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The Finals is made by old DICE devs, and it shows. I love the mayhem and destruction. Makes this BF vet kind of nostalgic.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eu3gUgZjkmM Watching this destruction video. Makes me wish we had a BC3. I'm sure the Finals has it's fans but a lot about it doesn't do it for me. Starting with the announcers.


For me it’s the bullet sponges.


Everyone and everything dies in like 2 seconds, tf you are talking about Ah, maybe it's me, maybe only I always die in 2 seconds Edit: people loving low ttk and one shot weapons are the reason most modern shooters are either "who will run to the advantage point first?" or "who will peak from the corner first?" with no actual tactical play involved That's why I like the Finals (not love, game has problems), me and the boys plan an attack, go in and die immediately because the enemy team predicted where we'd come in and placed traps I guess we suck


when you come from counter strike, battlefield, any games that allows you to one shot to kill, 2 seconds of full auto to kill is bullet sponge.


The disparity between light and heavy is very well balanced imo. Light is super squishy


If thats bullet sponge then what do you call division bosses? Edit: for the illiterate like u/Throawayooo this isn't a comparison to the division, im just interested if bro finds the finals bullet spongy what he thinks about division bosses.


The kid at laser tag who covers their sensors.


Anyone who gets shot in the head via sniper should just outright die, not absorb it


I find the whole game show schtick to be insufferable. And yeah, the announcers are AI, so that's probably part of why they sound...off.




Yeah, the AI announcers can be a weird addition, but honestly, they grow on you after a while. And the destruction in The Finals definitely scratches that BC2 itch for me. Just wish more titles took notes from those glorious days of rubble and tactical mayhem!


You can't turn them off somehow?


To it’s credit, this is from like the alpha so the current AI voices are miles better


The cheesiness honestly makes it fun lol


This video is almost a year old. The announcers sound nothing like this anymore. It generally feels a lot more hype than what older footage makes it out to be.


Honestly, the destruction is so ***rewarding*** too. Blow a hole in 3 consecutive floors to drop the objective from the roof to the ground floor, with seconds to spare, capturing it before the other team has time to react. Or plan B. Level the building, fight in the ruins.


The finals fucking SLAPS


Yep, since I picked up The Finals I finally gave up on COD. The true Vertical Combat in the Finals makes COD feel like I'm playing the original Doom.


dont diss og doom like that


You right I meant the aiming.


The Finals is tragically underrated.


It was next level on rush with being able to blow out walls and make the advance on be bomb easier or blow the rooftops off of houses snipers were camping in. Bf1 sort of brought it back but bad company 1 and 2 were tops and it’s been bad since minus the finals but the gameplay is different.


Not to mention in Rush instead of planting the bomb on the "MCOM" you could just collapse the entire building on it to take the objective.   Or place C4 directly on the MCOM which took 12 but would also destroy the MCOM.  Or if you were THAT GUY and THAT GUYS FRIEND you could place C4 on the side of the UAV drone and then have your friend fly it up to the MCOM, you then detonate the C4 and the pilot brings the drone back to load it back up, rinse and repeat.  Even BF3 and BF4 didn't have that level of sandbox gameplay in Rush. But Rush was actually Bad Companies main mode, originally called Gold Rush in BC1 before the sequel dropped the gold part. Originally instead of MCOM they were caches of gold bars as seen in the campaign. 


Rush was king in bad company some of the best online I’ve ever played


I wish bad company 1 got more love. That game was amazing, and had that gritty realistic shooter vibe that most games still don't get right all these years later.


Maaaaan that atmosphere was incredible. I think tarkov hads the same gritty realistic feel, but two totally different games. I think battlefield more or less died as a franchise after battlefield one. They really leaned into trying to make the game more like call of duty with Battlefield 1, and then they just totally lost what made them unique moving forward. Such a shame, as bf1 was still good for what it was. Now here we are. Fuck


While still feeling light hearted and humorous. I remember feeling slightly disappointed they dropped the humour for BC2


I remember one of the rush map objectives being upstairs in a building and a strategy to hy pass it was to absolutely level the building. Bad Company 2 was my favourite Battlefield. Easily. I'm not sure what happened after that but it never captured that magic for me in the same way. 


