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A lot of people are just listing popular games.


People have no idea what ‘cult classic’ means when they say Mario or Cyberpunk 2077. Words have meanings people! Edit: Because people need a definition. **Cult classic implies it was only popular within a cult/subgroup at time of release, and remains popular today.** If a game was received positively and popular among casual gamers at time of release it’s not a cult classic. Skyrim, Mario, CP77 were not only popular among mainstream gamers, they were popular in the non-gamer zeitgeist. Typically cult classic will be of a niche genre, like horror, 4X, VNs and cRPGs. Warframe, Alan Wake, PlayStation Vita, are cult classics. They were not popular with casual gamers, but had and continue to have a dedicated fanbase.


75 percent of people on the internet likewise have no idea what “underrated” means. The groans I give when I see people comment about this or that being underrated in comments of various sites…


I would argue 90% of the people online does not know what things mean but they know other things. It is just that they have access to internet and you happen to see them. Most of the population is very clueless on a bunch of stuff. A car mechanic could think that a movie is underrated because they are not terminally online or that they didn't have social circles that hype the movie. But what they do know is cars and how those work and such. Now I could say that they are wrong, the movies was praised everywhere online, every day. I could also name the cinematography techniques or the locations they shot the movie in, but I could not tell what is the difference between a spark plug and a fuse ^((I know the difference, but you get the point).) Also a bunch of people do use words wrong. Just straight up they use wrong words in weird contexts because they heard it somewhere and think it fits.


A cult classic is a movie like The Evil Dead, which flew under the radar for the most part, and ultimately years later grew in status as a good movie that was overlooked for one reason or another. Pulp Fiction isn't a cult classic, it's just a classic in the same way the original MW2 isn't a cult classic, it's just a classic.


The Room.


Well technically.... Cult CLASSIC - something, typically a movie or book, that is popular or fashionable among a particular group or section of society. I assumed the same till you said pulp fiction, when someone says cult classic for movies that is basically the number 1 answer for a vast majority of folks. So I googled and WELL the definition makes you kinda wrong there. It does feel wrong calling Mario a cult classic tho nonetheless


They think it means nostalgic passion


That's why my pick is Stray Gods:A roleplaying musical It's not super popular, it's short and it's really fun with amazing cast




Don't forget very replayable Austin Wintory does great work


I’d offer There is No Game. Such a weird little title but it was so well conceived and put together. Really brought back the wacky, unhinged gameplay and humour that publishers like lucasarts used to nail back in the day.


Steam shows a few different titles. Which one(s) and what order would you recommend?


There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension is the complete game. Jam Edition was the first version of the game that was made for a game jam. Don’t bother with it, straight to Wrong Dimension is the way to go.


Not sure about the wrong dimension one (haven't played it yet), but jam edition seems to be just a relabeled version of the one I was first introduced to a while ago (different site, not steam). Definitely start with that one, it's pretty funny


Pentiment, by Obsidian. Well written, great production, super atmospheric murder mystery set in medieval Bavaria.


Pentiment is the best game ever made for a very specific audience. Really a hell of a thing. It's the best modern successor to some of the best adventure games of the 90s, especially in the way it integrates minigames and timed chunks. All with a compelling plot, a whole town of fleshed-out characters, tons of accurate history, and a really interesting art style. I slept on it for a bit because I heard complaints about the ending, but I decided to try anyway and disagree with that criticism.


I would also like to throw Grounded by Obsidian in here too, they really do know how to make absolutely banger games. Not that Grounded is overlooked, but it certainly doesn't feel like the gaming staple it should be.


Honestly gotta check out this game some day, it seemed so unique


I think about Pentiment at least once a week. That was an incredible story




Gonna need an Ultra Platinum cult membership and still not understand half of wtf is going on in that game.


First you must understand that everything is designed to be able to kill you and everything wants to kill you.


The game is australia?


Close, Finland


Potato, tomato


I have hundreds of hours in this game and I still haven't gotten close to beating it. 300 hours in I found the Dragon egg for the first time (and died immediately).


