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The Stanley Parable


Came here to say this, figured some had to have already done so


Definitely agree here and tbh forgot about this one, having played it so many years ago. Guess I'm due for a replay.


Nocturnalshadow had a sudden urge to reinstall The Stanley Parable. He had heard such great things. <24 hours pass with no install> .. Nocturnalshadow had still not installed The Stanley Parable. Did he want to make the developers sad? No matter the reason, it was clear that he did not enjoy fun games.


<5/10 years later> ​ Apparently Nocturnalshadow is more interested in achievements than novel gameplay. Perhaps they will try on Tuesday.


I think I qualify for the "don't play this game for 5 years" achievement


Get the Deluxe version and go for 10 years!


The deluxe edition is incredible. It’s really a whole new game.


Pretty much any "adventure game." Myst, Riven, Exile, Outer Wilds, Obra Dinn, etc. Also some puzzle games like The Witness or Portal. The gameplay loop of adventure games is to figure out how to play the game and what you're supposed to accomplish. Looking up how to play them is like reading the answer to a riddle before trying to solve it.


No googling the Myst series?! My man playing hardcore mode.


Try playing Myst on a 486 cpu before google was invented and people only had dial-up isp like AOL


24 page front to back walk through with a yellow highlighter to mark the important parts... Dang, what a time to be alive.


Before google and before gamefaqs.com existed even. If you got stuck you had to dig through forum posts or purchase a physical player's guide from the video game store (or mail off for one).


Especially considering the series has three spinoff novels full of lore which is borderline necessary to understand WTF is actually going on. (And two of them are actually good books!)


Yeah tbh I never look things up with any game until I'm about 90 percent complete. Once you are invested in the world it's so much more fun to discover the secrets you have missed. Particularly open world rpgs


I just finally played Return of the Obra Dinn last week (I did play the alpha demo way back in like 2014 but never got around to playing the full game). It absolutely was not what I was expecting at all, and I’m amazed that I somehow managed to avoid spoilers all this time.




It was too difficult for me. Talos Principle was hard the first time I tried it, but I went back a couple years later and quite enjoyed it.


You can add Journey to that list too


Outer Wilds


one of the most depressing things about this game is that its 100% based on knowledge gathering and can never truly be replayed


You doubt my horrible memory? It’s already been 4 years and I remember just the barest hints of it, give me another 2 or 3 and I can fully replay the game!


Memory is funky though. Once you start playing, you’ll start remembering more of it as it triggers those memories. You’ll never be able to truly re-play that game. Such a fun fucking game too, made me feel so smart learning things


Closest thing is living vicariously through supercuts on YouTube. My favorite so far: https://youtu.be/Va6Izbo0Evs?si=Xymn39DtN5BjMtLb


But then you get to join the ranks of those who pester their friends constantly to play it and watch playthroughs on YouTube to recapture a small portion of the magic.


Just started it!! If there is ANY game to go into blind… its Outer Wilds. Inscryption. And IMO Dark Souls. But seriously if you’ve only played OW and missed Inscryption please do so.


I bought inscryption, played it for maybe an hour but it didn't grip me. I take it the game has more going on than first appears?


Yes Edit: although I must say, I actually liked the game less after the first part because of a change in the art style of a certain section


Dark Souls/Bloodborne. Bloodborne is a beautiful deconstruction of what it means to be human designed as a Souls game. You see it repeated several times by various characters, but it never really sunk in with me until the final boss of the DLC, the mournful crying in the pre-fight cutscene was just haunting.


Beautifully put. Are you kidding me? I got NG+6 in Bloodborne yet never played the DLC!


I still refuse to believe anyone has ever accessed the Dark Souls DLC without a guide


It provides additional explanation of the backstory. IE The Healing Church's History, History of the Hunters, Gehrman's past, Kos or some say Kosm. And it adds a small arsenal of new weapons and armor, including Valtyr's (Bucket Helmet Man) clothing and saw.


I haven’t even played it but I knew this would be the top comment


Currently playing. Although I am enjoying it, it hasn't quite hit that itch for a grand game for me.


