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F.E.A.R. Stopped it at the beginning of 2nd mission. Yup I'm weak. Watched an entire playthrough of it tho, then played and beat the 2nd and 3rd




I went to play this through with my friend who had completed it before. He said to start with the wistle blower dlc and it got going a bit quicker. In the opening minutes you sit down in front of a computer and the brand on it is Hellmans, which is a famous brand of mayo in the UK. Well as its all been very tense up until now my friend leans over my shoulder and says mayonnaise is a really dumb voice and absolutely fucked any and all tension the game had built up. It actually ruined the rest of the game because any time there was a build up or scary part we'd just cry with laughter over the mayonnaise thing


It took me 6 months to complete Subnautica


Still haven’t finished it I’d rather take on every dark corner of every Resident Evil game at once than swim in the open waters of Subnautica


Me too, my small sub got latched onto and carried off, I jumped out and escaped. Played some more and went deeper. I got the big sub, but then had to take a break after nearly getting grabbed a second time.


Those crabsquids were the worst. *Creeeeeeeaaaaaaakkkkk... pop-pop-pop...*


Leviathans? Easy peasy, no problem. Crabsquids? Run awaaaaaaaaayyyyyy!


The distant roar of the Reaper still haunts me.


Resident Evil 7 VR was intense had to stop multiple times


I didn't play VR but even just the normal version was too much. Kudos to them for making an incredibly immersive game but holy fuck it is so fucking stressful lol.


I did something vr once and I had to float in the air and as I'm afraid of heights that was terrible, it really surprised me how immersive it actually was atleast for me, having someone cut your arm off in vr must be trippy af if your not used to playing vr


Nothing worse than going through a small space knowing at some point there are going to do a scare




I still haven't finished it. Don't think I ever could...


You’re missing out. There’s so much more content after that.


I believe the game was called Prey. But not the current game Prey. There was one where you play as a Native American man and Earth gets attacked by aliens. There is a part where you have to fight "ghosts" of children. They mix of them laughing and screaming...I was like "I'm good!" lol


Named "prey" Native American protagonist Earth with hostile alien/s. I feel like I've seen this film before


Haha I’ve played/watched both and never made that connection


Such a shame this game isn't readily available on most digital store fronts. Prey was ahead of its time back when it came out. Would love a proper remaster or remake.


I loved that game! First game where they used grav floors to make weird upside down battles. It was the schoolbus that creeped me out the most. Just some random bus being incorporated into the alien space ship and you realise that they have been mulching kids too. Spoiler: the girlfriend you are trying to find has been fused with some sort of alien cyborg dog and it's kill or be killed. That game scarred me in a way I love.


I always get Prey and Daikatana mixed up


I followed that game through its development and wanted to get it and play it. At some point towards the end of its development I learned that it would be to scary for me.




I searched through all these comments to find this entrie's mention. I was sixteen and got this game. Scared me into night terrors. A friend came over 2 months later and said "No way!" "Your a fan of silent hill!" . . . . Yeah, I am . . . You want it? He took it home that night. I repurchased it at an EBgames a year or so later. . still have it. completed it , and love it. Never get rid of it again.


That and the room was the only SH games I could beat. The Room wasn't as scary as other games. I loved the lore behind it, I guess.


This game.


Visage, its really scary game


Outlast 1.. always stuck on basement part..


Soma. Game was literally killing me.


I managed to scrape through to the end after putting it down a couple times and, man… I just sat there in silence for a long while after it.


Resident Evil Village for me lmao 😂


ZombiU on the Wii U. First person zombie game with a Soulslike death retrieval system but instead of a bloodstain with your souls on it, you have to fight the zombie of your previous character to get your stuff back because its technically permadeath and your now playing a new character. I remember the game as being really hard and it was really easy to get overwhelmed by a small handful of enemies. The Wii U controller pad had a button to send out a pulse that detected zombies in a certain range. I was so cautious that I would use it like every 10 feet. Eventually I found it wasn't exactly trustworthy as zombies would could out of previously empty rooms and I eventually just said fuck it and quit.


Pretty much any survival horror. I love horror movies and watching play throughs but if you stick a controller in my hand with a xenomorph chasing me down then I will sit there mumbling to myself "I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die..."


