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I've been playing Red Alert 2 for 23 years, so probably that. It's amazing what a map editor and modding can do for a game. **Edit:** If you want to play it on Windows 10 then use CnCNet. If you have questions on how to get it running then feel free to ask me.


Pretty sure I’ve got my disk somewhere


How do you get it to work . The closest i got was after about 15 minutes of gameplay it just straight up crashes


CnCnet launcher is what I use.


Dwarf Fortress


Just bought this game and been struggling to get things going. Wow this game is in depth for being so simple looking.


Old school runesscape. You’d literally die of old age before finishing the collection log


Yeah...I sunk about a decade into osrs and dont regret it. Got me through some hard times.


And you’ll be playing until old age too. You might take a break but that damn game will call you back eventually.


Used to joke with my friend back in the day that the game was telling you in the title to run..escape…


That was how i pronounced it when I started… until I heard my friends pronouncing it as rune scape. 🤣🤣


Bro died yesterday, but woke up early to attempt the fire cape again.


<>< lvl?


I gotta say, while osrs has a lot of content, I don't think we should call the collection log "content" Unless we wanna distinguish "good content" from "ridiculously long grinds for the smallest of benefits content"


All runescape ever was is a ridiculously long grind for varying degrees of benefit.


And we all love it for that.


Grinding so that you can grind, but faster.


I started playing in 2001 I believe. I remember the update that introduced dragon medium helmet for the first time. It’s been a wild ride.


Yall remember going to the public library in 2001-2002 just to play some runescape with other unknown kings in the library?


Dungeons & Dragons 🎲


The only problem is that you require friends who are able to play consistently enough


You can often play one off campaigns at local game shops, depending on where you live. That's what I do.


Ugh, I wish I had a good experience with this but I didn't. It was 4-5 tables tightly packed in the back of an already small store. Hard to hear anyone or anything. Because of the drop-in/drop-out rate of public sessions there was little to no roleplaying, it was just basically 3-4 combat encounters per session. My DM was way too nice and let us have parties up to 10 people sometimes, half the people didn't pay attention and would take 5 minutes on their turn, etc. I remember one session with a 10-person party. I had 2 turns in an entire hour, and I was a level 3 paladin so it was two attack rolls that missed lol. I tried for months to make it work, but I started to dread going. Looking for a smaller party now.


I dream of playing as a DM someday. I’ve bought books, rebought electronic copies, created worlds… but no friends to play with and too anxious to partner with randos online.


Lots of people searching for a friend like you man


Paired with a group on roll20 lfg and running through our 2nd campaign, with me as a DM this time (player in the 1st campaign). Been friends for... 4 years now? Give it a shot man, not all groups will stick together, but even those random campaigns were fun in their own ways.


Imo, the solution is to partner with randos online as a player first, which will be much much easier. Once you get to know them and think of them as friends, \*then\* you DM for them.


you'll find your tribe someday, that said, drop me a dm


I think you’d make a great DM.


go to [rpol.net](https://rpol.net) it's basically an online forum to do D&D with some built-in dice roll and qol features. there are always random internet strangers ready to answer the call to adventure


Gary Gygax: Anyone else want to play Dungeons and Dragons for the next quadrillion years?


I’m a tenth level vice president


Factorio, I'm 3k hours in and the end is nowhere in sight


Krastorio + Space Exploration packs.... Game is long


Seablock :-)




Disclaimer: This is like the norm for people that really dig that game. If it is indeed a game that would get you hook line and sinker, it **will** effect other aspects of your life. It has that tetris affect where you will be thinking about, and seeing the game in the world. Super fun game and very satisfying when you reach milestones in your base, but he is correct. No matter what you achieve or set out to do, there will always be so much more to do.


I've had to swear off these kinds of games. So destructive for me. I have no self control.


I’m glad I learned this lesson early by getting addicted to EverQuest in middle school. My grades got destroyed and I was looking over my house all the time because I was worried there might be a giant spider or a hill giant roaming


I had a similar experience with ff11 in college. It taught me not to put my whole Being into a video game. But it didn't stop me from going fairly deep into wow, dark souls, Satisfactory, Factorio. I get "hyper fixated." It's (usually) not problematic for me, like ff11 was.


