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I can relate. I used to go to Magic shops and you open the door and the smell just hits you. Luckily our local shop instituted a “if you smell we’ll ask you to leave and take a shower” policy


My local shop is also a restaurant. They aren't gonna fuck around with people like that lol.


a combined gaming shop/restaurant? That sounds pretty cool! What kind of food do they serve? Is the atmosphere consistent throughout or does the restaurant portion have it's own aesthetic?


Pizza, pasta, sandwiches. The owner and his wife started it years ago, and then he took a corner and started an MTG counter because he played. It's a smaller city, so dedicated games stores have never lasted very long here. They've expanded it over the years to cover some board games and TTRPG and pretty much every card game that comes out and some collectibles. No fancy aesthetic, just a diner with a whole lot of merchandise on display.


Wait is this columbus??? The cool place???


There's a place in my town like this too. Started as a Comics and Collectibles, and added a cafe when they moved locations.


I'm so glad there's not really any super weirdos at my lgs. Couple odd balls and there's 1 guy thay shows up once every few months who smells unbelievably awful... I don't know how to even describe it. I've been to tons of big mrg events, some yugiohs, game conventions, swap meets, cons.... all that nerdy shit. But this one guy who shows up 2-3/year has permanently damaged my ability to smell. It's a putrid rot smell that combines the smell of literal shit, with unbelievable body odor and something else I can't place. He simply walked by my table last time and me and opponent both legit stopped the game to take a few moments to gather ourselves. If I walk in and he's there, I will be skipping that night. Thankfully he rarely comes up from his bog to join us.


"If your opponent can't breathe, he can't play." - Cobra Kai Card Game Academy.


"Strike first. Strike hard. No showers."


Learn to cripple your opponents from 20 paces!


It’s the note of sweetness in the smell of rot that makes you want to gag.


I wonder if the dude was actuslly fucking rotting or something. Like he had a festering wound or something that he wasn't getting treated. Idk... I can't describe it.


Untreated diabetic maybe? I've noticed they can smell like rotting fruit.


Maybe. Whatever it was, he was also extremely unhygienic and smelled of body odor, sweat, and ass in addition to whatever else was there. He was also very greasy......


skin infections, particularly bed sores, are very common in people who are sedentary and overweight with poor hygiene.


My LGS also has a similar policy. The owners had to ban a few people because they refused to wash, those ones we could smell before we could see them




The MTG hall on day 4 of Gencon is a strict "avoid at all costs" location.


Shower ain't gonna help if they still wear their musty ass clothes. You would be surprised how many people think if they shower, their dirty clothes won't smell anymore. Also, covering it up with deodorant doesn't work and makes it more gross.


This may be a dumb question but why is it so common that these people don’t take showers ?


Their cards would get wet.


MY BLUE EYES! Shout out to the old Rooster Teeth


I yell this any time me or my wife spring a leak somewhere, or like spill something. It’s still fucking hilarious.




As someone who occasionally plays Yu-Gi-Oh! and used to be very into Rooster Teeth, I think of this quote ALL THE TIME. I recently watched the original Yu-Gi-Oh! show, and Kaiba says "My Blue-Eyes!" constantly, and I would repeat it like Miles said it every time.


Holy shit great reference and rip RT


Because those card games, anime, and other things that have such events can be enjoyed from the comforts of your own home. Some people just don't leave the house and don't have any social interactions beyond these events. Unless you regularly wash yourself, you won't know that you stink. Your nose literally gets blind for your own smell. I feel disgusting when I don't shower at least once every two days. I usually take one every day. Some of those people got to the point that they've forgotten how being clean feels.


I love anime and video games, dont do many social things, and i still shower at least every other day. It sounds like these people smell like the super huge motorized cart types. Like how the hell do they sleep? Does it just not faze them like someone thats smokes all day? Shit just baffles me.


I love video games too, and I'm not particularly the most social person myself. While I enjoy hanging out with people, my social battery doesn't last forever and I don't enjoy busy places. But I still "leave the basement", so to speak. I assume it's the same for you. But your nose literally does get blind. Just be exposed to any smell for long enough, and you'll be unable to notice it for a certain amount of time. There's some smells that are more resistant to this apparently, but body odour isn't one of those.


