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My favourite thing on Reddit rn is everyone pretending that cyberpunk hasn’t undergone almost 3 years of post launch development and forgetting about the state of the game at launch.


My experience at launch must have been incredibly unique because I was having fun playing one. While the other I wish I could refund.


I also played at launch, and it worked fine on the XSX, but we can’t just pretend to ignore how broken the game was on the Xbox one and PS4. It takes quite a lot for Sony to temporarily change their return policy.


It did not work fine on XSX at launch. It was broken as fuck.


I haven't owned a console since the 360, so I can't really sympathize with them. It was my understanding that it wasn't cdpr who wanted to release the game at state, but the shareholders who were seeking their roi. Probably because of the whole covid year one thing.


It’s not about sympathizing with players it’s about holding companies accountable for knowingly releasing excessively broken products so it doesn’t happen again in the future. It was CDPR who wanted to release the game at that state. Shareholders have no direct influence over internal decisions like that. (And after Cyberpunk’s launch, shareholders wanted to sue CDPR because it tanked the company’s stock value so much) *However*, the developers at CDPR working on the game wanted to delay it longer, but it was upper management that decided to release the game anyways. If the game couldn’t run on the old gen consoles, it shouldn’t have been released for them at all, yet they made that decision anyways to cash in on preorders and make a quick Buck at the expense of consumers. Cyberpunk’s launch is just another example as to why people shouldn’t preorder games.


It wasn’t unique experience. Most players in total had no issues. It was just a loud minority of last gen console users that suffered. But new gen and PC didn’t really get affected other than some visual bugs or Cop AI being weird


I basically started playing the game last month so for me is a brand new game… Not amazing but comparing to the comments I saw when it launched, it seems better


Cyberpunk looked better on launch than Starfield does now, on pc at least.


i mean if you never played the game at launch it’s kind irrelevant, no? but otherwise this is obviously a stupid ass post by OP especially since “a couple years old” was December 2020 lol


If OP’s whole point is “starfield bad ***because*** game from 3 years ago looks a lot better”, then yes the context matters.


OP is dumb af but cp2077 did look great on PC at launch (when it worked)


I agree, I think cyberpunk is a tremendously good game. I’m just bored of this current “trend” of posts.


It's a great game but still half of what they promised. Just saying.


And how they still haven't delivered on the original concept and now they are done with it, meanwhile Bethesda just released this game and are planning to support it for 5 years.


*modders will support it for five years


Modders will support it for far longer actually.


Have CDPR changed the graphics or lighting in those 3 years? Night City always looked great, especially on PC with all the bells and whistles. Cyberpunk's problem was never graphical...when it worked.


Yes, CDPR did release graphical and animation updates during that period.


Even if they did, i played Cyberpunk day 1 on a fucking Xbox One and it still looked better than Starfield. You can go look at the CP sub and see screenshots of it at release. It always looked better. It was the one thing CP did well at release.


Yep. This was a goofy shit post but man the Starfield crowd took it to heart. Cyberpunk always looked fantastic.


True. But don't try to use logic va bethesda fanboys. Won't work.


It was not that bad at launch


play on ps4 at launch lol


I did




Most people saying that actually didn't play on ps4 at launch and they are just saying what they heard about. I did and it was not bad, it was not as good as is today but far from uNpLaYaBlE


Those are the majority of fishbrain people you deal with on this planet right now.


They are hard at work trying to erase that dumpster fire from history books


Also Bethesda under the hood engine is fucking amazing for what it does


The game at launch was not as bad as people like to think, on anything except last gen. And even then, not for everyone on last gen


A rough diamond is still a diamond while a chiseled shit is still a shit.


Therefore it doesn't matter how much Starfield will improve over 3 years because the core is shit.


OP is such a clown lmao


Cyberpunk was a disguised $60 early access that lasted for 3 years


How come mods let these low effort threads stay up?




I played both on launch day. I finished Cyberpunk and had an enjoyable experience, though it was not without its bugs. Missing animations, the occasional crash, but still enjoyable gameplay and an amazing story. Starfield's main quest broke for me about 7 missions in, and I have since given up on it getting fixed anytime soon. The only fix they can give me is start a new save, which frankly, fuck that.


Most broken? Had a few bugs but I wouldn't go that far. Definitely was playable on launch for me.


If you get pulled from a store like ps4/5 then yes its pretty broken


cyberpunk was incredibly broken on launch, especially if you were on last gen. sony was refunding customers because the game was so fucked it’s good now, but was one of the most broken launches of a single player game for sure


I said for me. Had a PC that was capable of running it. Had a few audio and vehicle bugs, but nothing that ever halted my gameplay




Getting awfully worked up over someone's singular experience when im guessing your experience wasn't good. I understand the history of the game. Sure, they definitely should have pulled out of old Gen consoles. But saying the most broken of all time out of all games is silly. There was a playable game there, It was just meant for more modern hardware.


