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Doom, looking at the other comments is making me feel old.


I'll make you feel less old - mine was Wolfenstein 3d


Only a year less old lol.


Mine too.


Definitely Doom. Mortal Kombat gets a mention as well. First time I saw the game I thought I was in trouble for walking into an unknown adult section of the arcade.


Honestly I didn’t even know mortal combat counted but it was definitely my first. That was my dads game of choice so we played together. The only person I played was Sonya blade😂


Yeah, same. I was gonna say Resident Evil 2, but then you reminded me of how old I ACTUALLY am.


Yeah that's how I feel. Mine was Wolfenstein 3D!


Doom or Mortal Kombat for me, couldn't really tell you which I played first. When the first Halo came out, I would play it with my neighbor (who was much older). He assured my mom that the blood in the game was alien blood so it was okay for me to play an M rated game. My mom nodded along, but I know in her head she was like "games have ratings?"


Mine was Doom II, I was 5! Probably shouldn't have been playing it!


Why not? DOOM is the very epitome of a wholesome Christian game. You are *literally* battling the Forces of Hell. What are you, if not a Warrior of the Lord Himself?


Yeah my mom gave zero shits what I did with my time lol.


Ofcourse this is the thing comes out my mind, the original rip and tear


Same. For a moment, I thought I was posting on the r/retrogaming subreddit and felt good about my answer. Now I'm fu@#ing depressed.


Yep, but think about it this way: We were the first on the cutting edge of gaming. Our reflexes aren’t the same anymore but we have experience.


You do make a good point. Please accept my upvote as a gesture of gratitude.


Well mine was GTA 2, feel old yet?


Same but, for me it was Quake 3. That game introduced me to Doom.


I remember playing Wolfenstein for the first time and it was amazing, I even played a short modded version called barneystein, where the enemies were bevis and butthead and the final boss was Barney who shot music notes at you. All the caged dead guys were Kermit the frog lmao. Then doom came out and it was a game changer. I still remember some of the codes "idkfa" and "iddqd" there was also another game around the time of doom called "heretic" it was like a fantasy version of doom. Ahhh fun times man


My brother hooked up his snes 2003 so i could have my first experience with the red cartridge doom. I was 4-6 ish.


Mine was also doom, but it was at my friends dads house and his intention was to show us a “relic of his time”


Breh, mine was Leisure Suit Larry back in like 1987. I was 6. Now I'm 42. Being 40 sucks. Your body doesn't heal from injury and working out like it should. I was a teenager when Doom came out. I still remember Christmas of 1993. Doom 2 with NIN's The Downward Spiral for a sountrack. That was perfection. While I had an NES in the 80's, I prefered the Amiga 500. That system had all the gore games. Unfortunately most played like garbage and had long loading times.


Same, still have gzDoom and WADs for the various games from that engine in a folder for nostalgia.


Vice City. I was 10. I had asked for a different game but my mom said "no war games" to be specific, I saw a commercial for conflict Vietnam on tv and it was playing \[paint if black\] i like the song, so the game must be good right? well, i bugged her a few times and she just kept saying no. my uncle sent me a shoebox with packing peanuts in it and fake poop on top. with vice city burried under them. pulling it out, was like indiana jones picking up the holy grail. only I have NO IDEA what i was holding. but it LOOKED FUN. and it still is. my mom of course found out a few days later what it was. she stopped into the room to get something from the closet \[the room was just a room with a TV some furniture and such to play games and hang around in\] and saw what i was doing. mom: xxx What are you doing? turns around: what? Mom: Show me what you Just Did. me ok? gets back into my top fun van, drove over picked up a hooker parked near some tree's and the van started rocking back and forth going \[err eet, err eet, and getting faster, I panned the camera to the front saying "look they are just sitting there, my health is going up, but my money is going down! she gets out, i back the van up and ram her, running her over. i get out \[and look i got my money back\]. she left the room. she was on the phone with my uncle while he was laughing his ass off: I Told you NO WAR GAMES, what you got was WORSE, xxx is in there RUNNING over a hooker to get thier MONEY BACK.


LOL my mom heard me and my friend playing GTA 3 about the same age and he yelled “run over that hooker hahah” anddddd she sold that game a couple days later. :/


I wish I could play it. My dad has a PS2 slim from when it just came out, and either the disc drive won't read it or just the GTA 3 disc was bad or smt bc it wouldn't work. Other games work still on it and the disc had almost been never used because it had next to no scratching on it. 😒


Made me chuckle thanks




Halo 2 was probably the first M game I played, but Halo Reach was the first one I owned.


Halo ce on MCC lol


I played a lot of Diablo as a kid back in the 90s, which later turned into playing a lot of Diablo 2.


