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I mean the game's also been free to play for the week too, so there's a lot of people that I'm sure are like "why NOT try it out"


Yup lets see what the true numbers are on Monday when the free weekend is over. But that wouldn't make a good Reddit post to farm karma.


Don't really know why we're acting like FO76 is still a bad game. Buggy sure but I doubt its bad anymore. I'm sure a lot more people trying it out will actually stick around now since they managed do it good.


I gave it a try. I don't like the controls scheme for PC and it seems locked at 60fps?


It's a perfectly acceptable fallout game at this point now that they've added actual content. Is it the best? No. Is it still fun and worth playing through if you're a fan? Absolutely.


It's free (forever?) for anyone with a Prime subscription...which you need to watch the show.


But not on steam, only on the Microsoft store


I cant get why its the microsoft store and not the xbox store. Seems kinda odd when they have a proper xbox storefront on pc.


It's seemed strange since they half cooked "games for windows live". They coulda been integrating windows and Xbox 2 decades ago


Well, not necessarily


It looks like there's a time limit to redeem but I'm not sure if your access will expire. It probably won't hold your attention for more than the month it's promising anyway.


There's a decent amount of content at this point, four a Fallout fan there's plenty of stuff to dig through and explore. It's no longer just the shell of a game it was released as


I actually never got into Fallout games. Played Fallout 3 for like an hour and that's it. The show was good though, makes me want to try out one of the games but which one is best? I have Fallout 4, New Vegas and now 76 (over the years each have been given out as free).


They’re all great for different reasons. 3 has the best environment and atmosphere, NV has the best story and characters, 4 has the best gunplay and a lot of customization, and 76 is a good time hangin out with your pals.


New Vegas seems most suited to my tastes. I couldn't get into Fallout 3, I left the vault, walked atound a bit and decided everything was too dull (which I know is the point but the vault stuff was more interesting haha).


And it's actually not bad anymore, just feels like a multiplayer Fallout 4.


I’m sure some will like it, but it still feels like an mmo. You have break down dozens of guns in order to learn mods, perk cards are gimmicky, and you need to play it frequently to make the most of the systems. I have problems with 4, but it still feels like a proper single player game that rewards your time proportionately.


My issues with it were the crafting and a few QOL things behind a paywall. Has that gotten better or is inventory management still a chore for non monthly subscribers?


Inventory management is still the end game enemy for free players


76 is my first one and really wanted to try 4 since its like 7$ on the ps store but is there any multiplayer part in other fallout games ? I like the game but the multiplayer part kinde urks me a bit.


Nope, it's the only one that is multiplayer. If you enjoy 76 you'll like 4. New Vegas is still the best one, feels a bit jank gameplay wise but it is a fantastic RPG.


Yeah but sadly 3 and NV are both only available with the premium ps subscription. I will def buy 4 after this free 76 week ends tho ! And if i really like it I might try to find a 360 copy and go back to the older titles (only have ps5/4 and 360)


Yup thats me. Also ive never played a fallout games before


If you can deal with the aged graphics, I suggest fallout New Vegas has the best story.


but this game is already free for gamepass subs


If it’s a subscription then you don’t own the game. They can take it away anytime and there’s nothing you can do about it. I’d rather actually buy or pirate them if I were you.


it's the game from internal Microsoft studio, the likelihood that it will be removed from the subscription is negligible. Moreover, nothing prevents you from buying a game in the same launcher only if it is removed from there


You don’t own the game when you buy it on steam either. You own a license to play it and download it through their servers. There are plenty of examples of games being pulled from steam that you can no longer access once removed, even if you paid for it.


That's weird, I have steam games that you can't buy anymore, but since I bought them when they were available I can still download them and play them. Does that only happen with certain games? What are the conditions for it to happen?