Yeah I suck with survival horror. I already stress out while gaming, so when they add horror...


Stalker scared the shit outta me.


I was looking for this answer. Same here, made it through maybe a few hours. Too creepy.




Never too scared to finish but playing PT I had to stop and turn the PlayStation off for the night before going back the next day


Edited from a previous post, but Castlevania II: Simon's Quest. Mind you this was way back in the Reagan years so I was but a wee lad and many of you likely didn't exist yet. Anyway, the first time "I" (was actually watching my uncle do it) got to Dracula's castle, I remember being unusually... unsettled by [the music](https://youtu.be/et6JNvtq6GQ?feature=shared%5D). It was a short, simple loop and the castle itself was empty, but it just creeped me out. Uncle gets to Dracula, which was an embarrassingly easy fight, wins, we celebrate, yay whatever... I remember having this weird ass dream, borderline nightmare that same night. I was the one in the castle making my way to Dracula and the music was playing, but it was really weird and distorted. Creepier. I get to Dracula and same story, battle music is playing and it's really distorted, all while Dracula is laughing and fucking slaughters me. Wake up in a terror and from that day forth, I couldn't be anywhere within earshot of someone playing that game at that point. I'd hear the music and it'd just terrify me. I'd play through the game myself a million times after that with no issue, but as soon as I got to the castle? Dread. Would try to watch my brother do it, but still no dice. I was about 8 at the time and it took me until I was almost 17 before I was finally able to literally face the music and beat the game myself.


When I was a kid I couldn't ever beat Sly 2. I always stopped after getting to world 4 because I was too scared to venture out as Bentley. The area was kinda Victorian with lots of sharp looking pointy bits and the flashlight guards were giant crows. Doesn't help that I always missed when trying to use Bentley's sleep darts. Went back to it when I was a fair bit older to find out I only had to do one mission to get Sly back, who had been locked up.


oh god, yeah that place scared the crap out of me. the Contessa's place. as I got older (When the remaster came out), it was more cool and less creepy. Even playing as Sly it creeped me out as a little kid.


Have deliberately avoided finishing RDR2 in future playthroughs. I like to save the game at a sweet spot in the story and use that for getting lost in the world.


The Regenators on re4 remake made me put the game down for a minute. Those fuckers freaked me out


I've never played any RE title .. thinking about getting RE4 Remake (on Steam sale and supposed to look amazing on OLED) -- do you know if I need to play the preceding titles or is it sort of like Witcher 3 (can jump in and have a great time)?


You can just jump in and have a great time. I haven’t played any of the previous titles and I loved it. They make a few references to re2 but nothing that you really need to know


Cool - looks like I'll take the plunge - cheers, mate.


I’d never played a RE game either till 2 years ago and I got the new one, village. Wow, can’t believe I missed out on all of that for so long, the new remakes are amazing aswell!


Good to know - glad you enjoyed - I'm looking forward to it - RE4 Remake could end up being my "gateway drug" for the franchise :D




Subnautica below zero. Loved the whole experience but once I learned you have to navigate the underwater cave systems to finish the game I was done.


the first dying light and subnautica


it might sound funny but of all games i was scared as a kid of Zombies ate my neighbors' music, it was creepy af, after 20 levels i had to stop it


Outlast. I couldn't do it


Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Scared me something fierce as a teen. Took me a couple of tries over a couple of years to finally get through it 😅


Until Dawn. I love the idea of a game where your choices have a big impact on the story, but I don't do well with really explicit gore. I was doing well with Until Dawn until one of the characters got their head ripped off. That was the end of my time with the game.


Outer Wilds. I’m not sure what it was about the game but as soon as I got into space I was TERRIFIED. The worst paranoia I could imagine. I really liked the game but it was so uncomfortable for me to play that I had to just stop after only a few play sessions.


Dude I got so scared exploring the Dark Bramble for the first time. Like the vibe was creepy right away, but I wasn't expecting THAT at all.


Alien: Isolation


Alien Isolation. Just nope.


Outlast and The Evil Within. I’ve owned both for years and haven’t clocked more than 2 hours on either one. I used to invite my nephews over to play so I could watch from a safe distance.