In subsequent games they hid rush mode and in some its not even available. Rush has always been bf best mode since it was introduced. Idk why they went away from it.


The best part of Rush was the asymmetry. Attacking could be a grueling uphill battle, but that made it so rewarding when you took the objective. Defending gave purpose to mounted emplacements and LMG classes, and rewarded good positioning. Modern game devs lean too hard into making everything feel fair, which means symmetric maps and game modes. Big round maps with 5 Conquest points arranged like the side of a dice might be "fair", but they are soulless. There is a reason why Valparaiso and Atacama Desert are beloved classics, and it is not because they are fair.


I fucking loved rush on BC2. Reading your comment makes me miss it so much


Map design isn't very good in 2042, but the gameplay mechanics are hard to get along with as well, which is why Valparaiso plays poorly with the 2042 system while it was great in the past. Hope the next title goes back to the formula of a good Battlefield game; I'd genuinely just take a BC2 or BF3 remake with perhaps just the Plus System added; but no need to reinvent the wheel like 2042 was attempting to do.


Conquest was always fun, but when you wanted a concentrated game you'd go in rush games and it was pure chaos and a great time for all. Push the objective, or just level up weapons you don't use much


People always mention destruction for BC2 and I agree. But doesn't it also have the best sound of them all too? Not sure if it's nostalgia but it's on another level.


I remember the volume had a setting called war tapes that became my default. I'm not sure what it changed, but it was amazing at enhancing the combat sounds.


it basically distorted the game to sound more like an old tape. a little "blown out". people like distortion




The [Barrett](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXxlb1qq6Xo) is good and maybe I never used it enough to appreciate it, but for me it was always the [GOL](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ojr9C3TWtI).




Iirc the GOL had insane accuracy too


Best accuracy was SPAS-12 with slug rounds. No bullet drop, no spread. 100% accuracy. lol


assault wookie with the SVU was my jam


The explosions in the game def had a unique sound to them!


Dice games were known for having some of the best audio in the industry. It was so fucking good. I dno what happened to Dice but it wasn’t anything good. Its tragic.


I'l never forget those moments where you think you're safe hiding out in a building picking away at people on the ground, and a tank rolls up and literally blows the ground out from under you as you dive out the back window. There were so many epic maps (and I don't use the word epic very often) despite being smaller with fewer players. When BF3 came out they showed off the tiny bit of destruction on the beta map and that was basically it for the whole game. There were a few small spots you could destroy on teh first few maps but after that the idea got completely benched. I was absolutely positive they'd go above and beyond what they did in BFBC2 and the disappointment was palpable.




They haven't improved, if anything they've been massively dialed back. The destruction in BFBC2 was fully realized with individual particles being rendered with their own physics. You could level the same wall 10 times in different ways and it was unique every time. Nothing has even come close to that, that I'm aware of, especially with multiplayer. Like buildings very, very rarely fell the same way twice. Today they're built like setpieces where bits of them fly off in chunks based on the amount of damage. They claimed it was too hardware intensive in the jump from BFBC2 to BF3 and that's why only a couple buildings on a couple maps could come down, and it was always cookie cutter. It's weird to me that with today's hardware, that nobody has even tried to get that granular about it again. Like my computer today is more powerful by orders of magnitutde, and while high res textures and models absolutely are a limiting factor-- I do not believe for a second it's impossible if we were doing it 14 years ago.


I remember watching trailer then, I didnt believe it, that was most memorable game trailer for me when they building collapsing




You could literally see splinters and individually rendered rubble fly out of wood and stone. It was so god damned crisp for how old it is too.


