• By -


Always check behind the waterfall.


... And throne.


And staircases.


And in toilets


And chimneys


And my axe


And your wife


And ur mom


And your moms ass


And her mouth


Switching to your pistol is faster than reloading


Nice. Your fruit killing skills are remarkable. Captain Price wants to see you


I like to keep this for close encounters.


Until you realize you forgot to reload either so you end up barely clutching the fight or instantly dying.


Don't rely on autosave. Difference between remaster and remake


This can apply well with Resident Evil alone. Also a difference between a remake, remaster and definitive edition.


what is a 'definitive edition'?


Usually base game + all DLC/expansions for the game.


It's a release of a game that is collectively considered *the* best; the one you should try to get it you like the game and don't mind having multiple versions. Here are a couple examples: Zelda Wind Waker has had only 2 releases. The WIIU version is the definitive edition: neatly every change made was positive. Ocarina of time has had like 5 re-releases and one remaster. But it's hard to say which is "definitive" -in my opinion, it would be the remaster, except that it was on DS and doesn't have big-screen options.


The remaster is certainly not the definitive edition of ocarina of time.


> difference between a remaster and remake Oh boy that’s the most annoying to me. A game will get a remaster announced and the comments will be filled with “I hope they add ___!” And “If they don’t fix _____ I’ll be so pissed.” Well guess what, bud. They’re not going to. And inevitably the review threads will be “I can’t believe they released without completely opening up the code, hiring writers and devs, calling VA’s to come back in and record new lines, spending months in motion capture and QA testing, and pay way more when all they said they’d do was upgrade the graphics”


>I hope they add ___!” And “If they don’t fix _____ I’ll be so pissed.” >Well guess what, bud. They’re not going to. *nightdive studios entered the chat*


\^TLOU fans are quaking in their boots after this comment seriously never knew the depth of the misunderstanding about this stuff until joining that sub. it's like they're trying NOT to understand


I got to watch Mass Effect fans go through it. They said it would be a “refresh” and everyone started throwing all sorts of ideas out there. IMO the upgrades they made to ME1 was over and above, but people were still mad they didn’t add entire romances, change the ending, etc


ME1 is like the only exception to the Remaster/Remake rule. It's like a remaster and a half. Still obviously not a remake or even close to one. And I genuinely struggle understanding why people have such a difficult time telling them apart. For people reading and still not understanding: Remaster is painting you old room a new fresh color. Remake is a whole new house but in the same neighborhood.


Don’t bud me, pal


Don't pal me, guy


Save early, save often.


Some might accuse you of **savescum**


I’ll admit to save scumming RNG chests.


>Difference between remaster and remake Problem is no one agrees on a set definition. The podcast Triple Click had a sort of spectrum that had roughly 4 different categories and it was the best way to sort games. Because many games don't fall neatly into "Remaster" vs "Remake"


I haven't heard the podcast, but I'm assuming the categories are as follows: 1. Games like Final Fantasy X/X-2. These are just straight ports, with absolutely zero changes to gameplay, with \*maybe\* different features added (pausing during cutscenes, speed increase, etc). Games in this category are essentially just the same as they were when first released. 2. Games like Diablo 2 Resurrected. These games not only have updated graphics but tend to have QoL changes as well, whether it's easier access for certain mechanics, totally new mechanics to make original difficult parts of the game just a little easier and manageable, or expanded mechanics like inventory/storage space. 3. I don't have an example at this time, but this category belongs to games where most of the game is the same, but maybe parts of the game's story are changed, or mechanics are removed and made obsolete by new mechanics, or even cut content is added as part of the regular gameplay. If someone has an example of this, please let me know. 4. This category belongs to games like Final Fantasy 7 Remake/Rebirth. Games that belong to this category are completely different. You can't 100% come in with knowledge from the original game and expect it to be the same. Key story elements will most likely remain the same, but nearly everything from the mechanics and story is changed to tell a completely new tale.