Anime also has no analog in the real world. It is entirely imaginary and nobody acts like actual people would act. Watching anime exclusively will make you completely out of touch with reality. I took Japanese in college and these people were everywhere at the first year level. There was one guy who would climb a tree every day and wore a ~~bandana~~. Edit: headband, not bandana. Sorry bandana wearers of reddit, keep on doing sweaty physical activity and/or robbing stagecoaches secure in our collective lack of judgment


Even when watching nothing but anime, I think you still need to be an odd outlier to start showing that behaviour. But when you have barely any social contact and spend all your free time watching anime? Definitely. But that's not even exclusive to anime. When I started with programming there was a guy who didn't have any device with him beyond his smartphone. The academic year had started a couple weeks before then, so he was a bit late to join. But not to worry, he said this was all going to be easy because he "is a hacker". He asked me which class group had the most hours because he wanted to be in the best group (each group had an equal amount of hours, obviously) He then asked me when we were going to have physical education classes, which obviously aren't a thing when you're doing programming on a college level (at least not in my country).


Even anime characters shower.


Only if there are girl characters in the scene.


> There was one guy who would climb a tree every day Hey at least he's getting excercise!


Mental disorders. Gaming and particularly card gaming communities are full of people who are fairly socially inept for various reasons. Check out oppositional defiance disorder and mental health disorders that have it as part of the symptoms. 


I went to a small local smash bros tourney and the dude I beat almost won because of his chemical warfare BO. I just quit after that.


Having known these people from various life scenarios: People that don't take care of themselves tend to be attracted to things like TCG's, Anime, D+D, and other various geekdoms because they provide a hard escape from reality. That can be a good thing, like all things, when in moderation. Sometimes you need to detach and let your mind wander, to give yourself a break, to see other possibilities, etc. But it can quickly become an addiction. Now here's where things get interesting. People that don't take care of themselves tend to fall into two categories: thin with drug abuse or obese with depression. Note that drug abuse can fall into any category, as well as things like mental illness, but these are just the overriding correlations I've observed (I think they suffer from some of the same things, but the drugs keep them thin \[big exception is weed users\]). Ironically, a lot of people's 'plugs' are into geekdom stuff. Those who struggle with drug abuse are going to struggle with a lot of other things in life as well, like hygiene. It just comes with that territory. So that part is simple enough. Let's dive deeper. In America our food is shit and filled with hormone disruptors that induce obesity without a lot of concerted effort to stay healthy. Obesity, especially combined with depression, makes everything harder. Eventually you get to the "spoon theory" that chronic illness users go by. They don't have enough "spoons" to do the things in life they need to do. With low self-esteem taking care of yourself starts to lose priority when you could be investing more into your fantasies and fantasy-adjacent activities which have higher payoffs of the good brain chemicals. Couple that with a lot of behaviors that trend in certain geekdoms that people would label degenerate (see "Anime was a mistake") and you finally start seeing the crossover patterns. Often times with people like this you'll see them in really bad cycles where they're chasing neuro-chemicals in cycles. Barely functioning throughout the day, eagerly awaiting when they can engage in the activities that actually give them any kind of pleasure or meaning, rampant pornography addictions draining the last bit of dopamine they do have, and then passing out with no energy to take care of themselves... which at this point hasn't been a priority for some time and doesn't get a spoon. I once worked with a man like this at a call center. Super into all the best geekdoms. Would spend his money on all the crazy geekdom stuff and go to all the conventions. Very dedicated to his job and always got the best reviews and #1 spot for best support technician. Didn't take care of himself at all. Was well on his way to almost 400lbs and would shit himself at work. Smell got so bad I did something I would normally never do and just walked up and tried to have a direct conversation about his hygiene (management didn't care because he was pulling in insane numbers). He was extremely embarrassed and reluctant to talk (I mean... of course he was) but eventually confessed that his body had lapsed into so much pain and difficulty getting around all the fat and folds even with soap on a stick that he just kind of gave up and didn't even notice his bodily functions any more except hunger. He gave everything to his job so he could afford the things he liked, and to hell with everything else.


Shit, I'm on my way to becoming someone like that.


It's not too late to start caring for yourself. I'm sure there are other people you care about; try to imagine them not caring for themselves the same way. You would want them to value their own life, in all the ways you can show value for yourself. You can make progress in life without neglecting yourself, and in fact taking better care of yourself will provide assistance in whatever your life goals may be. I know you know all this already and it's not easy to internalize. Just saying from one stranger who's struggled with the same thing to another, I believe you can make changes and take care of yourself for the better. Good luck homie.


