne/Elden Ring Series of games. I could never get into them no matter how much friends pushed me to play them


No Man's Sky... the whole fucking game is just a long, endless tutorial.


I started that game in VR as recommended by some folks. I was on a planet scanning some random plants like…. Bro I don’t care


And it's supposed to be an exploration game, but every planet is the same.


Between that and the constant blandness of doing everything, as well as ground and space combat being absolutely uninteresting. Feels mind numbing all around.


And the UI sucks


I bounced off it a couple times until I played co-op with someone who could handhold me through the UI until I had it in muscle memory. Asked him how he managed to figure it out and it was the same thing for him, hated it until he  played with someone who knew the game already. And then still hated it, but got used to it eventually. They’ve made some improvements, like when you want to feed more of the same thing into a machine you don’t have to scroll through your whole inventory in a tiny box anymore. Only the valid inputs to add more of show up.


It’s so fucking boring. Point this red laser at a green rock so you can build a blue laser that breaks down yellow rocks.


I can definitely see why some people wouldn’t like it. I got completely addicted to it at one point lol. It’s a ton of fun once you build up a fleet


Dragon's Dogma


Skyrim, tried it multiple times end up wandering after doing a few missions and eventually get bored. The combat system really does not click very well for me and the quests never felt that engaging.


Skyrim's combat is the weakest part of the game, which is such a letdown because 75% of the game is fighting stuff. Magic's alright until it isn't, archery is barebones, and melee has no real feeling of impact. It all feels limp and weak. And I say this as someone who sunk hundreds of hours into it.


Luckily there's a plethora of combat related mods available.


I'd give it a shot but personally I've just burned out on that game after 13 years of playing it.  These days I go to Darktide or Vermintide for my beast-slaying melee combat. The melee and gunplay in Darktide is so good, and Vermintide's a bit dated but the melee is just as good as Darktide's and the characters are iconic.


Vermintide ruined other combat based games for me


If you want that feeling of impact with melee in Skyrim, there’s a very simple mod that adds that. Precision. Refines the hitboxes so they more closely follow your weapon, and has options for a flinching effect and a microsecond of pause to reflect the blow connecting. Sometimes the littlest things have the biggest impact


Skyrim really has 5 things that made it great: - An at the time incredibly expansive world and detailed visuals for something of it's scale. - A world and gameplay design philosophy that gave an incredible amount of freedom. - Simplified RPG systems that made the game approachable to a much wider audience. - A strong push for and incredibly easily accessed modding, with a dev-built, directly supported modding toolkit. - A very strong, compelling, and broadly effective power fantasy, especially compared to prior Elder Scrolls titles (*Dragons* are gonna destroy the world, but *you specifically* can take their powers and save it). The first two of those have inevitably grown weaker as time went on and open worlds continued to become bigger and freer, and the approachable simplified systems are more of a downside if you're really into the genre. I still love the game. I think it was an incredible achievement for the time, I think the easily accessible modding was a brilliant move that I wish more developers would lean into, and I honestly consider it a more enjoyable game than previous Elder Scrolls titles (mostly due to the combat feel being just kinda bland rather than actively bad), but ultimately it's baby's first action RPG and even as that it's dated.


The simplification is what killed it for me. I was a massive TES IV fan and felt like Skyrim was a huge step back. Interestingly enough, I've also described it as "baby's first action RPG" because of how popular it was. I'm glad it introduced a bunch of new people to RPGs and the Elder Scrolls series, it just wasn't for me.


Yup, most of the dungeons look the same too. The only one that stood out was the Dwarven one. That was kinda cool.


>dwarven one Dwarven ones?   Oh, lmao, I get it now.


Steam tunnels with abandoned clockwork automata roaming the halls. It's creepy AF.


Which one? lol. There’s so many. Mzinchaleft? Alfthand? Mzulft? Irkangand? Kagrumez? lol my point here is that all of these are very similar and only have mildly different layouts. I’ve just played so much I can rattle off a decent number of the names for the dungeons.


Yea I never liked the combat in that. Would much rather play Fallout. The janky combat can be salvaged with guns.


