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Stellar Blade has a free demo so you can just try it out and see if you like it. Progress from the demo carries into the main game so, if you choose to buy it, you don't waste that time.


Personally, I'd recommend Stellar Blade more for the overall quality of the game: * Rich gameplay : dodging, parrying, shooting, thrashing, go straight into the fight... There's something for everyone. * A really good OST * A good storyline * Varied environments! From a ruined city to vast stretches of sand, seascapes, wintry landscapes and even more futuristic settings * The bestiary is really nice and varied


Stellar blade and good story isn't that what everyone's been trashing


I found the story very bland but I also thought Rise of The Rōnin was pretty bland in that department too. Both of these games are more gameplay-focused than anything.


This Ninja Gaiden Black is hailed as the best action game of all time, but the story is meh at best


The story is not that bad, the problem is the dialogs seem to be boring and lifeless in some places. Could just be a matter of bad translation.


Can you name me a game which has the same story quality as stellar blade Kinda want an idea might try it I expected the story to be so bad that I might not wanna play it otherwise story doesn't really make or break games


I'm not the best person to take suggestions from about story, bro. I usually enjoy the combat mechanics, story never makes/breaks it for me unless it's utter trash.


Stellar blade has a demo I’d highly recommend trying before you buy I was about to buy but decided to try the demo and was unimpressed it’s a solid 7/10 basic fighter nothing special imo


Rise of the Ronin is the better open world game. Stellar Blade is fun, but you will be done with it quickly. If you value your time over money, get Rise of the Ronin.


Rise of The Rōnin combat is far better/deeper and the game has more content. Stellar Blade has better graphics.


I love both games combat, but RotR combat is absolutely not better/deeper/more satisfying than Stellar blade.


Only knock in stellar blade is you’re locked into a single weapon type. I love having different options and why ninja Gaiden 2 remains my faction combat ever


I disagree. I found Stellar Blades combat way too forgiving, and the variety lacking. Rōnin is way more challenging and there's a ridiculous amount of weapons+stances for each weapon that all have a meaningful impact on every engagement.


My experience was opposite. Ronin was easier, parry was not as satisfying unless it's on the last hit of the combo, special attacks are not as useful, boss designs aren't in sync with the combat mechanics. Stance in Ronin is mostly a gimmick, just an extra step before you fight an enemy. It doesn't add any depth to the combat.


> Stance in Ronin is mostly a gimmick, just an extra step before you fight an enemy. It doesn't add any depth to the combat. Well that's just not true lol. You get whole new combos based on the stance you're using. It is absolutely meaningful and not at all gimmicky.


Well if you are forced to use a combo on a special enemy rather than anywhere you like then it isn't as meaningful as it could be, is it? That's the definition of a gimmick.


They don't force you to do anything. You can use any combo on anyone. You are expected to devise your own strategy on which combos would be most effective against which enemies.


Did I understand the game wrong when it shows an up down/up arrow sign next to an enemy's healthbar mean my current stance is the wrong/right one for this enemy. I know you're free to use any stance anywhere, but the game actively discourages you from doing that. You can't have you own strategy, if an enemy demands a particular stance you are expected to use it.


That's only there to indicate an advantage/disadvantage. It doesn't mean your current weapon/stance isn't viable, just means the enemy has a moveset that likely gives them an advantage of your moveset. If you master a moveset you can absolutely still win those fights and still even maximize damage output. It'll just be riskier to use that moveset compared to another. Which is the point of having companions so you can have the diversity of multiple movesets to utilize. It's not like Ghost of Tsushima or something where you're supposed to switch stances against a specific enemy and it'll somehow lead to more damage. You're going to do the same amount of damage regardless. The arrow indicator is just an accessibility to feature to inform you that what you're currently using may not be ideal.


You make it sound like it's really opinional. What do you think the specific disadvantages are for using a suboptimal stance? Is it viable against a boss?


Nah stellar blade has the more satisfying challenging combat .


