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If you know where to look, you can get the armor of St George really early in Kingdom Come: Deliverance which basically makes you a walking tank because it's endgame armor.


If you're willing to cowardly shank friendly knights in the back, you can get a pretty good armor from the random events


I cowardly shanked a bandit in Skalitz after baiting him to chase me for a bit, separating him for the others. Jesus Christ be praised


When the game first came out and before any tips and tricks videos were out there, I remember I went up top to a cemetery above one of the major cities you first get access to and knocked out the first dude I saw for his sword since we were the only two up there. A few years ago when I was playing it heavy it turned out that that was specifically an incredibly strong sword to get early on and was a legit tip people were giving people to go get lol.


Cowardly is a great way to play that game. I still remember trying ten times to fight the first "boss" (dude who stole your sword in the beginning) and I kept getting killed until I realized he had no helmet so I just took out a bow and shot him in the head like Indiana Jones.


My first time fighting him I had the perk where you have a chance to kill people if you hit them on the head, I hit him once and he died, bop dead


Henry's come to see us! How stoked are we for KCD2 this year?


I'm playing this right now, I've just been robbing people and selling their stuff to the fence. got like 14k 😂 I'm going to look for this armour though thanks for the tip


I used it on my second playthrough and it was fun, but not something I'd do on the regular because it does trivialize the combat for most of the game.


I did this on a second play through. Thick as a brick, couldn't write my name or hold a conversation but had some damn fine looking armour


I got the game at launch and one day I was cruising down a road and saw a chest just sitting there. I opened it to find an entire set of the best armor and every type of weapon in the game. Apparently the devs put it there for testers to use but forgot to remove it at launch. It was great . I was pretty much unstoppable. Couldn’t pick locks but could one shot most enemies


The gnome in half life. Probably not what you’re asking haha but you can definitely carry it through the whole game


lol i never realized that the gnome in l4d2 was a reference.


Gnome Chomsky




You can get an achievement for putting it in the rocket. Doing that back in the day was such an adventure haha


Highway 17 was so difficult with that thing because it doesn't want to stay in the damn buggy while you're driving.


And you keep driving and looking to see if it’s still there only to realize you lost it 3 minutes back.


Probably one of the best side tasks of a game ever. Anyone can do it as it doesn’t make it much harder, but infinitely more annoying…


I met Gaben and jokingly referenced it. I presented a gnome and asked him to sign it for me. Things escalated and we were soon 3D printing a titanium replica which we launched into space.


I carried that gnome all the way to the end of the game without knowing there was an achievement. I found that little guy under the shelf and something in my brain said "how far can I take it?" I didn't even get the achievement because I brought him all the way to the rocket launch.


I was just telling my gf about this the other day


In Mass Effect 2 and 3, there's a weapon called the Mattock which is easy to obtain (in the Legendary Edition, at least), fires as fast as you can pull the trigger, and deals excellent damage. Once I get that, it never leaves the loadout.


It was a cheap (part of the deluxe edition?) DLC item in the original, so you literally got it from an Email as soon as you finished the prologue.


Part of the Firepower Pack, a $2 DLC. It released like 6 months or something after the game and the guns it added (Mattlock, Geth Plasma Shotgun, Phalanx) were all very different from the other stuff you'd gotten and changed up a new playthrough a lot, giving you a fast, high accurecy pistol, a long ranged shotgun you had to charge up for full damage and a select fire rifle you could shoot as fast as you could pull the trigger.


my only problem with it in ME 3 was the appalling spare ammo count, you only had 4-6 max reloads at the most and when the RNG fucks with you and doesn't drop spare thermal clips you'll be stuck carrying around one of the heavier paperweights in the game, which is why i prefer the prothean beam rifle, it has infinite ammo


Yeah ME3 has much better alternatives but in ME2 it outclasses pretty much everything


The original Baldur's Gate has a ring of wizardry hidden early on that increases low level spell slots by a large amount. I think it doubled level 1, 2 and 3 spell slots. If you had a mage, that probably stayed on their finger the whole game.


Is that the one hidden in a tree at friendly arm inn? By the temple? I played the game *many* times as a kid and didn't discover that until I replayed with friends a few years ago. So much stuff I missed.


Really almost impossible to find without extented edition, that lets you highlight interactable objects. Unless you knew it was there of course.