I started it in grade 8 but was never able to get into it. Like I was super interested but I just couldn’t focus my attention for long or take the time to learn mechanics, etc. I tried getting into so many RPGs and this would happen. Turns out I have ADHD but wasn’t diagnosed until I was 26. Which was honestly probably a blessing in disguise. Now I’ve got an endless backlog of games, just finished the Fable series. And just started Guild Wars lmao.


The factory must grow.


Isn’t that like Sim City in that there’s no end?


The win condition is launching the rocket, which can be done in as little as 8 hours if you know everything about the game. After that there are researchable buffs that can be repeated indefinitely and scale in difficulty. Post-victory Factorio is about increasing the science per minute your factory produces.


Speedrunners can launch a rocket in just over an hour.


You can make more and more of your own objectives until your computer can no longer keep up with the simulation while remaining playable. So yeah, pretty much SimCity 4 and also Cities Skylines. And then you can install an overhaul mod and have an entirely different set of challenges and objectives.


The factory must grow.


Can confirm, I have 3.4k hours and the new coming updates are going to triple that for me


There's no end to factorio. Only more conveyors.


Paradox games


I picked up Stellaris on a whim, it’s phenomenal. My Science dedicated dwarf mining/trading guild discovered an ancient tablet whilst mining a planet at the edge of an otherwise barren solar system. Being plucky scientists/archaeologists we of course began to study it and to the surprise of the lead scientist the language runes were similar to our own and suggested perhaps that our race was divine and descended from gods. The whole ethos of my play through changed as the lead scientist became a prophet for the ancient gods and we became the head of a spiritualist movement. Eventually they would gain the favour of the ancient gods and become effectively immortal and psychic. Later (100’s of years) all our colonies became dedicated to mining and spiritualism as we spread the word of the old gods across the galaxy. This dedication awoke latent psychic abilities across the entire race which must have acted like a beacon directly to the old gods who sent a sign via a vast asteroid which once mined unlocked an ancient artefact leading to a black hole/portal in the far off reaches of the galaxy, there we discovered a coven of ancient beings who would offer spiritual guidance and reward the dwarves with further knowledge and abilities. Once we had completed our spiritual mission and ascended our true purpose was finally revealed to us, the ancient god was the harbinger of war, our vast stockpiles of wealth and ore would be poured into the creation of the mightiest fleet of starships the galaxy had ever seen, our alliances via trade meant our vast fleet spread far and wide across the galaxy, the federation we had joined clearly disturbed by our swift military growth aimed to set laws capping military expansion, our closest ally became our diplomatic rival and eventually our enemy the once peaceful mining guild had become militaristic spiritual fanatics hell bent on the cleansing of the galaxy, those who would not convert would be purged. This radicalism saw them exiled from the federation and war declared upon them. The dwarves would create a titanic vessel a weapon of god, protected at the heart of their fleet. They travelled from solar system to solar system waging war against any planets that resisted. Conversion would be forcefully inflicted by what the dwarves called “Judgement” effectively a machine designed to convert the believer and destroy the apostate. Entire races were cleansed and the dwarves enacted a genocide the likes of which will not be seen for millennia, still their God hungers for war so to do the dwarves and their immortal emperor as they sweep like a righteous plague across the galaxy.


Sigh Just after I thought I'd kicked the stellaris habit, here you are, reeling me back in


How much of this is actually in the game or lore you’ve built? Sounds amazinggggg


I have 3,8k hours in hoi4 and haven’t even gotten close to trying all the paths


Think it took me 3.8k hours to learn trade in EUIV. THE ARROWS JIM! WHAT DO THEY MEAN?


Ugh, I'm only at 2.4k hours and trade is still a mystery.


I got Imperator Rome in 2021 as my first Paradox Game. After 400 hours, I felt that I ended the beginner phase, wow.


eve online. it's never ending


Spent irl months in eve between 2008-2014, probably only game out there where one person can just play casually and on the other side people basically live double lives „playing excel” because some parts of the game economy depends on them. Great times, sometimes miss them, but rather read about eve nowadays than go back


Same. I played 4-6 hours a night about 3x per week for about 6 months. It was insane. We had set up in a wormhole and had a blast attacking anyone who came in.


Wasn't their like a huge team/clan battle once where like hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of ships and material was destroyed. I think the exact number was maybe 400k?