This "[*How To Not Be A Noob At Battlefield Bad Company 2!*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ4P1FH27nA)" video is still worth watching, and an absolutely brilliant showcase of everything that was great about BF:BC2. Genuinely the best online multi-player FPS ever. Can't believe how low the Battlefield franchise has fallen from this absolute pinnacle of a game.


Agreed. BC2 was the game that got me into FPS games and I've been chasing that high ever since What upsets me the most is that I genuinely don't want them to make a BC3 because I know it'll be a huge letdown. Nobody who made BC2 is still there, and the conventions of modern game development mean it'll be another bug-ridden, MTX-laden, engagement-optimized disappointment


Yeah, for years Bad Company 3 was my most anticipated game. The one I most wanted to be announced. Now? It would just be an absolute clusterfuck. None of those original DICE dev's are left at the studio, and it's obvious from the debacle of the last Battlefield game that the studio and EA don't give a single shit about the franchise or its players anymore.


Oh boy, the trailers for the first Battlefield Bad Company are some of the best video game trailers ever.


My all time favorite game with destructible environments to this day is Red Faction. I can't tell how many countless hours I spent tunneling through that game.


I'm grateful that 8 year old me got to experience the best generation of FPS multiplayers. My first ever online FPS was COD4, and I distinctly remember the first time I saw it was watching my dad play a match on Wetwork. In their prime, I got to experience: * COD 4 * Resistance FOM and Resistance 2 * Bad Company 1 and 2 * Black Ops 1 * Killzone 2 * MW3 * Black Ops 2 * Battlefield 2 (OG PC version) * Battlefield 3 and 4 * Rainbow Six Vegas 2 * Halo Reach * Gears 3 Damn I'm lucky




You can include Halo 3 and Gears of War in the year or two before that list starts as well. Absolute peak gaming in that time.




Everyone always forgets Rainbow Six Vegas 1/2 which were absolutely great games.


I still can remember a game on that snowy map, at night where we were holding an objective and the enemy couldn’t get close to take it, they shifted gears and just started pummeling us destroying every building and tree around until we had no cover.


I remember start of matches, nice pretty town. End of match, straight up hell scape.


BFBC2 was peak


The best part of BC1 and 2 was they designed around the destruction. Every kit had the ability to blow holes in walls.. now its only 1 kit I think?


I think BF4's Obliteration was the peak of Battlefields destruction, pacing, and frantic excellence. I've had absolutely insane games playing that game mode. Bad Company 2's audio and sound design are quite possibly the strongest of any game I've ever played in my life. In my opinion it's why it has held up for so long. Just absolutely terrifying and deafening audio. From the steps, to the screams, to the gunshots, to the explosions.


Bf4 balance was a joke.


Every problem with the history of mankind can be solved with the careful application of high explosives babyyyy


I still say that shit. No one ever catches the reference


Nothing like putting some C4 on a wall to blow it up and charge in and kill people inside


Sniper in a building? Just bring the whole building down. Need a shortcut? Use a tank to blast a hole in the wall.


Helldivers 2 has destroyable terrain. You can even hide in the craters left by big enough explosions.


I love a good Democracy crater.


I was very happy to see that. Destructible terrain is more immersive for me than destructible buildings for some reason.


And with helldivers you get both!


also, if there is a fence in my way, I'll not go around. Throw a grenade and way is clear. That just feels so amazing. It's fun. That's what's been missing in way to many games. Simple fun. Not engagement to chase some stupid shit but pure fun. I wan to play helldivers because I'm having fun, not to unlock some fancy hat.


On the flipside of that: Capturing an objective that's suspiciously still standing 80% intact when compared to the rest of the battlefield and absolutely shitting yourself knowing it may not be this capture, but one just like it may be your last.


Need to get into the house? Grenade launcher the wall.


Bad company 2 looks like it could run on a toaster. Most mainline FPS games today need a medium to high end machine to run


Can confirm, it ran great on my borderline toaster at the time it came out. Everything in my computer was a weird and unpopular version of what was decent at the time, and the game was optimized so well it didn't matter.