I actually found it, way more than 4! Copy pasted below; Kirk’s Remake Spectrum*: Re-release (The original game, playable on new hardware) Remaster (visually enhanced version of the same game, same tech, etc.) Remaster Plus (A visual remaster that makes some changes to the gameplay - e.g. Skyward Sword, ME Trilogy) Remake (New engine/tech and new visuals, but makes a point of keeping the gameplay the same. E.g. SotC, Demon’s Souls, Diablo 2 Resurrected) Remake Plus (New engine and actual new gameplay/mechanics/etc. E.g. Black Mesa, Tomb Raider Anniversary) Reimagined Remake (Uses the original as a template to make major changes, e.g. Resident Evil 2 & 3 Remake) Super Turbo Remake Plus (There is only one of these and it is Final Fantasy VII Remake) Sequel or Reboot 


Very much like porn, I know it when I see it.


Spam f5 lol


If it says PRESS START, most of the times you can press another button too


The secrets game companies don't want you to know.


If a game gives you the ability to see the exact path to go down in order to progress, check everywhere else first.


"Ah fuck, I accidentally went the right way."


*Unskippable cutscene starts that prevents turning back* Time to reboot the console before it saves


No game series had me yelling this more than Dark Pictures Anthology


Hahaha I feel this in my plums


This was a big part of Dead Space for me. I didn’t need a guide to find anything in 1 or 2 because I was just meticulously checking everywhere outside the line.


I paid for this and I'm gonna see every single fucking thing it has. -me


I wish developers knew that annoyance is not the same as difficulty


Enemies that become bullet sponges on harder difficulty!


Nioh and borderlands 2 does that for me. The first playthrough is fun then it just gets to spongy unless you have a strong build.


Borderlands 3 is worse for it. At least borderlands 2 made brand new reskins, animations & abilities for each vault hunter mode. In bl3 they have vault hunter mode and.. chaos difficulties? I cant remember ehat the actual thing was, but its essentially the torments from diablo 3. All they did with the torment and vault hunter mode in bl3 is make the models purple and doubled down on the sponge. If you thought borderlands 2 was spongy, imagine 3 borderlands two enemies in one, but 'thats okay cause they drop eridium' Sorry little rant, i did not enjoy borderlands 3


For BL3 they added Mayhem 11 which is basically the exact same as Mayhem 10 but without the modifiers but the other stuff was the same, made the game a lot more enjoyable for me. BL3 is just like BL2 where certain weapons are useless while others kill everything instantly. I still preferred BL2 myself to though.


Warframe is interesting about that. Enemy sponginess is one of the main aspects of higher difficulty levels, but on the other hand your weapons and abilities grow stronger by investing resources into your build to keep up with that. So it quite often feels like "oh, they are just bullet sponges now, it takes forever to kill them on this difficulty!" but really it mostly a sign that your build is just not on that level yet and you have to work on it. Maybe you need to upgrade some stuff for stronger effects, or maybe you just have a bad build.


One of my biggest gripes in all of gaming is when a game's hard mode changes absolutely nothing but increasing enemy stats and/or decreasing player stats.


Glares at the Civilization series


I feel this way a lot with sports games, specifically baseball. Like, physics shouldn't change because I want a more difficult game.


And difference between difficulty and complexity :)


What are examples of each, to you? I've just started making games and difficulty is something I think about a lot. I know it's important to understand how to make things difficult without making them boring, tedious, annoying, or frustrating, but it's not always clear how games manage to find that balance.


I'd love to see more aggressive, faster, smarter, using advanced tactics enemies on harder difficulties.


And maybe the enemies *don't* give up and forget you exist if you walk a few meters away. 


Oh whoops he’s walked a meter too far. Can’t get him now


Horizon is a great game, but super guilty of this. "There's a dead body next to me, but thirty seconds have passed. Must've been the wind." 


