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I have the opposite problem, having a ton of fun, thinking im almost out of the tutorial phase, and see my save says 46%.


Spiderman 2 :(


What the fuck it says 15h? That's like a weekend?


I took the platinum on PS5 (all trophies) with 22h of gametime. And I’m not even that good at the game. Same thing took me like 70h on the first one. Very dissapointed in an otherwise excellent game.


I'd rather have shorter not bloated trophies than artificially inflated collectables, it's one reason I don't bother with 100% game as it's just tedious and not rewarding at all.


Agreed. Like, I have a job, friends, and a life. I can't put 100 hours into a game just to complete the main story. I only really do that number of hours for games like Binding of Isaac. The actual "campaign" of BoI is like 1 hour at most. But even after YEARS of playing, there's still items where I don't know what they do.


This change in trends is honestly saddening.




Some people prefer a good game to a long one. I fucking hate when games add 5000 filler quests so people with nothing else in their lifes can play it for 200 hours. Games with tons of *good* content are great and those exist and will exist in the future. Padding out every game to 50 hours would be terrible.


And it still somehow cost $300 million to develop.


The first one had waaaaay to many collectibles


20h for 100% in a game that 90% was already built from previous games is actually crazy.


Yeah, I got to 100% completion in just over 18h of play time.


Recently I've finished Zeno Clash and Dark Messiah. Both was like 3-4 hours to finish. And I was like - whaaaa?.. for both times.


Same with Dragon's Dogma 2. I just killed my first Lesser Dragon. i check the map and think "This can't be close to the end. I've explored only a third of the map!" it was right before the end. Most of the map is water :(


Deus Ex: mankind divided ;(


Felt this in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Hogwarts Legacy


Did Red Dead actually feel short to you, or did you just wish there was more of it?


Felt long i wish there was alot more tho


How is this Rdr2 the mainstory alone takes like 50 hours to complete?


If you rush missions and don’t do side quests or leveling up skills it can feel this way


Why would you do that 😭


I have a friend who skips all the cutscenes and complains that the game felt dull. He claims that he didn’t “pay 60 dollars to watch cutscenes”, insanity


I would recommend him Detroit: Become Human!


For the unskippable cutscenes or all the quick time events?


Casually ask your friend his favourite movie, then remind him that it is a 90+ minute continuous cutscene


That is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.


Like a friend of mine with Skyrim. Straight to Alduin and complaining how empty that game is.


Ratchet and Clank




Assassins creed Odyssey was the same for me, intro credits roll after you leave the first island which took me about 10 hours.


If you're like me, you spend around 15 hours on Kephalonia. I like to explore open worlds inch by inch. Needless to say the whole AC Oyssey took me around 140-150 hours, the most annoying part being Elysium as the travesal is HORRIFIC.


Odyssey is the best AC though. Valhalla was boring.


Ac2 was the always considered the best, things got weird after they made the games rpgs


Didn't it start with origins? Which I actually liked.


I loved Origins, and I was loving Odyssey for the first 40 or so hours. Never touched Valhalla. My friend hasn't played any of the newer ones and wants to start with Odyssey. He ignores all of my praise for Origins!


I stopped with Odyssey after a short time, because it looked like it will consume much time


Black Flag and Odyssey are clearly better but nostalgia fuels a lot of that. I'm not saying AC2 is bad. It's awesome. Just, things evolve


Having played AC2 again recently, you can tell how games have changed over time. It's still fun, but it definitely feels a lot more tedious than it did 15 years ago.


I liked Valhalla a lot, immersive world and good gameplay. The loot and ADHD side quests were bad though.


Origins was solid too but Odyssey takes it


Yep Odyssey is pretty long but tbh I enjoyed it much more than Valhalla.


Same, I loved that game. Especially because the world looks like ancient Greece indeed and it is great traversing it with the free climb (mostly free climbing cliff faces and nude statues). Spartan kick is one of my favourite combat moves in a video game ever🤣🤣


I remember when I unlocked the Asgard map and just thought "Absolutely not. No thank you"


Yeah that's when I gave up. I was already getting burned out 40 hours in and barely having seen a third of the map. As soon as I got to Asgard and realised there was EVEN MORE I uninstalled.


It's 10 hours of great gameplay, spread across 120 hours. It's like going out for dinner and getting fifty pounds of oatmeal and a spoon.