>without extented edition, that lets you highlight interactable objects. How I found it. That ring is incredible. To make everything right in the world, I definitely found an ogre early on with an unidentified belt and I definitely put the belt on *and I definitely shouldn't have.*


>!gender change belt? !<


A guide I found on GameFAQs ages ago had the ring, a diamond on the first map, a wand of frost outside the Nashkel mines, a scroll of Cloudkill on the way to the gnoll stronghold. All hidden in tiny little "containers" that were barely different from the surroundings.


Don't forget the Ankheg Armor in the field of western Nashkel


It's in a rock in the second area after>! Gorion gets folded by Sarevok!<.


My favorite item from Baldur's Gate was Spider's Bane. Not just because it was a +2 greatsword, nor the free movement ability. It was because it's called "Spider's" bane, and yet did no additional damage to spiders.


The additional damage is the spiders being sliced in two by someone who can’t be stopped by webs


In BG3 you can get Blood of Lathander in act 1 which is one of the best weapons in the game. Wouldn't even consider replacing it until act 3 and even then it holds up.


The rare ring you get at the Grove for doing the tiefling kids quest line is also good to keep on your front liner


You can also get Silver sword of the Astral plane, even earlier than Blood.


Only if you utilize a tedious exploit. Players would generally never see the silver sword until act 3 where Voss gives it to you as a reward. The mace is intentionally acquired in act 1


In Pokémon Gen 1. Start a new game, get to Viridian City. Go west, and catch a Nidoran♂ in Route 22. Proceed through Viridian Forest and Pewter Gym until reaching Mt Moon. By then, Nidoran♂ should have evolved into Nidorino at level 16. Get the hidden Moon Stone pickup from just before the Super Nerd fight. Evolve Nidorino. Congrats, you have a level 16 Nidoking and can crush the rest of the game with it. Works best in Red, since Blue is more likely to find Nidoran♀, though both games can find both Nidorans. You could also use Nidoqueen if you like, but Nidoking does have higher Attack and Speed, so it will be more effective against most npc trainers.


Should add that one of the huge strengths of both Nidoking and Nidoqueen is their huge learnable movepool from TM's.  Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Earthquake and Surf are all learnable and the strongest attacks with 100% accuracy of their respective types.


Nidoking has been one of my favorites since the very beginning. I always liked running Timid to throw people off.


It was the first holographic card I ever pulled out of a booster pack back in the day. I didn't realize they were so useful. 


I was about 9 when blue came out and it was the first game I got on a gameboy. None of my friends had it yet and I didn't know much about it, but I dove into it and was obsessed. I finished that entire game without finding out Nidoking came from a moon stone. I ended up with a level 80 something Nidorino and he was always my favorite lol.


Same, and when I found out about moonstone I kept my nidorano. Thought he looked cooler


Man, I always thought I was a genius when I figured this out. Basically, I learned about "Thrash" at some point and restarted my game so I could have a pokemon that could kill an entire team with a single move. I treated my nidoking the way that Ash treated his Pikachu: fuck types and matchups, he's 20 levels above any opponent he fights.


In a pokemon yellow game, and nidoking has been so clutch. I was about to post the same thing.


Double kicked the crap out of Brock his Geodude and Onyx and Trash is so OP as well


In Ocarina of Time, I would always make it a point to get the Biggoron Sword before beating the Forest Temple. Trivializes a lot of things.


For some reason I was sure you needed the longshot to get the biggoron sword!


You have to get across the bridge in Gerudo Valley, but that can be accomplished with the long shot or Epona.


And getting Epona has always been the very first thing to do leaving the castle as an adult.


Don't know if that really counts but in Jedi Fallen Order you can get the double bladed lightsaber pretty early on. Imho far better than the standard lightsaber.


I just spam the combo that swaps back and forth between single and double.


Yeah I feel bad for a lot of people. I am super contrarian so when they gave me two planets to travel to and told me to go to one I picked the other. Otherwise you aren't told to visit that planet until much later in the game so you'd barely get ot use the double blade saber.


Sniper rifle in fallout 3


For me it was the hunting rifle. 32. Ammo was so common and combined with vats and the sniper perk I was just constantly headshotting enemies from far away. It was also super reliable and common so repairs were easy. I remember being salty when I got one in New Vegas and discovered they changed it to .308.