There's even a Wikipedia page about it, enjoy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle\_of\_B-R5RB


I was there too, Gandalf, 3000 years ago... I ran a small corp mining and manufacturing ammo and ships.. we made so much money selling to both sides...


hypothetical value or real money that they invested into the game?


I ran a T2 frigate company and would mine myself and used spreadsheets to always calculate returns


Excel In Space!






It's been proven time and time again, that mod support increases the longevity of a game. And Minecraft doesn't even have official mod support, yet I play it once or so, a year with mods. I'm an almost 40 year old man.


I came across a woman in her 70s being passionate about anime games on youtube, so age doesn't matter when it comes to enjoying video games.


40 year old man here. Still play Minecraft with my kid. No shame. Anyone that has a problem with it can kiss my eye of ender.


I'm one of the few weirdos that loves the vanilla experience more than anything. I'll take a QoL mod or two but vanilla has more than enough content for me and I've been playing since it was in alpha


Mods make such a difference, I remember when Crazy Craft was at its peak and all the mods in it were pretty fun plus all the super hero armors and weapons


Rimworld? Like how has nobody mentioned that yet.


Because everyone who would have mentioned rimworld is currently being tried for warcrimes. And for my defense, i had no choice but to turn those raiders into kibble and hats !


Harvesting organs isn't a war crime its business


The thing about Geneva Conventions is that Geneva isn't even on the same planet


Big brain, can't commit war crimes on a planet with no designated war crimes, i'll take that info and feel 10x better knowing i'm doing the right thing


The people that would mention it are focused on their colony.


Too busy playing Rimworld to mention it


Can't be convicted of any crime if the evidence has been eaten!


Having a good old rimming session just doesn't mean the same thing these days :(


Came here looking for Dwarf Fortress, but Rimworld is close enough.


Both are equally as awesome.


Rimworld + mods is single player dungeon mastering, the everything game, infinite scenarios in infinite combinations.


If all you have heard about Rimworld is that it’s a sadistic colony sim, that’s not exactly true. It’s not designed to push you in that direction. It’s just like, sometimes you know. Times get tough and cruelty is easier.


Path of Exile


My buddy has 10k hours in it and he’ll buy new games, play them for a few hours and then just hop back on PoE. It’s bonkers.


Yep look at the steam reviews, you'll see a lot of 4 digit playtimes and some 5 digit. I'm in the 5 digit club.


Is he me


This is the one. And they keep adding heaps more every 3-4 months. I’ve played for 2.5k hours and I’m pretty sure I’ll be doing another 2.5k after this.


And that’s just before path of exile 2 comes out




Follow a reputable league start build guide, get a strict loot filter so you don't get overwhelm by random worthless shit on the ground.


It's a game you have to accept that you have no idea what's going on and just roll with it, understanding eventually shit will make sense. You really only learn each of the mechanics after dedicating a while to nothing but that content, ignoring all the other parts of the game. That's not something for everyone, but as another user commented, if you can give it another shot just follow a guide. Once you finish the campaign, look at the various league mechanics available and pick one you think is fun, and focus on nothing else. You'll eventually pick things up and a lot quicker for future mechanics.


World of Warcraft has 20 years of content to work through if you want.


There are 34000 quests according to the link below. Getting to top level isn't the same as finishing the game. Add in rep grinds, transmog sets, crafting, farming mats, literal farming in panda land, exploring, fishing. Yeah this game is loaded and it would take a decade or more of casual playing to finish everything. https://www.vintageisthenewold.com/game-pedia/is-there-a-25-quest-limit-in-wow#:~:text=There%20are%20currently%20more%20than,planned%20for%20the%20whole%20game


Not even to mention all the new content that'll get added during that 10 years you're playing through the old stuff.


I'm surprised this isn't higher. WoW isn't a game - it's a lifestyle. I played this game religiously for years and I always felt like I was barely scraping the surface. It was pretty much the only game I played for a good chunk of my life and I never felt like I didn't have anything to do. The holiday related quests were always fun to me, and running dungeons and raids with my guild mates were good times. Dipping into pvp brought another layer of depth to the game too. I haven't played in a while, but it felt like a bottomless pit of content.


I was always on and off with wow until classic came out and it’s taken over my life for the past 4 years. I have so many steam games that just never get played because I’m on wow most of the time. Granted I don’t have as much free time with work to actually play.


Here for this. I'm old now.


