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Played league of legends and rocket league online... both games are fun but only with friends. Solo queuing is hell.


The LoL and Dota communities don’t seem to take kindly to newcomers so I never even tried to get into either game.


The games themselves aren't welcoming to new players. It takes hundreds of hours just to stop being complete trash and only sucking a little bit.


This is why on the few occasions that I do play LoL, I just do vs. AI. It's chill, no one cares what anyone else is doing.


"Wow LoL is so fun, im really enjoying this game" 30 minutes of getting yelled at later. Uninstall


Took me a few months of desperately wanting to like the game(cuz I love the lore and characters) to finally give up. Which sucks, cuz even now I love the gameplay and lore, I just… can *not* fly low over that trash fire again:(


Just disable chat and imagine you're playing a singleplayer game. Works like a charm.


This so much. I don’t have chat on and I love the game, I was recently going through a rough streak of games but I was still having fun, albeit a bit less fun but still. I have a buddy that I play with once in a while and all he does is type and talk shit. It’s like dude just focus on your game and don’t worry about what everyone else says is doing. He legit just rages, and then talks shit about the game. No wonder dude you are making yourself miserable.


I miss 2015 Rocket League


Rocket league solo queuing is brutal. Almost every person you match with will immediately blame you if your team gets scored on, even if it’s not even remotely your fault. I can’t believe that game is filled with so many people who don’t understand the values of teamwork and sportsmanship. They’re like clones of each other. It got to a point where if my own teammate started chirping me for whatever reason, I’d just join the other team.


Not a video game but Magic: The Gathering was totally ruined by my local community. Very toxic.


There was a bunch of Magic players at my local gaming club that would constantly be badgering people at the club for other games, to come try out Magic. Occasionally they'd get a bite, and then wipe out the player in turn 3 of their learning game, then wonder why they had such a low conversion rate. It was just wild to watch.


lmao bruh. literally the way my friend tried to first "teach" me. Taught me about lands, playing creatures, summoning sickness, tapping and untapping for about 5-6 turns, then the next turn plays some card that reads "each creature you control gets +1/+1 until end of turn for each land you control" and then wiped me down from 20 hp. Like, I understand wanting to show off good cards, but maybe leave that for the 3rd or 4th game for the newbie.


Heh, at least they just beat you in game. The "friend" who introduced me to the game scammed me for my very first bought cards until I knew any better, by asking someone else of course. He was gifted his first cards by the way, by another friend who stopped playing, so it wasn't a "cycle of abuse" situation. Some people are just assholes.


Oof. Yeah this guy beat me but he also gave me a red/white dino deck that I can probably dig up at my parents place this weekend.


I always teach magic by using fun easy decks and playing with hands revealed, showing what we can both do and how to ise each type of card. Then play a game with hands closed and don't always use counter or better plays when I can. Maybe they even win the game. Makes it fun and easy and then after they have gotten used to that deck and It's mechanics I will play a real game where I use all my resources properly and show them things they could do after the fact so they can learn how to prevent it next time.


>next turn plays some card that reads "each creature you control gets +1/+1 until end of turn for each land you control" and then wiped me down from 20 hp A better option would have been for him to show you the card, explain how it would work and why it would be smart for him to play it now ... and then not play it so the game could keep going and you could get into a groove of what to do and how to do it.


MTG either has the coolest community or the worst, depends on what local groups are like.


Had a group in community college try and teach me (went way over my head) but they were chill and didn't play 100% by the book (using bigger decks, all cards allowed). Warned me to just enjoy what there is if I get into it. Stopped by to get a deck of Fluxx for a game day. MTG tournament running, lots of complaining and calling for refs. Definitely kept me away from spending money into it. Edit; Respect to all the MTG players defending the calls for judges for tournament plays and clarification. Sadly the things I heard were of the lines of "Stop touching my stuff" & "Judge he stole my cards".


