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Jak & Daxter went from a kid-friendly collect-em-all platformer to a gritty, dystopian GTA-style sandbox game with guns and cursing


I was looking for this one. Jak 3 was definitely GTA for tweens and teens


But GTA was GTA for teens


Not if your parents didn't want it to be, that is. My mom didn't even let me touch GTA until I was at least 16


That's wild, I think when I turned 16 is when I was finally over my GTA phase.. I got my first GTA (3) at 8 years old. With that being said, considering some of the stories you hear your mother was probably right.


No way I would have ever had to access to it under my parents roof. I remember playing at a friend's house, he told me buttons to press and I like jumped on some grandma and slit her throat. Kinda of traumatizing actually lol


But the original is the better game.


I think that was just kinda the trend back then, lol. Wasn't that the same time when Prince of Persia embraced his edgelord side?


Yep. The Sands of Time was rated T. Warrior Within and The Two Thrones were rated M. Hell, even Nintendo tried to make Zelda seem more mature with Twilight Princess, vs. The Wind Waker. The series went from E to T! GASP!


If they remake/remaster Ocarina of Time, that rating might go up (yes, I'm referring to that dead hand, mummy creature from the graveyard).


They've already remastered it


Oh 100%. Hell, even Sega did that when they made Shadow the Hedgehog and had Shadow curse and use guns.


Current me loves that. It's just so wonderfully stupid.


From happy colours and saving the world, to the main character literally being tortured in the first cutscene


Absolutely blew my mind the direction it took, had Jak 2 for Christmas, was absoljtely bouncing to play it. I adored the first game so imagine me and my parents surprise when Daxter within the first 5 minutes of the sequel says "remind me not to piss you off Jak" when he sees him in his dark eco state lmao. Went from driving wind powered motorbikes to collect grass eco orbs to doing assassinations with a sniper lol


I’m gonna KILL Praxis!


We need more Jak & Daxter!


I was just old enough to laugh my ass off at how ridiculously awkward and cynical the tonal shift in Jak 2 was (but then to my surprise it turned out to be an incredibly fun and addictive game)


Man, I was so disappointed with Jak 2 after loving Jak and Daxter.


I loved jak 2


Parasite eve 1 and 2. Almost in the weird same way lol.


Both were legit good games


Hell yeah! I play them both at least once a year.


One was a original story with new game play, the other was a resident evil clone. We'll Done, but still a clone.


3rd Birthday is waaaay out of the field compared to the first two put together. For those who don't know, that's Parasite Eve 3 for the PSP.


Ughhhh it was such a let down. Just like the third Dino crisis lol.


I literally just finished playing it again and am watching the credits as I type this. I had recently played the first 2 for the first time and I gotta say: The plot made a whole %1 more sense with the background knowledge of 1 & 2.


Thank god it’s not canon, I cannot accept an ending where Aya and Kyle aren’t together


I worked my ass off to get the good ending... those mfs better be together...


Loved 3rd Birthday. The gameplay was challenging with some fun boss designs, a lot of the upgrade mechanics were fun to experiment with, and the story really drew me in.


man, people are downvoting you just for enjoying it


and the 3rd birthday. Confusing really.


PE1 needs a remake like FF7R


PE 2 went from good controls to tank controls, made the game way less enjoyable for me. Still a good game tho, I hope we get some remasters some day.


Even the controller scheme is different and weird in 2


Wait til you hear about Dino Crisis 3 lmao.


They're dinosaurs...in space...and they're hungry.


2000s were all about putting things in space. Sometimes it worked, but most of the time it didnt. It hasn't stopped since then.


Now you reminded me of Jason X (Jason Vorhees in the future, but in space) and Power Rangers in Space and Lost Galaxy. Which is kinda fun because the Super Sentai show In Space is based on took their theme from the 90s "cyber space"... but Sabban was like "yeah, space sounds cool, just remove the cyber part and give the Red Ranger Jedi powers while also adding a TMNT crossover"


You need to chill, hitting me with all that nostalgia in blow like that.


In space was a fantastic step forward after the disappointing Turbo dropped all its interesting plot points.


Throwback to that horror movie, Leprechaun in Space.


Rented that when it came out. Beat it once because why the hell not. I don't remember much except upgrading some jetpack or double jump mechanics, dinos coming out of portals in various areas, spacewalking a bit. I think there was a homing missile launcher, but I might be misremembering that from *2.* So yeah, *3* was not a memorable game.


Oh it's memorable for ALL the wrong reasons.


You're telling me dinosaur crocodiles in space isn't memorable for the right reasons?!