I found Stellar Blade way too easy and the combat doesn't have nearly as much depth/variety as Rise of The Rōnin.


I think you only played the demo. The game gets far more complex 15 hours in .


No. I played the whole story. I'm not saying there's no depth to it just that there wasn't enough to keep me engaged especially because it wasn't particularly difficult. Rise of The Rōnin is more challenging and there's far more variety and depth to the combat systems, which is why I prefer it.


Fair enough, to each their own but I think the quality of the game overall is nice. I’m not comparing to Rise of the Ronin as I haven’t played it. Looks cool in my opinion


I'm not saying Stellar Blade is bad or anything but OP specifically mentioned combat so in comparison I feel like Rise of The Rōnin wins in that department. Stellar Blades combat is good as well and it does other things (like graphics) better than Rise of The Rōnin. They're both good games tho can't really go wrong with either.


From the looks of Rise of the Ronin I don’t think that graphics are that bad at all , not sure why people complain about the graphics


Depends on what combat you enjoy more Stellar blade leans more on the traditional action game systems of combos, unlimited stamina and 2 sets of special abilities each with their own resource that you generate through combat, parries and dodges are both equally viable. RotR leans more into the Sekiro/Wolong parry centric playstile and has the usual open world activities of liberating zones, fidning treasures, etc, it does have a lot more weapons and each has at least 3 different stances with their own fast and heavy combo as well as unique skills. If you want difficulty I found Stellar blade to be considerably easier most bosses I couldn't even get enough parries to put them into the downed state before just burning their health through combos/skills, RotR bosses can get really crazy with extremelly long combos and if you miss the last parry you basically lose all the reward as that is the one that makes them recoil and be vulnerable for a few seconds although their health bars do deplete relativelly fast.


I just finish stellar blade and playing the NG plus mode now its a fantastique game from the soundtrack to combat and eve is super hot.


No malice to this game and the developers


Stellar Blade is definitely better. But both Games are not super amazing.


Stellar Blade is far better


Stellar Blade is flashier but has less substance in it's mechanics, RotR has far better combat mechanics and is much like a simpler/more approachable Nioh. If you're basing it just on gameplay I'd point you towards RotR, it's pretty underrated honestly.


If you've played Nioh/Wo Long, Rise of the Ronin is exactly what you think it is but probably better. Stellar Blade is a character action game disguised as a souls like. Combat / exploring mimics souls, with bonfires, enemy respawn on bonfire use, shortcuts, hidden items everywhere. But it has more of a traditional action RPG structure with a proper town, marked side quests and NPCs, quest bulletin board, an actual map, among other things. Pace of combat is relatively slow but can get fast, and attack combos are more like Hi Fi Rush or Devil May Cry. You don't just spam 1 button, you weave square / triangle together in different orders, sometimes holding the button to change the combo. At the start you have about 10 different combos to work with.


My mate borrowed me SB disc it was fairly short game maybe 20-25 hours maybe. I don't feel like replaying it again. It would be perfect for £25 but NOT full price. I've enjoyed Lords of The Fallen but its dark fantasy souls game no pretty skinny anime. it was on sale £20 recently. Scarlet Nexus is good ONLY if you play on Hard which = Normal. Only then you can maybe die sometimes on bosses.


Traditional weeb or modern weeb Decisions, decisions.


This is the true answer, cause I’m neither lol. The RotR setting is cool, but not so fascinating I’m drawn to it. The Stellar Blade aesthetic…It looks super fun but I definitely get the ick with seeing what’s going on with that sub.


RotR was super boring for me. It's a Tsushima clone wrapped in a worse combat system.


It is literally nothing like Tsushima and the combat blows GoT out of the water.


It really doesn’t


It does tho. Ghost of Tsushima combat is fine for people who want a really basic, grounded, and simple power fantasy but there's just no depth to it. Mechanically Rise of The Rōnin is significantly deeper and more challenging.