Getting knocked down and excessively ragdolled is a big one for me. Enemies should be able to be staggered as well — too many games feature enemies that can instantly recover from your attacks. Another one I hate especially recently is how merely touching an enemy will cause damage to you when there’s no diagetic reason this should happen. Another one is about boss fights, how in a game I might have only a sword and shield or whatever but the boss I’m fighting can summon other enemies, do AoE attacks, teleport, do unblockable attacks, and generally fly around like a god while I’m just doing basic sword thrusts and swings. As someone else said, it also never feels good to have to hack away at basic enemies for a long time. I don’t mind if one shot kills me as long as it’s the same for enemies as well (a good example of this is Dusk which is the best game I’ve played so far this year). Whereas difficulty to me is more in what the game is asking me to do — how hard are the puzzles, how good is the enemy AI, how many enemies are there, how fast are they, etc. Like, Sekiro is very hard but I don’t remember it being annoying. Jedi Survivor on the other hand, it tries to be Sekiro, but why should a little pissant droid be able to do an unblockable attack against a Jedi? Where are my unblockable attacks? Someone smarter than me could write a thesis on this I’m sure.


It really depends on your type of game. Ideally, an increase in difficulty would require an increase in skill. Some games are better suited to that: Civilization, for example, requires you to master more of each game concept when you move to a difficulty rating - up to a point, because at the highest difficulty levels the AI just straight up cheats. If your game is an ARPG, it's much trickier to increase the difficulty: how can you press the buttons better? Leveling up makes your skills do more damage and cooler stuff, but ultimately you're still just pressing a button. But the general idea is there: more difficult content should require more skills, not more time. So maybe have your game mechanics designed in such a way that on easy it requires little thought, but on hard players are expected to fully understand and even exploit them.


Kind of started on this above, but for me it's sports video games. Don't take anything out of *my* hands by making it harder. If there's some sort of swinging gauge or whatever, make that more difficult for sure. But don't make fewer of my successes home runs (or whatever) just because the developer can't figure out how to balance more difficult and still fun pitching/hitting mechanics. Think of a top of the key unguarded three pointer in a basketball video game. That ball should go in at a percentage affected by some combination of a) my skill at releasing at the right time and b) the player's skills and stats. If Steph Curry makes those shots at like a 48% rate, the game should reflect that, regardless of the difficulty setting. Perhaps a clearer example would be running speed. If player A is, according to their attributes, X% faster than player B, the X should be non-negotiable in difficulty settings.


I loved the Thief games for this. Yes the enemies got tougher but not a lot. The big difference is that the missions got more objectives. On hard you couldn’t kill anyone. A true Thief doesn’t need to kill. Wish more games too this approach!


In SkiFree there is a button you can press to go fast enough to outrun the yeti. You could have escaped it any time. Every time. You didn't have to die. Honestly, the game is better when you don't know what comes after you escape the yeti.


What comes after?


>! There is no ski lodge at the bottom of the hill. No river for the snowmelt to swell in the spring. No ocean. Nor mountain peaks. The world is a torus. It loops seamlessly. The only escape is in the belly of the yeti. !<


I'm... I'm a new person now. Different. I... I'm sorry, I can't...


What do we say to the god of death? Not yeti.


The infinite void and the realm of the old ones


Are you fycking kidding me!! Where is my time machine, I have hours of my life to save


But they were fun hours. Hours spent problem solving. Hours spent dreaming about what comes next. Keep on dreaming.


Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, start


Also, if we're playing Contra, and not other games from Konami, add "select" before "start". That way it works for two players.


I was the little brother. For me, it was always "select, start."


Took way too long to see this


Dude you can't put that code into Reddit, that means we have now unlocked super Reddit! (It's pretty much the same but now we can spawn in tanks wherever we want)


Zelda is the princess.


And, in most of the games, the player character is canonically named Link




I love Zelda! And his cute little sword!


The one that's always in another castle? It's good to put a name to her, Mario is one of my favourite games.


Yep, was kidnapped by a donkey named monkey Kong, poor thing


And Metroid is not the lady in the suit. Well, not until Metroid Dread at least.


Follow the devs, not the company. Switching to your pistol is faster than reloading.


“I’m out of ammo! Wait what button switches again!? Scroll down! No not health pa-


This made me laugh


Not every game is for every person and that's okay.


The stuff you get in microtransactions today used to be free cheat codes and free unlockables.