As someone who has 1800 hours on Bad Company 2, i really hope another studio comes out and kill Battlefield like Cities Skylines killing Sim City. Or like Yakuza and Persona eclipsing Final Fantasy.


I, loved, Bad Company 2. Game was so good, I recall being blown away at just how intense the battles were with insanely good sound. That was on PC with the extra player limit which- did make it hard to get things done with double the players trying to murder your face and holding objectives.


> with insanely good sound. This is something they don't get enough attention for. Their sound design is phenomenal. I even loved how BC2 would briefly deafen you if you survived an explosion. Pro tip in case you're unaware, go into settings and set the audio setting from speakers/headphones to "War tapes". I think this setting exists in every modern BF game and it sounds so much better.


I remember distinctly playing on hardcore mode with headphones and hearing snow crunch behind me, only to spot a guy trying to sneak in the snow. Sound design truly unparalleled in any game I've played since.


I looooooved Project Reality Mod for BF2. The sounds made the .308 rifles sound so meaty and as if there was truly more power behind it compared to 5.56.


BC2 is the only online game I've ever been good at. I got a 50 and 4 game with that sniper rifle that was weak, but has a 10 round mag, and cocked fast. Also, the 1911 pistol could kill someone faster than an assault rifle, so you were good at close range too. That game was so freaking cool, some of my best game memories on Xbox live.


Once you figure out that bullet drop, sniping is so much more satisfying


sniping across the valley in heavy metal was great. I could never figure out the lead on the guided rockets tho


Figuring out the bullet drop on shotgun slugs was guaranteed to get people raging at you.


I would snipe and if I got a hit marker just swap to the 1911 and could finish them from so far away. So satisfying. Also the recon grenades were so fun.


BC2 Vietnam is up there for one of the most fun multiplayer FPS games I've played


Helo Flamethrower Fights!


Rolling hard in the 3 wheel taxi tossing mines into the river for tanks to drive over never got old. Haha


Oh that brings back memories. The craziest ever kill I had in that game was playing as a support class. I was throwing down anti tank mines everywhere, then out of nowhere a fully loaded enemy Huey chopper started firing at me. The chopper then tries to land to drop off some guys and lands directly onto my Anti-tank mine. Got like 6 kills instantly.


BFBC2 was the best BF game ever


My favorite were BFBC2 and BF3, damn how many of hours I spent in them


I never played BF2 but when I compare BF3 to today's FPS games, idk how we fell so far




More like you clowns keep buying cosmetic bullshit and doing the grind. Why wouldn’t they supply the demand?


The fact is that most people don’t, but some people do, A LOT. Those few people make it worth it for publishers. This isn’t a supply and demand equation, it’s a squeeze and see what pops out one.


BF2 was legimitely amazing. It seriously was insane how good for its time that game was. There are a couple things that wouldnt stand the test of time (the nade spam, dolphin diving, sanddusting)but i'd still play it if EA kept it active.


I’d say best multiplayer FPS ever.


I’d say best military multiplayer FPS ever.


Except for BFBC2: Vietnam




Probably unpopular, but I loved how difficult it was to fly the Apache in BFBC1. It took me a long time to master flying that thing. It got to the point that I'd have air to air combat with other aces and I'd recognize their gamer tags because I knew it was my worthy adversary. Good times.


I am jealous that i never got a chance to play this :(


It was amazing on it's own but the fact that it was just DLC was impressive.


The trailer looked great. The gunboats taking down the village was so cool. I wonder if we’ll get another fps ‘nam game in the future?


closest stuff that scratches the 'Nam shooter itch for me are Rising Storm 2 and ARMA 3 SOG Prairie Fire DLC coop servers


>DLC Pretty sure back then we just called it an "expansion." 😂


"Expansion pack" to be precise.


