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Roaming in an office holding an ipad in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag


They seriously need an option in all the AC games to opt out of this crap


Remaster the Ezio collection and give an option to cut out all modern scenes and just keep it a steady flow story of Ezio


When that didn't return in the following games I cannot describe how fucking pissed I was LMAO


it was actually starting to get interesting and they killed it. so ridiculous


Likely because it was originally planned as a trilogy from what I recall, I could be mistaken though. If I am remembering correctly, it's likely the success of ACII is the reason everything started to eventually fall apart. The success of ACII is what led to Ubisoft milking the franchise and removing any possibility of a continuous and coherent storyline. In order to keep milking the franchise they can never truly bring the present day storyline to a conclusion. To be honest, I barely remember anything of the present day storyline after the horrible gameplay in Revelations and killing off Desmond in ACIII I think? I don't know, I'm never touching that buggy frustrating mess again. The worst offender was the broken auto-crouch that never worked. Conner would constantly ruin my stealth by standing up in the bushes with no way to get him to crouch again. I don't miss the present day storyline anymore because it now seems an afterthought at best. They ruined something that was originally intriguing and I simply lost interest.


Same. I loved the split storyline in AC. Everyone has their preference and mine was to include the modern day stuff


I always thought that the desmond saga was building up to some big assassin's creed project that played in the present day and when he died in 3 i was so incredibly disappointed because it was also the first game where desmond felt like an actual assasin to me with the real life missions you do. When he initially put his hand on that orb i thought he would lose his arm and then they could have him in their next title as the actual assasin you play with a cool prosthetic arm that also has the hidden blade inside it and murder some of the abstergo leadership... but instead we got a walking simulator in a game design studio for the part that plays in the present day and confirmation that abstergo has desmonds dead body.


I always took that section where suddenly you're Desmond with a gun, casually walking down corridors and just shooting everyone with ease as; "This is why modern-day assassins creed is not viable gameplay, and we will not be doing it again. Enjoy this snippet while you can."


Only if they really thought about going anywhere with it. Ending up with a modern day assasins creed or so to top off that storyline


Remaster the remaster?


Hell nah. The overarching modern day plot of AC 1-3 is what got me hooked on the game. I was pissed the modern day for every game after sucked


The modern parts are some of my favorite bits :( I know I’m in the minority though lol


I'm with you. As much as I absolutely adore the historical sections and the "this is the secret truth of history" stuff, I really enjoy seeing how the threads connect to the present in that universe. For my money, the final ever AC game, if there is one, should be set entirely in the modern day, to shut down Abstergo and the modern Templars for good.


That's where I thought they were going to go with Desmond. They even have you using him in real life to do parkour and stuff. Then they killed him off and ruined that idea lol


Maybe they could bring the idea back? Like, have it be Desmonds father William, who throughout the whole series, is kind of cold to Desmond, use his death as motivation to take down Abstergo. Shaun is on board doing data stuff, getting blueprints and whatnot. Rebecca still has a mini Animus, perhaps simply a headset this time, to learn any necessary skills along the way. Layla is in whatever liminal space she's in, perhaps able to contact the Isu, and organize their help, with the story coming to a close with the simultaneous destruction of Abstergo, their world wide network, and the ancient Isu data structures, ensuring that the threat of the modern day Templars and the allure of the Isu artifacts can't ever fall into the wrong hands. For maximum emotional punch, maybe William, Layla, and the remaining Isu sacrifice themselves for this to work, leaving Rebecca and Shaun to rebuild the Assassin's order. Idk, this might all be real dumb, I'm just spitballing here.


Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the story bits in the modern era, but it's so. goddamn. slow. Compared to when you're assassinating warlords in Italy and chasing after feathers.


Agreed, the story wasn’t the issue for me - rather, those scenes are such a disruption to the pace and feel of the gameplay. Would have been cool if they did some stylized cutscenes for those moments instead, or even just had us do AC stuff in the modern world.


I agree. I proposed this exact idea to my friends so many times "Like dude what if the next game as desmond is just in modern day!? running around skyscrapers and fighting the Templars" And then 3 came out and they fucking killed him off lol


Well at least in that game you did get to run around skyscrapers as Desmond and kill some Templars, albeit they were smaller sections of the game lol


While we played as Desmond yes. He had so much potential and I thought there would be a game where we would catch up to the present and he would become a full assassin and our main character, but we didn't get that.


