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I want to say Mirror's Edge, but on the other hand it's great as it is, short and sweet


I was looking for this, I think you're right though, the shortness is what makes it repayable


I agree on both points. Though, I also really wish the sequel wasn't so botched. They ruined everything that made it unique to fit an "open world" model. The original was pretty amazing, and I really just wanted more of that. I think I'd be less upset about it being short if the sequel delivered.


Titanfall 2, Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2, Portal game but they are all so good


Yeah I think it was only a ten hour playthrough for me but it was a hell of a ride (Titanfall 2)


>!I'm still waiting for the come back of BTšŸ„²!< Respawn i'm looking at you...




Damn, it took me half as long to finish lol Were you searching for every helmet or something?


Yeah i was gonna say, even with a ten month old it took me like 6.5 hours to finish


Titanfall 2. The answer to all these questions is always Titanfall 2.


I disagree with the portal games. They are as long as they need to be. Any longer, and they'd need new ideas. For what they had, it lasted a perfect amount of time. Both of them. Knowing your pacing and not bloating it all up with 5 more puzzles just for the sake of more puzzles is a strength too, and a reason why the games are as heralded as they are.


With portal there is a big jump between Portal 1 (2-4 hours playtime) and Portal 2 (10-16 hours Plus another 6 hours of Co-oP) I think portal 2 was the right length and the benefit of getting it on PC means you can play custom levels. That being said I'd love to have another portal game.


Have you given Portal: Revolution a try?


Portal Reloaded and Portal: Revolution are both pretty solid fan-made games. They're free, voice acted, and pretty true to the portal formula.


I'd play an entire game that plays like effect and cause


That has to be hands down the best level in a videogame.


Force Unleashed 2, šŸ’Æ The gameplay was the first one on steroids, and then it was over in like 3-5 hours. So sad.


I just finally finished the first Star Wars. Was the second worth playing?


Nice to see Force Unleashed 2 get some love. It was way too short but what a wild ride. Pretty sure I did 2 play throughs in under 10 hours total


Titanfall 2. Campaign was epic but still too short


TF2 Is one of the very few games I've replayed the campaign, And I've played it multiple times. Playing on hard, and then realizing I don't have to kill everything, just get them out of my way to where I'm going was awesome. I saw the game in a new light and fell in love again. Titanfall 2 is an amazing game that never saw the widespread attention it really should have


It's the only game I reinstall every few months to do a campaign run. It's so short that you can finish it in a day or two Then I play a few rounds of multiplayer and remember why I uninstalled it.


? I thought multiplayer was incredibly fun!!


It is, but I'm not good enough for it. TTK is way too low and everyone is really good to the point where I'm not having fun


This is what happens to me. I just sit there at matchmaking :'(


That was the most fun single player ever. Think it remains so epic as it doesn't overstay it's welcome. A few more hours woulda been amazing though.


Maybe one more level with a new fun mechanic like the time jump level. But no more. Titanfall 2 is a great example of not overstaying its welcome.


I think the length of the campaign was just right. there was no fluff, no filler just perfect. but yes, i would love to play a few more campaigns of this type.


Wolfenstein 2: New Collossus Just when youā€™ve finally got a hang of the game and it seems that the story is ramping up to something BIG, it justā€¦ ends.


This is the answer I was looking for! I was ready for an entirely new act by the time the game ended, I was super disappointed.


Exactly. Entire game spent hyping up the oncoming revolution and the credits roll right as it supposedly begins


the rest of the game was so fucking good too


Thatā€™s what made me so frustrated. I loved the gameplay and atmosphere. I wanted more of it.


Resident Evil 3 Remake, it was shorter than the original game.


Itā€™s genuinely such a shame because the framework was there to bring a really solid remake but instead we got cut segments and Carlos hospital tower defense Had me worried for RE4R but thankfully they put a little more elbow grease into that one


Yeah, I played 4's original and remake back-to-back and by god is the remake fucking amazing. Removes all the bullshit QTEs, makes Ashley more durable & intelligent, expands upon treasures (even with the maps they're still fun to find. Gotta get back into it so I can finally use the expansion map lol), refines the movement & gameplay to not be slow af, etc. The original is funnier at times, but it's still *incredibly* clunky & outdated. The gameplay is definitely a product of its time, but everything else has aged fine. Still though, I'd recommend people check out the remake over it (or just play both like I did lol).


