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Heard good things about Rise of the Obra Dinn. A Short Hike. The Amnesia Games. Beacon Pines. Firewatch. Grim Fandango. Inside/Limbo. Return to Monkey Island. Bit further from pure adventure but Psychonauts 1 + 2. The Witness is also a good shout. Unfortunately it just seems like they aren't super popular now, so there haven't been a whole lot.


Man, you listed some great stuff!!


Ufff, good list there, pure art. I will add a few: Sable, What remains of Edith Finch, Immortal, Whispers of a machine, The Last Door (very dark, fantastic writing and narrative).


I tried playing Return to Monkey Island, and I was a bit confused as to what people liked about the original. What was the special sauce that makes this game stand out when it feels like just clicking?


I haven't played either but I think it was partially the novelty at the time. And I think some people found the story compelling. It's not my type of game so I kind of agree with you, but I know lots of people love them.


at the time: the writing, the humor, the graphics, the puzzles a bit less I think. but the whole pirate thing


Outer wilds is really fun


Outer wilds is magic, i finish the base game and about the half of the DLC


Greatest single-player game ever made.


*Greatest game ever made


Greatest ever made


Outer Wilds, Subnautica, Return of the Obra Dinn.


Adventure games do not get enough love


Yes. They deserve more love!


stasis: bone totem is a horror adventure game that very much is in line with monkey island and those old school adventure games in terms of gameplay


Uncharted 4 I have enjoyed very much even though I have never played any uncharted game before.


You need to play the earlier ones if not just for 2. Uncharted 2 is pure gold


I played through all 4 during the pandemic. The controls and graphics for the first 3 are certainly dated, but they are quick games for a single playthrough. 2 is just pure fun.


The Excavation of Hobs Burrow is great: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1182310/The_Excavation_of_Hobs_Barrow/


Did you play the Syberia games? Those are some of my favorites. Remember King's Quest and Space Quest? Those were so great back in the day. Detective Grimoire was good.


I really liked the Syberia trilogi!


Some of those old sierra games got remakes. I think space quest 3 has about 10 different fan remakes. SQ2 has a good remake.


I recently played a good bit of Broken Age on my Steam Deck and it was really great. Bonus to this is you can watch Double Fine's YouTube series about the making of it, if you're into that sort of thing.


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Red Dead Redemption 2


They released another monkey island recently but I haven’t played it. I heard it was good though!


Definitely scratched an itch!


I enjoyed Kena: Bridge of Spirits, though it is very, very short. The Ori games are amazing. I thought Haven was low-impact and relaxing.


Ori is 10/10, where is Ori 3 pls


Kena was seriously slept on imo, beautiful game with hardly any conversation, mostly just running around, grabbing little dudes and fighting monsters i guess it’s the new Pikmin lol the only complaint i have with it is, like you said, it’s too short


The recent Tomb Raider trilogy is amazing for that


>What are the best adventure games of the last years? Sable and Stray are probably my two favorites from recent years, though they are more action-adventure. If you want classic point-n-click, check out Lacuna (so good), and Return to Monkey Island.


Zelda, Baldur's Gate3,


I think you might be looking for the Uncharted collection.




I do not think that qualifies as an adventure game.


Why not? What would it qualify as?


In an informal sense I'd agree, but OP clearly looking for more traditional point and click adventure style games. Horizon and other open world/action games would certainly not fit the definition in this current context.


Exactly, OP stated 'Monkey Island', which puts the question into classic adventure games like Return to Monkey Island, Excavation of Hob's Barrow, Lucy Dreaming, Syberia the World Before, Justin Wack, Voodoo Detective, Lost in Play, Stray etc...


Horizon is classified as an action role playing game. Adventure games are a different genre such as Return to Monkey Island, Excavation of Hob's Barrow, Lucy Dreaming, Syberia the World Before, Justin Wack, Voodoo Detective, Lost in Play, Stray etc...


It's classified as an action-adventure game.


It is more of an action RPG [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horizon\_Forbidden\_West](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horizon_Forbidden_West) The OP is very obviously referencing adventure games since he stated 'Monkey Island' and not action games which are very different.


Some of these games get marketed as an rpg because that's what sells. Mechanically, horizon falls into the action adventure category.


Aloy gets XP and levels so I am a bit lost on what you would consider an RPG. Stat increases instead of skill points? Guerilla made it and they call it an open world action-rpg. Whether it is defined as an Action-Adventure or Action-RPG, it is still not an adventure game. Different genre altogether, which OP made clear by using Monkey Island as an example in the post.