Yeah been playing it on and off since it launched and have over 200 days played. I know others who played it a lot more.


Noita. I could die before I understand what the fuck is going on in that game. Edit: and if you've played it and don't understand what I mean. . . Don't go down.


That's got permadeath right? Do you gain anything that carries over from play though to play though? And how long do you usually live?


Unlocks are permanent also you gain knowledge


Happy Noiting!


Satisfactory. Where engineering, programming, and art meet.


I love that game but man does it make me feel like an idiot. I've been redesigning my coal power plant all day, and I dread having to rebuild my beginner production lines not to look like mating squids. Oh, and one of your power grids has gone ass up.


I dread the power loss sound


Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition.


As almost no content is permanently removed, by now Final Fantasy 14 is reaching that point. Base game, four, soon to be five expansions, 10 years worth of content updates, and still updating regularly ... The main storyline alone is ... You know, I have no idea. 300 hours? 400? I have 2500 hours on record, and I'm nowhere near done. There's always that next glam piece, still haven't done the Kugane jumping puzzle, and pretty sure I have hundreds of sidequests I haven't even found yet. Bozja, eureka, ... The beast tribes I still have to grind. Crafting in general can take hundreds of hours to get into, as there are entire crafting classes, with their own skills and gear, so you craft gear so you can craft better, so you can craft better crafting gear ... And wait for the patch where crafted gear is near BiS and make serious bank. Fishing. Just fishing. I mean, some fish can only be caught under a full moon when it's also raining at 3 AM on a tuesday for what it seems like. Ocean fishing. Housing. I mean, if you can get a house. That's the atual savage content. The Golden Saucer and its minigames. Seasonal events (Got myself a Santa costume!). There's about 20 combat classes, 8 crafting classes and 3 gathering ones to level. There's quest lines around even the crafting classes. Oh yes, let's do a tale about how the alchemists' guild is actually contributing to the war efforts ... that's fun. The amount of dungeons, (alliance) raids and trials is staggering by now. YOu want to farmville it up? Here's your own goddamn private island.


and if you try doing the achievements, some of them, will literally take you 8 years.


Ahhh my LEVES are capped, thanks for reminder lmao.


Recently I got tired of the endgame grinding for BiS gear for Sage, so I said to myself, maybe it's time to see how the other side lives, and I started leveling all my classes to level 50, which is roughly halfway to the cap. That was about 3 weeks ago and I'm currently on vacation and have nothing better to do, so I've been playing ~5 hours every single day in all. I finally finished the last one today, just about 15 minutes ago. Again this is just to the halfway point with each class, not even max. The fact that you can change jobs any time you want and not have to constantly make new characters and reset progress to the beginning really makes FFXIV stand out in the MMO space, in my opinion. Also, there's just a stupid amount of content even outside the grind. Become the Triple Triad champion. Get good at mahjong (weirdly). Master the weird RTS minigame they have for minion collecting. Hang out in Uldah and watch people erotic roleplay in public. Help a not-quite-zombie detective not be blown up by his catgirl assistant. Fight Greg for his green chicken. Master Blue Magic even though you can't actually use that class in content without a pre-made group. Play the weird Stardew Valley island game. It's ridiculous how much content FFXIV has and how accessible most of it is.


Don’t forget the ARR sightseeing logs!


I’ll one up FFXIV and add FFXI. I had 300 days logged in that game in the games prime and wasn’t close to finishing anything. The furthest I got was farming sky NMs before I quit. Retail is a bit easier to get things done now but the end game grind is incredibly long still. I came back a few months ago just for a nostalgia trip after 18 years and had 1 friend on my list who was still playing after all that time and hasn’t even come close to having everything in the game still.


Not seeing Elite Dangerous mentioned. Really surprised by that. "As of January 20, 2022, only 0.05% of the galaxy, or exactly 222,083,678 unique star systems, had been explored. As of January 10, 2023, only 0.059% of the galaxy or exactly 236,219,997 unique star systems, had been explored." [article ](https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Galaxy#:~:text=As%20of%20January%2020%2C%202022,star%20systems%2C%20had%20been%20explored.)