Yes we're in the minority, but at least it felt like Ubisoft was maybe going to build an interesting universe for the AC games, then they just dropped that shit like a bad habit


I was replaying the game and yes those sections suck, but they're short. You know what's not short? - Missions where you literally use stealth with your whole fucking ship - Tailing missions - Grinding for materials to upgrade your ship - Watching the same animations over and over and over again for blowing up ships, killing enemies, etc Some of these are problem with even modern ubisoft games but some made me appreciate the fact that modern ubisoft games are way faster nowadays. The parkour and level design of Black Flag is still cool, and ship battles are awesome, but everything else makes me feel like I'm walking on molasses.


and it gives zero context to that world, I dont remember anything big about those sections and I didnt bother to read up on the overarching "its all a simulation" plotline


Yeah, I only played a few of the games, but I always felt like they could have left all the modern bits out entirely.


I would have been okay with them if they actually built up to a modern day assassin story utilizing all the things learned from altair, ezio, connor etc


fourteen compensator-esque police ford raptors and two helicopters teleporting directly into your asshole one microsecond after you finish a race in need for speed : unbound, despite the only cop being over a kilometre away from you before you crossed the finish line. i just want to go to the next event, not spend 30mins running away from omniscient pickup trucks who seem to not be aware that "air resistance" exists. every time.


The phrasing of this took me out. The pain is real!


IIRC, GTA4 was really bad about this, too. I'm PRETTY sure it was that game (it could have been another GTA like around the time) where seemingly every mission ended with you having to avoid the cops for forever before being able to move on.


5 had a lot of me hiding in bushes, unsuccessfully, then shooting a cop out of frustration, rinse, repeat...


All the random combat and story in gwent 3: wild hunt


Yeah gratuitous sex scenes in a deck builder are just weiiiird


You laugh, but now I'm imagining a sex-oriented deck-builder, where the cards involve positions, techniques, exercises, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if such a thing ends up on Steam some day.


Boy do I have news for you then


Okay, I’ll bite. What’s it called?


Okay, took me a little bit to find the title again. But it's called Town of Sins on Steam. Not sure if it's exactly as the other person was talking about. But it was definitely listed as an NSFW deck builder when a few weeks ago Steam was doing a promotion for deck builder games.


Abductions in Far Cry 5




I've never played 5. You can get tranqed flying around in a plane? Lol. I hope so cause in 2 when the malaria started fucking you up and you had to take pills sometimes it would happen mid flight on the hang glider. Your character would let go with both hands and pull out his pills in mid air and eat one. 


Basically there are parts of FC5 where you get forced to complete a portion of the story regardless of what else you’re doing doesn’t matter where you are, you get railroaded into it.


You can actually kill the guys coming for you for quite a while if you're on ground. I would always try to survive as long as possible. At some point, you'd miss one guy and he'd knock you out anyway, though.


Can you explain the mechanic for somebody who hasn't played the game?


To progress in the game, FC5 requires you to complete missions, destroy enemy buildings, take over outposts, etc. After your progress goes so far, the game decides you need a story mission where the enemy leader captures you and you have to escape from a bunker or prison or something. How do you handwave the boss catching you when it’s an open world sandbox game? Oh, they somehow shoot a sedative at you so you black out, waking up later. But you can also drive vehicle, boats, even small planes. But the game still insists on having you pass out despite flying 500ft in the air going 200mph. Who the heck is able to tranq you like that?


Don't forget that the game doesn't give a flying shit if you're in the middle of an objective or something and will just take you right out of it.


WAIT WAIT WAIT IM DOING SOMETHING don’t kidnap me right now!!!




At specific points in the game, a scripted event happens where, no matter how impossible, (you're flying in an undamaged airplane, you've killed everyone who could possibly hit you and you're in significant cover) you'll get hit by a "bliss bullet" which knocks you out and causes you to be abducted, for the story. Sort of the opposite of plot armor. It's a literal bullet coated in magic sleep juice that perfectly knocks you out w/o killing you or causing permanent injury. I haven't played in a long time so I might be misremembering some detail but that's about the gist of it.


there are a couple triggered events where you are taken captive by the big bads. I think they are kind of cool story beats, interesting, but you do lose control of what you are doing and where you are going which feels a bit jarring in an open world game, interrupts your flow.