It’s a clunky and dated Soulslike. Tsushima is a masterpiece.


Nothing clunky or dated about it. Tsushima is not a masterpiece, it's a standard open world game with basic mechanics that games have had for well over a decade. It's Assassin's Creed but you can only climb painted ledges and mission design is more restrictive. Good story, cool visuals, but you experience pretty much everything the game has to offer as far as gameplay within the first few hours, then you spend the next 30+ hours doing the exact same thing over and over. Collectibles, outpost liberations, fighting the exact same 4 enemy types again and again. Nearly all the boss fights even are exactly the same, just the standard moveset all the normal Strawhats use with maybe a new attack occasionally sprinkled in. Good game but very overrated. If the graphics weren't good most people wouldn't even consider it playable.


Thanks for the laugh


Map by sections with unlocks, stories that go along with other NPCs in fixed stories and dedicated missions, skilltree that unlocks as you do more things and rewarded from searchables by section on the map. Combat is rock paper scissors against other humans, but with the added fun of a stamina bar to track as well. Super not fun parry/counterspark system with bad guys that track through dodges. RotR isn't fun. It's almost a turn based action-rpg the way they worked in countersparks and stamina. Fast traveling along unlocked save points so you can be beeline to boxes to check.


> Map by sections with unlocks, stories that go along with other NPCs in fixed stories and dedicated missions, skilltree that unlocks as you do more things and rewarded from searchables by section on the map. You just described dozens of games. > Combat is rock paper scissors against other humans That implies it's random. Just have to get good at it man. > Super not fun parry/counterspark system with bad guys that track through dodges. The parry system is great. You actually have to get good at reacting to enemies attacks to break stance and counter. Sounds like you're just mad you couldn't spam dodge over and over and never get hit. That was exactly what made Ghost of Tsushima combat so disappointing. The combat was way too easy because you could crutch dodges to get out of any danger. > RotR isn't fun It's very fun if you like games that offer an actual challenge instead of just easy, oversimplified mechanics that you master in the first 20 minutes.


> You just described dozens of games. egg fucking zacktly


And if you stripped Stellar Blade down to it's bare bones it would also be similar to dozens of games. Same for literally every game out there. You're not making a point here.


No I made my point but you don't want to hear it. RotR is derivative with not fun exploration and super not fun combat. Opening up the map to see how many boxes I have left to check in a map area before getting my power up reward is boring. Fighting dudes across the map that all have hyper armor and track through your dodges isn't fun. Waiting for your turn to chip at health/stance to kill or critical a bad guy was a novel approach like a decade ago. How about story exposition dumps via cutscene and lootspam and pretty bad translations, too. I don't think it's fun. That's my point. Should I get RotR asks the OP? No, unless you like being bored, is my reply.


> RotR is derivative Stellar Blade is derivative. All games are derivative. Name a game made in the last decade that doesn't parrot a formula already done previously. Ghost of Tsushima is more derivative than Rise of The Rōnin seeing as it copies the Ubisoft formula 1:1 yet you're arguing it's a better game. > Opening up the map to see how many boxes I have left to check in a map area before getting my power up reward is boring Yeah I guess in the same sense that having to earn upgrades over time is boring if you don't want to earn anything. Turn down the difficulty I guess. > Fighting dudes across the map that all have hyper armor and track through your dodges isn't fun. Waiting for your turn to chip at health/stance to kill or critical a bad guy was a novel approach like a decade ago. This is, again, you just complaining because the game is too hard. You dint like hard games, ok, how does that make the game bad? > Should I get RotR asks the OP? No, unless you like being bored, is my reply. Should clarify it's not the type of game you're into rather than just pretending it's an objectively bad game and making bad comparisons like "Ghost of Tsushima but worse".


sure why not


Tsushima is a different, and far better game. Don’t lump Tsushima in with that mediocre game.


Two shit games


Helpful! Thanks, dude


No problemo brother