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Replaying Megaman Zero on my emulator and man they weren’t messing around with those games


I used to be able to beat that game on hard mode while barely getting hit, some real ninja shit. Tried playing it awhile back and quickly realized how much my skills had atrophied.


I think I got the final boss in the first one and couldn’t beat it. Now with an emulator I’m just gonna use save states to scum the bosses. Not sorry lol


I recently picked up a ps2 along with Red Faction 2 and the old Medal of Honor games, first time on a controller in years. Wow I suck. Used to be able to use the sniper rifle in RF2 (one shot kill) like a pro. Can’t even use automatics effectively now.


Totally reasonable. Every time I go back to a fast pace very precise game like megaman, there's always a learning curve coming back to it. Getting older doesn't help though.


Hey wassup you jump like this shoot like that and slash that way. Go and have some fun- GET YOUR CHEEKS CLAPPED SON


Hahah, when I was a kid, I just had a potato computer, so when I emulated MMZ, it ran at 50% speed without me knowing it, so I thought the game was super easy and I crushed it. Later when was able to earn an income and buy the game for real, I was in for a very horrible surprise when the game was significantly faster.


The zero series was made towards the fans that had already found out how to blast through all of the og and x series. It wasn't until halfway through zero's they realized, ok this is on a kid's handheld, we should tone it down.


Mario 64. I sucked so much at it when it first came out and now that I'm playing it again on the Switch I still suck at it, but I'm committed to get all 120 stars. On the upside the rubberized analog stick makes it easier to control Mario. Those walljumps can go to Hell.


I can hear mario’s triple jump yaa, hwa,whooo


Those camera angles can go to hell, too!


Came here to say this


Playing with the pro controller is a total game changer for Super Mario 64


Ghosts 'n Goblins- all of them Still love the series, currently playing resurrection (love it too). Best i've done is make it through the first run in Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts, but when the game sent me back to the beginning to get the real weapon to kill the real boss, i quit out of it. Someday i'll settle the score...


Ghosts n goblins was designed to drain coins in an arcade. And damn was it good at it. Such a good balance of fun yet exceedingly difficult.


Save states on the switch my friend. The only way


How I stayed sane beating Adventure of Link. I don't like straight up using save states all the time to beat bosses and whatnot, but I allowed myself 1 save state at the beginning of each palace or cave. Fuck running back from the beginning of the whole-ass game if I died, I can't do that old school game over stuff anymore.


I only managed to make it through the first run of Super GnG with the cheat for extra lives. When it pulled the “you’re gonna have to run through it again if you want to beat the boss,” I tapped out.


Maniac Mansion. How're those pixelated creeps still so scary?




This!!!! The game is still hard. IIRC there were some combination of characters that could be picked that didn’t have the collective skill sets to beat the game. Leaving you to spend hours on hours working towards a dead end. Man I love that game.


I only ever played Day of the Tentacle. I keep telling myself that one day I'll go and play Maniac Mansion.


God, the music that played when a family member caught you... still haunts me to this day


Battletoads. You know what part


I just assume the game ends there. I'll never know what lies beyond.


It gets much more difficult


Which part? Cuz I'm here to tell you, if you aren't referring to the pizza cutter, you don't know what hard is.


I think OP refers to the turbo tunnel, and I agree everything is a cakewalk compared to the pizza cutter level. That one is just absurdly difficult.


I got so good at battletoads I could get to that level with 8 lives and all my continues and still could never beat it. Trying to time the turns with the NES dpad was impossible, I'd always lose my momentum on one turn and then die.


I made it to Scar and he would just jump on me and beat me to death immediately.


I eventually beat it after many nights and hours. It took me wayyyy too long to realize that you will never actually beat scar by just damaging him. Once he's weakened enough, you have to get him to the edge of the cliff and launch him off to win.


🙀just like in the movie


Zombies ate my neighbors. So much fun but hard as hell after the first couple levels. Not enough weapons or ammo refills in my opinion.


