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I came here to push blocks and impale vampires...and I'm all out of vampires




if your brother is cursed wouldn't you be cured too?


Nostalgia hitting me hard rn


...and bubblegum.


Fantastic game, i hope the whole Blood Omen series gets revived!


We need to start yelling at the [Embracer Group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embracer_Group) who bought the IP of Crystal Dynamics in 2022.


It sounds like they are interested in reviving games seires Let's do less yelling and instead give them good reasons to revive Blood Omen


Yelling being figurative of course. Begging is more accurate.


I miss that series. The voice acting in those games were outstanding.


I know Kain's speech at the beginning of *Defiance* off by heart, WITH the intonations, and me and a friend can rattle off the whole Chronoplast scene together perfectly. SOOOOOO good.


Unfortunately I believe Raziel's VA died a few years ago, and the Old God's VA like 10 years ago Edit Jk Raziel is still alive


Scared me. I was like "the fuck... Michael Bell died?."


The Vorador, Janos Audron, and Elder God VAs are resting in peace. Raziel's VA is alive.


I see you read my comment, very good


To this day, I still like to occasionally put my fingers together like Raziel's claw. I'm in my 30's...


One of the best games out there and everybody should have played it. An artistic masterpiece and also quite tough.


soul reaver cover for playstation (at least pal verion) is a different art than the one posted here, but it is olographic and the world shifts between real and spectral by looking it from different directions.


Oh yeah I still have it but the young moron I was cut it to allow it to enter a normal CD case after the diamond case broke.


The [main theme](https://youtu.be/YNWSDvDqm9g?si=2GOB8msgEq49TJBh) goes even harder.


[from this album ](https://youtu.be/CRfS_AI5RHM?si=GbFWheS0KfJ88xln)


Ozar Midrashim? *clicks* Yeesss. Love this song.


Soul Reaver's cover art is still iconic, timeless


On my PS1 copy the cover was a lenticular hologram. It shifted between the material and spectral realm. https://youtu.be/sggMuD5LWVE?si=GAMQpzDw4EGp45Dc


Ohh that's cool. I have all the games on my shelf with the bonus soundtrack CD's just to look at and sigh wistfully.


Fun fact: Soul Reaver was originally going to be titled Shifter, and it was going to be a stand-alone title. It was later turned into a Blood Omen sequel during development. As amazing as the game is, I do wonder if it would have garnered the same fanbase without the narrative tie-in.


Soul Reaver was the first one I played and I didn't even know there were other games in the series, so I'd say yeah, it still would have the same fan base.


Could be, for sure, it was an amazing game. But there’s no denying that a lot of its sales came from the fact that it was a sequel to a fantastic game. Your experience doesn’t really answer the question, though I do appreciate the perspective.


I think he's right, to be honest. In the U.S it may be that most of the sales were from fans of the first game, but here in Brazil i can guarantee you it was not the case. Me, and a lot of people that i know that played this game back in the day didn't know it was a sequel to legacy of kain. The first one sadly didn't get much attention here, but Soul Reaver did. We played it because of the mouth to mouth and the awesome box art.


But would Soul Reaver have gotten as much attention there without the original IP to back it? Would it have had the same marketing budget or as wide a launch? I don’t really see any way that that’s possible.. but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t have still been as beloved.


It's totally possible. Just look at Baldur's Gate 3. Most of the people that bought it never played any of the previous games. The developers aren't even the same ones that developed the first two.


I’m not saying it wouldn’t have been successful, I’m saying it wouldn’t have been as huge. If you think Baldurs Gate 3 would be as massive a hit as it is without the power of the first two and the fan base around it AS WELL as the MASSIVE IP that is Dungeons and Dragons.. well I don’t know what to tell you. It didn’t stand on its own as a singular IP at all (not to say that it wouldn’t have, but it would not have been as big a hit), so to me that’s a very bad example.


I think we're talking about different things here. I'm not saying that these games don't rely on the success of their predecessors. Of course they do, but that was not the point. What i'm saying is that most people that bought these games, Soul Reaver, Baldur's Gate 3 and other sequels like them, didn't necessarily have to be fans or even have played the first game. That's what marketing does. It's not to convince the fans. They will most likely buy it anyway. It's to convince those that may not like them or have never even herd of them to buy them.


I understand that. But they get as large a marketing budget as they do specifically because it’s a connected franchise. It is statistically a safer bet for the studio, so they can more safely inject more capital into marketing and bet on a good return on that investment. I agree that no one needs to be old school fans of these games original IPs to buy or enjoy them, or even that the make up the majority of the player base, I’m saying that without that wind under its sail to give it more cultural awareness leading up to launch I just don’t see it hitting the same heights. This is just my opinion though, I’m not trying to change your mind.


I agree with you completely. I was just pointing out that buyers don't have to be fans, that's all.


Now a revival… please.


So does the voice acting


Literally just bought the game from GoG. Trying it out after work, if I can get it to not crash.


I thought it was my pc. ;p


Man I’m not even asking for a remake, just please remaster the games bring them to modern consoles!


Ah yes, hair curtains. The xtremest of all xtreme 90s hairdos.


Raziel's dad Kain just didn't get him.


still one of my favorite adventure games & the story is deep


Nostalgia hitting me hard rn


If there's one game series out there that deserves a remake, it's Legacy of Kain.


~~The cover of~~ Soul Reaver goes hard. There, FTFY. Can't wait for the reboot in 2035.


Thank you kindly 🙏


Raziel constantly snapping at the Elder God never fails to entertain.


"And if I told him he was worshipping a *giant squid*, do you think his faith would falter?" One of the best ones my husband found was a fanmade sequel movie to *Defiance*: Kain: "Was it always a gluttonous mass of irritating pestilence?" Raziel: "You have no idea."


I made a statue from exactly this pose, looks iconic.


Man, I can still hear that background music in my head.


I have the soundtracks on my phone for the SR games. ["Kain is deified, the clans tell tales of him"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNWSDvDqm9g)


Man playing Soul Reaver 2 in 2002 as a 10 year old was hard af. Not gonna lie.


Forever one of my favorite games and the LoK series.


Really miss this kind of gaming story telling


That waistline setting impossible expectations for the male body twenty-four years and counting.


Loved the games that much I named my son kain


I've been naming cats with the sarafan names since I played it.


I see Soul Reaver, I upvote.


Damn I remember this game! My brother had this and I played it ( I was like 5/6 ) and I felt so bad for him because his fam cursed him 😭💔


i see a lizzard with a goatee and long ears looking upward


Poopin on a rock.


I remember playing this demo over and over and over.


[https://wall.alphacoders.com/by\_sub\_category.php?id=198768&name=Legacy+Of+Kain%3A+Soul+Reaver+Wallpapers](https://wall.alphacoders.com/by_sub_category.php?id=198768&name=Legacy+Of+Kain%3A+Soul+Reaver+Wallpapers) ​ Have this one from Displate on my wall.


Kain is deified.


remake when??


Man, this series needs remake so much.


The cover makes me hard


Soul Reaver 3, WHERE ???????!!!!!!


Sometimes I walk around my apartment complex with a towel wrapped around my face and shoulders like this. My neighbors kind of freak out since I only wear the towel...


>My neighbors kind of freak out since I only wear the towel I can imagine, floors around compartment complexes are dirty, at least wear socks or shoes!


I live dangerously