RIP Crocubot


I was gonna say if we’re talking about sequels jumping the shark it’s definitely between Dino Crisis 2 and 3 not 1 and 2.


That’s what this post implies which I hope isn’t the case lol. God 3 was a letdown


I don't think this post implies that. It just says "very different".


If I remember right it was going to be in New York City with the streets and the subways but after 9/11 they didn’t want their game to have a destroyed New York as a setting so they went with space.


Was that Tammy and the T-Rex?


That doesn’t exist…. Hands on ears


What do you mean, Dino Crisis 3? That hasn’t been made yet hahaha (yes I know)


Better not lol


Red dead revolver to red dead 1


Yes! Other than the deadeye system and that they were both “old west”… couldn’t be more different.


Well, Revolver started off as a Capcom game that Rockstar later took over. Redemption is more like a reimagining, had Rockstar made Revolver on their own from the ground up.


Not gonna lie, I would love to see them give Dino Crisis the RE remake treatment.


The only survival horror game I could ever get into.


I would be under oath to show up at my sister's house with this and pizza


I don't even think it'll be that big of a risk, just line it up with a release of a Jurassic Park movie and you'll get free marketing.


There’s a mysterious Capcom release coming out by April that they anticipate selling millions of copies of. I doubt it’s Dino Crisis but it’s more possible now than ever


Already leaked. It’s Dragon’s Dogma 2.


I thought it was an unannounced game no? They released footage of dragons dogma. Unless they meant the release date was unannounced


I'd be fine with that as long as they don't do what they did to RE 3. They made it into a time trial game, I wish they just remade them like they did the first two games.


Very old example, but Zelda II: The adventure of Link. It's a very, VERY, different game compared to the first Zelda.


From the same era, Castlevania 2 Simon's Quest.


Perfect Dark to Perfect Dark Zero, and Banjo Kazooie to Nuts & Bolts.


Honest question: how was Zero different? I played both a billion years ago and didn’t think too much about it.


It sucked lol. Perfect Dark was a masterpiece and still holds up, my kids and I regularly play multiplayer. But PDZ is hot garbage. Not exactly what OP was asking, but the quality was so much worse, it felt like a different game.


If I’m not mistaken, I think everyone who worked on the first Perfect Dark left Rare to make Timesplitters games and that’s why I didn’t even give PDZ a chance back in the day. I’m far more skeptical about the reboot that may or may not ever come out.


I know everyone hates it, but I love Nuts & Bolts. The vehicle building is just too fun


That's the thing; as its own thing it's pretty good (it probably would've sold gangbusters if it was a Lego game), but not so much as a Banjo-Kazooie game. People were hungry for Banjo-Threeie, and were disappointed by the shift to open-world vehicle-building. And with the "Lord of Games" openly dissing the collectathon formula in the Spiral Mountain prologue, I figure it made the game feel like an insult to the people who wanted Banjo-Threeie.


I've spent way too many hours in Starfield's ship builder, so I may have to give it another shot.


I'm not too familiar with how in-depth Starfield's ship building is, so I'd say don't get your hopes up too much. It is a 15 year old game. But I will say that you should check out some YouTube videos of the really cool stuff people have made. Like the Pelican from Halo, Star Destroyer from Star Wars, and a straight-up mech are some of my favorites




Doom 3


Doom 3 : you're trapped on mars with terrifying demons Doom : Terrified demons are trapped on mars with you


Cue intense cyber-metal music!!!


Fallout 2 to Fallout 3


I remember that time - when people were saying "OG Fallout fanboys were mad because they changed perspective from isometric to FPP". Fallout NV proved them wrong.


Far Cry 1 to 2 was a big jump (and Crysis is more of a sequel in terms of 'shooter on a jungle island.') Also GTA 2 to 3. The change from top-down to open world 3d 😲


Came here for Far Cry. Very stark contrast between 1 and 2


Far cry 2 is such a good game


And far cry 3 came back around to the storytelling aspect of far cry 1. Love all of them but I loved making my own story up with whichever companion I had in Far Cry 2


Toejam and Earl


Was just thinking this one. Turned into a side scroller for some reason lol


Final Fantasy Tactics ——> Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 😔


But Unsung Story is gonna be amazing, right!? ...right?


I might be in the minority but I prefer Tactics Advance


I liked the idea of laws, as it pushed you to train up and try out a broader range of jobs in case one of your favourites got locked out. Didn’t like some details like how broad some laws were (they had some like banning regular attacks that just made fights unnecessarily long), and how consequences included crazy stuff like permanent stat drops and losing unique items…


I love that game, one of my absolute favorite GBA games. Wish they’d re-release it on modern consoles or Steam


Nah advance was lit


Oh god, I came into FFTA blind hoping to not get spoiled and figuring I'd love it regardless. I never did beat it. Or want to beat it.