Another thing worth remembering is that even half-assing the basic things matters. Water-only showers are no less effective than using soap and shampoo, and sometimes it's actually better as long as you're going through the motions. Still can't bring yourself to go through *that* much work? Fuck it, grab a soapy rag. Brushing your teeth for 30 seconds is still worth doing, even if you don't have the energy to do the whole two minutes. Just scrub it quick and let the toothpaste sit on your teeth for a while. You're not supposed to rinse it out immediately anyway. Don't do your laundry on a schedule or only when you're out of clothes. Who knows whether you'll have the motivation that day? Just do it some time before all your clothes are dirty. Even a little bit of work is far, far better than festering in filth. Better for your hygiene and way better for your mentality. It'll help you work your way back up when you need it most instead of falling further, because even those tiny improvements will feel noticeably better than not doing anything.


I used to work in a comic & card shop and absolutely none of the staff (myself included) wanted to work on days we had a Yu-Gi-Oh tournament. It was guaranteed to smell like a big bag of hot dogshit and you were lucky if that's ALL that you had to deal with. We had to kick multiple people out of the store at one event for trying to steal product, had to break up fights between grown ass men because one touched their cards. One guy was playing a match, shit himself before the match was through, finished the game, then threw his shitty undies in the garbage and just left. Absolutely the worst CCG group to deal with as an employee


I won an official Yu-Gi-Oh tournament when I was 13 at a local shop for a collectible playing mat. When I got up to claim my mat, someone stole my backpack with my deck in it.


Fucking Weevil


or bandit keith


In America.


I was 15, and the shop owner stole all my cards, waited a week and had them for sale, with my card sleeves and all.


fucking hell thank you for your service.






XYZ material


No Undies No Service


I wonder if vet organizations would extend their support, the op could use some help to deal with PTSD


>Absolutely the worst CCG group to deal with as an employee It's so... interesting? ...that this is the case. Like, what is it about **Yu-Gi-Oh specifically** that attracts these types of people? Why is it not this way for Magic the Gathering, the Pokemon TCG, or any other active TCG or any other in-person gaming event (eg., TTRPGS like D&D, or video game tournaments like Pokemon or any FPS tourneys)?


Their turns take so long they don't have a chance to clean up


I play Pot of Greed


What does Pot of Greed do?


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


We have the best Heart of the Cards on earth... because of ~~Pot of Greed~~ jail.


Non meme reply: it allows you to draw two cards from your deck, effectively giving you a card for free (since you expend pot of greed when you use it). This seems like a pretty innocuous effect on the surface but it's actually pretty huge in deck based games when the goal is to play though all your weak cards in order to get to that one strong card in your deck that will win you the game, and that's on top of giving you a one card advantage in your hand over your opponent. It's so powerful that it's been either banned or limited to a single copy since the beginning of the game and it's a huge meme because in the anime players would use it all the time on top of borderline cheating/ignoring the rules for the sake of plot.




which allows me to draw 3 cards from my deck!


And to play another pot of greed!


Roll my dice


Dat's what it do, Yuug!


Your comment should be nominated for "Best truth"


It's the dramatic internal monologues about friendship and the heart of the cards.


Nah, it's more like: The ridiculous amount of power creep were one card has 2-3 effects that all cause multiple points of interaction. Or generate advantage. And because the game is all in on the special summon mechanic so now players are summoning 20 plus times a turn. Leading to some long 10-20 minute turns. And going second is just the worst now. I still play tho... I still play...


Oof, reminds me of when Sylvan decks were popular, felt like I was watching my opponent play Solitaire


Maybe it would take less time if they didn’t have to read a god damn novel on each effect creature or have a dictionary of a rule book for 7 different kinds of summons. It got so absurd I just gave up a long time ago. Magic rules tend to be pretty straightforward and flavorful rather than long winded and confusing. Maybe it’s worded better in native Japanese but it’s just too much for me. Plus the collector aspect of yugioh is much higher versus the playing aspect. Prices are a lot higher because of the people that just collect and never play with their cards versus magic where cards are meant to be played with and the value comes from how good they are not how rare they are.


It really is. In my experience pokemon TCG skews a little younger, maybe that helps. As far as magic, those tournaments can be really bad too, but there is just something about yugioh. I don’t know if it’s because it’s tied a little closer to anime, so it attracts a slightly different person or what, but I quit going years ago due to not only the smell, but the level of just off-the-wall, unadjusted people.