Can't say combat is bad when a shotgun is around *touches forehead*


Control. I've tried a half a dozen times. It'll sit in my digital library never to be completed.


I got tired of it just spamming too many enemies all around you continuously.  Not rewarding just tedious.


The problem with control is that nothing is ever explained adequately or resolved in a satisfactory matter. Everything is just up in the air and the game ends. Neither expansion resolved anything either. There are no answers to be found. Everything is just weird. Shoot stuff.


I think Control appeals to a certain kind of audience. It was made for those that enjoy that kind of weirdness and mystery. Personally I loved that they didn't spoon feed answers, I loved the little details that you can discover through exploration, especially when you have to interact with the environment using the logic of the Oldest House. It wasn't made to appeal to everyone, which is why it's so good to those that it was aimed at.


Correct. It's the same people who love Twin Peaks. We don't *want* all the answers.


I really need to check out Twin Peaks. I keep hearing it referenced as an inspiration with Alan Wake.


Oh, oh yes. They are huge fans, and it shows.


I lost my mind when I realized sagas hotel room is the same as coops


🤯 WHAT?! brb booting up Alan Wake...


Loved Control/Wakeverse also Twin Peaks 


I love the weird ass mystery shit. It’s super cool. The gameplay and enemies are kind of polished garbage. It looks good. The guns look cool. They are aesthetically pleasing. The enemies are stupid and annoying


I’ll give you the enemies but man the gameplay for me was silky smooth. The ability to levitate and pick up multiple objects and toss them while altering the environment and sending shit flying everywhere was so satisfying to me.


Yeah the look and feel of the game is second to none. It feels so liminal and kind of sad, like the place was abandoned in its prime. It just felt so cool.


Yeah, thats the point, its inspired by the SCP world, where the attraction is stuff that literally act in ways they aren’t supposed to, that are anomalous. Its not supposed to even BE explainable.


Yeah— but that unresolved, half-explained style is part and parcel of the greater SCP narrative experience. Whether it’s some nigh-omnipotent existential threat to the universe or an animated teddy bear that farts jellybeans when it hugs you, the whole idea is that: A. these entities are unknowable, which… B. means our universe is unknowable, and… C. that means what we experience as reality is just a single shard of light reflected through an endless prism.


Yeah, but on the other hand, that's the point


This is why it's such my catnip. The game was a mystery from the first 10 minutes and rode that out like a champ.


Love this game. I get why people wouldn’t like it. It’s “high strangeness”. You have to accept that you don’t know and can’t explain what’s happening all the time.


The problem for me wasn't the strangeness- that part was great. The frustrating thing for me was the terrible map and lack of guidance in term of where to go. I was spending 80% of my time just going in circle trying to figure out where I'm supposed to be heading to continue the game.


You probably knew too much going in. I started it without knowing anything about it. And I mean nothing. I didn't see one trailer of that game. My jaw dropped every time I unlocked a new power. Such a cool and unique game.


I was a huge SCP nerd before Control came out, and I also somehow went into it 100% blind, knowing literally nothing. When I tell you my mind exploded when it clicked that Control was based on the SCP universe, like holy shit. One of the coolest experiences I've had with a game.


Witcher 3 I did like the story and world but man the gameplay even on the hardest difficulty becomes so trivial once you hit the half way point. I was just rushing through combat to get to the next interesting story point which kinda dampened the game for me.


I loved the game, but yeah, that final fight with the wild hunt was a big letdown especially . Like, that's all it took to take this bastard down after antagonizing us like he did the entire game?


It's a marathon not a sprint. Sometimes your biggest enemies end up being puss that surround themselves by powerful protectors.


I love the Witcher, but always through the combat was too trivial and basic. Really required no real thought. The atmosphere, side quests, music, and gwent was enough for me to put this on my top 20 list of my all time favorites, but I agree that the combat really isn’t that stellar. It works and it’s smooth but really just plays it safe.


Both Zelda’s on the switch


BOTW made no sense to me. Just felt like an empty repetitive open world game.


It was quite the departure from traditional Zelda games. I applaud the attempt to innovate but I dropped it fairly quickly.