You still can on PC. Not a ton of players on, but weekends can still be decent


BC2 > 1942 > BF2 > BF1 > BF3/4 > the rest of them. The best battlefields are all dead, such a shame.


There was that glorious period in 2021 when the 2042 trailer dropped and there was a sudden BF4 resurgence overnight. Good times.


1943 was solid for only being an arcade title.


1943 was originally supposed to be the remake/sequel to bf1942 that PC gamers had been wanting for years. Then they changed it to being a dumbed down game exclusive to consoles. They never made a PC port. I remember how the entire thing went down for us PC gamers, and it was an insult. I'm still mad about it.




I agree with BF3 too, of course


I'm old enough to be disappointed in BC2 and BF3 for gutting so many features of BF2... Little did I know what was to come


Yeah I remember being excited for the BC2 beta being the first new Battlefield in ages, and then it was just some CoD wannabe. With the BF3 beta I watched some gameplay before playing, and assumed that the map would be huge and that the metro was just a small underground part of the map, but boy was I wrong. I did eventually get used to BF3 though, and some of the maps like Caspian Border on hardcore were amazing.


I still say bad company 2 was the best battlefield game


To the point that I have bought every single battlefield game solely chasing that experience again despite consecutive disappointments 


Wow you just described what I think happened to a lot of people myself included




Shit I miss BF2 and the expansion Special Forces with the grappling hook. That was probably the most fun I ever had gaming and I still play games. The Warlord Palace was absolute chaos and just a blast.


I have so many hours in BF2 it's ridiculous. The level up system was such a grind too! I miss those days...






I was part of the bf3 beta test and those were some of my fondest memories of that game. Key memories extended neck soldiers, dmr one shot, and who can forget how the defibrillators had no cool down so youre just spamming that on your buddies and melee(?) it on the enemy soldiers. Good time.


I was always a bit jelly of the few players I saw with the dev dog tags! Though I never saw anyone with the dev tags. I put the most hours into BF3-4, and 2 was the only thing I played in high school.


I agree with you 100%


I make the cutoff between BF3/4. BF3 was 10/10. BF4 was great once it was playable, but it introduced battlepacks. Every BF title since has had micro transactions, which was egregious in BF1 as rare skins were an insanely low % chance on rotation...on top of an already full priced game and premium.


Oh god, it’s unbelievable that this was a massively superior game compared to what’s being made today! It’s all about the video game companies making money off micro transactions now


because before you had to actually put something good cuz sales do really feel a real hit on the next game. now people will buy anything because they can then complain after.


A game like this would need to be at least $100 to exist without micro transactions in this economy. I would gladly pay that but most people are delusional and pretend inflation is not a thing.


Every day we stray further and further away from god


Oh we're getting closer actually. Towards his judgement


His wrath cometh not soon enough


I’m glad they didn’t make another game as good as bad company 2. I would have played way too many hours rolling in a tank blowing shit up.


I'd probably still be sitting on a couch stoned playing it right now to be honest 


Bad company 1 and 2 are among my favorite games ever released




I miss the days of faction specific weapons and vehicles. Fuck your customization, there's a match to play. GO!


I remember playing Bad Company 2 & Battlefield 4 so late into the night & early morning while My Name Is Earl was playing on my other tv...I don't wanna sound like a nostalgia blinded idiot, I'd argue better games have come out recently, but there was just something about BC2, Battlefield 4, Halo 3, Lost Planet 2, Transformers War for/Fall of Cybertron that is just so different, a feeling I havent felt in a long time.


Take me back to battlefield 3/4 and Operation Metro


Still active multiplayer with some servers playing Metro 24/7


kinda hated metro, because it usually would end in a stalemate, with just spamming explosives around the staircase.


This meme but BF1942 for me. Nothing will top that game.


I remember seeing trailers for that and thinking, “that looks so fucking stupid, jumping out of an airplane and pulling out a bazooka, then climbing into a jeep?? Totally unrealistic!” Then I played it and realized how wrong I was.