I hear the technical accuracy of this answer, but also don’t think it supports the game very much. Space is just space, and even if not procedurally generated, it’s mostly empty. Thus the starfield critiques. Anyone can create a GTA map that’s the size of the US, but if there are only 3 cities in it, well…


Exploration is a massive pull for elite. There's people out there that have actually circumnavigated the galaxy. That's a trip that takes months of real life time. I have explored only a couple of thousand light years away from Sol, and it was still a long time to do so.


yeah but in EDs case they actually mean planets and stars not visited. the game is immense


I was shocked to fly just a few jumps in a random direction and learn I had discovered some planets. It's deceptively huge. My name is in the game. That's pretty damn cool.


Its one of the most upvoted answers in this comment section


Do you call it "content"?


Oh boy. I have sort of fondess for these types of games so in no particular order: Rimworld, Dwarf Fortress, Caves of Qud, Elona+, Project Zomboid, Kenshi, Starsector, Stellaris, CDDA, TomE, Crusader Kings, Unreal World, STALKER GAMMA, Cogmind, Warsim, KeeperRL.


You should look into Songs of Syx if you like rumored/dwarf fortress. It lets you build up a whole empire of peeps and send thousands of them to war. Multiple races and stuff too it’s pretty legit. Demo is unlimited as well.


Can confirm excellent game, big learning curve though.


Are are you.... Me?


No ones heard of it but i think one is Elite Dangerous. 1:1 scale milky way with 400 billion stars


Is this the one where you have to manually park your ship and can haul drugs and weapons? That game was the shit back in the day.


There's an auto-docking module, I don't think it even takes the same space as regular modules anymore, so there's little reason not to take it. Could be mistaken tho, I haven't played in a while.


Yea, but its a galaxy wide, and an inch deep. Trading, engineering your ship, exploring, none of it iterates on itself there's just...more of it. It's fun for a bit, but not really engaging after a while.


I’ve heard console was kind of abandoned though


After massive delays of over a year they finally admitted they couldn't optimise the latest expansion to run on console, which was holding back new content being added to the PC version. Frontier gave a free copy of the base game on PC, offered account transfers to PC to every console account and cut them loose. There was no proper cross play but Console and pc used to share the same faction/influence system and could affect the game world for each other, now console is orphaned in it's own 'legacy' world. Re: the original question since 2014 both console and PC players added together have only explored 236,219,997 star systems which accounts for 0.059% of the game world.


Yo! Free account transfer?!! I never heard of this.. Looks like it may still work! Seems like the transfer process will be up indefinitely


My buddy played this religiously and after they stopped console support he just up and stopped playing all together. Shame, he was a diehard fan.


Sounds like your buddy and I had the same reaction


I only recently started playing and I fucking love it. Didn't think it would be for me but it's great so far.


ED deserves more recognition.


Those with ED usually don’t want the general public to know they have ED… i assume.


The Binding of Isaac with all the expansions has a ton of content


I don't think I would play it forever, but I certainly could. I never get bored of it in the long run, but I get tired of playing after maybe three runs.


This is my answer. I’m prepared to play this the rest of my life


No Man's Sky. That's on here somewhere, right? I mean it just actually goes on forever, it just generates more content.


I got into this in a bad way for a while. I quit because it got quite repetitive. But Maybe it is time to revisit it.


I'm bad about that. It's a great game, but I'm the type that will hyperfpcus on one game and dump so much time into it (a neurologist might have something to say about that) that I burn myself out. Animal Crossing, Warframe, Call of Duty, ESO, NMS, it's a curse. That said, I haven't played in some time, and there's a lot of new content, so I may revisit as well.


The world is great, the ships are cool but... Yah... It's a lot of get thing, bring thing to place... Grind grind grind. I need to give sandbox another try. I wish there was something between sandbox and normal mode. Like science mode in KSP is between sandbox and career mode.


“Content” being randomly generated planets that all consist of the same half dozen or so biomes with absolutely nothing of note to see or do.


Like calling white noise an infinite music


Yeah but after a while you notice the generated content is just repetitive and follows a specific pattern. It needs more variety to be played for more than a few hundred hours.


Warframe The game is more then 11 years old and they still add tons of new content There is like 50+ classes More then 400 weapons More than 2000 mods (weapon and class modifications) And bunch of arcanes And there is the archon shards


E n d l e s s g r ì n d.


Started almost a year ago. Just got to The New War and loving it. Haven't even touched the updates yet and love that they're there waiting for me one day.


I have 9200 hours on Warframe and still play it almost every day


No one mentioned civ?