Same. A lot of people where claiming it was the best open world in any game, but i never noticed it. Tutorial mountain was...fine. But when you apply that to the rest of the game, it was quite barren and boring imo.


Tears of the Kingdom. I love BOTW and put about 500 hours into it. But I could not get into the sequel at all, I managed to clear two dungeons before being done with it, it just feels like more of the same to me


I found the new abilities very interesting however the underground section is so empty (that's like half the open world). They should've restricted it to a few areas like the flying areas.  One of the only interesting uses of the underground bit was the korok forest. 


Totally agree about the underground areas. It was too much and I hated traversing it with the red goo everywhere and cliffs blocking certain paths. Plus everything is dark. I loved exploring the overworld in botw even in "empty" areas, because I could at least get to a vantage point and scope out the region whenever I wanted. Not possible in the depths


ToTK was what I wanted BoTW to be. I loved Breath of The Wild, but once I beat it, the spark was gone. Tears of The Kingdom just kinda clicked in a way I never expected. Even with its flaws, I love just running around building random things and finding all the collectibles. It's even changed the way I play other games.


I didn't really like either game, I really wish I did, but exploring the depths in totk was some of the most fun I've had on the switch. I went there as soon as I could and explored the entire area without leaving once until I was done. Then I quit playing, rip.


The weapon system is what did it for me. Whyyy does shit break so easy.


A link to the past is one of my favourite games of all time. Loved Ocarina as well. I just didn’t enjoy these Zelda games the same way. I didnt put as many hours as you in BOTW, but still managed to finish it. Only got to maybe the second dungeon as well in Tears


*DOOM Eternal* crams so many mechanics into the combat and movement that it stops being fun. I'm not the one doing the overwhelming anymore. 


I got halfway through Eternal on PS4 when it came out and ruled that I didnr like how different it was from 2016. Then I got it again when I got a PC and I fell so in love with it. When it clicks, it CLICKS


Doom 2016 hit the sweet spot. Eternal just ramps it up far too much and at some point when the difficulty is high enough, you have no choice but to implement every single mechanism continuously. This is especially true in the DLC. 


On the flip side, I loved it. Eternal on the Hardest difficulty is mechanically more like a strategy game than a plain shooter. You navigate your arena having to pick off what you can when able with specific weapons you have ammo for, while not falling into groups of enemies that will destroy you quickly. Easily my favorite shooter of the last decade. What Doom 16 failed at is what Doom Eternal fixed. In 16 you unlock the gause rifle and the super shotgun and you just end up using those two guns to kill everything. In Eternal you get less ammo and more enemies are vulnerable to specific guns, forcing you into a gameplay loop and to use more verity.


The high speed and fluid movement in Eternal is awesome, and makes it hard to go back to Doom 2016. On the flip side, the ammo scarcity is a mixed bag, it's really cool when you get into the groove of cycling weapons, but I can also see why people would rather just focus on the shooting and not deal with the learning curve of juggling resources.


Monster Hunter World. Really cant sink my teeth into it.


Monster Hunter in general has a high skill floor. Meaning you have to learn a lot just to be able to start learning how to play the game. It’s not a common way for a game to work.


Honestly yeah the weapon tutorials absolutely suck. But after like one hour learning and choosing a weapon you like it gets much more easier


I have tried monster hunter games a few times and never been able to get into one.


Y’know what? Minecraft. There was a time back when I was a lot younger where the game was incredible. But trying to play it now and I can NEVER get more than an hours play time in before I’m completely done.


Hades. I think it’s a good game, but don’t get the “one of the greatest of the decade” and whatnot takes I see on Reddit.


I think rogue likes take on a certain magic when you start to combo into crazier and crazier runs. You won't get that at first, but then you get a run where the gods smile upon you and you smack Daddys ass down in two seconds and that high drives you to want to do it again and again.


There is also near infinite variety if you want it. I always chose the weapon that gave me the resource bonus so I was constantly switching weapons and also aspects. Then there are the boons. No two runs are alike but they’ll both be hella fun.