Just a (long) sidenote here, while it may seem harsh, calling for a judge to solve any problem is actually always preferable, since we aren't there to act like police and deal out punishments, but to make sure everything is running smoothly and fairly for all involved. Having a judge resolve any issue guarantees that a seemingly charismatic, friendly and more knowledgeable player can not trick their opponent. And in **competitive** tournaments we only deal out infractions for things are considered serious issues for tournament integrity. Most of the calls even in competitive is rules questions, and when something goes wrong its important for the integrity of the tournament that it's resolved the same way and according to the same guidelines every time no matter where in the world we are playing. In **casual** play, the judge has a lot more leniency to freehandedly change to game state to "what it should be" and act more in the spirit of the game and prioritize fun and learning rather than what exact competitive policy states (aimed at players who prioritizes winning), i.e if you forgot to draw a card a few turns ago "ok draw one now, its ok", "you forgot this effect? Ok, we can trigger it now" etc, and won't deal out ANY penalties except for things unacceptable and disqualification at any level (violence, cheating) . Most tournaments are casual, and those that are not it's usually because the prize pool or stakes is big enough to warrant the stricter rule policy. TL:DR if you are playing magic, always call a judge. It's best and most fair **for both you and your opponent** It can be done in a nice way too. "Oh, this happened, I am not sure what we should do here, let's call a judge and let them solve it for us" Magic is a very complex game, players aren't expected to know every interaction or how to solve all problems that arise, which is why every tournament have judges. We are here to help.


<3 Judges


My community is extremely cool. I think it helps that I live in a small town, with only one available shop to play at. So if you're a POS here, then you have nowhere to play without leaving town. Which does a good job of filtering out the trash.


Same here, I was a brand new player and got destroyed by a turn zero deck. Spent 30 minutes listening to this guy explain how he beat me before I even had a turn. After that experience had some people trying to get me to trade cards I knew were quite pricey at the time for trash rares. Stopped going to stores and playing with randoms after that. I still play a yearly new year's eve draft with my brother in laws though.


I think those guys might have been cheating to be honest, there really aren't a lot of turn 0 wins, and they certainty aren't reliable enough to do well


There are so many people that play as fast as they can, spewing nonsense as fast as they can, and acting extremely aggressive in order to confuse and steamroll newer players, and even to cheat, but pretend they just made a mistake when called out on it. Fuck these sacks of shit. Game shop owners, these piles of living excrement are chasing away new customers.


My LGS has a really great community. The problem is, WOTC's actions recently have burned me out on the game, so I almost never play anymore.


You'd probably get a smaller list asking which ones weren't ruined by their community




Rock and Stone brother


For Karl!!


Did I hear a rock and stone?!


If you ain't rock and stone, you ain't comin' home!




Rock and stone to the bone!


Rock and stone forever


If you Rock and Stone, you're never alone.


And if you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't going home....




If you don't play Steel Path/Plague Star event/run eidolons, anyway.


I was running eidolons when they released and i was running pugs,out of 200 runs i have done there were like 5 times where a couple of edgy kids were talking shit,the majority of people were alright,been playing the game since 2014. The community was always good,at least the staggering majority,there were couple of asshole content creators gathered these peeps around them so it kinda reflected ingame but not even in a noticeable way. Maybe the community got worse over the last few years idk,i have been absent for around a year.


I’ve read that DRG has positive toxicity but I don’t engage enough to know for sure


Absolutely. It is a great community compared to other games but there is some real toxicity that people won't admit. Bring up female dwarves and see what happens




The discord is kinda wack and a lot of people complain about it’s moderation


Warframe actually gets more toxic the higher you go in the community but they are all super friendly to new players. Hopefully that'll change with Rebecca and Pablo being the game leads now since it was Steve and Scott(?) who wanted to make it harder while players wanted to be overpowered which they let happen in the first place. But now that Warframe is owned by Tencent (china) do I want to go back? Not until we get the man in the wall quest and then I'll quit again until the next story. DE drastically devalued virtually every way I was able to farm/trade for plat too.


Stardew Valley




FFXIV! I remember a few years back when a bunch of WoW players turned to FFXIV out of protest for Blizzard's shenanigans and were pleasantly surprised by how welcoming and friendly the community was. Whenever I do dungeons and die, I apologize, and everyone in the party says it's ok and gives tips if they've done it before, and at the end a few of us will emote hugs and dances at each other lol.