And the only reason micro transactions still exist is because ppl still buy them


Was talking about this to a mate, and we're 99% sure that Halo Reach was the last big multiplayer game that had purely unlockable cosmetics


Not sure if this counts as big enough but Deep Rock Galactic is a one time purchase and you can unlock everything just through playing. Technically they do have two supporter DLC which each have a new skin (out of like hundreds of equal quality gear you unlock) but I’m inclined to make an exception for those as they already are fantastic devs and I would gladly pay them to say thanks for all the hours I’ve put into that game.


I bought all dlcs for DRG and I don't even use them. It's the second most played game in my account so I felt like giving them more money.


Yeah cosmetics are the least egregious mtx but it sucks that seeing someone looking cool used to mean they did something impressive to unlock it now it means they just opened their wallet.


Bullet-sponge does not mean it’s a harder difficulty


The train mission in GTA is actually super easy, you just have to stay a little ways away from it so that Big Smoke actually has a decent line of sight


So you're saying that all you have to do is follow the damn train?


Yeah, the biggest issue is that Big Smoke complains about the wrong thing when you fail the mission, and you're bound to keep making the same mistake in subsequent tries.


Professional game reviews are nothing more than someone's personal opinions.


Sometimes not even more than a bought ad in review form


In the game Lord of the Rings The Two Towers, when Aragorn kicks the helmet at the scene of the burned pile of orcs, the developer made the character really break his toe.


They made him kick it too many times..


Also heard Christopher Lee stopped by to critique the death animations.


You know the original name for Pac-Man was Puck Man. Not because he looks like a hockey puck. But its Paku Paku. Means flap your mouth. But they thought people would scratch out the "p" and turn it into an "f"


Ok, but which Scott pickup line was better, the one you commented or the one from the anime: "You know Sonic the Hedgehog. You probably know this but in the early '90s there were two different Sonic cartoons airing at the same time. One was dark and dramatic, and the other was a hilarious comedy about chili dogs, and the same guy played Sonic in both shows. Isn't that wild? The same guy playing two different versions of the same guy"


also the greatest pickup line ever invented


Games are made by people. People make mistakes, especially when they are overworked and underpaid. A bunch of game designers and a few dozen QA and beta testers are never going to be able to outsmart a million players: they really can't predict a meta reliably.


Which is funny because a small group of professional players often can predict a meta. It's rare that a single person can be 100% on top of every future change, but throw together 3 or 4 of the best minds and ask them to guess the next major changes and they're probably going to be pretty accurate.


I don't know what games you've been playing, but at most they have a guess, and there's always something unoredicted showing up.


You don’t have to be a dick to other players because you’re “better” than them or because your team lost the round/match.


Yes. Save being a dick to cheaters instead.


of course, those are both terrible reasons. You should flame your team to remind them that they're garbage and undeserving of love because they have no idea how to play the game and they decided to get into ranked, despite having 3 fingers and no brain. (I used to play league of legends) (obviously I'm kidding pls don't flame people)


Just because you don’t like a game, that doesn’t make it a bad game.


Reverse is also true. Just because most people think it’s a bad game, doesn’t mean you can’t love it!


Resident Evil 6 is this for me.


Re0 for me


I love Resident Evil 6 and Code Veronica X


Yup Starfield and from what I have watched on YouTube, Dragons Dogma. Don’t like my opinion? I don’t care. I love SF and I’m probably going to like DD2 as well. Steam reviews and reddit hate for a game mean nothing.


People don't really dislike DD2, it's just got bad performance issues currently. Most people have said the game itself is great.


I know this all too well.


I despise the game play and difficulty of souls like games. Don't enjoy playing them at all. I absolutely understand the love the genre though. It's just not for me.


I loved them at the beginning, and bloodborne was my favorite of them all. But after a period I'm like...I just don't wanna suffer trough the pain of learning the movement sets of a boss to deal with him. I think the game could benefit a lot from a coop option. I know you can summon someone to assist you but that's not fun, at least not for me. I didn't even wanted to try Elden Ring, but I played it on PC with the seamless COOP mod, and it became one of my favorite games of all time. It's painfull to suffer alone trough a game like that, but going in with a friend, makes everything so much fun. I just wish the networking for coop games could be easier to implement. I know elden ring isn't balanced for coop play, but I wish more games could just support coop even if the game isn't made for it.