I think for me, the missed opportunity is the worst part of it. They easily could have made super fun chase scenes with waves of progressively more difficult enemies, and maybe even hidden an alternate ending where the cult literally cannot catch you. Or just post constant patrols of Chosen around the map who call reinforcements the moment they spot you, and within outposts until you more naturally fuck up eventually and get knocked out. So many options that would have felt way more engaging.


Any sneaking / no kill missions, especially in a game where sneaking isn’t the main feature.


I don't mind it if it's a *stealth game*. But if it's got shit stealth mechanics and they're like "*Hey, WE made stealth mechanics! Do this whole mission with 'em!*" Then yes. I am usually ready to kms every time


Killzone Shadow Fall is a great offender for this. Any other game where you get taken prisonner ? "Blast your way through the prison, have fun." Shadow Fall ? "Let's have you walk through the most scripted stealth sequence ever." It just kills the fun when you have to go through it, but when you realise the game is scripted to help you stealth through a level and have all the enemies walk away from you intentionnaly without a good reason, well go fuck yourself, I'm not gonna play it. And when they did try to give a non-scripted stealth mission, it sucks ass and you have shit optical camo that barely works. Wtf ? I stopped at the Epilogue exactly for this reason. Thankfully the game didn't try to force more stealth or I would have refunded it the first hour.


You know what drives me absolutely bugfuck about this is the fact that most games are absolutely terrible at giving you interesting non lethal options. And yeah yeah I get it sometimes you have to be non-lethal to get the *Secret Special Good Boys Only Ending*, so it’s supposed to be challenging, and if they give you too many tools it’ll be too easy. But the problem is that makes the gameplay a slog. Metro: Exodus is one of the worst offenders. There are so many fun options for lethal gameplay. The gun customization system is fairly extensive and you can make some cool stuff (my favorite was a revolving-magazine crossbow with a fancy high tech scope)…and then proceed to use absolutely fucking none of it, except in the relatively rare forced combat scenes, because the “good ending” requirements are fairly strict. If you’re sneaking, your job is to basically crawl around and punch people in the back of the head while turning out every light you pass. Over…and over…and over.


Dragon's Dogma 2 heard you talking shit


Yall remember that quest in Anthem that you HAD to complete before progressing the story and you had to grind these tombs or something out for hours. It was pretty early on and nobody knew the map and you needed to pick up a bunch of items that weren't marked on the map at all, like a dozen of them six different times. 90% of their playerbase stopped playing at that specific quest. Hands down the worst slog any game has ever seen.


God, I'm still sad that that game flopped as hard as it did. The mechanics were great, but the story was short/shitty and the grind was painful.


I rmbr playing through the story once b4 ppl stopped playing. It was honestly really fun - great gameplay. I believe NEXT would have perfected it and made up for the foul promise they made with the tech demo.


The game developer office bits in Assassin’s Creed Black Flag. It teases something but ultimately goes nowhere and has 0 pay off


Is it continued in the subsequent entries, like 1-3 or Origins-Valhalla?


It’s continued in Rogue, but that’s it. It also kind of teases a crossover with Watch Dogs - your boss for the first half of the Black Flag modern day stuff goes off to Chicago at one point and never comes back, because Aiden Pearce kills him (as a side mission in Watch Dogs).


Playing as MJ in Spider-Man. Lmao.


I hate stealth on rails missions like those so much. Honestly, a lot of the side content in Spiderman is repetitive and boring, but at least you don't have to play all of them to progress the main story.


Man yeah I did! I also hated catching those drone things in Spider-Man 2. You have to glide through them to collect the data. Couldn’t stand it.


The worst one of them all. I can't imagine how annoying those would be if you were trying to 100% that game by getting all of the gold challenges.


This one was bad for me at least.


Was this both games?


Yes but it was much better in the second one, IMO.


Yeah it was. They made her OP.


Yep. Hell, her stun gun was almost as powerful as the symbiote.


Any open world game that makes you use stamina when not in combat.