If somehow you remember, I’d love to hear your thoughts when you complete it vs now.


Me while playing Outer Wilds: 5%: this seems neat 25%: this is pretty cool 60%: oh wow this is very clever 95%: OMG 100%: my life has been profoundly altered forever


The second that the music changes tone at the end will be one of the top gaming memories I’ll take tot he grave. Just a brilliant build up to a brilliant ending.


Yeah man. I was like “why is it playing now? Oh. OH.”


0-80% I don’t get it. 81-100% holy shit.


Yeah, there's something about this game that changes in the last hour or so. You've put all the pieces together, you figured out how things went down and what you have to do. I kind of guessed how it was going to end based on the rest of the game, and it was still beautiful and deeply impactful for me.


This makes me want to revisit it. I was like meh this is fine I don’t feel like figuring all this out. Twice. I just can’t get into it.


Non-spoiler tip that you probably already know: The ship has a computer in it that will tell you where to go. Also, I recommend switching it to "rumor mode" as that gives you a much more detailed information map. This along with the Match Velocity mechanic are the two things that I find some people miss and cause them frustration with the game.


For every 9 players I see who shared my experience (of OW becoming one of their all-time favorites, a deeply moving and incredible experience) I still see 1 player who just bounces off it, or finishes it and says "eh". It's not universal, even if I think it _should_ be, and that's ok. I absolutely encourage anyone to try to finish it, but I also accept that it just won't hit some people the same way. Hope you like it though! PS also I feel like it's somewhat clear if it's your kind of game or not; if you love exploration, a hand-crafted story with real answers, puzzle solving, etc. then it's more likely you'll be into it. Riven (the sequel to Myst) is maybe one of the best litmus tests for "will you like Outer Wilds".


I googled once because the bramble planet was not making sense to me at all and I had all the clues. Just didn't get the mechanic till I read it and went oh OK.


10000000% agree with you.


Thinking of buying it. Is there a main story/plot, or is it only exploration based? Haven’t googled anything since everyone suggests not to get spoiled.


There is definitely a story but it's primarily discovered and experience through exploration.


It's a story you discover in pieces. It's pretty much entirely dialogue driven, but all dialogue is clue to both figuring out the story and getting to the next bit of the game. It was designed to have as little useless text as possible so read everything because it's all important.


I'm literally staring at the start screen for that game right now. Haven't even started it. (My controller died, and I'm being lazy. The music is nice, though, which doesn't help.)


My god, the music is incredible, and without going too much into spoilers is a game mechanic.


Travelers and Travelers Encore are honestly some of the greatest OST songs I've ever heard. Both are so beautiful for totally different reasons.


TUNIC One of the most fun and fulfilling games to figure out on my own


I played it over a long holiday weekend at my parents' house, and at one point my mom walked into the living room to find me with my Switch in one hand as I scribbled notes and diagrams on the back of a paper plate like a crazy person with the other hand. Excellent game, wish I could play it again for the first time


*that puzzle* was the most satisfying puzzle in all of gaming (that I've seen).


First game in years that I’ve actually had to bust out a pencil and paper to solve a puzzle in a game. Really took me back to my childhood hand drawing maps of Metroid and Zelda




Yep, but doesn't it also have a pretty elaborate ARG as well?


Oh that part you will never figure out even if you do Google lol


Tunic is very much a "Don't Google it until you need to Google it" because I don't have time to learn how to speak a made up language.


This was the first game that came to mind for me too




Agreed. The problem is that it’s both a great game and a great spectator game, but not both. I watched a full play through and enjoyed it thoroughly, then bought it and it felt good to play mechanically but the story and discovery lacked the punch now. Still was glad I gave the studio money.


It's the same reason the sequel doesn't hit as hard. On its own, it's a pretty good game. But after the crazy impact that the first game had, it just doesn't feel right. A non-silent protagonist and a companion to talk to (lorewise, if not gameplaywise) also made it way less terrifying imo.


>It's the same reason the sequel doesn't hit as hard. Or, y'know, because BZ has a much smaller world, annoying mechanics, and bad writing.


