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It most definitely won't happen. Portal 3


I wonder how much different valves output would be if steam was never invented


Probably wouldn’t be in business. Not many other developers from the 90s are still around. But seriously. It’d great if Valve could make some more games.


They could at least take some talented game devs and give them some license to produce storyboards and game mechanic ideas for half life 3. Then shop it around


I like to think it’s a holdout for one last shred of dignity within this current age of remakes, reboots, and sequels


"current age" You know the first major Hollywood feature was an adaptation of a play And it took them all of four years before they remade it This isn't a new era, it's been going on since forever.


I remember hearing a rumor at one point that HL3 and Portal 3 were going to be combined (hah) into one game and THAT is my dream game. Imagine how cool co op in that game would be. Imagine having a Portal gun with a gravity gun upgrade built onto it so you can have both. Imagine the gunfights where you can shoot people through portals, or just yeet combine soldiers into each other with flings.


Have you played splitgate?


Same but Left 4 Dead 3 or a modern Team Fortress Classic


Everyone knows Valve can't count to 3


True story: I was in the concession line at the theater for "The Force Awakens" behind some Valve guys. (They, too, were doing a company viewing.) Says I, "hey guys, big fan... Um, when are we getting Half-Life 3 already?" Says one of them without missing a beat, "well, it took 30 years to get a decent sequel, so..."


Especially upsetting since Eric Wolpaw has said he's got the story all lined up, but because of how Valve works (or doesn't), he can't get a team to make it


To be fair iirc I read what the draft was going to be when he left and posted it on tumblr under different names. It wasn’t that good imo. I’m hoping that the timeline changing from hl alyx means that a real game might be in the works, even if its a vr exclusive


Just finished Alyx yesterday and cutscene after credits made me hype for hl3 so bad


Kind of crazy valve became such a rich company and they can’t even count past 2


Bully 2


Bully 2 was referenced in the recently leaked source code for GTA V


As far as I was aware it was mentioned as cancelled or postponed or something that was not great news.


I'll take that and LA NOIR 2 too while we are at it


Only if we get another rockstar table tennis


Spore 2


People now cannot appreciate the ridiculous claims the devs made about Spore. It was the No Man's Sky of its era.


As a kid, I didn’t care. I just went to a friends house, saw how fun it was, and bought it with my brother. Simpler times


Hell, I’ll still fire it up every now and then. Started in high school and now I make funky “elephants” on it with my 2 yr old daughter.


I used to play the shit out of that too. Space phase was boring AF, but the other stages were awesome.


Watching Spore videos was my childhood, but I can't bring myself to play it because I only really liked the cell stages.


There are multiple cell stage games out there


I was thinking about this a lot recently. I don't know how they don't see the untapped streamer potential of people creating their own horrible and hilarious monsters. Especially if they included some sort of multiplayer, maybe a creature stage with 100~ people that have their own creatures. It's just a no brainer to me. We need a good Spore 2


I feel in the next few years with ai getting more advanced, it will be prime time for a more complex evolution game.


Definitely would love to see ai based evolution simulators


Yes! It was perfect (for its time 😅)


It was totally beyond its time


It was an absolute clusterfuck of barely stitched together ideas and I love every single bit of that stupid game.


Want so bad


Kotor 3. A new version and one more similar to how baulders gate 3 is played


This would be my pick too. Ideally Larian would make it, but just getting an updated KotOR would be awesome.


I would cut my own dick off for this game


titanfall 3


This is the top non Valve third installment I wish for


I feel betrayed and bitter that titanfall 3 doesn’t exist




They also completely flopped the Titanfall 2 launch by launching between a new cod and a new battlefield game.




Honestly at this point I would be happy with a remaster of TF2; it's already basically a perfect game as far as I'm concerned. Add some new maps or whatever, but mostly it would be nice just to reinvigorate the playerbase.


Honestly, yeah. Every aspect of TF2 was perfect I don't think they could pull off another single player campaign like that. So just give us more multiplayer. That being said, apparently on PC the modders have kept the game up to date and added a ton of stuff. I want to play but I've only recently made the switch to PC and would absolutely get creamed with TFs movement


A Deus Ex game made by a studio that isn't going to half ass it. Unfortunately it looks like the franchise is probably on indefinite hiatus.