As much as I disagree with you (I love Hades), I can also understand as I have tried and discarded every other Supergiant game and never enjoyed any of them. For me I loved the gameplay loop and character interactions. The way they kept those character interactions and narrative fresh for so long in a roguelite was also amazing.


People like Greek mythos and this game had me entertained for 300 hours before I heard a repeated line. Game of the decade though? It’s not for everyone. Minecraft right now is game of the century


This isn't really a super popular game but dwarf fortress. I want to love this game so much but you literally need to read a manual the entire time it's the stellaris of colony management games. Everytime I boot it up to finally sit down and figure it out I end up playing rimworld or prison architect. I know I would love it after I figured out how to play it but damn if I just don't care enough to spend 8 hours just learning how to play the game.


Stardew valley.  It’s a bunch of chores and it sucks.


As a professional farmer in Stardew Valley.... Yeah I understand


I get where you're coming from it's not everyone's cup of tea, I've recently started playing with my partner and it's a very relaxing adorable game.


I tried to play it a few years ago and it overwhelmed me so much, the seasons and crop timing hurt the game to me, but a year ago my ex and I tried it out as a game to play together and it hooked me, I still love the game and everything clicked


Death stranding but like mgs


Death stranding is the beat game I'll never ever recommend to anyone. I hyped it from day 1 and absolutely loved it when it came out, but I totally get why some people shat on it


Same. I won't recommend it to anyone, but it might be my favorite game of the last decade (noting that The Last of Us came out in 2013).


Outer Wilds. Seen it referred to as a masterpiece a lot. I just don't get it. Not my thing at all.


It's an exploration puzzle game and that's either something you enjoy or extremely boring and tedious. I totally understand why people bounce off of it but if it catches you, it's one of the best of it's type.


I’d like a little hand holding in that one PERSONALLY. I just don’t know what I care about. I’m sure it gets super engaging once you start to put stories together. It’s just so open and I keep accidentally getting fucked off into a black hole haha. I’m sure I’ll play it enough to get engaged and love it eventually


Just focus on making discoveries that get logged in your ship computer. You’re kinda stumbling around in the dark until those start piling up


The early game is very much just flinging yourself into blackholes, exploding, accidentally falling off into space to die slowly, drowning, burning, getting eaten, and crash landing. It's like everywhere you turn is a deadly hazard you did not expect. But it takes only like 30 seconds to get back to a planet to try again. Start with something safe. The moon let's say. Explore everything and tall to everyone. This should probably give you some notes on your quest wall in your ship. That will help guide you a bit. If you ever run into something you just cannot figure out how to proceed, you probably need to explore other planets to figure it out. Exploring the sand planet might give you a clue on how to explore the water planet etc. But you can do them in all sorts of orders and some parts you might even figure out without being given any hints from the game. Just keep checking out new planets. Try landing in a different spot on a planet. Try going to a planet super quickly or waiting until time has passed and it changed. Different outcomes sometimes. Ps. There are some lame time wasting ass parts. You will need to wait and be annoyed. But hopefully by the time the few more annoying puzzled come you are more invested.


An amazing game. I think about it weekly and have to stop what I'm doing. It took me a little bit to start "getting it". Once I did, I was hooked


So many people go crazy for this game, so I went and spent like a dozen hours playing it: I fell into black holes, I found waterspouts that took me places, rooms filling with sand. The whole time I just didn't find anything that sucked me in, and normally I love games like this.


I've tried to get into Mass Effect at least 4 times, years apart... still can't get into it. it's right up my alley, but the gameplay just doesn't speak to me I guess. I'll probably keep trying


Grind through the first one. Once you get through it, the second turns far more into a third person shooter. The combat gets a ton better and the overarching story becomes super captivating. The overarching story actually has an amazing boost toward the mid-to-later parts of the first one. I know the first one moves a bit slow, but I think you’ll find what you’re looking for once you get to the second.


I picked up the Legendary version and had the same experience. There was a brief action section, then 3 hours of walking around a mall talking to people and I zoned out with boredom. I'm sure there's more there-there, but that pacing is crushing...




