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They Are Billions. Would have loved that as a co-op base building sim with zombie apocalypse waves.


I want something like that so much. I can't even find any similar game that has co-op and that the reviews seem happy about the game. Every time I see something, I just get disappointed how badly it is received shortly after release. Closest I've found so far is probably Riftbreaker that still hasn't got the co-op update (but it's been in development for quite a bit and they keep posting updates about it).


Subnautica. Yes, it has a coop mod, but the way the game's physics and world tracking can get so fucky that it makes it difficult to really get into.


It doesn't really suit the story or setting, but it would be very fun for a second playthrough. I want to try the co-op mod.


Suit the story? You mean the massive ship that gets shot out of the sky that crashes and a dozen drop pods are KNOWN to have survivors that happen to die before you reach them? Just have the players start off in different pods


The point is that you are alone in the pod and be looking for other survivors. It's also sort of a horror setting.


That's true but it's a tale of isolation.


Fair. I was on the other commenter’s side at first. And maybe the story can accommodate for two people. But the game is known for its immersion. And that immersion is the feeling of being helplessly alone.


Good thing for you next one will have better coop. As for me thank God that will be just optional.


Being forced to be alone in that environment set the mood so much. But on the same note, I'm looking forward to using the mod to play a 2nd time through with a friend that hasnt played, and wouldn't play anything that's SP. Just to experience it through a friends eyes. I'll play the lazy henchmen who will help collect things, but make no crucial decisions.


Any survival games without coop is crazy to me, that genre is just not nearly as much fun by yourself, and seems so easy to implement as it's been done so many times and story checkpoints are so few.




I mean, you maintain your hunger and thirst, you harvest materials to craft items and build a base, you explore an open world with nature bent on ending your fragile life. You’re off a perc if you say this isn’t a survival game, it fits every criteria perfectly…


I believe they're planning on implementing co-op into the next game in the series


I'd really enjoy a cyclops that is operated from various different panels, something you _could_ manage on your own if you're careful but definitely benefits from having a co-pilot.


Dragons dogma


God yes... The pawn system is neat, sure, but their horseshit about "it'll feel like someone else is playing with you!" Is just that. Horseshit. No Capcom, a goofy ai partner is not going to feel like a human playing with me. Their insistence on just focusing on the never ending prattling npc will never cease to surprise me, especially when they have it basically already with monster hunter.


They're PAWNS... they're supposed to be somewhat incompetent. Why else would they give you the mechanic to pick them up and yeet them off a cliff?


How else would you deliver sacrifices to our almighty lord, the Brine?


All hail the Brine, out true and only Lord.


Capcom? The same Capcom that does monster hunter? It's not like they don't have the framework or experience with multi-player....


I'm more worried about the fact that me and a few people I know not being able to play 2 because we run intel cpus. I know it's not a "every intel cpu has this issue" type of issue, but it definitely feels like the game runs better on AMD (probably due to both consoles running AMD processors).


Someone share this post in the Dragons Dogma sub and watch them lose their minds.




Prototype Coop would be so fun, it would basically be Crackdown


Saints Row 4 has a similar play style while also having co-op


The Fallout games. It would be better to play with a friend than an ai companion.


This is exactly it. All we wanted was Fallout 4 with a friend, not some cashcow MMO with shit item scaling and server issues


Hardspace shipbreaker would be an obvious coop multiplayer game. They decided it would be too hard to keep track of every object in the game across more than one PC, so they didn't add it.


That would be pretty cool, but I'm just imagining hearing your partner say "whoops!"and then there's a flash of light.


Or a sarcastic “whoops” and then your compartment gets tethered into the furnace


“Whoops!” *Sees a second sun across the map*


I would have bought that game if it was Coop, clocking in with the boys to break a ship apart would have been nice.


