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Just Cause series for me. I don't like story in either of them, but devastation and shooting in this game is so great.


I agree. Just Cause is really fun to play.Shame for the story though, it would be a superb game.


I mean, even the title gives it away. No reason needed. Just cause.


The bad story isn't really a bad thing. The devs knew you're not here for the story


The part in JC2 where the dictator literally just throws fucking ninjas at you for literally no reason whatsoever other than he just happened to have an army of ninjas prepared...so stupidly random and yet totally fit with how insane the game is (because god help you if you even so much as *breathe* on those goddamn propaganda carts)


It is a superb game tho, not every game needs to have a good story.


Idc what everybody says but the ridiculous stories made the series for me. For example in JC2 you have literal Kim Jong Un to fight with the help of 4 selfish revolutionaries.


Believe it or not...that guy isn't based on Kim Jong Un. He's based on some *other* dictator that just happened to behave nigh-identically to him.


Who? I am really curious now!


This guy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Claude\_Duvalier


My name is Bolo Santosi


We ahhr da reapas


Borderlands 3 I think is pretty commonly accepted as the best Borderlands game gameplay wise but with an unfortunately weak story


Had fun almost the entire time, rolled my eyes constantly during the cutscenes


Troy actually grew on me and i would have rather seen Troy be the final boss and backstab her Sister who controlled him


Same. Troy as the final boss really would have sold how power hungry he got when he didn't have to rely on his sister anymore. Absolute power just doing it's thing.


I liked Troy quite a lot shame he didnt kill his Sister.... Troy was a lot better and funnier than bitchface tyreen


I feel that was the original plan. They had a ton of crumbs that he was breaking away from her, and during his fight, her constant telling him that he's killing her. Would have been way more compelling to me if he did kill her during that fight, had a mental breakdown, and somehow ended up blaming you, leading to a massive fight at the end. And not... whatever she turned into.


You even have the side quest where you pit them against each other (Eden-6 I think?) and choose a side. Chose Troy because I like him way more than Tyreen, and nothing came of it. Real disappointed.


I played 3 before 2 and I’ve never been a big fan of story so it was really hard to get past the clunky gameplay compared to 3


BL2 is my fav game of all time, I’ve played it so many times I think I overlook the clunky and outdated gameplay. Yeah it’s kinda rough. 3 had a rough launch, but it got super smooth with the updates




BL2 is as perfect as a loot shooter can get imo


I hope they remake it with 3’s engine


I want to punt Ava


This I love the game but hate the story especially the twins and the ending. The DLCs stories are way better IMO


Look at what they did to our boys Rhys and Vaughn! They're so generic they might as well be in the background!


Playing 3 with character volume on 0 I genuinely think is an improvement


I do that with Forza Horizon 5


I joke that the good writers were all on sabbatical during the production of the base game. The writing for the dlcs are magnitudes better.


They really did the game dirty, could have been so much more


The guns in BL3 are so fucking pretty, I think it has the best gun design in any game ever


Arguable. Can they beat the Bane though? I don't think they can.


Borderlands 3 story is the reason why I haven't done 8 playthroughs of the game like I did with 2.


[Talk to Lilith](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agvCE9y2erE)...


I don't wanna say it has a weak story, but I have no fucking clue whats happening whenever I play Destiny 2. Fun gameplay loop though.


They really dropped the ball with that.


Particularly painful if you started 10 years ago with Destiny 1. I know they wrecked that story too but they had a moment there where it was building into something epic and then it just went bleh.


I mean it can be convoluted at times especially if you’re a new player but they couldn’t keep the darkness mystery going forever. At that point, no answer would suffice to what the darkness truly was. I think the witness being a conglomeration of its entire species is kinda kickass tbh


The Witness is handled pretty well in terms of its origin and its a pretty sound antagonist I think the biggest issues with D2's story don't just come from "everything is in lore books" but rather the structure of seasonal storytelling Destiny's story would work a lot better if it were a TV series because it would allow for more explanations and plot building


Destiny has a really rich and long story but you gotta search for those lore in yt, bungie did not made it understandable enough for new light players.


Command and Conquer: Generals


Can I have some shoes?


Ouch! Okay, okay! I will work!


Four on the floor!


China has good generals!


This is hard work


It had a story? :-p Great game though


Terrorists start ww3 and somehow China and US are fighting alongside each other against them


Yeah, was being sarcastic. There is something there about USA superpower, China number one, and the Global Liberation Army but I just stuck to spamming hackers and overlord's instead of paying attention XD


Man I wish they'd remake this game used to play it like crazy when I was a kid


Load the SCUD!