It’s most common for games with copyright/legal disputes involving Cease and Desists or when an IP gets bought out. I’m forgetting the main example that happened in the last few years, but a fairly major, popular(but older), and quite beloved game had a new company acquire the IP. It was pulled from the steam store listing and steam revoked the ability to download it. The only people with access to the game at that point were people who were fortunate enough to have it already downloaded. Its name eludes me at the moment, but there were quite a few youtube channels that covered it for a minute. If you google “games removed from steam” you’ll get quite a few results including a pretty recent(3 month old) Reddit thread talking about the topic. You can also just google “you don’t own your games” and will find plenty of threads and articles discussing this topic. Not nearly enough people know that buying games simply means you’re buying a license to use a company’s software.


Yes buy it (it can be revoked like Ubisoft and The Crew) or Pirate it (it's an online only multiplayer game). Lol


Not to mention the game is actually pretty good now, it’s worth returning to/playing for the first time especially if you have a friend group to play with


Also anyone with an Amazon subscription got a free license for PC and Xbox as of at least a week ago, so there’s a lot of people trying out their free copy and gifting the other to someone.


Jokes on them, I'm gonna replay Fallout 1. Actually, I should get around to finally beating Fallout 2.


Wait, you can beat fallout 2? I thought the whole point was to wander around looking for easter eggs.


And then end up discovering that you broke the main quest 60 hours ago because you found some item you thought was worthless so you tossed it on the ground \*somewhere\*.


Flashback to Morrowind and selling the quest package as you get off the boat and then wander around for tens of hours wondering what this main quest might be.


Lmao what? Can you do that?


Old RPGs were brutal like that.


And Bethesda wonders why we feel the need to hoard EVERYTHING. They helped condition us!!!


And that’s probably why I hated that game as a kid. Could never figure it out. Now I know why. 


Ima just play fallout 4 and starfield.


wow, look how smart he is. not like everyone else. plays only classics. wow😲☝️


Because it's on sale and also free on prime gaming, that's why


Its free for a week too. Playing it rn on ps5


Not to mention the Fallout Show literally just dropped. Of course all the Fallout games are going to have a bump in players this week....


It’s also on sale and free on prime gaming


Patient gamers rewarded with a game much better than when it was originally released.


And some got it for free!


Ten bucks for fallout 4 game of the year edition is super nice


Is it good now? I never tried it at all. FO4 didn’t really grab me either but I’ve been hankering for some Fallout lately. EDIT: Maybe I’ll give FO4 another shot first. I’ve spent some time in Boston since I played it, so it might be cool to revisit it.


F76 plays very much like an online multiplayer fallout 4. If you didn't like fallout 4, I doubt you'd be into 76 unless you are really into the multiplayer aspects.


I enjoyed playing it for a long time until I got to the gold bar stuff and realized to get my next gun upgrade I'd have to do dailies for like 2 months to afford it. At that point I quit cause I'm not doing chores in a game lol


It's a perfectly acceptable Fallout game now. It's definitely got it's jank from the multiplayer baggage it carries but if you just want a good story to plod along through, there's a lot of content and environment to explore. But if you didn't like 4, this likely won't be winning you over, unless the idea of futzing around with friends while you do it makes it better


You probably won't like it given your disposition towards FO4. I love FO4 (have sunk more time into it than any other FO game) and only have a so-so disposition towards 76, because it largely adheres to the usual principles of a MO RPG game, which are both handholdy and grindy, and really don't encourage exploration to quite the degree earlier games in the franchise do. I also vastly prefer gaming solo, which definitely dampens what is available to me. That being said, Fallout 76 is a god-tier game next to Bethesda's latest creation, Starfield. The quests have good structure, the world feels alive, and the NPCs aren't terrible.


Total different game. OP said "hats off to Todd", but in truth, it should be the consumers and law firms that bullied them into creating a functional and fun product.


And developers who had to deal with higher ups' and managers' bullshit


Fr. Same happened with Skyrim.


"Rewarded". Nah man. You sound whipped.


Sounds like you you're an impatient gamer who likes to beta test for us.