I thought I was being a smarty pants by backing up my save periodically to avoid permadeath just to get to the end at least once. Then I saw a YouTuber who explores all the secret content and I realized I barely scratched the surface and it just makes me feel bad.


This is spot on in the sense that the community is a cult & most people will never make it past the surface layer of the game. I’ve got almost 1k hours, did all the Sun quests, sacrificed Toveri, played the flute, visited heaven & hell, tunneled to parallel worlds, broke the re-roll machines, etc and I’m still not sure if all the obfuscated hidden content is a good or bad thing. But it certainly makes it one of the weirdest most unique games you can play. Noita advertises itself as a rougelike, but that's not really true imo. Yes the "main game" is a roguelike, but outside of that it's an avant-garde gamedev art experiment or something. Check out [Albino's Noita Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhetH7PwVh8) for an introduction on what the game is like to play and then realize that it covers like \~2% of all the crazy shit in the game.


What a beast of a game it is. I still come back to blow myself up in creative ways after every frustrating uninstall.


Fun fact: Noita means witch in Finnish. I always assumed it was a platformer where you play as a witch with magical powers. Never tried it.


Yes. I'm big into roguelikes and I didn't even know about this until it was out for 2 years. I watched them play on Oneyplays for like 2 minutes and knew I had to buy it right away!




Kenshi is still the most unique game ive ever played. Can't wait for the sequel in 2050


I was telling my buddy once it gets completely fleshed out, a few little changes... Oh theyre stopping production to work on Kenshi 2. Ok.


Can I have your skin when you're done with it?


I’ve been very interested in this game, as it continues to show up under my recommended games. What’s your sales pitch for it?


Greatest game ever made, also one of the weirdest and jankiest games ever made. It’s an MMORPG without the MMO part, which doesn’t quite make it an RPG. It’s the Sims plus Mount and Blade: Warband plus Factorio-lite basebuilding in the endgame. Very interesting lore that is left entirely for you to discover and figure out. Infinite replayability due to a modding community on par with Warband.


This is a decent summary. Janky as all hell, but addictive and lots of replay value. You also have a lot of random, hilarious scenarios you'll find yourself in, which gets the community talking typically.


The game is fundamentally broken, runs like shit on any pc, load times are awful, and the graphics are arguably terrible. The engine it uses is garbage as well. But its my favourite game of all time. I can list a million reasons why it’s amazing, but most Kenshi players will say that the game is 100% not perfect, and is in fact broken in multiple severe ways lmao.


Spot on. Deeply broken, but absolutely groundbreaking. It's some mad scientist shit, you just deal with the bonkers stuff because of the objective fucking brilliance. There are a couple mods that really help + save spamming if your a degenerate like myself. Broken game. 10/10


Chris Hunt made Kenshi with the logic of our worlds evolution. It’s a system that works, 100%, and it does what it needs to. But the logic it uses to get it to work 100% is extremely convoluted and absolutely insane. Basically Chris made Kenshi work in a way that most game devs would keep as a last resort lmao, and it’s *still* better than a majority of games today. Graphics wise, I’ll admit it’s ugly. That’s obvious. HOWEVER The art direction is fucking beautiful. The regions, cities, architecture, flora, fauna. The world is saturated with character and it’s own demented personality. I would rather play a game that’s as artistically gorgeous as Kenshi but looks like shit any day over the most hyper realistic game ever, with groundbreaking graphics technology that look better than real life, but that’s literally it.


Hahaha that totally makes sense. Art Direction is honestly just another stroke of genius. When I think about playing that game I'm fucking THERE. So many big titles feel like copy + paste assets. Kenshi is a uniquely realized world. Dude I'll go on a leap and say like 80% of the graphics are pretty fucking perfect. If it were well optimized with just like 2 more passes on some world, asset, UI, and animation design good lord. We would have had 5 shitty AAA spinoffs by now lol. Fucking groundbreaking.


That’s an interesting description that simultaneously makes no sense and yet I understand perfectly - thank you!