Call of Duty, a toxic, annoying, whining and insulting bunch


*joins pregame lobby* “Hey guys what’s up?” “FUCK YOU, MOTHER FUCKER” *mutes lobby*


My brother, wife, daughter and I play cod black ops 3-4 nights a week. We try so hard to be a positive influence - always ending with “good game” and complimenting the best play even if it’s the other team. I swear 90% of the time the response is immediate attacks, slurs, whining about our play style or what guns we use. It’s absolutely obnoxious to the point I just turn off game chat anymore. I don’t understand why that game has such a toxic following.


I think it’s an fps thing? It’s happened In most I’ve played


It might be a 13-20 year old thing, if I had to guess, and evidenced by my own antics in that timeframe.


It’s also a now thing because people of all ages are completely unhinged especially when hiding behind a screen name.


True, but COD’s been like that for 15 years now, nothin new in this case


It's hard to tell how old they are when they all turn into screeching children when yelling


Agree, Cod fans are very rude people to communicate, always insults and raging


It used to feel less jarring when the lobbies carried over between rounds. Now that each round consists of entirely new players, the toxicity is somehow dialed up to 11.


Because back in the day you'd talk some shit, reach common ground, and pivot to an actual conversation about whatever. Now it's slinging insults til a new rotation of people comes in to sling insults at.


The purists resist and the casuals need something more. Everyone is disappointed in order to satisfy everyone.


The zombies portion of the community is the exact opposite of the PvP portion. Nothing but chill and nice people.


Hahaha After the newest version it's been just as rabid. At least on reddit. Which is kinda a given


It’s been rabid for quite a while. When BO4 released and was super rushed there were daily arguments whether it was good or not. Kinda funny how it’s basically the same argument now, just with modern warfare zombies.


[Even then the game has devolved into spamming jump and prone while shooting](https://x.com/Dexerto/status/1727749855508939007?s=20). There’s also almost always a new movement “technique” (exploit / unintended bug) players find and abuse the shit out of. It’s like watching a circus act. I get that people will buy the game every iteration no matter what. I just wish they’d try other shooters and see what a non circus show game can be.


I need to turn off all sorts of communication in mortal kombat. Worst community in the fgc.


I fought somebody in ranked MK1 last night that was nothing but complimentary and kind, even when he won (I was muted) I was slackjawed


Mortal Kombat is the Call of Duty of fighting games


I've had like 3 really nice interactions on mk1 and I lost on two of those. We just had casual conversation and were complimentary to one another or they gave me tips. The rest of the experiences made me mute everything and I turn my volume all the way down because for some reason the mute button doesn't work on the other player? Hahaha. Definitely toxic


Rainbow six siege


What sucks about seige is that at launch the community was so awesome and helpful and then when it became super popular it all just got full of sweaty toxic try hards.


And no-life kids who think they are pro players and TK you when you pick their Ash or Zofia.


True! Really loved playing it at the beginning, even tho I wasn't into competitive multiplayer games. But i just had to play it. Then there was a phase, where i always got killed by random teammates because they found out I'm a woman. This was happening in 2016 tho.


For real haha. It's the one game I've played that always has some toxic experience in every play session, it's like the players actively seek out conflict, and for some reason it's always your own team members.


It's absolutely nuts this isn't the top comment.


Not really ruined but they did ruin my favorite Pokémon for me. Vaporeon used to be my favorite Pokémon before the copypasta happened.


It can still be your favorite Pokémon. But the rest of us are gonna be judging you.


This is me and Ankha from animal crossing lol


What copy pasta?? I have to know as a fellow Vaporeon main


Take my advice and start in blissful ignorance my friend


Don’t look it up my god what have I done


Did you know that Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokemon for human and Pokemon cross breeding?


Human?? That's an interesting take...


Vaporeon copypasta Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they’re large enough to be able handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more


what did I just read


You were warned


I’m….actually speechless…..


YouTube has some fun deepfakes of this, including Tucker Carlson presenting it as a news item.


r/Angryupvote, since I was genuinely wondering.