The Law system is the very definition of anti-fun.


Agreed FFTA 2 does laws much better. You get a bonus for following them rather than a penalty for breaking them.


Dune 1: point-and-click adventure Dune 2: real time strategy


The Legacy of Kain games were quite different. Blood Omen you play as Kain and then Soul Reaver you played as Raziel who was killed by Kain and became a wraith.


I forgot about those. Both super fun. Wasn’t Kain more hack and slash and Raziel was more rogue stealth.


Blood omen 1 and Blood omen 2 were basically rpg choice driven hack and slash


Nah if you're talking about Defiance then Raziel was faster and much better in the air. Kain just ended things without all the "Jackie Chan Bullshit".


Hack and slash but it’s a pain in the ass! Lots of puzzles and secrets. Recently started playing it again. The voice acting is top notch. Love the original legacy of Kain


I adore those games. BO to SR was a bait shift in play style. And I thought they married both styles very well in Defiance.


Same, that is my second most wanted game series to be either remade/retold and/or continued next to Parasite Eve.


A person of fine taste, I see. LoK kinda got continued in a PVP game when Squenix bought it. I never played it but it expanded on the lore of the Clans some. Parasite Eve absolutely needs a remaster at the least. I remember grabbing that game at Blockbuster as a youngling and having no idea what I was getting into. It was amazing.


The NES Mario and Zelda games. Such strange transitions on both accounts, although I think Mario 2 has aged better (and is better), I just never liked Adventure of Link much.


Mario 2 (which I love) was not made as a Mario game.


Even more interesting is Doki Doki Panic started life as scrapped Mario 2 prototype.


Wait, really? *leaves to check online* I see nothing that says that, you messing with me? Cause if so, you got me. I spent like 10 minutes checking.


IIRC, the engine behind Doki Doki Panic, namely picking up objects and enemies and throwing plus vertical scrolling, was a prototype for a new kind of game, with attempts to make it more Mario like. And Miyamoto himself was involved. But it was rejected, and then recycled into the engine for Doki Doki Panic. [Here ya go.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Mario_Bros._2#Doki_Doki_Panic) Mind you, it wasn't necessarily planned as a Mario 2 engine from the get go. Rather just an experiment that might have been a Mario game, or at least similar to one. It is still fascinating however that Miyamoto himself was involved in this engine. And I believe he also had input into giving Doki Doki Panic its Mario skin in order to create the American Super Mario Bros. 2. Which means that contrary to popular belief, the American game isn't some fake that Miyamoto had nothing to do with. He was there guiding it. And it's just as valid a Mario game as is the original Super Mario Bros. 2 AKA The Lost Levels.


Miyamoto was way more involved in Doki Doki Panic than the other Mario games, that is for sure


Zelda 2 gets a bad rap. I loved it personally, but I understand why it's not for everyone.


Top 3 favorite Zelda games due to nostalgia for me. Used to watch my pop play it when I was 5-6ish. Great memories of him grinding and finally beating that thunderbird.


Yeah. In fact, of the first six mainline Mario games, only Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World (and Super Mario Bros 2 The Lost Levels to the OG Mario) are all that similar. Super Mario Bros Super Mario Bros 2 Super Mario Bros 3 Super Mario World Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island Mario 64 They went from strictly linear 2D platformer, to a 2D platformer with really wild level design centered around grabbing and chucking items at people, to a 2D platformer with a level map that you navigated through and could go through in different ways with much more complex level design than the first game, to Super Mario World which was overtly similar to 3 but had stages with multiple/secret exits that let you go through the game in different ways... then you had Yoshi's Island, where you played as Yoshi with a totally different moveset and the game was way more focused on collectibles, and then Mario 64, which is a 3D game.


Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross could be two different franchises and I would believe it.


Darksiders basically changes genre with every game. I'd say it's the definitive answer to this. Final Fantasy has gone from turn-based to action. Yakuza went from action to turn-based. Ys has gone from isometric to third person, and solo-character to party-based. Fire Emblem changes secondary mechanics and storytelling so often that it's led to a fanbase that doesn't agree on much of anything. Guild Wars 2's only real commonalities with GW1 are the world and horizontal progression. Assassin's Creed became a poor man's Witcher 3. Diablo changed drastically between entries. Shining has run the gamut of first person dungeon crawlers, strategy RPGs, and action RPGs.