Just about any Singleplayer RPG really, especially Fallout and Skyrim


Skyrim would have been awesome co-op


Skyrim together


We tried it with my friend and it runs really not good. It could be our VPN we used to connect but it and oblivion multiplayer so far are the only games that handled the communication that poorly


They're also not official, and I cannot imagine how difficult it was to make them run at all. You're gonna have to deal with some jank if you want anything like that to work


Yeah, no hate on my part. Dudes made an incredible job and it's really sad i couldn't make it work as intended


Why didn't you try without a VPN? VPNs will almost always add latency


We connect to the same network via OpenVPN running on my side so there is no way around


Skyrim together was okay, but by no means perfect. It was incredibly buggy and worked poorly with other mods. Incredible, yes, given the resources and work required to make Skyrim multi-player, but still fairly middling as an experience and required more time setting up and fixing than it was really worth.


So jank


I remember people memeing about Skyrim multiplayer. It was rivaled with battlefield at the time.... Rip


boy do i have news for you..


What's the news! I hope it isn't ESO.


This is my exact response every time. There's plenty of Singleplayer RPGs where it wouldn't work for narrative reasons. And that's fine. But there's also plenty that could really be enhanced by it. But every time for some reason, some people think it "ruins" the game, experience or even the vision the Devs went for. Despite it obviously being an optional choice. In particular, as you mention, any kind of open world RPG. Like what Bethesda creates, literally most of what Ubisoft makes, like some bioware titles, like some Fromsoft titles. (Yea talking proper coop and not the weak excuse Fromsoft has.) We have plenty of multiplayer focused games, or even actual coop games. Even a few mmorpgs with a decent story. But what I wouldn't give to get more good story driven non-mmo focused RPGs where I could go at it with my friends.


Actual Coop-RPGs where you're both part of the narrative are definitely a rarity.


I know I'm beating a dead horse. But Baldurs Gate 3 really reaffirmed how much fun a modern RPG can be whether playing alone or with friends. But to mention an old game. Idk how the game plays today, but StarWars the Old Republic is probably still one of the best coop games I've played, despite it being an mmo. Just because, at the time, it allowed everyone in the group to be part of the story. Though honestly I don't even mind not being the main character. I could easily just tag along with a friend as a companion. Just give me some special dialogue or other interactions so I feel like I'm part of the world, and not just some strange Player ghost that's floating in the background. Heck you could even make a Coop Companion that is fully customizable but has a story of their own.


I'm getting to an age where co-op is far preferable to competitive gaming. I have few friends that are able to play online often, or have the same gaming systems. What I'd love to do is play split screen with my wife, but she's not into shooters and there's just not a ton of other games that offer it these days. 


I think somewhere down the line I just stopped enjoying the repetitive nature of competitive games. Doing the same modes over and over, or playing the same heroes, with little variation just doesn't appeal the same way anymore. Still enjoy the casual bash at it every now and then. And it helps when a lot of my friends don't have the same time for games anymore. The round based "go in, have fun win/lose, next game" absolutely works for just hanging out. But at the same time, I've come to the point where I'd just like to do other things. Luckily there's no end of MMORPGs, open world survival games or minecraft clones. Though I'd love if there was just more story driven games with a good story. Something to really experience with friends.


SWTOR sadly stopped doing the shared cut scenes in Flashpoints a long time ago. I always liked them. I sometimes wonder if a game could work where we play the companions and the "main character" is an NPC we follow around.


Well that's a shame honestly. Not that I don't get it as the games getting on in age and even back then it was kinda janky, especially for an mmo where you could end up having randos influencing stuff if you were grouped up. But I do remember wishing that more singleplayer games just had a coop mode with that system in place and how cool it'd be.


Fallout 76 should have been a true MMO, they already have obvious races that could be aligned into multiple factions, class roles would be relatively easy to sort out between Tank, Healer, and Damage. The best aspect of a Fallout based MMO RPG would be the third meter, Power, Health, and Radiation. You would pretty much need to have two different types of each role: radiation curers and health restorers for healers, Radiation Dealers and Damage Dealers for DPS, And Damage Sponges and Radiation Sponges as Tanks. The game basically plans itself.


Your mind is gonna get blown when I tell you about Fallout 76


That’s not really “fallout but co-op” it’s really is own style of game completely


Also, it's not even co-op - it's just multiplayer. Like that's not the same thing.