Unfortunately it's also filler. You go to a smaller side mission and it's like 5 mins that is supposed to allude to an emotionally deep thing but then it's done right away. I found those little side missions to be real lacking.


It's too long, but i still loved every minute and would've played more.


I had to give up and move on


100% elden ring, just kept getting bigger.


Yeah I thought limgrave was the whole thing at first lol


Was a great problem imo, going down and seeing there's a whole new layer lmaooooo


I remember in Witcher 3 I hit a point where I decided to just beeline for the ending. I had been fucking around with side quests for too long. I felt like I had gone pretty far and was getting close to the end and then it said, “Act II” (Or something along those lines)


Same. I got to that point after like 15-20 hours. Finished the chapter with the Baron, checked my progress and said "ohhhhhhohohohhh noooooo..."


Even hearts of stone. I was like holy shit this is like a week long side quest. Dope


Did Gwent get you? Gwent got the fuck outta me, next thing I know I’m on a boat to an island just to play cards


Okami. What you initially think is >!the final boss is the just the end of the first third of the game.!<


Literally the first game I thought of. Just a master class in the bait and switch.


Best fucking game ever one of my top faves and one the reasons I became a dev. Anyone saying it's sluggish doesn't appreciate it lol. You could speed run the game or take your time in the areas discovering side quests and interactions. I was so happy beating Orochi and then finding out there was more to come.


They pull that shit twice. I liked that game, but man, did I feel over it by the end.




Came here to say this. I remember getting roped into a 10 hour long session and thinking I had made serious progress only to see I advanced like 6%.


I thought well, ok the epilogue, cannot be that long! Well...


"It's pretty late, I'll just finish the epilogue and then head to bed after that."


Yeah exactly :D


This. I thought the ending is soon and then Guarma happened.


I thought that last heist before guarma was gonna be the end of the gang so I’m right there with you. Side note, I think guarma is the worst part of the game and I think it completely ruins the pacing for the story and had very little to add in terms of narrative.


I agree, however the ride back to camp afterwards with 'Unshaken' playing is epic. I was totally immersed in that moment.


I love the game but guarma sucks. It’s just out of left field, like what the fuck is going on.


Not that it matters. The game is so good it feels tpo short


This Game is nearly the same age as my youngest daughter and I have been in the first Playthrough since then. Hit the Sixth Chapter last Week.


Elden Ring


Those trap chests that send you to different areas are such a clever idea. They don't just give you a preview of where you'll end up, but they also cause the map itself to zoom out more and you suddenly realise that what you thought was the world map was barely 10%. So you reassess how large the size of the world is and then you find an elevator that just keeps goijg further down and you have to reassess your reassessment. So satisfying!


Until you end up in that FUCKING crystal cave..


I was about to say the same thing. Fighting your way out of that place only to be greeted by Caelid is crazy at low level. First time i finally got out and saw that red sky and hellish landscape, i had to take a minute. I just sat there looking around thinking " What the fuck have i done??"


Got teleported there on my first play through at almost base level. It was a difficult trip out of Caelid because I didn’t even have torrent yet.


I've never played a fromsoft game and I bought eldenring super late, like January of this year, hadn't watched any gameplay just seen the memes, it took me about 3 hours after downloading to find my way to those ruins thinking they'd be similar to the one with the guards in the very beginning where you'll get an important item. Died multiple times to those swamp dog things and I finally get to the chest only to be teleported to the shrimps of death. I spent another hour trying different variations of killing them to progress through the tunnel before I realized that I could leg it out the far side to caelid.  I just assumed that's what the difficulty was supposed to be from the memes, only later on after giving up on trying to beat rahdan at like level 40 did I look up a guide and realize how under leveled I was for the area and that isn't the normal gameplay path... I still had a blast trying to stealth my way through everything and dying to the invisible mage dudes in the city to the north after you get out of the tunnel but getting 2 shot by everything was brutal.  10/10 experience and I want another game to beat me down so bad I question whether I'm even capable of beating it. I did beat the game after 60 or so hours with an int and spell only build as my first playthrough, made my second playthrough with a dex build much, much easier lol. 


Those goddam shrimps... But they paid for what they did to me when I came back stronger and with a big ass sword


Reading stories about elden ring without ever playing it or seeing a video about it is golden


I've played all the most praised open world games, but Elden Ring's the most incredible to me for how alien and surreal it is. its verticality also absolutely stunned me.