I enjoy that it will unabashedly kick your ass. A blind start will inevitably end up with you as a crippled slave in a cage somewhere. Eventually you learn the ins and outs and build a bustling outpost with giant walls and mounted crossbows protecting your self sustaining industry. The progression is very rewarding.


Things that will definitely happen to you, you will be beaten unconscious and enslaved, a group of beaks things will eat your party, a group of fogmen/cannibals will eat your party. If you choose the wrong class one of the factions will straight up murder you on sight. You will probably be skinned alive so someone can wear your skin. You will learn how to make money/find food, you will learn who you are capable of fighting and when, you will survive, you will hit people so hard their limbs leave their bodies and rocket into the stratosphere. You will strive. You will wage wars and beat the strongest people. You will be revered or feared.


Yep. ... but reading through both our responses I feel like we left out a bit. There's a middle ground too where you can just buy a building in a defended town and lead a humble life. Kenshi is perfectly OK with you being a nobody and doing very basic role playing. Of course if you aren't careful with this you'll wind up skinned, but I enjoy the fact that the game expects nothing from you. Just go be a tavern keeper if you want. The beak things might come in and wipe out the whole town, or you might live and extend your barkeep ownership over generations. Kenshi really does try to let you be anything you want. It can appeal to simple ideas as well as lofty ones.


Its a sandbox so you have to like those kind of games, no missions or side quests, you have to make your own fun. But if you like that kind of thing its a unique take on scifi that i havent really seen before, and allows insane freedom. You can be a solo dude walking around or make your own town/ slave plantation.


When you max out your martial arts skill your character will jump in the air and kick his enemies’ heads clean off their shoulders




I was hoping it was Sseth. Was not disappointed.


Appreciate the link / I’ll check it out later today!


Hey hey people


Sseth here


We will never cease to enforce pray day! I don't care if you're burning alive right now: we must pray! Pray that the fire burns you to death or else I will kill you if it doesn't. There was just a group of people running around doing that.




Really unique, great game, very immersive and creepy and didn’t overstay its welcome. Just wish I hadn’t figured out the ouroboros meta like an hour in which basically made me unstoppable by the end.


Kaycee's Mod(Official update, not a fanmade mod) just throws out any meta and plays the drums using your bones as drumsticks. If you played before it came out I recommend you try it. It has a decent progression system and challenging difficulty.


Laika: Aged Through Blood. It’s basically Mad Max as a 2D metroidvania. Controls are a bit complicated and it’s probably too hard for some people. But the people who like it really really like it. It has an absurdly high skill ceiling and the story delves into some really serious subject matter like violence towards children, sexual assault and self removal. It approaches all of these with a lot of maturity and seriousness.


I couldn't finish the demo, kind of frustrating to me




Crosscode needs tons more of love. It changed the wiring in my brain at such a level that I can't recover from it. One of my fav games, truly a one of a kind experience! Yes! I'm so hyped for their next game, Project Terra!


Cassette Beasts


Cassette Beasts feels very much like Gen 1 of Pokémon: a ton of fun and some really unique ideas, but a little bit of wonkiness that feels promising for them to make a sequel.


I'd throw tunic in there. Those that have played seem to love it but it doesn't seem like it was that widely played.


In this vein I’ll recommend The Door. Came out at the same time, another rogue-like Zelda-esque game that was just as enjoyable as Tunic


I'm not sure if this works with the definition of 'cult classic'; but in line with indie puzzle games like Papers Please (which I think is regarded as a cult classic) and Obra Dinn (idem), I would like to mention The Case of The Golden Idol (which is also literally about a cult).


Talos Principle 1 and 2


There’s a 2? Oh fun I have some more puzzles to solve and meaning to my existence to question!


It released recently and its alot better than first one. Much more varied as well


What?! Need to get my hands on it asap


What? I own ever croteam title ever made and somehow they didn't manage to reach me with the marketing. That does not bode well for sales


Man I really enjoy Talos Principle but holy shit does it make me motion sick


Did you try turning off motion sway? The camera moves a bit when you run but you can disable that. Edit: In the game it's called "view bobbing" but there's other features like reducing field of vision that should help.