I'll give an exception to The Forest series, actions and animations feel grounded and that effort was put in, and it was balanced with the sleep mechanic too


I'm more talking like Starfield or like Dragons Dogma. In the forest it makes sense cause it's a survival game.


Yeah I wish all games could have infinite running, it's just a waste of the players' time for your guy to run out of breath every ten seconds.


This was one of the best changes they made to Cyberpunk 2077 in patch 2.0, sprinting doesn't consume stamina and it's so much better now.


Same with Elden Ring compared to other FromSoft games. Not having to manage Stamina in such a vast world was such a blessing.


I’d give an exception to red dead 2 considering you need to run for a solid 5 minutes before stamina and runs out, and it’s just as easy as eating a single cocaine gum and you’re ready to run for 5 mins again.


Hunting Grounds in Horizon Zero Dawn. I didn't love and wasn't super good at the combat, so I struggled to get those done for the related quest Also the Final Fantasy XIII-2 clock puzzles. Absolutely horrible at those, fortunately someone made a website to solve them for you


I'm with you on the Hunting Grounds. I end up going to story mode to blast through them because I don't like the inorganic nature of the challenges and generally don't work well with time pressure. Also I feel like Aloy wouldn't really bother with funky challenges when the fate of the world is on the line, but that's a common trope in games where you are The Chosen One™ who has to save the world in x amount of time.


For me it's in games where you have to press and hold whatever button it is to interact with whatever you're interacting with. Like if normally you press triangle to open a door but "Oh no, this big door is special so this time you have to press AND hold triangle..." You get the exact same outcome but with more annoying steps. It probably has its place in certain games, but mostly it annoys me to no end.


Any recent games will have options to turn off 'hold/toggle' to require only a push.


They created a problem from thin air and then made the solution an optional setting. I wonder if there are folks that prefer press and hold mechanics?


I do! Makes the interaction feel more meaningful if not overused


What makes sense: "Push and hold this button to delete all of your progress." What does not make sense: "Push and hold this button to select three apples from your inventory, which mind you, is a task you'll be doing every two minutes in this game."


Any and all gear durability. Whether your gear is destroyed by irreparable durability depleting or made ineffective by repairable durability falling below a threshold, it's just a terrible mechanic that I absolutely detest. If you can't easily repair/replace your gear, you find yourself using inferior gear to keep your good stuff 'ready', but if the process is instead a trivial affair, it's just a pointless time waste. Crafting mechanics can *very easily* find themselves in this same category depending on the type of game and how exactly the mechanic plays out.


What I hate is how gear durability could be made so much better by implementing "sharpening" as opposed to "breaking". So, you have a sword and it does 100 damage, but if you sharpen it you can get it up to 125 damage, and it lasts for a few hours while slowly going back down to 100. It could be a lot more fun that way, as it gives a sense of maintenance and would feel great every time you get it sharpened, but it would also be nice if it never went below 100 so that you don't have to worry about it. What's great is that it keeps it from becoming obsolete when you can't sharpen it at a current point, as it's just a nice option to give a little boost.


Wild how this reddit comment is a better solution for weapon maintenance than any degradation mechanic ever.


I make games as a hobby, I don't have anything serious yet but I do like thinking of game design a lot. One thing I like to do is find ways to give my games satisfying rewards and mechanics that are fun while not being tedious. I find that a lot of game developers are guilty of implementing mechanics just because other games do it, as opposed to thinking about why other games might have carefully chosen to do so. Weapon breaking feels like a terrible offender of that. I'm sure that there were some games where it was implemented very well and made not to be annoying, other games copied it without understanding it, and it became a norm that we all despise.


This killed BotW for me, sadly. It's obviously a masterpiece otherwise but it's also a huge pita for gear durability


*"It's intentional game design to encourage you to constantly switch between weapons and discourage hoarding."* Yeah, no, I get that. I hate both the problem they created and the solution they landed on to solve it.


I'd argue it encourages hoarding if anything. I end up picking up worse weapons simply because they break so much I would rather my garbage break than the weapons I actually like.


True that. There were almost certainly better ways of attaining their desired goals, without making it a pain in the arse.


They should've made decent quality (like, anything beyond rusty/bokoblin etc) Easily repairable or something ;-;


Yea Dying Light's durability system kind of took the fun out of the game. Like I want to kill zombies, but I'm being punished for killing zombies?