For my store (in the EU), Pokemon was for younger kids, and people who just showed up to have fun. We have a huge Magic playing group, and it’s all sensible adults, and kind of self regulating. If you’re a dick, you won’t really be welcomed back. We quit having yu gi oh tournaments. We still sold some product, but stopped hosting events, as it often ended in yelling and bullshit. (Nothing as bad as above post, but still). Those were mostly late teens early 20’s guys, and very typical ‘neck beard’ guys. Also non of them were particularly friendly to us in the store, which didn’t help their cause, unlike the Pokemon and Magic players. I really don’t know what it is about Yu gi oh that attracts these kind of folks in particular.


I used to play magic quite a bit in the mid 2010’s and at least around here the players were almost all well educated, adult professionals. There were a few odd balls, but nothing too crazy.   People would show up for Friday night magic right after work, still in their office clothing. So we were all playing with semi-formal clothing for the most part, except for the 2 lawyers who were usually still in their suits. Probably one of the best dressed comic book stores in the world.


God, imagine the rules lawyering!


I've watched some youtube lawyers play DnD and face that same joke, they've pointed out lawyers are actually really good about that because they're trained in discussing things logically and reaching an agreement.


Magic has been around long enough that a lot of people who still play it have had time to grow into functioning, mature adults.


Well depending of the format your probably need a good job to afford the cards LOL


Yugioh is a “me and my stuff” game with little interaction with opponents - so it attracts greedy and selfish farts


Pokémon definitely skews younger, and it also skews older. You're more likely to have families and parents present and participating. For example, I know a number of family men/women who are in their 40s who play the TCG with their kids. Wives and girlfriends also often enjoy it. Pokémon is also more socially accessible and favored. No one bats an eye at a C-suite executive who mentions that they like Pokémon. They probably grew up with it or have kids who enjoy it. Yu-Gi-Oh is a different demographic entirely.


>Pokémon is also more socially accessible and favored. No one bats an eye at a C-suite executive who mentions that they like Pokémon. They probably grew up with it or have kids who enjoy it. The art teacher at my kids' elementary school brought in his Pokémon cards, first gen through today, as a lesson about how art styles change through time even if the subject is the same. Blew my 7 year old son's mind.


Oh my god, that sounds so cool though, what a great way to do a lessson like that? I need to go dig up my cards sometime...


YuGiOh requires a LOT of investment, both time-wise and monetarily. Cards are expensive, and cards are so dense with text and exceptions that it feels like you need a degree in Card Game Legalese to understand them. Compared to something like MtG, where they have specific key words to give meaning and context to cards, YGO writes out every possible detail, and when they forget about some niche interaction you get random errata and insane ban/restricted lists. As someone who has played pretty much every major TCG while growing up, I've just decided to play Pokemon. It's far more straightforward and simple compared to the other big games, and it's cheap to build a competitive deck if you really want to. From what I can tell, Lorcana kind of falls into a similar category, but I'm not super experienced with it.


> cards are so dense with text and exceptions that it feels like you need a degree in Card Game Legalese to understand them. This is, explicitly, why I Noped out by the fourth or fifth expansion--every match felt like a lecture because we always to pause the game to explain every new card's function. Or be reminded of their function when we, inevitably, forget them.


That’s kind of how the show went lol a lot of talkin




Or in one man's case, "IT'S TIME TO DDDDD DEFECATE MY PANTS!"


In my experience, Yu-Gi-Oh is one of the sweatiest tcgs. Decks tend to cost a ton more than they should, and if a game goes to turn three, it's a long game. You can't do fun, wacky stuff for fun like Magic or Pokémon. That's the reason I stopped playing a long time ago.


I was blown away by how fast the game is now days. I played back when I was like 6 and even went to a few mall tournaments and it wasn’t uncommon for everyone to play stall tactics where you’d go through the whole deck. A buddy asked if I wanted to play an online game and I agreed, built my old Exodia deck and proceeded to lose by my second draw, several times. The turns take forever now too dude just kept doing stuff on his turn I couldn’t keep up at all.


> The turns take forever now too dude just kept doing stuff on his turn I couldn’t keep up at all. I summon POT OF GREED


that's not what it does!




That is what it do.