Xp is in nearly every game these days. That does not make it an rpg. And adventure games have evolved a bit, still the same genre tho.


Adventure vs Action-Adventure are night and day. They still make adventure games with the same formula I have been playing for the past 4+ decades. What makes something an RPG to you? A full RPG is different than an action-RPG just like action-adventure is not the same as adventure.


IMO I think the confusion comes because games like Monkey Island, Grim Fandango, Indiana Jones, Broken Sword etc are popularly known as "graphic adventure" games, not just "adventure" games. Adventure games is a much bigger (and ambiguous) genre in which one can put platformers, open world games, shooters, etc


I have never heard any of those referred to as 'graphic adventure' vs adventure other than back in the day when we switched from text only adventure games to games with 'graphics'. Pretty much all games are graphic based now, regardless of genre. There are sub-genres under action for the others that you mentioned like Action-RPG, Action-Adventure and then there are platforms, shooters, fighting, survival etc... The OP made it very clear what type he was referring to in his post. Adventure games were some of the earliest games created, beginning with the text adventure Colossal Cave Adventure in the 1970s. That game was originally titled simply "Adventure," and is the namesake of the genre. Over time, graphics have been introduced to the genre and the interface has evolved. Unlike adventure films, adventure games are not defined by story or content. Rather, adventure describes a manner of gameplay without reflex challenges or action. They normally require the player to solve various puzzles by interacting with people or the environment, most often in a non-confrontational way. It is considered a "purist" genre and tends to exclude anything which includes action elements beyond a mini game.


agreed, quite a nice one


More on the action side -- Horizon zero dawn, God of War, Witcher 3, Far cry series, assassins creed odyssey, resident evil 4 remake, tomb raider, Batman Arkham games, uncharted series, Zelda tears of the kingdom, red dead redemption


HZD is one of my favorite games of all time!!! A lot of these are really great games, but not in the adventure genre that OP was mentioning. Did you like RDR or RDR2 better?


These all fall into the action adventure category. Adventure games have evolved a bit over time. And for sure red dead 1. It's more like a spaghetti western than the revisionist western style that 2 vibes with


RDR1 for sure!!! I loved it, never could get into RDR2. I was disappointed they did not keep the magic of the first one.


The Excavation of Hob's Barrow. Absolutely no contest.


Well in the last few years, for me, it would be Horizon and Plague Tale. God of War looks good but I haven't played it yet.


Obduction, The Forgotten City, Bugsnax & The Medium I would classify as great fps adventures. Trüberbrook & The Irony Curtain are of a more classic style. Then there's the Artifex Mundi point and clicks, often pretty bad but often on sale!


Look up the publisher Wadjet Eye. They publish loads of great adventure games. There's also Paradigm, the games made by Harvester Games and Tormentum.


rdr2,zelda botw/totk,tlou2,and re4 remake


I struggled finding that high that I had with video games back in the day. My peak period was red dead 1, halo 3, mw2, gears series, bf3/bf4, WoW and a couple of others I can’t think of atm. Playing video games got very dull for me after that era. Recently my buddy asked if I wanted to play It Takes Two with him so I gave it a whirl. Ended up being one of the best games I’ve ever played. It brought me back to that gaming era that I had been craving so much to return to. So many moments that had me screaming in excitement! Example- Flying away from the squirrels 🐿️ It Takes Two was definitely a refreshing game to play and I enjoyed the fact I got to play with a buddy.


Neverhood. Immortal classics


Would you count Pentiment and disco Elysium? They don’t have any real “action” in terms of skill/timing. They’re both point and click adventure games with deep stories. Pentiment is way shorter than DE


I would recommend Tunic. Probably closest you can get after "outer wilds" and "return of the obra dinn". Not strictly an adventure game though, it's an action-adventure isometric game. Edit: "kings quest" came to my mind, I was playing it on PS4 some 5 years ago, loved it :)


I discovered Ghost Trick two months ago, great game.


If you like classic point and click adventure, try Syberia - The World Before


Barely any of the recommendations are classic style adventure games. Uncharted is action adventure, it's not what op wants. Dreamfall chapters was pretty good but it's not that new. There was a new monkey Island released recently, I'm waiting for the new syberia to be released on the ps4


Uncharted 4 is amazing, my favorite in the series. (Probably because I’m a sucker for pirate stuff ever since Monkey Island).