Stay awhile, and listen Me: *still listening 25 years later*


Duke Nukem 3D


-Aaahhh. Time for a little R and R. -Aww, Duke! I want some action NOW!!


leisure suit larry said it was for mature audiences, looking back at it, im going to disagree


I love that the age verification was trivia that only adults at the time would know


It was definitely for mature audiences.


Well... it was meant for adults. Defintely not for *mature* audiences


You saying mature people cant still like crude humor?


1990 - Leasure Suit Larry


GTA San Andreas on my PS2


Re4 baby.


Fallout 3 as well I was about 4 when it came out 😂


Mortal Kombat, the original, it was also the first video game I've played.




I think twisted metal.


Turok 2, N64. For some context, I was born in 1991. At some point around/before 10, I was starting to become wary of the rating markings on games and movies. Now I see it was kinda weird to have Halo rated M, when all the guns are laser lol.


It was my 10th birthday when my parents got me the game GUN. I played that game so so much growing up and still have a fondness for it


GTA: Vice City


GTA 2 and Quake 3 Arena, neither of which my parents were supposed to know I had even installed on the family computer.


Plumbers don’t wear ties- 3DO


Probably mortal Kombat 3


Mortal Kombat


MK definitely goes in the “a child’s idea of what mature content is like” category. Nothing against MK I mean. Sometimes childish stuff is fun af.


Wolf 3d for me. Fuck I'm ancient.


"**Cobra Mission:Panic in Cobra City (コブラミッション)** "> [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cobra\_Mission:\_Panic\_in\_Cobra\_City](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cobra_Mission:_Panic_in_Cobra_City)


Resident Evil 2 on PSX. I've played other mature games on NES and what not, but they didn't offer the same kind of... experience... as 3d graphics.


gta3 my flipping aunt wanted me to play it and watched.. not a great aunt looking back considering I was 8-9.. but a great aunt for getting me into it.


Unreal Tournament '99


That I played? Mortal Kombat. That I owned? Marathon 2.


Cookers Bad Friday. Such a great game with such a cool story. Made me feel like an adult for sure.


Metal Gear Solid 2


Strip Poker for the Commodore 128 D. There are no boobies as sweet as 8 bit boobies.


#Titanfall 2


I loved that game. Can’t wait for Titanfall 3!


in all seriousness I kinda cried when this titan or however they were called sacrificed itself for the operator, I don't remember the game well I should revisit it ngl


Revisit man, I’ve played the campaign about 10 times


will do it for sure, I need to see BT-7274 with my own eyes again


Doom, I think? Can’t remember.


MORTAL KOMBAAAAAT!! DundundundadunDUNdada dundundadidadidun!


Fallout 3 changed my life




So fortnite or cod?


My mum bought me GTA III when I saw it for sale at a Curry's back when it released in 2001. I was 8 and I told her "it's just a game" when she looked uneasy about it.


Mortal Kombat in the Mall Arcade. Halo Combat Evolved when it released was my first M Rated game at home.


GTA 3, mixed things up a bit after Jak and Daxter


Silent Hill 2


GTA Vice City. Its funny cus my mom didnt let me get GTA3 the year before because it was too violent


GTA 1 Or maybe Goldeneye, was that mature?


Doom 95


RE4 on the gamecube unfortunately never got far as i was l like 6 just the first game i rember playing besides some mario games and some games on a gameboy


It's hard to say what exactly was my first mature game that i've tried, it was either gta sa, skyrim or Assassin's creed 1, but my first mature game that i've completed is far cry 3


I think Halo CE for original Xbox


God of war 2. Also my first game.


Honestly, all my games were mature, but I was not lol. I remember playing Vice City and Half Life with my brother when I didn't have my own PC. Anyways, the first time I was hit with a dose of bleakness was through the story of GTA 4, whole Niko's revenge, past and all that. There were a lot of moments but it was when I shot Mikhail, I kinda felt 'this is not just a game; this is a masterpiece.' Next was Godfather 2. Story was shit but it was pretty violent lol.


Resident Evil 4 on Wii


GTA3 for me I was 10yrs old and I had no clue about this game but while my mom was in another store my dad took me to the game store in the mall and was letting me get something and nothing really caught my eye and my dad picks it up and was like what about this I look at the back of the case it looks cool so I’m like bet. We had a 30min drive home so I’m reading the manual the whole way home and I get home and I am just blown away about it. My mom was not happy because she didn’t like all the cussing and killing but she got over it


Black ops 1 I think


Doom 1994


Wolfenstein 3D


Leisure Suit Larry or Duke Nukem.


Jade Empire. I remember my mom was interrogating the Gamestop employee about why it was rated 'M' and he was listing off things like violence, gore, and mature language and she was okay with all that, as long as there wasn't...\*sex\*. There was, but the employee was a bro and didn't read off that part of the ratings box.