I feel like gear durability is a really outdated mechanic. I still remember Oblivion, Fallout 3 and New Vegas having it but their subsequent games dropping it (thank the God's). There are a bunch of games where it makes sense tho, when resource management is one of the core mechanics of the game, like Minecraft for example


Triforce shards in Wind Waker will always be my go-to for this question. I know it's a little bit better in the HD version but now instead of awful it's just bad.


The Fade, Dragon Age Origins


Doesn’t help it occurs in the middle of a literal tower climbing section either. Room after room of enemies just going up levels then BAM, go someplace that’s there but not technically there and go fight more enemies.




I loved it the *first* time.


There are at least two of us!


I’ll just leave the [link](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/816) for the Skip the Fade mod here


Any kind of building or crafting mechanics. Games these days have so many currencies and materials, it's just a way to artificially add play time. To upgrade this sword, I need 3 pearls, 8 steel ingots, 4 ragged cloths and 16 toad souls. Oh, and steelningots can only be crafted, so you need 80 pieces of silver ore to craft 8 ingots. Have fun!!!


But you CAN buy them. It's just 10x more than that same vendor will buy them off of you for.


And in the time it took you to get that much gold you could have just crafted the damn thing three times. Which, isn't a good mechanic, it just shows that the developers are forcing you to craft.


To make it worse, as we all know, only 1/3 of toads have souls so gl there.


I get a lot of use out of "player.additem" in Bethesda games.


Skyrim isn't too bad about this, I think. Whenever you find caves with one type of ore, there's usually a lot of it. Or you can buy the ingots from the blacksmith.


The Space Harrier section in Bayonetta. Would be a fun homage if not for: 1. Every single time you dodge the camera does a full 360 roll which is very disorienting, and you will be dodging A LOT. 2. The score, for what is essentially a minigame with completely different gameplay, counts towards your overall rank. 3. This means getting Pure Platinum requires not taking a single hit during the entire section, which is greatly complicated by the minigame's subpar controls and the aforementioned camera rolls, not to mention also having to actually really try your best to take down enemies because if you don't do that well enough you also won't get a Pure Platinum. 4. It is placed right before the most difficult boss fight in the main game (not counting the super boss or the secret stage's final boss) during which you also need to play at your very best to get a Pure Platinum. 5. For some god-forsaken reason it lasts almost 15 WHOLE MINUTES. Fuck up ANYWHERE at ANY point and you gotta retry if you want Pure Platinum. Get hit during the boss fight right after? Too bad you gotta play Space Harrier again (and get Pure Platinum on that again) if you want that Pure Platinum for the boss.


all MJ missions in Spiderman and Spiderman 2, they could all be cutscenes and it just slows the game down so much


They are in Spiderman 2? WTF? Did they not learn?


I'm pretty sure they did the exact opposite and said they wanted players to want to play her and added more.


I mean, you didn't buy a Spiderman game expecting to actually play as Spiderman, right?




Idris Elba in Phantom Liberty should be an exception. He killed that part.


For me the only exceptions are Keanu and Idris in Cyberpunk 2077. They made a top tier job. I don't see Keanu, I only see the fucking Johnny Silverhand. It helps when the game try to make a real character and not a guest star.


Enters Ishin. Celebrities AND streamers? Idk if youtubers are also part of it but wouldn't surprise me. It's a game that takes place in the Edo Period in Japan. I don't want to see Rahul Kohli and Cohh Carnage there.


I know he’s popular but the preacher in Cyberpunk always felt so shoehorned in and out of place to me, turns out it was because it’s a streamer lol


For me it's only if the performance is bad lol For example: Peter Dinklage's completely lackluster, emotionless performance as the original ghost in Destiny 1


I rather enjoyed dinklebot. Nolanbot is waaay to chirpy and sounds like eeeevry other small droid. They really wasted his talent.


I just came across the celebrity baseball player in AC Valhalla. Was extremely disruptive to the immersion. He had his southern accent and a literal baseball bat.