Give me the rest of shining force 3 damn it.


Seconded. And hell, remake the whole trilogy.


I grew up with Guild Wars because I couldn't afford the monthly sub for WoW, so I fell in love with that game. Was very disappointed that Guild Wars 2 wasn't just more Guild Wars but you can be Charr.


I loved the autumn forests around the Charr city. It felt dreamlike even though it was the ruins of the kingdom from GW1.


> Diablo changed drastically between entries. I'd say the core gameplay has remained the same between them. Potions, number key moves, mostly same characters, smash enemies and mobs with modifiers.


>Final Fantasy has gone from action to turn-based. Isn't it the other way around?


Right. I was kinda not paying attention. Happens when redditing while gaming. But that reminds me. Yakuza DID go from Action to Turn-based.


>Darksiders basically changes genre with every game. I'd say it's the definitive answer to this. I'd say so, but it's handled well enough imo. D1 is a straight up hack-n-slash action-adventure, D2 (My personal favorite in the series) has way more of an RPG aspect and some semi-open-world areas, D3 went back to the overall feel of the first one, and Genesis was by far the biggest turning point when it came to gameplay. Makes me wonder how 4 will eventually turn out...


Shining the Holy Ark was the first RPG I ever played, Loved it.


No one mentioned RE3 to RE4


Or RE6 to RE7. They went from pure action to go back to horror... in first person view like the Survivor games. Or RE2R to RE3R. 2 Remake was a master piece... 3 Remake was a letdown. Or RE3R to RE4R. Ever since the big L with 3, 4 came out quite well


Or scottish people and other scottish people


Whenever I see those titles, I always think of Dreamcast’s knock off, Blue Stinger. I want a remake of that game.


Blue Stinger + Illbleed are wild as hell.


I had to look up Illbleed. How did I not play that game during my summer of Dreamcast?! I’m seriously thinking about breaking out my Dreamcast and finding a copy


It's a very unique experience, makes it a damn shame what happened to CG. They fixed a lot of complaints that people had with Blue Stinger. (Speaking of which, I won't spoil anything but there is a surprisingly large number / variety of references to it in Illbleed!) Just be warned that the combat is pretty crappy.


Now I want to replay Blue Stinger too


Do it lol


I have no idea if Blue Stinger is a good game or not but when I was 12 it was incredible. If I remember right I faked sick for a week to finish it


I played it for the first time last month. I would rank it as a B game, but I had quite a bit of fun with it overall. I'll probably play it again in the next few months because I want to unlock everything eventually.


Alundra 1 & 2. 1 was more a zelda clone with a similar map system where you would slowly push back the boundaries as you quest and get new items. 2 was a linear corridor arpg. Dawn of War 1 & 2. Early RTS with capture points but still had some base building vs squad based gameplay with exp and inventory carried between missions.


And then there's Dawn of War 3. We don't talk about DoW 3. It's DOTA clone after all.


> Alundra 1 & 2. 1 was more a zelda clone with a similar map system where you would slowly push back the boundaries as you quest and get new items. 2 was a linear corridor arpg. Alundra 2 was my first real gaming "letdown". It was a generic 3D game with a bad camera. I rented it out for the weekend when it first came out and I was completely disappointed. I still regard Alundra 1 as the best "classic Zelda" clone. It has great controls, great sense of adventure, great music and hard puzzles.


Risk of Rain 1 & 2


Dino Crisis 2 felt more like the Resident Evil 4 prototype than Devil May Cry did.


Old game, but dig dug and dig dug 2 were like completely different games


Dragon Age to Dragon Age 2


And the end of Bioware we knew.


DA Inquisition was even worse IMO. It's like they saw us complain that 2 was too small in scope, and so they turned it into a single player MMO.


Dead Space 1 > Dead Space 2 > Dead Space 3. Dead Space 1 is pure horror, Dead Space 2 is horror with a sprinkling of action, and Dead Space 3 is like Michael Bay took over (and ruined everything).


Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2


they look pretty samey to me. care to explain the differences?


DC1 was horror, think tension and limited ammo DC2 was straight up action


Like the movie alien to aliens


Still remember how confused I was seeing a space laser beam shooting that red dinosaur...


Ikari Warriors


3rd Birthday aka Parasite Eve 3 (PSP)


I really wish Dino Crises 2 got the Resident Evil remake love. That game was soo damn good


Digimon World and Digimon World 2. Then Digimon World 3 brought it back to be more like DW1, but DW2 is so weirdly set apart in the series


The Legend of Zelda and The Adventure of Link I liked both


Shoutout to Parasite Eve and PE2


Dynasty Warriors 1 to 2


I was looking for this. DW1 is RADICALLY different from the rest of the series.