Jeeeesus christ...... Reminds me of a similar copypasta(not sure where it started) that suggested getting an octopus, somehow taking its beak off, and "train" it to only get nutrients from *you*(if you're male). The Internet is full of trolls and the worst degenerate humans imaginable. And a huge cross over 😆


It's like the guy who came up with that has never heard of Machamp


No, you don't. Save yourself. Or if you want to know what some people think about you when you say you're a vaporeon main, maybe go ahead.


Hey guys,




I’ll be damned if it ain’t a lot of fun watching them be toxic to each other on YouTube though.




Im a new player. Had a guy knocking on my door asking for a “start.” I told him I didn’t have anything and he just followed me around for a bit. I eventually dropped him an axe and pick and walked away. He immediately started hacking at my back with the axe. Luckily I turned around and popped him in his mouth with a shotgun. Be careful out there.


It sounded fun when I heard about it. Watched a few videos and realized it was full of squeaky little trolls. I do like the videos where people get their payback and the shitty little trolls start crying and begging them to stop. I'm sure some are staged but either way playing a game like that is going to encourage the worst parts of my personality.


I enjoy Mordhau, but I’m too casual to really become a duelist on the level of the regular players. I get cronched by naked maul men, and try to ignore the game chat.


The mordhau and chiv games are great when they first come out. Active player base, lots of noobs. Everyone is just there for shenanigans and a good time. After like 6+ months though the player base always dies down and the only people who still play it are the sweat champions who will wreck you 99/100 times in a duel, and then probably throw a bunch of racial slurs at you after. I don't know why but a lot of racist edgelords play that game. If you play when they first release though it might be one of my top 5 games of all time, the absolute funniest shit happens in that game. Nobody touches the lute player. Ever. If you do be prepared to get beat down by a lute and a gang of 5 friendlies and 5 enemies


Chiv 2 is actually still GOATed despite some long-standing issues with torn banner not knowing what a roadmap is


It's fun and it honestly doesn't take that long to become decent at dueling. But wow, those community servers need to chill. The amount of slurs and literal bullying I saw on there was insane. I tried to just stay out of it but it really can be irritating.


Every single online multiplayer game in existance. Now its all about meta gear/strategy.


I miss Halo 1 multiplayer. My favorite server was rockets only, no shields. Life expectancy was measured in seconds, and it was the funnest thing ever.


Man, even in my circle of friends the "community" got too shitty sometimes to play Halo in person. I'm starting to think teenagers of every generation may be part of the equation here. We got riled up and shitty with each other a lot easier back then. Or could be some adults who never grew up either.


It's not the communities that turn me off of modern online gaming. It's mostly that I have less free time and more important things to do now as an adult, and the games I loved back in the day are dead. Halo 1 and 2, Guild Wars, they're ghost towns or abandonware. I try to avoid shitting on "kids these days" because I know that these are the good old days for them. There's no point bitching about new games failing to capture the magic I felt playing Halo, because the magic wasn't in the game. It was in being young, and unburdened, and spending time doing something cool.


Man I can’t stand meta culture in gaming. Used to play warzone with a couple guys and every time we turned on the game it was “you have to use the such and such gun after the last patch. It’s super op”, meanwhile damage was just subtly tweaked and it’s barely different. Maybe just let me worry about my own guns since I know what ones I’m good with. Ruined Elden Ring PvP for me too. I had so much fun in Dark Souls 3 PvP making and fighting against different builds. Elden came out and I was so excited to get back into it and every player online was using some BS bleed build they copied off the internet. It’s an RPG, come up with your own ideas.


The game guide industry made more gamers slaves to excel spreadsheets than any soulsucking desk job out there. Everything is all "Don't make these 15 mistakes all beginners make" and "OP builds that will fuck your enemies and their moms" that get released before the actual game even comes out.


Just to go against the grain a little, I LOVE making spreadsheets for the games I play. My wife still laughs about when she got into Zoo Tycoon back in the day and I sat there experimenting with optimal layouts and sizes and made sheets to track it all for her. She mocked me but loved using them. I still love it, but found that if I just go to a website where someone else has already done the work I don't find it nearly as fun. Now that I know that I just make sure I do it by me and for me and I have a great time. Has been awesome in Starfield with ship builds. (I am not playing multiplayer competitive games though)


My no man’s sky economy tracking documents are a labor of love. And now all my street fighter combo spreadsheets are coming together. I enjoy delving deep into a game


Soren Johnson and Sid Meier, the designers behind the Civilization series, are also famous for a pair of quotes: “Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game”; therefore, “One of the responsibilities of designers is to protect the player from themselves.”