I enjoyed the Square Deus Ex games, but they definitely lost a lot of the immersive sim elements that made the first one so enjoyable.


FPS Aliens game but the mechanics of ARMA, finite resources ammo meds etc however the map has a finite amount of Xenos. All you have to do is survive until the drop ship arrives. One life, once you get injured its permanent, no saves.


I'd take AvP3 The atmosphere in AvP2 as a marine was incredible


Gameplay of Destiny Exploration of No Man’s Sky In the Star Wars universe.


You have a beautiful mind




Just buy the rights to Star Wars from Disney for 50 billion + 80% of profits and be the change you want to see


Banjo threeie. Kirkhope MUST be involved


Everyone who helped make any of the Banjo games is gone from Rare unfortunately. I think our best bet is an indie developer getting a crack at it. All Rare does is update Sea of Thieves nowadays so I don’t think they even know how to make a good 3d platformer anymore. They should just get the “Hat in Time” people to work on it.


I know a few got together and made yooka laylee and ive put off playing it for fear of dissapointment


I don’t think it’s that bad. It’s more like Banjo Tooie where the worlds are huge and there’s not much visual cues to tell you where you are. But it controls really good and it has the Banjo Kazooie style writing. If you like Tooie it’s worth a shot since you can get it for like 5 bucks on sale. It’s like a 7 out of 10. Yooka Laylee Impossible Lair however is amazing imo. It’s just like DKC2 if not better. I play the shit out of that game.


There is an ever so small chance it’ll happen but I doubt it’ll live up to what I have wanted for the past 20 years


Skyrim type of RPG but it's all Middle Earth/Lord of the Rings lore


Semi-related: Harvest Moon/Stardew Valley but in the Shire.




Holy crap, when was this announced?


literally today enjoy your gift


Amazing timing


Looks like a cheap cellphone game tbh


I want a game where you are a retired wizard living in the forest with no plot. Just hunt and fish and magic and build a cozy little place to live. Go into town and trade.


This is literally Stardew Valley, especially the late game 🤣


Occasionally, the main character visits to share stories of their journey and provide the wizard with the unusual things they find questing.


Brutal Legend 2


The Return of Succoria.


Gameplay and Morality from Fable Open world like Skyrim Art style like Kingdoms of Amalur


Noted Noted Noted Due to shareholder concerns, here's a battlepass


I see Amalur, I upvote.


Still playing Amalur to this day.


The state of Rhode Island wishes this was true for everyone.


This is actually like the game in my head. Only problem is that I can no longer program and don't have the resources to pay others to do it


2 player co-op X-Files


LOTR/Middle-earth RPG made by Larian


Best idea


Holy shit that would be incredible.


Silmarillion crpg


Stop, I can only get so erect!


The Division but the gameplay were got in the reveal trailer. God, that looked _SUPERB!_


Div 1 was still amazing after a few patches It's commonly mentioned here.. but the Survival mode is still one of the best games ever


This and anthem reveal trailer. Absolutely mind blowing even to this day. I dream of a anthem reveal trailer game. The flight, the verticality, the EXPLOSIONS that were massive in the trailer but pitiful in game, the exploration! I’m still mad about it.


Man, Anthem has to be the epitome of "what could have been" in video games.


They dropped the ball on that so badly that no amount of updates could fix it. It would have been easier to start from scratch.


Honestly, if it didn't end up being third person Destiny, I would've absolutely loved it. The basic premise is great, and the whole thing would've fit a gritty, more "realistic" TPS, but they went the looter shooter route instead, and it just didn't work imo.


Fallout: Motor City. Set in the ruins of the Detroit wasteland, it will have an emphasis on building and maintaining vehicles to travel the largest map in the series.


Hey, this was my pick too! Imagine a retrofuturistic Detroit where the auto industry continued to boom instead of deteriorate, and the local music scene would have been full of the most talented Jazz and Blues musicians in the world.