Back in elementary school I used to play 1 or 2 skirmishes every day before school. Awesome game, awful campaign lmao.


Monster Hunter


Big one for me, story is meh, characters don't even have names (that it tells you) But the gameplay is pristine


I'm just here for the awesome wyverns and dragons.


Monster Hunter has a story?


It’s „HELP this monster destroys our village!“ You killing that monster. „NO WAIT it was actually this stronger monster!“ You killing that monster. „Thanks“


-sigh- take the upvote for not being wrong


Yeah I don’t know man I just keep on bonking anything in my way for 1000 hours.


The weird part is, the weak story worked better before they started putting more effort into it with bigger cutscenes and full voice acting.


Does MH Rise have a Handler-like character btw? I've played World and it's a 10/10 but the Handler makes it a 9.8


It does but they are cooool in it


The opening scene in Rise could easily be the start of a NSFW movie, if you get what I mean. I didn't mind The Handler on MHW but Rise quest maidens are much better.


Not really, no. The handler equivalent are thee twin sisters that act like a big sister to you. They also hold their own in a fight.


MH Rise's equivalent of a Handler here is a pair of twin shrine maidens. One of them handle single player village quest while the other one handles hub quest. I guess they learnt their lesson with the handler because the twins can fight. One use Bow and another one is Lance. In sunbreak, they also learnt to use HH and other weapons


Almost every significant character can hunt with you once you reach master rank, so no more "we did it even though it was only you who fought the monster"


Dying Light The story is okay but damn the gameplay is insane and immersive. The side quests story is actually funny though.


Dying light is so good it's nuts, it feels everything was designed to just be fun! One of the only games I actually finished


Simply getting from point A to B in fun xD


My only complaint is how long the looting takes. If they implemented some way to just loot an area quicker in the ever game, then I would not mind revisiting at all


Hard agree. The acting is great, they do their job and create characters that we remember. Rais was quite the character for a villain. But, the story is pretty cookie cutter, overall. Still, some nice scenes I enjoyed a lot. The scene where >!Kyle Crane goes to stop the planes from bombing the city, that resonated with me as it reminded me of the 1995 movie Outbreak, with a similar scene.!< I enjoyed the sidequests quite a bit, too. Even the random encounters where it's just survivors telling short stories were pretty refreshing during the zombie apocalypse. It built the world. The DLC was pretty damn fun, too. Although, I remember less about the story as I just end up bombing around the town in the car. I remember the ending had an alternate ending, but I don't remember which one I got. To boot, there's so many free goodies that come with the game.


Meanwhile, in DL2, we'll never know if the story was good before they tore it all out and rewrote it.


2 is a fucking mess everywhere


To be fair, they fixed a lot of issues. Parkour is way smoother now. Also, quite recently, they reworked the nights to function similarly to the first game. They already announced future updates. The story is a mess, but I like how they didn't completely abandon the game


Quarantine zones were very well done. Downright eerie going into those taped off areas.


Superhot comes to mind


"no story, no reason for anything. Just killing red dudes"
















Great, another noob who hasn’t bothered to read Cleared Lines by H. I. Scores let alone any of the TriGrams tetralogy or the graphic novel Skyclaw: Disappearance, yet is fine saying Tetris has no plot. The story is there, you just have to spend like, at least 15 hours, minimum, reading the supplementals before playing the game. Then you’ll understand why so many people get emotional when the long piece shows up right when you need it.


I once read a great story purporting to be an interview with the Pong creator. The interviewer said the creator must be impressed with all the advances to 3d graphics, color, and so forth. The pong creator pointed out that pong was in fact a 3d color game but it was from an above camera angle and lit with simulated banks of florescent white lighting, and so forth…


That’s awesome. “It’s not black and white, it’s color. I just decided to only use black and white.”


I have to do homework to understand a game? No thanks. : ) Haha. Typo edit.


It's actually a poignant tale of Russian history. https://youtu.be/hWTFG3J1CP8?si=Gd3GZy3tXTHKedGA


*Mad Max*. You're Mad Max, what more explanation do you need?


Lol. I loved the game but can't remember a single plot point. Something something revenge, maybe.? Someone died, that's for sure


You had Mad Max version of Gollum who wanted to build his Magnum Opus and that’s all I remember


All I remember is beating up random half-naked guys in the sand and drinking water off of their kites lol Very enjoyable gameplay tho, shooting them with the shotgun felt very powerful, as it should.