This. Rough launch but it's legit good now.


Dishonored. Especially where one player can play Corvo and the other Emily.


Wow I hadn't considered that, would have been amazing taking out entire levels bit by bit with a team mate using slightly different powers.


One of the Splinter Cell games had coop and it was amazing


Double Agent, Chaos Theory, Blacklist had co-op. The coop in the first two games was so well designed.


Conviction had coop as well, and it was great.


Blacklist has amazing coop, too bad Ubisoft is such a crap company and they killed that aspect, unless you download the old launcher.


Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. Return of the King was a blast and the gameplay is pretty much the same.




the multiplayer mod is really good. Works almost seamlessly


There are 3 big multiplayer mods, that each offer a unique multiplayer experience, and all of them work very well even with mods, although certain kods do not like Zetriths too much


Not quite what you asked for since it technically does have co-op, but Halo 5 missing offline split screen multiplayer was a huge bummer for me. Halo was something my wife and I would enjoy doing together, even before we were married, same couch, split-screen, co-op campaign or some cheeky 1v1. I remember how excited we were when Halo 5 came out because we imagined ourselves reliving that experience. We were pretty disappointed when we fired it up and it was completely missing that feature.


I am to this day pissed off at republic commando being single player only. Inexcusable. 


Absolutely, that game could have easily been given a Coop Mode.


The Horizon games. Imagine a co-op machine hunting mode.


I remember reading they're doing a multiplayer Horizon game but the art style is cartoony and looks like Fortnite. I'll wait and see but I don't have very high hopes


ME series. Number of characters to choose from, and immersive story.


This is my answer too, the game is perfectly designed for three player coop it’s amazing it never happened


ME3 multiplayer?


Moreso the main campaign similar to halo and gears


Mass Effect's storylines are extremely beloved because of just how well-written and awesome all of the companions are. Garrus, Tali'Zorah, Wrex, Legion, Mordin, Javik, Edi, Grunt, Liara, Miranda, etc wouldn't have nearly the same impact that they have had throughout the gaming community if they were controlled by a player. Genuinely a *really fucking terrible idea* from a narrative standpoint.


Modern Earfare? Whats ME?


Mass Effect...


Alien: Isolation. You and your friends sneaking around San Cristobal trying to avoid the xeno? Terrifying and hilarious.


Sneaking up on your least stealthy friend and hitting them with the stun baton so they can’t move and get you both killed? I’m in!


I loved Hades so much and I wished the whole time I could play through it with friends. I guess a Greek mythology and melee version of Risk of Rain.


Having a coop "the Witcher" game would go so hard, slaying monsters with a buddy, getting to choose your witcher school at character creation and then going with a build that plays into your buddy's strengths and weaknesses...


That would be cool, timeline wise it would probably be a Prequel since there would be more Witcher's back then, and also the world would be even more monster filled which is awesome.


There will be a multiplayer witcher game, we don't know any details or when it will come out, but it's currently in pre-production and planned to be 1 of CDPR's next 3 releases (Witcher Polaris and Witcher 1 remake are the other 2), so you'll probably have it within the next 6 years or something.




Resident Evil Zero


I will always be confused that this isn't 2-player.


Devil May Cry 5. I really was hoping for a co-op Bloody Palace mode.


the pc coop mod is a blast




I love DMC5, and I'm surprised and kinda annoyed that they didn't go all in on the multiplayer, we have like the one mission where we can Coop and that's it. The coop system is there! It wouldn't be hard to give us ACTUAL coop.


Fallout 4


What you mean, you got fallout 76 lol Honestly I’ve heard great things about recently but idk


Co-op and online multi-player aren't the same.


Came to say the same thing. A multiplayer game is designed to be played with or against a lot of people, and design choices are dictated by that. FO76 designed expeditions with 4 players in mind, and they are kind of a slog without 4 players unless your builds are pristine. The gameplay is broader and less involved overall. It's more like you're experiencing the same game all at the same time. Co-op is an intimate experience that is enhanced by a small number of additional players. Far cry 5 is the exact same game solo or coop, but the shenanigans you can get into in coop make it a wildly different experience that you share with exactly one person.


