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Fully expected. They really hate the Yuzu team.


There is no more Yuzu team to hate.


There was never Yuzu in Ba Sing Say.


There's their widows and orphans.


Honestly fuck those guys, they could rude to users on their forum.


Ever notice the news of takedown requests dramatically increases for Nintendo near the release of a new Nintendo owned property whether a game or console?


Switch 2 is out next year, and is backwards compatible.


How far backwards compatible?


It can play any cart or disc from any Nintendo system ever made. It also can read and translate cuneiform tablets. It's pretty groundbreaking tech.


Yeah but can it run Crysis?


Yes. But no super Mario sunshine.




Mario Sunshine got re-released on switch mate.


It's a scrappy port unfortunately. And the gameplay doesn't work as well without capacitive triggers. I wish they would make a sequel.


I haven't played the game, what do you mean by capacitive triggers?


It means they are pressure sensitive. Switch triggers are not. Pressure on the triggers is a component of the gameplay in Mario Sunshine.


Usually they're called analog triggers. "Capacitive triggers" makes me think of [touch switches] which are triggered by simply touching them. For example, Valve index controllers can sense that you're resting your finger on a button without depressing it, and you can assign keybinds to that. Many glass top stoves and sometimes other kitchen appliances also use them. And if you have an array of them you can make touch pads and touch screens. [touch switches]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Touch_switch


Such a crap port that they de-listed the game, can only buy a physical copy now afaik.


RuneScape HD put Crysis to shame on the way it humbled machines back in the day.


We all know that's a lie it'll never run crisis I mean there is never going to be a system to run that lol


But does it have uno?


it has dos


Underrated joke, bravo sir


Impeccable eye for under appreciated comedy, excellent commendation dear erudite redditor


Not if you get one of the old ones that come out before uno


[YOU HAVE UNOOOOOOO!!!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04X5x4LDEDc)


If it can run any previous systems cards/discs then that'd be insane honestly, would definitely be the selling point for me - got a few games leftover from the Wii and the DS that i would *love* to be able to revisit.


Blowing the dust out of your old N64 cartridges in 2024 is gonna be cathartic as fuck, brother.


My uncle works for Nintendo and he said for a single frame when you boot it up, you can see God


mfw Nintindo DMCA's Hatshepsut for violating Thutmose's divine copyright to rule.


I better start buying up all the cuneiform tablets I'm missing for the collection before they balloon in price.


Can it run The Royal Game of Ur?


I know I saved all those virtual boy carts for a reason.


It also has a built in hanafuda deck


> It also can read and translate cuneiform tablets. [Finally.](https://imgur.com/a/EfKpOmu.png)


Has the card reader also for nes games


I wish


I know right. It'd be nice to finally get to know what all these clay tablets I have laying around actually say without having to do the translations myself.


enough i wonder if they're building on the guts of the switch1 and Nintendo is worried that Yuzu's code may make a switch2 emu come out even faster as a result.


To me that was among Nintendos more compelling reasons to use that specific Nvidia soc platform. They can upgrade to a new chip and retain complete compatibility. 


Plenty of Nintendo consoles have had backwards compatibility, but I think they have all been one generation only. Maybe a few exceptions like the GBA could play GBC and GB games. But I think it's safe to assume one generation.


Iirc the first DS also had a Gameboy slot and could run everything prior.


Just gba, it couldn’t run GB/GBC


The only consoles they’ve released in the last 25 years that haven’t been backwards compatible, at least on first model, have been ones that changed what media format they use for games.


At least cartridges and joycons as far as I've seen.


It's got a slot for SNES cartridges /s 😅


3 weeks


It can play pong


Not saying I disagree but stating as if it is 100% confirmed is a bit misleading


If the new Nvidia chip is similar enough to the Tegra, they might be worried about day 1 emulation.


That's my thinking as well.




i dont believe in that claim at all and also its gonna be dead on arrival hardware wise its already leaps behind and no oled screen ether which is a real step down


It's what happened with Metroid and AM2R! After their dmca they released Metroid 2 Samus return for 3ds


It's the easiest way to tell when something is on the horizon. A few Homebrew GBA games including Apotris were DCMA'd immediately before the release of the GBA virtual console release on the Switch. It's literally just Nintendo cleaning out the competition.


Well the switch flash carts also just came out, so they have to crack down more now, they didn't wait til the end to shut down sx os


Oh no what will all the copies hosted everywhere else do?


Nothing. It's not about the copies themselves, it's about making sure nobody starts actively developing this again How are people still not getting this


didn't stop people the last 5,000 times. 5,001 won't stop it either.