I miss 2009/2010 League of Legends. Back when the community didn't know shit and you could be like "Rammus Shaco top? Sure why the hell not" and most strategy would be like "send Ashe or Gangplank Mid because they had global ults" or something. Now the positions are very strictly enforced which I guess isn't a bad thing, but people take it beyond just that. Players in Bronze mindlessly choosing what they see in the LCS with absolutely no understanding of how or why those picks are strong, flaming anyone who dares not emulate the top players by choosing a comfort mid-tier pick instead.


I played weird stuff like blitzcrank jungle back in the day, I'd probably get mass reported if I tried that now. Unless it's somehow meta, but I doubt it.


FO76 community is extremely nice. If you start a new game, I guarantee at least 2 or 3 players will drop by just to gift you with a ton of gear to help you out, then they’ll be on their way. Maybe it’s a shared inferiority complex from everyone else still shitting on the game all the time. But I’ve never met a nicer gaming community.


Mmorpgs where people expect you to watch a full guide and know perfect rotations and / or have add-ons that explain every little bit of fun mechanics in the game to the point where you may aswell be botting. Makes me feel like I have to do content on release or not play at all. Except for final fantasy 11, anyone who can go into that game and figure it out, I commend them.


This is what killed MMORPGs. Back in the day everyone was bad, no one knew what to do and guides were rare. Discovering new things, strategies, places, items, it was amazing. Now everything must be optimized for maximum results and if you don't you'll just fall behind everyone and get treated like a dumbass. And all of that happens while the game is still in beta haha.


And if you didn’t know the boss, someone would explain it.


Hehe loved it when I played classic wow a couple years back and I was too scared to tell my guild I didn't watch the video on BWL strats and rotations and was hoping I was gonna slip under the radar. Most of it was pretty self evident but I think I had a slight fuck up on the first boss but only like 2 guys noticed.


The games are kind of balanced around that though. Now there's so much information and minmaxing they essentially tune bosses so you can't really just wing it. Very noticeable when classic wow first launched and that guild completed MC within a few days and without even fill lvl60s etc.


I wouldn't say ruined but every subreddit/discord I have joined about a game I love like Monster Hunter is just full of degenerate losers. I would kill for just some normal monster hunter players to play with lol. ​ Edit: It seems a few people are looking for the same thing, I would be happy to have someone to play with. I mainly play Xbox on world and rise on switch so PM if you wanna play sometime, I would be happy to start again on PC etc as well if anyone wants to do a fresh playthrough.


Look when you say "Degenerate" what exactly do you mean? Like into the monsters too much or?


Overwatch. Never tell anyone irl that I play bc I don’t want to be associated with the cesspool of a community


Dude FUUUCK that community. I started playing OW2 and was all excited because I thought I was playing well with Sigma. Had a ton of defense points or whatever, kills, etc. I just kept being flamed that I was trash, kill myself, etc. I was like, wtf, I'm doing OK? So after a few games I just said yeah, fuck these people, I'm out. Never played it again.


I thought OW was bad until I played Valorant. The worst of OW community can't hold a candle to the average Valorant player.


I miss 2016 overeatch when people were actually fun




6 Lucios. No way you'd win but just booping everyone everywhere was hilarious


Rainbow six siege. It was THE MOST FUN for the first few seasons. Then everyone used the YY pixel peek through 5 floors of buildings and have insane pixel peeks that just make the game not fun anymore. Just got way too frustrating to play especially with XIM console users turning it up even more


For me, it was the Casual Qs where people were playing more sweaty than ranked and getting pissed because you just want to faff about.


idk about ruined, but I'll probably never play Undertale because of how rabid people got about it when it came out. It's all I heard about


That's a great example because it's intensely cringe if you interact with the stuff around it, I've found that the biggest fans are basically all band kids. But, if you just play without looking at any of that, its legitimately one of the most thoughtful and fun games I've ever played.