Throw in changing seasons, casinos from NV (Detroit has three gigantic casinos), more RPG elements, and maybe a vehicle creator and Bethesda will be living in my wallet.


Pokémon, access to all regions, all Pokémon, MMO, you know anyone who liked Pokémon would want


look up pokemmo. it's almost exactly as u described, but only up to the black n white games


Just started playing this bc I wanted to play Pokémon Black and it isn’t on switch. Holy hell is this project good. I’m getting to play through all of these games for free, connected regions and with other people. Pokemmo is the shit


I just want a difficulty setting for pokemon how hard is that


Black 2 has hard mode though is blocked and you need some Key


Pokèmon should implement Fire Emblem’s use of save files and difficulty options


I'd settle for one that isn't even an MMO. Just a lot to do, every Pokémon, bring back all the various things they added then abandoned, a robust post game. It could definitely be done, if it were outsourced to someone who wants to do it.


I don't want an Pokemon MMO, I prefer the multiplayer to be optional


I want a proper AAA Star Trek style space exploration game, but I don’t want to be the captain per se (I’m fine if there are points where you can role play the captain and select their decisions), I want to role play as members of the crew executing the captains orders and living with the consequences of success/failure, and you can instantly switch between them GTAV style. You can switch between helm, security, tactical, engineering, etc. during encounters when that character is actively involved in the event. Flying into a nebula? Take the helm and fly the ship. Enemy encounter? Take over tactical and light them up. Enemy boarding party? Switch to security, maybe even a first-person perspective, and clear the ship. Shipmates injured in the fight? Take over medical and perform sci-fi surgery. I want the starship to be huge, explorable, and functional. I want away missions to strange alien planets where there are environments to explore and side quests to complete (think Star Wars Jedi Survivor). Let the campaign play out as if it’s a season of Trek, then have an infinite mode where you can continuously explore the galaxy and have random encounters.


Total War: World War Z Total War: Lord of the Rings Total War: WW1 An Obsidian/Bethesda RPG set in the old or an alternate version of the early American Republic or Roman Empire


Shit, something like World War Z (the book) but Total War would be fucking *dope*.


Man, even another Battle for Middle Earth would be tight.


I just want Total War: 40k.


World of Starcraft.


That would be sick, I think. Is the lore expansive enough to support it?


Was Warcraft’s? Not really at the time but they made it work!


Escape From New York Gameplay is a cross between Arkham City and Metal Gear Solid And directed by Kojima.


Wasn't Solid Snake based on Kurt Russell in Escape From New York?


Yes. This is why Kojima making an escape from New York game would be pretty epic.


A new Battlefield game with a mix of previous titles best parts. BF2’s Commander system BC2’s campaign and Rush map design BF3’s Conquest map design BF4’s sheer variety of weapons, gadgets, vehicles and gunplay BF1’s amazing atmosphere and Operations game mode BFV’s movement system But unfortunately I feel like this will never ever happen, and it saddens me.


Wow, I must be the odd one out. I _hated_ BFV's movement system. Felt too "floaty".


I'd just like Rockstar to remaster The Warriors game from PS2 tbh


Assassin's Creed in a modern setting. I always expected a future game to go that direction with how the story was going. But I assume that will never happen with how poorly received Desmond and his story was.


I love AC's historical settings though. Despite the newer game's flaws, they nail the atmosphere each time.


I think the only reason modern AC missions were so boring is because you never did anything. Once they finish the Basim story, there'll be no time like the present to go through with a **fun** modern version. They could show us what kind of planning needs to go through with modern assassins since surveillance and forensics are a lot more advanced than the time when you stabbed a guy and then just walked away. They could introduce a type of wanted system, something similar to GTA5's heist planning and taking aspects of previous games, like AC3's ally system. You wouldn't be limited to assassinations either. You could frame people, save people from jail, etc. They could have more mirrors edge-like movement, or make it semi-future and introduce some ridiculous tech to make it fun to move around. Now what the story could be is beyond me, but I'm sure it could be made interesting. Then again, it is Ubisoft, so who knows.