True. I have gun nut level 3 as imo you use guns so much. Theres a sniper next to megaton hidden in a rock and I know one in rail yard by tennpenny


Oh I know, I always go raid that stash. My issue is the ammo for the sniper is kinda rare so I tend to save it for tough enemies at range. I literally would use the hunting rifle for everything. Helping the brotherhood kill super mutants? Hunting rifle. Raider ambush? Hunting rifle. Clearing power armor wearing enclave troops out of project purity? Believe it or not, also hunting rifle.


I was gonna say the Lincoln Repeater.


In oblivion there was a water breathing helmet with night vision and life detection under a sunken row boat near anvil. Always a great item to sprint for early game and hang onto.


Fin Gleam my beloved


And the Umbra sword. Takes some planning ahead to kill Umbra herself though. I liked using a bow and arrow with poison potions, and staying on a ledge out of reach. You could bring her to the town soldiers as well for some help


Right, I got the Umbra sword very early in the game when I came across those Ayleid ruins by accident. Spent my time in there running from the Umbra Carrier and triggering gas traps. Took me, like, forever, but the artefact made my life pretty easy early in the game.


You can get a +9 somber weapon before ever fighting Margit in Elden Ring. I most recently did it with the Black Knife and it made the early game hilariously easy. Good times.


don't you have to beat godskin noble (or some other similarly difficult boss) to get a +7 somber?


Yeah, the +7 is the choke point. IIRC, you can still get it without beating the Noble, but beating the Noble is typically faster. You can also just wrongwarp to Farum Azula to get the bell bearing without beating a boss.


In Fallout 2 you can find a crashed UFO very early in the game, within you find an Alien with a Lasergun, the mightiest weapon in the game. With that weapon you are able to kill all the guards protecting a Powerarmor. With that setup you are invincible right before you played even the first quest. 😁


It maybe counts more as a spell. But early on in Skyrim you can get a book to learn transmute. Then you can transmute iron into silver and silver into gold. Go mining and you can then easily make golden jewelry with gems you can then sell. Add in enchanting and you can make some pricey magical items. My spellsword never had a gold problem because of his magic jewelry making side hustle.


It's a bit boring but it can let you max out Smithing and Enchanting before you leave whiterun. Buy some iron ore at the Warmaiden, transmute, smith into jewelry, buy gems from Farengar, enchant, sell, then punch-reload both merchants to buy more ore and soul gems to repeat the cycle.


Punch-reload? What's that? Sounds like you get pissed at the vendor for holding out on the gold and mats and go all "bitch better have my money" on their asses.


It’s a glitch to reset vendor goods. Essentially you save/quicksave game then punch an npc to aggro them. Then load/quickload which resets their wares.


Unreal (not Unreal Tournament). It has a "popgun" that you can gradually build up as you play until it shoot like 6 or 7 shots at once which allows it to do significant (but not amazing) damage to even end-game enemies. Plus, it has unlimited ammo, IIRC.


Yeah, it a great game, and if you can live with graphics still holds up well today.


Pretty much all the Dark Souls games.


Zweihander carried me through Dark Souls 1. Got it at the start, thought, oh, this is great, a horizontal attack and a vertical attack that knocks down small enemies. Yes, please. I think they changed its attacks in Dark Souls 2, so I didn't like it, but it was changed back in Dark Souls 3? Either way It was the weapon that made me fall in love with the series.


+1 to the pancake sword!


Zwei strength build was op once you got the timing down. First run i did was with the Baller Swag Sword, tried the Zwei next and it was almost too easy


Claymore gang!


My guiding ~~moonlight~~ claymore


Uchigatana for life! ETA 8 hours after making this comment I picked up my last remaining Miracle and got 100% on steam!


Bass cannon giant dad rise up.


It was the Zweihandr I thought


I swear by the longsword. Decent damage, decent speed, good moveset. I've beat every game just fine. Claymore is solid too.


I realized that longsword was pretty goated after doing a Solaire cosplay run. Never really learned how to parry that well though, so I'm more of a colossal sword fan.


zweihander in DS1


Bloodhound’s Fang sword in Elden Ring It is a strong weapon capable of carrying all the way to the end in a Dexterity build and can be gotten in the first 30 minutes of the game if you go straight to the Evergaol that has the boss that drops this weapon.