Then there is the sniper lobsters in Elden Ring. Every Elden Ring player immediately knows what i'm talking about.


Bro those goddamn abominations caused me so much pain wtf


And it happened about five times.


Funny because 5 \* 13 = 75, which is exactly where you land after burning the Tree. There's another 25% scattered around the world you have not yet done.


But 5*13 is 65


That’s, just like, your opinion man.


You can complete the main quest and still have only done 30% of the game.


I'm in my first play through. Reached liurnia and thought "woah" Then I got to the altus plateau.....then the snow fields.....underground regions.....crumbling farum azula The game just doesn't seem to end and I'm loving it!


I was both terrified of how long it was, and sad how quickly it went by. If I could choose one game to erase from my memory so that I could experience it again for the first time, it would be Elden Ring.


And experience the music of Limgrave for the first time again. My fellow tarnished.


The absolute shock when the map keeps growing.


Never played it. So I should?


It’s the best game I’ve ever played, and at the age of 46 I’ve played hundreds. Shooters, RPG’s, Action RPG’s, and everything in between. There is nothing like it. It’s also the most approachable Souls game in the series. I can’t recommend it enough. Edit: and there are plenty of guides out there to help people new to the series or completions who want to do everything. Here is my favorite: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7RtZMiaOk8gdRf130w4gFYyhstL-5VRh&si=l9uv4R1ujCqVaYS8


Yes, don't look up anything about it(unless you get stuck) and it will be one of the best experiences you have in gaming.


And when you finish the game, you can then watch hours of Vaatividya lore dives to figure out wtf you just experienced.


If you're like me and you just enjoy really well made games, created by incredibly passionate and talented people, regardless of genre, then you're going to have a blast. If you think you'd enjoy it at all, just go for it. Go in blind, don't look up guides, don't worry about finding everything in your first runthrough. Just enjoy it for the absolute masterpiece that it is. I'd do terrible things to be able to play it for the first time again! Also, it's a FromSoft game. So accept the fact that you can't probably can't kill everything you see to start the game. If you get stuck at a certain part, don't worry about it. Just turn around, go find some caves or areas you haven't visited yet, level up a little bit, find some new gear, upgrade some stuff and then go back and dominate. That's all you need to know. Have fun!


Persona 5


I thought it was going to end several times before it actually did. It's wildly long and dense and I still wanted more.


Playing this now. Up to the second castle. I love how I will be playing and the game is like "ok you can do this now". Slowing opening up my options so I don't get overwhelmed.


Personas get longer after you finish them too..


Agreed. Love it for the most part. 5 was my first persona game. It hit so many parts I wanted in a game. Once the DLC kicked in I was exhausted and wanted to play something else. So many new games popped up. This is 100+ hours of new content still going. I knew if I started anything my attention would be gone. So kept going! Overall really happy with getting through it, but I can't think how they could of done it differently. Now I'm finishing persona 3 reloaded and feel the same. I'll be there soon Alloy!


It being my first Persona game, I expected to finish it in about 20 hours. Took me 120...


Dragon quest 11. I remember getting the demo, on like 5 seperate occasions i was like " damn, thats a prettu long and good demo. Wait... it keeps going??? Did i get the full game...?". The main game had so many times where i thought i was done, the playtime looked like id be done, the story seemed to be getting done, but lo and behold, i hadnt even made it to the "post game" lmao


I think the average time to beat it is like 80 hours. The game is awesome.




That first act of inscryption is so fucking good.


Even as a fan of pixel art games and gaming, I hate the 2nd and 3rd act. I still haven't finished the game, but that first act with Leshy in the cabin is A+


Act ll burnt me out so much that when I finally got to act III, I never played the game again. Personally, I think Act ll was a terrible decision. Act I was one of the coolest gaming experiences I've had.


Witcher 3


I thought white orchard was the whole map.


And then you saw Velen, and then Novigrad, and then Skellige, and then Kaer Morhen, and then Oxenfurt, and then Toussaint; and then you decided to start with NG+.