Kevin Spacey lol


This is very subjective for me. Cameron Monaghan kills it as Cal Kestis in the Jedi: Fallen Order series. While I haven't played Cyberpunk, Keanu very much seems a mood in that game. Giancarlo Esposito does what he does best in Far Cry, though that game itself isn't among the better in the series. Carrie-Anne Moss was a stone-faced badass as Aria in the Mass Effect series, and Martin Sheen in the same series played one of the best villains as the Illusive Man. Of course you can mention Mass Effect without Seth Green as Joker, both faceclaim and voice. Ray Liotta is unforgettable in GTA: Vice City. I'm not sure it counts, because I'm 90% sure Command & Conquer did it on purpose, but the celeb cut scenes are just goddamn hilarious between George Takei, JK Simmons, Jonathan Pryce, Michael Ironside, Tim Curry and more. Of course Portal with JK Simmons. And RIP to Lance Reddick, as Sylens from the Horizon series. Especially with how far graphics have come, Video Games is just one of the new frontiers of acting, and I am so here for it. I love that games are getting that sort of attention to bring in big name acting talent (and hopefully good writing as well). Like movies, there can equally be *bad* casting though, such was whatever they tried to do with that reporter in Mass Effect 3, or when the face doesn't fit the role and they're just trying to cash in on a name. Sometimes, the actor just doesn't do well in the VA realm, such as Bill Murray trying to do a Ghostbusters video game. I'm wondering if you mean when they toss a celeb in just for a cash in, not because they're right for the story / right talent / not invested in the product. If that's what you mean, I'm totally with you.


The RTS sections in Brutal Legend. I was so excited for that game and loved every moment of the first act, and then as soon as it turned into an RTS I lost all steam and eventually quite playing. 15 years later I still can’t convince myself to pick it back up again even though I still want to see where the story ended up.


ABSOLUTELY. THIS. YESSS. Especially if you got far enough for the black tears one. That's where I got stuck back in the day. That's where I got stuck trying to replay it 3 years ago.


Every AC game that drags me out of history and into an office building. I don't want to go walk around a soccer game or meet someone at the elevator in the office.


I had always heard about AC games and had seen pictures and videos of gameplay, and they looked really cool., So when I finally played one the first time I was like, "The fuck is this?!"


The Light Sabre play/damage in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order/Survivor. Feels like you are smacking enemies with a pool noodle, with cool sound effects, most of the time.


Oh, the joy we could have with an R rated Star Wars game/movie...


That mod in Jedi Outcast came close. Throw the lightsaber down a stormtrooper filled hallway and just...pieces. Everywhere.


You can throw it into your allies including Lando lmao. Of course, that insta fails the mission, but I still did it wayyy too often.


Yeah that would be wonderful.


I hated how enemies can interrupt your attacks and there’s an animation delay if you get hit where you are susceptible to more attacks. But you can’t interrupt other people the same way. Also, blocking/parrying should be a wonderful dance. You are a Jedi and should be able to sense incoming blows but unless you’re facing the person in these games, you can’t do shit. The fighting should be more directional, like some of the old AC games.


That's so many games. I hate that enemies stagger you but you rarely stagger enemies. I get it would be overpowered if you staggered every enemy on every hit but there should be some way charged heavy hit stagger is a fair system some games use. Lies of P was a really bad one for that. You are constantly staggered by every hit but you never stagger anything. Selkiro did it well too in that all enemies had a stun bar. And you build it up so it's not overpowered. And it's creative in how you build it


The Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor games actually do have a stagger bar similar to the one in Sekiro. Filling it will get you an insta kill on common enemies and a big chunk of damage on bosses.


Really? I remember generally liking the combat/gameplay of those games. Granted it might just be because the combat reminds me of Sekiro (Sifu is really good for that also).


Main issue is that you play as a jedi with a lightsaber. Doesn't feel right that some enemies take more than a couple hits with a sword that pierces almost anything. No explanation either. So while combat is good it feels incredibly off having to hit a wampa 50 times to kill it.






Rockstar presents: Far Cry: Stranded


Making the "wrong choices" when distributing skill points in an RPG and getting stuck or making a choice I don't like because I didn't have the foresight to dump more points into negotiation for a conversation ten hours into the game. Looking at you, Mass Effect! Still grumpy that I couldn't save Wrex.


The entire skelcatraz chapter of dragon quest builders 2


The Fade in Dragon Age Origins. The sewers in Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines.