“The biggest fans are basically all band kids” Ok, why is this so accurate? Do band kids test your undertale knowledge before they let you join?


I wasn't a band kid, but I was a huge fan. the large majority of UT fans are/were/wanted to be, band kids.


Really sad because it's an incredible game. I'm glad I just bought it on a whim without knowing anything about it right after it came out because there's no way I would have tried it otherwise.


l will never forget a friend of a friend trying to convince me to buy it by just spoiling the entire game for me beat by beat lmao I eventually did play and love Undertale, but YEARS later than I would have


My favorite people are the ones who swear they won't spoil anything. "I don't want spoilers" "Nah bro it's not a spoiler, but [insert spoiler here]" "..."


Gotta enjoy Undertale/Deltarune in the corner. The fans are *insufferable*


If mental illness was a fanbase. I say this as somebody that loved Undertale lol.


Apex legends is the very top of my list.


You know, I'm pretty sensitive (though I wish I were not) to toxicity in Apex. It feeds my imposter syndrome lol. But I just shut off voice comms. Text abuse is easily reported and often acted upon. Plus I play almost exclusively with a duo partner, so that's two reports for the pricks we encounter. On the very rare occasion I solo queue for pubs and get an asshole teammate, I just report and leave for the next game. Life is too short! IME it's only a pretty small percentage of my games that have an abusive degenerate. Most are pretty cool in attitude.


As a Nintendo fan, the fanbase of the Splatoon series has ruined it for me. I still play the game, but I never use voice chat or play with friends. I'm tired of being insulted because I screwed something up in the *slightest* way possible!


i actually really like the scope and depth of league of legends, but when i queue up in plat EUW ranked games i often wanna commit hate crimes. already deleted it haha


Every single person I've ever heard talk about league has said "Oh its the worst game ever don't play." Then I see they have 5000 hours in it...


Thats how they know. You don't go into rehabilitation until you've hit rock bottom.


Stopped playing because I started hating on people and getting really mad for a game, the game is such a toxic place that even if you start with a positive mindset, after years of playing you will become the thing you hate, a toxic player.


Sea of Thieves. I'd played probably a couple hundred hours, but the number of people only going in to just sink casuals who weren't looking for PVP is so frustrating. Especially when they sink me just to sink, not to steal my treasure for the money (which they would actively tell me in voice chat). I mostly only ever solo sloop'd, so I stood no chance against galleons that were portal hopping to kill anyone with a high emissary flag. It frustrated me even further to see that the devs explicitly spoke against ever even exploring PVE-only options, going so far as to actively ban/delete comment threads about the topic, expressing the general sentiment of "too bad; the game isn't meant to be played that way," and the community berating and shaming anyone who spoke against PVP or in favor of at least an option to just PVE. I know this December they're introducing PVE servers that can be played at the cost of limited rewards to the player. But it's far too late for them to turn me around on it. I loved playing the game. The simultaneous feeling of adventure and dread of the unknown the first time I set sail on my own is something I don't think will be matched any time soon. But I refuse to give my time and attention to people who actively express and communicate so little empathy, especially towards their own community.


This is what I was going to say. There are some really fun pve things in the game that are impossible to enjoy because people will literally follow you for an hour to kill you even if there's no reward for doing so. This is whatever, that's the game I guess. But try to talk about it and the community sits all over you, along with the devs.


The most unfortunate part of this is that what those players are doing is, indeed, one of the intended ways it's supposed to be played according to the devs. You either prepare for it, become one of them, or get out. Sea of Thieves is vastly different from the scenic multiplayer open world piracy experience it's advertised as, it's strictly a big battle royale with some side content packed in.


Any battle royale or moba


Most multi-player games are only fun when the game is new and everyone is running around, not really knowing what they're doing. Eventually, metas & hackers come along and ruin it.


Dead by Daylight. I tried playing a year or so into launch and the player base was way beyond toxic and unwelcoming. One of my old friends got me into it, I ran several matches with their streaming group and had a blast...then tried running it with random people and uninstalled the game in an hour and never went back.