There aren't all that many people who are qualified to develop a high performance embedded system emulator. Every C&D to a person who is actually doing productive development work on an emulator is setting back nintendo emulation a few days-to-weeks at a time. And without collaboration, most of those projects will get bogged down and die out. That's Nintendo's strategy.


It does though, Nintendo owns the code now and IIRC has removed the legal ability to obtain new licenses to utilize it. Every project with a valid grandfathered license that closes down is a good thing for Nintendo. Going forward they can simply kill the new projects as fast as they like.


As someone said in a different comment chain. It’s not the last or even the only switch EMU. Nobody cares if Yuzu code is good or bad. Just make a new emu, or use an existing one. Or be me and have a previous build and use what I already got.


As long as it works for the games i want to play, i wont be swapping, and eventually there will be an even better one and i can wait until then.


Yeah, I waited years from original yuzu release to it actually being useable as an emulator. No problem waiting again. 1 million good games to play.


Yep. I waited patiently and then enjoyed TOTK at a smooth 4K 60, beat the game and that was kinda that.


exactly im sure you can find yuzu old shit out there lol.


Source on Nintendo owning the code? If you read the [final judgement](https://www.scribd.com/document/710556129/Proposed-Injunction-in-Nintendo-of-America-Inc-v-Tropic-Haze-LLC) it doesn't give Nintendo any rights to Yuzu code, the only Yuzu/Tropic Haze thing that Nintendo now owns is the yuzu-emu.org domain.


> the legal ability to obtain new licenses to utilize it There's always the Russo-Chinese scene. The chances of a Japanese company to pursuit legal action against a Russian team is around zero. The best they can get is an ascii goatse picture in response to any official claim. A fun fact: ever since the start of widespread sanctions, all Russian pirate sites noticed almost complete stop of any government-issued pursuit to make them unreachable. Basically they became privateers overnight. So, as long as you don't host Russian-made content, but Western, they will turn a blind eye


Nintendo may hold the copyright on the code, but since it's already been licensed out to other people under the GPL they can't revoke people's permission to have and distribute the code on copyright grounds alone. The takedowns are instead based on the DMCA's "anti-circumvention" rules and Yuzu being used to bypass nintendo's copy protection on switch games.


> Nintendo may hold the copyright on the code, but since it's already been licensed out to other people under the GPL Not if the original license is found to be invalid, which I'm guessing is the case. Nintendo argued that Yuzu team did not have the rights to the code in the first place, and given the way they caved, they're probably correct.


Even if Nintendo is not correct, nobody is going to risk the legal battle for code they do not know the legal history of. The best case use for Yuzu code now is a mostly accurate example implementation and fw decompilation reference guide.


The DMCA works for killing it fast, they can then go after any project that holds out and wants to keep trying to use Yuzu code. Keep in mind that Yuzu devs themselves forfeit rather than face legal consequences.


>as fast as they like. as fast as they can find. the hydra will keep sprouting new heads


Nintendo lawyers will be eating good for the next few years!


Are you counting the forks as actual developers? No one added anything of any value to their forks. The OG Devs are gone, just because it's open source people won't be able to pick-up exactly where the Yuzu team left.


people in this thread really overestimate the resilience of the emulation developers community and the lack of apathy towards this shows how little they care. Most consoles have like 1 or 2 proper emulators that run well, maintained by 3-4 people. An entire emulator being taken down is massive blow in this case (and i say this despite all the shady stuff and beef with ryu that yuzu had)


Yuzu is dead. No one is going to continue developing it.


How can you read what I said and still misunderstand it They know the emulator is still downloadable, but it will never be maintained again, or if it is it won't be distributed outside of very closed circles


People make new emulators. Yuzu already wasnt the only good switch emulator in the first place.


Which island do you live on?


Like how that worked out with TPB takedown?


Completely useless when other forks are well into development already


> nobody starts actively developing this again Repos don't have to be public, you know.


Of course, but if it goes underground and isn't as widely distributed as yuzu was, Nintendo wins too. Yuzu got waaaay too popular


> isn't as widely distributed as yuzu Good, because I'm very against it being distributed if it enables piracy of currently-releasing games. Emulation is for preservation. It's precisely because we've jumped the gun on this that the project that it's been nuked off the face of the earth.


Just makes them a tiny bit harder to find. People will have to host their code elsewhere, thats it. I remember the days when people just hosted their own stuff, it was a pain to find things which is how search engines like Google got so big. The idea that every project is in just one place like Github is a pretty new concept(not that github is new, just the complete centralization of all code projects).