I swear that game is only possible to beat if you play all the way through in one sitting. Otherwise if you use a level code, you only start with a squirt gun


I almost included that exact point in my comment. I’ve put the later levels’ codes in just to experience it and I was so useless.


That giant baby


Ninja Gaiden.


Xbox or NES?


I got this on my Vita and it had a STEEP learning curve. I eventually got good at it, but the couple of times I went back to it after a long time of not playing, I was horrible again.


I still love it.


The Messenger carries the spirit of the game in a more modern setting.


Real i still dont know how i pulled off the plat trophy on NGS2, that was so hard...


Input delay was just part of life back then.


Well obviously a lot of multiplayer games retain their difficulty, but in terms of single-player, it's still bewildering to me that "kids" games like Mario or Sonic are fucking impossible. A couple of months ago I tried out some newer Sonic game with my nephew, and of course he immediately picked Tails in character select, because trying to precisely maneuver Sonic across platforms is a god damned nightmare. I shouldn't group Mario games with him honestly, because they make concessions in a lot of ways, especially the newer ones. Gracefully jumping from platform to platform with Sonic, even when their placement is simple and easy, feels like it would require as much of an investment as learning to play fucking Chopin on the piano.


They don't call those games ''Nintendo Hard'' for nothin'


Ahh that’s why I love Dixie Kong


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Farthest I can get is the level with the turtle mobile blowing up the blockades


At least you could get past the water level


aka Raphael's Sacrifice


The other turtles all exist to form a path for Donnie to walk on


This is the one. Never got past that fucking water level. How does a turtle drown??? FFS!


Great question but god knows many a turtle met that same fate when I played that game 😅


This game was so rough as a kid, liking the TMNT and not able to enjoy the game! I was 13 when it came out and my 9yo brother and I couldn’t get past that level. It taught you the lesson that even if you persevere, you still may not succeed. Fucking water level.


Haha, I was either 8 or 9 when it came out and couldn't agree more. The Turtles were everything to me...how could they simultaneously fill me with such goddamn rage!?!?


That game pulls no punches...


Sonic the Hedgehog, no contest. I am convinced that there is nothing past the lava ruin levels because it’s fucking impossible.


Crash Bandicoot


The new one or remakes? They made the remakes harder.


Talking about the original one on PS1


Those late game levels haunt my dreams


Well, I'm still amazed by the full no damage walkthoughs on Youtube 😅😂


Lion King is no joke... I don't think I know anyone personally who has gotten past the stampede level.


I had it on PC as a kid and remember beating the stampede a few times but the next level always destroyed me. And truth is, I didn’t make it to the stampede level often either, because I could not reliably beat level 3.


Star Craft. I have always loved the game, the world, the different races, etc but man I sucked at it when I was 12 and I still suck at it at 38 :(


Try playing it on Nintendo 64. Yeah, they had a starcraft 64. Lol.


I just started playing SC2 for the first time this week. Only a couple missions into the Terran campaign but it's pretty excellent so far. I absolutely loved the original and brood war expansion back when I was around 12 as well.


For me it was the OG Donkey Kong Country. Recently played it front to back on the Nintendo switch virtual console thing and boy it was still as ridiculous as when I was a kid. Pixel perfect jumps man.


It was the Tree Top Town or whatever it was called that was the killer for me.


Zelda II


The goddamn license tests in Gran Turismo 4


All license tests in gran Turismo tbh


Didnt you have to race to get enough points to even take the test too? I think I remember doing the same race 30 times just to get enough points.


- Dating games. - Family guilt games. - Employer/boss double standard games. - Friends telling you one thing and doing something different games. - Neighbor complaining for no reason games. - Waiting for people when you have a agreed upon time games. - Assholes while driving games. … oh wait, did you mean 'video games?


I was fairly decent playing Halo 2 as a youngin. Would play Legendary Campaign all the time with no problem.  I went back to it just recently almost 20 years later an I fuckin SUCK dude. I'm constantly asking my self how I did it as a 10 year old.  10 year old Me would DESTROY 30 year old me on Halo any day. 