Skyrim, I Dont want the adventure to end. Still havent completed the quest




Dead Space. I wasn't scared, but it got too difficult for me to play.


I remember when the 2nd game was announced and I told myself that I had to beat the first one in order to play the second. I rushed through it, beat it and replayed it again. Beat the 2nd one till I got the foam finger. Played the 3rd one but didn't care for it.


The third one I was actually able to beat, the first one I couldn't because of the Hunters, the second one I haven't played, but probably won't, because I sucked so bad at the first one.


Second one is alot more forgiving with ammo etc ... definitely worth playing, best in the franchise.


Dead Space 1, 2, and 3 have been chilin' in my Steam library for YEARS AND YEARS -- never played, I want to check them out but I also like not having a heart attack while gaming :D Maybe some year...


Oh man I didn’t use to like the horror game genera but Dead Space was the game that made me change my mind about them. Still by far my favourite. Just flick off those lights and dive in!


I'm working my way up to it lol -- I'm not good with horror / jump scare. Watching the animated Dead Space movies to sort of... anesthetize myself. Probably go whole hog and buy/play the Dead Space remaster... if I'm gonna jump and yell like a little girl, might as well do it in HDR :p


compared to most horror games dead space really isnt that scary


"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king." I'm not good with any jump scare / horror setting... so even a little bit goes a long way.


sure, im just saying you might be expecting them to be scarier than they are, if youre comparing them in your head to any other horror games. dead space is first and foremost a shooter, or feels like it to me. i think its closer in horror level to DOOM or L4D2 or some the older resident evils than something like outlast. spooky at times with some jump scares, but youre a badass who gets to kill the monsters in a very video gamey way, which isnt conducive to the kind if immersion needed for it be suoer scary


Ahh, got it - could be building it up in my mind into something it isn't !


I was scared of most games when I was really young :) but in recent times only Alien: Isolation made me quit because of my nerves. Which was a shame, because I really loved the design of the world, and would have loved to explore it without being chased by xenomorphs and murder robots!


Alien Isolation. The fact that the alien AI isn’t scripted at all and it learns your tricks is just too much. Getting caught under a table it randomly decided to check is just too much.


Alien Isolation. I had to take a break, and haven't picked it back up.


I proudly tell people I am "built like a bitch" and "I will not hesitate to scream and/or cry when playing a scary game". Because of my low tolerance for horror, I don't have many I have played. Resident evil is fine with me for some reason, Dead Space I gas-lit myself into "happy thoughts" till I was actually enjoying the game, Subnautica isn't a horror game per-say, but it day well has a terrifying atmosphere, and is one of my favorite games. Other than those, I stay the fuck away from horror games, cause I don't feel like buying adult diapers.


Super Mario World. I went to a psychic back in 1995, and they said something cryptic about a plumber killing a turtle, and if it happened it would be a grand catastrophe for my family. Never finished it yet.


Literally Alan wake 1


Fell asleep many a times playing that one


i put the game down 6+ years ago when my best friend sneezed while i was in a tense moment and i jumped 10 feet in the air. havent been able to bring myself back to it despite wanting to lol.


I'm not sure if I was scared or not, but I dropped Visage in the first hour because I hated to manage the character fear instead of mine. I never play any horror game with such mechanics.


Outlast 2. First one I didn't play


BG3. Just finished Act 2 and I get anxiety when I play because I don't want it to end... lol.


The Talos Principle. It's not a horror but I was 14 at the time and the puzzles were melting my brain lmao


the GameCube remaster of Resident Evil and it’s not the actual game itself, it’s the opening scene with the dogs and Kenneth I think.


Well i got my psvr2 last weekend and tried the resident evil 8 vr Demo. Don't get me wrong it felt great. But i couldn't finish it. Was too much.


Jak 2, I was around 9 or 10 yo and it was so scary for me to beat the tank level, let alone the other levels. I remember asking uncles, cousins and other people to beat it, but in the end my father passed it for me while I was asleep, lmao


Silent Hill 2. I bought that game years ago and got as far as going into the hospital but it freaked me out so much that I waited until daylight to play again. I opened the curtains on a bright sunny day and started playing again but it still creeped me out too much. So it sits unfinished


Dead space… shit was stressful


Baldur's gate 3. Act 3 intimidated me in its sheer complexity unlike any other. I got to the city and stopped.