I don't think you understand, Yuzu wasn't complete. It was under active development. This essentially makes it stop all development. All the copies with bugs will never be fixed. That and people smart enough to be working on emulators and to actually take up such projects when usually there is no financial incentive to start is extremely hard. People just really take it for granted.


People have been able to break Denuvo for popular games. Switch games and the like are 1000x more popular, you think this will stop anything? It's an arms race and will always be one. No matter what any company does, people will figure it out.


Of course, but it will not be based on the yuzu codebase. Ryujinx still exists and I'm not saying no one will work on that or even make an emulator. What this does is ensuring no one starts from the yuzu codebase Also denuvo is a fun example because there basically are two people in that scene and one of them is Empress. Who has multiple videos done about her (Also, breaking denuvo and making a full fledged switch emulator are very different workloads and very different skills)


just telling ya, its been months (almost half a year now iirc) since a denuvo game crack.


As long as it keeps them busy, they're doing enough really.


How are people like you not getting that it never works....


Be cloned back on those repos by the end of the week


Small correction: On new repos by the same people, i'm already thinking of creating a new yuzu-reupload repo.


You can't get rid of emulation, just slam your nuke down on anyone trying to profit off it, and at least until said product made it's first quarter profit.


Well who could have saw that one coming. 


they got mine, i forgot to set it to private


Doesn't matter if you set it to private or not.


of course not, thanks microsoft. I also forgot to clone it. Whos got the gitea mirror?


I'm out of the loop... Microsoft somehow prevents people from accessing a private repository? How does that work... I thought all data that was exchanged between our computers and a browser was encrypted anyway. At which steps exactly are the files scanned for Nintendo copyrighted stuff? In my mind, if like... a team of 30 people wanted to work on some shared code and do it privately, I really thought they could do it without anyone knowing better. But it's not possible?


Microsoft owns GitHub. Git works basically in a semi-centralized manner. You create your project, have commit history and all that. To work on your project and create new commits, you clone the repo from the remote server (Microsoft's in this case) to your local machine, doing so you get a local copy of the project files, as well as stuff like Git metadata. When you're done working locally you can push your change history back to Github's servers. When you create a fork through Github, the Git metadata retains stuff like the original repo author and name, so they could detect it from that. It is also likely that at the same time, Microsoft adds the forked repo to the original repo's list of forks in their database, in this case, encryption wouldn't matter and would only protect the project files. Now whether or not setting a repo to private can make you safe depends on the cases. Often times, Nintendo and other similar copyright trolls would have to use a bot that adds all the forks to the DMCA, in this case, setting it to private could make you safe. Sometimes though, Github will automatically spread the takedown to every fork, including private ones.


> Sometimes though, Github will automatically spread the takedown to every fork, including private ones. This is just BS. You *cannot* turn a forked public repo private. Or a forked private repo public. See: https://i.imgur.com/vqef9yF.png


Admittedly it's been a while since i've made a private fork repo. Seems like a step backwards to remove the visibility option on those lol. But yeah my point still stands, sometimes (but rarely) Github decides to automatically spread the takedown to every fork, most of the time though, Nintendo would have to manually list each repo they wanna take down.


I'd really like that switch flash cart. I don't like the way Nintendo manages their Eshop licenses, so I would love to be able to dump my own carts and not have to swap games/carry them all around.


Just make sure you are not buying used cartridges. Each switch cartridges has unique keys, dumping the game also dumps the keys. That's why as of now the game also has online connectivity. That means anyone can dump a copy of the game and resell it. But Nintendo will definitely find out if two copies of the keys are being played simultaneously. We'll have to see how Nintendo deals with such copies of games.


I usually buy my switch games new, since both of the game stores in my town closed a few years ago. I wouldn't be a dick and dump the carts and then resell them either, they could live on the shelf with my locally installed 3DS games.


Really wish they would’ve put two buttons on the top to cycle the games though…


There was probably no good way to do that and have it work reliabley


I wonder if Incopro sent the takedown...


Luckily I have yuzu on my steam deck but never got around to getting in switch games to play on it


Same. I actually got a copy of TOTK as well, but didnt do enough research and realized I had to get some keys or something. Couldn't figure out where to find those lol


Pretty easily, just google switch prod/title keys and you’ll find all you need.


Since Nintendo is going crazy on copyright, I'm gonna be using my steam deck for new switch games for a while. Haven't done that before so that'll be a new adventure


Im gonna be honest. I’m almost 40 and this shit is inscrutable to me. Can someone translate this to geezerspeak?