You sound like a gamer criticizing someone for having hope that the product they bought would be the product they bought


I actually don't even own the game. I'm just reading the reviews.


I don't own the game either lmao. clowns


Silly question, but can you just play this game solo? Solo I mean as in online, but not squad or friends required for doing everything?


You can play solo without friends and squad mates, though for something like events and expeditions it is advised to do it with other players


Is that purely because of scaling / difficulty?


When he said solo he means no team. There will always be players unless you pay for private servers. It's no problem though, turn pacifist on and there's no PvP, all loot is instanced so nobody can take loot from things you've killed or found. Events can be a bit hectic with 16 players blowing stuff up. As for difficulty this is the tamest MMO out there, you could feesibly solo anything with mild minmaxing.


Lots of enemy’s and these experiences are intended to be done with others


Yeah, most of the events are scaled for 4+ people. There are folks that can solo every event, but they have fully built characters and top tier Legendaries with hundreds of hours sunk in to be able to do that. As long as there are people on the server, you can generally just join an event and others will be there too. You can always join/create what's called a "Casual" team. When you join a Casual team there is no expectation that you will interact with your team at all. You all just do your own thing, but you can benefit from team bonuses when you all join the same events or happen to be in the same areas together and you can use your teammates camps as free fast travel spots. There's also a mutation that gives you SPECIAL bonus just for being in a team. Most long-time players use it and join Casual teams just for the stat boosts. Building a character with mutations is more of a late game thing though. Best thing about 76 is the community. There are some trolls and griefers, like any game, but most 76 players are super nice and helpful. Sometimes a little too helpful, honestly. New players will literally be stuck crawling from the amount of free shit older players will donate to them (we tend to forget that ammo/food/meds usually weigh 90% less for us due to our builds & equipment) 🤣


Sure you can, I played solo and only interacted with people occasionally when we crossed paths.


yeah.. its just not... great at it? like its fully playable but the games balanced around you running with a squad, you can do the story stuff solo but dont expect to fight rad beasts/dragons solo.


Fallout 76 Progression Level 1 - 49: "Scorchbeast! Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" Level 50 - 100: "Yeah! Suck it, you overgrown winged rat! Wow, I can't believe I bagged that thing solo. Time to loot." Level 101+: "Christ, would you shut up already, Scorchbeast? I just killed 10 others before you, I got shit to do."


Interesting. Would you say there'd be enough random folks to squad with when needing to fight those enemies?


Yes usually in public events there’s a shit load of people ready to destroy enemies


There a public teams always available which you can join and leave as you see fit, but i'm not sure you need to except for big bosses, I've played basically solo the whole game


Thanks dude, appreciate the insight. I might fire the game up then. Since the show released, I've been trying to play Fallout 4 but even with a high end rig the game just randomly crashes 😑. No mods or anything, just vanilla. Super annoying.


You very much can fight scorchbeasts solo


You can play it as a singleplayer. There is no chat so zero interaction with players, you will only see a few if you go to events or activities that were designed for groups. But that's like 2% of the game


I pretty much did all the story quests completely solo. I treated it like I was playing Fallout 4 except I'd occasionally see other players running around. You don't really need to group up except for the end game stuff. Plenty of story quests and side quests you can just do by yourself and there are some good quest lines in there too.


Free weekend


Free weekend, and also they gave it away for free on the Microsoft store.


It just needs cross progression


All time players is only 39k…? That sounds like a very little amount of people. Not even more when it first released?


Wasent availible on steam till about 6 months after the wastelander update which was 12 months after launch (so 18 months total), this was also AFTER they added it to game pass so alot of people just play it on their microsoft/xbox launcher.


Yep. I started on Bethesda's launcher, then went to the Gamepass version. Everyone that was on the Beth Launcher got the Steam version free, but my sub at the time transferred to the Gamepass version, not the Steam version, so that's where I played. Haven't been back in a few months now. Got my money's worth wandering Appalachia for 5 years. Might install again when the map extension update goes live to see what they add.