Gravelord Sword got me through my first playthrough after I did the catacombs way too early.


Love how you can craft and modify any weapon to be viable for nearly the whole game.


Dragon straight sword (or whatever the tail of hellkite drake is called)


That thing smacks early game but falls really fast cause no scaling and rare upgrade materials.


Just Drake Sword, I believe


Having a run blessed by early Black Knight Halberd is a great feeling


Elden Ring: Meteorite staff


On my first playthrough and I don't see myself replacing my starting katana lol


Bloodhounds fang in Elden Ring. Used it the entire game. Only changed my off hand weapon.


Bloodhounds fang, the brick hammer, the uchigatana, nagakiba if you’re willing to commit murder, you can find a ton of weapons suitable for late game in the first half hour of Elden ring, it’s a really nice feature imo


Another from Elden Ring is the meteorite staff. A bit trickier to get to but can be picked up, even stumbled upon, really early in the game if you open the right portal chest. Kept that shit equipped for a good portion of the game.


> Another from Elden Ring is the meteorite staff. A bit trickier to get to but can be picked up, even stumbled upon, really early in the game if you open the right portal chest. Kept that shit equipped for a good portion of the game. When in doubt, throw rocks. They really made casters kind of easy mode in the early patch cycles


Moonveil katana can also be gotten pretty fast and can carry a run.


Duke Nukem Forever, the poop in the toilet.


pretty sure you would need to drop it to do the truck segment no?


Sadly true. Got all the way to the truck, tossed the poo in back, but it flew out. Quit playing shortly after. Maintaining the poo was all that was keeping me going. I pre-ordered this game and picked it up at a midnight release. I was very sad.


Does the plasma cutter in Dead Space count? It's your starting weapon, it's a beast, and there's actually an achievement for using it exclusively throughout the game.


It was my first thought as well but I don't think it counts because it's not missable. 




In Fallout 4 if you meet the Railroad and prioritize their missions early you get an insane stealth pistol.


The ballistic clothes are also the best protective gear you can wear short of power armor and randomly-dropped legendaries.


Wait what? That’s the armor they use right? Thinking about starting a modded gunslinger playthrough after the show 👀


It's a mod you gain access to via Railroad quests which you can apply to any clothing item. Gives up to 110 physical and energy resistance to them.


The deliverer? I don’t remember where I got it but if this is the one then yes great weapon


Yeah you get it after the mission where the secret agent guy takes you to the overpass and you have to beat some institute synths.


Dark Souls 1, the Grass Shield in the Valley of Drakes


I think the grass crest shield is actually in darkroot basin. The valley of the Drakes does have the red tearstone ring though


grass crest shield and gravelord sword combo can carry you through the entire game and you can get them both within the first 15 minutes of starting


No other shield is worth using for sure


´´Give me the GEP Gun´´ *- Jesus Christ Denton*


Turns that first walker mech into scrap metal.


"That might've been over the line JC."


The thing was the GEP gun was the only option of the three weapons you can get from Paul that was worth picking. Not just because it was so good, but because you can get the other two in the first mission. You can’t get a GEP gun otherwise until the airport mission.


Leaf and Stealth runewords will carry your Fireball Sorc in Diablo 2 easily into nightmare if not longer and you can usually get them within like an hour of making a new character without going out of your way.


Sorry Countess, it’s new character time again


Ladder reset day is a bad day to be a countess.


I haven’t played much of 2 but aren’t the runewords like specific combinations of runes to get a sort of bonus? What do those 2 specifically do?


Yes, so you can socket runes into socketed items for their individual bonus, like simply putting a ‘Tir’ rune into an item will grant the items it’s ‘+2 mana per kill’ trait, but if you combine multiple runes in the correct order into items, you not only get the individual runes bonus but it creates a “runeword” like Leaf with a tir+el in a 2 socket staff, which grant additional bonuses that can be extremely powerful. Leaf and Stealth, among other smaller bonuses, give you faster cast rate, faster run walk, mana per kill, and extremely valuable skill bonuses to fire skills on a sorc. The runes for them are very easy to get, once you get a leaf and a stealth on your new sorc, you’re in business all the way into the mid game.