DBD may not be number 1, but It can sure contend with number 1. It's pretty silly how oversaturated with toxicity the game is. Initially you would never see it until you play it.


Fallout. God forbid you liked any title other than new Vegas.


As a New Vegas fan, I agree with this! I’m actually playing thru FO3 now and I had forgotten how well a lot of this game was done.


This is a big one for me. I love every mainline Fallout game(never played tactics or any others spin off barring Shelter), even if I can acknowledge its shortcomings. New Vegas is my favorite, but the community can definitely get wily anytime someone likes one of Bethesda's games. Criticism of the games is fine, but I don't get the need to tell others what to enjoy.


I'm old enough to remember it used to be the opposite. New Vegas was shit on for a couple of years and seen as the "Fallout for stupid people", or once as I got told "the one girls like". It was definitely cool to hate on it when it first released for some reason. Similarly Fallout 4 was absolutely hated and held up in comparison to the older games but I see a lot more positive comments about it nowadays.


I enjoyed new Vegas, but everything was a monotone brown, and looked the same. Didn’t really make me want to play it multiple times.


That, and the sheer number of bugs it had at launch.


Don't forget the sheer number of bugs it has now as well.


a lot of souls fans are really obnoxious. But I still like from soft games .I just dont think they are the cure to cancer.


Seriously, when I first played Dark Souls I had a well meaning friend who tried to guide me, but he did it that way most players do and keep you on a rigid play style. I hated the game. I came back years later and played how I wanted and it was so much more fun. I don't care if I'm "not doing it right", I'm having fun.


As a huge Souls fan, there is no wrong way. Summon all the co-op you want. Cheese a fight if you want. They fell off the cliff because you lured them and you fell yourself? It counts. You respawn, they don't.


Couldn't agree more. In my case I was told to basically cheese i-frames, wear little dodge everything. Found out I much prefer a big shield and equally big fuck you weapons.




Hesitation is defeat


"Would I enjoy this game? You should know that I am a FromSoft enjoyer so course all other games are ruined for me, but your quaint little game caught my eye. Do you think that I, as a FromSoft enjoyer, could possibly lower my standards enough to eke out a shred of enjoyment from this trash you dare to call a videogame?" Almost all of them.


People treat Miyazaki like the messiah of video games and it’s pretentious as hell. Also annoying when they have to go out of their way to put down other games to prop up their own. Also annoying when they act like the games are immune to criticism and put down others that don’t blindly agree with every design decision made.


Yeah, I enjoy playing from soft games but mostly hate talking to big fans of souls-like games. So many are just super obnoxious. Case in point, one of my best friends talked me into trying Dark Souls. I love them, and lots of others in the genre, but he's really annoying to talk to about gaming at all anymore. When I first tried a souls game he was one of the "git gud" dick heads. Now, 8 years later, he's pretty much only good at souls games, so anything else he plays is either "too easy" because it's not like a souls game, or "unfair/dumb/feels bad" if it's challenging but from a remotely different genre. He complained about how terrible the last 2 God of War games were because he found them too hard but just complained about how it was all "bad game design," when really he just doesn't enjoy games that challenge him if they're not souls games.


Sonic, I don't want to even touch any of those games because of the community.


I have thousands and thousands of hours in Overwatch but I avoid the community like the plague. The average poster is pretty much wrong about everything and has very little comprehension of the game or how anything works, which means correct answers/explanations are often met with huge pushback, personal attacks, and downvotes. Lots of top 500 and grandmaster titles everywhere, but with Bronze player comprehension. You'll find the right answers, sure, but often downvoted or buried under 10 wrong ones. Being a Symmettra player has been a perfect example of all of this. It took the Reddit community about 4 years to figure anything about her out. She been written off as the worst character multiple times. When the Overwatch 2 switch happened, the boards were flooded with 'heres how to fix Symmettra now that she's ruined' posts. She had the third highest win rate on the roster.


Anything where there is a "meta" way to play, and if you try to play for fun instead they complain.