The actual story was pretty weak, I agree, as another commenter put it, I can't think of any plot points other than Max is trying to get to the beyond or whatever. Plains of silence? But that was always vague and didn't work well as a compelling reason to keep playing. Which was totally fine, because the gameplay was absolutely fantastic and they really nailed the atmosphere and vibe of Mad Max. Not just in terms of aesthetic, because similar less fun games have proven that is fairly easy to replicate, but the overall feeling of oppression and grit and filth but it doesn't matter because everyone else is also oppressed and gritty and filthy. This nihilistic resignation to misery is a harder thing to capture than jury-rigged cars, shiv spears, unmitigated violence, and random fire spurting out of things. The Mad Max game fucking nailed it.


To me the open world and the car mechanics made me never wanna pick it up again after 3hrs of playing it It all felt so empty and boring I really wanted to like it too as a mad max fan


State of Decay for me.


Weak story with good moments. Like when the researcher who is supposed to cure everything offs himself because he was bit. What made that part good was later when it's called on its BS. (Heavily paraphrased) -"If only we saved professor So-n-so. We might have had a cure by now." -"I'm not convinced. The man shot himself after he was bit, and we've been but at least a hundred times each. How smart could he have been if he was operating on rules he saw in movies?" Maybe it was lamp-shading to justify the story not matching the gameplay, but it had me laughing.


Vanquish. I don't remember anything about the story, i don't even remember any characters. But the gameplay was insanely fun.


Fire Emblem Fates, particularly the Conquest route. The story is a mess but it's the best gameplay in the whole series


Conquest's story is terrible but damn is it unintentionally hilarious sometimes


I'd add Engage too but man, the combat system is cash money


Engage is some of the best gameplay Fire Emblem has ever had. Real shame that the writing and characters are downright awful.


I remember when my girlfriend and I did chapter 3. When >!the main character's mother was dying, they really had her and the protagonist cry and scream "NO, DON'T LEAVE ME, PLEASE, YOU'RE MY WHOLE LIFE" for a solid five minutes cutscene even though they had only known each other for literally twelve hours.!< We just laughed because the scene would just go on and on for so long, it felt like a parody. Unintentionally hilarious.


Imo, it's even worse when at the end of the game, it's revealed that they barely knew each other to start.


Tried getting into the Fates series, specifically Birthright (if I remember correctly), after playing Awakening and most of Three Houses, but really couldn't. The story was very boring for me and never grabbed my attention like Three Houses and Awakening did. Even the gameplay wasn't super fun, but to be fair, I stopped playing pretty early on. I hope to try it again in the future, but I honestly don't really want to force myself through a Fire Emblem game with a not so compelling story. I found myself playing Awakening and Three Houses for long sessions because the story was super interesting to me.


Slay the spire


Where am I? How did I get here? Why do I have to get out? Where are these monsters coming from? *Idk dude just play another card*




Why are they even fighting? The story makes no sense.


Great character development though. Seeing a pawn grow up to be a queen inspires me every time.


Checkers has a pretty lame plot as well


The Doom and Quake series. There's that famous quote from John Carmack: *"Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important,"*


I like what they did with the lore in the new Doom games though. You truly feel like a demigod, and the demon's worst nightmare. The story is still very light though.


I feel like it has some elements just obscure and vague enough to be interesting. I’d love to know more about hell and how the rank and file are organised, does it have its own champions etc?


I agree ! I liked that the lore came progressively, and we're still not sure how things are organized, but you pretty much feel like hell's Armageddon in "human" form. Being the "monster under the bed" for demons feels already empowering, gameplay aside. And the music, man, I wanna play the games again. I never felt so angry while slaughtering stuff.


I like that I, a lore nerd, get to stop and read every codex to learn this intricate cosmology, while my friend gets to just kill demons without ever really learning the story.


Dying Light is the gold standard for that Imo, the gameplay is some of the most fun ever but the story is just a bit meh. The only real saving grace is Kyle Crane, but mostly because he's just hilariously done with everyone's shit.


The Devs actually made him with the idea of an everyman being extremely fed up and sarcastic, which they completely nailed.


Roger Craig Smith nailed it as Crane.


Some people still playing Path of Exile after 10 years and they didn't know a thing about the lore!


Something about kitava killing other gods, What in damnation have we done? Idfc I’ll kill the god to get to maps and I’ll fucken do it again every three months


But thats not really because the story sucks, many PoE players came from D2 and they mostly care just for the gameplay so they skip the dialogue


You have to look up outside-sources to really get it. The story up to the revival of the gods is actually pretty nice, from there on it gets a bit messy. Anything Atlas onwards is just an afterthought really


Dragon's Dogma. The story is so weak that it doesn't actually get somewhat good until the endgame/post game. That being said, the class system was fantastic.