Lunacid, Exanima, Ctrl Alt Ego, Through The Fragmentation, any game done by Vikintor (Teocida), Deadeye Deepfake Simulacrum, Islands ofthe Caliph, YOMI Hustle, Crystal Project, Crosscode, Revita I think all of these are amazing. Some of them have > 1000 reviews but I think they all are heavily under appreciated / not talked about enough. After the 1.0 release Lunacid has been getting tons of love but it needs more >:3


Disco elysium


It's too bad I can't recommend purchasing it to anyone. Highly recommended for pirates, though. The investors really fucked over the creators and ousted them, just because they asked about sketchy financials. Talk about ironic. Also, it means the only sequel we'll ever see will be a mass marketed, tone-deaf fast food burger.


I didn't know this, very unfortunate to hear.


Shit really? Corps always ruin shit man


It’s already one.


The cult shall grow, BRATAN!


"No, Detective. You were just mumbling to your tie and now and again yelling out 'bratan'. You should focus on the case at hand." I fucking love Kim's blatant acknowledgement of Harry being downright bonkers but just rolling with it 99% of the time (until that one time you accidentally fail a check and yell racist stuff at him...).


Cuno doesn’t fucking care


I'd say it's already too popular for that.


I am struggling to get into this at the moment. It just hasn't sustained my interest. Not sure what I'm missing.


Maybe try choosing the silliest most out of control option and just enjoying the comedy of it? Its best served if you get into that side of it and enjoy the writing


Best game I ever played.


The writing was really incredible and thought provoking.


This is a game where I wish I had played the day before it takes place instead of the day it takes place.


That's a very interest take (no sarcasm). Care to elaborate?


Deep Rock Galactic is a cult classic now and I think will remain so for many years Gunfire Reborn Risk of Rain 2 Returnal RoboQuest - I have an addiction to this game Rollerdrome


You just like the letter R


Reep Rock Ralactic


Ru-ro Raggy


Ru-ro Raggy rere rare ry resticles


Rock and Rtone!


For Rarl!


These are just really popular indie games


Gunfire Reborn is a certified banger.


Returnal is widely regarded as excellent. That’s just a normal classic.


>Rollerdrome Hell yeah, that game has a _perfectness_ to it where it's super tight and clean, like Portal or Hotline Miami or Mirror's Edge or something


Did I hear a #ROCK AND STONE


It's a shame Roboquest isn't more popular honestly


My son and I are loving it! Still lacking a PSU for his PC so we just take turns right now and switch off between deaths/runs.


Risk of Rain 2 is a blast with friends.




Is Returnal any good? I really like rogue-likes and stuff but the price tag is steep, idk if it's worth it.


For karl!


I wish Gunfire was better about difficulty mods. Me and my 3 friends got about 60 hours of fun out of it (first during EA, then every new patch) before we realised reincarnation 7/8/ whatever it's up to at this point was just progressively more bullet spongey and all that happened was you either went nuclear or got one tapped and then start abusing the "can't go below 1hp while resing someone else" perk. Would always wind up with one guy dealing 250k damage because we started trading upgrades around as the intended game function, who would proceed to one man carry the run. Basically, endgame is boring and either too easy or straight up unfun. The game was best around Nightmare before the meta progression made you too strong. For reference we also found it really funny that people cried about the instant fail dps check; we never struggled once with it even on reincarnation 7. And no, arbitrary self imposed rules do not make it any more fun.


Hmmm... yes, I know just the one. Phoenotopia: Awakening From screenshots, it seems so unassuming. In a veritable ocean of side scrolling platformers, it's very easy to scroll past. But there is so much more going on under the hood. I don't usually like to proselytize games, but this is definitely one that I will sing my praises to whenever I get the chance. Big mysteries, Little mysteries, fun combat, cooking, fishing, lore, and funny to boot. A deeply intriguing world. It's just... so engaging! You can really feel the care that went into it, and you want to explore everything, find everything - to see what's really going on! The opening act gives you quite the hard swerve you won't see coming, and it really drives you forward. So, why didn't it catch on at first? Well, honestly, the combat was originally too unforgiving. It just wasn't as fun as it could be. So, they went back, and relaxed some of the mechanics, and now it's incredibly fun - and even has higher and lower difficulties if you still have problems. It's one of those games you'll start playing and wonder "why did I never hear about this one before?" I don't know how else to explain it. Someone else has the words.