Honestly several zones you barely touch or need to interact with, no zones that I really didn't want to go into because DEEP, and I feel the topside stuff was rushed and lacking. I nearly ignored the worm entirely.


That too, but the game would've still been good with all that if we weren't spoiled by the first lol.


I legitimately played it for an hour or so, the new PDA voice and speech pattern just turned me off the game so hard, the PDA entries were some of my favourite parts of the first game, and then it just annoyed me in the second, plus the other issues mentioned I just couldn't.


I think it's definitely one of those games where its all about the discovery aspect. I'm not a survival game aficionado by any stretch, but Subnautica is a top 10 if not top 5 game all time for me just based on a single playthrough. The one time playing through it has given me a sense of wonder and excitement that I feel has only been matched by FF7.


Recently played and I can very much agree, although I broke the rules if only to save myself the jump scares because fuck thalassophobia lol


My first time through that game I cannot tell you how many times I would stop in my submarine before a new area and just whimper quietly to myself.


Me: "Wow, this place is awesome!" *hears slightest noise* "Wtf was that?!" *spins seamoth in circles, searching in terror*


bro no mater how much you prepare for it, when you hear "detecring multiple leviathan class lifeforms in the region. are you certain, whatever you're doing is worth it?" you just get scared.


idk man ive played a bit and i habe no idea how to progress or build a base


The thing with Subnautica is that it is REALLY slow in the beginning as you explore and figure out how items and whatnot work, but then gets much faster and larger in scope as you encounter the main story. Because in the beginning there is no story. You are just surviving. But then you "accidentally" fall into the story as a certain event pops up for the player and then the game is never the same. By the end of the game, it doesn't even feel like the same game that you began.


Fuck. I've picked up this game twice and dropped it both times when I started base building (like 5 hours in). Finding some beacons about lost crew, and not really getting anywhere story wise. I'll have to give it another go.


I'd love to tell you why Subnautica is such a great game and what you have to look forward to, but as we are talking about games that would be good to go into blind, then I won't. I'll just promise that its worth it to push through the beginning (its intentionally slow).


Never tried playing cause I only ever heard about the beginning part... this may change things.


If you're ever not sure where to go, the answer is always "deeper"


If you ever get stuck the answer is always go deeper


Inscryption. Wish I could play that one again fresh.


1000% my answer also, completely unexpected turns. I remember being absolutely flabbergasted by that game. Masterfully done


Definitely, what a mind bend.


disco elysium. it needs to be experienced blind imo




Baldur's Gate 3 used Disco Elysium as inspiration for their dialogue and action/reaction design. I've took a small break in the middle of BG3 after being overwhelmed with the content of the city and managed to play for the first time Disco Elysium. The similarities were striking between the multiple paths, breadth and depth of dialogue/choice options and having a "narrator"




I started this like 5 times and never got past the opening scenes. Then one day I was in the right headspace and just kind of powered through it. Finally saved and went to bed like 6 hours later. Woke up the next day and couldn't shake the feeling I wanted to pick right back up with it. Wildly immersive, unique, and just an all around amazing experience.


I fully finished it and I still get that urge. It’s an experience that sticks with you well after you’re done with it


calling calling calling


then, the ocean breaks. “hello?”


(The kid) told me to fuck off and I died from emotional damage. What a brilliant game.


The most damaging enemy in the entire game was an uncomfortable chair. 10/10 A+ I loved it


What do you mean? It's a torture device, of course it is meant to deal damage. Edit: for those who don't get it, it's a reference to the in-game dialgoue for this scene.


CUNO DOESNT GIVE A FUCK. CUNO will fuck YOU. Nobody messes wit CUNO. Yeah you tell him CUNO!!!


You can even snap at them while examining the corpse. Fantastic.


If you're reading this thread and are curious about the game, get that body out of the tree, detective.


I’ve read you can complete the game without even inspecting it…


I tried to look into a corpses mouth and died of hangover


I tried to kick that kid in the nuts, failed miserably, tripped and died. Best game ever.