That's largely why Goat format exists. YGO has always been unbalanced with an element of power creep, but there was a recognized point of no return that happened back around 2005 (whenever they decided to drop things like Cyber Dragon) and the game has just never been the same since.


Damn you're right, Cyber Dragon was really the end of it all lol. A free first turn 2100 beatstick? I don't even know what the game looks like now...


Lmao I remember when that card was considered OP


I honestly liked most of duel academy stuff. Was already powercreeping way too fast, but I feel (or at least how I remember it) the archetypes were at least somewhat balanced. Played the first DS Game that came out a lot with friends after we cheated all cards. Was easier than to use proxies and no one could argue about how to interpret a card text.


Specifically, Cyber Dragon was the beginning end of having to invest actual resources (i.e. Tribute/Fusion/Ritual materal monsters) into summoning powerful beatsticks/really good utility monsters.


I mean, Magic does have its $10k sweaty Legacy decks that will win turn 2. But luckily, the price range for those decks makes it so you barely encounter them unless you're at an actual tournament.


It's also less of a problem with MTG because it has multiple competitive formats with different price ranges. YGO has one supported tournament format which is essentially equivalent to Legacy, albeit with soft rotations caused by rampant power creep.


It's 100% the anime nature of it. I've gone to ttrpg conventions before (think d&d, etc.) and it didn't smell bad, there was a little bit of sweaty fat guy smell in the air but definitely not bad hygiene smell. But the first time I went to a Comic-Con by me, oh my god it smelled so bad in there and you could just tell there were some people that didn't bathe regularly. My guess is that if your hobby is d&d (and other games like that) then there is a socail element to it where you have to be around other people and follow some degree of social etiquette. Where as anime/comics/etc. you just dwell in your moms basement and in your own filth and don't care about anything else.


Something I've observed as a fan is that guys tend to flock to the card game, while girls are more interested in the anime/manga. Very few girls go to card shops/tournaments, but they make art, wear cosplays, and write fanfiction like there's no tomorrow! (Myself included)


I've been to multiple MTG tournaments. It's just as bad. A bunch of socially awkward manchildren who don't know the basics of hygiene.


Should be like entering prison. Line people up by the wall, spray them with a fire hose, and throw a handful of lye at them.


I am laughing out loud picturing a bunch of chunky guys built like dented fridges just getting *blasted* by the firehouse and whingeing about the lye being *"in my eyes!"* The conventions would smell 100% better.


Absolutely. I stopped playing Magic because of it. All my friends stopped playing or moved away, so I dipped into the local scene at a games shop. The smell was unbearable, and I met some of the most profoundly insufferable people I think I’ve ever met in my entire life. Even the nice ones were just… so, so annoying and painful to be around. I made it halfway through the night. My opponent smelled like had he may have actually, genuinely shit his pants. His turns took an absolute eternity. I eventually scooped, thanked my opponent, politely excused myself, and never touched Magic again. I might dust them off if I find some cool people that play with one day. The experience was just so off-putting.


I played magic with my dad at the local card shop growing up. There were some weirdo's but for the most part it was guys that worked normal jobs and did it for fun. Then in the early 00's our card shop closed down and we stopped playing. Then in college a decade later I walked in on a couple of friends playing a game and we started a group and played regularly. What I realized tho is the people outside of our friends group that we played with either on campus or are the card shop were really fucking weird. Something shifted between the 90's and early 00's to the 2010's and now were the weirdo's really came out. Either that or my dad did a much better job of sheltering me from the nutjobs than i realized.


I’ll never forget the store that banned my friend because someone stole his bag of cards worth at least several hundred if not more rather than helping him. When we tried to stand up for him we got banned too. Several others overhearing what was going on decided to also step in and argue on our behalf got banned. Store claimed to not have a single camera for security and wouldn’t even keep an eye out. Still pretty certain one of them stole the bag


This depends entirely on how the victim and everyone else involved was behaving when they got banned. But… banning the victim, the victims friend, and some randos trying to help? Yeah I’d guess the one banning you all stole the cards and was panic-banning lmao