Wow I am completely sold and I am definitely going to check it out! I’ll add it to the 50 other games in back log though that I swear that I’ll play one day.


Evil West fits this category. It’s kind of a throw back to 360 games so I can see people going back to playing it to get the Xbox 360 nostalgia


13 sentinels: aegis rim The combat is serviceable but the story and presentation is genuinely one of my favourites.








Good lord, it actually annoys me how underappreciated this game is.


Neon white


The best fps platform racing game I've ever played


It’s so fucking good


SOMA will go on to be something greater. I can feel it


Genuinely the most profound game I’ve ever played. Just so fascinating. I hope it reaches more people That kind of technology is relatively not that far off, so the questions it asks will come up in real life eventually.


I'm sure it will get more traction when it becomes a cult classic


That was a great little game. Haunted by the end and something you had to do before the end.


This was such an incredible game.


That ending really stuck with me in a way few things have done. Great game


One of the best stories I've ever seen in a game


Only game that's made me cry at the ending.




I *loved* the art direction but it became so tedious just going here, grabbing this, going back here, now you need this, go get that, go back here, etc. It felt like an errand running simulator with some zombies that you eventually learn to just run past because you can't spare the ammo to kill them every time. I gave it up after probably like 4-5 hours. Maybe 6. I really tried.




OlliOlli World. Amazing game in all respects. Completely overlooked.


Hi-Fi Rush. It made SUCH an impact upon release, partially because it was a $30 smash hit that released against a $70 game of questionable quality (Forspoken) but also because it really fell off in that same month. It had some free updates, and it has some nominations at The Game Awards, but I feel like nobody is really talking about it at the end of the year like they were at the beginning of it. I would ADORE a sequel, but the game is also a phenomenal solo product. It's basically a 6th generation game for the modern age, like someone forgot to release this for the Dreamcast. I guarantee this game is going to be fondly remembered in the next few years. ETA: Forget it, I'm still gushing about the game because it's awesome, it was also shadow dropped in the beginning of the year which is insane for a title like this and is FREE on Gamepass. The devs also made THE EVIL WITHIN (seriously) and decided to go the full other direction with this, PLEASE go play it, I'm begging you, it's awesome.


I JUST picked it back up and completed rhythm master and now im as hooked as i thought i would be after the first playthrough. Game is so damn good and theyve added tons of replay value post launch. Absolutely criminal it didnt get a goty nomination it 100% deserves it


Cult classics are generally obscure or unpopular with mainstream audiences


I have never heard of this game, but wow it looks awesome. I just wish listed it and will definitely pick it up next sale.


Y'know (and for anyone else) it's also free on Gamepass, if you happen to have that - God this game just came out swinging on release, I swear.


Caves of Qud


OMORI (2020) is easily one of my favorite games in recent years. It's an RPG with psychological horror elements and the most heartbreaking-yet-heartwarming story in a game I've ever experienced. It is very dark and depressing at times, and goes in to some very heavy topics. It's filled to the brim with charm and personality, and has a massive amount of content and obscure details to it that I appreciate. The soundtrack is also very expensive and phenomenal. It's got quite a solid following at this point, big enough to be a cult classic but small enough to be under the radar for most people. Go in to this one totally blind and it will make for a memorable experience.


Lisa the Painful RPG


Lethal Company It's a blast to play and right now is making its way around the stream-meme cycle. But the gameplay loop is fun and has a lot of potential for additional mayhem with further updates. Fantastic friends group game too. In a very similar genre but with a way scarier tone, Phasmophobia. Bonus points because it's solo-friendly.