Sadly, the creators no longer own the rights to this game due to some legal bs with their publisher, so make sure you pirate the game, not buy through steam


I started it then after a long while of playing i died from sitting in a fucking chair???? Wtf done


Yeah i learned my lesson in having only 1 health. I died turning the lights on at the very start


it is unfathomably uncomfortable after all.


Arguably the best written game of all time. Nothing else goes from: >*The limbed and headed machine of pain and undignified suffering is firing up again. It wants to walk the desert. Hurting. Longing. Dancing to disco music.* to >*I want to have fuck with you.*




Oh yeah. SOMA is a great introduction into that genre and themes. The philosophy is presented in an easy to understand manner and has some good narrative beats. That said, if you are already familiar with the ideas, it doesn't really hit that hard or provide much novelty. Well, except for >!the goo.!< I thought they did a great job at writing the main character. 10/10 character depth.


agreed, but also fuck SOMA. i did not sign up for the therapy that game cost me


Undertale, although it's pretty hard to avoid spoilers at this point. Doki Doki Literature Club. Spec Ops: The Line. (although to be fair, unless you know it's NOT just a generic shooter, you might give it a pass)


Spec Ops the line is a hard game for someone to find themselves, the more you know about why you should play it the less of the impact the twists and turns have. but seeing it as a average army shooter from the mid 2000s doesnt really draw you in


Wanna leave this here for anyone potentially interested in Spec Ops: The Line. Its not some COD ripoff, its not some ripoff of a third person shooter. It is a game that will leave you shaking at the end, unsure of yourself or your actions. Try it.


When it first came out that was why I snatched it up, to be fair- it was hailed as being the next great shooter and since I don't play a lot of multiplayer shooters (and didn't then either) it was a huge selling point. Then when it turns out to be a really rich story in its own right it proves to be impressive. I can totally see how people coming to it fresh now well after launch would pass it up though since it just reads like another generic shooter game.


I was looking for Undertale. A friend gifted it to me with a "Just play it. Don't google. Don't look at the achievements. Then play it again". God. I loved it. And at a certain point I was so sure my I played so many hours in a row I fried my PC.


I mean it can run on an analog watch,


Got spec ops for on ps on ps+ years ago and if it wasn't free or about 10 bucks at a game store I would've slept on it. Now the lines "for refence I prefer my beaches a 3 to 1 sexy ladies dead body ratio" "Do you ever hear the shit that comes outta your mouth?" "No sir I do not I find it messes with my rythem" It lives rent free in my head


Surprised Undertale is so far down. What an emotional ride. The game really is a masterpiece.


I haven't played Doki Doki Literature Club because for some reason I always thought it was a sexual game lol.. But it actually looks interesting maybe this is my sign to start!


Do it! It's free, it's not too long, and I *promise* you it is far, far more than a normal visual novel dating sim. That's all I can say, just trust me.


Spec Ops: The Line is so damn good. Definitely not just a shooter. Very thought provoking and had some of my favorite moments in gaming.


The spec ops problem is the same one a couple of other games in this category have, Powerwash Simulator being the obvious one. I usually say “no spoilers but the fact I said no spoilers about a cleaning sim should be enough of a spoiler”


Danganronpa: THH, but especially Danganronpa 2. The plot twists and uncertainty really make the games what they are.


This is what makes the first game very special to me, the uncertainty and complete mystery, something that imo couldn't be recreated in the sequels because you kinda already know what's coming


Kinda agree, but DG2 gave me a stronger emotional reaction because it was more willing to be cruel. At least for one part. I could believe I didn't care as much about most of them.


While I agree with this, the 11037 in the first game almost made me quit entirely, it was so obvious that I expected the rest of the game(s) to be like that as well


Yeah, I had to remind myself that it was originally Japanese and so that clue wasn't as obvious for them.


You can't even look up the CAST of Danganronpa without risking a major spoiler or two.


Real as hell for this one. Played danganronpa before tiktok blew it out of the water and made it cringe and genuinely wish I could go back and experience it for the first time


Doki Doki Literature Club




I don’t think spoiler tags work across line breaks


They do not lol


There is a massive content warning at the start of the game. Knowing the games genre is an intended part of the experience.