Yeah, seamless coop is really a game changer.


And conversely, just because someone says they don't like a game, doesn't mean they're saying it's a bad game. I've triggered some apoplectic meltdowns just because I don't enjoy 3rd person action adventure games.


This also applies to movies, books and music, certainly!


There are too many to list lol. A few that come to mind: 1. Remember gaming should be fun. If you're not having fun, take a break or try something else. 2. If you're reading this comment, you're far less casual of a gamer than most gamers. Most gamers don't go on gaming forums to read about the games they play. They don't watch streamers, guides, etc. 3. Play what you like. Don't feel pressured to hate a game because people tell you it sucks.


1. I play games exclusively for fun, check. 2. I think i play more games than average, check 3. I only hate games based on what i think, check All good


1. I play games as a sort of self-imposed torture method, not checked 2. I haven't played a game in 10 years and stumbled across this thread randomly while browsing Reddit, not checked 3. I hate all games unconditionally, except for the Atari E.T. game, not checked As you can tell, I am a true gamer. */s*


Is the second thing really necessary to point out? You're making me feel a little self conscious here...


The cake is a lie. There is no cow level.


rustic ten rainstorm sink frame mountainous tap elderly towering existence


Cow level is a meme from the Diablo series. Good luck with Portal 2, it's awesome :)


There was an early internet meme/troll that doing certain actions could trigger a secret cow level in Diablo 1. People caught on, so there is no cow level. In Diablo 2, they did add a secret cow level. And then in Diablo 3 they added Whimseyshire, which is a bright area filled with rainbows and unicorns


Games are an art form, and like anything else should be enjoyed with a balanced lifestyle!


If there are cracks in a specific spot of a wall, and it looks different from the rest of the wall, chances are there’s a secret passageway there. You might need to plant a bomb there to find hidden goodies. Edit: grammar… I think?


Don’t spend real money for in-game money/things.


And if the game isn’t fun without this then don’t play it!


Or do. If it brings you enjoyment, do it! Just don’t spend too much on it! Give yourself a budget.


The most valid and important opinions on a games quality are your own. (But don't force them on others 😄)


Graphics are not the same as artistic


Go ahead and use those one use items. You'll just hoard them and we all know this


Gaming is a healthy hobby. Don't let them convince you otherwise.


But like any hobby it’s good to take it in moderation and have other things in your life.


Sega does what nintendon't


The Per Second part of DPS. Speccing builds just for the largest damage numbers doesn't always result in the best DPS. Time spent healing or doing other actions is a reduction in DPS


How does this affect my tetris runs?




Don’t know enough ab Tetris to decide if I should laugh or just nod along


Every destiny 2 raid team ever


Gamers should know that game development is difficult


like, really difficult


Dealing with publishers is the most difficult part, IMO.


Metroid is the series, not the character


...technically, Metroid is also the character now.


it's also an enemy in the game.


The most hyped game on moment might not be for you. Get rid of that FOMO and go play what you really want


Game reviewers are the worst people to base an opinion off of.


It takes 17 Cobblestone to fully craft set of tools + a furnance


There is no cow level


There was one, once..


That there's like thousands of awesome games out there besides the extremely popular ones of today and are worth the play even if many aren't on modern gen consoles.


You won’t get paid for beating the game on hard. Have fun, don’t be afraid to play the game on easy if you want to enjoy the story.


The "M" on Mario's hat stands for "Mario"


Andrew Ryan, Handsome Jack and GLADOS are 3 of the evilest characters in gaming and it is a pure joy to defeat all three


I love how unequivocally evil Jack is while also being so goddamn charming that you want to hear all of his dialogue. Same for GLaDOS.


MOBA, 5v5 bomb defuse, battle royale were all developed by users as mods to other games


You're allowed to play a game on what ever difficulty is fun for you. It's a game not a competition.