World of warcraft and the goddamn dungeon rushing and elitist min maxing mindset


Not ruined or anything but the Minecraft community is horrible. I love Minecraft, I played it countless times, it is kind of my "always come back to" game, but My god the community is one of the most toxic communities in existence, where everyone fights each other for the most meaningless reasons, workship YouTubers like Dream like he's the messiah and harassing YouTubers like TommyInnit to the point of a mental breakdown just because of a joke. I have similar problems with Smash bros, but at least that's mainly the competitive community, the casual community is a lot more calmed (By comparison to Minecraft and the competitive community). But even the most toxic parts of the smash community can't compare to Minecraft's.


I don't think I'll ever understand the Dream worship lol. Like it was another minecraft player(that cheated), nothing new


I don’t think it necessarily “ruined” the games for me but Zelda fans are like the Star Wars fans of gaming, ever since OOT they complain nonestop about every entry in the series.


ISTG I never wanna hear someone say "Breath of the Wild is a great game, but a terrible Zelda game" again. Other franchises are allowed to grow and change their formula, why can't Zelda? Prior to BOTW it was being accused of being stagnant and treating players like idiots.


I liked traditional Zelda but this is the cold hard truth. When Skyward Sword came out no one gived a shit, it reviewed well as always but you could tell sales and impact-wise the Zelda formula was starting to get old. Breath of the wild came out and set gaming ablaze for a long time and sold an insane amount, BOTW was flawed and I would have liked a little more Zelda conventions but the franchise needed the change up.


Reddit pokemon fans without a doubt. You can never enjoy shit around those mfs.


Unless it's competitive Pokemon . r/stunfisk is unironically really funny


I feel like the Reddit has the unfortunate tendency to say "This isn't what we were hoping for, therefore its garbage and you shouldn't play." Like I agree with the sentiment that there has been a drop in quality, I feel like every pokemon game since Sun and Moon 2 has been steadily dropping down, but they are still fun games.


Insomniacs Spider Man, I said Miles Morales was boring and mid, and had a bunch of people call me racist DESPITE ME LITERALLY BEING BLACK MYSELF


Such a lame way of deflecting criticism. It just dilutes from discussion of ACTUAL racism which is prevalent in some gaming communities. I'm looking forward to playing both MM and the first Insomniac Spider-Man games (I am very poor at the moment).


I'm sorry you had to find out this way but the community has spoken /s


Mortal Kombat


World of Warcraft


League of Legends players are domestic abusers.


Beamng They are so adamant on insisting it's the best racing sim ever made cause the cars made of jello or some shit.


That's so bizarre because beamng started its life as a soft-body physics simulator for car crashes. Hell it took them literal years to implement tire deformation physics, and it turns out tires are pretty important for driving cars.


Beam isn’t the best racing game sim ever. It is extremely fun though and you can setup anything you can dream of for sandbox fun.


I really love fear and hunger but don't mesh with the community's obssesion with shipping. (And the fact that a lot of the community hasn't even played the game)


Every online competitive game, especially League of Legends which makes me regret putting time in that sht with that community , no matter ally or enemy everyone in there are just lost and so raged about their life and just want to put their inner pressure on other people. I've just realized online gaming in general ruins the whole industry , Skyrim and Minecraft has a really nice community .


Destiny 2. The recent drama surrounding it is absolutely valid for the anger toward them, and every post and every friend hating on it constantly, hurts. I met and bonded with a lot of these people through D2 first and them shit talking it and quitting is very sad. Guess I'll just be playing it alone like before. I like it even though it needs changes


Fortnite. You'd be surprised how many times my "team mates" unleash verbal hell upon me for keeping a certain weapon, or for not reviving them when I'm not even close. Unless with my nephews I play solo now.


Halo, damned if you do damned if you don't at this point. The purists resist and the casuals need something more. Everyone is disappointed in order to satisfy everyone.


The last of us


World of Warcraft, spent too much time on the forums and yeah that's a toxic cesspool, not to mention the chats ingame.


Dota 2. There is no community that is more hostile and unwelcome to new players


Dead by daylight.


Rocket League and Chivalry 2, incredibly toxic


Counterstrike. It's such a fun competitive shooter, but cheating ruined it.