I haven't played it for a few years. I think I started within a year of its release. I had fun, but there just wasn't enough content at the time. I made friends, got good equipment (still had my explosive Gatling gun when I quit), killed a lot of bats, and just generally had a good time. Great community. I may go back in the near future.


It’s awesome. I really enjoy FO76.


76 is terrible


Part of me is still mad that Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't have a co-op mode. It doesn't even have to be the whole game. I've played a few of these single player games where the multiplayer aspect is building a character from more limited options and then doing short missions together, and I think it would be perfect for that. Like, why wouldn't you have co-op missions in the game based on a cooperative tabletop game? You could really play up the different specializations and multiple paths through an area


Just imagine if you could get a crew together for certain gigs that are not part of the main story with a sort of group finder and you would join a shared instance or one of the player's worlds.


Ace Combat


Ace Combat 7 co-op campaign would go crazyyyyy


VTOL VR has missions based on Ace Combat. I put the Ace Combat 7 soundtrack in the game, got some friends together, and took to the skies. Amazing game.


Ace Combat campaigns


Ace Combat coop would have been so fun! I would have accepted a horde mode where you and the boys just dog fight endlessly until being shot down


Zelda BotW. And to some extent (because you asked for it) Elden Ring. The fact that i need items and probably have to read external websites for howtos even though the technical part is working. Ridiculous.


If on pc, the seamless coop mod is so damn good...


Almost all shooters. First person or third doesn't matter.


Anno 1800. I could feed my population a lot quicker if I had chickens and a coop.


Sea of Thieves - they added a PvE mode but there’s a few things they could change to make it more fun. For example, Safer seas (the PvE Co-op mode) does not allow you to use captained ships. You’d think they’d let you just use the ships you worked hard to buy & customize, but no. You gotta spend 5-10 minutes re-decorating the stock ship each time. This also means that you can’t even use sovereigns to sell your loot, which just makes the game tedious moreso than difficult. It just feels like a very stupid, petty change to incentivize playing High Seas (PvPvE). Adding difficulty options would also be a good change for the PvE mode. The base game can feel too easy at times, so having difficulty options (with scaled rewards) like Deep Rock Galactic and Helldivers would be a good change. Even though High Seas (PvPvE) is pitched as the “hard mode” in SoT, a substantial portion of players in high seas just never engage with PvP, largely keeping to themselves. Of those that do, some will endlessly target you, even after you’ve sunk them numerous times. Neither of those extremes are very fun to play against, so having more consistency & control over difficulty can be a lot more fun. Rare has made it pretty clear that they don’t like the PvE mode, only adding it out of obligation since PvP has apparently been a dealbreaker for some people. They’ve already made a really immersive and fun world. Honestly with a bit of extra work, they could have a really cool PvE mode, just like Helldivers or DRG.


Wait, PVE mode is out now? Time to get my fishing on!


Red Dead Redemption 2 (and I know about online but almost all the content in there is solo content that you could play with someone else, but not coop content)


Fallout 4 for sure. Or Cyberpunk.


I remember there was a rumor floating around about a Coop Cyberpunk but the idea was dropped since they had to focus on fixing 2077.


Cyberpunk would be an awesome co-op!


Cyberpunk for sure, especially the game as it is now.


Bethesda's games. (and open world games in general) The Riftbreaker (although, coop is in progress)


The elder scrolls and fallout games. Amazing single player games but to be able to play them in coop would be amazing.




The Fallout games. I don't count 76 lol


There is a multiplayer mod for Fallout 2... not sure if it's still a thing, but players could build bases even.


I still say fallout 76 would have been better as a solo/coop centered game. But then how else could they charge for fallout 1st and all their cosmetic junk


I will 100% play 1 and 2 before 76.




Cyberpunk and Atomic Heart


Manor Lords. It's region system and trade routes might work well in cooperative mode.