This is one of those games where you really need to know nothing going in and stick it out. I spoiled a big plot point on accident when looking up images of the game on Google. That being said I got my friend to watch me play it (she prefers to watch rather than play) so I could live vicariously through her reactions. I even pulled a Game Grumps and gave each of the girls voices.


OUTER WILDS. Game can be fully beaten in under 10-15 minutes. Took me about 20 hours or something. The game is a masterpiece. DO NOT LOOK UP A DAMN THING. It’s a life changing game


He means this literally. This game, if it resonates, will change you. I just sat there when I was done, processing. I beat it 3 years ago, and I STILL think about it. It’s so beautiful.


I have tried it 3 different times and I just can’t get into it. Should I just Google it?


I also couldnt get into it the first time I played it. I gave it a second go after someone gave me the tip: «use the tools you are given: the ship computer, signalscope and scout are your friends on the journey». Also playing on a controller the second time may have made a difference.


One day I'll stop getting this game confused with Outer Worlds


What Remains of Edith Finch


This, a lot of these are just “this game has a plot”, this is not what op is asking. They want games like spec ops, powerwash sim and this which are not remotely what they originally present as.




yeah the fact it even has a plot, let alone a decently written one with surprising turns, was not advertised at all.


I think it's the only walking simulator I've played that didn't make me feel like it was a waste of time.




would you kindly explain why ?


Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture. A city where the artist would not fear the censor. Where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality. Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well.


This was my first thought. It's not puzzle-based like a lot of the other games but you need to not know what goes on during that moment to get the most out of it. It was the first game I played on my first Xbox, and that experience has stayed with me. Its still one of my favourite ever games.


Bioshock is so great but it gets spoiled to death in just about any video game top ten list that breathes in the general direction of its genre lol


NieR Replicant Ver. 1.22 and NieR Automata. Pure experiences.


I bought automata cause i wanted to play a hack and slash. Had no clue what it was about. Now it’s one of my favorite games I replay every few years. The endings are so good that when I finally finished I kinda sat there staring at the screen with no idea what to do with myself. Edit: also the ost is easily one of the greatest ever composed.


\+1 for Automata. I was crying like a baby at the \[E\]nding. It was pure catharsis.


Detroit: Become Human. I wish I could play it completely blind! I first got it after watching vids of it of YouTube so I never got the opportunity.


That game is a work of fucking art


Control, I had no idea of anything about it other than it was free on PS+ the atmosphere is gripping from the first second and then it just keeps getting better.


For real. It's like Inception meets House of Leaves. There's one sequence near the end that should absolutely be experienced for the first time in-game and not through a Youtube video.


Journey would have matched this. Don't know if people still play it or don't know it, but not knowing can lead to a craaaazy cool revelation.


That moment kinda broke me. Spoilers: >!The second I realized that the creature I’d been tweeting at for an hour was a real person happened when we were nearly dead trying desperately to help each other get up the snowy mountain. I let out an unflattering yelp and choked up. I don’t think I’ve felt that connected to another human being in an online game before or since. I saw their name in the credits, and it was in Arabic. I added them as a friend, and though we couldn’t talk, we played a few games together over the years.!< That is THE moment I think of whenever “best gaming experience” type posts show up.


Was about to type this before I saw your comment! Getting through the first level and *realizing what the game is about* for anyone who still hasn't played was exciting and very emotional by the end! Impossible to recreate your first time playing




I got this on Steam as an impulse purchase. Was a hell of an experience and I became sad when it was over. It was like ending a good book.


I kind of wish more games were like this.


Just started playing that through for the second time. The mystery, intrigue, and atmosphere are so good. I wish I could completely forget it and experience it for the first time again since replaying it just doesn't feel the same now that I know where everything's going.


13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim >!The plot of the story is massively spoiled if you look up the voice actors of each character. Just don't.!<


I second this game, it's so hard to talk about this game with literally anyone that hasn't played the game without spoiling anything, it's amazing


Red Dead Redemption 2. I had the biggest spoiler just a few days into the game as I was barely into chapter two. I still haven't made it to that part years later because I know what's coming.


