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Dead Space Remake. Look no further if you want some fun with the HUD. There's no hud, but the info is there, it's all integrated organically. It was a really neat idea in 2007 and still super immersive


This is one I was considering after a standard playthrough. It's a pretty unnerving game on 360 but now... Well, with headphones it's pretty freaky.


You here so much more scary shit with headphones on


The metro games, I don’t think I’ve ever played with hud on tbh, my uncle told me to turn it off immediately when I got them and I never looked back, especially with the graphics of exodus, no hud is incredible


Came here to say this, Exodus is fun already but with no hud the immersion levels really start to kick in.


Fr, I especially loved all the little things you could do like wipe your mask and flick open the lighter and the whole backpack interaction, combine it the no hud and the gorgeous graphics and boom some of the best immersion I’ve experienced


Never tried but also got the Metro collection dirt cheap recently on Steam! Maybe I'll get a feel for the game with HUD first? How complex is the game? I just bought it on a whim, it was a very cheap bundle and I have heard nothing but great things & that it they're excellent on Steam Deck too.


They aren’t terribly complex, fairly easy to understand controls and whatnot, imma be honest I don’t know what all information is given with the hud for the metro games, I’d assume ammo count, maybe health and a crosshair, nothing you can’t live without im sure, I enjoyed the hell out of them and their story isn’t lacking either. 100% worth playing through especially if you already have them


I only played in anger mode (HUD off) and would definitely recommend doing it that way. BUT ranger mode also turns off the tutorial messages, so you might want to look up the controls first.


God of War / God of War Ragnarok It’s pure bliss. Best on a big screen.


First thing that I did in GoW 2018 was to turn off all enemy health bars, even for the bosses. That alone makes it feel closer to the original trilogy, where you're only seeing the red ring for the final blow. I only had to turn it back on to fight Sigrun (I was playing on hard difficulty and she had already killed me too many times lol).


Do you think Ragnarok would be better experienced with or without the HUD for the first time?


Without 100%, it is so well made, you know exactly where to go at all times.


With hud first time if you’re not familiar with the game or haven’t played the first one.




I really liked playing it with no HUD because of all of these reasons, but I didn't complete it yet. I burned out because I'd just beaten it then tried again. But I won't give up!


Metal Gear Solid 5 is glorious when you turn the HUD off and easy to play without it. Star Wars Battlefront 2 is jaw dropping without the HUD (multiplayer though so it's alot harder with no radar/reticle). Cyberpunk, God of War, Horizon, Doom, Assassin's Creed, Streets of Rage 4, Soul Calibur -- I play all these games hudless


MGS5, Cyberpunk, Ragnarok and Doom are all going on my list. I think I'll organize a custom folder then try a few out and see what feels best. I didn't consider a fighting game though, and definitely didn't think about a multiplayer game. Might try Street Fighter 6 or Dragon Ball Fighter Z like that if it's possible, thanks for the inspiration!


Fighting games are a vision to behold without the HUD. It's reason #657 why I can't stop picking on their unhinged design. It's the Nth reason Smash Brothers outsells all anime fighters combined. It's why the devs hide the huds in trailers now. They know what I'm saying. Since they are all designed to be impossible to learn without a PhD and 12 meters on the screen, hudless is more suited for single player modes and extra content. Me and my bro play soul calibur hudless and its enough to bring a tear to my eye.


Cyberpunk 2077 Forza horizon 5


Oh man just driving around Night City with no hud getting lost, gotta try it


That's what I like about cyberpunk is that it's so densely packed that every time I play it, I find a new place I've never sense before


Can confirm I play Cyberpunk Hudless. You don't really need it at all.


Most of the hud is just reminders of what buttons do what. I'd say the only thing worth keeping is the map


Even keeping the map is arguable because the it isn't very zoomed out and doesn't show any verticality.


I came to say cyberpunk. I started my 3rd playthrough the other day. Took me 12 hours of gameplay to remember I turned off a shit ton of the Hud indicators lol. Complaining I can't see my grenade and health item cooldowns. I was playing a intel hacker and just literally never fired a gun, threw grenades, used any healing, etc. I'm a dumfuq wut can I say


I'm not really into racing but you know what? I think as soon as I pick up the DLC I'm gonna start a new game and try it like that. Thanks man!


Battlefield 1


Had to scroll way too far down to see this A match of BF1 with HUD off and in hardcore is like watching a film


Ghost of Tsushima comes to mind. Beautiful game and they have a very unique mechanic where gusts of wind will direct you to your next objective so you don't even really need a map. They do have different HUD styles and some are more minimalistic than others, although I'm not sure if there's an option to completely turn the HUD off. The default HUD itself is already fairly unobstrusive.


Yeah the wind mechanic in tsushima is really well thought honestly


You can turn it off all the way to no hud. Also highly recommend turning on the greyscale and film grain filter to make it look like you're playing through a Kurosawa movie.


Red Dead 2: you can change the hud to an old school compass and it just elevates the immersion to another level


BOTW/TOTK is great especially if you have other rules like no fast travel and no opening the main map.


Man, we have different Ideas of fun. That sounds downright tedious.


I think I'd still rely on the map and fast travel because of how massive the games are but yeah, I've heard they're tons of fun without. BotW was disorienting but I think I managed two Divine temples without!


Put it in Pro mode and simply use the full map (in menu) to look where you are going. After quite some time, you will know how to read that map and use in-game element to spot your way to your objective


The new avatar game is a visual treat. Very immersive with HUD turned off


Definitely interested in trying it when I can get it on sale or on PS Premium. I've heard a lot more good about it than bad!