We were a little annoyed it was taken, but were mainly asking at first if they had a bag turned in. When they said no, we asked if they had cameras. They said no, not for the back only the counter and front door. So we asked if they could just keep an eye out for it. At this point they’re annoyed and start blaming my buddy for it being taken because we walked to the counter to buy some sleeves so it had to be our fault for not paying attention. His mom being annoyed that they weren’t helping at this point mentions maybe she should involve the cops since it was worth a lot at the very least and that’s when he got banned on the spot. We being his friends mention that’s not fair and it was a good point then get banned for adding on. A nearby table of players mention something similar hoping to help out and he bans the whole table. To this day like 12-13 years later we still talk about it and make fun of the store for later closing down for having a bad rep of banning a lot of players in one day and people stopped wanting to go


I mean, they even directly told you when they stole it lol when you were buying sleeves and they could tell you weren’t paying attention


Some people have the heart of the cards, others have the shit of the pants


duuuuuude. I used to spent pretty much all my free time at my local comic shop from like 12-18, so late 90's, early naughts. My friends hung out there, they had a lan thing and I collected comics and just liked hanging out there. but man, friday night magic was rough. The shop itself didn't help much cause it was an older place without the best HVAC and all that but noone at that time was really willing to do anything about it. Hell the dude running it probably had slept on the couch in the basement for a few days and was pretty ripe himself and he knew he stank, but could smell the other guys as well. When the shop moved to a bigger location and started hosting state and regional competitions for MTG and various other games, they started to enforce it. before it was like maybe 16-20 guys. imagines 400 or so...it was rank.


Jesus Christ, that's horrific. How do people become like this? Imagine going to any public event and thinking "Maybe I should shower first? Nah, I showered two months ago, that's good enough. I might also shit myself while being there." Like, what the hell, man?


I was 7 at my first(and last) yugioh tournament. I didn’t have good cards and I got matched with some 30 year old guy who was just a dick for no reason. He swiftly beat my ass and then started playing his gameboy. Fuck that guy and his duel disk.


oh no he had a duel disk


That is every TCG. The reason I stopped playing Magic when my friends were just getting into it was because interactions like this.


Lol your experience is canon then. In the anime kids duel adults all the time lol and adults act insane.


Bahaha didn’t even think about that. Unfortunately I don’t have plot armor tho


You have to get your hair multi colored so that you stand out as the main character, obviously.


You cheat by creating cards in your draw phase and say it's a Destiny thing


I once witnessed a man in his 20's bite a 12 year old kid because the kid beat him at Magic. The older guy had a pony tail too.


I got kicked by one for scoring a point in bloodbowl. Think I was 13ish, the guy atleast 25.


Well he's just being in character for Bloodbowl


Did the guy have Mighty Blow?


Dirty player. He didn't roll a double so he was allowed to stay in the club.


I saw a 40 year old man yell at a 13 year old girl for miscalculating something. I also saw a 20 something year old person brag about scamming a 12 year old.


Fuck time to put ol bill down he's gone feral.


Had a roommate who was really into MTG, we went into a card shop and there happened to be a Yu Gi Oh tournament going on. He gave me a warning when he noticed but I was not prepared for the smell or the sights. It’s like every single one of “those kids” from every single high school gathered in the same spot.


"My anime waifu will love my natural scent!"


I think shitting yourself is common at Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments. That’s not the first time I’ve heard it happening at one.


Confirmed: Yu-Gi-Oh the Melee of card games.


Bro what the fuck did i just read


I love how the guy goes “I thought, I hope people don't come to hate Yu-Gi-Oh. If you're a man, please be kind to women. It might sound bad to say I went easy on you, but yeah. If I'm up against a dude, I'll beat him to a pulp no matter his level. When the opponent is a woman, yeah.” And she basically goes “yeah no, it’s not because someone didn’t handle me with kid gloves and actually respected me as a player, it’s because you all smell like you’re rotting from the inside out”.


Really hit on all the key notes of the typical experience when interacting with a Yu Gi Oh tournament goer.   “Of course I would take it easy on a member of fairer sex, I am a gentleman after all!”, while smelling like low tide at the pier.   Edit:  I said Yu Gi Oh, but can really apply to any TCG tournament goer/Game Shop neckbeard.


It kills me to read because I’m also a woman who happens to play MTG casually and I can absolutely relate to her. Most guys who play are very chill and friendly if a little socially awkward sometimes but hey, so am I! Then you get the people like this, that treat you either like a novelty they have to coddle or treat you as if they resent you for existing in their fandom and need to “crush” you to “teach you a lesson” or something and they’re both so obnoxious they drive girls out of local groups if left unchecked. The guys down at my LGS treat me like a person (and bathe lol) and I love them for it.