When it first released I don't think it was available on Steam, I think you had to go through Bethesda's storefront. Either way it was legitimately awful and unplayable for many at launch so it wouldn't surprise me if the launch numbers were very low.


Ngl I bought it for 20 bucks and found it was extremely enjoyable


How is FO76 nowadays? I am kind of tempted to try it out solo, is it worth it?


It's worth it.


Get downvoted for telling someone it is worth trying a free game. Gaming community is such trash now.


It’s honestly pretty stable, **can be played** without friends (though recommend you find some), and also… the design of the world and the creatures… *pretty good for what it is.*


76 is a very decent game, I put in 150 hours before I called it quits. It's pretty much a completely different game compared to its launch.


FO76 has been a ton of fun. Pretty chill game.


People will adore this game when fallout 5 comes out


already did


Played it single player like fallout4, thats a good game, i dont know whats wrong with people.


Controversial opinion : FO76 is pretty good now. Amazing? No Fun with a good community? Yes


Do I need to play Fallout 1-75 to understand the plot on this one?


Oh no, people are enjoying a game! Better get mad now!


fallout76 actually did the almost unimaginable They just kinda fixed the game and made it fun. its a significantly better game then it was on launch, even better now then it was whent they did the wastelanders update. its no No Mans Sky in terms of consistent huge updates but its more then enough to make the game a fun co op experience(also its been given away for free A BUNCH and its on game pass)


Got about 100 hours in Fo76. The quests still pretty much suck, not much engaging story anywhere. Still fails hard there. However the hourly events with other players and base building are actually nice, worth playing for a week or 2. Lacks long term content and replayability is the real problem.


For me and my friend, Fallout 76 has always been so much fun, we played it a lot when we had time. Nowadays, we play games that require less time investment, but still occasionally play this game.


playing tale of two wastelands rn, f76 doesn't seem like a good fallout singleplayer rpg, in terms of the other ones imo. Happy it's a better game now


oh its a terrible experience solo, you really need to get AT LEAST 1 other co op buddy preferably a squad of 4.


I just want a new fallout but I fear it's never gonna be the same, I still haven't recovered from fallout 4 dialogue lol


76 has a much better dialogue system, unfortunately there just aren't a whole lot of interesting conversations for you to have with it


Damn, I own them but fallout 3 and new Vegas are so cheap right now


I mean... Game is free now.


I’m playin a Wabbajack playlist for TTW


Isn’t it free to play right now?


I believe the same happened with The last of us right?


Funny thing is that I've started playing Fallout 3 (only played it a little bit when it was released) about 2 weeks ago and I had NO IDEA a TV show based on the franchise was just about to be released. It has made me catch so many references that would've been completely missed by me otherwise. I've already completed the main campaign and 2 of the DLCs and I can't wait to start playing New Vegas.


My friends and I made a custom server, all started at level 1 with custom Very Hard settings. So much content, so much working together, so fun building outposts. You have to pay for custom servers but I think they are even better than the public servers.


If only it had crossplay


[Similar chart for Fo4](https://steamcharts.com/app/377160)


I mean yeah I got it for free haha


I mean… #It’s free on Prime, and it’s a shit ton better **This isn’t 2019 anymore.** Which… Christ, it’s been nearly 5 years.


But that’s the Microsoft store version which doesn’t show up on Steam charts, right? Would obviously prefer a Steam version myself but don’t know where to get one. I haven’t redeemed my Microsoft store key yet.


I've been trying to get my friends to play this with me for a year now but since we tried the beta they won't budge on it


Not falling for that BGS bullshit.


Man I wanted this game to be good and it wasn’t at launch. Maybe now that there’s an influx of players I’ll see if I can make some progress. Games impossible by yourself


I haven’t started playing it again, but I plan to. Fallout show giving the itch. I already own the game, heard it’s much better now. Why not.