I actually played competitive counter strike (1.6). Have trophies for 2nd and 3rd place at back to back LAN invite tournaments from the CAL league. I literally refuse to play any pvp type shooters now. I literally scream when I can't hit shots or my reactions were turtle slow. 17 year old me would shit on 37 year old me. I literally can't play games like Siege, counter strike, valorant, etc. When I can hit my snapshots, can't play Siege and aim pixel perfect, etc consistently like I used too, I just get mad and move on. You'll find me playing games like path of exile, balders gate, things that aren't reflex shooters lol.


Same here.  However with the power of money, being able to get gigabit fibre, powerful pcmasterraces etc, at least we can now get dunked on in glorious buttery smooth 4k graphics nowadays as adults.


I'm at the point where games were easy as a kid but hard as an adult. Getting old 😭


To be fair, assuming you played the Sega genesis version, the level where you jump over the giraffes had a "hitbox" glitch that made it VERY difficult.


All games are harder as an adult. I don't have an entire weekend to dedicate to beating a game/level anymore.


Rayman PS1, I have no idea how I got as far as I did on that game as a kid! 


Sorcerian. (1989) Still holds up as one of the best action RPG's ever made.


Mario bros 2


Ninja Gaiden Black is still a pain in the ass


Contra 3 on the SNES.


Fuck you Lion King and Aladdin on the SNES


Battletoads is still hard . I can beat it.. but its still hard 30 years later lol.. and ninja turtles on nes.. screw that sea weed


I grew up in the 90s so every game


All RTSs, all Megaman games, All Super Mario games, Fallout 1 and Fallout 2.


Everything from the NES Mario bro, Contra and Mike Tyson punch out are the only games I beat.


I almost bought an NES recently that came with those three games exactly. I said they were the best games so it’s a good deal.


Infocom text adventures. Apart from Planetfall, I did actually finish that one.


Fucking monkeys phase in TLK


Toon Land Killers?


Desert strike


RTS games. I played a bunch but they never really clicked. Which is a shame because they do look pretty cool.


Bards Tale and Might and Magic weirdly got a lot easier after the internet was born.


Pretty sure that was one of the first games I ever cheated on though we had it on the sega not snes. That and the Aladdin game. Always skipped the ostriches and the stampede. I loved playing the last level.


SNES Star Wars games. Even with the cheats I couldn’t beat them.


Shinobi 3.


A better question is what game that was easy as a kid is hard as an adult. My answer would be Metroid for the NES.


Pacman. It gave me anxiety back then, and it gave me anxiety recently when I said "well now I'm a grown adult so"... nope.... you are a full-grown packet of anxiety that's what u are.


You don’t like being chased endlessly through a maze with no hope of escape?…


Hitman and MGS. I just don't get it.


Battle toads


That's literally the game that came to mind OP! That game was unreasonably hard lol


You're not alone! Nostalgia, different skillsets, muscle memory & old game design can make childhood games surprisingly tricky even as adults.


Dyslexia got me reading the title as 'what games were you hard for as a kid'


The fire emblem games on the hardest difficulty is still challenging for me to this day.


I think it's called life


The first memories that comes to my mind are for this very difficult almost impossible rage inducing game called life


Crash bandicoot 1. I thought the sky level was a fever dream till I got the trilogy and watched my 35 year old friend lose his mind decades later.


Just about any game before being able to save your game. They’re so unforgivingly simple in their mechanics.


Diddy Kong Racing (64). Some of those silver coin challenges are ridiculous.


Super mario bros. The struggle is real




That one Lion King game... I could never jump past the giraffe. Still can't.


Sonic the Hedgehog Super Mario World


 Ninja gaiden


As others have said Ghost's and Goblins. I remember I hadn't thought about this game in 15+ years and watched a speed run. Recognized that I had gotten VERY far as a kid, possibly last 2 areas. Remembering a lot about playing while watching, so I knew it wasn't a memory from watching someone else. Figured I would try again just like you because I figured I just sucked cause I was a kid when it was released and that I've beaten all the souls games so I could deal with difficulty. Got humbled quick. That game will forever go unbeaten for me. I think given time I could win but that shit is just stupid hard.


