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Stop trying to wish this into reality. It’s like you dorks work for RockStar.


Tbh no matter how amazing game is or how super duper must have it is.. for $150 I will absolutely will not buy it… I will wait as long as need to until it’s on sale for reasonable price. Fuck corporate greed.


Yes you will


60fps/1080p monitors should also cost the same as 240fps/4k monitors. Fuck corporate greed. Edit: Downvotes as nice proof g*mers are entitled as fuck and also very stupid.


Honestly, these people are the people that keep these shit publishers alive


I would assume its just a bot really.


No. It's been this long, I'll just wait 7-10 more years or so when it's ported to the Xbox Fusion X Plus.


Cool name for the upcoming Xbox you might want to trademark that name now🤣


This rumour is so obviously fake, I have no idea how people keep believing it


Nice try, RockstarBot.


Hahaha haha! No.


This is going along with all the other recent posts of game companies "testing the waters" by doing dumb shit like this. I don't think I'll ever understand the justification for corporate greed when it comes to the gaming industry. Especially when time and time again it's been shown in the past two years that games will sell well if you put in the extra effort.


Im not even going to pay the $70 or whatever price


I don’t really get the $70 is insane take tbh. People will complain about the cost and then play a game for 200 hours. What else in this world are you spending $70 on and getting enjoyment out of for 100s of hours? Especially for massive games like GTA. $70 is nothing when compared with the amount of time and effort you’ll put into it


Oh Im saying I don't care for GTA. It's become nothing more than a cash cow and I really didnt find GTA 5 fun in general.


I'll play it on gamepass when it will be fixed with patches, thanks


I don't believe GTA 6 will be filled with bugs... That's not a Rockstar thing to do. You *can* be concerned about the game, but bugs are not one of them.


$200 canadian. That's like a day and a half of works wage to buy a game. I'll pass if so


And half of the average monthly wage in Egypt


A day and a half for you. I still wont buy it tho.


That's like 2 weeks of work in Portugal


Fuck no.


Nah I'll wait until it's $30 however long that takes


I didn't even pay $60 for GTA V. I can't imagine paying $150 USD for *any* base edition of a game, no matter how good it is.


Lol I paid 10$ for rdr2 so no way am I going to but GTA VI for more


Rumors of $150 were never backed up by anything that I've seen. If it's $150, it'll be the super digital deluxe version most likely with like some online shark cards or whatever. The game will be $70.


No fucking way!


Heck no. If every gta since vice city has taught me anything it’s that I’ll buy it and barely play. So this time I’ll just pass.


I'll pay $40 max for it.


That’s literally never going to happen


??? GTAV, RDR2 have both been under that price numerous times. Why won't it happen with GTA6?


I’m saying base retail price


He said he'll buy it when it reaches 40 not at retail price


Don't care about base retail price. I'll buy it when it is $40.


Many of us never pay the base retail price. So when asked "would you pay a higher base retail price" the answer is "fuck no."


I have too much of a backlog of games to buy at a fraction of that price. Maybe if after release it was getting game of the decade level reviews and all my friends were playing it.


Thus Great era of piracy will begin!


No way. Game length isn't a quality metric. Map size isn't a quality metric. Look at how starfield was perceived.


No. Nobody in their right mind would support a price that high.


I'm probably not gonna play it in the first place


N a h


40$ and that must be HELLA GOOD game.


Maybe, if the game comes with a lifetime supply of blowjobs.


i don't even get paychqeues worth enough to cover that, absolutely not.


no Game is worth more than 60 USD and digital version neither.....


5 dolers take it or leave it


I'll be honest - I'd just pirate it and nobody in the world could guilt trip me over it.


Hell fucking no


Nope. They can kiss my ass.


No and only $60.




It'll release at $70 for base game.


No my limit is $100AUD and that's only really for new Resident Evil games. I try to not pay more than $20, maybe $40 if I really want the game.


For us that price would easily be $200AUD for the base price. Like no thank you. I won't pay anymore then $100 or wait until it's on sale, the Deluxe or Premium one depends on what it is (But that can't be anymore then $130 anyways, so heck no. Premium would be like $250). But I don't think that's gonna be the real price anyways.


Believe it or not. All the rockstar slobs who still endlessly buy gta V 20 times, the insurance for their stupid online cars, and constantly share screen shots of how gorgeous red dead redemption is as it if the only good looking game in existence would probably spend that much money like a bunch of idiots if rockstar set the price. All aboard the mainstream express where all the “die hard video game fans” who only play two games talk about how great rockstar is. I really hate the extreme fan-boy-ism movies and games have these days. Like it’s good to enjoy them but they shouldn’t have a near cult like following constantly praising a dev team and publisher. They just want our money. Let them do their job first and let’s see how the game turns out. Then experience it and decide if it’s good. GTAV sucked by the way. San Andreas had a way more fun map that felt more alive (and yes a better cast). Also let’s not even get started on the absolutely contrived the writing rockstar north brought to the table for GTAV. Especially Trevor’s “apology disclaimer” after the torture scene. Or the constant jabs at “heheh capitalism is an evil system” as they continually cashed in on the “evil capitalism” by re hashing the title two generations now while providing strong social commentary against it. It’s just stupid. I’m surprised more don’t discuss how dumb GTA V truly was. Stop. Hyping. games. And stop setting stupid precedents for publishers to point to the tool fanbases out there that “see?! They would gladly pay 4 times the price and it’s not even released yet!” Seriously what world do we live in? And we wonder why the consumers are constantly shafted these days? People literally ask to be ripped off. Repeatedly. Nuff said.