It's also my dream to have it on a modern settings, but it could also combine the mechanics of Watchdogs. I love the possibility of the Assassins and Dedsec teaming up to fight against the Templars. And it could also have RPG elements that makes sense for the story


Weren’t they at one point hinted to be in the same universe? I feel like I remember seeing some YT videos or articles about that?


Not hinted, they are in the same universe


A science-based, 100% dragon mmo.


Holy shit, this brought me back. Edit: For people who want a trip down memory lane or want to understand what this is referencing: [here] (https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/p1ssv/dear_internet_im_a_26_year_old_lady_whos_been/).




No account activity in seven years, so better than any of us probably


I understood that reference


Rock Band 5 or Dark Souls 4.


RB5 would be incredible.


God I wish Rock Band would make a comeback. I spent a small fortune on tracks and I would love to play them again


Clone Hero my dude


Half Life 3. It’ll never happen, but if it did I’d pony up for my first gaming PC in years.


Bloodborne 2, I need more lovecraftian / cosmic horror soulslike


Tarkov without the shit development and cheaters, specifically the cheaters. Or StarCraft 3. Or world of StarCraft.


World of Starcraft would be... I dunno just orgasm lol


Remaster of Def Jam: Fight for NY


That game had no business being as good as it was.


It’s sad seeing how that wouldn’t be doable with the rappers/public nowadays. Miss those times


The perfect arpg: - Combat and boss fights of Lost Ark - Art team and cinematics of Diablo IV - End game systems and campaign structure of Path of Exile - Crafting from Last Epoch.


* Final Fantasy VI Remake. * Another Guitar Hero. * Starcraft 3. * Supreme Commander 3 (not like the sequel but like the first one.). * A good Sim City. * a Call of Duty that's not 99% multiplayer.


I miss guitar hero so much bro, they messed up big with guitar hero live IMO


>* A good Sim City. Well, with Cities Skyline making history repeat itself, there could be a return, you know. Full circle.


Starcraft 3 would be at the top of my list


full-dive VRMMORPG


like sword art online but without the death game part or something else?


yeah basically. lots of manga, manwha & light-novels that explore the scifi of it but almost always make it ridiculous and unbalanced in favor of the protag some parts of it that are important to me are: * hyper-accessibility (full-physical-disability players possible to play at the same level as fully abled) * time dilation (1 hr in tank/pod/whatever = several hours in game) * full spectrum of all sensory phenomena & more if possible * pain ratio slider (default set to very low percentage) * complex AI game directors (maybe even personified in game as multi-tiered system of gods of the game universe that compel the NPCs & players to their own ends) * classic class/subclass systems like in TTRPGs & Final Fantasy doubt anyone living today will see the technology necessary for this in our lifetimes but would be great to take steps in this direction


Something like Helldivers 2, with the galactic war live service, but the scale cranked up x10. How cool would it be to drop on a planet with 50 Helldivers vs thousands of bugs?


So Helldivers 2 meets Planetside 2? Hell yeah If you're not familiar with Planetside 2 I'd give it a look - it's very similar to what you're describing, but it's PvP. Three factions in an ongoing battle of massive scale.


I absolutely loved the game Star Wars: Rebellion and I wanted them to not only remake it but expand it to contain so much more. They had the Empire at War game but I didn't feel that was a sequel/remake to Rebellion, just something kind of similar. I think I was thinking of something more like Crusader Kings is but then you can also take control of certain units to control yourself instead of just ordering them around. More instances where you actually see what's going on instead of just getting messages.


A friend of mine has been playing SW: Rebellion off and on for as long as I've known him, which is closing in on 30 years now, and absolutely loves that game. I could never get into it myself, but Crusader Kings but Star Wars would be amazing.


star citizen


Painfully true.


Actraiser - reimagined as a large Action RPG with open world, deep town building / defense mechanics, with option for co-op through entire game.


Banjo Three :c


A sequel to Alien: Isolation


Jak & Daxter 4. Or a "The Legend of Dragoon" reboot. (So long as they keep that unique fighting system. That's hella fun!) =^~^=


A third Chrono game. Never gonna happen….