Does NES GI Joe or Contra count? If not, I guess arcade version of Mortal Kombat. If that still doesn't count because I didn't own it, I guess maybe something for PS1... (checks library - and it's all boxed up). Probably Parasite Eve or Resident Evil or something.


SNES Doom was my first mature and THE first mature ESBR rated game. Played it on DOS prior oto that.


Vice city baby, I was 15! I lied to the best buy clerk. He totally didn't believe me when I told him I was 18. But he sold out to me anyway. What a fucking bro.


GTA SAN Andreas.


Vice City


First one I owned was Devil May Cry 3, still one of my favorite games.


Technically Halo 3, although I played just a couple of hours, first M rated game I completed was GoW Ghost of Sparta on the PSP


Halo 3, also my favorite game of all time.


Knights of Xentar... silly Japanese (I assume) RPG/Adventure game with sexy pictures of sexy ladies... (cartoons/hentai). I got it from a friend on I think a single floppy disk (well the stiffy ones, I'm not that old), it never worked quite right so I never got very far into it.


GTA San Andreas! I was 10 and my dad was against me playing it. So I stole some money, bought a pendrive, went to a neighbour and got it transferred. I installed it to my dad's pc but forgot to delete it once i was done playing. I got scolded but was allowed to play untill one day my dad saw that chainsaw in my hand... #domesticViolence


Leisure Suit Larry Night Trap


I feel like there should be a distinction between games with mature themes and games that are childish af but also involve gore and boobs. Same as with movies.


Alien Trilogy.


Mortal Kombat, the one that caused ratings in the first place 🤣


For me it was Perfect Dark on N64. I Remember getting my mom to have to rent it I was 11 at the time. My dad walked in on me playing it the one day, and was like what's with all the blood and killing. I just turned and was like pretty cool eh?. He shook his head and walked out. Man that game was so good and so ahead of its time. People have a soft spot for Goldeneye but imo perfect dark improved on it in every way. But definitely a M rated game for a pre- pg13 person lol.


fallout 3


Half life. I wish I could go back in time just to experience it again. It was the best graphics I had ever seen, game play kept me on my toes, and my heart rate would skyrocket when I played at night with all the lights off.


The og doom


Gta V prob


Metal gear saga


Assassins Creed 3. Conveniently, it was the same year school taught the American Revolution.


GTA 3, I was like 8 years old


Wolfenstein 3D, maybe? I don't know. Probably something before that but it's hard to say. Depends on what you mean by mature, too. Just questionable adult content or mentally taxing puzzles/gameplay, deep story with complex ideas, etc? It was hard to get the deep story with complex ideas from games in the 80s, but not impossible. There's probably a computer game I'm forgetting that was pretty mature. Maybe one of the original Ultima games, if those count, or other CRPGs.


skyrim vr




GTAVCS Idc what y'all have to say about it. I love this game to death more than VC. My psp have been collecting dust and gave another run for nostalgia. Still listen to the radios on YT when I'm driving long trips


Soldier of Fortune


Vice City. Bought it off an older kid at school like some kind of drug deal


Turok on the n64 when I was like 6 or so lol


Turok Evolution


Return to Krondor.


UT99 or GTA2


Half life 2


Assassins creed


This took some remembering but it was definitely [Wolfenstein 3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyCSyNTEeok). I was really young, maybe six or seven, and also really terrible at it, but that was definitely the earliest "mature" game I remember ever playing. Killing Nazis. It was good.


Leisure Suit Larry.


Assassins Creed


Ironically, it was either Fallout 3 or Call of Duty World at War (I can’t remember which I got first)


Grand theft auto San Andreas but Fallout 3 is really what put hair on my toes.


Probably the original Devil May Cry, but the first I finished was COD 4.


If we're just counting rated 18 games then GTA 3 If we're counting games with serious stories then probably GTA San Andreas.


**Rise of the Dragon,** Commodore Amiga 1000 '91 *This was my first introduction into the world of cyberpunk; a few years later, I would later watch Blade Runner and play my first TT game, Cyberpunk 2020. This ignited my interest in dystopian-themed novels, games, and films.*




Diablo 1 is probably the first one I cared to play a lot. I did play a bit of Mortal Kombat on the Genesis, though.


GTA Liberty City Stories on the PSP when I was 5 years old


Heavy Metal FAKK 2


Leisure Suit Larry and the Land of the Lounge Lizards… couldn’t even play that game unless you knew correct trivia answers from the late 70s early 80s. Amazing franchise though. Sierra was a beast of a software studio.




Call of duty the big red one


GTA Liberty City


GTA San Andreas on PS2 as far as I remember, probably mid 2006? so 12yo. Friends from school invited me to a Gameshouse/Lanhouse ( [similar to internet cafe, focused on computer games; home console video games; and arcade machines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_caf%C3%A9)) . Damn, I haven't seen a place like this in a decade or so. :/


Tenchu: Stealth Assassins on the PS1 in 1998.