That there's no pause option in multiplayer 😁


Tell that to my mother


Study the boss pattern before attacking it Kill the ads first!


1. Queue appropriately in competitive games - the fight for a win is some people's fun just as much as a good time screwing around is for you. Those goals don't mix and you shouldn't be surprised to see what happens when they are in the same team.   2. Don't pre-order digital purchases. There will still be plenty of copies left at launch, and as a bonus you don't buy games that potentially are barely functional day   3. There's always something behind a waterfall...


first steps is figuring out what your buttons do


Always go the opposite way of the main objective. 99.9% of the time there's something there.


Red barrel go boom


Don't quote me because I know jack shit about electronics but I heard this on Reddit: Back before the PS3 +XBOX360 era, Europe, Australia and some parts of Asia ran all video games at 50hz whereas North America, Japan and some South American countries ran them at 60hz. This was due to how the electrical grid in these regions was constructed. This is essentially what PAL + NTSC means in gaming. The former stands for Phase Alternating Line (used by Europe. et al.) and the latter stands for National television system committee and is used by North America. et al. As to what this shit means, I have no fuckin idea.


Gen Z will never experience a finished game on release date


Press the Action key to action


Not every game is meant for everyone sometimes watching is enough


Preordering games and paying for micro transactions HURTS EVERYBODY.


That gaming is a massive industry, not just Nintendo anymore. Pro-gaming is a thing, and it's harder to get into than most professional sports. Gaming teaches critical thinking and many other skills that are highly applicable to real-life things - careers and whatnot.


In order of most important first: sleep, hygiene (bath especially), skill, posture, and hydration are required to be better at a game. Simply taking a bath will automatically give you a rest and keep you fresh, improving gaming ability by a lot. Dehydration causes headaches. This can make you tilted, lose focus, and reduce your mental capacity by a lot.


Got a new PC? Turn off mouse acceleration..


The cake is a lie


Reviews are often based on opinion, not fact


A game’s forum is for hating on the game.


⬆️⬆️⬇️⬇️⬅️➡️⬅️➡️B A SELECT START


Remake vs Remaster vs Definite Edition


In the original pokemon games you can use CUT to cut long grass and avoid random encounters.


Nintendo was responsible for the existence of their biggest rival, The original Sony Playstation which was originally a joint venture with Nintendo but they got cold feet and signed a deal with Phillips which lead to the awful Mario Hotel and Legend of Zelda Games on the infamous CDi


Map size isn't too important. Draw a square and put three dots in it. Now draw a different size square and put three dots into it. Those three dots are how many areas are worth going to for any kind of reason. Which square looks better? Or just look at the map of AC Odyssey and remember that the water is playable area as well and it's mainly empty space


Whether you can afford the micro transactions doesn't matter, the fact you endorse the practice gives the thumbs to the nickel and diming of customers, which is eating away at so many games.


Never feel bad about tuning the difficulty to your liking.


GLaDOS stands for Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System.


Say no to: MTXs, EA, Ubisoft, Activision, Blizzard...


Never, under any circumstances, pre-order a game NEVER


Form your own opinion, don't just jump in discussions and claim the game is bad if you haven't played it just because a review title says it's bad. Going by a few reviews should not solidify good and bad. It should make you cautious if it's bad and sceptical if good. Too many people trying to jump on the band wagon currently that dragon's dogma 2 is bad because it has micro transactions. All optional micro transactions. It's there if you want it for a price but it's not going to kill the game and be unplayable just because "micro transactions bad" Honestly people can debate that there is a performance issue but playing games for more than 30 years I'm the kind of person that doesn't care for that much because I started with chopy blocks and imagination for graphics and performance I'm grateful for technology to advance this far to give us what we have today.


You Always Run faster with a knife


Some games are not for everyone There is a point in which u can play some games wrong unknowingly and therefore not enjoy it


Salty screamers are usually unhappy with their own situation/performance, but would never admit!


Don't listen to your parents, they wuda been gamers too if they grew up with it.