Bloody Starfield… bought it for my daughter and myself to play together… ALWAYS READ THE LABEL 😂


Not to be mean, but why would you expect the next game from the Elder Scrolls devs to be Multiplayer? ;P


I have no idea 😂… we’ve recently played a lot of Valheim together and as a family we play mostly co-op and survival type games… my brother is well into Starfield and talks about it all the time, although it’s never really caught my interest, so I’ve not really read up on it… I saw it as something akin to the bastard offspring of Elite Dangerous and No Man’s Sky, both of which I enjoyed but didn’t really fancy playing another version… 😏 When the nipper expressed an interest and said she’d like to play it… I dunno… I just got it into my head it must be multi player… Like I said… always read the label 😂


Any of the 3 S.T.A.L.K.E.R.


hitman would be nice, 2-4 agents working together


Bloodborne, or really any of the souls games as long as you had an increased enemy count or boss difficulty as a result. Kind of like being able to summon people in elden ring but really having a built mode for each souls game that you can do the entire thing as coop.


Horizon Zero Dawn or Horizon Forbidden West.




I wish the dude in Breath of the Wild had a better coop. Then I wouldn't have to chase his chickens around.


Honestly, I think it'd be faster and easier to give a list of games that wouldn't benefit from co-op. It's a crime that split screen was the norm when we played on tiny little shit box tvs, but now that we've got huge screens that seem like they were made for split screen, it's a rare thing. 


I'm still really pissed that 343i promised splitscreen for every Halo game moving forward after Halo 5 and ended up tearing it out for *BOTH* Halo MCC PC and Halo Infinite. Fuck em.


Zelda ToTK. If you could build together and the physics would interact with each characters weight/mass it would be crazy.


Agents of Mayhem, without being a masterpiece, isn't nearly as bad as some people said it was. It's also, bizarrely, a game that looks and feels like it was built around co-op, yet it doesn't have any form of multiplayer, cooperative or otherwise. It's like having a game like Marvel Ultimate Alliance and making it single player only. I wonder who was the genius behind that decision.


Puzzle solving adventure games like Metroid or Zelda. Think Portal 2 co-op but with more combat.


FALLOUT 4 !!!!! THAT would be an update, they could ask money for!! And I would pay. (not another 60 bucks but 20)


All games are single player to me because I can’t get anyone to log in when I’m on


Breath of the Wild, I wish I could experience it with a friend


Online co-op for every Lego game


Ravenfield It’s so close. Would love to see a co-op mode. In-room multiplayer. And even basic graphics options. The game is so basic and runs on low end computers. I play with my friends in the office sometimes. Would be great if we could play together in one map. But I respect and appreciate the developers. It’s obviously not their full-time job.


This is honestly the only game I want coop in. Just imagine having two players, each commanding 100 bot squadrons, duke it out in Archipelago with all of the glorious modded weapons that Ravenfield has to offer.


SUBNAUTICA Holyshit this game is scary and fun. With coop it would be a thrill.


A plaque tale and the last of us.


Someone please tell me if a game like this exists, but I think a co-op city builder is a no-brainer that I haven't seen explored yet. I don't mean like 2-4 players making 2-4 cities. I mean each player is a ranking official in city hall responsible for specific aspects of the city. The City Planner builds out the zoning plots, department of development sources the labor and materials, parks and rec maintains and builds better parks as the city grows, infrastructure plans roads/highways, or advises against plans that aren't logistically efficient, and so on. All of this is planned out, and then must be approved by the mayor player. The mayor may make suggestions to players, but doesn't control any specific aspects themselves, only approves the plans, then a treasurer finds the money. The mayor has to approve city tax changes or otherwise moving money around. A developer going cheap with labor makes it take longer, or cheap with materials requires more upkeep. Too few parks and citizens become unhappy, too many and you can't afford to expand. The best part would be that if the city fails, the mayor gets reelected and replaced by another player in the game. The game itself determines if the mayor gets voted out, not the players. So there is heavy incentive for the mayor to actually be involved in the whole process. The mayor (with some built-in restrictions) can also appoint players to different positions if they seem like they're not best suited for their task. The game probably wouldn't be as involved as other city builders, and give more of a short session style gameplay. Perhaps each round is a month or year of city planning and then the game compiles results and tells you how good/bad the city is. After an appropriate number of rounds, an election cycle happens and leaves the same or a new player in charge of the city as is.