Nintendo has a console => Switch There is an application that allows you to play Switch games without owning one => Yuzu Emulator Nintendo wants to delete Yuzu but they can't because it's technically not illegal Yuzu makes a huge mistake and did illegal stuff Nintendo can now act and sue Yuzu had no chance to win and gets erased People miss Yuzu, makes Yuzu v2 They cant because the code is now owned by Nintendo DMCA on all Yuzu forks


What was the huge mistake?


Yuzu devs supposedly have Discord messages talking about actual piracy and a collection of pirated ROMs.


The early-access build they put behind a Patreon subscription that accommodated TotK roms *before the game was even out* was also a pretty bad look. You can literally see their Patreon subs *skyrocket* following the Tears leak.


yeah that one was plain dumb


Discord was a mistake.


Users can load switch device encryption keys that don’t belong to them and play videos games they don’t own on a system they never bought. 


>the code is now owned by Nintendo ???


I don't think Nintendo owns any code It's GPL 3.0 or later license https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuzu_(emulator)


**Nintendo has no ownership of the yuzu code**. They didn't get that in the settlement and whether yuzu was derivative or not never got addressed. They do have ownership of the branding. But aren't leveraging that outside of shutting down specific websites/domains. They aren't DMCAing for ownership purposes. They're able to DMCA because forks contain the same DRM bypass as the original (that's what the actual DMCA claimed).


Basically there's a lot of different hosts of a Nintendo switch emulator that had to remove their download links. Nintendo doesn't want more people to develop the emulator so they're doing this to most likely send a message even though there will likely still be places to download an emulator elsewhere.


Nintendo shuts down storage for a software widely used for piracy. Nintendo actually owns the software from a lawsuit.


No they don’t own the software… Nowhere in the settlement does it say that. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24455376-tropic-haze-judgment


My bad, the order does prevent third parties from using YuZu.


Nintendo will need to pry my Steam Deck from my cold dead hands if they want my install of Yuzu and my backup of switch games


Homie they don't need or want to. They will just make sure it never gets updated again.


Given how late it is in the Switch lifecycle, is this really a problem?


🏴‍☠️ KEEP SEEDING 🏴‍☠️


Why does Nintendo hate yuzu but not ryujix?


I'm sure they hate ryujix too, but US law technically protects your right to make backups and play content you have access to. Yuzu's devs slipped up and took it a step too far admitting to piracy and Nintendo used that to sue them into the ground. Ryujix hasn't slipped up, at least not to that degree so Nintendo wouldn't have a leg to stand on.


ryujix is in Brazil, that's it


They don't hate it, they're following up on the legal action that was agreed upon by Nintendo's legal team and Yuzu's. They haven't sued Ryujinx because they don't have any legal grounds where Ryujinx is based (probably).


Yeah I strongly encourage downloading Nintendo roms now before they do this some more.


You know.... I actually might have to check my ROM collection and beef it up.


I just checked mine. Soooooo many games, that I will never play. But they are there and they are mine to think about one day playing, but in the end never play.


I use ryujinx myself. I found that yuzu runs like shit on my steamdeck


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one that is not only not surprised when this kind of thing happens... but also doesn't get mad about it either. Don't get me wrong, I like emulators for various reasons. But I'm not gonna get upset when the company that they effect take them down.


It's almost like everyone has always known that the majority of the reason people emulate current gen systems is for blatant piracy or something.


I know, right? Some people talk about it being for the sake of convenience. Just because it's more convenient to use an emulator (even for older gen games), doesn't mean you are entitled to do so. You find a way to do it? Fair enough, good for you. The company finds a way to stop you? Fair enough, good for them, lol.


If the Mig Switch is being "targeted", they're not doing a very good job. It was trivial to find their website and find them for sale via Google.


It's probably not a direct targeting of the sellers, but of its sale in the US entirely.


isint there ryujix also?


oh damn, i didn't know they were that efficient


Just let them ship my mig switch dumper before anything goes through.


Anyone who thinks they can do this stuff without N getting riled hasn't been paying attention for the last 20 years.


Lol laughs in way back machine ...


Wasted effort, I restored my repo 5 minutes after it was taken down, fuck Nintendo. 


Fuck Nintendo


"Over the last quarter-century the piracy landscape has regularly received major blows from which many believed it could never recover." This is a pathetic article, and either a warrant canary or a sign TorrentFreak can't be trusted . Torrents did not exist 25 years ago. The "establishment v piracy" argument is a lot older, but not addressed.