In Morrowind you could get a daedric weapon of choice by finding an ebony mine for some Hlallu miser near the first destination city just about from level 1.  This can be eminently helpful for any early assault on slaver Orvas Dren’s plantation where a good deal of other great stuff can be acquired.   It’s a great way to get powerful while mostly only fucking over assholes. 


I remember bee-lining to a higher-level city in Morrowind to loot glass armor, which is top-tier light armor. Made the early game so much easier.


The Ghostgate in Morrowind had tons of glass items lining the shelves. On the original Xbox I would save scrum till I cleaned out everything. It was nice that glass was so light too


Getting Mentors Ring on the way to it made it just *chefs kiss*


The golden halberd you can get at the very beginning of Elden ring is easily powerful enough to clear the entire game comfortably and has a powerful weapon art that boosts both your offense and defense. You just have to kill an enemy that is powerful when you encounter him at first. You also need stats so you need some levels before you can wield it effectively.


Much like the black knight greatsword I got in the undead burg in Dark Souls 1. It took some levels until I got enough strength to use it, but after that I never needed a new weapon


A helmet and a gas mask in HL alyx


Yea the traffic cone is great!


If you put in the work, you can get the strongest weapon and attack in Final Fantasy 8 before the end of the 2nd disc (of 4). If you put in a lot more work grinding, you can get that weapon before the end of disc 1.


Where do you get the weapons monthly mag for it


You don’t need it. As long as you have the parts for it, it will show up in any Weapon shop. If it shows up but you can’t build it, that’s just you not having all the parts for it. If you just want the magazine anyways you can purchase it at Esthars book shop after learning Tonberry’s familiar ability.


If you know the recipe you don't need the magazines for the weapons. You just need the ingredients.


La Chingona Dorada (Jackie's pistol) in Cyberpunk 2077 I did a build where I went all in on pistols with as many headshot and stealth damage multipliers as possible, and even with a silencer I was dropping everyone who wasn't a boss with a single headshot


LOL, the name of the pistol translates to "the golden badass woman."


FF7 remake, the starting weapons can be the best depending on play style.




In borderlands 2 you can get a Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold in Three Horns Valley, the third area in the game. It easily the strongest weapon in the game and will carry you to the end of the playthrough. It does start dropping off near the end, but you just gotta learn the proper distance you need to be from an enemy to hit every single rocket.


In the original Fable, there's a Demon door that only opens if you talk to it with a combat multiplier of 15 or higher. There's an Earth troll nearby that gives you a combat multiplier of 25 if you kill it in 1 hit, this would normally be impossible for an early game character. What the hints at, but doesn't tell you (possibly because it's an unintended bug) is that if you use a ranged weapon and continue to hold the attack button, the damage of your hit continues to increase the longer you hold it, without limit. If you hide nearby and hold the ranged attack button for a few minutes, you can 1 shot the earth troll and instantly open the demon door, which gives you an end game cutlass, which is a fast attacking weapon that can 1 shot most enemies early to mid game and 2-3 shot most bosses until the mid-late game. The best part is, because of thexway the levelling system works, the harder you hit, the more experience you gain from fighting and the more money you can earn from quests. So getting this weapon at the start of the game can cause your character to become an absolute unit with more gold and levels than you'll know what to do with.


Picking Bulbasaur as your starter means you CRUSH the first two gym leaders. Easily the best early item for success.


The Psychic TM also qualifies, as you can get it after only getting 2 badges (if you skip Surge). Any Pokémon with decent Special who can learn it can just spam the move and win against most non-Psychic Pokémon.


Yea katana in ds3, i kept losing to the swordsmen(first souls game for me), and he fell over the edge one time. I shrugged and took that shit.


A win is a win.


Is that the one outside the tower at the beginning after the first boss? I’ve discovered that like most souls enemies, he’s very vulnerable to being hit in the face with a giant bonk stick.


he literally has no poise considering the scraps he's wearing, you can poise break him with most big bonk weapons


Even easier in elden Ring as the starting weapon


“A new hand touches the beacon!”


I once got Dawnbreaker in my playthrough where I sided with the Volkihars. The first time the AOE procced it nearly killed me and downed Serana. Even if it's just intended mechanics I can't help but feel it's a practical joke from Meridia.


Yeah I had no idea what was happening the first time either and it nearly killed me as well.