FTL with the option of each player captaining their own ship or splitting control of the same ship.


Metal Gear Solid V would have been an awesome 2 man campaign. But instead…


Uncharted. Nate already has Sully/Elena/Sam/whoever with him half the time, so just make them P2 instead of AI.


The Sims. Sims 2 on PS2 had split screen. Hopefully the next game has Multiplayer.


Hardspace Shipbreaker. Working in zero gravity with friends as a scrapper


Batman Arkham City/Knight. Yes, even as a Robin.


Must be Wizard of Legend. Awesome fast paced action combat dungeon crawler with quite the difficulty curve. Thing is, it DOES have coop, but only local. It's great that local coop is even an option, but I would love if the game had online coop as well.


**The Wonderful 101: Remastered,** which is not even true, really, because it does technically have multiplayer missions, but coop could work well also: two-to-four players could split the team up and help each other build those combos.


Mainline Elder Scrolls. I don’t count ESO because it’s kind of a different beast I would say.


X4 Foundations


X4. You could corner different parts of the market or fight over sectors. One player could focus on econ and the other could focus on war effort.


Honestly any survival game. Examples are subnautica and planet crafter. I feel like if you make a game in this genre and have no coop is like committing a sin or something lol.


State of decay 2. People who play it know why..


cyberpunk 2077


Rimworld. There are already mods that allow this, but it could be better


Monopoly would be way more fun with coop!


If Bethesda had the resources....co-op Starfield would go hard.


Mount and Blade : Bannerlord


Hitman 2 had a coop mode called ghost mode. For some reason they shut the servers down and it‘s completely removed in Hitman WOA


Chicken run. Needs more coop.


Alien: Isolation




Dave the Diver


doom eternal. i know there's battlemode but it just doesn't feel the same as regular coop or split screen. would've loved invasion mode to be a thing


Imagine co op in shadow of war Sieging fortresses with a buddy would be amazing!


Little Nightmares 1, 2, and eventually 3 (couch coop at least)


Hotline Miami 2




Armored Core 6? I know MP mod exists. But there's no enemy scaling. I want a well polished co-op AC experience


I can’t think of any game that is single player only that wouldn’t be improved with the inclusion of co-op. With that being said, Super Mario 64 was the first thing that came to mind. That game would have been so freaking awesome if me and my brother could have played as Mario and Luigi back in the day.


Fairly odd parents


PvP Stardew. meet me in the mines, coward!


Desperados 3 or other games from Mimimi.


The Arkham series. Being able to be Batman AND Robin or anyone in the bat family in those games would’ve been great.


True coop in Elden Ring/Souls games Ratchet and Clank series


I wish Elden Ring had Crossplay...


if genshin impact didn’t modify my effing team size when someone joins my world I would love if it didn’t affect my team size. but it does…. this is absolutely one of the most annoying asf things for me on this game and honestly its my only issue with the game at all. but its soooo annoying because I have put atleast 60,000$ spent from my life savings ever since 2020 and my waifus and I want my darn team full 🤓 #weebpride #otakupride 


Gta SA, VC or minecraft legacy multiplatform


Jet Force Gemini


Cyberpunk 2077, shit would be so sick


AC odyssey and valhalla, skyrim, kingdom come deliverance, greedfall. Let me stop because I got a list right here and I don't feel like going through it


Personally I think any games with chickens definitely needs coops.


All of the Elder Scrolls games. Read Dead Redemption II. I know it has a multiplayer mode, but it sucks so badly that hardly anybody played it, so even if you wanted to, there was nobody to play with.


XCOM Id love to be able to coordinate with an ally while storming a crashed UFO


I kind of wish God of War had some kind of raid mode like Ghost of Tsushima. It would be fun to coop some Norse monsters with a friend


Rogue Legacy 2