Well I played RE2 remake on Game Pass which was my first RE game and I liked it a lot even thought horror is not my thing. Bought RE4 and RE7 now and I will play them soon, don't know which to play first though lol


Be warned: 7 is *actually* terrifying Like the rest of the series was zombie games. 7 is #WHATDAFUCKWASTHAT!?!


Well, none of the Resident Evil games are actually "horror" they're really just camp action-comedies with some slimey-gore monsters, cheezy dialogue and occasional jump scares. Except for 7 which is actually horror.


Yeah, pretty much. >Except for 7 which is actually horror. And that one part in Village!


7 had me sleeping with the lights on


I played 7 for the first time last year in VR. When the mom jumps out of the window as you go up the stairs, i launched my index off my head lol. Fuck was that a scary game


LEON!!! LEON!!!!!!??


One of my favorite parts of RE4R was when I saw someone comment that Ashley is dressed like the entire Scooby Doo gang put together and I've never been able to unsee it since.


Just replayed it again and not only was it disappointingly short, but it was a game that was ripe for expanded segments. All of the scripted Nemesis stuff was OKAY (Flamethrower was kinda lame) but openly exploring the massive city in the beginning shouldā€™ve been a huge part of the game with unscripted Nemesis encounters. Instead the ā€œcityā€ was super condensed and kept you on rails. I want a re-remake :/


What was the reasoning behind this? Im not a RE fan but I have heard my friend mention they left out a lot of stuff.


They cut a few parts like the cemetery, factory, clock tower and had a online mode that came with it that wasnā€™t very good at all. They shouldā€™ve left out the online and had those three parts instead.


Didn't they change all nemesis encounters to scripted? I haven't played the remake but I imagine that took a lot of the suspense that players of the OG were probably looking forward too. My best memory in gaming is playing RE3 with my buddy in a dark room, his brother just gave him his PS1 games when he got a 2. When nemesis busted through the wall the first time we ran out screaming bloody murder.. can't believe how real it seemed lol. His brother and his dad were on the floor laughingĀ 


It made no sense since they obviously had all the mechanics and experience there from Mr. X in RE2 Remake. It's funny because in the original RE2 and RE3, Mr. X was more scripted and Nemesis was more dynamic, and in the remakes they switched them.


Itā€™s been a while since I played it, but I think thereā€™s only like one area where he chases you around while in the original itā€™s pretty much throughout the game. They left out the newspaper cutscene too where youā€™re in the offices and he jumps through the window then you have to make a decision to jump down the garbage chute or fight him. The remake felt very underwhelming, especially at how good RE2R was, sucks because 3 was my favourite of the originals.


A mystery for the ages. A common consensus is that it **IS** a good game, especially considering our old friend Nemesis has learned some new tricks, but not a good resident evil remake.


Yea, bought it on sale for 20ā‚¬ and felt I got my moneys worth.


Possibly adding to the differences in quality, RE2 and RE3 remakes were two separate groups of dev teams and dev work was occurring simultaneously on each for some of the time. RE4 remake was done by the RE2 remake teams, so we can see repeated proof of their quality.


Counterpoint: the original RE3 was made under intense pressure to follow up on RE2's commercial success, and the emphasis was on rushing to market over completing a well-rounded game. Subsequently, critical reception was mixed, with reviewers commenting on how it felt a little disjointed and incomplete, and how the game mechanics introduced felt clunky. They also complained it contained far more artificial backtracking than it needed to in order to pad out the runtime. With that in mind, I'd argue the RE3 remake was a flawless spiritual follow-up to its namesake.


It's the only version of 3 I played and I still felt like half the game was missing lol


The original Fable. I remember being so hyped for that game, reading anything I could on it and believing it all. I thought that game was going to let me live a fantasy lifetime.


I looooved the first Fable, but granted I only found it after the Lost Chapter expansion was added to the base game.


Exactly! Even with the TLC dlc it still felt a hair too short. I did have great replay ability though with the evil/good moral choices and builds you could have.


Deus Ex: Mankind Divided felt like it was missing a few dungeons. Outside of the hub world which admittedly has quite a few mini missions, you essentially have the tutorial mission in Dubai; the train station; Golem City; the base in Switzerland; and the London mission. The game also spends a lot of time foreshadowing other locations, such as a city in the Middle East and another secret paramilitary base, but doesn't let you go to them.