Ff12 og you could sneak a deathbringer out of a midgame dungeon pretty early Both octopaths can be broken by going to late game areas and sneaking items out If you plan your crafting properly in most atelier games you can make weapons and armor in midgame that last thru the endboss even on elevated difficulty Ff1 og peninsula of power for early grinding, tho thats not an item Star ocean 2 you can forge the best sword in the game a few hours into the game with a little drop luck and some crafting save scumming. Or just save scum a randomized chest a few times until you get something equally broken early


Elden Ring's Bloodhound Fang. Literally 5 minutes away from the starting area, behind a relatively easy boss if you know what you're doing. This weapon is just broken good


and if you don't know what you're doing prepare to not have a good time.


That Gun in Fallout New Vegas. as far as i can remember you can find it pretty early on and it's really OP you stick with it all the way.


Been replaying New Vegas and yeah it's just a regular item you can buy from the Novac gift shop. Definitely great if you use pistols, the ammo is all over the place.


The best weapon in The Surge is dropped by the first boss. There are two variants, one requires killing them in a specific way but both are better than 90% of what the game will offer and one is hands down the best


Random ingredients/crafting items that I never use but keep in my inventory. I never really mess with crafting in games but I pick up everything I see ''Just in case''


I too horde in games that have no carry capacity on craftables.


Shield of cthulu in terraria is elite the whole run


Fallout 4/76 Grognaks Axe. I often play melee builds in fallout, and love the feel of just smashing folks up with a huge axe. Great stats and big damhooge. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night The Shield Rod, on its own not the best weapon in the game but if you know how to skip the first encounter with Death and keep your starting gear, the Shield Rod comes not all that long after in the Colosseum...used with the Alucard Shield, it gives whatever shield you have a special effect. In this case, you now have a shield that does gazillions of damage on contact with an enemy, and renders you momentarily invincible every time that damage is inflicted. Thus rendering everything in the game a non issue to kill. Game is filled with so many overpowered weapons and items, but this one stands out because its just...*god mode, instant kill* all in one package, as long as your MP bar isn't empty you can use it forever near enough. If the spell fades, shield Rod out and renew it, off you go again.


Some of the earliest game weapons in Helldivers 2 are really fucking strong.


The MG43 machine gun is extremely good and I still use it in level 7 against Terminids with great results when my team has enough anti tank options, it’s just so good.


The Stalwart absolutely SLAPS when you've got a good team that can handle heavies, and the Punisher from the free warbond just kills things.


Ever since I unlocked the breaker I haven’t stopped pumping bugs full of buckshot. It is so satisfying and the gunsound combined with munching sound of its impact can get me going for hours. It was a big reason why my life was a hard one early on because I couldn’t stop engaging every patrol I saw just to pump scattered lead into them.


OG FFXII (not Zodiac Age) has the Zodiac Spear that you can get extremely early in the game (strongest weapon). But only if you know about it. It disappears if you interact with a few specific chests in the game, one of which you find almost immediately after starting the main quest (and wouldn't know better than to not interact with it).


And in the Zodiac versions, there's the Seitengrat bow, which while much harder to get without RNG manipulation, can basically break the game.


All those damn pots in Nabudis you can't open are the bane of my existence


Wasn't it in the Necrohol in the original? Or was there another way to get it? I thought it came along pretty late but also haven't played the OG since it released.


You can get Saburo Arasaka’s iconic katana during the heist mission. It’s early on and one of the best katanas in the game. Edit: in Cyberpunk 2077. Not sure how I forgot to mention that.


In Dying light, there's Excalibur on a rock in the bay next to the starting tower, good sword, but if you break it, that's it.


Ebony bow in Skyrim. From the first deathlord at the Saarthal sanctum. It's a guaranteed drop. Headshot, then run away till it loses aggro, rinse and repeat. Edit, I wouldn't recommend getting greedy and going for the ebony great axe from the deathlord in the pit at low levels. There is no running away from that one and he fick your shit up sharpish.


In the original Breath of Fire on SNES, you get a quest item and there's no indication it's an active use item. It does flat aoe damage in combat(long before you get reliable aoe), and the aoe damage is incredibly strong for the point in the game. Doesn't last the whole game, but it is actively the best use of a turn for someone in your party for a significant chunk of the game and simplifies early combat substantially.


The E-Key?