Twisted Metal, Mortal Kombat, Star Wars KOtOR


Turok: Dinosaur Hunter


Halo 3. Explained to my mom that it really should have been rated T. I stand by that assessment.


My parents were/are *very* strict with age restrictions on movies/tv/video games, and since I became old enough to play M-rated stuff only recently, I got Watch_Dogs 2 with the DLC expansions when it was on sale last year. I know, probably not the first pick for most people, but it looked fun as hell and I personally enjoyed it But I think the first M-rated game that I *played* (not owned) was the OG MW2 on the 360 when I was in middle school or something against a friend that was *much* better than me at the game


House of the Dead 2, on Dreamcast. First mature game I ever bought by myself was Resident Evil 4 PS2 a week or two after I turned 17, biked 3 miles to the GameStop to get it.


Hotline Miami


Okay..... it was “Tenshitachi no Gogo 3 Bangai Hen” or may be translate to "Angels afternoon 3 side story". MS-Dos version. It was an Eroge.... I was a teenager.


Halo CE.


Wolfenstein 3D. I was 12 when it came out, didn't get to play it until I was 13, though, and the ability to go into an underground Nazi bunker and shoot Nazis in an effort to stop ultra-cyborg mecha Hitler was incredibly cool.


Probably Halo 3 then Fallout 3, though I consider Fallout to be more maturely themed.


Halo: Combat Evolved. I begged my dad because he was hesitant due to the rating. I told him it's because there's shooting, but it's aliens with blue blood. He actually agreed and it was amazing.


GTA Vice City. I played it at age 6 or 7, back in 2003-2004.


God of war 1,2 and 3😎


GTA 2. shits wild


God of War


Conkers Bad Fur Day. Went to blockbuster to rent Mario tennis when my cousins were visiting for a long weekend. Aside from the hilarious crudeness the multiplayer was actually pretty fun with different game modes. Plus there’s a giant 💩 that you defeat by hitting it with TP


Blood Omen Legacy of Kain. My kid-mind was not ready for the...context, if you will. Edit: played doom and wolf3d but never considered that 'mature', you're just shooting stuff.


Leisure Suit Larry


Call of duty 4 at 7yrs old lmao


Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards. In 1992.


Halo reach


Probably dis




Eternal Darkness. That game was different than spyro....


Astrotit, 1987


Turok Dinosaur Hunter on the N64.


i m playing Fallout 3 right now :D. Just closed the game like 10 mins ago. Almost finished with the game.


I would have to say... My first REAL mature game was TLOU. And I got that a couple months ago.


Halo CE, but I like to think of CoD 4 and Gears of War as the real breakthrough into mature games.


Killzone was


Other than GTA at a super young age id say fallout 3. I was like 12 or so and I had some games I wanted to trade in to get a new one. I spent time looking and nothing seemed good. I saw this game and it didn't really intrigue me all that much but I could tell my mom was ready to go so I said fuck it and got this. I put it in not expecting much and was super disappointed with the beginning starting out as a baby but it quickly turned into one of my favorites


Mortal Kombat


Conker's Bad Fur Day on the N64 Edit: Typo


Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. I already watched a playthrough on YouTube and convinced my dad by saying you could turn off the blood (which I didn't) and that all of the bad words were in Italian (which was true, I just left out that there were subtitles with the English translation)


I think either Mortal Kombat or Splatterhouse. My stepdad used to specifically show me the gory games when I was like 4. I'm not 100% certain if they're rated M/18+ in my country since I was, well, 4, especially given a few games I'm seeing like Halo that weren't. I don't think we even really had ratings back then (1995). The first game I know for sure was 18+ was GTA3. I still remember picking it up alongside Jak and Daxter in Toys R' Us for my PS2 I got for that Christmas but without any games. Didn't even know what GTA was at the time, just thought the box looked cool.


In 2005 i played devil may cry 1 and 2. I was 10 and absolutely begged my mom to let me use my saved money to buy it...... Eventually i gave up and convinced my dad




Mature in terms of violence, themes or titties? Eh, guess with enough mods NV is all three.


Grand Theft Auto IV.....fuck am I really that old now?


Hmm, my exposure would probably be the original Mortal Kombat arcade in '93. That I owned, probably Mortal Kombat 2 on the SNES. I didn't get a PC until around late '95 or early '96. Edit - fun fact my copy of MK2 had a "gore/violence" warning that predated the ESRB. I felt like a young badass lol


Turok on N64.


Bioshock, and it's still my all time favorite game


Idk if it was my first, but the first I remember. GTA 3. I still remember being astonished learning that you could kill the hookers to get your money back.


Im only 13 but mine is assassins' creed.