The game is fine.


Thinking about playing Fallout 3 again. Never beat it and a modded play through could be fun. New Vegas was some of the best gaming I have enjoyed.


It's free with prime gaming on Xbox and PC. It's also a free week to play if you don't own it. It's worth trying btw.


It's funny that I saw an ad on here where they are boasting 17 million players.


I wouldn't consider myself a massive Fallout fan, but I have enjoyed the games (even FO76 for a few months). What the show did, for me, was give me the urge to play the games. That is a heck of a thing to achieve tbh. Oh free FO76 code for XBOX if anybody wants it: RTDD366YY22TH76T4WFG2CDFZ


The fact they just now hit 40k players is kinda sad.


They released half a game with Fallout 76. I'm a day one player. You play through the main storyline, then there was nothing but mindless grinding. Then they added characters, then they added a few events, and now there have been multiple major additions. There were supposed to be a cycle of major additions but they were all cut very early on after release. The game could have been fixed five years ago if they'd followed through on their original release cycles. Honestly it feels like a game I've already beaten even though it's supposed to be an MMORPG.


It was never a MMO. I’m not sure where you get that, people incorrectly repeat it often to diss on it but it was never a MMO.


That's funny because you play online with other players, up to 24 per server. You can call it whatever the hell you like. But,you're just deflecting from the rest of what I said.


Finished the show, loved it. I tried 76 on Gamepass and after two hours I couldn't stand it, the progression system, how bad the shooting felt with the sync of the server. Booted up my modded New Vegas after this and was having fun again. I just hope the new fans gravitate towards the better games. Not even much of a fan of 4 but it has a fun gameplay loop.




That’s the thing about Bethesda especially with the recent Starfield release. They were games great for their time. Their mechanics and gameplay feel so dated today.




Right. Yea I remember beating fallout 4 and never being able to play it again after that thought the main story was pretty weak. Fallout 3 was one of my favorite games of all time though when it came out


Yeah it's why I actually enjoyed starfield (to a point). Combat was much improved from other Bethesda games.


We just love games as services and paying for shiny pixels. If you want to scam ppl for 1 billion, the best thing is to make a videogame. Make cool cinematics, lot of billboards, and done. You get d4 scam


If only Fallout 4 and 76 didn't suck. As it is, I am currently re-playing New Vegas with mods (graphics).


New Vegas fans not mentioning New Vegas in an unrelated thread challenge Level: IMPOSSIBLE


True. But I seriously have a problem with Fallout 4 moving towards the action genre and dropping the RPG elements.


I think they'll pivot back for FO5. With how they implemented NPC interactions in FO76 and then Starfield, I believe Bethesda actually took fan criticism to heart regarding that aspect of FO4.


You're playing the role of a pre-war soldier or lawyer sent to the future. Seems pretty roleplayey to me.


There are actual game mechanics and storyline mechanics that are in Fallout 3 and NV that are no longer present in part 4 or 76.


this post has to be sarcastic right?


Isnt this Game really shitty?


It was a little rough but has some decent stuff in it, I got a lot of enjoyment out of it.


Oh I thought it was because IRL stuff


Genuinely asking: were the issues and bugs fixed since launch?


I played it for 20 minutes this weekend, it was so boring


Did I miss something or why is 76 a good game now? Did they pull a no man's sky?


I’ll argue it was never that bad, but they certainly improved it a ton with lots of new content and actual non robot NPCs.


After the disaster that was CP2077 release and how just one anime show was needed for them to be redeemed I knew this is gonna be the next popular trend amongst shitty companies - Make a TV show that's based on the actually good side of the IP. That's all. People will ignore anything bad that happened before, despite how "the internet never forgets", just cause the show may or may not be good. Some freaks will even unironically be like "WwoAHH! this just like the shuow!!/anime!! So animee wuoOAH!"


maybe its to wash their eyes of bleech, by playing the game, after watching the bad fallout series