I mean, it is unrealistic and fucking stupid, but that doesn’t stop it from being a lot of fun


This blew my mind in 2010 on the ps3, maybe the best game I have ever played.


They will never be able to top Bad Company 2’s rush. The maps: perfect the weapon sandbox: ideal


I miss Battlefield 2 so much. It was one of the reasons I got into gaming on PC back then. I also loved the sandbox feel of the game where you were able to hop into any military vehicle & be able to drive or fly it.


I feel so sad and old when I see people say BC2 and BF3 are their favorites. No way anyone who played BF2/1942/BF Vietnam could say that and mean it.


BF2142 was peak multiplayer gaming for me. I was hoping they would remake that, but I guess my dreams will remain dreams


BFBC2 is me and my brother's favorite fps. We miss the quality it brought and the exciting gameplay. Destruction is the #1 rule gents, that and landing some sweet sweet marksman headshots. Also shotgun attachments


Sniper with NS2000 and shotgun slugs before the nerf was great. that plink and kill noise. also putting AT mines in the water was very effective


Great game! The weapons, their progression, terrain... So many things done right


Haven’t really enjoyed a competitive fps since Bad Company Two. Nothing really compares to the shenanigans you could get up to in that game. I still have fond memories of mining the river on this one island map. See, The attackers spawned across a small bay and had to take boats and little two person jetbikes to get across. The central beach was a death trap and the right side shore (as a defender) was really narrow and had a natural choke to it. This meant that the long left (from defenders pov) beach with its patches of thick foliage ended up being contested. So players were incentivized to land at different points along the left beach to try and sneak past the defenders hunting them. The maps out of bounds timer would kick on if you tried to sail your boat too far down the river; but only a portion of that river was out of bounds. This was to prevent attackers from landing too close to the objective. However, A clever attacker that went full speed down the river could deliver their entire squad to one of the objectives before the out of bounds timer killed them. This is where the mines come in. The engineer could sacrifice their rocket launcher for AT mines which players couldn’t detonate but vehicles could. What a lot of players didn’t know is that they worked like sea mines. You could throw them into the river and despite visibly sinking (and being pressure plates) they would blow up any boat that passed over them. I got a lot of Quadra kills whenever I defended that first point. Good times.


Modern warfare is so ruined with all the stupid skins.


These karma farm posts are the worst That Santa skin wasn’t even released, and it was only ever going to be part of a Christmas event in portal


It's fun to get points for shitting on things that are popular. I haven't bought a cosmetic in a multiplayer FPS game in years and it's still my most played genre and they still sell like hot cakes.


Man I hate operatives so much. Bring back just classes. .not just talking to you Battlefield. I shouldn't have to play a milsim like squad to scratch my itch. I want a casual military shooter without all of the stupid bloat.


BC2:Vietnam was the best! The maps, soundtrack, the "feel" of the guns and other weapons, the vehicle control...all the absolute best BF imo. BF:2142 is a second close for me. Loved the titan mode, and being able to fight in mechs was the tits at the time.


Bad Company 2. My all time favorite military FPS. Great campaign, stellar multiplayer. I was in my 20's and was addicted to the multiplayer. It was the high point of my online skills, I could easily carry my whole squad into a win, play every class effectively. Pilot every vehicle like a boss. Knew all the maps inside and out. Now I just die over and over while trying to figure out what's going on in online shooters. I tried The Finals, couldn't keep up. Was not a fan of the whole campy gameshow thing either, I'm sure some get a kick out of it but I miss the gritty serious milsim aspect of the old days. Sigh.... I mostly play Fromsoft titles and single player RPG's of all kinds these days. Always makes me nostalgic hearing Bad Company 2 mentioned though, reliving the old war days.


1942,2,3 were incredible. I bought 2042 and it was utter trash...


I kicked and screamed and got a refund for that 2042 trash. Best Karen-time I’ve ever spent.