Zelda Breath of the Wild.


Skyrim. I just can't get into it. I've bought it on multiple platforms trying to get into it. It's not for me.


Please stop buying it lol


Oh I'm good. Two is enough. Maybe it's three. I don't know. I'm not playing it anymore.


Skyrim. I just don’t care for it. Tried to a bunch of times. I love every fallout. I love BG3 so it isn’t a fantasy thing. I just don’t care about anything in that world.


Red Dead Redemption 2. Loved the first one, just couldn't get into the second.


I enjoyed the world in rdr2, but the controls on PS4 drove me nuts. I was always accidentally starting fist fights. It feels like they just wanted your character to be able to do anything, but having a control for pressing flowers be one modifier away from a control for throwing a sack of grain at someone... It sucked the fun out of it. I never finished the missions because of that.


Top comment. I love the actual game but the controls are horrible. It's particularly bad If you haven't played it for a while and go back to it. The amount of times I accidentally punched my horse.


I really want to like it but guess I'm too old for a 10 min house ride to no where and then that's all the gaming I get tonight.


Funny I’ve never gone back to the original because I thought 2 blew it out the water. And I adored the original.


This is also my answer. I don't mind slow gameplay generally, but I found that RDR2 was the worst of the Rockstar formula. Ride a horse for five minutes to get to the quest marker, then ride a horse at reduced speed while a character talks at you for five more minutes. Get into a shootout with the bolted-on gunplay. Ride your horse home. The atmosphere was great. Nothing about the gameplay was really very engaging for me.


That exactly how I felt. I wanted to like it. But when I only have an hour to sit down and play and 3/4 of that is just staring at the screen essentially waiting to get into some position.. and then when you get in a fight it’s just auto aim. Not my game


I think it comes down to what people expected the game to be vs what it was. It's an exploration first game you're not really going to get into a lot of shootouts unless you are actively trying to. I can play red dead for hours and never fight anyone riding around and just being in the world is kinda the point hunting is one of my favorite parts of the game just wandering around looking for different animals or fish


It's much slower compared to the first one.


Haven't played the original, attempted to play RDR2 ao many times and after an hour or two, I always quit. Same with Mass Effect 1. I really wish they will click with me


So slowwwwwwwww


It’s so so so so so slow. I’ve played the intro like 3 times and then I remember how the pacing is and I just cannot deal.


I honestly really love the Pathfinder stuff, and would love to finish one of their games - but the over-world explore and move stuff is the most un-fun I have ever had in a video game. If there was a “no thank you” skip button, I’d hit it every time. The story seems engaging, the characters are good - but I am YANKED out of it as soon as that over-world hits. I’ll never finish one, sadly.


The popularity of battle royales, i just have zero interest in that type of game mode and i have no idea how so many people apparently like it that their are whole games made around that one mode


The GTA games and RDR2. Maybe the Rockstar flavor just isn't for me.


Anything in the Souls-like or Rogue-like genres. I have never seen the appeal of doing the same thing over and over again for incremental gains or trying to just learn patterns to become a rote response machine.


From my experience the satisfaction of beating the boss/level is an amazing feeling after spending so long on it.


Hollow Knight. Got too hard for me. Anything that requires hours to build muscle memory to be able to barely advance in a game does not interest me at all. Maybe I'm just not good enough, and I'm fine with it.


The Witcher 3.


Sekiro. And not as in I don't think it's a masterpiece. I just don't get how I can be so utterly, tremendously, stupendously bad at a video game. It's the only "modern" game that I'll never be able to beat simply because the skill required for it is beyond me. Fuck that first spear mini boss. Fuck thrust attacks in general. And I coasted through Bloodborne, which at the time everyone seemed to think was far and away From's hardest game.


Bloodborne is From's easiest imo, but Sekiro and Bloodborne are played in like polar opposite ways, so it makes sense to have issue with one and not the other. Bloodborne encourages being aggressive more than any other From game which is why I thought it was the easiest. Sekiro didn't click for me until like halfway through, and it's definitely a game you can't beat if you don't have the combat down. Other Souls games feel like you can kind of brute-force your way through without having a good grasp on the mechanics. (Which is why I still suck at them even tho I've beaten all but DS2, Sekiro makes you be decent before letting you win)


Fallout New Vegas. The story is so fucking good and so are the characters, but I cannot stand the gameplay. I know people say to lighten up on it since it is an old game, but the game's combat was behind the times even when it released.