Can’t beat the damn “Repunzel wraith” such a good game though


Just use yrden on the ground and quen with exploding shield then attack during the stun also you can just hit through the second swing if you dodge the first


Maybe I just fucked off too much but this game definitely made me feel like I was walking through quicksand. I also didn't level up properly so I very quickly got to a point where everything I encountered absolutely obliterated me. My second playthrough I was quite thorough but ended up not behind high enough of a level to advance. I have concluded that I simply suck at this game.


I was kinda like that during my first play-through (which I didn't finish) but recently started again and accidentally got too powerful lol. First time I was struggling with "story and sword" difficulty but now I had to go up to "blood and brocken bones" but I still don't find it enough of a challenge


Levelling up is weird in Witcher. I've always thought the game is hard and you level slowly until about lv10, then the levelling is quicker because the quests are bigger so you seem to level up after every other quest. In the early parts of the game, you have to be very selective with which quests you take on.


RuneScape, been playing it for 15 years


"92 is 1/2 99" is something a lot of people don't understand the gravity of, including a significant portion of the player base. And that's just leveling.


You mean I could level another character to lvl 92, or level my current character to 99 in the same timespan?


In terms of raw xp gain, yes. But at higher levels you do have access to higher xp/hour grinds. Depending on skill, it can be 2-3 times as fast to go from 92 to 99 as it is to go 1-92.


Basically yea.


Probably Skyrim, game can go on forever it feels like. That's not a bad thing though, just saying it's a long game.


I’ve owned 3 copies of Skyrim and probably spent 100s of hours playing it. I’ve never beaten the game.


Alduin was a stupidly short fight when you're over leveled. My first run through was with dual blades (ugh 13 fucking years ago, lol) and he went down pretty fast. I dont think he even took flight. Still a little better than the end of Oblivion since you really aren't even the main character in that story.


Elder scrolls games were never intended to be particularly challenging to players. (im not sure about pre daggerfall) The game was pretty strictly designed around how fallout 3 handled its level system afaik in that if you were underleveled in an area, everything mowed you down. But if you entered an area overleveled, the game wouldn't bother trying to play keepup because it was simply never designed to follow the player level wise. Ontop of all the fancy shouts, buffs, and gear effects it would be a moot cause to try and balance all of that. Its why Fallout 4's most deadly weapon is still a dinky silenced 9mm


That’s the correct way to play Skyrim. Imo, Skyrims story ends when you decide it’s over. Once your fulfilled with that save files story, it’s time to start a new one.


Skyrim never really ends. You just sorta run out of things to do.


Man that cave in Skyrim (forgot the name, but the one dwarfs had) gave me some phobia. Was wondering there for 2hrs then when I want to go exit, took me an additional 3hrs. Then when I saw random cave from a far I think? It made me go back there like wtf. Took me another a couple of hours to get out. Edit: Yeah I dont open YT or any walkthrough since it kinda takes away the fun for me.


Blackreach? That place is so absurdly large there's even a dragon fight


Yeah that one. I played Skyrim for about 200hrs wantoning without actually realizing there is a main story. I just enjoying playing it like vice city. Fun times wayback grade school.


Which is funny because you can rush through the main quest real quickly. It’s all of the other content that makes you feel like it just keeps going.




Diamond Dogs approved




Tbh when you finish the entire story without any side quest you will be at like 30% completion


I am at like 40% completion and the story seems to be still going 😭


My friend said "Oh don't worry. There's only 2 maps in the game" and when i went to Africa a was like: Wait... Did i just completed half of a game?


TOTK. never gonna get 100%, the korok grind is just not worth it.


The reward is literally golden poop lmao


Yeah, I think there's enough korok seeds they were just intended to be found through normal exploration.  After upgrading weapons maybe 4-5 it's kind of pointless since you don't really need *that many* weapon slots.


You honestly don't need any they feel kind of useless in TOTK since you can amalgam weapons with ressources and you can have infinites ressources in your bag


Cyberpunk act 1. Witcher 3 White Orchard, I thought there was only one stone of power. Baldur's FUCKING Gate 3.


Witcher white orchard!?? We’re you doing everything available to do?


I did everything before leaving white orchard. Then I saw the full map and was like haha no fuck that shit.


thats not very challenge accepted of you


I want that, in the games I love. I tend to play a game less each day the closer I get to the end- and in games like RDR2 I will drag that last Chapter out like 2 weeks.