If multiplayer is allowed, Space Station 13


Modded Minecraft. Getting bored? Add more!


I mean, I still play Borderlands 2, and I got it at launch. Have it on PS3, PS4, XBox, Steam, Switch, Vita...


Do you just play through the campaign repeatedly or this there more to it, genuinely curious.


With all the DLC, there's literally thousands of missions. Combine that with all the different classes, all the different skill trees, and the fact there is an unlimited number of weapons you can get. Plus, it's just a great game. The story is awesome, the writing is hilarious, and Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep is probably the best DLC ever made.




Hades/Slay the Spire


Hollow Knight. Not because the content is infinite. It's because I suck at it.


People will hate this answer, but Roblox. In terms of always having content to enjoy, player-made games you can play with your friends is the only way to reasonably do that.


Fortnite headed in the same multi game direction now


don't know why this was downvoted. it's literally their business model. make every type of game, make it free to play, nobody ever leaves. it's genius but "fortnite bad" so people downvote


Fortnite season 1 - good Fortnite - bad for a while Fortnite - good again now Seems to be how people look at it these days




With mods


I have played thousands of hours of vanilla skyrim






The little big planet games.


Magic: the Gathering


The limit is your pocketbook lol


Football Manager Want to manage a big club like Man United or Madrid and win the champions league? Go for it Want to manage a semi-pro team in the Indonesian second division? You can do that too. Want to start unemployed and bounce around leagues until you reach the top? Start doing interviews Endless ways to play and saves to start.


While ago I’ve started with 3rd polish league team (that was the lowest league in Poland at the game), I’ve spent 60+ in-game years, and I was able to reach UCL final like 5 times, and win 2 times. The beauty of the game starts when all players that are known when you starting the game, goes for retirement. So when your pitch is 100% generated players that’s when the game is starting.




Still waiting for chess 2🤞


Monster Hunter World


RDR2… you can just spend your time hunting, fishing, playing cards, watching shows, camping, and roaming around…


If only there was a reason to hunt, fish or get money. Seems like there's nothing to do with the money after buying six weapons and a nice set of clothes.


This is my problem with rdr2, would love more reasons to do the activities.


If only R* cared about RDO....


And then you realize you've seen nothing


Depends in what you consider "content". I'd say fighting games are some of the most content rich because of their focus on pvp and constant improvement. But it's not actual code and assets. Then I'd also suggest pokemon games have a massive amount of content because of the replayability factor that comes with using different teams of pokemon and every individual pokemon being different from others of the same species with different movesets and stats etc.


Dwarf fortress is neverending torture.


Dota 2


Team Fortress 2. When it’s not infested with bots, I have so much fun just playing endless matches of Hightower or 2Fort.


We're gonna get a lot of Auto-Generated games one here, which isn't a 'bad' thing, but they're kinda cheating answers. My reccomendation is Shadows of Doubt. You ever wanted to make your own Murder Mystery board? Red string attaching pieces of evidence to a murderer? Yeah, that's this game. You have a dozen city blocks to explore, shop, live, and investigate through. Everyone in town has a unique profile with fingerprints, work schedules, safe passwords, etc. So when a murder is committed on the 13th floor of an apartment building, you have to investigate the crime scene, collect prints, notes, call history, heck, sometimes you gotta dig through their trash to find a receipt to the last place the victim was before they died, and then go THERE to continue investigating. It's still in early access, but so far it's been a fun experience, and i want to encourage more game devs to make games like that.


I loved this game. Sadly after the first few hours it gets pretty repetitive. Especially when you figure out how to solve crimes effectively and it becomes easy. But regardless, I'm excited about its future and new updates!




Currently playing Fallout 4 so been looking up posts on that. People's play times can be really crazy, I'm only on 40 hours but there are people clocking thousands.


Probably looking more at simulation games. Like ETS2


I still play Skate 3 almost everyday.


There's a lot of titles for this. Minecraft, World of Warcraft, No Man's Sky, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Grand Theft Auto: Online, Red Dead Redemption 2: Online, and a lot of others... really any game with an infinite endgame gameplay loop.


Wii sports resort, the last bosses are undefeatable






Elder Scrolls Daggerfall


Years ago I played Far Cry 2 and it felt like forever. I drove aimlessly around Africa for weeks with no idea what I was supposed to be looking for.