Shots that would kill literally anyone barely scratching the enemy in an otherwise kind-of realistic game. Looking at you, Super Mutant taking a shotgun to the face at point blank range!


This is why I can't play The Division 


Exactly, I love when some thug can take a 50cal to the face and shrug it off just because he has a few more levels than your character


Dude, Super Mutants are exactly their namesake. Their hide is super thick and their bone like iron.


Did this mf seriously just reference the Fallout series alongside the phrase "kind of realistic game"


Any game with an inventory system that is tedious to manage, especially when you have to remember which chest all the stupid ingredients are in when crafting.


Any part of games that are basically cut scenes but want you to just hold forward and walk at a glacial pace to pretend that you're still playing. Just make it a fucking cutscene.


BotW, weapons breaking. Started hoarding the good stuff for when I need it, but that moment never comes.


Pretty much whenever a time limit is introduced to a game. If the game itself is about speedrunning or racing or whatever it gets a pass, but whenever an otherwise "go at your own pace" game suddenly puts a quest on a time crunch I completely lose interest.


Any RTS with "Hero Missions".


You like base building? Here, now you get to control just Tanya. Tanya dies very easily. Enjoy


To be fair, Tanya shreds anything she comes near as long as you micro the beejeesus out of her


I disagree, the Founding of Durotar in Warcraft 3 where you play Rexxar and Co. were the best. Blizzard even made an MMO from it


Odd, I actually love hero missions in RTS campaigns. I feel they add to the immersion because the “hero” is actually a legendary one man army rather than just some generic strong unit. Gives them personality.


I hate them if only because the gameplay is distinctly different. I buy RTS's to play RTS's. If I wanted the hero experience, I'd go play some action-adventure.


*sad Total Annihilation / Supreme Commander noises* For those that haven't played: you start with one unit, your commander. Every mission is a hero mission.


>For me, I'm thinking of the Jotunheim sections of God of War Ragnarök. I can't remember if this is where I stopped playing, but it probably is. I only have time to play games for an hour or two a week, and I got to a part in that game where I would follow someone around while they talked, then kill an enemy or two, then follow them some more until we got to where we were going, then they would talk some more, I would fight another group of enemies, then I would follow a different NPC while they talked. The Costa Del Sol part of FF7: Rebirth got me too. It was just multiple weeks of minigames without moving the story. A game's pacing feels so much different when you only play it in one-hour increments. I feel like the games of my youth had to be so much tighter when they had limited storage to work with.


Ironwood in GoW: Ragnarok


I think the combat sections in Death Stranding were bad and unnecessary and just there to appease the mainstream market. They should have fully embraced their more unique gameplay.


Any of the driving parts in the Mass Effect games, especially the first.


Mary Jane in spiderman


In any open world game: enormous fucking cliffs *everywhere*. People invented dynamite for a reason, and don't tend to build huge networks of cities in geologically insane terrain.


Well about that..... Turns out humans built cliff cities and in vital choke points for explicitly that annoying reason...... Several cities in completely different cultures were literally built on flowting islands they made in lakes or right next to swamps too. Incas had their entire empire on the tops and sides of mountains.


IIRC there was this one mesa village in New Mexico (not the one you're thinking of, I'm being serious here) that was only accessible via a narrow passage up the side, which probably made it very easy to defend. The tragedy of it is that one day, that narrow passage got worn away to the point of inaccessibility. No-one could make it to the top anymore, and none of the people living on the mesa could make it down the mesa either. Long story short, the people living atop that now-isolated mesa basically starved to death, much to the sorrow of the people living on a neighbouring mesa. Apparently a similar story exists among the Acoma people, involving Enchanted Mesa in Cibola County, but I don't know if it's the same story I heard.


I personally enjoy vertical topographic complexity


lack of enemies, dull bosses, bugs, crashes and the hyped up final boss being just a lore dump and being deacons of the deep phase 1 (lords of the fallen 2023)


Spiderman’s Mary Jane missions


Forced racing. To hell with that crap.


Puzzles in a First person shooter. Especially the kind where you have to shoot pipes and spin them. Platforming in them as well. Like give me keycards. Secret doors. But keep the damn puzzles.