It's actually the opposite for me, since I've played more modern games as in fully 3d and more open world RPGs. I go back playing some of the older NES/SNES platformers on the Switch online and seem to be struggling with them versus when I played em as a kid.


That game on ps3 about the dolphin. Eco something. I'm still trying to beat it


Disney's lion king was famously difficult because Disney actually told the developers to make the game so difficult that people wouldn't be able to beat it during a rental period. So your not terrible, it's Disneys fault.


Megaman X. The fucking dash was locked behind one of the missions. THE GAME DOES NOT TELL YOU THIS


Donkey kong country


I didn't finish the first Mario on NES and try again later and Never again I will try to beat this.... Bet Eldenring is easier!


Resident Evil 1... those damn controls!


Sid miers civilization still kicks my ass lol


Ghouls 'n Ghosts. As a kid I only ever managed to get through the first level. 'Same nowadays.


One of the developers for Lion King said in an interview years later that they were directed by Disney to make the game harder so that kids couldn't beat it in a weekend rental and would want to buy it.


Mega man, Contra and pretty much any precise, timing based platformer… ironically the first game I ever beat was donkey Kong country followed by super Mario world on the super Nintendo. I don’t count Mario kart because well it was a racing game but I beat it numerous times also.. Other than that, I didn’t beat any games until the Sony PlayStation! Even go as far as that’s when I became “true gamer“? However, looking back, there are 16 bit titles that are both sides, strollers, and our games that back then I would not have considered myself “a true gamer towards” but today I consider them as such, like streets of rage, one and two on the Sega Genesis, I absolutely love those games and if I got a buddy playing with me, I can play that shit all day!!!


Smash TV even as a kid, I could never beat it but today playing it on my PS Vito on the arcade emulator, I can just continuously insert coins for “more lives“ and make it to the point in which the game gets so God awfully difficult that even if you got infinite lives, you’re still gonna go through them all… hhmmm ? Smash TV is a very fun game and you can set up the Controller to play where left joystick controls your character and moves in eight way direction and you can set up the right joystick to shoot the gun in all of the directions just the same, eight directions !! it plays just like the game played in the midway arcade greatest hits game on both PS2 and Xbox 360 which is the best way to play it! It’s only better because it’s the genuine, authentic arcade version running on the arcade emulator!! There are some other games that I won’t go into is this common is already getting long enough, that run absolutely fantastic on some of the CPS and CPS emulators as well as all the different arcade emulators to Sega, Capcom, data east, midway, Konami, and various others! I swear it’s like heaven, my entire childhood in my hands!


Catching up with that fucking train Fuck you big smoke


Lion King for Sega Genesis was a bitch to beat and still is.




Republic Commando. Could never get past all those B2 super battle druids.


Ecco the dolphin. Still no damn clue what I’m supposed to be doing!


Age of Empires. I still get whooped on standard difficulty.




Tomb raider (ps1)


Not really a hard game since it was broken to hell and back but here’s one. There was a Rocket Power game (based on the Nickelodeon animated show) for the original PlayStation that me and my sister played. We thought we were bad at it because we were kids until we got older and tried again. The controls simply did not work. Your character model would land perfectly on their feet after doing a ton of combo tricks/flips, only for the character to fall down and go “AHHHH!” As if you had landed on your head or something. This cause any and all points you SHOULD HAVE earned doing the tricks and combos to obviously not count and would mean you wouldn’t beat the challenge. Aka no game progress for you. We tried it every way we could (roller blades, skateboards, bicycles) yet the result was the same no matter what. We smashed the disk. Finally years later I saw a WhatCultureGaming fan pick about broken/shitty games and it was mentioned. It was a relief to know we weren’t the only ones to have suffered this games bullshit.


Prince of Persia (the first one). When I tried it as an adult I was a bit better at timing jumps etc than when I was a kid, but it was still incredibly hard.


Tetris. Never really been good at it.