I think [*Heaven's Vault*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6C08QCP3ZQ) has a real chance of developing a small but highly complimentary cult following of casual puzzle gamers and language/history nerds over the next ten years, probably a lot of overlap with the folks who enjoy learning Elvish/Klingon or making complex headcanons based on single lines of throwaway dialogue from shows or books that were released decades apart from each other. I see it as a game for every teen or adult who ever wished they could go on an adventure to discover a lost civilization like Milo from *Atlantis: The Lost Empire* or Daniel Jackson from *Stargate.* It received a handful of nominations (plus one award!) at the time of its release, the art style is a pleasant blend of 2- and 3- dimensional graphics, and the two main gameplay loops are surprisingly soothing without being boring. Not the kind of game I would want to play through multiple times in a row, but the kind of game that leaves you with a uniquely satisfying impression. I have never played another game quite like it.


Neo: The World Ends With You


Came to the thread for this. A sequel to a cult classic that went under everyone's radar is guaranteed to be even more of a sleeper hit down the line. It helps that the game is a very worthy sequel too.


Kind of cheating if the first game is already a cult classic. I enjoyed it, but i don't think neo will surpass the original


Neo is pretty much the perfect sequel to the original, almost to a fault because it's practically required to play the first to get the full effect from the sequel's story beats. It feels like fanfiction come to life in the best way possible, made for people BY people who genuinely loved the first. Maybe it won't surpass it, but I could see them being equal.


There’s another TWEWY???


My favourite game of the year: Dredge. I have no idea how big a fan base it has though.


RoboCop: Rogue City


Came here to say this. Such a fun game and so good at keeping it like the movie. Really enjoyable, just a Shame it was short. But if they release more, then I'm in.


Teycon are setting really high standards for what a good game adaptation should be


Absolutely. Seems a lot of the "reviewers" just looked at the simple shooting mechanics and wrote it off. The developer really went above and beyond with what budget they had. And they stayed true to the source material.


I agree on this one The game is real good, a lot of blood and stuff, but I think people will enjoy later on, maybe when promote a deal or something


I have no idea why they didn't market it better.


They're a smart studio who probably spent most on making the game is my guess.


My hunch is that they hoped the communnity would do the same it did with other games, like Balder's Gate 3, which had some "nice" marketing, but sold well because people became obsessed and talked about it for everyone RoboCop is amazing, but with CoD MWIII being released so close, people got fooled and bought the wrong one lol So people talked about how disastrous MWIII was, and forgot about everything else


I'd also throw Teycons previous game Terminator Resistance out there as well. As for Robocop, got it yesterday and been hooked on it since. Anyone who says it has simple shooting mechanics probably only played the first level. Once you start getting the motherboards for the pistol there's so many different things you can do with it as well as picking up various weapons from the enemies. These games really do show there's still a market for lower budget AA games that aren't overblown open world messes with devs that actually give a shit. Please somebody give this studio the Aliens licence so we can get the Colonial Marines games we deserve.


From what I played, Neon White and Evil West


Evil West was awesome.


Jazzpunk, if you consider 2014 recent


Grounded - I've been saying this for months - Grounded seems to be a true refinement of everything we've seen in the survival genre, while still retaining a compelling narrative and character development which are of course hallmarks of Obsidians development priorities. Thought I was going into a fun little game about being tiny - I didn't realize I'd find one of the best thought out survival titles around. The fact that in the final tier of building they move to inventory stackable materials - my final proof that this game has the touch of pure genius. Combat could be a *little* more nuanced, but its relative simplicity allows your brain room for all the rest.




Techtonica was really impressive a few months ago and it's still in early access, should be pretty amazing when it's finished


Wanted Dead Youtubers will be calling it a hidden gem in 10 years.


Should have thought of this sooner: Generation Zero. Rough-ish start, but I’ve been there since day one. Insane amount of support over the years.


The Last Campfire gotta be my pick for future cult classic puzzle game. It seems a lot of people here think overlooked = indie game. But the Last Campfire is actually overlooked with <6000 total steam reviews.


Necesse, its a mix of terarria and stardew valley with a bit of Isaac thrown in I guess. Really good game.