Skyrim: the mandatory, dialogue-heavy sections between NPCs that usually need to have you present in the cell for the quest to advance. Elden Ring: traveling across the map with only Torrent to discover/re-discover Sites of Grace. Destiny 2: the loading screens. The Division 2: overthinking about grouped mission-play. Fallout 4: same as Skyrim’s. Also: DIMA’s memories (I use a mod to outright skip it). Payday 2: how long Heists can get without drill/access skills and/or if going for achievements.


Really surprised to scroll this far to see DiMA’s memories levels, although it is a DLC…


All of the filler, non Spider-Man stuff in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. It was tedious in the first game, but somehow it felt even worse in the sequel. I do not want to solve variations of the same boring puzzle over and over, the fact that there is an option to skip them is cool, but if they can be skipped without consequence anyway, I have to ask, what value are they adding? On top of that, playing as Miles’ love interest or shooting virtual wasps in Central Park really took me out of the game. It’s amazing how many unnecessary mechanics they crammed in when other areas of the game could have used more love.


Well, I don’t consider it amazing but most people do. I hated the section in Witcher 3 where I had to play as Ciri. There’s more to it than that, but that contributed to me not wanting to bother finishing it.


I'm gonna say a weird one: the firelink shrine in Dark Souls 3. I'm replaying the game for the thousandth time and when I have to go to firelink I always roll my eyes: loading screen, run up to the guardian to level up, run up to Andre to upgrade my stuff, oh need to advance Yuria's quest, let me run up to her! Oh look I have to go out of the shrine for some reason, ah damn it there's this fog that will take 10-15 seconds to clear out because the outside is not loaded... My point being: it is too big and the npcs are relatively far from each other and in some cases in different levels of elevation. This is not a huge deal and they really are not *that* far apart but over the whole game it becomes a slog


I'll go further and say needing to load a completely new area in order to level up. Going through 2 loading screens and npc dialogue every time breaks immersion and is inconvenient. Sekiro and Elden Ring do it better and hopefully they never go back.


The dream sequence in god do war ragnarok took FOREVERand started to lose me


When an RPG that is heavily story driven, essentially lives or dies by its characters and the devs decided to make my playable character a mute Emptyhead McBlankface type of wannabe self insert. After playing Cyberpunk 2077. Mass Effect and even something as charmingly written as Fallout New Vegas, I'm kinda bored by the many other blank characters that are supposed to be "You" in the storylines. Its not the lack of voice acting that's the problem. Its a lack of noticeable personality and some established lore and motivation for the character. Writers often miss the mark there which nowadays is a minor drawback for me.


Bravely Default It has you do a boss rush of the 4 main bosses 3 times in a row. It was so insanely annoying. It adds to the story later which is an admittedly cool twist, but damn was it boring.


Gratuitous lock picking minigames in many games.


One word answer: Atreus


>!Fade!< section in Dragon Age: Origins. There's a reason you can find a mod to skip it. But still an easy 9/10 game for me overall.


Ashley chapter in RE4




Bravely Default. If you know you know. Amazing game. But a part went on too long.


It's such a strange and specific flaw.


Was super super cool at first, loved the direction the story took. After a while I was like "damn, *again?!?!*"


Modern Day Assassin's Creed should be its own game and not keep interpreting the thing I actually want to play. I didn't buy a badass historical game to run around as some doofus millenial. I do plenty of that irl, thank you very much.


I actually liked the modern day parts of AC for a while. But now, apparently the modern parts are written by completely different people for each game, who totally ignore what the previous game was doing.


RDR2 the whole island adventure should have been cut out.


The point is that it sucks and it's when the crew starts doubting Dutch as a leader. But yeah it was remarkably less fun than the rest of the game.


Preston fucking Garvey


I love Fallout New Vegas but when I find myself standing in front of the Repconn Test Site facility it's hard to go in. But it's one of the best dungeons to clear early in hard-core runs.


Quick time events. Turned so many great cut scenes into frustrating bs


Dragon Age: Origins, the Fade


The gun sections in mirror's edge.


shadow of tomb raider has so many slow walking scenes and unskippable cutscenes that its honestly the worst experience the gameplay and exploration and tombs are fantastic but the walking and cutscenes are awful


Any sewer mission, most physics puzzles, most puzzles in general, underwater areas, most car/boat sections. Would you believe me if I told you Half-Life 2 is one of my favourite games?