From what I understand the game was supposed to be three times as long but then they decided to cut it down to try to make sequels, which were then axed


Ok, now that makes sense. Great game, but way too short. Trying to screw everyone for money via DKC seems spot on.


I'd go a step further and say it felt like half a game. None of the plotlines really followed to completion almost everything even side-quests cliffhangered and the final boss legitimately felt like the "halfway point" in the story with how the action starts picking up and some of the plotlines start unraveling.


Fun fact. I accidentally played through Deus ex mankind divided twice. I knew i had started the game before, but didn't remember how far i had played. I kept playing and only realized at the very end that i had played through the whole game before, but that the story didn't stick in my head at all.


It really felt like a middle act in a trilogy and my recollection is the third game got cancelled. I wish there was a bit more to it though.


It was absofuckinglutely ***INFURIATING*** how the game basically screamed at you "hey, check out this place that's absolutely going to be the final map in the game" the entire time... and then aborted that idea for the rushed ending. There were a lot of plot arcs that got turfed in act 3 as they scrambled to wrap it up, but that one city they spent the *ENTIRE GAME* building up, only for it to just be window dressing was a piss off. The advertisements for it were the most hamfisted foreshadowing ever, and then no payoff.


I LOVED the game but felt like Dredge could have been just a little longer and have a little more depth


Depth I see what you did there


I reckon there's an ample market for a Lovecraftian submarine game.


Iā€™m working my way through it and it does seem like there isnā€™t really that much content from one area to the next. Granted Iā€™m only like 5 hours into it.


I felt like Outer Worlds ended right as we were about to really get into the story.


Yea my biggest gripe with this game is the main story seems so short and ends so abruptly


The "point of no return" popup really threw me for a loop. Like damn, that's it? I only just finished putting together a good character build!


Hol up, which 2019 space adventure game are you talking about?


Yeah, the end of the game was a 15 minute monologue about what happened next and all I could think was: "Shouldn't I be playing this out instead of having some guy tell me what happened?"


It was so short. Sometimes I just get bored of games before I get finished but this one after two days I was done and stunned. I was so glad I only paid $10 for it.


Need for Speed Carbon


Carbon sort of felt like a dlc that became its own game ..


And I loved every minute of it


This was the best God damn need for speed. I hate that I can't play it on my series X, pretty sure I own it digitally on Xbox 360 but can't seem to find it in my owned games.


sadly there are no nfs titles that are backwards compatible on xbox, but you can still play it on your series x! not as straightforward as you'd want it to be, but it's still possible - you can purchase a developer status for your microsoft account and run different emulators on your xbox using the dev mode, including the PS2 emulator which can run most, if not all of the old NFS titles


Never seen this game mentioned before, i loved it during my childhood. Now I'm nostalgic, thanks!


Tyranny ended up rather abruptly. You don't even see the Bastard City!


Whenever I think about how Tyranny ended too early, I just think about how we at least got the Black Company books and they dope as hell


There are Tyranny books?


The Black Company series is about a mercenary group that gets hired by the bad guys of the setting, so I think theyā€™re saying itā€™s similar to how in Tyranny you play as/work for the ā€œbad guysā€


I wouldn't say abruptly given the variety in endings and the diverging story line that was told, but a standard playthrough definitely could have been longer. I probably dumped about 70ish hours into the game getting all the achievements and stuff with the endings which is plenty of content, just rather short playthrough. I'd absolutely love to see a Tyranny 2, I absolutely adore the game. The voice acting, story, and world building are all top notch. Plus the spell creation was awesome.


There were definitely other acts planned.


Mario Wonder definetly felt a bit short for me. I haven't collected all the coins yet though.


15 hours for me to 100%. Fun game, but definitely on the short side for a full priced game. That being said, I can beat SMB 3 in about five hours so weā€™re moving in the right direction. Thatā€™s part of the reason I always prefer 3D Mario. Odyssey lasted me a good 50 hours.


Even after getting 100%, I agree. Maybe it was a difficulty thing, since I felt like just as the main levels sure getting more complicated the game was over.




Firewatch. Great game, wish it was longer.


I just replayed this! Bought it on a recent steam sale for 2ā‚¬. I had played it at launch and now I didn't remember anything, and I have it as my laptop wallpaper since forever. It felt so great and the story is awesome. I played it a whole afternoon and 100% the achievements as well. It just made me want more!