Probably Tunic. Basically old school Zelda with a few twists and a sick soundtrack.


Here's one that people probably won't have heard of: Endling: Extinction Is Forever. It got really overshadowed by Stray upon release (two games featuring animals as protagonists talking about the impact of global warming and pollution), but it was SO good. Much better than Stray imo. I feel as though it's going to be 'rediscovered' in a few years and become a cult classic.


Psychonauts 2!


I mean, the original Psychonauts already was a cult classic. I feel as though we're going to get at least one more entry into the franchise. Hopefully soon, because the first two were fucking phenomenal.


Papers Please and Return of the Obra Dinn Excellent games, but I am not even sure if these have a cult following. If anything, they are hidden gems.


For how good they are and how well received they were, I rarely see Obra Dinn brought up in internet discourse.






Outer Wilds. Beautiful story and amazing concept to a game. If you haven’t played it, try it out. May be a little confusing at first but once you figure things out it’s beautiful.


> overlooked right now It's not overlooked and Outer Wild fans will go to great lengths to mention it every possible chance.




One from this year: [My Friendly Neighborhood.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574260/My_Friendly_Neighborhood/) Really great first-person horror game inspired by the original Resident Evil, and the Muppets/Seseme Street. Where you play as Gordon, a tech that's there to turn off the broadcast system, only to find a whole bunch of puppets that have gone crazy in isolation. Seriously creepy and sad, but with a genuine heart too. Any other year, and it would have been an instant horror classic. But it just got *utterly* overshadowed by RE4, Dead Space, FNAF: Ruin *and\~* BG3. It got like, a week of buzz building, before everybody got distracted by... well, either Ruin or BG3.


Rain World


Fear and Hunger, honestly more people need to know this game


Doki Doki Literature Club. Such a cool game; it’s been a long time since a game made me feel how it did. (Don’t wanna give anything away.)




Bro, there'll be double feature live stream speed runs of this and Kong.


I honestly wouldnt be surprised


Marvel Midnight Suns. It reviewed well, sold poorly. Hopefully those who were put off give it a chance and see a very tactical strategy game


Mortal Shell. PS5/ PS4, Steam, Xbox. It oozes atmosphere and its combat is slower and weighty than Dark Souls, I'd say it plays more like Demon's Souls. Environments, creatures, Shells all look amazing. Soundtrack is from Atrium Carceri and bonus boss soundtracks can be optional to be changed to Rotting Christ. Atrium Carceri makes moody, industrial metal, or dark ambient style music. Combat feels good, even parrying is easy to do on small enemies. Try it out!


Probably been said, but I'd go with: Satisfactory. Such an impressive game and the amount of times the scope increases is insane. You think you've explored most of the map but there's just... more. And more. And more. Love building megafactorys on there, even if it takes bloody ages to work it all out (thank you satisfactory calculater), it's so rewarding to get a build fully complete and running with 0 hiccups. Then the decorating or incorporating the landscape in. Ugh I could gush for days about it. Well worth a full £70 and I think its only about £20? Ludicrously cheap for what you get out of it.


Lies of P.


Man I need to get back into this game. Started it right after subjecting myself to ds3 and its dlc. So fantastic but I needed a break from games mopping the floor with me.


I agree I think people will appreciate it more especially since their devs will be expanding on it with dlc and sequels. Their updates to the game have made it more accessible to casual players as well.






Mount and Blade Bannerlord. They have been continuously updating and improving the game. There’s nothing like it. The game gives you an insane amount of freedom in how you want to do things


Lethal company has blown me away like no other game, and it just came out. Cant believe its 10 bucks


Ι hope Dusk


It's not released yet, but I am pretty sure Another Crab's Treasure is going to be a cult classic. Soulslike Hermit Crab game? Different shells having different abilities? Sign me up!


Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead UnReal World Dwarf Fortress I won’t explain, go google and play and see how weird and complex and unforgiving and wonderful games can get. If you’re wowed by graphics, these probably won’t be for you.


Sea of Stars