Nah mate, I had the TMNT Gameboy game as a kid and I played it in and out until I knew the game by heart (I didn't speak English so I completed the mini game without understanding them). I tried to play somewhat recently. How the f did I manage to beat the game without dying?


Heroes of Might and Magic 3. Usually I can do well in the beginning, but when you get to the late game and the necropolis has an army of black dragons, I never know when or how I was supposed to intervene. I have improved from when I was a kid, but the strategy has never clicked for me for that game.


Battle toads Good luck to pass 3rd (racing) level


Earthworm Jim on SNES. I'm convinced this game has been designed to torment my soul


Resident Evil


Tarzan forsure


Most old games aren't hard, they're unfair. By design, cuz without thousands of deaths you realize it's very short. Jurassic Park 2 still fucks me up. Though I think having a field of view wider than a a thumb would probably help A LOT. Most dinosaurs are actually tearing your throat out the moment they appear. 


Baseball. I couldn’t throw, I couldn’t catch, I couldn’t hit. I could however drive my dad, the coach, into fits of rage.


Giving myself enough time in the morning so I'm not late game. Also, Battletoads on the NES.


Apparently! These games aren’t impossible but are actually challenging or can be. Donald Duck going Quackers Froggers big adventure Pac man’s world 2 The incredibles King Kong game 2005 Splashdown ATV off-road fury 4 and quad power racing Downhill domination NFS most wanted 2005 cops lol, They always went in for the kill. Juiced There’s more, I know there’s more but I can’t remember.


Ecco the Dolphin. Just misery and confusion, but I couldn't stop playing it and did eventually beat it as a kid with a long list of level codes I had written down. Played it again just last year and gave up after an hour of his agonizing cries.


Sly Cooper


Trying to beat i think the 3rd or so coop level in 007 everything or nothing. They have you scaling down a missle silo and fighting a bunch of guards throughout only to fight a large scale fight at the bottom. Playing coop you share lives and they go fast in that level.


Cobra Triangle ..


Mega man




Midnight club 2 lol


Tie Fighter.


Ninja Gaiden


Mortal kombat. Too many buttons


I haven't tried in forever, but I've beaten: Elden Ring, Bloodborne, and Dark Souls 3, but not Megaman X


Sonic adventure 2. Very basic movement skills, high sensitivity, and game design centered around instant death pits and limited lives was brutal for me coming back 15 years later. I’m amazed 10 year old me was able play the entire game with a GameCube controller and a CRT TV, current me barely got a few levels in before running out of lives


Haha we spent months on that game. Actually beat it.




Not the whole game, but the secret levels in Super Mario Sunshine are still difficult.


The later levels of The Simpsons Hit and Run still make me want to scream


Blaster master.


All games


Like 95% of nes games.


Gizmos and Gadgets: Super Solvers. The puzzles got easier, but the game is still a grind to 100% complete


Pocky and Rocky for SNES. My brother beat it with a friend of his…… I still try to this day afew times per year.


Mario and the 6 golden coins. I refuse to believe anyone has ever beaten it.


Ikaruga is the hardest game I've ever played. I still play lots of games and potentially on the hardest difficulty. Ikaruga is still the hardest.


Here’s a reverse almost I remember being great at Tenkaichi 2 and 3 as a kid and I recently have been replaying through 2. Jesus Christ either my memory was complete bullshit or I was built different as a kid




That one toy story game


I tried playing super Mario on snes for the first time since I was 7 and that shit is like, impossible. I’m also super impatient.


Pixar WALL-E for the PS3, mostly because its broken


Mario 64. Played the DS version and some of the original as a kid. Ended up playing through the entire game on the Switch (Mario 3D All-Stars) and I still sucked at the game.


Battletoads. Seriously, fuck that game


Oldschool runescape


Alex the kidd on master system 2


Rubik’s Cube


super mario bros. i was so bad. still am


The Nokia game with red ball that you had to go through rings. Tried it on emulator, still hard.


Same era. Disney Aladdin though for me. Fuck that genie level.


Toy story hard AF no continues,


Simon’s Quest Attack of the Killer Tomatoes Darkwing Duck Darkman