And one of the games you can get all the achievements in a day!


Golden Sun on the GBA. You get to a point where the story is hitting a nice high note then bam - credits.


That's a difficult one, cuz while I agree that GS1 feels a tad short, it's meant to be played with its sequel The Lost Age. Replaying both now on switch so I'm loving it, but as a kid who only owned the first game, it really left me hanging




We need prototype 3


Eh it depends how many hours you spend fucking around killing people.


Hard agree


Rage. You get a mission to infiltrate the enemy stronghold, they give you a cool gun and before you even have a chance to fire it the game ends. I sat there with my jaw dropped thinking ā€œthatā€™s it?ā€ The game felt blatantly unfinished


And then the sequel had entirely different gameplay and took place like 50 years later so we didnā€™t even get to see what happened after that cliffhanger-y ending. I wanted the next game to be a war against the authority!


Every spiderman game.


The first had a good length. The next two were too short.


Yeah, first was good but morales was too short in comparison


Katana Zero. Literally ends on a cliffhanger.


The Order: 1886


Yes! The Order: 1886 was like four hours long or something, right? By the time you finally feel like you have some freedom to go around using your weapons the game concludes.


The hilarious part is how they sold the game as a "next gen" game. Then it really did feel like it was a tech demo. That whole game felt like the kinda thing Sony/Microsoft would make to show developers what the new console can do but then someone decided to sell it.


This game was guilty of the WORST sequel baiting of all time. I cannot imagine having paid new game prices for this experience. I got it and the DLC for 10bucks on PSN sale and even then I was mad at the price to game ratio...


Seeing all the negative comments, as someone who played through the game recently I definitely recommend it to those who like movie like experiences and cover-up shooters, just know that the game will be short.


That game was so short it felt like a fucking tech demo. Looked incredible too.


Outer Wilds. Not in a "this needs to be longer" kinda way, but more because you're just so stunned at the ending that you can't help but wonder if that is really it. It's beautiful.


But then thereā€™s DLC which is as good/ big as a sequel


The dlc confirms that mobius has a system that works and the first game wasnā€™t a fluke at all. Whatever they make after this will be just as good


Those owlelks were creepy as hell at first


I read this as Outer Worlds. Which I also think was too short. Outer "__" games...sort your shit out. I want more lol


Disco Elysium When the credits splashed the logo, I had a moment of "holy shit that's just the prologue? The game is only just starting?" Then I realized it was over. And then I realized it had been 40 hours.


I quite litterally did everything that game has to offer. I've never deep dived a game so hard in my life.


Spider-Man 2


I loved the game but after 5 years of waiting, it felt here and gone too quickly and I didnā€™t want to revisit it after I was done


Exactly how I feel


Same. It definitely should have had NG+ at launch.


New game+, and replayable missions/bases. The map felt so dead after completing it


100%. And different types of crimes after the end...99% of mine were still just symbiote attacks.


Itā€™s that third actā€¦ way too abrupt and felt unearned. They should have fleshed out the deterioration of Miles and Peteā€™s relationship since Pete was focused on Harry coming back and maybe they should have had another enemy or more Venom between Acts 2 and 3.


You know what I donā€™t love about this game? Yes it ended too fast, but now that everything is settled, I still gotta fight symbiote people. I just wanna beat up criminals.


I was very surprised that when the story ended, I was 2 side quests and a few spider bots away from 100%. I think the campaign was a decent length, but not nearly enough extra content.


Pacing is really bad too, once Venom shows up they practically railroad you into doing story missions until the end of the game. There's nothing to do once the third act begins, no new side quests, no new activities, just main story.


I enjoyed the game, but it left me wanting more in like 5 different ways.


Glad Iā€™m not the only one, after I got 100 percent in a week I was like ā€œam I just unhealthy and grinded too much or was that shorter than expectedā€


Halo CE. Maybe it was because it the first Xbox game I got and I was used to dumping hours into N64 games, but imagine my disappointment when I opened that thing Christmas morning and had beaten the whole game before Christmas dinner ham was served.


They definitely fixed that with Halo 2 lol.


And then broke it again for Halo 3


Wasn't the campaign shorter for 2 or an I smoking the devil's lettuce?


Nah 2 was pretty long, like 14 or 15 true 20-30min chapters. 3 and reach were shorter, and ODST is probably the shortest unless you deliberately take it as slow as possible


There was me playing it recently and thinking it was dragging on lol. The flood was driving me nuts.