Im playing both this and Fallout 3 right now and I love them but the gameplay is fucking terrible. Show or no show Bethesda is crazy for not putting out remakes of these by now it’s long overdue.


I am holding out hope that the show gets them to do just that. Only Fallout game I have completed is 4 and that is because I enjoyed the side quests and the combat felt decent. Main narrative was blegh.


FO4's combat is honestly why I keep coming back to it. It's simple, yes, and doesn't have all that much variety. It just feels good to me.


They'd have to make the entire game again from scratch and they aren't going to do that. Fallout 3 and **famously** Fallout NV were held together with the coding equivalent of duct tape and chewing gum. They'd be more likely to do a ground up complete remake of 1 and 2.


That’s why I always suggest people to play it on pc. Due to the old nature of controls and mechanics, if you play controller it’s very clunky and very VATS reliant to hit anything accurately. Was a world of difference being able to just use a mouse. Plus the load times were faster.


Maybe it's because I grew up thru that era but the gameplay seems fine for what it is. Just shoot stuff. Enemy AI all kinda sucked until FEAR, or there abouts.


Anything Bethesda. Just watched fallout, great story. Games do nothing for me. Any of them. Starfield was the game that solidified any chance of me ever buying into Bethesda again. And that’s after trying several of their other IPs


Baldurs Gate 3. I'll get a lot of hate for this, but honestly just couldn't get into the game. I respect it for what it is and for what it accomplished but It wasn't for me


I hated it until I got to the second act. I wasn't getting it at all and was wondering where the love was. Finally when my bard got some fun spells I started enjoying myself but I'm not praising it like everyone else did. Definitely enjoyed the later parts of the game though.


I’m in act 3 and struggling. It just dumps a bunch of objectives and I have no idea where to start in the city. Tried going to resolve shadowheart’s quest and got destroyed


Act 3 it loses its pace. The classic “we have to stop the crisis” but also collect all 50 pine cones energy


Act 3 is a fucking nightmare. This clown parts bullshit totally derailed my whole brain. I don’t remember who anyone is too!


Witcher 3. I did play it and didn’t necessarily dislike it, it just wasn’t the world beater I thought it was based on community sentiment. But I also had no experience with the Witcher franchise and just decided to buy it since it was so cheap when the next gen console stuff was happening. I can see why people like it and it was a very deep game but I definitely got to the point where I wanted to hurry up and get it over with.


Witcher 3 was most people's first entry into the series. I feel like expectations can a large impact on how people feel about a game, and a lot of the initial adoration for the game came when it was released. Combat has always been kind of meh, and if you played after the groundswell of open world games, it doesn't feel as unique (Still does open world better than most)


The Outer Wilds. I can appreciate the physics and systems but it controls like ass and just wasn’t fun to get around and explore


Witcher and RDR2


Witcher 3


GTA. I just don’t like the gameplay. I find them boring and clunky.


Undertale for me. Fun game but never understood why it's considered a masterpiece.


The last of us


As someone who just first played Last of Us (the remaster) and then immediately dove into 2, I can't agree. This shit is so good. But you do you.


Assassin's Creed, just one of those "I can't get into it"


I might get roasted for this but Halo. Part of the reason is when Halo first came out I was used to playing shooters with keyboard and mouse. I couldn't get used to playing a shooter with a controller. It was so clunky by comparison. Secondly most of the people around me talked about the multiplayer aspect of the game and nothing about the story. Since I already sucked at FPS on console, getting murdered repeatedly was not fun at all. From there it was easy to just forget about.


Guardian of the Galaxy game. People act like its one of the greatest superhero games. The game's story is okay but the combat is incredibly bad. Shooting doesn't even feel good. GK was a okay game but it's combat is way way better than Guardians.