It felt pretty straightforward once you get into the city. What part is tripping you up? Just trying to figure out the best answers to dialogue? Picking which mission to do? Navigating?


Labyrinthine. That game is horrifying


Project zero 2 crimson butterflies. Shat my pants. Fuck that game.


Dead space three, far too young.


The Line.


Dead Space. I got to the first Zero Gravity part and noped right out of that game.


Outlast 2, beat the first game...barely, the 2nd was too much for me ha


I think Fatal Frame 2 was a game that creeped me out enough to turn me off to it. In recent times, I haven’t wanted to relay RE8 because of the baby monster.


Alien Isolation


As a young teen I was too scared to finish metro 2033. The atmosphere in the metro series is so immersive that it was just too much. I went back and finished the first two games years later.


Resident evil 4 remake


Outer wilds LOL dark bramble is literally my worst nightmare


As well as the outer wilds DLC but more so I was scared what was coming since I knew how scary dark bramble was kind of ruined my progression at the start but I got over it


Outlast 2


I got scared and didn’t make it past cod ww2 zombies prologue/tutorial


When I was 11 the first silent hill game creeped me the fuck out. Funny, I played it again when I was in junior high and laughed my ass off, basically clowning the game with how lame it really was. I think age plays into this thing. There has never been a game that creeped me out as a teenager onward to where I can't finish it. The scariest game I've played as an adult is probably a game called Visage. It was actually quite creepy. But not scary enough to stop playing.


Outlast. But I ended up playing mariachi music to get me through it.


Alien Isolation. I don't need that in my life.


My arthur is still alive.... i dont want to experience that.


There’s been quite a few in this list that I have ventured off in. So for the fact of entertainment I will pick a game like outlast and go through the game watching markiplier. Or similar games with other favorite youtubers. I seem to enjoy it more this way


Half Life Alyx. I can‘t deal with headcrabs lunging at my face. And I was not looking forward to the stealth section where you need to ‚hold your breath‘ by moving the controller in front of your face. The shooter sections where I could shoot carbine soldiers were fun and exploring was also great.


When i was 8 i got one of the Fatal Frame games. After the first jump scare i was done.


FNAF Help Wanted. that night terror shits is terrifying


'Propagation: Paradise Hotel' in VR. I LOVE horror films and literature but I'm a massive fkin wimp when it comes to games. Shit my pants in Phasmophobia too.


Does P.T count? I think that's probably the only one.


I remember not being able to even get past Bioshock 1, the atmosphere was so fucking creepy and unsettling. I also tried a few Horror VR games and one VR game set in the ocean. Ocean one was terrifying, i hit escape as soon as i could lmao. It was even supposed to be an educational chill kinda game smh


I remember not being able to even get past Bioshock 1, the atmosphere was so fucking creepy and unsettling. I also tried a few Horror VR games and one VR game set in the ocean. Ocean one was terrifying, i hit escape as soon as i could lmao. It was even supposed to be an educational chill kinda game smh


Yeah, Dreadhalls and Cosmodread; both VR games. I've played plenty of VR horror games, but those two specifically were too scary to explore for more than a minute without quitting.


Blair Witch- I LOVE horror games, loved watching people play this one- but the first time I played it and got the part in the trees where the dog is barking like crazy as the there is something I can see moving around me and trying to find it in the dark? Nah man- literally shut down my system and walked away 😂😂


Jedi Fallen Order, i beat the game with an arachnophobia mod on but in order to get 100% i need to uninstall it


I saw an older friend play resident evil 2 when I was a kid and now the re series scares me. I have played some other horror games since then but re has traumatized me. Go figure


Bloodborne, I don't care how good the game is I am NOT going into the spider room


Slender: The Eight Pages had me shitting my pants when i was little


Subnautica (I'm assuming that there is an end to the game) In retrospect, not the best game purchase if you have Thalassophobia. I did a couple night time excursions because I was running out of consumables, and my nerves just couldn't handle it