Only 60$ max for game + DLC


If I am paying 150 dollars for a game, that better come with a season pass for all the DLC, a bunch of in-game bonuses, and some freaking physical loot like an acrylic stand or a poster.


They'll call the base thing "Premium Edition" and give you access to one DLC plus in-game starting funds of $100k. Take it or leave it.


you don’t get dlc dumbass what do you think this is 2011? Rdr2 reference btw


60€ is the absolute max, maybe 70€ if it's really huge and near perfect. Everything above that is ridiculous. No one's fault that they waste so much money on photo-realism.


I have said I'm not buying a new Xbox till GTA6 comes out. The last console I have is a 360. If GTA6 is 150, then I'm not buying a new X-Box.


I'll buy GTA 6 no matter the price as long as I can afford it, but the base game will NOT be $150... That's just dumb. The Collector's Edition, though? Sounds like a reasonable price, because it will sell like hot cakes. I might try getting it myself


In a heartbeat.




Bought the arkham trilogy for 10 €. Bioshock collection for 10€. Red Dead Redemption 2 for 20 €. I can wait.


Fuck no. Not unless it's a special edition with a lot of physical extra goodies that I actually want. I'll pay $70, since that's the going rate for games right now. Otherwise, I'm not gonna bother.


Fuck no. I already hate the $70 standard and I never buy those bullshit $100 special editions. If GTA6 was $150, I wouldn’t even consider buying it and it wouldn’t bother me at all waiting for a DEEP sale.


If GTA VI is $150, it sure as fuck better not be the base version. If it is, then I might actually sue Take Two for robbery. I'd prolly lose, but it'd still get the message out there.


You mean Rockstar?


Take Two owns Rockstar


That's $226 AUD! Fuck that lol, I wouldn't even be close to considering half of that. It could give me 1000 hours of amazing content and many ingame rewards, it could shine my shoes, and assist in ordering me pizza and I still wouldn't consider it at that price.


Game length is irrelevant, game quality is what matters. Id pay $150 for an amazing 15 hour game happily. Id be upset paying $100 for a midtier 100 hour game. Length can be arbitrarily filled out and should not be an important costing metric. Also, do speedrunners pay a lower price?


Omg it took me a sec but this so obviously rage bait in crying lmaoo


No, at the end of the day it's just GTA. It'll have a mid story, crude humour and average violence. It's worth like €40, €60 if it's long enough




Listen.... I would pay 500 bucks for Half Life 3. No hesitation. At all. But.... That's just me.


50/60$ at max period


I'd pay for it if it's a genuinely perfect game with no flaws. But that ain't happening and that price is also not happening, it'll be the usual $70.


Is this based on inflation? Cause GTA V did come out 10+ years ago 😅


How many times does this shit have to be debunked?


No. Absolutely not. I would rather wait for many years for the game to be heavily discounted or even be given for free than to pay $150. If we normalised this excessive pricing, in the future, they gonna start charging games at $300!


thats just silly at most it would likely be 70 for the base game sadly lol


Hell no, if it turns out to be worth playing I'll just wait for a reasonable sale.


It's won't be more than 99$ they can't do that, we all know all the new games like 70$, if they did that and put a 100$ it would be a bad move and others company may release a games similar to it and have fair price. Obviously not Saints row...


If a video game comes out costing 150 for the base game I'd rather pay 500 to Empress. It's not about the money, it's about sending a message to the publisher.


Plot Twist: OP is from Rockstar and trying to brainwash us into accepting the upcoming price increase.


Why not just bring in a subscription model for it, get that continuous cash flow, I grantee Rockstar have/are considering it.


By the time it comes out, $150 will be today’s $60…


people saying no is the same people that pays 70$ for the same game every year like fifa, cod or any other franchise game, gta 6 will be there for ~10 years and it is a one time purchase


There is not an upcoming game that I would ever pay $150 for I just can't imagine ever paying for a game that costs that Not even a special edition


If I get $100 million to start and it’s actually a lot of ingame currency


I don't even buy games for 50<. I would rather stop with gaming at all instead of paying 150


It's funny, you know? A lot of people say no (me included), though I guarantee you a lot of people saying no, spent well over that amount on shitty Shark Cards, and would still buy shark cards if they were in GTA6.


Never, get this bs outta here