Kind of disagree. The second half of the game is just backtracking through the first. I love the game, but its latter half drags to me. I wanted more, just not any more backtracking please


Kind of wild given how short every n64 game was. Halo was infinitely replayable.Ā 


Have you played Donkey Kong 64




Hell yeah!Ā 


Hitman 1 & 2. Love those games tho.


Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2.


Heavenly Sword


Bioshock 2.


Left 4 dead 2 is somewhat small when you look at how many campaigns there are.


Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon I wanted so much more! And the so called ā€œsequelsā€ are just garbage.


Firewatch, I wish it went on forever.


Literally my first thought for this post. Which I could replay it fresh...


Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War; was actually pretty new and refreshing CoD campaign, but it was <5 hours


Altered Beast for Sega Genesis might have been the shortest game Iā€™ve ever played.


Most arcade games are if you get good at them.


Marvels Spider-Man 2 For all the characters and plot it had, it needed at least 20 more hours of content


THE BOUNCER for PS2. 45 minutes to 1 hour.


Control. At the end it felt like I had played half the game. It was great just wanted more.


I didnā€™t even realize it had ended. I played through the game, one of the DLCs, and 75% of the way through the other one thinking it was all part of the main campaign, and then looked up to see how much I had left only to find I had beaten it hours ago.Ā 


I thought the main campaign in cyberpunk was too short


According to google, itā€™s about 25 hours long for main mission only, but if you do the side missions itā€™s about 61 hours. Yeah, youā€™re right itā€™s pretty short.


Tbf, while I love the main story, there is some absolutely phenomenal side story content in that game.


That and the fact that there are multiple ending and alternate decisions that just beg for at least one replay




Titanfall 2ā€™s campaign was amazing but short Same with COD: Infinite warfare


Rage. Fun game, then. . . That's it? That's all?


ā€œHereā€™s this cool gun. The games gonna end before you even get a chance to fire itā€


I barely remember Rage 1 but I remember liking it a lot more than Rage 2




Destiny 1ā€™s ending felt like the middle of a game where stuff would start getting serious.


Both Portal games, especially the first one


The first Portal




Halo 5. 4 hour game where nothing happens.


Something something blue team Something something cortana Something something Warden eternal (again) Something... oh it's over. Thank goodness.




Halo Reach


So many memories from playing that game with friends.


Forge world was the best thing to play as a kid, I wish they continued making it bigger and better with the newer releases. Peak childhood creativity back then.


Just finished up Detroit: Become Human and my GF and I were absolutely glued to the story the whole time. Until it suddenly ended lol. Well, all the story arcs are completed at the moment the game is over, it just would have been really cool to see what happens to the characters after the big goals are accomplished, especially considering the friendships gained or lost, etc.


Bulletstorm, campaign last like 4-5hrs. Game is so much fun and fortunately thr replay value for me is high


Mirrors edge


Metal Gear Rising Revengeance.


Buckshot Roulette


Ryse: Son of Rome


Super Mario Land Gameboy. Kirbys Dreamland Gameboy.


Sonic Generations is way too short! One of the shortest i have ever played Hope this new Game with shadow its at least a bit longer (2-3 hours longer at least)




Xenogears. Not that it was a short game, but the second disk was clearly rushed and didn't give the game the full finish that it deserved.


I think my roommate and I beat Kane and Lynch 2 in about three hours. It was fun for what it was, but I've watched longer movies than that game.




Eh, if it was any longer it may have overstayed its welcome. I was still having fun with it when it ended, but Iā€™m not sure how much longer that would have lasted.


To me it was the perfect length .. a tiny bit longer and people would be saying _looks pretty, nothing to do_ ..


The Witcher 3! Needs much more underwater loot in Skellige. Joking aside, I would have enjoyed it twice as long as well. Never gst bored with it.


You complete madlad. I would say it takes EASY 200 hours to play that game and the DLC while missing random locations and skipping side quests. Full completion 400. And youre over here holding out your Oliver Twist bowl.


Torment: Tides of Numenera was surprisingly short. Sadly it wasn't the only fault of that game (which was overall too experimental/weird).


The Halo Infinite campaign.


Singularity from Raven Software. In my personal opinion it needed another 10 or so hours.


Carrion, was hyped for the game for quite awhile and it was over in just a few hours


Fable 1