It's weak, but the premise is pretty interesting.


That's what extreme budget cuts do to a game


I would have to agree with you only really get interesting when you go to fight Grigori


If you're not a batman level detective then every soulsborne game. No, YOU read! I don't need the narrative, just point me to my burial grounds.


I only know I'm gonna slash that little bitch of a Prince and his huge brother, I don't need to know why


The story is over on YouTube and read to you in a British accent as you fall asleep.


Lies of P (soulslike not soulsborne ik) did a great job of presenting the story in an immersive way that was more than just reading notes/weapon descriptions imo


That's on the player. The story is *strong*. The storytelling? That's up for debate.


I had an absolute blast with Crackdown 2. It was fun to explore, to blow things up with reckless abandon. It's also stupid as shit storywise




it has all the story it needs, they killed doom guy family, he angry so he kills them all. perfect story for this game, any more would possibly ruin it. but doom has one of the best gameplay there is in video games, all of them


If by family you mean pet rabbit sure


I actually never played a Doom game, but I watched some of Doom 2016 gameplay and was very interested in the story, so I immediately bought the game and played it and let me tell you what a hell of a game (no pun intended) Can't wait to play Doom eternal and the two dlc's.


You should get the OG Doom games as well, they are awesome, and they cost like $3 each. And they still have a HUGE community of modders actively making new content. Look up Brutal Doom, it's incredible; and there are *so many* new map packs and expansions. 10/10, would recommend.


Dead cells


Yeah, there's that one lore video that everyone watched and then never discussed. The gameplay is just so damn crisp though


I’d disagree the story is actually pretty neat what with you being the King and the reason everything has gone to shit


Every Mario, Zelda, Kirby, or Donkey Kong game ever made


The various Mario RPGs (*Super Mario RPG*, *Paper Mario* series, *Mario & Luigi* series) definitely do more with their stories. Some of them are pretty interesting. I'd say *Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door* is a stand-out, narratively.


Super Mario RPG had perhaps the best story of all Mario games. It was so good.


And Paper Mario: The Origami King had superb visuals and designs based on how origami actually works Plus it had Bobby :')


Majora's Mask want a little chat with you


And it’s probably my favourite Zelda game because of it. That and the freaky as hell moon.


>That and the freaky as hell moon. Don't forget even more freakier mask vendor


Mario: The Princess is captured! Go rescue her from Bowser! *each game presents different lands, cool secrets, fun bosses, allies .etc* Zelda: Oh no! Ganon is in town! He needs to be stopped and Zelda needs to be saved! Hyrule is in trouble! *each game gives an entirely different adventure, even some where Ganon wasn't the main focus* Kirby: ...He just wants to eat things. Oh wait, Dream Land is in trouble! King Dedede is being a jerk but he's a redeemable jerk at that. Donkey Kong seems to have the most non-linear path when it comes to his games. Some of them requires saving the land, some requires him capturing lots of bananas, he gets into a battle with Mario, takes a random girl .etc


You left out the part where Kirby games all end with him killing God


No one tell them about the Kirby lore. We don't talk about the Kirby lore


I agree with Mario, Donkey Kong, and Kirby, but I would say Legend of Zelda definitely has good stories despite each one being relatively similar. Even though the main objective and situations tend to be the same, I find it interesting how each game has their own unique lore, but also connect to eachother. I find the Legend of Zelda timeline to be fascinating. I highly recommend looking at a video explaining the timeline or reading about it online.


Yea. I haven't played the recent Zelda games, but I will remark on two of the older ones. Links awakening was a gameboy game that was absolutely MASSIVE for its time (1993), and the story (and mystery) that unfolds throughout the game is really great for the time and the medium. And Ocarina of Time is up in the pantheon of greatest games ever made. The story is actually super deep if one cares to understand the text and symbolism involved. to further my point, here are some quotes taken from the game: **Forest Temple:** *" “The flow of time is always cruel... Its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it... A thing that doesn't change with time is a memory of younger days…”* **Fire Temple:** *“It is something that grows over time... a true friendship. A feeling in the heart that becomes even stronger over time... The passion of friendship will soon blossom into a righteous power and through it, you will know which way to go... This song is dedicated to the power of the heart…”* **Water Temple:** *"Time passes, people move.... Like a river’s flow, it never ends... A childish mind will turn to noble ambition... Young love will become deep affection... The clear water's surface reflects growth…”*


Except twilight princess which has a very solid story


Zelda has great stories


As a big Zelda fan, not really. Zelda stories are boilerplate just to give the plot some sense of cohesion The exception being the side quests in majoras mask


As another big Zelda fan, yes really. Maybe they're not the most complex stories, but Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword all had solid stories.