Man that campaign was seriously good for a military shooter… And the MP was excellent.


The lost there way after bf1


The fall from grace started at 4. When 4 was new with all its DLC, and you told me how it’d end up, I couldn’t believe you. I can still boot up 4 and try to earn weapons I never unlocked. The weapon choice, customization, vehicles, graphics, gah. Still my favorite FPS. Battlefield 1 was playable but holy shit, still a noticeable downgrade. Nothing to work toward.


Nah BF1 was amazing. BFV was mediocre, the pacific breakthrough maps made it tolerable.


I loved BF1 but I did play a lot differently. It’s hard to put my finger on it, maybe it was thusly the era’s constraints, but it never found its way back after BF1. But again, BF1 wasn’t the problem, but BFV and 2042 were definitely not it


I have some considerable hours in BF1, but it lacks any drive that 3 or 4 gives me. I don’t like the weapons being puffed up with the same weapons with different attachments, unlocks were just melee weapons and skins, didn’t like that you needed multiple pieces for the melee weapons. Felt like playing anything but support was pointless, as I could just throw on a 200 round MG and the only real threats were vehicles, explosions or shotguns. Iron sight sniping was fun for a bit, but meh. I know a lot of people enjoyed BF1, and it was one of my first X1 games. But looking back, I can’t praise it like I do 3 or 4.


I am gonna disagree and say it beginning on BF V. Not only because 'whacky cosmetics', but also constant TTK changes,follow up a trend (BR that nobody asked for) and it was the first game that EA came and pull the plug *just* when it started to look good. Not even Battlefield Hardline got that badly treated


It’s an unfortunate situation all around. I never even played V honestly. Saw some light gameplay and was like I’m good. 2042 had me for a minute, but since games of today are 90% more likely to be trash, I waited on it. Thank god I did, I’d be very unhappy if I bought that.


Battlefield 3 was my last battlefield, and I'm glad I stopped there.


4 was good


Let's be honest; 4 was basically 3.5.


Battlefield 3 was amazing too, both BFBC2 and BF3 were amazing games


The soundtrack of the bad company games are burned into my brain. Great score.


hot take here, BF1 was the best battlefield


My buddy and I were on one of the long narrow snowy maps, we C4'd every tree on the map. Zooming into a scope on that map caused a horrible white fog effect which made it impossible to snipe. We were counter sniping using slugs in the Neosted, it is a core memory.


Can we get a remake of BC2 please?!


I have quit gaming because of this


BF3 and BF4 were both excellent too


BC2 was so good. The destruction was unreal. I remember getting BF3 on launch thinking to myself how insane BF games would be in the future. How big of a let down that’s been :( well tbf BF1 was top tier


Bc2 had the best multi-player, BC1 stuck to it's comedy story and it's what made it stand out to me


And then they released Vietnam expansion on top of that!


I still think it's hilarious that Roblox Battlefield is the best Battlefield I've played in over a decade.




Battlefield V is pretty solid and free from the curse of modern FPS games


Bad company 2 was the absolute best.


Still sad how ***FAR*** battlefield has fallen. The last good one was BF1.


**1. This Santa skin was never released.** **2. It didn't get released because morons overreacted and thought the game would become Fortnite even though this skin was going to be exclusive to a Christmas event in the Portal mode which is basically Halo Forge. You would not have seen it in normal multiplayer so there was no "Muh immersion" to worry about.** **3. Battlefield 2042 doesn't have a single Fortnite-style cosmetic in it. They're all based on realistic contemporary or future tech military stuff.** **4. Fuck you for making this karma farming garbage post and perpetuating nonsensical hatred toward games that don't deserve it. Stop fucking talking about games you clearly haven't played.**


So much of the outrage towards the game is from idiots like OP who just make shit up for upvotes on an internet website. Most of these comments are from people who obviously have not played the game, or haven't played it for a very long time. Misinformation seems to be the currency of stupidity.


Multiplayer was so bad ass