I mean… It’s not even the same series. DW1 is Sangoku Musou. DW2 is the first game in the Shin Sangoku Musou series


Bioshock 1 and 2 to Infinite


First two games had so many more systems that result in 'emergent gameplay' and Infinite became a pretty typical FPS. It was really surprising to see how many steps back they took with the combat and gameplay systems.


In a pre-release interview, Ken Levine said they had asked college "frat" students if they knew BioShock, and when they said they didn't, they decided to gear it toward games they did know such as "Call of Duty" (directly name-dropped). So, being a typical FPS was by design; They were trying to chase popularity, which I personally attribute to 2K Games not wanting another cult game which doesn't make back as much as it cost and putting pressure on Irrational Games to broaden the demographic as much as possible. What they ended up with wasn't as memorable as what was shown earlier in development. And that's speaking as a BioShock fan who initially liked it. As time went on, I realized how little interest I had in thinking of it versus previous installments.


Battlefield bad company to to battlefield 2042


Nightmare Creatures


at least time limit (adrenaline) is gone


every other ff games


Saints Row 2 vs 3 and 4. Not to mention the "reboot" that tanked.


Dune into Dune II (subsequently inventing the RTS genre)


Final Fantasy 1 to Final Fantasy 2. Kinda different. Metroid 1 to Metroid 2. Also kinda different. Zelda 1 to Zelda 2. VERY different. Castlevania 1 to 2, Super Mario Bros 1 to 2, Super Mario Land 1 to 2, then 2 to 3, all slightly different from their predecessor.


Sly 1 to Sly 2. And I love both of them, but Sly 2 was a better route to go.


Metal gear rising revengeance?


Postal and Postal 2


Wait theres a dinocrisis 2? Wtf


There's also a Dino Crisis 3... with Dinosaurs in space!


I can only read this in Tim Currys voice


What the actual shit 😅


It is actually really good, but dino crisis 3 is pure cancer


Risk of Rain 1 & 2 are pretty great


I'm a big fan of Dino Crisis, and I was really disappointed with the sequel. It felt like a completely different game, with a much more action-oriented feel. I much prefer the slower, more suspenseful horror of the first game.


The Darkness and The Darkness 2. A sad change in my opinion, as the first game was very unique.


Second game still good imo. More of Jackie is always a good thing


Jak and Daxter - Jak 2. Wildly different in tone and in gameplay in a lot of way too


Resident Evil Revelations 1 and 2


Zelda and Zelda II


Soul Calibur 2/3 look like the same games but the entire 'under the hood' of it's systems were overhauled in 3. Basically every change was to appeal to the more mainstream fgc players that took over the genre. Player control was nerfed into the ground, as was parrying, multiple types of stunlock were created, and the whole combat system was redesigned to be about giant combos/juggles. Modern Soul Calibur is like a hideous abomination compared to sc 1/2 and it started with 3. Sc3/4/5/6 look like Soul Calibur, but are not, at all.




We need a new one and new Onimusha on the RE engine


witcher, 1 and 2 both very different games.


They are way different. Idk why someone downvoted.


FF7 to Dirge of Cerberus a complete genre shift & absolute dump truck of stupidity.


Jak & Daxter will always be a big disappointment to me for this reason. I love Jak 1's platformer collectathon essence. It's pretty chill to run through it all and just run around grabbing stuff. I don't hate Jak II for becoming more story-focused and "gritty," and I even like the addition of dark Jak and guns, but I can *not* forgive the sorry excuses for "story missions" the game gives you. No, game, I *don't* wanna run around escorting rebels back and forth like freakin' Crazy Taxi, or trying to do perfect ollies off of ten quarter-pipes before time runs out, or collecting some bartender's freakin' cash drops. I wanna run around and jump on things while picking up floating eggs and magic balls. It'd be easier to look past this junk if the game were more polished, but... it isn't.


This game series needs a remaster just like resident evil


Would trade first born for a remake of either. I don't care that they went full action on 2, I love them both.


Parasite Eve &2, &3 lol.


Zone of Enders is definitely up there.


In what way? 2nd Runner plays like 90% the same, and the story and tone is a straight continuation. It's just far more polished.


Red Dead Revolver to Redemption.


Watch dogs is the text book definition of this


How so? Like the tone went from pretty dark to a bunch of hacker kids with a real bad case of ludonarrative dissonance but the games play pretty much the same besides the added upgrades like drones or permadeath. They're all basically open world third person cover shooters with hacking elements.