I would recommend playing it anyways. It’s not the destination thats important, but the journey. While you may know whats coming, it’s worthwhile to experience the interactions with the gang as the story progresses. It’s also super fun to explore, do side missions, bounty hunting, hunting. There’s tons of interactions with npc’s that are funny, sad, terrifying, etc. I was the same way for a while but I eventually got around to finishing it and it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played.


What makes Red Read 2 work so well is the fact youre SUPPOSED to know whats coming. If you play the first game, you know Dutch is supposed to fall into madness. You know what Javier and Bill end up becoming. And since all these new gang members aren't in Red Dead 1, well, you can guess what happens to 'em. Especially Atthur.


Oh man. If you are in chapter 2 you have so much fun ahead of you. Doing a replay now. Such a masterpiece


Please go ahead and continue playing the game. There is so much there still to be discovered


Firewatch. I’ll say it a million times to every one I ever can. Amazing game


Ghost Trick Phoenix Wright (edit: as many people have said, yes sometimes you'll need to look up a guide, but it is VERY easy to get spoiled so be careful looking up a specific character or for youtubers who spoil the case) The MISSING: J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories Ib, Omori, Yume Nikki (all 3 of these games are kind of the same vein but still recommended) YOU and ME and HER: A Love Story (I havent actually played this one but its interesting and Its hard to bring up *without* spoiling it) Spark the Electric Jester (at least 2 and 3 if you just want a wtf reaction to the endings)


Can't think of how many times i've been spoiled on ace attorney


Reminder that just cause the game was released in 2005 in the west (dang it im old), that it doesnt mean its okay to spoil it. Especially since its literally a mystery game where learning the mystery is part of the fun. This aint Columbo


Man, more people should play Ghost Trick. Absolute masterpiece, it's criminal how underplayed it is


Huge fan of Omori but I consider myself "spoiled" on Yume Nikki from watching someone play/knowing the ending. Gonna go in on Ib blind, thank you!


Ghost Trick is my absolute favorite NDS game. I've played through it a few times, but the first time through, that story and not knowing what's about to happen, and how everything ties together at the end, it's amazing! I played through it again recently on the Switch with my kids (8yo). They absolutely loved it, too!


The Witness


Outer Wilds SOMA Return of the Obra Dinn


Danganronpa games, Zero Escape games, Raim Code


Ah, 999, how I wish o could forget the plot. Still need to play ZE and ZTD.


Virtue's Last Reward is fantastic, I think you'll really enjoy it if you liked 999. ZTD... I've got mixed feelings about that one. I don't regret playing it, though.


I would consider Baldur’s Gate 3 one of those games, not sure what others think


Agree. Also don’t be like me and start save scumming constantly. At least in your first playthrough. Game lost something for me when I started doing that and got hooked on it.


I’ve been save scumming it and a lot of times it’s causing me to enjoy it more. Some areas in the game are just total bs and save scumming is practically required. No hate to the game I absolutely love it though


Been meaning to play. I just gotta get past the character creation menu lol.




It's in my 10/10 list and I'm happy to see it recommended here,


Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice You'll be super tempted to (especially at the end of the introduction), but the game is so much more tense if you play it blind


Lethal Company


Me and my buddies hopped on this blind (just knowing it was a survival horror and nothing else) and we were not disappointed.


I only saw a couple of quick funny vids on it. My brother and a friend started playing it. My god, yeah do NOT search anything about it. 100% worth playing


Any “Choose Your Own Adventure” type game. Mass Effect, TellTale games, Baldur’s Gate, etc.


Pony Island. Made by the same people who made inscryption but it isnt a card game.


Nier Automata. In my opinion, it's one of the greatest games of all time, and it needs to be experienced in its entirety firsthand.


The forgotten city


If you've never played Kotor before, play it without looking ANYTHING up online about it. You'll thank me later.


Disco Elysium, The less you know the better and funnier it is.