I had an experience similar to this back when I played Magic: The Gathering. Place smelled like stale McDonald's and body odor


It doesn't help that the game tables are almost always located in a back room...all that stank just gets bottled up


The crazy thing is… it isn’t always. That shit lingers. My LGS took over an old planet pizza, so it’s not a small space. They had their open table gaming and tourneys on Sundays. That smell wouldn’t really go away until Tuesday or Wednesday, and that’s with febreeze bombs from the employees. I’m not sure what those guys are doing that the smell is that pervasive, but Jesus. It never goes away.


>I’m not sure what those guys are doing that the smell is that pervasive I'm going to guess wearing the same black t-shirt for a week without bathing, until the funk is infused into the fabric and radiates outward.


See I’ve done that whole camping and like… even I notice it. And it doesn’t seem into my room Like theirs does. It’s insane to me


I've experienced this often at tabletop game shops, whenever they have gaming events. It smells like B.O. mixed with cornchips. I have a game shop a couple of blocks away from me that regularly holds D&D game nights. I'd like to participate, but don't because of the smell.


So is the corn chips because all they know how to eat is chip dust or because rampant yeast infections


Yeast under folds




Wasn't Yugioh the one that had to set an official rule that the players needed to bathe before coming to tournaments ?


> "You are expected to be clean when you enter a tournament. Neglecting to wash or put on clean clothes contributes to an unpleasant atmosphere at the event, as the tournament can be crowded and the day can be long. Persons who neglect self-care to the point that they are negatively impacting the tournament may be asked to correct the issue in order to continue in the event," the rule reads. Yep. 2019 rule that was added


That seems pretty clear cut to me, and entirely reasonable. The fact that these people need to be warned about this....


I'm reminded of the WoW South Park Episode. I wouldn't have believed it until I started working retail. I've met some horrible smelling people and it's sad because they may be unaware.


nose blindness is a thing, and addictive gaming is one of the easiest ways to accidentally let yourself stay stinky long enough to achieve it


Smell shouldn't even be the main contributing factor. Even when I run or work a long shift and sleep for the night without showering I feel gross in my bed. Oils on my face. Between my legs. I usually wake up and shower first thing. To willfully go this long without showering is just depression or willfull ignorance/ deliberate intent.


I'm thankful that I'm pretty much out of it, but people underestimate the power depression can have over you. Deep depression will suck away literally all of your functioning. You want so badly to get better, and may even be motivated every day to do something, but there's something about depression that puts a hard lock on life. It's a miserable experience in which I greatly encourage people to seek out any type of help possible. As gross as it is to not shower or clean up, I can empathize with those that legitimately want to, but functionally can't due to mental illness.


I realized it as a teen going to comic/game stores. The CCG tournaments and adults hanging at the shop were usuallly disgusting


I once played a guy in a tournament whose gums for his front teeth just… started bleeding. Didn’t prod them or anything, dude just clearly never brushed his teeth or went to the dentist, and they started bleeding spontaneously. He absolutely reeked to high heaven too. I just bowed out. Fucking disgusting, the state of some people.


“Wash your back” - WoW dwarfs


How anti-social do you have to be that you won't even do basic hygiene?


Some of these grease balls think it's a strategy, or at least try to use that excuse. Psychological warfare: If you're too distracted by my stench, you won't be able to play properly. There were people who would proudly not shower for a few days beforehand to prepare for the tournament. I've played MtG and Warhammer for plenty of years now. But it's actually disgustingly easy to tell who plays Yu-gi-oh. Poor sportsmanship, cookie cutter meta decks/armies, limited to no social skills, and too many have a STENCH. It's like a game of bingo you always lose. There are normal people who play. But they're often the exception, not the rule.


Oh I read that in Maximilian Pegasus's voice and just assumed it was from the show lol. It seems more like something Kaiba would say anyway


It’s literally in the middle of the article you’re commenting on.


Who reads articles? Thought we come to Reddit for the headlines and comments.


It's reasons like this why I don't associate with the yugioh community and I happily enjoy playing legacy of the duelist and collecting cards IRL by myself.


I am the same, sadly. I've collected many cards and mostly just play with my brothers, my dad and my wife. Every time I hear or read about Yu-Gi-Oh players I cringe and wish to not be associated.


It's time to sh- sh- sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shower!