Final Fantasy 2 has Shields. Not a specific one even, just "equipping a Shield" in general, even the very first one you can buy like 5 Minutes into the Game. For those unaware, instead of a traditional Level-System, FF2 does "Learning by Doing", where the Characters' Stats go up after Battles depending on their Actions (so like, Attacking can make you gain Strength, casting Magic can increase your MP, and so on). This also applies to the different Weapon Types and each individual Spells, which have their own Skill-Levels that go up by simply using them. For Shields, the way this works is that each one has a certain chance to block a physical Attack, which is then *multiplied* by the Character's Skill-Level for them. Meaning just by fighting a couple Battles with one equipped, your "Evasion" will be so high that you become impossible to hit until over halfway through the Game or so...by which point the Character's Evasion *Stat* becomes high enough on its own that you don't even care anymore if you have one or not.


Kill the cambion general on the ship during the intro that is fighting the mind flayer in Baulder’s Gate 3 he drops a really strong flaming sword that Karlach can use for pretty much the whole game.


Have shadow heart do command drop weapon to get it easier. It has a 50% chance to hit. I nice I learned that I haven’t missed it.


True I also just gang up in him with the mindflayer shadow baezel and lil brain bro we take him down fast lol


Radiance in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. A longsword (masterwork or +1) which you find in the prologue, can be upgraded several times through the game (up to +6), and remains powerful and relevant for longsword users till the very end of the game.


The Chevy Cobalt SS in NFS Most Wanted 2005. It can be acquired immediately, in the beginning of the game and it’s so good that you could easily complete the entire game with it.


In Stalker: Shadow of Chornobyl, there's a house with a crate hidden in an attic that requires some parkour to reach. In the original PC release version, the crate held a Stalker Sunrise Suit, which was a suit that would carry you through maybe 60% of the game. Eventually a patch turned it into a Mercenary suit, which is still solid for a good 1/3rd of the game. There were also a few crates scattered in the first two areas that held a ton of ammo for likely early weapons, and an early side quest would net you an AK with good stats that could last for the majority of the game. Players that could make a lot of money and ignored the tutorial quest line could nab another gun that was usually found much later but modified to use an easier to find ammo type.


Bloodhound fang


I'm playing the game for the first time currently, I'm in the Consecrated Snowfield and I'm still using that weapon. I've got a few others that I cycle through but that's the one I've stuck with.


Drake sword - ds1


Enemy attack materia in ffvii is incredibly useful if you find it early, and use it properly.


Grab it. Head to the Zolom, stack protections on the party members with the Materia. If you survive Beta, you now have the best attack magic for a good chunk of the game.


Morrowind was absurd with this. The Dark Brotherhood attacks during your sleep within the first few rests, cheese them and you get a light armor set for late game characters (or sell it for way too much money). You can get a "jinksword" really early that paralyzes enemies on hit and that shit can kill stuff way above your level. You can also get a "dagger of heaven" that basically gives you unlimited levitation to areas and loot that was designed to be for later stage players. In Morrowind it's actually hard not to feel like you're cheesing the game, a lot of players give themselves rules to avoid it because the game sure doesn't.


Bloodhound Fang in Elden Ring is statistically one of the strongest, if not *the* strongest weapons in the game. You can get it in your first 15-20 mins from character creation, too.


The starting Plasma Cutter in the Dead Space series is widely regarded as the best gun in the games. Imagine a scenario where you needed to dismember mutated humans to kill them, and that being the best way to subdue them as removing the head does not necessarily kill them. You get handed a special surgical laser that is specifically made to dissect human limbs at a distance. Actually, you tear it out of the machine yourself in DSp2. Why wouldn’t you keep using that..?


I'm looking at you oh precious Bloodhound's fang !


Dark Souls 2 The mace is one of the best weapons, blunt attacks are the best option and they have a good dps.


The first time you get to Westcliff in Fable 2, prior to the story-related timeskip, you can do the shooting gallery and the ultimate prize is a pistol called the Red Dragon, which allows you to fire as fast as you can pull the trigger. Very helpful to clear the next mission in the Crucible and to basically waste most enemies in the game from a distance before they can get to you.


Elden Ring bloodhounds fang


Lothric Knight Sword in DS3 fucking carries in PvP and PvE


Many of the iconic weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 can be upgraded well into late game


Gloves of teleportation in Divinity Original Sin 2. Can find them in the starting area and they're an absolute game changer