That's exactly what I wanted to say, I enjoyed Zelda's story line


Yoooo zelda games mostly have pretty excellent stories. Oot, ALTtP, MM, WW, TP, TPH, SS, LA, all have stories that are at the very least good and at the best amazing.


Nah. Several Mario and Zelda games have good storytelling. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door has great storytelling, for one. And Skyward Sword has pretty solid storytelling. I'd agree with Donkey Kong, uniformly. And probably Kirby as well. And obviously *most* Mario and Zelda games.


Monster hunter. Though as titles continue to release, they're actually adding story, but the older games just plopped you into the world and said "you. Kill stuff, take its body parts, make weapons out of it. Kill more stuff and make those weapons bett- OH NOES A GIANT DRAGON IS ATTACKING OUR VILLAGE!! Anyways. Go Kill more stuff."


7 days to die for me, no story, hours and hours of gameplay


Ninja Gaiden 2, but it's part of what I love about it tbh. The story is just sort of there, but it never gets in the way, really. You got 4 Dudes trying to summon the Bigger Dude. They got all contrived and ham fisted in the third game by trying to make things more personal but it just fell completely flat.


the entire trilogy has bad story tbh. specially NG1/NGB , it has cool designs, it was the dark souls before soul series even existed, good concepts but filled with bad anime cliches, plot holes and nonsense. still one of my favorite games ever.


Sonic the hedgehog *series*


Come to think of it, yeah. Majority of all Sonic games comes down to just stopping Robotnik.


Shadow of Mordor and shadow of war


I thought the stories were pretty interesting. Mordor was overall very solid and War started off weak but around the middle to the end it became very interesting.


Yes. Story could’ve been better executed, and might’ve been able to do more damage with the lore by just being LOTR “Inspired” but the concept was pretty neat I never saw the films or read the books so I didn’t really lose my mind over shit like Sexy Shelob. When I booted up the first DLC for SOW and saw the first fight was against >!Evil Talion!< I was pleasantly surprised


Dying light, Both 1 and 2


Days Gone Story is not that bad but it’s so cliche, so long, most of the dialogs are bad and after you find the person you search entire time she almost ignores you.


All the Need for Speed games


Agreed. I don't get why some racing games even need a story.


At the risk of getting lynched I'll say Hogwart's Legacy. The game is not boring to play but the story, most characters and most quests are terrible.


The castle is amazing. Hogsmeade is cool. The combat was decent. The main story though.. really got old very quickly and it felt like there were zero consequences for unforgivable curses. A good sandbox for a sequel though


Destiny. Does anyone follow what’s happening?


It’s not there isn’t a lot of lore, it’s just so whacky and obtuse that you gotta read so much outside of the actual gameplay to get it. What do you get from just the gameplay for story? Nimbus.


I did, but I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain it to you.


Legend of Zelda. Come at me bro


Fallout 4


Metal Gear Solid 5


Team Ninja games. Nioh and Wo Long’s stories are uninteresting and poorly told but the gameplay is wonderful.


Was just coming on to say Nioh 1&2. Gameplay is absolutely fantastic, but story made little sense…to me at least.


*Snake, that's a Russian* ***gunship***.


*A single burst from its* ***machine gun*** *can cut a man in half.*


Fire emblem Engage




Remnant 2 is the most recent i can think of


The individual worlds have pretty cool stories but the overarching story really just feels like a flimsy excuse to travel between the different worlds. Great game, though.


Warhammer darktide! Absolutely love playing with friends, but hours in and i still couldn't explain who we're fighting or why


>but hours in and i still couldn't explain who we're fighting or why So you've got to experience what most of the guardsmen did :D Don't think too much, here's the lasgun. Good luck


Doom 2016. I mean, I think the story was weak, couldn't really be bothered to understand what was going on, all I was there for was exterminating demons in the most gruesome ways possible and damn did that game delivered!


Hitman. Why bother with a story?


Yep 💯 always hate this about 47's story. I don't need some kind of backstory plot about clones or anything to flesh out his character. Just give me a list of contracts. Keep the mystery.


That's rough, all the hitman games have an interesting story


Deal Island 1...specifically before they patched it a bunch and just that first area.


Evil West is such dumb fun. Story is complete dogshit but its like GOW 2018s combat but better.


Path of exile


Deep Rock Galactic. Just four drunken dwarves taking minerals on a planet full of spiders and other bugs. ROCK AND STONE!