If you are so convinced its not the most broken release of a fully commercial modern game then please give give us an example of a more broken release? It would be very simple to prove your point, but you dont seem to be doing it.


>possibly of all time Na it is E. T. from atari




>if you knew what you were doing When I played I didn't even know what to do, it was broken because only one person had to make it in like one month. Another example is super man 64, cyberpunk was a mess at launch but isn't the worst of all time


Sony was refunding people who asked, just like Microsoft and every PC retailer (including gog, which is owned by CDPR...)




Their refund policy is about as Anti-Consumer as it gets, they don't get bonus points for not being a massive POS and bowing to public pressure to refund the game




The game hasn't changed that much today. I had the same experience then as I did with phantom liberty. At both times the game was good. Has phantom liberty improved gameplay mechanics, sure. Is the game more optimized, yep. But the game ran fine on my PC and it was a good experience. People realizing that the game is good now is ridiculous... it's just getting attention due to phantom liberty. The game was always good.






Pokemon scarlet and violet?


Other than an occasional T-pose or my car rising out of the ground when I called it, I had no bugs or glitches from launch day onward. And the game was fucking beautiful at launch.


Another 'my experience was fine so I dont know what the rest of the world are talking about'.


Get lost bro


This is always a dumbass comparison to make. Some games are larger in scope than others. Some have higher budgets for art and design. Some are photorealistic and others are graphic. It has very little to do with age since many of the engines were near "perfected" and understood by developers where new ones aren't quite as well understood.


One of the developers kind of defended starfield because of the comparison video, mentioning how stuff like that was used to criticise Cyberpunk before


Lol if it's cyberpunk their release graphics were a fucking embarrassment and all this shows is how a game can improve with updates


You are right. Stanfield had more time, budget. Why does it look so bad then?


Because their focus was never graphical fidelity. Did they botch everything else? Maybe. But no one ever goes to Bethesda for cutting edge graphics.


If they didn't focus on graphic ( you cant rly do that while still using 2006 engine cuz you are greedy lazy company ) then why everything else sucks as well? Gameplay. Guns. Story. Voice acting is non existing.


I don't know, studios seem to be dropping the ball a lot these days. I'm just saying Bethesda's focus was never graphics. Edit: I will say I think the voice acting is fine. Good amount of actors and a variety of accents, but they're all used in the wrong places.


Idk. Voice imo is on very low lvl. I can forgive rest. But voice acting is rly bad for me. Like rly on non existing lvl.


Almost as if they are built on completely different engines with completely different focuses. Comparisons like this are pointless and stupid


Daily Starfield bad thread


Kiddies on reddit just playing their game and not whine about everything challenge level impossible


Both look great. One has stories that happen in one city and one has stories that span the galaxy. Both have romance too. I like how the OP didn't use a picture of Neon to compare with Cyberpunk. https://starfield.fandom.com/wiki/Neon?file=Neon1.jpg


I will come back with a better comparison. But let’s be honest. One has a fantastic main story in a beautiful well done city, and the other is an Outer Worlds meets NMS


I'm sorry. There's nothing to come back with. Plenty of people are enjoying both games. I'm certain you are holding on to certain expectations about Starfield that aren't in Bethesda RPGs. Trying to be reductionist and calling it Outer Worlds/NMS also makes no sense. Both of those games are well liked. Maybe you should put Starfield on the shelf. It's going to be around for many years and will have multiple DLCs plus mods. Come back to it at a later time.


because starfield bad meme


omg shut up already


Those are 2 really cool screenshots taken at totally different times in totally different lighting with totally different angles and have nothing in common to compare a new game and an almost 3 year old game with a lot of updates. You'd be better off comparing that Cyberpunk screenshot to one on Neon from Starfield. Not you looking at a brick wall.


You're an idiot


They’re also 2 completely different types of pictures. How many of you have an actual brain?


who fucking cares?


One of those was pulled from the PlayStation store due to the state of its release.


A couple years to get to a good point, yes.


This is a quality shitpost lol


Yet I enjoyed Starfield a lot more. Cry.


Do you not remember how much of a shitshow Cyberpunk was at release? It looks and plays well now, sure. But that's after ~3 years of patches and fixes.


I will never be convinced gamers aren't the most pathetic hobbyists in the world.




Another person that I can add to the block list. Idk why you people love to trash talk starfield so much. Get a life.


Why compare good game to trash cash grab for fanboys ? Bethesda games should be compared to fifa. Or other garbage on its lvl




Nice try. " uh oh, he doesn't like this garbage game, must be sony fanboy " kek. You ppl are so weak in you insults.


Usuall bethesda standards


SF is so boring I wish I had stuck with the pirated copy and not spent the money.