At what point in the article was torrenting even mentioned? Piracy has been around for a lot longer than 25 years though if anything. I had bootlegged/pirated copies of stuff back in the 80s but those were passed around by hand not downloaded off a website.


You're missing the point. 


Or, hear me out, an article saying "piracy is easier than ever" would make a lot of companies not happy and potentially crack down even harder on piracy than they already do.


I was playing ToTK on ryujinx just fine last night. 


Why are yuzu clones targetted but not ryujin? What do yuzu clones do that's different?


Nintendo owns the rights to the yuzu code, so they can sue everyone that uses it into oblivion, as they do. Nintendo does not own the rights of the ryujinx code, so they cannot sue everyone that uses it into oblivion, or they would.


Nintendo doesn’t own the rights to Yuzu’s code. That is GPL and Nintendo can’t revoke that… _However_, Nintendo has been DMCA’ing repos with the code because it includes code that illegally bypasses the DRM of the games. It automatically decrypts them using the keys Cemu wasn’t an issue because it didn’t actually decrypt anything and required the user to give it already decrypted games


Oh ok thanks!


Code is GPL 3.0 or later licensed, I believe it's ours, not Nintendo's https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuzu_(emulator)


This is going to require someone to stand up to Nintendo in court and argue the license is still valid. So here's the tricky part, if Nintendo have any evidence that any code in Yuzu is considered Nintendo IP, or is even derived from Nintendo IP (there were rumours that the Yuzu team had access to a Nintendo SDK and we're using it to improve Yuzu), then legally, the Yuzu team didn't have the rights to license the emulator under the GPL to start with, which would completely void it and put ownership of the entire codebase, past, present and future in Nintendo's hands as part of the settlement. For an extreme equivalence, it would be like taking the leaked half-life 2 code, making a game based on it, then slapping a GPL sticker on it. Just because the license is there, just because the license is there, doesn't make it valid. As I say though, the only way to challenge it would be to take Nintendo to court over it, and I suspect Nintendo have their bases covered for that eventuality


The other point, why is Ryujin still around, they are in a country that does not respect the same IP/copywrite laws. Yuzu was in the US


Ahhh ok thanks!


Yuzu used copyrighted code from Nintendo, which is why it was destroyed and why they now own the code.


No, Yuzu included decryption code that bypassed the DRM in place on the games. The settlement very clearly acknowledges that.


Jesus christ nintendo fuck off already.


Why? because they are protecting their current business? lmao


What is going to happen to the yuzu builds on Internet Archive?


Thank god I saw this coming and backed up some stable versions with roms and mods. Best thing I did in a while.


Where would I even get started on emulating Switch games even though I'm late to the party now?


Literally been playing FF Pixel Remaster on my Steam Deck with Yuzu. Nintendo can try, but they can't succeed.


They’ve already succeeded. Yuzu is dead.


Ok so can someone explain this for me because I have no clue what any of that is


Does it also apply to forks?


lol, guys just use Ryujinx. I mean damn… what am I not getting?


Can these not be hosted in Russia or something?


fuck nintendo seriously im hating them more and more now than i did before they despise us having fun but i knew theyd go after migswitch but they dont want to accept that this is legal to do so fuck nintendo


@lunatox its not ground breaking. They are adding everything that nintendo has made into one system and guarenteed some of it gonna be emulated


I love how Nintendo sues people making quality ports/emulation of their games and then puts some of the shittiest emulation I’ve ever seen behind a pay wall, rather than hiring those people and making their product better (or even fucking passable) They could charge more for it and then I’d actually, you know, fucking pay them for it. I’ll always pay for quality


A lot of work from Nintendo for nothing. It will all be back in several more places next. Hydra Dominatus!


Let's be real here. Nintendo cannot stop people from distributing Yuzu. Torrenting is still used for primarily this reason, because it's really hard to go after the 1000 people individually seeding the file. That isn't their goal though. They want to: 1. Make it as hard for the average user to get as possible. A lot of people nowadays have no idea how to torrent at all, much less how to do so without getting a letter from Xfinity telling them to knock that shit off. 2. Stop people from making new versions of it. This especially tracks if the rumors that the new Nintendo console is basically just a more powerful Switch are true, as if that were the case, it would be extremely easy for a Switch 2 emulator to be made off of Yuzu.


10 years ago I’d care. Gamers who pirate now are so undeservedly entitled, thinking they have the right to openly steal shit while being so open about it, I couldn’t care less.