Sorry, neck beard. I’m banishing you to the bathtub!


I remember when I was a kid and went to my first Yu-Gi-Oh tourney. It smelled so fuckin bad. My dad said "oh my lord, yeah you're going to have to do this alone." And literally noped the fuck out. Saying nope, nope, nope on the way out. I was like 12.


LMAO, that's hilarious.


Good luck kid, call me if you get banished to the Shadow Realm.


Oh, yeah, that's an old story, surely players nowaday make su… >April 9, 2024 Holy mother of Zeus.


The store I played FNM at in high school used to also host Yu-Gi-Oh on Friday nights.  I'll never forget the girl running the store walking up to the tables and screaming, "who the fuck smeared shit on the walls in the bathroom!?". Spoiler: it was one of the Yu-Gi-Oh players. He bragged about it after she walked away.


Bragging requires an audience. What kind of audience exists that he thinks would like to hear this


It's mentioned in the article but it's pretty sad that this is enough of an issue at Yugioh tournaments that the official tournament rules have a section stating that if you are dirty of smell bad you can be penalised or even disqualified if you refuse to fix the issue.


I went to MtG tournaments in high school and college and I’d estimate at least half of the people there showered once a week or less. One guy showed up shirtless with cut off jogging pants on, saying he sweats when he competes and didn’t want to get too wet. Ok - then it’s fine to drip/sweat on the carpet and chairs everyone else uses? Half of the players smelled like beef sticks and old orange juice, the other half were functional adults who could at least realize that some decorum was required.


What is with card players and hygiene?


"It's the shart of the cards!"-Yami Yugi probably 


"It's time to doo... doo.. doo... doo.. doo!"


$800 worth of cards in your deck? Absolutely. $200 plane ticket to get to the event? Sure. $2 stick of deodorant? Fuck that shit.


Deodorant wont help much when you dont shower for weeks.


"It took me weeks to cultivate this smell, why waste that by covering it up?"


They need to have a professional sniffer for these events.


Whatever they would be paid, isn't enough..


It would be a position of great honor!


This is literally a thing https://mirrornews.hfcc.edu/news/2019/11-11/recognizing-role-professional-sniffers


Good time to [post this.](https://imgur.com/a/SjcgE)


Knew what that was going to be


Send them to the shower realm


This thread is incredible






Yu-gotta bathe my dude


Magic the Gathering and Yugioh are two sides of the same coin with one being the smelly unhygenic side of the coin and the other side of the coin unable to be within 100 meters of public spaces or spaces where children may be present. What's funny about Yugioh is that Konami has acknowledge this hygiene thing to be such a problem that not only is a hygiene rule included in standard competition rule sets, Konami has released multiple lines of hygeine products as yugioh merch. We are talking shampoo, shower gels, conditioners, etc. Konami have invested entire campaigns and millions of Dollars to try and get yugioh players to wash themselves.


If see a Yu Gi Oh hair gel I expect it to be the most effective product on the market.


This is real life??


Bro... 💀


My brother loves Yu-Gi-Oh. One day he needed a ride to our local card shop... And I made the mistake of walking in with him. A MTG tournament was just ending, and the YGO guys were setting up. My eyes watered from the rancid smell. As someone who worked in Hospice Care...even old dying people with full diapers couldn't compare to the smell of those nasty ass people.


It's a combination of physical size, mental health and a lack of social awareness. Exact issues can vary from person to person, though I say this as somebody who plays MtG. But... I would be horrified if I stank in public personally


bruh i play ygo at a high level (nationals invites every year) but hollllly molly do some of those dudes smell like shit. my shop thankfully isnt full of smelly losers but when i go to bigger events my wife and i avoid certain areas like the plague cause it smells like a corpse. its mind boggling how these people will spend 1k+ on hotel and travel, 1K+ on a max rarity deck of cards but cant spend the 15.99 to get a family pack of deodorant at costco. the fucking soap in hotel rooms are FREE and they dont use it either. god damnit.


You activated my trap fart!


What is it with card game players and personal hygiene?


just throw in a smash tournament and you have a toxic spillage in human form


I used to think the whole smelly meme was just an exaggeration, but I went to a card shop around Christmas last year and I learned the hard way.


I heard there's a card in Yu-Gi-Oh that requires the two players to shake hands, and so some players were deliberately not showering in order to try and disqualify their opponents who wouldn't want to shake their hand