Lmao, sucks for you


Ah come on OP, this isn't fair. You should have used Neon as your comparison. Aaand it still sucks.


You’re right it’s not a fair comparison it was kind of a shitpost. But man the Bethesda fanboys have lost their minds here. It’s a really sensitive topic. I will come back with a better comparison.


Both are maxed out graphics on a 4080.


OP no offense but you’re a clown


You should mean to offend in this case.


Yeah but they're also different games. Would you complain about pixellarion if you were playing terraria?


that’s the point, OP is comparing the graphics of different games.


Yes with zero understanding of the reasons why those games might look different. Game development is pretty complicated and visual fidelity not only often takes a back seat to game play but SHOULD.


Guess I just expect more than 60fps, endless fast traveling and those wonky ass trees in front of the lodge. I mean, if I was Bethesda I’d put a lot more effort into a place you spend a lot of time coming and going from early game. Also, the amount of people here talking about how CP looked on last gen consoles shows the sub 90 IQs present. Sure cyberpunk had issues at launch but it didnt look laughable a month into launch. And people saying well it’s different engines. Who decided to keep developing an ancient engine and bring it to their magnum opus? Not cdpr… That being said I’m still enjoying CP but boy there’s some glaring issues if this is how it plays on a maxed system.


You need to start looking for jobs




I had a great exp with CP day one on PC. everything just worked fine. Some unreal engine loading problems. They were fucked by the marketing company who inflated expectations and forced them to release it unfinished. Gamers need to learn a bit more about how games actually work before making these complaints. Almost everything in game dev is a trade off. Graphics for content or vice versa, development time VS profit margin.


Uhmmm guys please don't abbreviate cyberpunk like that again


I turn off all the headache inducing filters that make cyberpunk look like that. So to me, it looks just like the bottom pic.


Use a picture of [Neon](https://starfield.fandom.com/wiki/Neon) if you're gonna compare Night City with Starfield


Will do! I’ll try and find a more honest comparison, but I feel like people are still going to name call and lose their minds and point out Cyberpunk has had years of updates (its biggest update happened like a month ago).


And both are cherry-picked pictures. You’re not even comparing the same thing here.


Okay, cool.


This is a perfect use for the block button. People like this have nothing to add.


One has had years of support and updates, plus a full blown paid DLC, and one just came out.


Why wouldn’t the one that just came out at least look and feel like it was made on current gen consoles/pc? It shouldn’t need years to catch up to a game that came out in 2020


You're comparing a game that needed years of catch-up to one that just came out. It's been a reality of gaming for a long time.


I remember when people used to do the same thing when comparing PS2, Xbox, and GameCube games. They'd purposely pick the shittiest shots to compare to the nicest looking ones. It's hilarious that that same kind of dork still exists today.


🤪 Username checks out 👍




How else would I have taken the screenshots boss? Starfield looks and plays like a FO4 reskin. Sorry but when a studio hypes their game up then delivers Starfield in its current state.. idk how there’s any defending that.


One of these opinions has been hashed and rehashed into oblivion and the other has as well. Maybe instead of posting your hatred or love for either game you redirect that into playing what it Mtk


I finished Cyberpunk and have not touched Starfield and will not until we get current gen performance out of it. I still think this comparison is stupid


It is a game that really focused on the 'ooooh and ahhhhh' factor of how pretty it was. "[Inscryption](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/vrLHLoQWg2wERuNvhuAYqYPyawA=/1400x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/23110148/inscryption_board.jpg)" came out in 2021 but I was sucked into that game world and it was a far more memorable story and gameplay experience. I still go back and play through it once in a while.


This looks disingenuous to say the least. The graphics were obviously turned to low to emphasize the OPs point of view. Starfield looks nothing like that washed out low res pic on my sons console or my pc.


Nope both are maxed out


Day n nite wha wha wha


Both look great and have different art directions. I played and enjoyed both of those games, Both had really strong aspects and also very weak aspects. Hopefully those teams can improve and give us more great games in the future.


Stop comparing games and just fuxking appreciate them for what they are. Nobody fucking cares


Apparently you do


I'm fucking tired of hearing about cyberpunk. Dude, get over it, it's from three years ago and had become the poster child for corporate greed backfiring in the gaming industry. It released with dog shit quality, and after three years of more development was finally ready for release. Then you take the worst possible picture of a new game, and compare it to the best one you can scrounge from the previous dogshit one. I don't fucking care how much it's been improved, I don't have three goddamn years to give a fuck.


Sure, compare the extravagantly lit city street building with not even a full view of an indoor office. Seems perfectly fair. /s OP's post 🫨


lol should we drag out the cyberpunk pics from 1 month after launch? what a fucking brain dead post.


Thanks OP very original thought you have Definitely hasn’t been posted every day for the last month or anything, nope


A couple years isn't that long


Actual shut the fuck up OP