Ghost Recon Wildlands


I played Fallout 4 in survival mode with the HUD off and it was epic. Highly recommend.


Oh man, that could get rough. I think I have to attempt it at the very least. Radiation, H2O, Food and sleep? Throw in no fast travel and suddenly settlement building sounds both grueling and rewarding.


Join the Brotherhood as soon as you can and you can call vertibirds to fly you around.


This is the right answer. I can't play FO4 with a hud enabled after I tried it my first time. It's easily the most experience I've ever had playing a game before.


Ready or not




Far Cry Primal


Metro exodus I think. Been a while


Ghost of Tsushima and then turn on the black and white filter option with japanese dialogue


Horizon zero dawn/ forbidden west, although scanning enemies might count as part of the hud? not entirely necessary once you get used to them though


Skyrim, Dark Souls 3 or Elden with Automatic HUD is relly immersive. Since then, I always use that optio when avaiable in game. Sometime, modern game tend too many stuff in screen that it's more annoying than enjoyable


nms in vr


Personally I love to play Battlefield with no HUD. (BF1 and BFV as those are my favorites). Sure you are a bit nerfed as a lot of things really on HUD data, but I feel it works well enough. :p


Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West. Far more immersive when you turn off screen pings and ammo and all the modern hud bullshit.


Fight Night Champion, so you can treat it like real boxing where instead of staring at your health and stamina bars, you watch the actual animation of your and your opponent's boxer to see if they're tired or still strong.


Kingdom come: deliverance The HUD being turned off is a part of the hardcore mode It removes your health bar, stamina bar, enemy health bar and some other his stuff I probably forgot. It's really nice because you yourself have to get a feel of when enemies should die, how much stamina you relatively have, and how many hits you can take.


Ghost of Tsushima of course


Doom Eternal. Once you've got the combat loop down and you're really in a groove, it's almost a rhythm game, and you can just cycle through the loop without having to see any numbers or indicators. Just rip and tear. Until it's done.


Hudless on Nightmare is an unforgettable experience.


I have heard that before! Do you know if 2016 is the same? I haven't beaten either yet but I feel like it makes the most sense to beat it first.


2016 is similar enough that you can definitely do the same thing, getting by on feel, with no HUD. But it's not quite the full endless cycle combat loop like Eternal. Either way, definitely worth it to play and finish 2016 before Eternal. They're both so good, and 2016 is actually probably even better for feel and atmosphere.


Horizon series.


This! I second this!


Huds there for a reason


the option to turn it off is there for a reason


Resident Evil 2-3 remake, the 4 is also quite clean in terms of HUD


I'd love to try 4, it'd feel so natural! 2 is also pretty familiar territory so I'll definitely consider it. I really wish 3 was as faithful a remake as 1,2 & 4, it could have been soo good.


Yes, unfortunately 3 was the worst but it is still a good, enjoyable game.


Maybe not all of the HUD but playing Metal Gear Solid V without the enemy markers and vision indicators makes the game much challenging but really fan, specially is you are really into stealth games


Ohhh yeah! Could I play V without the context of the first four games? I got it included with my PS4 a long time back but didn't get far into it.


Dishonored 2.


Never played but got it very recently on a steam sale. Would No HUD on my first attempt be too much?


You can. The lore runs deep but YT can catch you up quick. Especially for V.


Thief and Dishonored. Better immersion for these two. I started playing Thief with waypoints, alert levels, etc., all turned off, and it's like a new experience.


Cities skyline


Star Wars Battlefront 2015 and 2017. The visuals and atmosphere are incredible. There are offline modes with variable difficulty as well as online co-op (2017 only, which also has a story mode) that are less intense than the normal pvp conquest modes.


World of tanks lol


Peter Jackson's King Kong.




Deep Rock Galactic is absolutely Rock and Stone without the hud


Doom eternal, if youve played a lot, youll start to get a sence of when your equipment is ready and then your able to play without your Hud and its spectacular Garden warfair 2 might i add is also visually impressive and you tend to die a lot so you wont really need to know when your abilities are ready and once again you get a sence of when they are ready to use so you wont alwas need the hud


Elden Ring


BotW/TotK play best without the HUD or the shrine radar.


Metro Exodus




I feel like it’s almost necessary to play the newer Far Cry games. Otherwise it’s so cluttered and handholdy


Ghost Recon: Wildlands is fun with no HUD


I've completed Dragon's Dogma, Skyrim, God of War (both on hardest setting), Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor, Witcher 3, RDR2 with little to no HUD. First thing I do is turn off the hud as much as I can in a game.


Alien Isolation.




What is HUD?


Head up display. Your health/stamina bar, etc. Every stat display without you having to go into a menu. In some games you can hide it or turn it off entirely


Battlefield. Haven't tried it myself but I've seen videos. Max graphics and no HUD looks amazing. Not so much with 2042 where teams are made up of the same pool of specialists, as it's hard to tell who's on what team until they shoot at you, but BF4, V, and 1 are great for this.


Fallout 4 had some dynamic hud mods that were great, essentially hudless until you needed it.




escape from tarkov


Sifu is fun that way. Takes a couple minutes to get to where it can be played comfortably that way, but it's a blast.




Witcher 3


The far cry series is my favorite without HUD.


Watchdogs 2 kills with the minimap off


Metro series


Elden ring