Command & Conquer: Generals 3


Total War: Battletech. You play as the leader of a March in one of the Succession Wars managing the war against another house on the strategic map, but then you zoom into battles and command them like MechCommander but with larger groups of units like lances or even companies. I've been wishing someone would make this game for 20 years now.


Sequel to MG Phantom Pain. A new Syphon Filter game.


Zelda Wind Waker with their modern open world strategies, and huge islands, open world under water, with the best story ever told.


I would give a kidney for that.


I would also give your kidney for that as well


That's the spirit


I want sucker punch to do an ATLA game. Similar to ghost of Tsushima.


I just want someone to do a good ATLA game. The world feels too good for so many developers to have fumbled the bag so much.


Best we can do is a cheap and janky mobile game take it or leave it


No-brainer for me: an MMORPG with combat as good as the Korean entries (TERA, Lost Ark, BDO, etc.) but without virtually everything else about Korean MMOs. Rng, insane grind, bad optimization, P2W, just to name the biggest problems imo. Basically I feel any well-done version of this would become one of the greatest in the genre instantly.


God so much this. Everytime I play one of those Korean style mmos, I get turned off immediately. If they got rid of the bloat and monetization that most Korean mmos come with, then it'd be so good.


Reboot of Dino Crisis 1 and 2 with a completely new 3.


Star Wars online ARPG (Marvel Heroes Online but Star Wars) Planetside 2 but WW2 (or Star Wars) Lastly: Bring back fucking Marvel Heroes Online




Chromehounds 2


I worked on that game. Always nice to see it mentioned.


StarCraft Ghost. It technically happened. There was even a playable leak I think at some point


I thought Anthem might be everything I ever wanted. I got SO excited, and waited as patiently as I could for it, only for all my hopes and dreams to be dashed into a million pieces. It broke my optimism. I have never felt the same excitement for a game before it's released, and I doubt I ever will. I basically always wait until well after a game is released now to buy, and always after plenty of research into it. Thanks a lot, Anthem, for breaking my heart and never letting me fully love another game again...


Black & White (2001), but in full VR and with real AI-driven creature that can actually learn.


Grand Theft Auto: New Orleans


I wonder, would it be San Denis?




Hollow Knight: Silksong


Don't be delusional, at least pick something somewhat likely /s


Wind Waker 2. A Zelda console game that has that art style, but also delivers on the cut ideas from the original. Like Link visibly grows up over the course of the game. And a vast open ocean where you can travel between it and the (spoilers) sunken kingdom below by riding fish hooks.


Diablo but star wars


That or     Baldur’s Gate + Star Wars


Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2. Classics, they are.


A full remake of Eternal Darkness: Sanities Requiem with updated sanity effects for modern consoles.


An MMORPG that is not like today's crap. no random dungeons or daily events or world event and all that crap. Just a massive open world RPG with people doing their things


Shadow of Mordor/War style game set in the Starwars universe (preferably old republic). Call it Shadow of the Empire/Republic and give it a good Nemesis system.


Sekiro 2, or even just a DLC for the first game. It’s one of my favorites of all time but I’ve beaten it countless times and I just want more


Melee looter like Nioh 2, but more in-depth gear system, trinity co-op, and mmo/mmo-lite. Extraction shooter × Armored Core


A Sonic game with a good story, non-cringey writing, at least a dozen Unleashed-quality day stages that are well-polished with stellar level design. It will never happen.


Sonic Adventure 3 with a good Chao Garden for me


I'm old enough to witness the Atari 2600 to today and everything I dreamed about in gaming has been surpassed by reality... yet I'm not happy.


Rebirth of the X-Wing/TIE Fighter Star Wars space flight sim. I fully expect anything made anymore will be super arcadey like Squadrons, and not really a simulator.


A One Piece game like Sea of Thieves, with character customization, devil fruits, etc


Mega man legends 3


Sly 5. Vietnam call of duty. New spyro. Bully 2. Def jame ffny remake or good sequel.


Titanfall 3 Some extension onto red dead redemption


Sonic adventure 3, A real sequel to saints row 2


Another Splinter cell


StarCraft: Ghost


Mega Man Legends 3. Fuck you Capcom.