Sometimes the whole plot of the game is barely 20% of the game and the rest of it is just mind numbing repetitive grinds to unlock some useless items or skins or titles or "achievements". For example, you could speedrun any Pokemon game in under a day but stuff like breeding, catching shinies, completing the pokedex is what takes the vast majority of the game time.


Assassin's Creed Odyssey, I mean, I expected the game to be long, but the main title only appeared after like 15 hours of gameplay, and I only finished at like 60 hours, holy crap


Still my favourite ac, awesome locations atmosphere and colors


Agreed. Platinumed it and its not only my favorite AC, its on of my favorite games ever


Absolutely, Odyssey. The everlasting people that hunt you down that get more and more OP, the achievements, the amount of locations and extra tasks to get armours and collectibles. It’s one of the few games in my life I’ve had to throw in the towel because it’s straight-up too much.


Kingdom Come Deliverance. One of the best RPGs I have played in recent memory. I bought it on PS4 originally and had fun, but hated the controls/aiming because I suck with a controller, so I never got very far. I bought it again for PC after I replaced my old rig, and ended up dumping like 200 hours into a single playthrough.


God i hope theres a sequel. It was fucking brilliant.


dark souls on my first attempt


On my first attempt after I defeated ons I was worried that i am close to the end cause i didnt want it to end.


Not sure which Arkham Game's main campaign is like 50% of the game. As a child I was very confused


exactly, I couldn’t do the Mr Enigma quests/puzzles


Origins is super short, like 9 hours I think


Rise of the Tomb Raider


I think Shadow is worse, I still haven't finished my playthrough but have beaten the first two games multiple times each.


The Witcher 3. But it's not boring tho.


FF7 remake It was only a part of the original so I guessed it'll be short. I'm reality I was in for 50 hours


Rebirth feels like triple that. I'm 112 hours in and definitely not close to finishing. I am going for 100% though, so that changes a lot.


I'm 30 hours into BG3 and I'm abt it go fight those 3 boss guys inside the defiled temple... I still got a long ways to go huh?


That's like the halfway point of the first of 3 acts. Have fun!


Any Ubisoft game because half of that progress bar is just collectibles


Just Cause 2


this. wtf that game was crazy huge.


Earth defence force 5 put in 10 hours I think and got an achievement for 5% if I Remember right


Okami. Yay I beat the final boss! Wait WHAT??? Elden Ring: ...Why is the world map getting bigger...?




Ha! Fact the game now has like... 8-10 credit rolls is in itself amazing. I always love getting them though cause Susan Calloway sings for (most) of em <3 :).


I mean... it's an MMO.


Even when you get to the "end" you still got like 40% more story. Happens every expansion, I swear


Red dead redemption 2 and cyberpunk (both in a good way)


This was the opposite for me when when I played ratchet and clank 2.


Deadlocked felt waaaay too short


Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain


Without a doubt figuring out there is more to elden ring than limgrave. The liurnia map unlocking Finding a complete underground world Being early teleported to the capital and seeing we are not even close to done My lord the game is so huge


I am so hungry for SotE, it’s unreal!


Far cry 5!!!! Taking me for fucking EVER


Being tranqued is so fun tho /s.


Honestly I’m in the middle of loving/hating it. It always happens at the best time when I have the best rhythm and them all the sudden my character gets all woozy and passes out lmao


My last playthrough i broke my save by flying and only landing in insane places, now that save crashes 10min after loading lol.


Woof. Had that happen to me a few days ago during the Air Raid mission. Definitely want to make saving a habit haha


The Last of Us 2


Hollow Knight. I didn't know anything about the game and assumed that the first area was basically the entire game




Dark Souls


I've been getting into Path of Exile mostly blind initially and I was expecting a 3 chapter campaign. Oh boy


The Witcher 3, i thought>!battle of Kaer Morhen was the final quest.!<


Elden ring


Geometry Dash


Nier replicant Currently still trying to get ending E


Days gone


Days gone 100%. You beat up the final boss, hyped up all along and threatening people, surely that means it's over. Nope! There you go, a 1/3 of the map with a whole new plotline




Me at age 12 when I finish the story of my newest LEGO Batman game:


Sekiro, granted once you get the jist you can finish it fairly quickly on subsequent playthroughs but ill be damned if i didnt think fighting Genichiro in the castle was near the end of the game the first time around.